Reliance Life Insurance Policy

Post on 04-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Reliance Life Insurance Policy

  • 7/31/2019 Reliance Life Insurance Policy


    Reliance life insurance policies


    Insurance may be described as a social device to reduce or eliminate risk of loss to life

    and property. Insurance is a collective bearing of risk. Insurance is a financial device to

    spread the risks and losses of few people among a large number of people, as people

    prefer small fixed liability instead of big uncertain and changing liability.

    Insurance can be defined as a legal contract between two parties whereby one party

    called insurer undertakes to pay a fixed amount of money on the happening of a

    particular event, which may be certain or uncertain. The other party called insured pays

    in exchange a fixed sum known as premium. Insurance is desired to safeguard oneself

    and ones family against possible losses on account of risks and perils. It provides

    financial compensation for the losses suffered due to the happening of any unforeseen


    The Business of Insurance is related to the protection of the economic values of the

    assets. Every human being has the tendency to save to protect him from risks or

    events of future. Insurance is one form of savings where in people try to assure

    themselves against risks or uncertainties of future. It is assurance against risks or

    events or losses.

    People can save their earnings either in the form gold, fixed assets like property or in

    banking and insurances. All the savings of people of a country account for gross

    domestic savings. In India, although savings rate is high but people prefer to invest

    either in gold or fixed assets so that they can make money out of it. Hence insurance

    sector is still untapped in India.

    Insurance is a tool by which fatalities of a small number are compensated out of funds

    (premium payment) collected from plenteous. Insurance is a safeguard against

    uncertain events that may occur in the future.

    It is an arrangement where the losses experienced by a few are extended over several

    who are exposed to similar risks. It is a protection against financial loss arising on the

    happening of an unexpected event. Insurance companies collect premium to provide

    security for the purpose. Loss is paid out of the premium collected from people and the

    insurance companies act as trustees to the amount so collected. These companies

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    have proposal forms which are filled to give details of insurance required. Depending

    upon the answers in the proposal form insurance companies assess the risk and decide

    on the premium.

    Insurance companies are risk bearers. They underwrite the risk in return for an

    insurance premium. the function of insurance is to provide protection, prevent losses,

    capital formation etc. hence insurance can be defined as a tool in which a sum of

    money as a premium is paid by the insured in consideration of the insurers bearing the

    risk of paying a large sum .it may also be defined as a contract wherein one party

    (insurer) agrees to pay the other party (insured) or his beneficiary, a certain sum upon a

    given contingency against which insurance is required.

    Insurance industry commands massive funds through sales of insurance products to

    large number of clients. Insurers also create liabilities and commit themselves to

    compensate for losses occurring to the policyholders on future date. It also plays an

    important role in process of capital formation.

    From the above discussion we can find out some of the important characteristics of

    insurance which are as follows:

    1. Pooling of losses2. Payment of fortuitous losses

    3. Risk transfer

    4. Indemnification


    Insurance constitutes one of the major segments of the financial market. Insurance

    services play predominant role in the process of financial intermediary. Today insurance

    industry is one of the most growing sectors in India. There is lot of potential in the Indian

    Insurance Industry. There are many issues, which require study. The scope of the study

    of insurance industry of India would be very great as there are ongoing developments in

    the industry after the opening of the sector. The major issue right now is the hike in FDI

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    (Foreign Direct Investment) limit from 26% to 49% in the insurance sector. Government

    may in near future allow 49% FDI in Insurance. This would lead to more capital inflow

    by foreign partners. Another major issue is the effects on LIC after the entry of private

    players in the market. Though market share of LIC has been affected, it has improved in

    terms of efficiency. There are number of other hot topics like penetration of Health

    Insurance, Rural marketing of insurance, new distribution channels, new product

    ranges, insurance brokers regulation, incentive scheme of development officers of LIC

    etc. So it offers lot of scope for studying the insurance industry. Right now the insurance

    industry has great opportunities in a country like India or China which huge population.

    Also the penetration of insurance in India is very low in both life and non-life segment so

    there is lot potential to be tapped.


    Assurance is older in history and it was used to describe all types of insurances. From

    1826, the term assurance came to be used only for the risks covered by life insurance

    and the term insurance was exclusively used to denote the risks covered by marine,

    fire, etc. The word assurance indicated certainty. In life insurance, there is an assurance

    from the insurance company to make payment under the policy either on the maturity orat earlier death. On the other hand the word insurance was used to denote indemnity

    type of insurances where the insurance company was liable to pay only in case of the

    loss damage the property. The insured event was bound to happen sooner or later

    under assurance but the event insured against may or may not happen under


    The principle of indemnity applies to insurance contracts (non-life) only. The scope of

    the word, insurance is wider.


    An insurance contract is based on some basic principles of insurance.

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    (1) Principle of Uberrima Fides or Principle of utmost good faith:

    It means maximum truth. Both the parties should disclose all material information

    regarding the subject matter of insurance.

    (2) Principle of indemnity:

    This means that if the insured suffers a loss against which the policy has been made, he

    shall be fully indemnified only to the extent of loss. In other words, the insured is not

    entitled to make a profit on his loss.

    (3) Principle of subrogation:

    This means the insurer has the right to stand in the place of the insured after settlement

    of claims in so far as the insureds right of recovery from an alternative source is

    involved. The insurer before the settlement of the claim may exercise the right. In other

    words, the insurer is entitled to recover from a negligent third party any loss payments

    made to the insured. The purposes of subrogation are to hold the negligent person

    responsible for the loss and prevent the insured from collecting twice for the same loss.The concept of Third Party Claims is based on the same principle.

    (4) Principle of causa proxima:

    The cause of loss must be direct and an insured one in order to claim of compensation.

