Reinventing Jesus Christ - Spiritual Research Network · Neale Donald Walsch and Conversations with...

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Transcript of Reinventing Jesus Christ - Spiritual Research Network · Neale Donald Walsch and Conversations with...

ReinventingJesus Christ

The New Gospel

Warren Smith

Conscience Press, Ravenna, OhioCopyright © 2002 by Warren Smith. All rights reserved.No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission inwriting from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied incritical articles or reviews.

All Scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

Cover illustration and graphic design by Colin A. LesliePublished 2002Printed in the United States of America.

The author and publisher receive no profits from this book. Distributed solelyby Discernment Ministries, P.O. Box 254, High Bridge, NJ 08829�0254.Individual copies $7.00 each plus $1.50 shipping and handling. Write for bulkdiscounts.

ContentsPreface ..................................................................................................... 5Introduction ........................................................................................... 7

1. Helen Schucman and A Course in Miracles .............................. 92. Barbara Marx Hubbard and The Revelation ........................... 143. Neale Donald Walsch and Conversations with God ............. 204. Wayne Peterson and Maitreya ................................................... 265. The Light that was Dark ............................................................. 336. The Global Renaissance Alliance .............................................. 407. The “New Gospel” Campaign for Peace .................................. 458. The Armageddon Alternative .................................................... 549. The “New Gospel” Doctrine of Separation .............................. 60

10. The Silent Church ........................................................................ 6611. The Final Word............................................................................. 7112. Epilogue ........................................................................................ 79

Endnotes ............................................................................................... 82Bibliography ......................................................................................... 85

Beloved, when I gave all diligence to writeunto you of the common salvation, it was

needful for me to write unto you, andexhort you that ye should earnestly con-

tend for the faith which was oncedelivered unto the saints.

—Jude 3

In 1992 I wrote a book about my experiencesin the metaphysical “new age” movement.The book was entitled The Light That WasDark. I wrote the book because I wanted towarn people about the incredibly deceptiveteachings of the “new age.” From my ownexperience I knew just how powerfully se-ductive the spirit world is and how appeal-ing its false teachings can be.

At the end of my book I warned thatChristian believers were becoming in-volved in some of these same teachings anddeceptions. Spiritual deception is not justsomething that happens to unbelievers. Theapostle Paul went to great lengths to warnthe Corinthians not to be deceived by a“Jesus” that wasn’t Jesus Christ the Son ofGod, a spirit that wasn’t the Holy Spirit anda gospel that was not the true biblical Gos-pel (2 Corinthians 11:4). Throughout theNew Testament, believers are continuallywarned not to be deceived by spiritualteachings and experiences that are not fromGod. Jesus Christ specifically warned hisdisciples that spiritual deception would bea sign of the end (Matthew 24:3–4).

Today it is very sad to see so manybelievers falling under the influence of thesame spirit that influenced me when I wasin the “new age.” This spirit says that it is atime for “breakthroughs” and for the ful-fillment of our “destiny”; that there is some-thing “new” and exciting in the wind. Thisteaching claims that we are in the midst ofa great “transition” that will result in a“paradigm shift,” and that through “newrevelation” and “personal experience” God

is in the process of taking the church to a“new dimension” and to a whole “newlevel.” Many Christian leaders these daysare so sure that what they are hearing andexperiencing is from God, they are rarelytesting the spirits, or even considering thepossibility that they are being deceived.

The first century Bereans tested theirleaders and tested their teachings as they“searched the scriptures daily” to see“whether those things were so” (Acts 17:11).Apostles, prophets, pastors, and teacherswere always subject to God’s holy Word.“New revelation” never nullified nor super-seded scripture. The Bereans were not im-pressed by supernatural power and spiri-tual experiences that had not been testedby the Word of God. They did not dependon signs and wonders and miracles. Theydepended on the authority and reliabilityand trustworthiness of Scripture:

All scripture is given by inspiration ofGod, and is profitable for doctrine, forreproof, for correction, for instruction inrighteousness. (2 Timothy 3:16)

Paul taught that if he or anyone elsepreached any other gospel — “new revela-tion” or otherwise — that person should becompletely disregarded (Galatians 1:8). TheBible warns over and over again that weshould not allow ourselves to be influencedor intimidated by teachings that originatenot from God but from the spirit world andfrom the hearts of men. “Now the Spiritspeaketh expressly, that in the latter timessome shall depart from the faith, givingheed to seducing spirits, and doctrines ofdevils” (1 Timothy 4:1). “Howbeit in vaindo they worship me, teaching for doctrinesthe commandments of men” (Mark 7:7).

What had been called “new age” isnow being presented as “new gospel.”These “new gospel” teachings are not newand have actually been around for centu-ries in one form or another. Whether it was


Preface � 5

ancient gnosticism, the occultic teachings ofHelena Blavatsky (1831–1891) and Alice A.Bailey (1880–1949), or the present day “newgospel” channelings, the bottom line hasalways been the same — everyone is a partof God.

Reinventing Jesus Christ

According to the “new gospel,” Christis not a person. It is an office. The “newgospel” teaches that while Jesus of Nazarethoccupied the office during His active min-istry, He no longer holds that same posi-tion. Today the office of “Christ” is occu-pied by someone else. And this “someoneelse” is presently in the process of establish-ing contact with humanity. This “Christ”intimates that he is already in the worldawaiting mankind’s call.

Concerned that humanity is in periland facing possibly extinction, this “Christ”explains that his “new gospel” will unifythe world’s major religions and bring peaceto the world. He has communicated these“new gospel” teachings to his designatedteachers, who in turn are now conveyingthese same teachings to the rest of theworld.

This “reinvented” Christ of the “newgospel” teaches that all of humanity is thebody of Christ. He, as the “Christ,” is thehead. This “Christ” states humanity’s di-lemma is that we have forgotten who weare. We are not “sinners” separate fromGod. We are all part of the one body ofChrist and the one body of God. Salvationdoes not come by grace from accepting JesusChrist as the Son of God. Rather it is achieved— when we accept ourselves as Christ andwhen we accept ourselves as God.

The “new gospel” teaches that whenhumanity collectively accepts and experi-ences itself as being a part of Christ and apart of God, we not only save ourselves, wesave our world. The “Christ” of the “newgospel” warns that the hour is late. Peacemust come. He will help. He has a plan. Buteveryone must play their part.

With “new revelation,” often accom-panied by direct personal spiritual experi-ence, people are being taught that becausethey are a part of God they are actually “at-one” with God and all creation. This “newgospel” teaches when people have what isdescribed as their “God potential” or“Christ within” supernaturally “activated,”they actually experience themselves as apart of the “one body” of God which is allmankind. As these same people unite andjoin together in remembering and experi-encing their “oneness” with God and witheach other, they feel they are doing the“work” that is necessary to prepare the wayfor Christ’s return.

The need for discernment

Unfortunately, undiscerning Christianleaders have not adequately exposed these“new gospel” teachings and, as a result, thespirit behind the “new gospel” has enteredthe Church.

The Bible warns us not to be ignorantof our adversary’s schemes and devices sothat we will not fall prey to his deceptivetraps (“Lest Satan should get an advantageof us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.”2 Corinthians 2:11). Scripture also tells usthat while “it is a shame” we even have totalk about these things, it is important thatwe expose them and bring them to the light(Ephesians 5:11–13).

Because of my own involvement with“new age/new gospel” teachings, and inlight of the many Scriptures warning us notto be deceived and urging us to expose de-ception, I will attempt to update believerson the accelerated spiritual deception thathas been taking place. Hopefully, by pro-viding a general survey of this “new gos-pel” deception, believers will be more dis-cerning when — in the form of prophetic“new revelations” — these same teachingstry to move into their lives and into theirchurches.

6 � Reinventing Jesus Christ

I marvel that ye are so soon removed fromhim that called you into the grace of Christunto another gospel: Which is not another;

but there be some that trouble you, andwould pervert the gospel of Christ.

—Galatians 1:6-7

There is an amazing thing happening in theland. Jesus Christ is being “reinvented” infront of our own eyes and hardly anyoneseems to notice or care. “Reinvented” is aterm now being popularly used to describethe transformation of something from oneform into a thing uniquely different. Best-selling authors David Osborne and TedGaebler, in the preface of their book Rein-venting Government, state:

We have chosen an audacious title forthis book.... The idea of reinventing gov-ernment may seem audacious to thosewho see government as somethingfixed, something that does not change.But in fact governments constantlychange.1

The authors then proceed to introducea plan for “reinventing government” whichignores and circumvents the constitutionalform of government in America. In likemanner, the architects and promoters of a“new gospel” and new “Christ” are auda-ciously ignoring God’s Word. They are in-venting a “Christ” of antichrist proportions.

Over the last twenty-five years, whiletraditional Christian believers were sleep-ing, a vastly underrated adversary hasmade significant gains in the spiritual mar-ketplace. In a gradual series of well-con-ceived and perfectly timed moves, this in-genious spiritual being has already intro-duced himself to the world as “Christ.” Andhis “new gospel” is now accepted by mil-

lions of well-intentioned people around theworld. Through his extraordinary use of themass media, this “Christ” has presented his“new gospel” through a small but power-ful network of key people who enthusiasti-cally proclaim his teachings. Convincedtheir “Christ” is the true Christ, most ofthose in the network seem to be unawareof his real identity. While the network frontline is eagerly mainstreaming his “new gos-pel,” this “Christ” has been able to remainin the background, overseeing his plan tobirth a new humanity — a new humanitythat will be empowered by his spirit, com-mitted to his teachings, and from which hewill one day emerge.

The Bible warns about deception

In the Bible Jesus teaches that in thelatter days a spiritual imposter will emergefrom the world (Matthew 24:15; Revelation13:1–8). Jesus warns his followers not to bedeceived by the many false prophets andfalse Christs that will precede and preparethe way for this ultimate deceiver (Matthew24:24). The Bible warns its readers to testthe spirits because there are many falseprophets in the world and the spirits behindthem are not from God (1 John 4:1). Scrip-ture warns that these very real, deceptive,evil spirits tempt men to forsake the trueGospel of Jesus Christ to follow the falseteachings of His adversary (Ephesians 6:10–12; 1 Timothy 4:1). And Scripture describeshow an extremely charismatic spiritualleader will one day deceive most of theworld into thinking that he is Christ. Butwhile pretending to be Christ, this antichristfigure will actually oppose Jesus Christ (2Thessalonians 2: 1–9).


Introduction � 7

Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the lattertimes some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to

seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.—1 Timothy 4:1

1Helen Schucman andA Course in Miracles

In 1965 Columbia University Professor ofMedical Psychology, Helen Schucman,heard an “inner voice” saying, “This is acourse in miracles. Please take notes.”1

Schucman’s initial resistance was overcomewhen the “inner voice,” identifying itselfas “Jesus,” told her the purpose of theCourse [i.e., A Course in Miracles, ed.]:

The world situation is worsening to analarming degree. People all over theworld are being called on to help, andare making their individual contribu-tions as part of an overall prearrangedplan. Part of the plan is taking down ACourse in Miracles, and I am fulfilling mypart in the agreement, as you will fulfillyours. You will be using abilities youdeveloped long ago, and which you arenot really ready to use again. Becauseof the acute emergency, however, theusual slow, evolutionary process is be-ing by-passed in what might best bedescribed as a “celestial speed-up.”2

And Jesus answered and said unto them,Take heed that no man deceive you. For

many shall come in my name, saying, I amChrist; and shall deceive many.

—Matthew 24:4–5

Helen Schucman and A Course in Miracles � 9

Baffled by her assignment, but never-theless obliging, the skeptical Schucmandiligently took dictation from this “innervoice.” In the seven and a half years of cu-mulative dictation that became A Course inMiracles, Schucman’s “Jesus” presents awhole new way of looking at the world.Using Christian terminology, sophisticatedpsychology, and convincing authority,Schucman’s “Jesus” teaches a completelydifferent gospel than the one found in theBible. His “new gospel” wholly contradictsthe Bible’s Gospel of Jesus Christ.Schucman’s “inner voice,” while claimingto be Jesus, actually opposes everything forwhich the Bible’s Jesus stands.

In brief, A Course in Miracles teachesthat all is love. And while the Courseteaches that the opposite of love is fear, itexplains that fear is just an illusion basedon wrong thinking. It states that the worldwe see is merely the projected manifesta-tion of our own illusive, fearful thoughts.As each one of us learns to correct our fear-ful, wrong thinking, it will change not onlyhow we see the world, but also change theworld we see. The purpose of the Course isto facilitate this change in perception.

According to the Course, love is allthere is. And because God is love, God istherefore in everyone and everything. Be-cause God is sinless, perfect, and “at one”with all creation, then we, as a part of God,are also sinless and perfect in our “oneness”with Him. Man’s only “sin” is in not re-membering his own perfect, sinless, divinenature. The only “devil” is our illusion thatwe are separate from, and not a part of, God.The Course tells its readers that a “sense ofseparation from God is the only lack youreally need correct.”3

The Course teaches that while “Christ”is in Jesus, so “Christ” is in everyone — andthat the “Christ” in everyone is their divineconnection with God and with each other.The Course teaches that a “slain Christ hasno meaning.”4 It states that wrong thinkinghas produced the “misperception” that man

is a “sinner” and that he needs an externalChrist to save him from his “sins.” TheCourse teaches that correcting our“misperceptions” has nothing to do withJesus’ death on the cross. Correction comesfrom what the Course calls the “Atone-ment” (“at-one-ment”).

