Renaissance Art

Post on 11-May-2015

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Transcript of Renaissance Art

Pieta in frescoes in St. Panteleimon, (1164)

Giotto (1267-1337), Lamentation (Mourning of Christ), Cappella degli Scrovegni

Duccio, Madonna and Child, (Late 13th or Early 14th cs.)

Melchior Broederlam, Annunciation and Visitation, (1393–1399)

Simone Martini, Maestà, Madonna with Angels and Saints, (1315)

Pietro, Lorenzetti, Madonna dei Tramonti (c.1330)

Two details from the frescos in the Palazzo Pubblico of Siena by Ambrogio Lorenzetti, circa 1328

The Flight into Egypt by Lorenzo Monaco (c.1405)

Lorenzo Monaco, Adoration of the Magi, (1422)

Lorenzo Monaco, Coronation of the Virgin, (c.1414)

Gentile da Fabriano, Adoration of the Magi (1423)

Detail: Gentile da Fabriano, Adoration of the Magi (1423)

Portrait of a Princess of the House of Este by Vittore Pisano (1436-38)

Donatello, statue of St. George sculpted for a niche on the outside of Orsanmichele (c.1420)

Donatello, Feast of Herod, (c.1425)

Donatello, David (1430-32)

Donatello,equestrian statue of Gattamelata, (c.1443-53)

Masaccio, Madonna with Child and Angels, (c.1422)

Brunelleschi, Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore (1420-1436)

Brunelleschi, nave of Santa Lorenzo, (from 1418)

Alberti, doorway of Tempio Malatestiano , Rimini, (c.1450)

Brunelleschi, Rotonda degli Scolari (Scholar's Rotunda) Santa Maria degli Angeli (1430s) Florence

Alberti, Façade of Sant'Andrea, Mantua, (c.1462)

Robert Campin, Master of Flémalle, One of the "Flemalle" panels, St. Veronica (1410)

Jan van Eyck, portrait of Man in Turban (1433)

Roger van der Weyden, Mary Magdalen, Crucifixion Tryptich, (1445)

Roger van der Weyden, Mary Magdalen (1450)

Dieric Bouts, Ecce Agnus Dei, (c. 1462-1464)

Dieric Bouts, Madonna and Child, (c.1465)

Charonton, The Pietà of Villeneuve-lès-Avignon, (c.1455)

Albrecht Dürer, Self-portrait (c.1500)

Mantegna, Battle of the Sea Gods, (< 1481)

Albrecht Dürer, Death of Orpheus (1494)

Mantegna, The Madonna of the Cherubim (1485)

Mantegna, The Lamentation over the Dead Christ, (1490)

Albrecht Dürer, The Men’s Bathhouse, (c.1496-97)

Albrecht Dürer, The Prodigal Son among the Pigs, (1497)

Albrecht Dürer, The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, (1498)

Albrecht Dürer, St. Jerome in his Study, (1513-14)

Albrecht Dürer, Adoration of the Trinity, or Landauer Altar, (1511)

Ghiberti, Adam and Eve, Panel 1 of The Gates of Paradise, (1401-22)

Bernardo Rossellini, Bruni Tomb, Santa Croce, Florence, (1444-47)

Antonio Rossellino, Tomb of the Cardinal of Portugal, San Miniato, Florence, (1461-66)

Verrocchio, David, (c.1473-75)

Piero Pollaiuolo, Hope, Florence, Galleria degli Uffizi, (1469-70)

Piero Pollaiuolo, tomb of Sixtus IV (d. 1484), St. Peter’s, Rome

Pollaiuolo, Tomb of Innocent III, Lateran

Verrocchio, Colleoni Monument, Venice, (c.1483-88)

Hieronymous Bosch, Crucifixion, (c.1480-85)

Grünewald , Crucifixion, central panel of the Isenheim altarpiece, (c.1512-16)

Botticelli, Madonna del Magnificat, (c.1483-85)

Botticelli, Madonna with two angels, (c.1468-69)

Signorelli, Deeds of the Antichrist, Cathedral of Orvieto, (c.1501)

Signorelli, Madonna and Child with Saints, Perugia Cathedral, (early 1500s)

Messina, detail of Crucifixion, (c.1454-55)

Bellini, Transfiguration of Christ, (1480-85)

Fra Angelica, Madonna Enthroned, (c. 1437-46)

Raphael, Madonna di Foligno, (1512)

Michelangelo, Creation of Adam, ceiling,Sistine Chapel, Rome, (1508-12)

Michelangelo, La Pietà (1499)

Micelangelo, Pietà, Nel Museo dell'Opera del Duomo di Firenze, (c.1550)

Giorgione, Sleeping Venus, (c.1510)

Michelangelo, The Dying Slave, (c.1513)

Fiorentino, Moses Defending the Daughters of Jethro, (c.1523)

Fiorentino, Macabre Allegory, Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence

Pontormo, Halberdier, (c.1528)

Veronese, Mars and Venus united by Love, (mid-1570s)

El Greco, Portrait of An Old Man, presumed self-portrait of El Greco, (c.1595–1600)

El Greco, The Holy Trinity, (1577–1579)