    (5) Principle of insurable interest:

    The assured must have insurance interest in the life or property insured. Insurable

    interest is that interest which considerably alters the position of the assured in the event

    of loss taking place and if the event does not take placed, he remains in the same old


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    Some of the important acts which have been passed in India to regulate insurance

    industry are mentioned here:

    a)Insurance Act 1938:

    It was the first comprehensive piece of insurance legislation in the country

    governing both life and non life insurance business. It was aimed to prevent the growth

    of mushrooming companies and to prevent misappropriation of funds and to protect

    assets. This act had a strict control over the insurance business and was amended from

    time to time. Till 1945, it was amended 6 times. Under the chairmanship of Shri Kavas Ji

    Jahangir, a committee was appointed to investigate all the misconduct of insurance

    business. According to this act, the central government had control over the insurance

    business through the Controller of Insurance. The insurance companies must follow the

    rules and regulations else they would be penalized.

    The act of 1938 applied to all types of insurance business-life, fire, marine etc. It also

    governed the provident companies, mutual offices and cooperative societies. According

    to one of the provisions of this act, there is prohibition of transaction of insurance

    business by certain persons. To prevent the growth of insurers of small financial

    resources, this act provided for registration of all insurers and a substantial deposit in

    the RBI.

    Further under this act, no person shall, after the commencement of this act, begin to

    carry any class of insurance business in India and no insurer carrying on any class ofinsurance business in India shall after the expiry of 3 months from the commencement

    of this act, continue to carry on any such business unless he obtained the certificate of

    registration for the particular class of insurance business.

    b) Life Insurance Corporation Act 1956:

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    Life insurance business in India was nationalized with effect from January 19,

    1956.on the date, 16 non Indian insurers operating in India and 75 Provident Societies

    were taken over by Government of India. This act came into effect from July 1st

    1956.Life Insurance Corporation of India commenced its functioning as a corporate

    body. Under this act, LIC shall be a body having perpetual succession and a common

    seal with power, subject to the provisions of this act to acquire, hold and dispose of

    property and may by its name sue and is used. The original capital of the corporation

    shall be Rs 5 crores provided by the government and the terms and conditions relating

    to the provisions of capital shall be determined by the central government. It is the

    general duty of the corporation to carry on life insurance business whether in India or

    outside, and the corporation shall exercise its powers under this act towards the

    development of life insurance business to the best of the advantage of the community.

    C) Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) 1999:

    Reforms in the insurance sector were initiated with the passage of the IRDA bill in

    December was set up as an independent body and it has been able to frame

    globally compatible legislations.The IRDA was set up to protect the interests of holders

    of insurance policies ,to regulate ,promote and insure orderly growth of the insurance

    industry and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. This act extends towhole of India. With the establishment of this act, government amended Insurance act

    1938, Life Insurance Act 1956 and General Insurance Act 1972.IRDA was formed on

    the recommendations of Malhotra Committee. In 1999 government of India has set up

    Malhotra Committee to examine the structure of insurance industry and recommend

    changes, under R.N Malhotraformer governor of RBI.

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    For now we know the meaning of insurance, different types of insurance. Now let us

    know the history and reasons for and behind different types of insurance.

    Insurance has existed for thousands of years. The first ever type of insurance was

    Property Insurance. It became popular about 3000 BC in China. It all started when

    Chinese merchants, as well as their investors, wanted to ensure that they would see a

    profit from their goods that they shipped overseas. In the event that a ship was lost at

    sea, an insuring partner would reimburse the owners of the ship and goods. To pay for

    the loss the merchant would be sold into slavery to the insurer until the debt was repaid.

    This was so because, a merchant could not afford to pay for the lost goods or even to

    buy a ship unless someone invested.

    Property insurance was also seen in Babylon as well. In Babylon, merchants and

    investors entered into a contract, in which the supplier of money for a trade agreed to

    cancel the loan if the trader was robbed of his goods. The trader who borrowed the

    money paid an extra amount for this protection in addition to the usual interest. As for

    the lender, collecting these premiums from many traders made it possible for him to

    absorb the losses of the few. Later this contract was extended to include provisions for

    a family's home and even the death of the insured, where life insurance came into

    existence. Slowly this concept started to spread across other places like Greek, Roman.

    Since ancient times, communities have pooled some of their resources to help

    individuals who suffer loss. Like, about 3500 years ago, Moses instructed the nation of

    Israel to contribute a portion of their produce periodically for "the alien resident and the

    fatherless boy and the widow."

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    Later the origin of credit insurance, which was included in the Code of Hammurabi, a

    collection of Babylonian laws said to predate the Law of Moses. Credit insurance

    means, in ancient times the ship owners obtained loans from investors to finance their

    trading expeditions. In case, if a ship was lost, the owners were not responsible to pay

    back the loans to the investors. The risk to the lenders was covered by the interest paid

    by numerous ship owners, since many ships returned safely. By the middle of the 14th

    century, marine insurance was one of the most popular types of insurance among

    nations of Europe. Things changed dramatically in the 17th century in Europe. In 1666,

    the Great Fire of London bought the need for fire insurance .The Great Fire of London

    burned for four days and nights. It destroyed 436 acres, 13,200 houses, 89 churches

    (including Saint Paul's Cathedral), the Custom House, the Royal Exchange and dozens

    of other public buildings. Only six people were victims in the flames, but hundreds died

    from shock and exposure.

    By 1688, Edward Lloyd was running a coffeehouse in London. Where, London

    merchants and bankers met informally to do business. There financiers who offered

    insurance contracts to seafarers wrote their names under the specific amount of risk

    that they would accept in exchange for a certain payment, called premium. These

    insurers came to be known as underwriters. Finally, in 1769, Lloyd's became a formal

    group of underwriters that in time grew as an insurance company.

    The concept of insurance developed at a fast pace with the growth of British commerce

    in the 17th and 18th century. The first stock companies to engage in insurance were

    chartered in England in the year 1720. In 1735, the first insurance company in the

    American colonies was founded at Charleston. Later in the year 1787, fire insurance

    corporations were formed in New York. Then later in the year 1759, the life insurance

    corporation was started in Philadelphia, America.

