Renovation Church Prospectus

Post on 06-Apr-2016

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Transcript of Renovation Church Prospectus

But now take another look. I’m going to give this city a thorough renovation, working a true healing inside and out. I’m going to show them life whole, life brimming with blessings. Jeremiah 33:6

Photo by Byron Dillard

1. Why SE Roanoke?

2. About Renovation

3. Mission in Southeast

4. Support: Pray, Give Join

5. The Harvest is Ripe

Table of Contents

Photo by Byron Dillard


History of Southeast Roanoke

Southeast is one of Roanoke’s oldest neighborhoods and was a thriving community from the 1920’s to the 1950’s built around the railroad and a large manufacturing plant. Norfolk and Western Railway was famous for building its own steam locomotives at their Roanoke Shops in Southeast. The Shops employed thousands of craftsmen. In 1960, NW abandoned steam locomotives for diesel-electric motive power. The American Viscose Plant (1917-1958) in Southeast was the largest rayon mill in the world and employed 4,000 people at its peak. In August, 1958 Viscose announced that because the manufacture of rayon was no longer profitable, the facility would be closed. The loss of these revenue sources was tough on the community. Like many older downtown neighborhoods, Southeast has suffered from the flight of people to suburban areas. Churches and houses now sit vacant in SE and it has a new reputation for drugs, crime, and homelessness. There is a great need for the light of the gospel to shine brightly in this neighborhood. People who are depressed need hope. People who are sinful need forgiveness. People who are lost need a Savior.

People of Southeast Roanoke

• Population – 8,684 • Race - White (81.2%), Black (11.5%), Hispanic (5.4%), • Median age – 34.7 • Husband/Wife Households – 31.5% • Educational attainment for those over 25yrs old

• Completed less than 9th grade- 11.7% • Graduated high school- 68.6% • Completed bachelor’s degree or higher- 5.3%

• Employment status for those 16 yrs and older • Not in labor force- 38.8% • Those employed in construction or manufacturing- 30.1% • Those in retail trade- 19.6%

• Annual Household Income • Households making less than $10,000- 14.5% • Median Household Income- $31,230 • Households with Food Stamp/SNAP benefits in past 12 months- 29.3%

• Homes • Median price for a home in 2013 - $55,000 • Median house value - $85,900 • Percentage of homes built prior to 1950 – 78%

1 Why SE Roanoke?

Photo by Byron Dillard


Average Biographical Sketch of Guy from SE The average guy that we encounter in Southeast will be anywhere from 20 to 55 years old. That is a broad age range but not much of the following information changes due to age. He did not have a good relationship with his dad growing up and may never have known him. His highest education level will be high school and he will have a blue collar job, probably working in construction or at a manufacturing plant. He is a hard worker and makes about $12/hr. He does not have much money so he buys the cheapest beer and cigarettes he can and his family receives some kind of government assistance. He is more likely to live with his girlfriend than to be married and they rent rather than own their own home. His credit is bad so he does not have a credit or debit card. He pays cash for everything. He does not take family vacations. He hangs out with people from the neighborhood and has a couple of tattoos. He knows lots of people in the community and many of his friends from high school are addicted to drugs and have been homeless at some point. He used to go to church as a young boy but he has not been in years and tends to have a works-based understanding of the gospel.

Average Biographical Sketch of Woman from SE The average lady that we encounter in Southeast will

range from 20 to 55 years old. She has a high school

education and a blue collar job, probably working at a

restaurant or a retail business. She makes about

$9/hr and would leave her job instantly if something

better paying came along. She has one or two kids

and they are on the free lunch program at school.

She does not have much free time between keeping a

job and raising kids. If she has her own car it is not

very nice and she worries about it breaking down

because she has little to no savings. She feels bad

about spending money on cigarettes but it helps with

her stress and she buys the cheapest ones she can.

She also buys the cheapest food possible at the

grocery store so her kids don’t get to eat many

vegetables or fruits. She worries about people from

the neighborhood breaking into her house while she

is at work, or worse, at night when she and the kids

are in bed. She thinks about taking the kids to

church but does not think that she would be welcome

because she does not know how loved and accepted

she is by Jesus.



Renovation Church is being planted intentionally in Southeast Roanoke to be a light in a spiritually dark place and to see this part of the city renewed both spiritually and socially. The Renovation church building is located strategically at the entrance to this part of the city. Planting a church is challenging; planting a church in Southeast is especially challenging for a number of reasons; it has the lowest income per capita of any place in the city, it has a reputation for drugs and crime, and it is filled with old and abandoned housing. We are not discouraged by this but encouraged that this is a great place for God to show off what He alone can do! We are excited about the opportunity to be a healthy church for and with the urban poor of Southeast Roanoke. We are excited about being a part of this community, serving this community and seeing lives changed by Jesus.


The mission of Renovation Church is to ensure that every man, woman and child in Southeast Roanoke has repeated opportunities to see, hear & respond to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


“ Unless the Lord builds the

house, those who build it

labor in vain. Psalm 127:1

About Renovation Church



Gospel Gatherings We gather every Sunday at 5pm as a united community to celebrate Jesus through Word and worship, to be encouraged by each other and to be challenged by the gospel. Community Groups These small groups are our primary vehicle for discipleship and the way we connect with others and live out the mission during the week. This is where people are known and cared for. Missionary Lifestyle We are all called to be missionaries in our own culture. Every member receives training and tools to make them effective in reaching the lost by the power of the Spirit.


Jon Laughinghouse | Lead Pastor/Elder

Jon and Kristi met at Southeastern Seminary after answering the call to full time ministry. They were married in 2007 and have four kids: Levi, Maggie, Norah, and Olive!