This “Atonement,” or “atoning,” iswhen each person remembers and affirmsand experiences their “oneness” (at-one-ment) with God and creation. The “Atone-ment” is the Course’s key to undoing “fear”and dispelling the illusion that man is“separate” from God. The Course stressesthat the healing of the world is dependentupon each person’s fulfilling their atone-ment “function” to teach this “oneness” tothe world. When everyone comes to under-stand that “all is love and all is God” then“inner peace” and world peace will finallyhappen. Only “fear” and the illusion of“separation” stand in the way of man’s at-taining this peace for himself and his world.

A Course in Miracles was published in1975. In 1979 psychiatrist GeraldJampolski’s book, Love Is Letting Go of Fear,became a powerful testimonial and catalystfor Course sales as it helped introduceCourse principles to the popular self-helpmarket. During the 1980s, the Coursegained a grassroots following of dedicatedbelievers who were often mysteriously ledto the Course through unusual “meant tobe” coincidences and circumstances. It wasalways assumed that these “meant to be”experiences were divinely inspired. Overtime, curiosity and interest in the Coursegrew and it became a cult classic for thosein the spiritual “know.” Believed to be mod-ern day revelation, this apparent “gift fromGod” presented new and seemingly plau-sible reinterpretations to the teachings of theBible. Because of the Course, spiritualitysuddenly seemed to make much more senseto many people. Yet, even as word spread,the Course still remained relatively un-known to the general public.

10 � Reinventing Jesus Christ

Mainstreaming “Christ”

That all changed in 1992 when a littleknown author named MarianneWilliamson and her new book, A Return toLove: Reflections on the Principles of A Coursein Miracles, were featured on The OprahWinfrey Show. Praising Williamson’s bookabout the Course, Oprah told her viewersthat she had already purchased a thousandcopies of Williamson’s book.5

After Oprah’s enthusiastic endorse-ment, A Return to Love shot to the top of TheNew York Times bestseller list and stayedthere for months. The “Christ” of A Coursein Miracles was suddenly out of the closet.He and his “new gospel” had just beenmainstreamed into millions of Americanhomes. Thanks to Oprah, MarianneWilliamson and the “Christ” of A Course inMiracles now had celebrity status. But dur-ing the interview that day, Williamson andOprah failed to mention that the “Jesus” ofthe Course is not the same Jesus Christ de-scribed in the Bible — and that the teach-ings of A Course in Miracles actually contra-dict and oppose the teachings of the Bible.

Over the past decade, Williamson hascontinued to champion A Course in Miraclesin the media and in her public appearancesaround the country. A more recent book,Healing the Soul of America, has enabledWilliamson and the Course to make a subtletransition into the political arena. Hopingto inspire a “new gospel” approach to na-tional and world problems, Williamson,along with bestselling Conversations withGod author Neale Donald Walsch, co-founded The Global Renaissance Alliance.Many well-known “new gospel” advocatesand Course proponents have been recruitedto serve in the Alliance. In fact, one of theAlliance board members, in much the samemanner as Helen Schucman, says she tooreceived “new revelation” from an “innervoice” claiming to be Christ. That boardmember’s name is Barbara Marx Hubbard.

�ACourse InMiracles

Direct quotes from the �Jesus�of The Course


There is no separation of God and His cre-ation. (Text, p. 147)

God is All in all in a very literal sense. All beingis in Him Who is all Being. You are therefore inHim since your being is His. (Text, p. 119)


The recognition of God is the recognition ofyourself. (Text, p. 147)

When God created you He made you part ofHim. (Text, p. 100)

Everyone God created is part of you andshares His Glory with you. (Text, p. 174)


Is he [Jesus] the Christ? O yes, along withyou. His little life on earth was not enough toteach the mighty lesson that he learned for allof you. (Manual, p. 87)

Name of Jesus

The Name of Jesus Christ as such is but asymbol�. It is a symbol that is safely used asa replacement for the many names of all thegods to which you pray. (Manual, p. 58)


Christ is God�s Son as He created Him. He isthe Self we share, uniting us with one another,and with God as well. (Workbook, p. 431)

For Christ takes many forms with differentnames until their oneness can be recognized.(Manual, p. 88)

Christ is the link that keeps you one withGod�. (Workbook, p. 431)

Helen Schucman and A Course in Miracles � 11


Do not make the patheticerror of �clinging to the oldrugged cross.� The onlymessage of the crucifixion isthat you can overcome thecross. Until then you are freeto crucify yourself as often asyou choose. This is not theGospel I intended to offeryou. (Text, p. 52)

The journey to the crossshould be the last �uselessjourney.� �If you can acceptit as your own last uselessjourney, you are also free tojoin my resurrection. Untilyou do so your life is indeedwasted. (Text, p. 52)

The crucifixion did notestablish the Atonement; theresurrection did. Manysincere Christians havemisunderstood this.(Text, p. 36)

For the undoing of thecrucifixion of God�s Son is thework of the redemption, inwhich everyone has a part ofequal value. (Text, p. 209)

The song of Easter is the gladrefrain the Son of God wasnever crucified. (Text, p. 428)


If all His creations are HisSons, every one must be anintegral part of the wholeSonship. The Sonship in itsoneness transcends the sumof its parts. (Text, p. 33)

We cannot be separated.Whom God has joined cannotbe separated, and God hasjoined all His Sons withHimself. (Text, p. 150)

The oneness of the Creatorand the creation is your

wholeness, your sanity andyour limitless power.(Text, p. 125)


The mind can make the beliefin separation very real andvery fearful, and this belief isthe �devil.� (Text, p. 50)


This is not a course inphilosophical speculation, noris it concerned with preciseterminology. It is concernedonly with Atonement, or thecorrection of perception.(Manual, p. 77)

By accepting the Atonementfor yourself, you are decidingagainst the belief that youcan be alone, thus dispellingthe idea of separation andaffirming your true identifica-tion with the whole Kingdomas literally part of you.(Text, p. 131)

The full awareness of theAtonement, then, is therecognition that the separa-tion never occurred.(Text, p. 98)

Yet you cannot abide inpeace unless you accept theAtonement, because theAtonement is the way topeace. (Text, p. 175)

The Atonement is the finallesson he [man] need learn,for it teaches him that, neverhaving sinned, he has noneed of salvation.(Text, p. 237)

�Atoning� means �undoing.�The undoing of fear is anessential part of the Atone-ment value of miracles.(Text, p. 5)


Revelation unites you directlywith God. (Text, p. 7)

Revelation induces onlyexperience. (Text, p. 7)

When revelation of youroneness comes, it will beknown and fully understood.(Workbook, p. 324)


You are not persecuted, norwas I. (Text, p. 94)


There is no sin; it has noconsequence.(Workbook, p. 183)


Innocence is wisdom becauseit is unaware of evil, and evildoes not exist. (Text, p. 38)


All forms of anti-Christoppose the Christ.(Text, p. 620)


The �devil� is a frighteningconcept because he seems tobe extremely powerful andextremely active. He isperceived as a force incombat with God, battlingHim for possession of Hiscreations. The devil deceivesby lies, and builds kingdomsin which everything is indirect opposition to God. Yethe attracts men rather thanrepels them, and they arewilling to �sell� him theirsouls in return for gifts of noreal worth. This makesabsolutely no sense.(Text, p. 49�50)

12 � Reinventing Jesus Christ

�Marianne WilliamsonDirect quotes fromA Return to Love

On popularityof her book

For that, my deepest thanksto Oprah Winfrey. Herenthusiasm and generosityhave given the book, and me,an audience we would neverotherwise have had. (p. ix)


To remember that you arepart of God, that you areloved and lovable, is notarrogant. It�s humble. Tothink you are anything else isarrogant, because it impliesyou�re something other thana creation of God. (p. 30)

We are holy beings, individualcells in the body of Christ.(p. 32)

We are who God created usto be. We are all one, we arelove itself. �Accepting theChrist� is merely a shift inself-perception. (p. 32)


Even if he takes anothername, even if he takesanother face, He is in essencethe truth of who we are. Ourjoined lives form the mysticalbody of Christ. (p. 296)

Jesus and other enlightenedmasters are our evolutionaryelder brothers. (p. 42)


The concept of a divine, or�Christ� mind, is the ideathat, at our core, we are notjust identical, but actually thesame being. �There is onlyone begotten Son� doesn�tmean that someone else wasit, and we�re not. It meanswe�re all it. There�s only oneof us here. (p. 30�31)

You and I have the Christ-mind in us as much as Jesusdoes. (p. 42)


But we can bypass thescenario of a nuclear Arma-geddon if we so desire. Mostof us have already sufferedour own personal Armaged-dons. There�s no need to gothrough the whole thingagain collectively. (p. 82)


Meditation is time spent withGod in silence and quietlistening. It is the time duringwhich the Holy Spirit has achance to enter into ourminds and perform His divinealchemy. (p. 281)

Miracle worker

To become a miracle workermeans to take part in aspiritual underground that�srevitalizing the world, partici-pating in a revolution of theworld�s values at the deepestpossible level. That doesn�tmean you announce this toanyone. (p. 68)

Helen Schucman and A Course in Miracles � 13

Self-described futurist and “conscious evo-lutionist” Barbara Marx Hubbard writesthat in 1966 she heard an “inner voice” thatcame in response to a question she hadasked aloud and directed to God — “Whatis our story? What in our age is comparableto the birth of Christ?” After asking thequestion she said she fell into a dreamlikestate and was given an intense vision of thefuture.1

In the vision Hubbard saw the earthfrom a distance. She was made to under-stand that the earth was a living body andthat she was a cell in its body. Feeling her“oneness” with the earth, she experiencedits pain and confusion. When her visionabruptly fast-forwarded into the future, shecould see the earth and its people were nowsurrounded by a radiant light. She watchedas the whole planet was “aligned” in “amagnetic field of love” and lifted up by thebrilliant light. Widespread healings took

2Barbara Marx Hubbardand The Revelation

For we have not followed cunninglydevised fables, when we made known unto

you the power and coming of our LordJesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses

of his majesty.—2 Peter 1:16

14 � Reinventing Jesus Christ

place as individuals experienced the merg-ing of their own “inner light” with thebright light that was surrounding them. Atremendous force emanating from the lightsent powerful currents of joyful energy “rip-pling” through the body of humanity. Theworld celebrated as all the Earth was bornagain. The pain and confusion were gone.Love had prevailed. The “inner voice” toldher to spread the message of the vision. Itsaid:

Our story is a birth. It is the birth of hu-mankind as one body. What Christ andall great beings came to Earth to revealis true. We are one body, born into thisuniverse. GO TELL THE STORY OFOUR BIRTH… Barbara!2

In 1977 Hubbard began to hear this“inner voice” regularly. At one point shewas told:

Have utter faith in my design. Achievedeep peace. Be prepared for a great forceto enter your life to do this work. It can-not enter till you have achieved deeppeace. Your reward for peace, which canonly be achieved by faith, is contact withthe great force and the other forces wait-ing in the wings.3

On Christmas Day in 1979, she had arevelation that the presence in her 1966 vi-sion had been “Christ.”4 Then in Februaryof 1980, at an Episcopalian monastery inSanta Barbara, California, she describes howin the midst of “an electrifying presence oflight” her higher self “voice” transformedinto the “Christ voice.”5 Over the comingmonths the “Christ voice” gave her moreinformation and insight about the vision shehad in 1966 and more first-hand detail aboutwhat would one day be taking place in theworld. Hubbard understood that it was hermission to continue telling the story ofhumanity’s “birth.”

Since 1966 Hubbard has fulfilled hercommission from “Christ” to tell his “newgospel” story. From NASA to the formerUSSR, from the Georgia State Legislatureto the United Nations, she has spoken to

thousands of people and hundreds ofgroups and organizations about the “plan-etary birth experience” she had been shownin her vision. In the process she has becomea respected “world citizen,” known andloved by many for her insights about “God”and “Christ” and the future of humanity.