    The New York fire which occurred in the year 1835 was the main reason to draw

    attention to create reserves to meet unexpected losses. In the year 1837,

    Massachusetts was the first state to require companies by law to maintain such

    reserves. After 1840, life insurance entered a boom period. The Workmen's

    Compensation Act of 1897 in Britain required employers to insure their employees

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    against industrial accidents. Public liability insurance, fostered by legislation, made its

    appearance in the 1880s.It attained major importance with the advent of the automobile.

    Until the 1950s, most insurance companies in the United States were restricted to

    provide only one type of insurance, but then legislation was passed to permit fire and

    casualty companies to underwrite several classes of insurance. Many firms have since

    expanded and also were responsible for many mergers.

    From this brief accounting of history we can see how insurance came into existence.

    Fortunately for us we no longer have to sell ourselves into slavery if our car is stolen nor

    we have to be scared of losses due to absence of reserves. However we can be

    confident that we will be compensated for our loss. Without people wanting to secure

    their investments and great tragedies throughout history we may not have insurance as

    we know it today resulting in peace of mind.


    The insurance industry in India over the past century has gone through big changes. In

    India this industry reveals the 360 degree turn. 360 degree turn means that it started in

    India from being an open competitive market to nationalization and back to a liberalized

    market again.

    Insurance industry in India started as a fully private system with no restriction on foreign

    participation in the Nineteenth Century. Before independence, a few British insurance

    companies dominated the Market. Life insurance was first set up in India through a

    British company called the Oriental Life Insurance Company in 1818, followed by the

    Bombay Assurance Company in 1823 and the Madras Equitable Life Insurance Society

    in 1829.All of these companies operated in India but did not insure the lives of Indians.

    They were there insuring the lives of Europeans living in India. Some of the companies

    that started later did provide insurance for Indians. But, they were treated as

    "substandard" and therefore had to pay an extra premium of 20% or more. The first

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    company that had policies that could be bought by Indians with "fair value" was the

    Bombay Mutual Life Assurance Society starting in 1871.

    The first general insurance company, Triton Insurance Company Ltd., was

    established in 1850. It was owned and operated by the British. The first general

    insurance company was the Indian Mercantile Insurance Company Limited set up in

    Bombay in 1907.By 1938; the insurance market in India had nearly 176 companies

    (both life and non-life).

    After the independence, the industry went to the other extreme. It became a state-

    owned monopoly. The industry started to witness a problem like fraud. Hence many

    regulations were put in place to reduce and control the problems in the industry. After

    which Insurance was nationalized. In 1956, the then finance minister S. D. Deshmukh

    announced nationalization of the life insurance business and then the general insurance

    business was nationalized in 1972. Only in 1999 private insurance companies have

    been allowed back into the business of insurance with a maximum of 26% of foreign



    Some surveys have predicted that India and China will play a very vital role in the years

    to come. Indian economy can be termed as an emerging economy as it is doubling its

    GDP in 3 to 5 years and moreover it is not dependent on any particular sector for its


    If we look at the GDP of the Indian economy very closely over the years, we can easily

    come to know the changing structure of the economy. We can also come to know the

    changing contribution of the various sectors like agriculture, manufacturing and the

    service sector. In the financial year 1993-94, agricultural sector contributed to 31%,

    manufacturing accounted to 26.3% and the service sector contributed to 42.7% of the

    total GDP of the country. Thus over the years as India became an emerging economy in

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    2003-04 manufacturing sector contributed for 21.7 %, manufacturing contributed for

    26.8 whereas service sector contributed for 51.4% of the total GDP.

    There has been 7.5% growth in the total GDP of the country and is estimated to grow

    at 7.5% in 2005-06. The Indian economy has shown signs of strong performance

    despite a rise in oil prices, high inflation rate and abnormal rains in many parts of the

    country. The overall growth of the Indian economy has been equally supported by all

    the three sectors of the economy, i.e. the agriculture, manufacturing and the service

    sector. Insurance, together with the banking sector, contributes to about 7.1 % of the

    total GDP of India, and the gross premium collected contributes to about 2% of the total

    GDP of the country

    The insurance sector in India has completed a full circle from being an open competitive

    market to nationalization and back to a liberalized market again. Tracing the

    developments in the Indian insurance sector reveals the 360 degree turn witnessed

    over a period of almost 200 years.

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    Reliance Life Insurance Company Limited is a part of Reliance Capital Ltd. of the

    Reliance - Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group. Reliance Capital is one of Indias leading

    private sector financial services companies, and ranks among the top 3 private sector

    financial services and banking companies, in terms of net worth. Reliance Capital has

    interests in asset management and mutual funds, stock broking, life and general

    insurance, proprietary investments, private equity and other activities in financial

    services. Reliance Capital Limited (RCL) is a Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC)

    registered with the Reserve Bank of India under section 45-IA of the Reserve Bank of

    India Act, 1934.

    Reliance Capital sees immense potential in the rapidly growing financial services sector

    in India and aims to become a dominant player in this industry and offer fully integrated

    financial services. Reliance Life Insurance is another steps forward for Reliance Capital

    Limited to offer need based Life Insurance solutions to individuals and Corporate.


    Reliance Life Insurance offers you products that fulfill your savings and protection

    needs. Our aim is to emerge as a transnational Life Insurer of global scale and


    Reliance Life Insurance is an associate company of Reliance Capital Ltd., a part of

    Reliance - Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group. Reliance Capital is one of Indias leading

    private sector financial services companies, and ranks among the top 3 private sector

    financial services and banking companies, in terms of net worth. Reliance Capital has

    interests in asset management and mutual funds, stock broking, life and general

    insurance, proprietary investments, private equity and other activities in financial


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    Reliance Life Insurance Company Ltd. is one of the major market players in insurance

    sector. It is an associate company of Reliance Capital Ltd., a part of Reliance Anil

    Dhirubhai Ambani Group.

