Post on 05-Jan-2016

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• Italy relied on internal cooperation to maintain peace and safety from foreign invasion. Especially from the Turk. Thanks to the Treaty of Lodi.

•Milan and Naples (long standing enemies) were brought into an alliance with Florence. These 3 stood against Venice. Venice sided with the Papal States. But all 5 joined if there was ever a foreign enemy.

•1490: The Milanese despot Ludovico il Moro rose to power and hostilities between Milan and Naples began again. • The Treaty of Lodi ended when Naples supported by Florence and the Borgia Pope Alexander VI (1492-1503) threatened Milan. • Ludovico turned to the French for aid. (French kings had ruled Naples in the past) • He did not anticipate that France would want more territory once it had Naples and Milan.


• Charles VIII responded to Ludovico’s call immediately.

•In 5 months, he crossed the Alps (Aug. 1494) and raced to conquer through Florence and The Papal States into Naples.

•The Florentine ruler Piero de’ Medici (ally of Naples) tried to give Charles possessions to stall him. However, the radical Dominican preacher, Girolamo Savonarola, exiled Piero and convinced the Florentine's that Charles’ arrival was long-delayed and fully justified divine vengeance.

•After Charles left Florence, Savonarola exercised rule over Florence. The cities reunited and ousted the French invader and imprisoned and executed Savonarola on May 1498.

CHARLES VIII’S INVASION OF ITALY•Ferdinand of Aragon (1479-1519) wanted to expand his possessions in Italy from his base in Sicily, no found himself close to a French-Italian axis. • He created the League of Venice (March 1495) • Brought Venice, The Papal States, and Emperor Maximilian I (1493-1519) together against the French. • Ludovico decided to join the League of Venice when he noticed that the French posted a threat to Milan. • The League sent Charles into retreat and ended the threat he posted in Italy.


• The French return! Under Charles’ successor Louis XII (1498-1515)

•The Borgia Pope- Alexander VI assisted the French. Most corrupt Pope who ever sat on the papal throne. Openly promoted the political careers of Cesare and Lucrezia Borgia (Children he had before he became Pope)

They secured a political base in Romagna in north central Italy.

•Venice (the Pope’s ally in the League of Venice) contest the Papal States for their loyalty. • Alexander took steps to secure French favor in this region. • He annulled Louis XII’s marriage to Charles VIII’s sister so that he could marry Charles’s widow Anne of Brittany (this would keep Brittany French) • He bestowed a cardinal’s hat on Louis’ favorite cleric the archbishop of Rouen. • Alexander agreed to leave the League of Venice making it too weak to resist French invasion. In return, his son Cesare would receive the sister of the king of Navarre in marriage and this would enhanced the Borgia military strength. Cesare also received land grants from Louis XII and the promise of French military aid In Romagna.


• Louis invaded Milan in August 1499

•Ludovico il Moro (the man who originally let France invade Italy) spent the rest of his days locked up in a French prison.

• 1500: • Louis and Fredinand of Araogn divided Naples between them • The Pope (Alexander) and his son Cesare Borgia conquered the cities of Romagna without opposition. • Cesare was given the title of “Duke of Romagna”

POPE JULIUS II •Cardinal Giuliano della Rovera succeeded Alexander as pope and was a strong opponent of Alexander. • He suppressed the Borgias and placed their newly conquered lands under papal jurisdiction. • He raised the Papacy to it’s peak in military prowess and diplomatic intrigue = WARRIOR POPE • He drove out the Venetians in 1509 and fully secured the Papal States. • October 1511: Julius, Ferdinand of Aragon, and Venice formed the second Holy League. (Joined by the Emperor Maximilian I and the Swiss) • 1512: The league had the French in full retreat and the Swiss defeated them in 1513 at Novara.

•The French invade again! (3rd time) under Louis’ successor Francis I (1515-1547) This time the French armies massacred the Swiss soldiers in September 1515. • The victory won the Concordat of Bologna from the Pope in August 1516. The agreement gave the French king control over France’s clergy in exchange for French recognition of the pope’s superiority over church councils. This would keep France Catholic and away from Protestant Reformation.


