RELIGIOUS STRIFE & UPHEAVAL CH 4. Salem Witch Trials, circa 17 th cen.

Post on 04-Jan-2016

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Transcript of RELIGIOUS STRIFE & UPHEAVAL CH 4. Salem Witch Trials, circa 17 th cen.


Salem Witch Trials, circa 17th cen.

Key Terms

Glorious Revolution * Great Awakening Cotton Mather Spanish Inquisition * Witchcraft mania * Tituba Salem, Massachusetts Malleus Maleficarum /

Hammer of Witches) * Spectral evidence Patriarchal family Feme covert Surplus crops

Enlightenment New Light / Old Light Pietists Harvard College College of William and Mary John Wesley / Methodism George Whitfield impressment Freemen Methodists Quakers Baptists Moravians

Questions to Consider

What factors led to a rise in tensions within colonial America in the early 1700s? How did the social, political, and economic instability lead to an increase in accusations of witchcraft? How did this “witchcraft mania” impact women and dissidents?

If You’re Curious . . .

Good Wives by Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

Reimagining the Past: The Religious History of American Women ed. by Catherine Brekus (Several good articles on women and religious history.)