    Being one of the top 3 private sector financial services companies in India, Reliance

    Insurance aims at "empowering everyone live their dreams". Reliance Life Insurance or

    RLIC has insured more than 1.7 Million people in 2 years of operation. Not only this, it is

    certified ISO 9001:2000 for all the processes. To add another feather to its hat, Reliance

    Life Insurance was awarded the Jamnalal Bajaj Uchit Vyavahar Puraskar 2007-

    Certificate of Merit.

    Vision & Mission;


    Empowering everyone to live their dreams


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    Create unmatched value for everyone through dependable, effective, transparent

    and profitable life insurance and pension plans.

    Our Goal;

    Reliance Life Insurance would strive hard to achieve the 3 goals mentioned below:

    Emerge as transnational Life Insurer of global scale and standard

    Create best value for Customers, Shareholders and all Stake holders

    Achieve impeccable reputation and credentials through best business practices


    Reliance Life Insurance Company Limited has some core values which are listed as


    1) Result Oriented

    2) Performance Driven

    3) Customer Focused

    4) Learning and Development Oriented

    5) Employee Centric6) Informal and Fun


    RLIC closed the last financial year with a New Business Premium of Rs. 3513


    For 3 successive years, since inception, the Company has been amongst the

    fastest growing Companies in the Life Insurance Industry achieving a growth

    rate of 28% in the last financial year against a market growth of -6%. In the

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    Individual Business segment, the company achieved a growth rate of 59% in

    terms of WRP against the private industry growth of 1%.

    Reliance Life has been one of the fastest gainers in market share growing from

    1.9% amongst private players in Mar'06 to 10.3% as of Mar'09. This has resulted

    in the Company growing to becoming the 4th largest private player in just two

    years starting at position of 11.

    The Company has been the fastest company to reach the 3 million policy mark

    and was the 3rd largest private insurer in terms of Policy count in 2008-09

    Reliance Life has accomplished a large distribution ramp-up in the Industry in a

    short span of time by opening 1145 branches in just over 2 year.

    RLIC continues to be amongst the foremost Life Insurance companies in India to

    be certified ISO 9001:2000 for all the processes.

    Awarded the Jamnalal Bajaj Uchit Vyavahar Puraskar 2007- Certificate of

    Merit in the Financial Services category by Council for Fair Business Practices


    The Company has also won the DL Shah Quality Council of India

    Commendation Award in the services category in Feb. 2008 for its work on

    promoting 'self help channels for service'


    1) World Class Data Centre: -

    They plan to establish a Primary Data Centre at Navi Mumbai (Dhirubhai Ambani

    Knowledge City) which will cater to their company needs across India, with fail-over

    capability to their Chennai Data Centre within the same business day in occurance if an

    incident or Disaster happens.

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    2) Inter Office Connectivity: -

    All their Branch / Area and Regional offices will be interconnected to their Data Centre

    with a 24x7 access to Core Applications like Lotus Mail, Life-Asia and Internet

    Applications. This will enable their associates to work faster and better with high-speed

    Internet connectivity and also ensure faster Turn around Time for their customers.

    3) Customer Care Centre: -

    They will host a centralized Customer Care Centre at Dhirubhai Ambani Knowledge City

    at Navi Mumbai, which cater services to internal and external queries and

    complications. A customer Relationship Management Tool (CRM) and Lead

    Management System (LMS) are in progress.

    4) Web Portal: -

    This portal will be an interface between both internal employees and their external

    users. Some of the functions included in their portal are Policy Tracking Systems,

    Corporate News, Quality Checking System, Under Writing Medical System, and Agent

    Management System etc.

    5) R World: -Reliance Mobile R-World will provide online information about their Company, Products,

    and Policy Services to their existing customers, Agents/Advisors and Lead Generators.

    6) SMS Alerts: -

    SMS Alerts will be provided to their Sales Managers about the latest happenings like

    Contests and Campaigns, Employee Alerts will include Company News and

    Welcome/Birthday/Anniversary message etc. Customer Alerts will include

    Welcome/Birthday/Anniversary message, Policy Dispatch Details, Policy Servicing SMS

    like Premium Receipt and Renewal Premium reminders etc.

    7) Life and Group Asia: -

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    Single Life and Group Life details will be captured and managed by Life and Group

    Asia. A common middleware between these applications will enable Group Life

    Customers to view their individual Single Life Insurance Plan details taken with Reliance

    Life Insurance and vice versa.

    8) Advisor Lounge: -

    It is a dedicated area for Reliance Life Insurance Agents/Advisors in all the branches

    across India. This Lounge will be equipped with desktops and printers with Internet

    connectivity, where their Advisors can bring in the prospects and can have discussions

    across the table and they can create and print quotes. The Agents/Advisors can use this

    area to service their existing customers.

    9) Document Management System: -

    DMS will enable both policy issuance and contract servicing through an automated

    workflow, which yields a faster Turn around Time to both internal and external users.

    This application will enable them to have a paperless office and thus mitigate the risk of

    losing vital records/papers.

    10) Wireless Data Access: -This will enable identified Top Sales Managers and Top Advisors to access real time

    data for both LMS and CRM on the fly through Handheld PDA device.

    11) SAP ERP Modules: -

    SAP (Finance and HR Modules), will automate the Expense, Travel and Leave

    Management Systems.

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    Protection Plans:

    Protect your family even when youre not around by investing in Reliance

    Protection Plans. Choose a limited period plan or a lifetime protection plan depending

    on your needs

    In todays uncertain world, there could be calamity at every step of the life. It is up

    to you to ensure that your family stays protected always.

    Reliance Protection Plans helps you do exactly the same. You have a wide range

    of options to choose a plan from. Right from limited period plans to lifetime protection

    plans, you can opt for the one that suits your lifestyle.

    While we understand that nothing can compensate for the loss of a life, we intend

    to provide you the peace of mind. Investing in Reliance Protection Plans would mean

    your familys future is in safe hands.

    Protection Plans:

    Reliance Term Plan:
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    Invest in the Reliance Term Plan, a pure life insurance plan that offers you

    comprehensive and affordable coverage for a limited period of time to suit your needs.