•A humanist and careful student of ancient Rome. Machiavelli was impressed by who the Ancient Romans ruled their homeland.

•He was ashamed that the current Italians lacked the skills the Ancient Romans had to run a country. He had high expectations from his compatriots.

•To be Machiavellian = Ruthless political expediency.

•He wrote “The Prince” as a satire on the ways that rulers behave not an actual recommendation on how they should act.

•Machiavelli hoped to see the Medici family regain control of Italy but they never did.




•Charles VII (1422-1461) Had the people that worked for him secure his country. • His ministers created a professional army • Jacques Coeur (Independent Merchant Banker) created a strong economy. Diplomatic corps, and national administration. • This paved the way for Louis XI

•Two major events that helped secure the French Monarchy • The Collapse of the English Empire during the Hundred Year’s War • The Defeat of Charles the Bold (1467-1477) and his duchy of Burgundy. Burgundy would have defeated both France and the Holy Roman Empire except that these two united and beat Charles. • The Burgundian Empire was divided between the Habsburgs and France. • Louis XI was able to double the size of his kingdom, expand trade and silk industry. • Louis’ successors destroyed what he created through bad foreign policy (the invasions in Italy and continuous fights with the Habsburgs).


• The marriage of Ferdinand of Aragon (1479-1516) and Isabella of Castile (1474-1504) bonded two kingdoms together (Spain and parts of Italy) but each remained consitutionally separate, each had their own government agencies, laws, armies, taxation etc.

•Together they subdue their realms, secured their borders, ventured abroad militarily and Christianized the whole of Spain. The conquered the Moors of Granada, Naples.

•They stopped the coexisting religions of Islam, Judaism and Christianity. They implemented a state-controlled religion of Catholicism. Jews were converted and Muslims were exiled.

•Their children went off to rule a united Spain, and marry into the English Empire. Catherine of Aragon’s failed marriage to Henry the VIII became the key factor for the emergence of Anglican church and the English Reformation.

ENGLAND•Civil war broke out in England, after the Hundred Year’s War. The “Rose War” was between the two rival branches of the royal family: The House of York and the House of Lancaster. (1455-1485)

•The Duke of York (Edward IV) challenged the Lancastrian monarchy of Henry VI and seized power for 20 years! (This was briefly interrupted by Henry’s VI’s short lived restoration)

•Edward’s brother Richard III gained the thrown before Edward’s son. After his death, the new Tudor dynasty began.

•Henry Tudor aka Henry VII (1485-1509) brought the rival royal families together by marrying Edward’s daugther Elizabeth of York. • He disciplined the Nobility by restricting their power and confiscating their land through the Court of Star Chamber. This will later develop to more equitable court system. • He began to shape the monarchy that we will later see with his granddaughter Queen Elizabeth I.

THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE•The Holy Roman Empire was divided into some 300 autonomous political entities.

•The princes and the cities did not work well together. The Emperor Charles IV (1346-1378) reached an agreement in 1356 known as the Golden Bull; It established a 7-member electoral college that would function as an administrative body to electro an emperor and in cooperation with him provide transregional unity.

•15th Century the creation of the Reichstag was made. It was a national assembly of the seven electors, nonelectoral princes, and representatives form the 65 imperial free cities. During the assembly, there was an imperial ban on private warfare, the creation of the Supreme Court of Justice to enforce internal peace and an imperial Council of Regency to coordinate imperial and internal Germany Policy.

•This did not replace the unity that was much needed in the region. Eventually the princes became sovereign rulers. Since there wasn’t unity, the Holy Roman Empire because the perfect place for the Protestant Reformation.




• Prince Henry “the Navigator” (1394-1460): Brother to the King of Portugal. • Captured the Northern African Muslim City of Ceuta •Motives: Gold, spices, and spreading Christianity

•Portuguese exploration of African coast was first in search of gold and slaves and eventually they wanted to find a sea route around Africa to Asia’s spice market. • Spices: Pepper and Cloves

•Slaves were traded (150,000 slaves in Europe) for horses, grain and finished goods.

