Remedies for insomnia

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Remedies for insomnia

Remedies for Insomnia

People with




falling asleep

or staying


Getting enough sleep is important for everyone to

maintain good health.

The body undergoes repair and restoration of its functions

during sleep.

A chronic lack of sleep can jeopardize our

health and safety.

The medical problems include obesity, diabetes, high

blood pressure and heart disease.

How to Beat Insomnia

Try to sleep at the same time every night.

Try to get up at the same time every morning.

Keep your bedroom comfortable for sleeping – dark,

cool, and quiet.

Use the bed just for sleeping, not for working or watching


Avoid heavy meal just before sleeping or late at night.

Avoid alcohol, caffeine, or smoking at night or late in

the day.

Have a regular exercise during the day, but not around


Find a relaxing routine before sleeping, such as reading a

book, taking a warm bath, or listening to quiet music.

Manage stress and find ways to relieve anxiety, such

as yoga, meditation, exercise, etc.

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