    Key Features:

    Get higher insurance protection at economical rates

    Optional Accidental and Disablement Rider to enhance protection

    Economical way to protect your family against financial liabilities like loss of

    income and outstanding loans etc.

    Discount on premium rates for women

    Suitable for business owners who want to cover the life of their key employees.


    Make a smart investment move by investing in the cost-effective Reliance Simple

    Term Plan, which offers you comprehensive coverage for a specified period of time to

    suit your needs.


    Imagine a life insurance policy, which on maturity returns to you all the premiums

    you had paid for your basic policy. The Reliance Special Term Plan offers that and

    much more...

    Key Features:
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    Get higher insurance protection at economical rates

    Basic premiums paid will be refunded at maturity

    Choose to pay Regular or Single Premium

    Discount on premium rates for women

    Choose to add the Benefits of two riders to your Policy-Critical Illness and

    accidental Death Benefit and Total and Permanent Disablement Rider


    The Reliance Credit Guardian Plan secures your family from any loan liabilities

    you have incurred in case of your untimely demise. On survival at maturity, you will be

    returned all the premiums paid for the basic policy.

    Key Features:

    Different types of loans are covered under this Policy - Housing Loans, PersonalLoan, outstanding on credit cards etc.

    Limited premium paying term

    Single & Regular Premium payment option

    Discount on premium rates for women

    Decreasing term insurance

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    Invest in the Reliance Special Credit Guardian Plan and protect your family from

    any loan liabilities you have incurred. On survival at maturity, all premiums paid for the

    basic policy will be returned to you.

    Key Features:

    Different types of loans are covered under this plan - Housing Loan, Personal

    Loan, outstanding on credit cards etc.

    Limited premium paying term

    Single & Regular Premium payment option

    Discount on premium rates for women

    Decreasing term insurance

    Option to add two Riders Critical Illness and Accidental Death Benefit and Total

    and Permanent Disablement Rider.


    The Reliance Endowment Plan gives you financial independence by allowing you

    to decide the amount of Sum Assured based on your current financial position and

    expected future expenses Dream!

    Key Features:

    On maturity receive Sum Assured plus bonuses

    Wealth creation through bonus additions

    More Value for your money by way of High Sum Assured Rebate

    Choose to add the Benefit of three Riders-Reliance Term Life Insurance Benefit

    Rider, Reliance Critical Conditions Rider and Reliance Accidental Death and

    Total and Permanent Disablement Rider

    Choose to avail of Policy Loan after three years

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    Reliance life insurance policies


    Imagine an endowment plan that protects you for a certain period even after you

    have received your lump sumthat is exactly what the Reliance Super Five Plus offers

    you with other added benefits.

    Key Features:

    Twin Benefit of protection and savings

    Sum Assured is paid on survival, at the end of the Premium Paying Term

    Life Cover for full Sum Assured continues beyond Premium Paying Term

    Extended Life Cover for five years after Premium Paying Term

    Wealth creation through bonus additions

    More value for your money by way of High Sum Assured Rebate

    Choose to add the Benefit of two Riders - Critical Illness and Accidental Death

    Benefit and Total and Permanent Disablement Rider


    The Reliance Connect 2 Life Plan gives you the option to upgrade your life cover to

    keep pace with your changing lifestyle. As your income grows, your family will have

    sufficient cover.

    Key Features:

    Basic Benefits: Each Reliance Connect 2 Life Plan you purchase pays out the

    following benefits:

    Maturity Benefits:

    On survival of the life assured until maturity, the Plan pays the sum assured plus simple

    vested bonuses to the policyholder.

    Death Benefit:
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    Reliance life insurance policies


    In case of unfortunate death of the life assured before the maturity date, the Plan

    pays the sum assured plus simple vested bonuses to the nominee.

    Choice of two plans:

    At the time of initial purchase of Reliance Connect 2 Life Policy, you have two kinds of

    plans to choose from namely, Gold Plan and Silver Plan.

    The Reliance Connect 2 Life Gold Plan offers a life cover of Rs. 2, 00,000 initially. You

    may enhance your life cover to a maximum of Rs. 10, 00,000 in two stages by

    exercising your option...

    The Reliance Connect 2 Life Silver Plan offers a relatively lower life cover Rs.1, 00,000

    initially. You may enhance your life cover to a maximum of Rs. 5, 00,000 in two stages

    by exercising your option

    Options to enhance life cover:

    Under each of the above two plans, you have an option to enhance your life cover


    At the end of one year from the date of initial purchase of Reliance Connect 2 Life Gold

    / Silver Plan, you are entitled to enhance your life cover by exercising your option to

    purchase an additional Reliance Connect 2 Life Policy.

    Provided you have exercised your option to enhance life cover at the end of the first

    year, you are entitled to enhance your life cover again at the end of the second year by

    purchasing an additional Reliance Connect 2 Life Policy.

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    Reliance life insurance policies


    Give your family a lifetime of timely financial support by investing in the Reliance

    Whole Life Plan. This will help you enjoy your life to the fullest.

    Key Features:

    Insurance protection till age 85

    Choice of extending your insurance coverage till age 99

    Convenient Premium Payment Term

    Wealth creation through bonus additions

    More value for your money by way of High Sum Assured Rebate Get Sum

    Assured plus Bonuses in case of your unfortunate death

    Option to add two Riders Critical Illness and Accidental Death Benefit and Total

    and Permanent Disablement Rider

    Policy Loan available after three full years premium payment


    In life, you have always given your family whatever they have wanted. Yet, there are

    some promises you have to fulfill, such as taking your family for a vacation, or buying

    that dream house.

    Set aside some money to achieve these specific goals with the help of Reliance

    Savings & Investment Plans. The plan allows you to experience the joys of life and

    provide for your familys needs.

    Enjoy life without worrying about the promises you have madewe are here to fulfill


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    Reliance life insurance policies



    Reliance Premier Life:

    Reliance Premier Life prepares you for the surprises of life as well as provides you

    guaranteed security.

