Renaissance Art - Mr. Pitts- AP World History and...

Post on 26-Jul-2020

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Transcript of Renaissance Art - Mr. Pitts- AP World History and...

1. ! Renaissance Art

a.! Artists were supported by patrons like Isabella d’Este and the Medici

b.! Medieval artists used religious subjects to convey a spiritual ideal

c.! Renaissance artists will portray religious subjects but will use realistic styles

copied from classical models & Greece and Rome

d.! Renaissance painters used perspective which showed three dimensions on a

flat surface with a vanishing point in the middle

e.! Often times fresco was used: painting on wet plaster

a. ! Michelangelo

i.! Renaissance man: sculptor, painter, architect, and poet

ii.! Famous for way he portrayed the human body

iii.! Famous works:

1.! Statue of David,

2.! Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel,

3. ! Dome of St. Peter’s

b.! Donatello

i.! Made sculpture more realistic by carving natural postures and expression

that revealed personality.

ii. ! Equestrian Statue of Gattamelata

iii.! Also sculpted a David- favorite subject of Renaissance sculptors

c.! Leonardo da Vinci

i. ! Painter, sculptor, inventor, and scientist

ii.! Interested in how things work (veins in a leaf and muscle work)

iii.! Famous works:

1. ! The Mona Lisa

2.! The Last Supper

3.! Virgin on the Rocks

iv.! The Da Vinci Code featured many of his paintings

d. ! Raphael

i.! Learned from studying Leonardo and Michelangelo

ii.! One of favorite subjects was Madonna and Child (Virgin mary)

iii.! Famous works:

i. ! School of Athens

ii. ! Marriage of the Virgin

Marriage of the
