Renewable jigsaw (1)

Post on 25-May-2015

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Renewable jigsaw

Transcript of Renewable jigsaw (1)

Department of ChemistryDepartment of Chemistry



Each team will be provided with a visual clue, which will be covered by six blocks.

1 2 3

4 5 6

Six questions will be asked to each team of which each will carry10 marks.

By answering each question, the team can remove a block onthe visual, according to their choice.

A team can further remove additional blocks, even though they didn’t answered the questions. But for each additional block thus removed, they have to sacrifice 10 marks.

The last question will be identify the visual, which will carry 40 marks.

Only the last question will be passed to other teams, which, if answered correctly will provide 10 marks. The other teams won’t be permitted to remove any more blocks.

1. Name the process by which various metals, especially high strength steel become brittle and fracture

due to exposure to hydrogen.

Hydrogen Embrittlement

2. The tidal power system in Vizhinjam was commissioned in which year?


3. Half of the globally produced hydrogen is used to convert heavy petroleum sources to lighter fractions.

Name the process utilized here.?


4. Which heavy metal poisoning is associated with manufactures of CFL?


5. Where is the head quarters of International Renewable Energy Agency?

Abu Dabi

6.In a fuel cell, the output voltage is related to which thermodynamic parameter?

Gibb’s Free Energy, G


1966 GM Electrovan

• First hydrogen fuel cell automobile.

•Made by General Motors

1. The efficiency of an Otto cycle internal combustion engine which runs on hydrogen?


2. MOF’s are potential storage sources for hydrogen in future. Expand MOF.

Metal Organic Framework

3. In which five year plan, Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission was launched?


4. The term which was coined in 1987 by UN’s Brutland Commission, which means that ‘development that meets

the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs?

Sustainable Development

5. The total number of geothermal power plants in India is?


6. Name the effect by which difference in temperature is converted into energy, like in a thermocouple?

Peltier-Seebeck Effect


International Energy Agency

• Established in 1974.

•Total 28 member states

1. Explain the significance of following reaction?

2H2 + 2O2- → 2H2O + 4ē

O2 + 4 ē → 2O2-

2H2 + O2 → 2H2O

Basic reaction carried out in a hydrogen fuel cell

2.The term which represents the amount of biologically productive land and sea area necessary to supply the

resources, a human population consumes and to mitigate associated waste. Using this assessment, it is possible to estimate how much of earth it would take to

support humanity, if everybody followed a given lifestyle?

Ecological Footprint

3. Who first liquefied hydrogen gas through his regenerative cooling and vaccum flask?

James Dewar

4.What is Bagasse?

Sugarcane fiber which is commonly used as a raw material

in biogas power plant.

5.Name the process by which hydrogen is produced in the absence of oxygen by anaerobic oxidation by water


Serpentinization Process

6.World’s largest offshore windmill is situated in which country?




• Sun tracking device used to changes it’s position so as to obtain maximum sunlight

1. Which UN body published the special report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change

Mitigation on 2011, which evaluates the global potential for using renewable energy to mitigate climate change?


2. The basic effect by which a solar cell function?

Photoelectric Effect

3. Who is the author of one of the most celebrated books on energy in the 21st centuary, “ Energy Autonomy: The Economic, Social and Technological Case of Renewable


Dr. Hermann Scheer

4. Which country is the largest producers of hydroelectric power and wind power?


5. An energy conservation act was passed in India which demands the large energy consumers to adhere to

energy consumption norms, new buildings to follow the Energy Conservation Building Code and appliances to

meet energy standards and to display energy consumption labels?


6.What is referred as white coal?

Hydroelectric Power


Bureau of Energy Efficiency

• Established under Energy Conservation Act of 2011



Which basic process utilized for the production of biogas has the above four steps?

Anerobic Digestion

2. The point at which photovoltaic electricity is equal to or cheaper then electricity is called?

Grid Parity

3. Name the law, which is the cornerstone of natural resource management, which states that growth is not

controlled by the total amount of resources available, but by the scarcest resource or limiting factor?

Leibig’s law of Minimum

4. The fermentation process in which Rhodobacter spheroids is used to convert fatty acids and other

organic substances to hydrogen?


5. What is black liquor?

The waste product from pulp industry which can be used

to generate power

6.What is the root cause for the majority of geothermal energy obtained from earth?

Radioactive decay of minerals



• Most widely used for the majority of biofuel (Ethanol) generation