Hubbard is a co-founding board mem-ber of the World Future Society.6 In 1976 sheseriously contemplated a run for the U.S.presidency.7 In 1984 her name was placedin nomination for Vice-President at theDemocratic National Convention in SanFrancisco.8 Her speech, based on her “Cam-paign for a Positive Future,” was carriedlive on C-Span.9 Today she is on a first namebasis with many world leaders and proudlydescribes herself as part of “the New Orderof the Future.”10 Her last three books werefunded by her “benefactor,” Laurance S.Rockefeller, through his Fund for the En-hancement of the Human Spirit. She thanksRockefeller in her books for his generoussupport over the years. And she specificallythanks him for his “intuition about the‘Christ of the 21st Century’.”11

The Alternative to Armageddon

Through the years Hubbard has re-ceived voluminous information from her“Christ.” In her 1993 book, The Revelation:Our Crisis Is a Birth (later renamed The Rev-elation: A Message of Hope for the New Mil-lennium), Hubbard and “Christ” “rewrite”the Bible’s Book of Revelation. In The Rev-elation Hubbard’s “Christ” provides specificinstructions on how a united humanity,purposefully partnering with God, can lit-erally re-create the future. Hubbard’s Christteaches that the “violent” Armageddonscript described in the Bible does not haveto happen, that it is only a “possible” fu-ture, emphasizing that a more “positive” fu-ture can and will manifest when humanity— without exception — openly declares its“oneness” with him and all creation. Thispositive scenario and the means to attain-ing it is called “the alternative to Armaged-don.”12

Barbara Marx Hubbard and The Revelation � 15

Hubbard’s “Christ” describes howplanet Earth is at an evolutionary cross-roads. He states that the world is about tomake an evolutionary leap that will take allcreation to a new level. Those who awakento their own divinity, by aligning them-selves as one with God and one with eachother, will evolve. Those who continue tobelieve in “fear” and “separation,” ratherthan in “love” and “oneness,” will notevolve. Hubbard’s “Christ” claims that withhis help most of mankind will choose toevolve, calling this evolutionary leap “thePlanetary Birth Experience.”13 He refers toit as the coming time of “Planetary Pente-cost.”14 The “birth experience” is a sharedevent in the future, an “Instant of Co-op-eration,”15 when everyone on the planet willbe mysteriously changed in “the twinklingof an eye,” as humanity is collectively bornagain into a new creation. Those who evolvewill actually become a new species as Homosapiens is collectively transformed into Homouniversalis, or the “Universal Humanity.”16

The “Universal Humanity” will live to-gether as a community of “natural Christs”in the “New Heaven” on the “New Earth”that is the “New Jerusalem.”17

The “Selection Process”

But Hubbard’s “Christ,” while describ-ing the “birth experience” and affirming hislove for all mankind, nevertheless warnsthat there will be no place in the “NewJerusalem” for those who refuse to seethemselves and others as a part of God. Hedescribes, therefore, the necessity of a “se-lection process” that will select out resis-tant individuals who “choose” not toevolve. This “selection process” is a “puri-fication” that will be accomplished through“the shock of a fire.”18

“Christ” states that those who seethemselves as “separate” and not divinehinder humanity’s ability to spirituallyevolve. Those who deny their own “divin-ity” are “cancer cells” in the body of God.19

“Christ” warns that a healthy body must

have no cancer cells. Cancer cells must behealed or completely removed from thebody. He describes the means of removalas the “selection process.” The “selectionprocess” results in the deaths of those whorefuse to see themselves as a part of God.

After the “selection process” the spiritbodies of the departed individuals will con-tinue to be “purified” in the spirit realm.Hubbard’s “Christ” emphasizes that theywill not be given another physical body andthey will not be able to rejoin humanity untilthey rid themselves of all “self-centeredness.” He defines “self-centeredness” as “the illusion” that one is“separate” from God. The self-centeredtemptation to see oneself as “separate,” andnot as a part of God, is “evil” and must be“overcome.” He also refers to self-centeredness, or this illusion of separate-ness, as “Satan.”

In the future described by Hubbard’s“Christ” anyone who refuses to see them-selves and others as “God” and “Christ”will be removed by the “selection process.”Those professing Jesus Christ as their Lordand Saviour would be subject to this pro-cess, as would traditional Jews, Muslimsand all others who refuse to see themselvesas a part of God.

The Global Renaissance Alliance

Barbara Marx Hubbard, politicallywell-connected and extremely influential,is a major figure in the emerging field of“new gospel” politics. Her “Campaign fora Positive Future” is still going strong. Andher formal involvement with MarianneWilliamson, Neale Donald Walsch andother “new gospel” leaders in The GlobalRenaissance Alliance represents a new kindof spiritual activism that is rapidly devel-oping into a social and political movement.Hubbard’s continued political ambitionsare possibly evidenced in an article shewrote in a recently published book entitledImagine: What America Could Be in the 21stCentury. In the article, a woman very close

16 � Reinventing Jesus Christ

to her own description becomes Presidentof the United States after a successful cam-paign for a “positive future.” Hercharacter’s campaign embraces the slogan“Resolve to Evolve — The Only Solution isOur Evolution.” This president is unique inthat she is the lead person in a first timeever team presidency.20

Hubbard, through her writings andlifelong spiritual and political lobbying,continues to implement the teachings andprinciples she received from her “Christ.”She is presently dedicated to the process ofincorporating these “new gospel” teachingsinto her own local community of Santa Bar-bara, California. With high hopes that herSanta Barbara “seed group”21 will becomea working model for other communitiesaround the world, Hubbard will no doubtbe looking for opportunities to showcaseher project.

The fact that Oprah Winfrey recentlybought a home in the Santa Barbara areashould definitely increase Hubbard’schances of getting some exposure. In a “newage” world that says “there are no coinci-dences” it is interesting to note thatMarianne Williamson, Oprah Winfrey andBarbara Marx Hubbard now all have housesjust minutes from each other in the SantaBarbara area. If Oprah does for Hubbardwhat she did for Williamson, we will all behearing a lot more about Barbara MarxHubbard, her Santa Barbara “seed group”and the “new gospel” plans her “Christ”has for this world.

�The �newrevelation�

Direct quotes from Hubbard�s�Christ�* in The Revelation

Purpose of �new revelation�

Behold, I am writing anew, through scribes onEarth who are willing to listen to me againwith new ears, in the light of the presentcrises on planet Earth. (p. 265)

You must demonstrate the psychological stateof universal consciousness as a new norm.That is the first purpose of your writings.(p. 74)

The second purpose of these writings is to callfor the completion of the good news concern-ing the transformation of the world. (p. 74)

The alternative to Armageddon is open to you.This is why we are writing this text. (p. 264)


The resurrection was a future forecast of anapproaching new norm. The transformation ofHomo sapiens to Homo universalis is theacting out of that forecast by the humanspecies. What I did alone, now all can do whochoose to love God above all else and theirneighbor as themselves. (p. 65)

I did not suffer on the cross and rise again onthe third day to show you what I could do, butwhat you can do. Yours is the power. Yours isthe glory. That is my message to you! (p. 100)


You were born to be me. You were born to bepartners with God. (p. 148)

The church is the body of believers who areconscious of being me. (p. 102)

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○○


My beloved church misunderstood me. Itpreached the corruptibility of humanitywhen I came to demonstrate its potentialfor incorruptibility. It propounded thesinfulness of humanity when I suffered toreveal your godliness and to overcome yourguilt by demonstrating that you can totallyrise above the death of the body. (p. 231)

Barbara Marx Hubbard and The Revelation � 17

Return of Christ

I cannot �return� untilenough of you are attractedand linked. (p. 66)

I cannot come to you unlessyou grow up to be my equal.(p. 75)


I did not intend for you todeify me, but to deify your-selves as being at the samestage of evolution as I am.(p. 231)

You all have the same masterfrom within. That master isme, your higher self, theChrist within each of you whois, right now, hearing thesame voice, seeing the samevision of the future, despiteall differences of languageand culture. (p. 243)

The �living fountains ofwaters,� the source of ever-evolving life in each of you, iswaiting to be turned on. It isthe mechanism for rejuvena-tion and renewal. (p. 151)


The fallen angel is thatimpulse in your being thaturges you to believe onlywhat your creature sensestell you: that you are sepa-

rate from God and you willsurely die. (p. 188)

Your triumph over Satan, thatis, over the illusion of separa-tion, will be a victory for theuniversal community. (p. 193)


Do not fear �aliens.� You havelearned on Earth, after muchsuffering, that there are no�foreign� nations becausethere are no foreigners�.Youare living within one body.You are all members of onebody. (p. 275)

You should know now thatthere are no aliens in theuniverse. They are Sons andDaughters of God at variousstages of evolution. Yes, theyare different � diversebeyond your present capacityto imagine � but they arenot alien. (p. 275)


Your unfinished species isready to evolve. The time hascome on Earth for thisquantum change to occur inmany of you. (p. 65)

You shall be enabled by theprocess of evolution totranscend your own limits.You cannot do it by human

will and desire alone. You areto be empowered by theforce that creates the uni-verse. (p. 94)


Israel is the idea of humanityand God as One. It is theidea of the transformation ofthis world to a New Earth. Itis the idea of the transforma-tion of this body to a newbody. It is the idea of theselection of the God-centeredfrom the self-centered. It isthe idea of the evolution ofhumanity from Adam of theliving soul to Adam of thelife-giving Spirit, from Homosapiens to Homo universalis.(p. 192)

New Jerusalem

The New Jerusalem is thenew city which emergesnaturally from a New Heavenand a New Earth. It is thehuman community as acollectivity of natural Christs.(p. 258)

In the New Jerusalem,humanity and God are one.(p. 286)

*According to Hubbard, thesetransmissions come from�Christ� and �higher voices.�

18 � Reinventing Jesus Christ

Direct quotes fromHubbard�s �Christ�in The Revelation

Dearly beloved, I approachedthe crucifixion far more easilythan I approach the selection.The crucifixion was done untomy body. The selection willbe done unto yours. (p. 197)

The decisive moment ofselection has almost come.The judgment of the quickand the dead is about to bemade. The end of this phaseof evolution is nearly com-plete. (p. 189)

By your acts you shall bejudged as to whether you canevolve, or must be �cast intothe lake of fire,� which is thesecond death. (p. 254)

The �second death� is forthose of you who cannotevolve by choice, due tosome deeply seated error inyour understanding of thenature of reality. (p. 267)

It is to open your mind thatyou will undergo the seconddeath. (p. 267)

�[T]he fundamental regres-sion is self-centeredness, orthe illusion that you areseparate from God. I �makewar� on self-centeredness. Itshall surely be overcome. Thechild must become the adult.Human must become Divine.That is the law. (p. 233)

At the co-creative stageof evolution, one self-centered soul is like a

lethal cancer cell in a body:deadly to itself and to thewhole. (p. 255)

The surgeon dare leave nocancer in the body when hecloses up the wound after adelicate operation. We dareleave no self-centeredness onEarth after the selectionprocess. For when we com-plete the process of thetransformation, all who liveon will be empowered to begodlike. (p. 240)

The selection process willexclude all who are exclusive.The selection process assuresthat only the loving willevolve to the stage of co-creator. (p. 303)

After the selection process,you will be born to the nextstage of evolution. There willbe a New Heaven, a NewEarth, a new body and a newconsciousness for all whosurvive. (p. 261)

Your triumph over Satan, thatis, over the illusion of separa-tion, will be a victory for theuniversal community. (p. 193)

If you do not choose to havea new body to co-create withme, you will not have one.You may choose an imper-sonal future rather than thetranspersonal future. Theimpersonal future is bodiless.You divest yourself of yourpersonal memory and yourDNA, and become an undif-ferentiated aspect of God.(p. 196)

Cynics, disbelievers, thosewho fear and cannot love:know that the mercy of Godalmighty is with you now. Thesecond death, for you, is apurification, an erasing of thememory of fear, through theshock of a fire. It will burnout the imprint upon yoursoul that is blocking you fromseeing the glory which shallbe revealed in you. (p. 267)

Those who are not suffi-ciently educated to align withthe design, experience God�spurification process as longas necessary, until they learnhow to know God or theIntention of Creation experi-entially. They cannot returnto the new Earth or the newHeaven, in a self-centeredstate. (p. 255)

Remember, Satan is eitherconsumed by fire or by love.In the New Jerusalem, thereis no illusion of separation.(p. 297)

The end is near. The old playis almost over. Suffice it tosay, that if you do not chooseto evolve into a wholesome,co-creative human, then youshall not. (p. 195)

The only punishment is yourself-exclusion from the joy ofnew life. The only pity is thatyou are missing the mark andchoosing to die unfulfilled.(p. 195)

There need be no greaterpunishment. There need beno threats. There is onlychoice. That is the purpose offreedom. Only those whochoose to evolve, do. Hence-forth, the choice is yours.(p. 195)

The stakes are high, dearlybeloved. Choose well.(p. 290)

�The selectionprocess

Barbara Marx Hubbard and The Revelation � 19

3Neale Donald Walsch andConversations with God

In 1992 Neale Donald Walsch, a disillu-sioned and distraught former radio talkshow host, public relations professional,and longtime metaphysical seeker, satdown one night and wrote God an angryletter.1 He was amazed when “God” imme-diately answered his letter by speaking tohim through an inner voice. That night, andin subsequent conversations, Walsch wrotedown all of the dictated answers to his ques-tions. The dictation continued for severalyears.2 Walsch’s Conversations with God: Book1 was published in 1995 and became the firstin a series of bestselling Conversations withGod books. It seemed that in Walsch “God”had found yet another willing channel forhis “new gospel” teachings.

In a style reminiscent of John Denverand George Burns in the movie Oh, God!,Walsch and “God” present a more “downhome” version of the same “new gospel”

For the time will come when they will notendure sound doctrine; but after their own

lusts shall they heap to themselvesteachers, having itching ears; And they

shall turn away their ears from the truth,and shall be turned unto fables.

—2 Timothy 4:3–4

20 � Reinventing Jesus Christ

teachings that were conveyed through pre-vious “inner voice” dictation to Schucmanand Hubbard. With Walsch playing the roleof devil’s advocate, “God” cleverly plays offof Walsch’s leading questions and com-ments. Walsch and “God” come across dur-ing these conversations as a couple of “ev-eryday Joe’s” who systematically dismantletraditional Christianity with their straight-from-the-source, “spiritually correct” teach-ings. With the assurance of two foxes nowin control of the henhouse, they emphati-cally assert that the “new gospel” is fromGod and that the “old gospel” is not.