    Key Features:

    Choice of eight different funds to choose from, including a Pure Equity Fund &

    Sectoral Funds

    Liquidity through partial withdrawals

    Unmatched flexibility through switching, top-up's & premium redirection


    Death - Sum Assured plus Fund Value as on date of intimation of death.

    Maturity - Fund Value as on date of maturity


    Reliance Super Invest Assure is a complete plan which addresses your vital

    needs like Flexibility, Security, Investment Return and Financial Planning. With all its

    key benefits, it is here to ensure that there will always be more than you can ask for!

    Key features Reliance Super Invest Assure Plan:

    Twin benefit of market linked return and insurance protection.

    Guaranteed additions at the rate of 50% of your first years basic premium at

    interval of every 5 years from 10th year till policy is in force.

    Investment opportunity with flexibility -Choose from 8 pure investment fund

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    Reliance life insurance policies


    Option to pay Top-up premium(s).

    Liquidity in the form of partial withdrawals.

    A host of optional rider benefits to enhance protection cover.


    Reliance TIPS -Series I- Insurance is a Unit Linked Investment + Insurance Plan that

    helps you meet all your financial needs, without the complexity of managing multiple


    Key Features:

    This is a Single Premium unit linked savings life insurance plan with options to

    purchase the same plan with reduced allocation charges in subsequent policy

    years. Since more Premium is allocated towards investment due to lower

    allocation charges on subsequent purchases, greater would be the returns.

    Purchasing the same plan in the subsequent years is an option.

    1st purchase would be called as Classic

    2nd purchase would be called as Silver

    3rd purchase would be called as Gold

    4th purchase would be called as Diamond

    5th purchase would be called as Platinum
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    Reliance life insurance policies


    Once you purchase the first policy there will full flexibility, as to when second and

    subsequent purchase can be made and how much Premium should be paid for

    each purchase subject to the following:

    1. The minimum Premium on each purchase should be at least Rs. 25000 for life

    assured aged up to 40 and Rs. 50000 for life assured aged 41 to 64.

    2. The maturity date on each purchase cannot exceed 70 years.

    3. All the polices should mature on maturity date of the first purchase.

    4. The term of the polices purchased during second, third, fourth and fifth policy

    years will be 9, 8, 7 and 6 respectively.

    5. New policy can be purchased only if all the previous polices are in force on the

    date of purchase of new policy.

    Plan Objective:

    The pace setter plan with protection to life which gives

    Tax benefit under Sec. 80C and Sec. 10(10D)* of Income Tax Act 1961

    Investment opportunity with flexibility

    Life protection

    Control over your investments


    The Reliance Super Automatic Investment Plan is an enhanced unit linked plan

    that allows you to choose the right investment mix to reap maximum benefits. It alsoprovides you with enhanced Life Cover.

    Key Features Reliance Super Automatic Invest Plan

    Two plan options to choose from Ready-made & Tailor-made.
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    Reliance life insurance policies


    Life Stage asset allocation to ensure automatic change in investment patterns -

    under Ready-made Plan option.

    Freedom to decide your own fund mix based on your risk profile under Tailor-

    made Plan

    Allows Systematic transfer plan to average out the cost of unit purchases in


    Regular, limited, single premium paying options

    Unmatched flexibility through our Exchange Option to move between Reliance

    suite of unit linked products


    To reap the benefits of a rising market and to protect yourself from any market decline,

    invest in the unit linked Reliance Money Guarantee plan that gives you the perfect

    balance between Protection and Savings.

    Key Features:

    Capital Guarantee: The sum of all premiums paid is guaranteed on maturity or on

    death before the maturity.

    Capital Guarantee is available on both the basic premiums as well as on top-up


    Unique Return Shield feature to protect your returns

    Choice to invest from 3 pre-packaged investment fund options

    Unmatched flexibility through our Exchange Option to move between the

    Reliance Life Insurance Unit Linked products offered, as you grow up the ladder

    Liquidity in the form of partial withdrawals from top-up fund
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    Reliance life insurance policies


    Option to package with Accidental Death & Disability and Term Insurance riders


    Invest in the Reliance Cash Flow Plan and reap the dual benefits of a life insurance plan

    and easy liquidity through lump sum cash, which means you can get a percentage of

    the Sum Assured at periodic intervals.

    Key Features:

    Easy Liquidity - Get periodic cash flows at the end of the fourth year and

    thereafter at the end of every three years

    Wealth creation through bonus additions

    On maturity, receive accumulated bonuses along with final lump sum payout

    More value for your money by way of High Sum Assured Rebate

    Full Sum Assured plus bonuses in case of your unfortunate death. This is over

    and above the Survival Benefits already paid

    Option to add two Riders - Critical Illness Rider & Accidental Death Benefit and

    Total and Permanent Disablement Rider


    The Reliance Super Market Return Plan gives you insurance protection and

    allows you to benefit from investment growth. It works through your life and meets the

    changing requirements you may have from time to time.

    Key Features Reliance Super Market Return Plan:

    Twin benefit of market linked return and insurance protection
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    Reliance life insurance policies


    A Unit Linked Plan, different form traditional Life Insurance products, with

    maximum maturity age of 80 years

    Option to create your own portfolio depending on your risk appetite

    Choose form eight different investment funds

    Flexibility to switch between funds

    Option to pay regular as well as single premium & Top-ups

    Option to package policy with Reliance Major Surgical Benefit Rider, Reliance

    Critical Conditions (25) Rider, Reliance Term Life Insurance Benefit Rider,

    Reliance Accidental Death and Total and Permanent Disablement Rider

    Liquidity through partial withdrawals


    Imagine an endowment plan that protects you for a certain period even after you

    have received your lump sumthat is exactly what the Reliance Super Five Plus offers

    you with other added benefits.