•Before the sea route, trading with the East had to be done through the Venetians. The Portuguese wanted to break up this Venetian-Muslim monopoly with a direct route. Land routes were long, difficult and unprofitable.

•They also gained allies against the Muslims: In 1455 a pope promised Portuguese explorers land, goods, and slaves if they explored the coast of Guinea in the West Africa to the Indies in East Asia. The church expected them to bring back goods as well as mass conversions to Christianity.


• Bartholomew Diaz (1450-1500) pioneered the Eastern Portuguese Empire after rounding the Cape of Good Hope at the tip of Africa (1487)

•Vasco de Gama (1469-1525)- In 1498 stood on the shores of India. He brought back a cargo of spices worth 60 times the cost of the voyage.

•Portugal established colonies in Goa and Calcutta on the coast of India. Here they challenged the Arabs and the Venetians for the spice trade.


•Christopher Columbus: The Spanish hoped to find a more direct route to the East Indies by sailing across the Atlantic. Instead the Americas were discovered.

•33 days after departing the Canary Islands in San Salvador in the Eastern Bahamas. Columbus believed that he reached an outer island of Japan. (This is because he relied on 13th Century information from Marco Polo.

•On his 3rd voyage to the islands (Cuba), he realized that he didn’t reach Japan. He was greeted by friendly natives. He later believed that they had reached the East Indies. He called the natives he met, Indians and the name stuck.

•The natives helped out Columbus and his men, he observed that the Spanish could enslave them.


• Amerigo Vespucci (1451-1512) and Ferdinand Magellan (1480-1521) explored the coastline of South America.

•Their travels proved that the new land Columbus found was an entirely unknown continent.

•Magellan continued his search for a westward route to the Indies. He made it around South America, across the Pacific to the Philippines. Where he was killed in a skirmish with the inhabitants.

•The rest of his squadron eventually sailed on to Spain, making them the first sailors to circumnavigate the globe.


• Columbus’ discovery marked the beginning of more than 3 centuries of a vast Spanish empire in the Americas.

• Spain gained many benefits from these voyages. • Created Europe’s largest and longest surviving trading block. • The wealth extracted from the Americas financed Spain’s commanding role in religious and political wars of the

16th and 17th centuries.

•Europe introduced many new species of fruits, vegetables, and animals to the Americas. American spices were brought back to Europe. European expansion also spread European diseases into the Americas that killed many Native-Americans. Europeans were exposed to many diseases during their traveling. The Native Americans could not survive the diseases.

•Native Americas started to face a long history of conquest, diseases, and slave labor.

•Spanish rule left a lasting imprint of Roman Catholicism, economic, dependency, and hierarchal social structure.


Discuss with the person next to you what were some of the differences and similarities between the three explorers?

THE SPANISH EMPIRE IN THE NEW WORLD •The Aztec Empire dominated Mesoamerica, which stretches from Central Mexico to Guatemala.

•The Inca Empire dominated Andean South America.

•Both were rich empires, and their conquest would mean large quantities of gold for the Spanish.

THE AZTECS IN MEXICO•By the time of Spanish Conquest, the Aztecs ruled almost all of central Mexico from their capital Tenochtitlan

•The Aztecs demanded heavy tribute in goods and labor from their people. • They also believed that the gods must literally be fed blood to guarantee sunshine and fertility. • They took thousands of captives each year for human sacrifice.

•1519: Hernan Cortes landed in Mexico with 500 men and a few horses. He became communication Moctezuma II (1466- 1520) the Aztec Emperor.

•Moctezuma initially believed that Cortes was the God Quetzalcoatl- Gave him gold.

•Cortes formed an alliance with Tlaxcala (an enemy of the Aztecs) and marched with them to the capital. Moctezuma died in unexplained circumstances and Cortes was driven out of the capital with his men and nearly wiped out.