Delighted by the fact that they are be-ing taken seriously by millions of readers,“God” and Walsch appear to thoroughlyenjoy their process of bringing the publicup to spiritual speed. Continuing to buildupon the foundation of “new gospel” teach-ings already introduced through Schucman,Hubbard, and others, “God” and Walschadd some special twists of their own to the“new gospel” story. Using Walsch as thestraight man, “God” introduces many of hismore extreme teachings with smug, au-thoritative statements such as: “There are nosuch things as the Ten Commandments.”3 “Sowho said Jesus was perfect?”4 and “Hitlerwent to heaven.”5

Glorification of death

Walsch’s “God” makes a number ofother provocative statements about Hitler.The net effect is a minimization of Hitler’sactions and an obvious glorification ofdeath. The following are two of “God’s”comments about Hitler and death:

So the first thing you have to under-stand—as I’ve already explained to you— is that Hitler didn’t hurt anyone. In asense, he didn’t inflict suffering, he endedit.6

I tell you this, at the moment of yourdeath you will realize the greatest free-dom, the greatest peace, the greatest joy,and the greatest love you have everknown. Shall we therefore punish Bre’r

Fox for throwing Bre’r Rabbit into thebriar patch?7

Walsch, always the public relationsman, anticipates reader incredulity at state-ments like these by expressing apparentsurprise and then asking “God” questionsthat the skeptical reader would probablyask. But in his process of seeming to chal-lenge “God” — which he does with con-siderable skill — Walsch actually enables“God” to further expound upon and rein-force the thoughts and ideas of his teach-ings. Not surprisingly, Walsch alwaysseems to come around to “God’s” point ofview. Even to some of his more extremeviews about death and Adolph Hitler.

In a book entitled Questions and An-swers on Conversations with God, Walsch ad-dresses reader concerns about the com-ments that “God” makes about Hitler anddeath. One of Walsch’s statements of justi-fication is:

Yet while the books do state that life iseternal, that death is nothing to fear, andthat returning to God is joyful, I do notbelieve that any reasonable interpreta-tion of the material could fairly portrayGod as condoning the killing of humanbeings — or brushing it off as if it wereof no importance or consequence.8

But Walsch does not address the factthat he and other Global Renaissance Alli-ance board members recommend BarbaraMarx Hubbard’s book, The Revelation, inwhich “Christ” clearly describes a “selec-tion process” that will result in the “seconddeath” of all those who refuse to subscribeto his “new gospel.”9

Humanity is “God”

At one point in their “conversation,”“God” develops the idea that man is notsubject to God because man is God. “God”explains that there are no rules and there isno right nor wrong because man, as God, ishis own “rule-maker.” Walsch’s “God” con-tends that because God and humanity areone, it is therefore up to humanity to deter-

Neale Donald Walsch and Conversations with God � 21

mine what God wants to do. If humanitywants to make up a new set of rules thislate in the game, humanity can do that be-cause it was humanity, as God, that devisedthe original rules in the first place. Every-thing is relative. Everything is up to theprevailing majority. Therefore, because hu-manity is God, humanity can create what-ever rules and whatever future it wants. Forexample, “God” tells Walsch:

All of your life you have been told thatGod created you. I come now to tell youthis: You are creating God.10

…You are your own rule-maker.11

Think, speak, and act as the God YouAre.12

…Your future is creatable. Create it asyou want it.13

Create the grandest version of the great-est vision you ever had about yourselvesas a human race.14

“Conscious evolution,” or the processof mankind consciously exercising its au-thority as “God” to create its own future, isthe title of a recent Barbara Marx Hubbardbook. “God” tells Walsch he gave Hubbardthe title of the book. “God” also takes creditfor inspiring A Course in Miracles.

“God:” This is called conscious evolution,and your species has just arrived there.

Walsch: Wow, that’s an incredible in-sight. That’s why You gave BarbaraMarx Hubbard that book! As I said, sheactually called it Conscious Evolution.

“God:” Of course she did. I told her to.15

“God:” All attack is a call for help.

Walsch: I read that in A Course inMiracles.

“God:” I put it there.16

“God” makes it clear to Walsch thathis modern-day “revelation” is for all thosewho have never really understood histeachings about man being God. As he was

with Schucman and Hubbard, “God” is in-directly critical of Bible-believing Christianswho insist that sin is real and that man isnot God. “God” contends that the only real“sin” is for man to see himself as sinful and“separate” from God. “God” says that theonly “devil” or “Satan” is the separatistthinking that differentiates between manand God. Echoing A Course in Miracles,“God” states that only as humanity seesthrough the illusion of “separation” and“sin” and affirms its own godliness andoneness with all creation will the planet besaved from ultimate ruin.

“New gospel” politics

Walsch’s “God” warns that in the nearfuture people will have to make a choicebetween the “old” and “new” gospels. Thechoice they make will have great bearingon the future of mankind. “God” declaresthat humanity, by collectively imaginingand envisioning its highest hopes anddreams, can consciously create a positivefuture. “God” expresses great optimism thatthe “new gospel” will prevail and tellsWalsch that humanity is standing on thethreshold of a “golden” new age.

The twenty-first century will be the timeof awakening, of meeting The CreatorWithin. Many beings will experienceOneness with God and with all of life.This will be the beginning of the goldenage of the New Human, of which it hasbeen written; the time of the universalhuman, which has been eloquently de-scribed by those with deep insightamong you.

There are many such people in theworld now — teachers and messengers,Masters and visionaries — who are plac-ing this vision before humankind andoffering tools with which to create it.These messengers and visionaries arethe heralds of a New Age.17

Regarding how the “New Age” will beachieved and ultimately overseen, “God”impresses Walsch with the importance of

22 � Reinventing Jesus Christ

bringing spirituality into politics and gov-ernment. He tells Walsch:

When you agree to spread the word, tocarry the message that can change thehuman heart, you play an importantrole in changing the human condition.This is why all spirituality is ultimatelypolitical.18

You cannot avoid politicizing your spiri-tuality. Your political viewpoint is yourspirituality, demonstrated. Yet perhaps itis not a matter of politicizing your spiri-tuality, but of spiritualizing your poli-tics.19

“God” is very specific about how thisspiritualization of politics should ultimatelymanifest itself.

“God:” Something will have to be newif you wish your world to change. Youmust begin to see someone else’s inter-ests as your own. This will happen onlywhen you reconstruct your global real-ity and govern yourselves accordingly.

Walsch: Are you talking about a one-world government?

“God:” I am.20

“God” exhorts Walsch to carry out hismission to change the world and to bringin a spiritually-based new world order byissuing this charge:

Go, therefore, and teach ye all nations,spreading far and wide The New Gospel:WE ARE ALL ONE.21

And certainly Walsch seems to be do-ing his part. Responding to “God’s” chargeto spread the “new gospel” and to help es-tablish sympathy for “a one-world govern-ment,” Walsch co-founded The Global Re-naissance Alliance with MarianneWilliamson. He also continues to writebooks, conduct workshops and speak tolarge groups around the country.

Direct quotes fromWalsch�s �God�


And so I have chosen you to be My messen-ger. You, and many others. For now, duringthese times immediately ahead, the world willneed many trumpets to sound the clarion call.(CWG Book 1, p. 144)

The purpose of this book, and of all the booksin the trilogy we are creating, is to createreadiness � readiness for a new paradigm, anew understanding; a larger view, a granderidea. (CWG Book 2, p. 36)

New gospel

There is only one message that can changethe course of human history forever, end thetorture, and bring you back to God. Thatmessage is The New Gospel: WE ARE ALLONE. (FWG, p. 373)


There is only One of Us. You and I are One.(FWG, p. 23)

God is creation. (CWG Book 1, p. 198)

There are a thousand paths to God, and everyone gets you there. (FWG, p. 357)


Many have been Christed, not just Jesus ofNazareth. You can be Christed, too.(CWG Book 2, p. 22)


You are already a God. You simply do notknow it.(CWG Book 1, p. 202)

You are the Creator and the Created.(CWG Book 3, p. 350)

�Conversationswith �God�

Neale Donald Walsch and Conversations with God � 23

You are, quite literally, theWord of God, made flesh.(FWG, p. 395)

My purpose in creating you,My spiritual offspring, was forMe to know Myself as God. Ihave no way to do that savethrough you. Thus it can besaid� that My purpose foryou is that you should knowyourself as Me.(CWG Book 1, p. 26)


You must realize that �atone-ment� is just that � it is �at-one-ment.� It is the aware-ness that you and all othersare One. It is the understand-ing that you are One witheverything � including Me.(FWG, p. 92)

The only solution is theUltimate Truth: nothing existsin the universe that is sepa-rate from anything else.(CWG Book 2, p. 173)


And do not stay so �stuck� inyour present beliefs andcustoms that you halt theprocess of evolution itself.(p. 89, CWG Book 3)

It�s important now, it�s timenow, to change your mindabout some things. This iswhat evolution is all about.(CWG Book 1, p. 168)

This truly is an evolutionrevolution, for now larger andlarger numbers of you arecreating consciously thequality of your experience,the direct expression of WhoYou Really Are, and the rapidmanifestation of Who YouChoose to Be.(CWG Book 3, p. 279)


In truth, there is no suchthing as a �sinner,� for no onecan be sinned against � leastof all Me.(CWG Book 3, p. 87)

Quite an interesting concept.How did anyone get you tobelieve that?(CWG Book 2, p. 43)

The act of Adam and Eve wasnot original sin, but, in truth,first blessing.(CWG Book 1, p. 56)


Evil is that which you call evil.(WG Book 1, p. 61)


Walsch: And You�re tellingme that beings from outerspace are helping us withthat?

�God�: Indeed. They areamong you now, many ofthem. They have beenhelping for years.(CWG Book 2, p. 239)

The time will come whenyour consciousness will riseand your fear will subside,and then they will revealthemselves to you. Some ofthem have already done so �with a handful of people.(CWG Book 2, p. 239)

Creating your ownfuture

So if you think it would beinteresting for the doomsdaypredictions of the psychics tocome true, focus all yourattention on that, and youcan draw that to yourself.

And if you think you wouldlike to experience a differentreality, focus on that, andthat is the outcome you candraw to you.(CWG Book 3, p. 109)

New world order

There have been thoseleaders among you who havebeen insightful enough andbrave enough to propose thebeginnings of such a newworld order. Your GeorgeBush, whom history will judgeto be a man of far greaterwisdom, vision, compassion,and courage than contempo-rary society was willing orable to acknowledge, wassuch a leader. So was SovietPresident MikhailGorbachev�.(CWG Book 2, p. 199)


You can similarly end all wartomorrow. Simply. Easily. All ittakes � all it has ever taken� is for all of you to agree.(CWG Book 1, p. 50)


This is the eternal moment,the time of your new decid-ing. (FWG, p. 230)

Yet today is a new day. Nowis a new time. And yours is anew choice. It is a choice tocreate anew your personalrelationship with Me.(FWG, p. 243)

[Pages 23, 24 and 25 ex-cerpted from: Conversationswith God (Books 1, 2, and 3)and Friendship with God, N.D.Walsch.]

24 � Reinventing Jesus Christ

Walsch: Well, I�m going tohave to ask the questionshere that I know so manypeople are thinking andwanting to ask. How could aman like Hitler have gone toheaven? Every religion inthe world� I would thinkevery one, has declared himcondemned and sentstraight to hell.

�God�: First, he could nothave gone to hell becausehell does not exist. There-fore, there is only one placeleft to which he could havegone. But that begs thequestion. The real issue iswhether Hitler�s actionswere �wrong.� Yet I havesaid over and over againthat there is no �right� or�wrong� in the universe. Athing is not intrinsically rightor wrong. A thing simply is.

Now, your thought thatHitler was a monster isbased on the fact that heordered the killing ofmillions of people, correct?

Walsch: Obviously, yes.