    Key Features:

    Twin Benefit of protection and savings

    Sum Assured is paid on survival, at the end of the Premium Paying Term

    Life Cover for full Sum Assured continues beyond Premium Paying Term

    Extended Life Cover for five years after Premium Paying Term

    Wealth creation through bonus additions

    More value for your money by way of High Sum Assured Rebate
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    Reliance life insurance policies


    Choose to add the Benefit of two Riders - Critical Illness and Accidental Death

    Benefit and Total and Permanent Disablement Rider

    Choose to avail of a Policy Loan available after three full years of premium



    Realise all your dreams of playing golf, or going for a world tour after retirement by

    investing in the Reliance Super Golden Years Plan Value, which helps you generate the

    amount you will need for the future.

    Key Features:

    Invest systematically and secure your golden years

    It is a flexible unit-linked pension product different from traditional products with

    vesting age between 45 & 64 years

    Eight different investment funds to choose from

    Flexibility to advance your vesting age

    Flexibility to switch between funds

    Tax free commutation of up to one third of fund value at vesting age

    Life cover and optional Reliance Term Life Insurance Benefit Rider, Reliance

    Accidental Death and Total and Permanent Disablement Rider, Reliance Major

    Surgical Benefit Rider, Reliance Critical Conditions (25) Rider.


    Invest in the special Reliance Super Golden Years Plan Plus that not only helps you

    build the corpus you need after, but also collects a basic minimum amount in case

    something were to happen before you realise your dreams.
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    Reliance life insurance policies


    Key Features Reliance Super Golden Years Plan Plus:

    It is a flexible unit-linked pension product different from traditional products with

    vesting age between 45 & 64 years

    Invest systematically and secure your golden years

    Eight different investment funds to choose from

    Flexibility to advance your Vesting Age


    For the select few like you, Reliance Imaan Investment Plan is an enhanced Unit

    Linked plan addressing comprehensive needs to strike that perfect balance of

    Protection and Savings.

    Key Features Reliance Imaan Investment Plan:

    Regular and limited premium paying options

    Unmatched flexibility through our Exchange Option to move between Reliance

    suite of unit linked products

    Liquidity in the form of partial withdrawal.


    You are a young and earning individual. The income you earn allows you to enjoy

    life, your only worry being whether you will be able to continue the same lifestyle after


    A Reliance Retirement Plan will help you save money for your retirement. It

    ensures that you continue to get some income after retirement thereby ensuring that

    you do not have to depend on any other person or make any compromises to maintain

    the same lifestyle.
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    Reliance life insurance policies


    Invest in a Reliance Retirement Plan today and enjoy life after retirement on your

    own terms.

    Retirement Plans:

    Total Investment Plan II - Pension:

    When you invest in the Reliance Total Investment Plan, you give yourself the

    assurance that you will make each one of your dreams come true!

    Key Features

    This is a Single premium unit linked pension plan with options to purchase the same

    plan with reduced allocation charges in subsequent policy years. Since more premium

    is allocated towards investment due to lower allocation charges on subsequent

    purchases greater would be the returns. Purchasing the same plan in the subsequent

    years is an option.

    1st purchase would be called as Classic

    2nd purchase would be called as Silver

    3rd purchase would be called as Gold

    4th purchase would be called as Diamond

    5th purchase would be called as Platinum
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    Reliance life insurance policies


    Once the client purchases the first policy there will full flexibility for the client as

    to when second and subsequent purchase can be made and how much premium

    should be paid for each purchase subject to the following -

    The minimum premium on each purchase should be at least Rs. 25,000.

    The maturity date on each purchase cannot exceed 70 years.

    All the polices should mature on maturity date of the first purchase.

    The term of the polices purchased during second, third, fourth and fifth policy

    years will be 9, 8, 7 and 6 respectively.

    New policy can be purchased only if all the previous polices are in force on the

    date of purchase of new policy.

    Plan Objective:

    The pace setter plan with unmatched flexibility which gives

    Tax benefit under Sec. 80CCC of Income Tax Act 1961

    Investment opportunity with flexibility

    Control over your investments


    Invest in the Reliance Wealth Health Plan and balance your health needs and wealth

    needs, without compromising on either health or wealth.

    Key Feature:

    A Unit Linked plan with Unique Savings Component

    Twin benefit of market linked return and health protection

    Choose from two different plan options

    Flexibility to take care of your familys health

    Flexibility to switch between funds / plan options

    Option to pay Top-ups
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    Reliance life insurance policies


    Option to package with multiple riders

    Liquidity through partial withdrawals


    The Reliance Super Automatic Investment Plan is an enhanced unit linked plan that

    allows you to choose the right investment mix to reap maximum benefits. It also

    provides you with enhanced Life Cover.

    Key Features Reliance Super Automatic Invest Plan:

    Two plan options to choose from Ready-made & Tailor-made.

    Life Stage asset allocation to ensure automatic change in investment patterns -

    under Ready-made Plan option.

    Freedom to decide your own fund mix based on your risk profile under Tailor-

    made Plan

    Allows Systematic transfer plan to average out the cost of unit purchases in


    Regular, limited, single premium paying options

    Unmatched flexibility through our Exchange Option to move between Reliance

    suite of unit linked products


    To reap the benefits of a rising market and to protect yourself from any market

    decline, invest in the unit linked Reliance Money Guarantee plan that gives you the

    perfect balance between Protection and Savings.

    Key Features:

    Capital Guarantee: The sum of all premiums paid is guaranteed on maturity or on

    death before the maturity.
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    Reliance life insurance policies


    Capital Guarantee is available on both the basic premiums as well as on top-up


    Choice to invest from 3 pre-packaged investment fund options

    Unique Return Shield feature to protect your returns


    Being a parent is one of the joys of life. Your child looks up to you and depends on you

    for love, protection and support. You want to provide your child with the best in life.

    The Reliance Child Plan helps you save systematically so that you can secure your

    childs future needs. Be it higher education, his or her first home or any other

    requirement, you will always be there for your child when he or she needs you.

    So, invest in a Reliance Child Plan right awayit is the best gift you could ever give

    your child.

    Child Plans:

    Reliance Child Plan:

    Save systematically and secure the financial future of your child by investing in the

    Reliance Child Plan and let your child enjoy today without worrying about tomorrow.