Ed Hamilton | Executive Elder

Ed and Pam have been married for 40 years. They have two

children and four grandchildren. Ed is the Director of

Academic Grants at Roanoke College.

Core Team

Ben Halsey – Worship Leader

Tim Ward – Hospitality Director

Rene Ward – Children’s Director

Al Kaiser- Indian Village Outreach Director

Leigh Carter – Community Group Leader

Richard Durrett – Community Group Leader

Jonathan Dodson – Community Group Leader

Wes Williams – Community Group Leader

Pam Hamilton – CG Childcare Coordinator


Incarnational Ministry

Jesus moved into the neighborhood to reach us. Communities aren't changed from a distance

but by relationships developed among the people in that community and relationship with


Our Approach to Missions in SE

We will be bold and Spirit led in sharing the unchanging gospel message We will love people more than our structure so we will be willing to change methods We will leverage outside resources to help serve and reach Southeast

Serving Saturday Breakfast

One way that we serve our city is by preparing a breakfast of pancakes and eggs each Saturday

at three different low-income housing communities; Indian Village, Jamestown Place, and

Villages at Lincoln. While there, we share a meal together, build relationships, and share a clear

gospel presentation. Through this outreach program, we have seen many come to Christ and

be baptized and start participating in the life of Renovation Church.

3 On Mission in Southeast

Photo by Byron Dillard


Vacation Bible School at the Park

Another way that we have served our neighborhood is through a VBS that we held at Jackson

Park in Southeast. We had a mission team from Bethesda Baptist Church in Indiana come in to

help and having it at the park was a great success and we had over eighty kids come out and

participate in the songs, arts and crafts, and Bible stories about Jesus!

Community Cookouts

We also serve our neighbors through occasional Community Cookout events. This has proven

to be an excellent way to get to know people from the community and to meet a real need in

their lives. Food speaks loud and clear in this neighborhood!

Future Outreach Opportunities

Based on our research of SE, here are some outreach ideas that Renovation sees as a fit for the neighborhood and that we hope to do in the future as the Lord provides people and resources.

Free Parents night out

After school program

Financial Freedom Class

Addictions/Recovery Class


Vacation Bible School

Move to SE Program

Adopt a Block Program


That’s where we’re going, but we need your help. Please

consider how Jesus may be inviting you to support us —

whether through prayer, giving, or joining us as we follow

Jesus in planting a new Gospel work in Southeast.

Pray We need prayer. For all of our strategizing and preparation,

we cannot succeed without the Spirit of God building his

Church. Through the act of corporate and private prayer we

are submitting ourselves, our opinions and our desires to

Jesus, the Head of the Church. Please pray with us and

for us daily. Jesus will build his church, but he does so

through the faithful work, service, and prayers of his

people. There is much spiritual opposition, relational

tension, financial strain and physical hardship

involved in planting a church. Please join us in prayer

to our God who is able to do above and beyond all

that we ask, think or imagine. Please commit to pray

daily that…

• We would be a church marked by a deep love for Jesus.

• Many souls will be saved and lives transformed through this new Gospel work.

• We would have wisdom, discernment and grace

• God would provide all of our financial needs.

• God would bring the right people at the right time.

• Southeast would be loved, served, challenged and changed through the Gospel.


We need to raise $75,000 for 2015, and a total of

$225,000 over the next three years. Because of the

demographics of the neighborhood, a majority of this

will have to come from outside sources. These funds will

help to cover the costs of salaries, administration, supplies,

and facility rental. To meet our three-year goal of

$225,000, Renovation Church is looking for churches and

individuals to join us as financial partners. This may include

regular monthly giving, yearly giving or one-time gifts over

the course of our first three years. In the life of a young

church in a challenging context, every dollar makes a

difference. Please consider partnering with us at one

of the following levels:

Amount Frequency








one time

one time

one time

monthly/3 years

monthly/3 years

monthly/3 years

monthly/3 years

Support: Pray, Give, Join

4 Photo by Byron Dillard


Join the Work

Would you consider moving to SE Roanoke? Are you a risk taker, a dreamer, a planner who loves Jesus and his church? Pray about moving into the city, getting a job, starting a business, or raising money and becoming an integral part of this new work. Already in the area? Consider bringing a group from your church to serve with us on a monthly basis. We always need help on Sunday and Thursday evenings and also on Saturday mornings. We also have special projects that your group may be able to help with. Another option is to bring a mission team to SE to serve this summer for an entire week!

Commit and Connect

We hope that you will partner with us in some way on this journey either through a commitment to prayer, giving, or coming to serve Southeast with us. Please pray about what God would have you do and then let us know by sending an email to: -If you commit to pray each week then we will add you to our weekly prayer chain and keep you posted on how to be praying. -If you commit to giving financially you can send your one time or monthly tax-deductible gift to: Renovation Church PO Box 204 Roanoke VA 24002 -If you are considering joining us in the work here then you can email us at to let us know and we will help you figure out what this will look like!

Find out more about us at or call Pastor Jon directly at (540) 597-8899

Photo by Byron Dillard


Do you not say, 'There are yet four months, and then comes the harvest '? Behold, I say to you, lift up

your eyes and look on the fields, that they are white for harvest. Already he who reaps is receiving

wages and is gathering fruit for life eternal; so that he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice

together.… John 4:35-36

The fields are ripe and the time is short. Jesus was clear about the mission he left for us and we want to

be faithful in that mission. Please don’t delay in making a bold move and sharing the burden and the

work that God has given to Renovation Church in Southeast Roanoke!


5 The Harvest is Ripe


Renovation Church PO Box 204 Roanoke VA 24002