�God�: Yet what if I told youthat what you call �death� isthe greatest thing that couldhappen to anyone � whatthen? (CWG Book 2, p. 36)

I do not love �good� morethan I love �bad.� Hitler wentto heaven.(CWG Book 1, p. 61)

The mistakes Hitler made didno harm or damage to thosewhose deaths he caused.Those souls were releasedfrom their earthly bondage,like butterflies emerging froma cocoon.(CWG Book 2, p. 42)

So the first thing you have tounderstand � as I�ve alreadyexplained to you � is thatHitler didn�t hurt anyone. In asense, he didn�t inflictsuffering, he ended it.(CWG Book 2, p. 56)

There is no �death.� Life goeson forever and ever. Life is.You simply change form.(CWG Book 2, p. 40)

I tell you this, at the momentof your death you will realizethe greatest freedom, thegreatest peace, the greatestjoy, and the greatest love youhave ever known. Shall wetherefore punish Bre�r Fox forthrowing Bre�r Rabbit into thebriar patch?(CWG Book 2, p. 36)

If you are a being whochooses to cut out a cancerwithin you in order to pre-serve your larger life form,then you will demonstratethat. (FWG, p. 369)

Every aspect of divinity hasco-creative control over itsdestiny. Therefore, youcannot kill a mosquito againstits will. At some level, themosquito has chosen that. Allof the change in the universeoccurs with the consent ofthe universe itself, in itsvarious forms. The universecannot disagree with itself.That is impossible.(FWG, p. 371)

And so, to your question. Is itokay to swat a mosquito?Trap a mouse? Pull a weed?Slaughter a lamb and eat it?That is for you to decide. Allis for you to decide.(FWG, p. 388)

For while you will understandthat you cannot end another�slife in any event (all life iseternal), you will not chooseto terminate any particularincarnation, nor change anylife energy from one form toanother, without the mostsacred justification.(CWG Book 1, p. 96�97)

�Hitler and deathDirect quotes from Walsch�s �God�

Neale Donald Walsch and Conversations with God � 25

4Wayne Petersonand Maitreya

In February 1982 Wayne Peterson, a direc-tor of the U.S. Government’s FulbrightScholarship Program,1 was relaxing in hisWashington D.C. home looking for some-thing to watch on TV. His interest waspiqued when he noticed popular talk showhost Merv Griffin holding up a book en-titled The Reappearance of the Christ and theMasters of Wisdom. Peterson, a former PeaceCorps volunteer and veteran American dip-lomat, writes that his first thought was thatthe book had some “fundamentalist Chris-tian message,” but he questioned why Grif-fin would be “promoting” this religiousgroup on his show. Fascinated, he stayedtuned as Griffin interviewed the book’s au-thor, British artist and esotericist BenjaminCreme. Peterson recalls what transpired inthe interview:

During this discussion, Creme said thatthe one Christians call the Christ had re-

I am come in my Father’s name, and yereceive me not: if another shall come in his

own name, him ye will receive.—John 5:43

26 � Reinventing Jesus Christ

appeared and was living in a major in-dustrial city in the Western world. Thistime his name was Maitreya and he wasbringing with him a large group of hisdisciples, highly advanced, spiritualmen called the Masters of Wisdom. Hesaid we could expect to hear more aboutMaitreya on local and internationalnews programs very soon.

Maitreya’s purpose, Creme indicated,was to help us realize our innate divin-ity through learning to live in right re-lationship as brothers and sisters of onegreat family. The first step was to estab-lish sharing as the way to eliminate thepoverty and starvation that caused mil-lions around the world to die daily inthe midst of plenty. Maitreya wasemerging in time to help us save our-selves and the planet, and would makehimself known to all in a televised ‘Dayof Declaration’ soon to come.2

As Peterson listened to Creme andheard about Maitreya, he recalled an inci-dent from childhood. As a little boy in themidst of a life-threatening illness, he be-lieved that he had been visited by “Mary,”the mother of Jesus. So powerful was herhelp and presence that he expressed hisdesire to depart with her rather than stayin the world. In her successful effort to con-vince him to stay in the world with his fam-ily, Peterson states that she told him the fol-lowing:

I am going to tell you a secret that fewnow know. If you stay with your fam-ily, you will see the Christ because hewill come to live with the people of theworld.3

Convinced that Maitreya was the“Christ” that “Mary” had promised wouldcome, Peterson ordered Creme’s book.From his reading, he learned more aboutthe “Christ” and his highly evolved dis-ciples, the “Masters of Wisdom.” Petersonread how these Masters of Wisdom are su-pernaturally assisting in the evolution ofhumanity. From his reading, Peterson cameto the conclusion that what we commonly

refer to as angels are really “Christ” andthese Masters of Wisdom. He read that inthe future, as humanity transitions from the“old order” to a “new age,” there will bemore and more open collaboration betweenthese Masters of Wisdom and world lead-ers in all fields and disciplines. ReadingCreme’s book, Peterson felt he was begin-ning to get the big picture.

As I read Creme’s book, I learned moreabout the Christ, or World Teacher,whose personal name is Maitreya. Heis the one awaited by all the major reli-gions albeit unknown to them. TheChristians wait for the return of theChrist, Buddhists for the next Buddha,Muslims for the Imam Mahdi, Hindusfor a reincarnation of Krishna, and theJews for the Messiah. These are all dif-ferent names for one individual,Maitreya, who is here not as a religiousleader but as a teacher for all human-ity.4

Benjamin Creme, in The Reappearanceof the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom, said:

In the esoteric tradition, the Christ is notthe name of an individual but of an Of-fice in the Hierarchy. The present holderof that Office, the Lord Maitreya, hasheld it for 2,600 years, and manifestedin Palestine through His Disciple, Jesus,by the occult method of overshadowing,the most frequent form used for themanifestation of Avatars. He has neverleft the world, but for 2,000 years haswaited and planned for this immediatefuture time, training His Disciples, andpreparing Himself for the awesome taskwhich awaits Him. He has made itknown that this time, He Himself willcome.5

Wayne Peterson’s book, ExtraordinaryTimes, Extraordinary Beings, is his first per-son account of his personal involvementwith Creme and Maitreya — what he expe-rienced and what he was told. He writesthat, amazingly, within weeks of seeingCreme on Merv Griffin and reading hisbook, Creme actually came to Washington,D.C. Peterson was able to meet with him

Wayne Peterson and Maitreya � 27

and other followers of Maitreya and par-ticipate in a special “Transmission Medita-tion.” Peterson said that this new form ofmeditation had been sent to humanitythrough Creme by one of the Masters ofWisdom. Peterson describes the meditation:

Called Transmission Meditation, it wasa service activity in which energy fromthe Masters was ‘stepped down’ by themeditators and made available to theworld. In the process the meditators’own spiritual development was en-hanced manifold. I understood that itwas another way to help Maitreya andthe Masters emerge as soon as possible.6

Peterson reports that he has had sev-eral dramatic personal encounters withMaitreya and that he directly experiencedMaitreya’s extremely powerful spiritualenergy. In describing one of those encoun-ters Peterson writes:

As we stood there with spiritual energyflowing freely, I told Maitreya that, ifpeople could experience this energy,they would discard all their earthly no-tions of ‘paradise.’7

Peterson quotes Maitreya in regards to ex-periencing “living truth.”

The Master is within you. If you followthe disciplines of life the Teacher teachesyou, the Master reveals himself withinyou. Do not be attached to the humanform. The living truth is a matter of ex-perience.8

In his over thirty-two years of workwith the Peace Corps, the U.S. DiplomaticService, and as a director of the FulbrightScholarship Program, Peterson writes thathe was able to uniquely observe many ofthe changes going on in the world. For awhile he was unaware of others who hadalso met with Maitreya. Gradually overtime he was able to meet others in positionsof responsibility who had met privatelywith Maitreya and the Masters of Wisdomand were now actively working with them.

What I did not initially know was thatmany of my colleagues in government

and diplomatic circles had had similarexperiences and had also been contactedby members of a group of extraordinarybeings, who might be called the elderbrothers of humanity, custodians of theDivine Plan for our evolution. Worldleaders who are household names haveprivately confirmed their knowledge ofand cooperation with this unfoldingplan.9

Perhaps one of Peterson’s chief revela-tions is that one of the political figures whoopenly acknowledges that he is workingwith Maitreya to bring peace to the worldis former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev.

There was one individual, however,who made it clear he had no problemwith the public knowing he had metwith the Christ. His name was MikhailGorbachev. Since he was now out of po-litical power in his country, I assume hefelt he had nothing to fear or lose fromsuch a disclosure.

I was not surprised to learn this aboutMr. Gorbachev, since I had heard muchearlier of his involvement with Maitreyafrom a Pentagon official. I had alsoheard, from people I place much confi-dence in, that Mrs. Gorbachev had beento India several times to see the AvatarSai Baba. I find it interesting that the in-ternational press never questioned Mr.Gorbachev more about his spiritual be-liefs, since both he and his wife becameChristians during his term in office.From the freedom and openness he in-troduced to the Soviet Union, it ap-peared obvious to me that he was beinginfluenced by the Christ. Eventually, wewill hear more of this story and how theSoviet empire collapsed.

What I appreciate about this story is thesure knowledge that the Masters havealready undertaken the task of offeringimportant world leaders a role in thecoming global changes and of prepar-ing them for the Day of Declaration.These leaders, who are undoubtedlydisciples of the Masters, will be work-ing to promote the goals of the SpiritualHierarchy.10

28 � Reinventing Jesus Christ

During a November 9, 2001 televisioninterview in Santa Barbara, California,Peterson mentioned that South African po-litical leader Nelson Mandela is anotherworld figure who is actively working withMaitreya. Again, in the metaphysical worldwhere “there are no coincidences,” theSanta Barbara television program BridgingHeaven & Earth, on which Peterson ap-peared, is overseen by a board of directorsthat includes Barbara Marx Hubbard.11

Peterson writes that many years ago,under some very unique circumstances, hewas personally recruited into the PeaceCorps by Chase Manhattan Bank PresidentDavid Rockefeller12 who talked him intojoining and actually pulled some strings inregards to his first assignment. That DavidRockefeller helped one of Maitreya’s chiefspokespersons get his start in governmen-tal service, while brother Laurance S.Rockefeller has been encouraging and fi-nancially supporting Barbara MarxHubbard, is yet another interesting “coin-cidence.” Especially in light of Peterson’srecent interview on the Hubbard-relatedtelevision program.

Peterson also writes that there are anumber of interesting areas of commonground between Maitreya and the “BlessedMother” Mary.

Therefore, what I am hearing in themessages from both Maitreya and theBlessed Mother is that, if we are to placeour trust in God completely and becomeSelf-realized souls, we must abandonfear. No half way attempt is useful. Onemust be completely free of fear to expe-rience God, by whatever name we callHim.13

Many interesting parallels exist betweendescriptions of Maitreya’s Day of Dec-laration and the messages from theBlessed Mother. Both tell us we can ex-pect a major spiritual event that willshake the world. This event, accordingto the apparitions of the Blessed Mother,will change humanity. Both say it canbe easy or difficult depending upon

humanity itself. If we decide to changethe way we live, we will enter a greatand glorious age with relative ease. Ifwe refuse to change our ways, the tran-sition will be difficult and many willsuffer.14

Peterson continues to travel aroundthe country and the world as a special ad-vocate for Maitreya. He anticipates beingemployed as an ambassador for Maitreyaafter the World Teacher’s “Day of Declara-tion” when Maitreya finally appears andmakes himself known to mankind.15

Direct quotes from Maitreyaand Benjamin Creme

New revelation

He comes now to release that energy of Willand an entirely new aspect of Divinity will bepresented to mankind. This is the New Revela-tion. We have shown that we are readybecause we are beginning to sense ourselvesas One. (Creme, Reappearance, p. 48)

Men must desire these changes for them-selves; and begin implementing them of theirown free will � thus showing they are readyfor the new Revelation and Teaching which Hebrings. (Creme, Reappearance, p. 36)

New dispensation

They stand ready today to receive the meansof change, the outlines of the New Dispensa-


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Wayne Peterson and Maitreya � 29

tion for this world. Theystand ready to greet thedawn of that New Age whichbeckons all into divinity.(Maitreya, Messages, p. 238)


Every manifested phenom-enon is part of God. And thespace between these mani-fested phenomena is God. So,in a very real sense, thereisn�t anything else. You areGod. I am God. This micro-phone is God. This table isGod. All is God. And becauseall is God, there is no God.(Creme, Reappearance,p. 110)

God also sits in majesty onthe Golden Throne, and whenyou are ready, we shall kneeltogether at His divine feet.(Maitreya, Messages, p. 88)


He was, and still is, a Discipleof the Christ and made thegreat sacrifice of giving upHis body for the use of theChrist. By the occult processof overshadowing, the Christ,Maitreya, took over andworked through the body ofJesus from the Baptismonwards. (Creme,Reappearance, p. 46)

He is one of the Masters Whowill very shortly return toouter work in the world,taking over the Throne of St.Peter, in Rome. He will seekto transform the ChristianChurches, in so far as theyare flexible enough to re-spond correctly to the newreality which the return of theChrist and the Masters willcreate. (Creme,Reappearance, p. 46)

The Master Jesus is going toreform the Christianchurches. (Creme,Reappearance, p. 85)

�The Christ� Maitreya

The Christ is the Embodimentof the energy we call theChrist Consciousness orPrinciple, the energy of theCosmic Christ. It is releasedinto the world for us byMaitreya, the Christ, and tothe degree that it manifestsin us, we will recognize Him.(Creme, Reappearance,p. 48�49)

My plan and My duty is toreveal to you a new way, away forward which will permitthe divine in man to shineforth. (Maitreya, Messages,p. 164)

Share with Me, My friends, ina Great Work � nothing lessthan the transformation ofthis world. (Maitreya,Messages, p. 142)

I am the River. Through Meflows the new stream of God-given Life, and this shall Ibestow on you.(Maitreya, Messages, p. 86)

My Teaching is, as ever,simple indeed. Men mustshare or die.(Maitreya, Messages, p. 272)


Within all men sits a God.That God is your true Self.(Maitreya, Messages, p. 110)

The process of becomingdivine is a simple one, anatural one, open freely to allmen. It is the process ofreleasing that God Who, from

the beginning, has dweltwithin you. My Promise isthis: if you will follow Me intothe New Time, I shall releasefor you your divine nature.(Maitreya, Messages, p. 58)

