Relationship between pakistan and afghanistan

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Relationship between pakistan and afghanistan

Name:Barkat Ali


Pak Afghanistan Relations

Location of Afghanistan

History of Afghanistan

•Afghanistan(land of afghan) is a mountainous country in central Asia with a history and culture.•If we go 5000 years back•In the ancient times , the land was called Aryana by inhabitants.•In middle era , it was called Khorasan , and in modern times,afghan people have decided to call it Afghanistan

Geography of AfghanistanIt is located in North of Asia.Seven neighboring countriesa

Pak Afghan relation

The relations were began since 1947.Pakistan and Afghanistan have much common relations. They not only share the same frontier but they have inherited common historical culture and religion traditionsBoth are neighboring countries.Both countries are Islamic .

Pakistan and Afghanistan are part of south Asian association for regional corporation (SAARC).

Embassy of Pakistan is in Kabul and Embassy of Afghanistan is in Islamabad.

Both countries face significant challenges in their respective security Political and Economic over coming years

Durand Line:

The Pakistan-Afghan boundary was drawn in 1893 by Sir Mortimer Durand.

The boundary was accepted by the king of Afghanistan in1893.

The definition of this boundary, called the Durand Line.

Trade Agreement•The Afghanistan–Pakistan Transit Trade Agreement (APTTA) trade agreement between Pakistan and Afghanistan has been signed in 1950, gave Afghanistan the right to import duty-free goods through Karachi.

Major exports of Pak to Afghan

Pakistan is Afghanistan’s largest trading partner,while Afghanistan is Pakistan’s second largest export market.

i. Rice ii. Petrolium iii. Cementiv. Vegitablesv. Fruitsvi. Plastic articlesvii. Chemical productsviii. Wheatix. Electrical goodsx. Leather products

Musharaf visits to Afghanistan

President Musharaf’s visit to Afghanistan in April 2002 and announcement of 100 million dollars for renstruction of Afghanistan.Support in Election:Pakistan also provided full support for the peaceful conduct of presidential and parliamentary polls in October 2004.

Pak Afghan relation in Asif Ali Zardari:

President Zardari made his first trip to Afghanistan in January 2009 for finishing to terrism.

In September 2010,Afghan president Hamid karzai traveled to Pakistan addressing new tactics to militancy.


Peaceful economic cooperation between Afghanistan and Pakistan and improved trade and transit facilities would help connect South Asia with Central Asia.

The Govt: of pakistan need to make further arrangements for mutually beneficial trade relations.

In last pakistan govt and afghanistan govt are trying to develop good relationship between each other.