    Risk protection for you during the term of the Policy

    Key Features:

    Accumulated bonus at the end of the Policy Term

    25% of Sum Assured payable every year as lump sum Benefit during the last

    four Policy Anniversaries
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    Reliance life insurance policies


    All future premiums are waived in the event of unfortunate loss of life

    Guaranteed Fixed Benefits continue even after loss of life of the Policy holder

    More value for your money by way of High Sum Assured Rebate

    Choose to add the Benefit of two Riders - Critical Illness and Accidental Death

    Benefit and Total and Permanent Disablement Rider

    Policy participates in profit even after the loss of life of the life Assured


    Reliance Life Insurance presents a unit linked insurance plan that secures your childs

    financial future, leaving you free from worry.

    Key Features Reliance Secure Child Plan:

    Insurance cover on the life of child

    Money at critical milestones in your child's career path - college education, higher

    education, marriage

    Your child is completely protected - we will continue to pay the premiums even if

    you are not alive

    Life time income to child in the event of disability

    Return Shield option to protect your investment returns

    Liquidity in the form of partial withdrawals
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    Reliance life insurance policies



    Now pay your premiums without any hassles! You have as many as nine convenient

    modes of payment to choose from. Take a look at the benefits of each and select a

    mode that suits you best.


    Pay online via credit card or net banking. Just log into your Lifeline account


    Pay your premiums on the go, in 3 easy steps! Temporarily this payment service is

    unavailable till further notice by RBI.


    Instruct your favorite bank to pay your premiums directly from your account!

    Credit Card

    Never miss a payment! Have your premium debited from your credit card on the due


    Easy Bill Outlets
  • 7/31/2019 Reliance Life Insurance Policy


    Reliance life insurance policies


    You have the option of paying your Renewal Premium by cheque at any of the Easy Bill

    Outlet located in your city.

    Nearest Branch

    Visit your nearest Reliance Life Insurance branch and pay over the counter!

    Bill Desk

    Pay Online, Log into your Billdesk account and authorize your payments.

    Bill Junction

    Pay Online, Log into your Bill Junction account and authorize your payments.

    Electronic Bill Payment Process

    Log into your Net Banking account and pay your Renewal Premium Online!


    Call 30338181 or 1800 3000 8181 (toll free) for paying your premium through your

    credit card. Please keep your Policy No. & Date of Birth handy.
  • 7/31/2019 Reliance Life Insurance Policy


  • 7/31/2019 Reliance Life Insurance Policy


    Reliance life insurance policies


    Here we can see from the diagram that LIC is the market leader and it commands the

    major part of the total life insurance market. Its market share was approximately 98%

    before 2000 but after the entry of private players it has significantly decreased... Among

    private players ICICI PRUDENTIAL stood first. It has the market share of approximately

    10% in the total market and it constitutes 40% of the market share among private

    players. HDFC Standard comes third. Reliance Life insurance Company Limited &SBI

    come fourth and fifth.


    Here questionnaire has been formed to study why people go for life insurance. What is

    peoples major motive behind investing in life insurance?

    Do they decide upon their own or they take guidance of an agent? What is their

    perception about Reliance Life Insurance Company Limited?


    There are 5 questions in the questionnaire.

    Target Population:-

    The target group was a mix of people from the society. The questions are asked

    Doctors, Professionals, Professors, Advocates, Engineers, and general public.

    Q.1 what is your main motive behind investing in life insurance?

    (a) Tax Benefit

    (b) Savings

    (c) Risk Cover

    (d) Return/Yield

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    Reliance life insurance policies


    Q.2 Rank the above motives according to your preference.







    1 21 3 24 1

    2 19 11 16 4

    3 8 25 7 10

    4 2 11 3 35










    TOTAL: 50

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    Reliance life insurance policies


    Q.3 how do you decide about investing in life insurance?

    (a) On my own

    (b) Family decision

    (c) Employer decides

    (d) As per the guidance of agent

    Q.4 which life insurance policy would you prefers to buy?

    (a) Term Assurance

    (b) Whole Life

    (c) Endowment

    ON MY












    TOTAL: 50

  • 7/31/2019 Reliance Life Insurance Policy


    Reliance life insurance policies


    (d) Combination of Whole Life and Endowment

    (e) Unit Linked

    Q.5 would you prefer Reliance Life Insurance or LIC for buying the life insurance


    (a) Reliance Life Insurance

    (b) LIC











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    Reliance life insurance policies







  • 7/31/2019 Reliance Life Insurance Policy


    Reliance life insurance policies



    SWOT analysis is the analysis of the internal and external factors, which have impact

    on the survival of any organization. Now lets make SWOT analysis for reliance Life

    Insurance Company Limited.


    1) Reliance Life Insurance Company Limited is the part of the Reliance Capital.2) The brand name is enough to sell the products easily.

    3) Private placement of Rs. 10,000 crs worth of securities with RBI by the government,

    led to an improvement in market securities.

    4) Strong liquidity from FII was the major reason for the up move.

    5) Range of products

    6) Reliance has a long and strong history of solvency, financial stability.


    1) Newly established company, so people seems it risky.

    2) Lack of staff.

    3) Lack of advertisement, so most of the customers are not aware of the Reliance Life





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    Reliance life insurance policies


    1) There is a vast untapped market in India. The life insurance penetration in India is

    approximately 2.5%. So it has large potential.

    2) Intention of traditional products is to encourage long term, regular and disciplined

    savings to systematically build up a target fund.

    3) The average insurance premium being collected by the company has been growing

    exponentially year on year.


    1) The main threat is from the other players who have grabbed approximately 15% of

    the market share.

    2) As the government has scrapped the rebate on the life insurance premium, the

    people who used to invest in life insurance for the sole motive of tax benefit may turn to

    other instruments.

  • 7/31/2019 Reliance Life Insurance Policy


    Reliance life insurance policies


    One of the top private sector ins