My friends, God is nearer toyou than you can imagine.God is yourself. God is withinyou and all around you.(Maitreya, Messages, p. 88)

Reappearance or�return� of �the Christ�

My plan is to reveal Myselfstage by stage, and to drawtogether around Me thoseenlightened souls throughwhom I may work.(Maitreya, Messages, p. 54)

One day, very soon now,when enough people areresponding to His Presenceand His energy, the Christ willallow Himself to be discov-ered. (Creme, Reappearance,p. 49)

One day soon, men andwomen all over the world willgather round their radio andtelevision sets to hear andsee the Christ: to see Hisface, and to hear His wordsdropping silently into theirminds � in their own lan-guage. In this way they willknow that He is truly theChrist, the World Teacher;and in this way too, we willsee repeated, only now on aworld scale, the happeningsof Pentecost; and in celebra-tion of this event Pentecostwill become a major festivalof the New World Religion.(Creme, Reappearance,p. 37)

30 � Reinventing Jesus Christ

He comes, not as the Head ofthe Christian, or any otherchurch, for that matter. Itmay be that the orthodoxChristian leaders will beamong the last to recognizethe Christ. He is not the oneand only Son of God, but thefriend and Elder Brother ofHumanity. (Creme,Reappearance, p. 49)


I make all men One.(Maitreya, Messages, p. 142)

The reason is the creation ofthe one humanity, the idea ofthe one humanity. This,above all, is the Plan of theChrist. Mankind itself isbeginning to sense itself asOne; in this coming time itwill be One. It is our nextstep forward in evolution.(Creme, Reappearance,p. 151)

When I make Myself known, Ishall express the hope of allmankind for a new life, a newstart, a readiness to changedirection; to see the con-struction of a New World inwhich men can live in peace;can live free from fear ofthemselves or their broth-ers�. (Maitreya, Messages,p. 18)

One world religion

But eventually a new worldreligion will be inauguratedwhich will be a fusion andsynthesis of the approach ofthe East and the approach ofthe West. The Christ willbring together, not simplyChristianity and Buddhism,but the concept of Godtranscendant � outside ofHis creation � and also theconcept of God immanent inall creation � in man and allcreation. (Creme,Reappearance, p. 88)


�I am pledged to silence oncertain work for and with theSpace Brothers�.(Creme, Reappearance,p. 11)

I predict that you will seeover the coming months andthe next couple of years, atremendous increase in U.F.O.activity all over the world � itis already beginning to takeplace � preparatory to thereappearance of the Christand the externalization of theHierarchy, which is going onat the same time.(Creme, Reappearance,p. 206)


A crisis of decision awaitsmankind... Take care whereyou place your feet: on thesteps which lead to tomorrowor � oblivion.(Maitreya, Messages,p. 130�131)

My plan is to reveal to menthat there exists for them buttwo paths. One will leadthem inexorably to devasta-tion and death. The other, Myfriends, My dear ones, willlead mankind straight toGod.... (Maitreya, Messages,p. 34)

We are here together, youand I, to ensure that manchooses the correct path, theonly Way which can lead himto God. (Maitreya, Messages,p. 40)

[Maitreya quotes excerptedfrom Messages from Maitreyathe Christ. Creme quotesexcerpted from The Reap-pearance of the Christ andthe Masters of Wisdom.]

Wayne Peterson and Maitreya � 31

�The god of this world

In whom the god of thisworld hath blinded the mindsof them which believe not,lest the light of the gloriousgospel of Christ, who is theimage of God, should shineunto them. For we preach notourselves, but Christ Jesusthe Lord; and ourselves yourservants for Jesus� sake.(2 Corinthians 4:4�5)

Alice Bailey(direct quotes fromher spirit guide)

All the qualities, the love andthe purpose of a supremeEntity, referred to in The NewTestament as the �UnknownGod,� are focussed in SanatKumara. (Rays, p. 367)

�[B]ut each ray quality willserve to implement theexpression of pure love,which is the essential and �at this time � the primaryquality of the Lord of theWorld, Sanat Kumara.(Rays, p. 387)

Benjamin Creme(direct quote fromhis spirit guide)

He is our �Father.� God isboth within us and can beknown � you can see God.

In this coming age many,many people will see God, asSanat Kumara. They willcome before Sanat Kumaraand take the third Initiation.(Even more will come beforethe Christ and take the firstand second Initiations.) Whenyou take the third Initiationyou see God, as SanatKumara, the Lord of theWorld�. (Reappearance, p.135)

Direct quotes fromMaitreya �the


My task is to bring you, Myfriends, before the Father,before the Gilded Throne ofthe Shining One, there topresent you to Him andestablish you within OurRanks. My Prophecy holds: Ishall take before the Fatherall who are ready in thiscoming time. That is the Taskgiven to Me by Him Whomwe together serve.(Maitreya, Messages, p. 126)

I am with you as God�sRepresentative, as theSpokesman for that DivineBeing Whose dreams we are.I shall take you to Him whenyou are ready, when youhave passed through theGates twice, and stoodshining before Me.(Maitreya, Messages, p. 42)

�God� of this world:Sanat* Kumara

[Ed. note: Maitreya, the�Christ,� appears to have atleast a four-fold function: (1)Help humanity to rememberand experience their onenesswith God and with each other.(2) Bring peace to the worldthrough his reappearance or�return.� (3) Introduce andoversee radically progressiveeconomic, environmental,political, spiritual and hu-manitarian projects aroundthe world. (4) Lead mankindto the feet of the �Father,�Sanat Kumara, who isdescribed as being the �Lordof the World.�]

*Sanat happens to be ananagram for Satan.

[Excerpted from: Messagesfrom Maitreya the Christ; TheRays and the Initiations, A.A.Bailey; and The Reappear-ance of the Christ and theMasters of Wisdom, B.Creme.]

32 � Reinventing Jesus Christ

5The Lightthat was Dark

Helen Schucman heard an “inner voice”that claimed to be “Jesus.” Barbara MarxHubbard heard an “inner voice” thatclaimed to be “Christ.” Benjamin Cremeand Wayne Peterson claim to have met the“Christ” and both report that he is alreadyhere on planet Earth. Neale Donald Walschheard “an inner voice” that claimed to be“God.” All of these individuals have writ-ten down what they experienced and whatthey were told in their personal encounters.This information has been published andthese “new revelations” are now regardedby many as the new “word of God.” As thenew “word of God,” these recent revela-tions directly challenge the authority andreliability of the Holy Bible, questioning andcontradicting almost every major teachingof the “old Gospel” and presenting a “newgospel” to take its place. As this “new gos-pel” reinterprets the teachings of the Bible’sJesus Christ, it actually opposes Him and

Take heed therefore that the light which isin thee be not darkness.

—Luke 11:35

The Light that was Dark � 33

presents another “Christ” to take His place.This “new gospel” is very powerful andvery believable to those with no under-standing of the true teachings of the Bible.

As “new age” believers years ago, mywife and I had no reason to doubt any ofthe “new revelation” that was coming ourway. When we were students of A Coursein Miracles in the early 1980s it neverocurred to us that Helen Schucman had re-ceived her spiritual dictation from anyoneother than the real Jesus Christ. As mem-bers of a Course study group, we studiedwhat the “Jesus” of the Course said andapplied his teachings to our lives. Havingnever read the whole Bible for ourselves,we were grateful that the Course was help-ing us to understand what the Bible was“really” saying. We accepted the Course’sinterpretation of the Bible completely. It hada certain logic and seemed to make sense.We believed we were on the right path.Meaningful “coincidence” that had led usto the Course, and the supernatural signsthat often accompanied our study appearedto confirm that we were where we weresupposed to be.

But at the height of our involvementwith the Course, the Lord intervened. Heexposed the darkness that was actually be-hind the deceptive “peace,” “love,” and“light” of our “new age/new gospel” teach-ings. By the time it was all over it was clearto us that all of our “new age” beliefs hadbeen founded on half-truths and lies.Shocked and amazed by this discovery, wecame to the conclusion that A Course inMiracles was not from God and that the“Christ” of A Course in Miracles was not thetrue Christ. Because we had not previouslybeen aware of the Bible’s real teachings, wehad not been aware of Jesus’ many warn-ings about spiritual deception. He said inthe last days false prophets and false teach-ers, accompanied by deceptive signs andwonders, would deceive most of the worldinto following a counterfeit “Christ” thatwould pretend to be Him.

Amazing grace

But by far the most important lessonwe learned in the midst of what turned outto be our “crash course” on spiritual decep-tion was that Jesus really did die on the crossfor all mankind. On that cross He defeatedsin, death, and a real spiritual being namedSatan and called the devil. We learned fromour trying, and at times harrowing experi-ences, that we actually do need a Saviour,and that it was only through belief in theatoning death of the true Jesus Christ thatwe are truly saved.

We learned the hard way that the “oldGospel” really works, while the “new gos-pel” definitely does not. When we learnedto call on the name of Jesus Christ and allthat His name stands for we experiencedHis victory over an evil presence that hadnot responded to any of our other meta-physical “new age” teachings — most es-pecially the Course. Calling on Jesus liter-ally saved our lives.

How we were deceived

The more we studied the Bible for our-selves and reflected on our own particularsituation, the more we came to understandthe extraordinary deception of which wehad been a part — a deception that was hid-ing behind “new age/new gospel” teach-ings like A Course in Miracles. In the follow-ing lengthy passages excerpted directlyfrom my book, The Light That Was Dark: ASpiritual Journey, I describe my initial un-derstanding of just how badly we had beendeceived:

“For some time now my spiritualteachings had convinced me that I was asinless, guiltless, perfect son of God and thatI was every bit as much a part of the uni-versal Christ as Jesus or Buddha or anyoneelse. I had been taught that I was a holy partof God, inherently equal to Christ and thatI didn’t need to be saved, redeemed, or bornagain. Because evil was only illusion, therewas no evil to be saved from. I had believed

34 � Reinventing Jesus Christ

that I was responsible for myself and myworld and that I was the creator of my ownreality.

“But as I looked at those ‘truths’ now,I could see that they were not truths at all.What was being taught — no matter howcleverly expressed — stood in stark oppo-sition to the actual teachings of the Bible.Couched in spiritual platitudes, the Courseand the new age, although pretending tobe friends of Jesus and the Bible, were re-ally no friends at all. Like Judas, they be-trayed Christ in the name of love and witha deceptive kiss.

“Jesus warned about false prophetswho would come in sheep’s clothing —even in His name. His words were conciseand clear: ‘Beware of false prophets, whichcome to you in sheep’s clothing, but in-wardly they are ravening wolves’ (Mathew7:15). They would look not like an enemybut like someone you could trust, and I wasnow thoroughly convinced that the Coursewas a channeled wolf in sheep’s clothingthat came not to praise the Bible’s Jesus butto bury His teachings forever — if that werepossible.

“In the midst of my study I started tounderstand that for a number of years I hadbeen letting my spiritual teachers — mostespecially the Course — tell me who Jesus‘really’ was and what His teachings ‘really’meant. I could see that through my own la-ziness in never reading or studying theBible for myself I had swallowed a falsegospel, hook, line, and sinker.

“I realized now that, although I wasmade in the image of God, I was not God ora part of God in any way. God was God,and I was me. I wasn’t Christ or a part ofChrist, and neither was Buddha or anyoneelse. Jesus was the Christ, and there was noother. And, in spite of what anyone elsetried to say, He had won an amazing vic-tory on the cross of Calvary — one that Joyand I had learned to call on time after time.It was a victory that was fully described inthe Scriptures and that so many of the oldhymns proclaimed.

“Something very mysterious had hap-pened on that ‘old rugged cross’ that awhole new age was doing hand-over-headflips to completely avoid. It was the ‘vic-tory in Jesus’ that A Course in Miracles wasdesperately trying to redefine and explainaway. It was the ‘amazing grace’ that hadsaved the likes of Joy and me.

“Finally, after all we had been through,I was starting to see that the heart of thegospel is not so much that God helps thosewho help themselves but rather that Godhelps those who can’t help themselves. Itwas not in affirming our strength but in rec-ognizing our weakness that we had finallylearned to ask the Lord for help. It was Hisgrace, not our own self-sufficiency that hadsaved the day.

“Yet even though we had recognizedour need to be saved from the evil that wascoming at us, we had stubbornly refused toacknowledge Jesus as our personal Lordand Savior. Clinging tenaciously to ourmetaphysical identities, we hadn’t under-stood that our faith ultimately had to be inJesus, not in ourselves — and that He meantit when He said, ‘I am the way, the truth,and the life: no man cometh unto the Fa-ther, but by me’ (John 14:6).

“We had put our faith in ourselves asGod and not in God as God; by going withinwe had gone without. We had grossly un-derestimated our ability not to be deceived,and we had grossly overestimated the wis-dom of our metaphysical teachers.”1

Bible warns of spiritual deception

Later, I reflect on how the reality of adeceptive spirit world was never mentionedin the Course or any of our other “new age”teachings. I continue the story in my book:

“When we could finally see throughthe spiritual deception, most of the Scrip-tures that we had been reading clicked intoplace. It was as if scales had fallen from oureyes, and suddenly the New Testament wasflooded with light. Though we had a lot to

The Light that was Dark � 35

learn about other aspects of the faith, it wasapparent that we were, by virtue of our hav-ing been so thoroughly deceived, alreadywell-versed in the Bible’s description ofdeception.