•Cortes returned and laid siege to the city. Under Cuauhtemoc (1495-1525) (the last ruler), the Aztecs were defeated and Cortes turned Tenochtitlan into his own capital and proclaimed the Aztec Empire to be New Spain.

THE INCAS IN PERU • The second Spanish conquest was that of the Incas in Peru (large empire).

•The Incas compelled their people to work for the state on a regular basis.

•1532: Francisco Pizarro (1478-1541) landed on the west coast of South America and followed in Cortes example. He had 200 men come with him.

•Pizarro lured the Inca ruler Atahualpa (1500-1533) and took him. Many of Atahualpa’s followers were killed.

•Pizarro imprisoned the Inca ruler, who tried to pay a ransom with gold but Pizarro responded with executing him in 1533.

•The Spanish then conquered Cuzco (the Inca capital) but the Inca did not stop resisting until 1570.

• For the first time in history: Small military forced armed with advanced weapons subdued two powerful empires. The spread of European diseases also helped with the conquest. Many people died from small pox.


•Roman Catholic priests were brought over to the New World in order to convert the natives to Christianity and also to bring them European learning and civilizations.

•Tension arose between the clergy men and the conquistadors. To covert natives, they first need to be conquered according to the church. However, priests often criticized the harsh conditions that natives were put under.

•Bartolome de Las Casas (1474-1566) contended that conquest was not necessary for conversion. One result of his campaign was new royal regulations to protect the Indians after 1550.

•Although individual priests defended the communal rights of Indians, the colonial church prospered as the Spanish elite prospered by exploiting the resources and peoples of the New Worlds.

•The church became landowners through crown grants and bequests from Catholics who died in the New World.

•By the end of 18th century, the Roman Catholic Church had become one of the most conservative forces in Latin America

THE ECONOMY OF EXPLOITATION •The Colonial economy of Latin America had three major components. •Mining • Agriculture• Shipping

•Each component involved labor, servitude and the intertwining of the New World economy with Spain.


•The early conquistadores aka conquerors were primarily interested in gold. However, by the mid 16th century, silver mining proved to the chief source of metallic wealth.

•The great mining centers were Potosi in Peru and smaller sites in Northern Mexico.

•The Spanish crown received 1/5 of the mining revenues

•For this reason, the crown maintained a monopoly over the production and sale of mercury which is required for the silver-smelting process.


•The major rural and agriculture institutions of the Spanish colonies were the haciendas a large landed estate owned by persons originally born in Spain (peninsulares) or persons of Spanish decent born in America (creoles)

•Laborers were bound to the haciendas in some legal way and couldn’t move from hacienda to hacienda.

•Two major products produced by haciendas : • Foodstuffs for mining areas • Urban centers and leather goods used in mining machinery.

•In Cuba, Hispainola, and Puerto Rico African slaves were used to produce sugar, high demand of this product in Europe.

•Final major area of economic activity was Urban service occupations including government offices, legal professions and shipping. Those who worked these jobs were peninsulares or creoles.

LABOR SERVITUDE •Spanish decided that the natives would supply the labor necessary for them to explore and extra resources.

•Encomienda: A formal grant of the right to labor of a specific number on Indians (100 or more). The encomienda was in decline mid 16th century because Spanish monarchs believed it gave owners too much power. Also, there were humanitiarian objections to this type of exploitation.

•Repatimiento: Required adult male Indians to devote certain numbers of days of labor annually to Spanish economic enterprises. • The Incas called this Mita (the Inca term for their labor tax) •Many died because of the hard conditions but they were placed immediately.

•Debt Peonage: Free Indian laboers were required to purchase goods from the landowners or mineowners to whom they became indebted to. They would have to work to pay the owners back.

•Black Slavery: Final mode of forced or subservient labor. Both the Spanish and the Portuguese had used black slaves in the Indies on sugar plantations.


Discuss with the person next to you, the impacts of the Spanish Empire.


-New spices and precious metals were brought to Europe

-New wealth from trading allowed governments to sponsor basic research in printing, shipping, mining, textile and weapons.

-Inflation (too much money was being made)