“Several weeks later, after much study,reflection, prayer, and many more talkswith Joy, I sat down by the creek one morn-ing, determined to go through the Scrip-tures… laying out in even more detail whatthey said about A Course in Miracles and theother false teachings that had been woveninto our lives. I went back and forth throughthe Scriptures trying to piece together ourspiritual story.

“One of the first passages I looked attalked about ‘another gospel’ and how sus-ceptible we can be to false teachings thattry to change the gospel of Christ: ‘I marvelthat ye are so soon removed from him thatcalled you into the grace of Christ unto an-other gospel: Which is not another; but therebe some that trouble you, and would per-vert the gospel of Christ’ (Galatians 1:6–7).

“I also reread the Scripture… thattalked about ‘another Jesus’ — how eventhose who have already accepted the trueJesus and His Holy Spirit could be deceivedby a false Christ. ‘For if he that comethpreacheth another Jesus, whom we have notpreached, or if ye receive another spirit,which ye have not received, or another gos-pel, which ye have not accepted, ye mightwell bear with him’ (2 Corinthian 11:4).

“Helen Schucman heard an ‘innervoice’ that said, ‘This is a course in miracles.Please take notes.’ The voice, which lateridentified itself as Jesus, proceeded to dic-tate a body of material that completely con-tradicted the real gospel of Christ andwhose oppositional teachings could only becharacterized as ‘another gospel,’ ‘anotherspirit,’ and ‘another Jesus.’ Most of us whohad read, studied, and believed in A Coursein Miracles never knew or took seriously theBible’s explicit warnings about the deceiv-ers who would come in Christ’s name andpretend to be He.

“And most of us never knew the

Bible’s explicit warnings that false Christsand false prophets would arise in our midstand seduce us with supernatural signs andwonders to make us think that their teach-ings came from God. Those signs and won-ders would be so convincing that ‘if it werepossible’ they would fool even the mostfaithful believers in the real gospel and thereal Christ. ‘For there shall arise falseChrists, and false prophets, and shall shewgreat signs and wonders; insomuch that, ifit were possible, they shall deceive the veryelect’ (Matthew 24:24).

“But even if we had been aware of thewarnings, who would have ever suspectedthat these false Christs and prophets wouldarise within our very selves and within ourspiritual friends and teachers? Certainly the‘Jesus’ that arose within Helen Schucmanand manifested as an audible ‘inner voice’was proof to us all that false Christs andfalse prophets were not always flesh andblood but could also come in the form oflying spirits that pretended to be a ‘spiritguide,’ the ‘Holy Spirit,’ our ‘higher self,’or in Helen’s case, ‘Jesus.’ The lying spiritsdelivered not only false counsel but alsofalse teachings, such as A Course in Miracles.‘Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that inthe latter times some shall depart from thefaith, giving heed to seducing spirits, anddoctrines of devils’ (1 Timothy 4:1).

“Just so there would be no mistakeabout where the lying spirits came from andhow they operated, the Bible spelled it outin even more detail. I looked at the Scrip-ture... ‘For such are false apostles, deceitfulworkers, transforming themselves into theapostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Sa-tan himself is transformed into an angel oflight. Therefore it is no great thing if hisministers also be transformed as the minis-ters of righteousness; whose end shall beaccording to their works’ (2 Corinthians11:13–15).

“An angel of darkness could cleverlydisguise himself as an angel of light. Hisservants could disguise themselves asteachers of Christ or even as Christ Him-

36 � Reinventing Jesus Christ

self. They were deceivers of darkness fromthe other side, another gospel, anotherspirit, another Christ — the ultimate decep-tion. We certainly hadn’t gone out lookingfor deception, but in our spiritual ignorancewe had walked right into their clever trap.

“The Scriptures had been prophetic asthey described in detail the signs and won-ders and false prophets and false Christsand lying spirits. Many of us had been soconvinced we were on the right path thatwe never stopped to question… any ofthe… voices that seemed to be divinely in-spired, and just as Helen Schucman’s ‘in-ner voice’ went unchallenged, so did ourown inner voices and those of our spiritualteachers.

“In fact, the Bible had not only pre-dicted spiritual deception but actuallywarned us to ‘test the spirits’ before we lis-tened to them. ‘Beloved, believe not everyspirit, but try the spirits whether they areof God: because many false prophets aregone out in the world’ (1 John 4:1). The testis a godly ‘Halt, who goes there?’ to makesure that the spirits are really from God.Deceptive spirits cannot say that Jesus is theChrist and that He came to this earth in aphysical body. When challenged, a decep-tive spirit will deny that Jesus is the Christand that He came in the flesh to earth.

“In some mysterious, God-appointedway, deceptive spirits cannot withstand theBible’s test any more than they could remainin our presence when we commanded themto leave in the name of Jesus Christ. Godmercifully provided us with this way ofdiscerning what is really happening. In fact,the Course’s Jesus himself answered thequestion of whether or not he was theChrist. His answer, ‘Oh yes, along withyou,’ clearly failed the Bible’s test.

“Those of us who had believed theCourse’s Jesus — that he was the Christ andthat we were too—were deceived intothinking that ‘the Christ’ was somethingbigger than Jesus or us or anyone else. Butin believing the Course and my other spiri-tual teachers, I had unwittingly become the

very person that the real Jesus warned meto watch out for. ‘Take heed that no mandeceive you. For many shall come in myname, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceivemany’ (Matthew 24:4–5).

“From that first psychic reading, I hadbeen deceived. Led down a yellow brickroad by pied piper spirits, I had, with thebest intentions, landed in a metaphysicalnew age where the Christ proclaimed wasnot the real Christ at all. A well-orchestratedand exquisitely timed series of supernatu-ral synchronistic experiences had convincedme that my involvement in alternative spiri-tuality was ‘meant to be.’ Following thesigns and wonders of deceptive spirits, Ihad jumped through my spiritual hoopswith almost flawless precision. With expertstrings being pulled by the other side, I hadbeen seduced by a ball of light, an Indianguru on a Big Sur mountaintop, a formerNapa Valley farmer who was now channel-ing ‘the Source,’ and A Course in Miraclesthat had been sent by ‘Jesus.’ As Joy and Iboth had unknowingly plugged into the de-ceptive spirit world, we never realized thatmost of the voices we were listening to werepart of the deception that the real Jesus hadwarned about.”2

“…What we had thought to be spiri-tual truth had turned out to be nothing morethan fiction. What we had believed to bethe fiction of the Bible had ironically turnedout to be the gospel truth. The age of de-ception that had been predicted was alreadywell on its way.

“In listening to our spiritual teacherswe had missed the many warnings thatwere being shouted to us from the pages ofthe Bible. We were in reality fallen humanbeings, prone to temptation, and easilyovercome by evil. And although there wasno way we could ever save ourselves, wecould be saved by the One whom God sentto set us free.

“I knew now that if being ‘a sinner’meant falling short and being in need ofsalvation and redemption, then I was a sin-ner.

The Light that was Dark � 37

�“And if ‘repenting’ meant turning

away from my sins and my ungodly ways,then I was ready to repent.

“And if being ‘born again’ meant be-ing born again from God on high, then Iwanted to be born again.

“I knew I had a lot to learn about Jesusand all of His teachings and that being adisciple of His would be the test of my life.But I was grateful that Joy and I had beengiven a window into the spirit world inwhat had turned out to be our crash courseon the truth of the Bible.

“In some strange and wonderful wayJoy and I had backed into the gospel andinto our faith. It was only after our wholeworld had been turned upside down andinside out that we had found ourselves rightside up at the foot of the cross.”3

Since our conversion in 1984, my wifeand I have watched as a somewhat under-ground “new age” movement has evolvedinto the popularly accepted, worldwidespiritual phenomenon that it is today. It hasgrown at an exponential rate and is nowstarting to organize itself spiritually andpolitically. As previously mentioned, manywell-known “new gospel” advocates havejoined together to form The Global Renais-sance Alliance. A “new age” movement,that for so long seemed to be lacking a cen-tral core, has now “reinvented” itself. Sud-denly, many of its leaders have formed asingle organization that has a board of di-rectors and even a mission statement.

Selected teachingsfrom the Bible

Gospel of Jesus Christ

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ:for it is the power of God unto salvation toevery one that believeth. (Romans 1:16)

But though we, or an angel from heaven,preach any other gospel unto you than thatwhich we have preached unto you, let him beaccursed. (Galatians 1:8)


For God so loved the world, that he gave hisonly begotten Son, that whosoever believethin him should not perish, but have everlastinglife. (John 3:16)

This is a faithful saying, and worthy of allacceptation, that Christ Jesus came into theworld to save sinners. (1 Timothy 1:15)

For all have sinned, and come short of theglory of God. (Romans 3:23)

But God commendeth his love toward us, inthat, while we were yet sinners, Christ died forus. (Romans 5:8)

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth theLord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heartthat God hath raised him from the dead, thoushalt be saved. (Romans 10:9)

For whosoever shall call upon the name of theLord shall be saved. (Romans 10:13)

[Name of Jesus] Neither is there salvation inany other: for there is none other name underheaven given among men, whereby we mustbe saved. (Acts 4:12)

The Gospelof JesusChrist

Name of Jesus

Wherefore God also hath highly exaltedhim, and given him a name which is aboveevery name: That at the name of Jesusevery knee should bow, of things inheaven, and things in earth, and thingsunder the earth; And that every tongueshould confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, tothe glory of God the Father.(Philippians 2:9�11)

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38 � Reinventing Jesus Christ


All scripture is given byinspiration of God, and isprofitable for doctrine, forreproof, for correction, forinstruction in righteousness:That the man of God may beperfect, thoroughly furnishedunto all good works.(2 Timothy 3:16�17)

If ye continue in my word,then are ye my disciplesindeed; And ye shall knowthe truth, and the truth shallmake you free.(John 8:31�32)


Jesus saith unto him, I amthe way, the truth, and thelife: no man cometh unto theFather, but by me.(John 14:6)

Jesus said unto her, I am theresurrection, and the life: hethat believeth in me, thoughhe were dead, yet shall helive: And whosoever livethand believeth in me shallnever die. (John 11:25)

For there is one God, and onemediator between God andmen, the man Christ Jesus;Who gave himself a ransomfor all, to be testified in duetime. (1 Timothy 2:5�6)

And he is the propitiation forour sins: and not for oursonly, but also for the sins ofthe whole world. (1 John 2:2)


For the preaching of the crossis to them that perish foolish-ness; but unto us which aresaved it is the power of God.(1 Corinthians 1:18)

That through death he mightdestroy him that had thepower of death, that is, thedevil. (Hebrews 2:14)

Holy Spirit

But the Comforter, which isthe Holy Ghost, whom theFather will send you in myname, he shall teach you allthings, and bring all things toyour remembrance, whatso-ever I have said unto you.(John 14:26)


For we preach not ourselves,but Christ Jesus the Lord.(2 Corinthians 4:5)

For every one that exaltethhimself shall be abased; andhe that humbleth himselfshall be exalted. (Luke 18:14)


If we say that we have nosin, we deceive ourselves,and the truth is not in us.(1 John 1:8)

This is a faithful saying, andworthy of all acceptation, thatChrist Jesus came into theworld to save sinners.(1 Timothy 1:15)


For we wrestle not againstflesh and blood, but againstprincipalities, against powers,against the rulers of thedarkness of this world,against spiritual wickednessin high places.(Ephesians 6:12)


He that committeth sin is ofthe devil; for the devil sinneth

from the beginning. For thispurpose the Son of God wasmanifested, that he mightdestroy the works of thedevil. (1 John 3:8)


Who is a liar but he thatdenieth that Jesus is theChrist? He is antichrist, thatdenieth the Father and theSon. (1 John 2:22)


Marvel not, my brethren, ifthe world hate you.(1 John 3:13)

And ye shall be hated of allmen for my name�s sake.(Luke 21:17)

Yea, and all that will livegodly in Christ Jesus shallsuffer persecution.(2 Timothy 3:12)

Book of Revelation

And he said unto me, Thesesayings are faithful and true:and the Lord God of the holyprophets sent his angel toshew unto his servants thethings which must shortly bedone. (Revelation 22:6)

For I testify unto every manthat heareth the words of theprophecy of this book, If anyman shall add unto thesethings, God shall add untohim the plagues that arewritten in this book: And ifany man shall take awayfrom the words of the book ofthis prophecy, God shall takeaway his part out of the bookof life, and out of the holycity, and from the thingswhich are written in thisbook. (Revelation 22:18�19)

The Light that was Dark � 39

6The GlobalRenaissance Alliance

Marianne Williamson’s radical transforma-tion from a little known author appearingon The Oprah Winfrey Show in 1992 to best-selling author, “spiritual leader,” and co-founder of The Global Renaissance Alliancehas been remarkable to say the least. As al-ready noted, Winfrey’s enthusiastic publicendorsement of Williamson’s book, A Re-turn to Love: Reflections on the Principles of ACourse in Miracles, made Williamson, herbook, and the Course instantly famous.

While A Return to Love madeWilliamson a key player in the contempo-rary spiritual arena, a subsequent book,Healing the Soul of America, has now broughtWilliamson and her “new gospel” messageinto the political arena. The combined mes-sage of these two books is that we, thepeople, can heal the soul of America andthe soul of the world if we “return to love”by accepting the “new gospel” along withits A Course in Miracles-based principles.

Behold, they shall surely gather together,but not by me.

—Isaiah 54:15

40 � Reinventing Jesus Christ

Because of the popularity of her books andher continued favored status in the media,Williamson has fast become the unofficialambassador for the “new gospel Christ.”

After the events of September 11, 2001,Williamson became one of the “experts” themedia called upon to provide support to thenation and to make suggestions about howwe should spiritually respond to these di-sastrous events. With everyone’s height-ened concern about terrorism and the gen-eral state of the world, Williamson andother “new gospel” activists are introduc-ing spiritual strategies for America’s future.Suddenly, “spiritual politics” is center stageas the “Christ” of the “new gospel” bringshis updated spiritual teachings intoeveryone’s living room — whether peopleknow it or not.

Desirous of establishing a single, uni-fied organization to help create peace,Marianne Williamson joined with Conver-sations with God author Neale DonaldWalsch to co-found The Global RenaissanceAlliance. Alliance members include a veri-table “who’s who” of bestselling “new age”authors and powerful “new gospel” advo-cates such as Barbara Marx Hubbard, GaryZukav, James Redfield, Deepak Chopra,Wayne Dyer and many others.

The Global Renaissance Alliance de-scribes itself as a “citizen-based network ofspiritual activists” whose “mission is tomake a stand in our local and national com-munities for the role of spiritual principlein solving the problems of the world.”1 Theunspecified “spiritual principle” is the “newgospel” notion that we are all “one” becausewe are all a part of “God.”

Although the organization presentsitself as an alternative to “politics as usual,”its members seem to maintain the old po-litical practice of not being very out frontabout their real agenda. As expressed be-tween the lines of their writings, one of theobvious goals of the “new gospel” and ofthe Alliance organization is to completely“reinvent” (if it were possible) the tradi-tional Gospel of Jesus Christ. While mem-

bers teach that all paths lead to God, theyknow that there is no place in their newspiritual world order for those who insistthat Jesus Christ is their Lord and Saviour.

The Alliance presents itself as a“grassroots” organization of everyday folks,but it is important to remember that theAlliance is spearheaded by a high levelgroup of “new gospel” advocates who ap-pear to be operating from a general blue-print channeled from the spirit world yearsago by esotericist and occultist, Alice Bailey,who is the author of many channeledworks. Her blueprint is continually beingaffirmed and updated by the recent “newrevelations” received by Schucman,Hubbard, Walsch, Creme and others.Williamson as much as admits the occulticfoundation of the “new gospel” movementby using words that are the title of a Baileybook, The Destiny of the Nations. She alsoborrows a term frequently used by Maitreyawhen she describes the “Great Work” ofwhich she is a part. In a revealing passagein her book, Healing the Soul of America,Williamson writes:

Beyond the appearances of history,there is a great and glorious unfoldingplan for the destiny of nations. Accord-ing to the mystical traditions, God car-ries this plan within His mind, seekingalways, in every way, channels for itsfurtherance. His plan for the evolutionof humanity, and the preparation ofteachers to guide it, is called within theesoteric traditions the Great Work.2

The significance of Williamson,Walsch, Hubbard and other very influen-tial “new gospel” advocates choosing todemonstrate their unity and oneness at thistime through their global association can-not be overstated. The amount of network-ing and mutual support among Alliancemembers is widespread as they continue tojoin together in increasingly powerful waysto put their “new gospel” agenda before ananxious world that is searching for spiritualanswers. Furthering their common cause,Walsch has written the introduction to

The Global Renaissance Alliance � 41

Hubbard’s last two books, Conscious Evolu-tion and emergence. Hubbard, in turn, rec-ommends Walsch’s and Williamson’sbooks in her writings. Williamson does thesame with Walsch and Hubbard. The threeof them, in their mutual support of eachother, provide a strong nucleus for theAlliance’s high-powered network of “newgospel” advocates, many of whom have

Direct quotes fromauthor Marianne


There are new ideas on theworld�s horizon, as differentfrom the twentieth-centuryworldview as the twentiethcentury was different fromthe nineteenth century.(p. 13)

A nonviolent political dynamicis once again emerging, andit is a beacon of light at thedawn of the twenty-firstcentury. (p. 13)

Yes, we see there are prob-lems in the world. But webelieve in a universal forcethat, when activated by thehuman heart, has the powerto make all things right.(p. 13)

We need to declare peacenow, with as much seriouseffort and intention as thatwith which a nation declareswar. (p. 141)

The bridge to a better worldis a shift in mass conscious-ness�. (p. 42)

When a particular group orstructure fails to keep faithwith the spirit of love � notmeasured by its words but byits actions �that structurethen loses the privilege ofguardianship of the greatWork. (p. 196)

We can change, we willchange � in fact, we arechanging. That is our des-tiny�. This moment is one ofopportunity for the creationof a new civic forcefield. It isup to each and every one ofus to decide where Americagoes now. (p. 197)

The question before us is:how do people who havereclaimed their spiritualitybest effect political change?(p. 199)

And we expand our percep-tion of spiritual practice toinclude political activism, that

bestsellers and followings of their own.The Alliance has definitely unified the

“new gospel” leadership over the last fewyears. However, it wasn’t until after theevents of September 11 that they steppedforward in an even more significant andpublic way to begin introducing their “newgospel” plan for the conscious creation ofworld peace.

we might most profoundlyextend our compassion intothe world. (p. 204)

One of the ways to reconnectour personal and politicalenergy is through a projectcalled Citizen Circles. Theseare small, grassroots groupsheld all around the country, inwhich two or more jointogether to hold the vision ofa healed America. (p. 205)

But we do not act in order tooppose what is; we act inorder to make another, morepositive choice for thefuture�. We seek peacewithin ourselves at all times,for lack of peace in us will bereflected outside ourselves.(p. 207)

The Citizen Circle is a similarphenomenon, creating amystical grid of new politicalpossibility around the UnitedStates and the world. Theyhelp to ground the newpolitical energy. (p. 207)

�Healing the Soulof America

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42 � Reinventing Jesus Christ

Channeled teachingsfrom her �spirit



All the qualities, the love andthe purpose of a supremeEntity, referred to in The NewTestament as the �UnknownGod,� are focussed in SanatKumara. (Rays, p. 367)

�[B]ut each ray quality willserve to implement theexpression of pure love,which is the essential and �at this time � the primaryquality of the Lord of theWorld, Sanat Kumara.(Rays, p. 387)


Humanity in all lands todayawaits the Coming One � nomatter by what name theymay call Him. The Christ issensed as on His way.(Reappearance, p. 188)

His third activity is the effortto offset the growing hate inthe world, to strengthen thetrend towards unity, and toshow people everywhere thedanger of separateness.(Externalisation, p. 436)


This is the challenge whichtoday confronts the ChristianChurch. The need is for

vision, wisdom, and that widetolerance which will seedivinity on every hand andrecognize the Christ in everyhuman being.(Bethlehem, p. 273)

Humanity has come of age;the child stage is over....(Externalisation, p. 240)

New world religion

The spirit has gone out of theold faiths and the truespiritual light is transferringitself into a new form whichwill manifest on earth eventu-ally as the new world religion.(Rays, p. 754)

Workers in the field ofreligion will formulate theuniversal platform of the newworld religion. It is a work ofloving synthesis and willemphasise the unity and thefellowship of the spirit. Thisgroup is, in a pronouncedsense, a channel for theactivities of the Christ, theworld Teacher. The platformof the new world religion willbe built by many groups,working under the inspirationof the Christ.(Reappearance, p. 158�159)

This inherent fanaticism(found ever in reactionarygroups) will fight against theappearance of the comingworld religion and the spreadof esotericism.(Externalisation, p. 453)

So it is that a new politicscenters around the arousal ofthat power, using prayer andmeditation to create aforcefield of transformation.(p. 209)

A new politics is emerging forthe twenty-first century,defining power not bydominance but by sharing.(p. 223)

It is a mystical revolution thatwill usher in a mystical age.(p. 254)

As a loving critical masscoalesces, as hearts aroundthe world continue to yearnand work for peace, then newforms will emerge to actual-ize our new planetary vision.(p. 255)

�Alice A. Bailey(1880�1949)

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New gospel

...[T]he Christian faith alsohas served its purpose; itsFounder seeks to bring a newGospel and a new messagethat will enlighten all meneverywhere. (Rays, p. 754)

New age

The New Age is upon us andwe are witnessing the birthpangs of the new culture andthe new civilization. This isnow in progress. That whichis old and undesireable mustgo and of these undesireablethings, hatred and the spiritof separation must be thefirst to go.(Externalisation, p. 62)

The Global Renaissance Alliance � 43


So peace will come again onearth, but a peace unlikeaught known before.(Rays, p. 95)


Therefore, in the new worldorder, spirituality will super-cede theology; living experi-ence will take the place oftheological acceptances.(Externalisation, p. 202)


Hate and separation mustcease�.(Externalisation, p. 246)

Thus the expressed aims andefforts of the United Nationswill be eventually brought tofruition and a new church ofGod, gathered out of allreligions and spiritual groups,will unitedly bring to an endthe great heresy of separate-ness. (Destiny, p. 152)


Emphasis should be laid onthe evolution of humanitywith peculiar attention to itsgoal, perfection.(Externalisation, p. 588)


It involves the elimination ofall that hinders the nature ofdivinity from full expression�.(Rays, p. 84)

[Excerpted from the followingbooks by A.A. Bailey: FromBethlehem to Calvary, TheDestiny of the Nations, TheExternalization of the Hierar-chy, The Rays and TheInitiations, and The Reap-pearance of the Christ.]

44 � Reinventing Jesus Christ

7The �New Gospel�Campaign for Peace

After the terrorist attacks on September 11,2001, several key “new gospel” advocatesfrom The Global Renaissance Alliance sud-denly appeared on network shows thatwere directly related to the tragic events.Marianne Williamson was interviewed byTom Brokaw on NBC, by Oprah Winfreyon CBS, and by Larry King on CNN. GaryZukav appeared on Oprah twice. AndWayne Dyer did commentary on MSNBCand NBC, and even had his own PBS spe-cial. All of them gave their spiritual perspec-tive on September 11 and introduced their“new gospel” ideas for creating peace.

As designated “spiritual experts,”Williamson, Zukav and Dyer seemed morethan eager to present their thoughts andideas to an American public that wassearching for spiritual answers after Sep-tember 11. Immediately challenging oldmindsets, the Alliance members were

As soon as you — all who know yourpotentials — can tell this vision on

television, you will have begunyour real work in the world.

—Hubbard’s “Christ”1

The �New Gospel� Campaign for Peace � 45

straightforward, authoritative and even in-sistent about what they said. Our world haschanged, so we must change. If we wish to“survive as a species” we need to “thinkdifferently” about our world and about ourfuture. We need a “new standard.” We needa “new way.” We need “peace.”

Marianne Williamson on Larry King

After September 11, MarianneWilliamson suddenly became one of themedia “experts” being asked questions like:Why did this happen? Where was God?What can we spiritually do about it?

Larry King Live hosted Williamson ona prestigious panel of guests that includedthree U.S. Senators, a former Senate Major-ity Leader, a former Ambassador to theUnited Nations and a well-known politicaljournalist. Her inclusion on CNN’s high-powered political panel was reflective of hernewfound status as both spiritual and po-litical commentator. This was emblematicof just how far she has come in the worldsince her first appearance on Oprah back in1992.

Described by King as a “spiritualleader” and author of the book Healing theSoul of America, Williamson confidently toldKing’s viewers that in regard to the eventsof September 11, “Every problem comesbearing its own solution.” Williamson usedher prime time interview with King to in-troduce world peace as that solution. Sheexplained how everyone’s spirituality couldbe used as a “force” to help create thatpeace. “We have to wage peace,” she em-phatically stated. Speaking in generalitieswithout actually defining her terms,Williamson made no direct mention of ACourse in Miracles, and she made no men-tion of the “alternative to Armageddon”peace plan contained in Barbara MarxHubbard’s book, The Revelation. FromWilliamson’s remarks, most viewers prob-ably had no idea that the peace she was pro-posing was completely based on “new gos-pel” principles.

Williamson’s simple statement that wehave to “wage peace” takes on a whole newmeaning when one realizes that her ideasabout peace come directly from the “Christ”of the “new gospel” — a “Christ” whoteaches that the next stage of our spiritualdevelopment is the collective realizationthat we are all a part of God; a “Christ” whowarns that those who are unable to “moveto the highest level of their nature” by ac-knowledging themselves as part of God willnot be a part of his “peaceful” future; and a“Christ” who states that anyone opposinghis peace process will be submitted to his“selection process.”

Regarding September 11, Williamsontold Larry King:

…[I]t is a challenge for the human raceto evolve into the next stage of our spiri-tual development. You know what weneed to heal are the thought forms andthe feelings that cause us to create warand mass destruction on this kind of alevel, because ultimately if we are tosurvive as a species, we have to becomea human race for whom the thought ofwar is unthinkable.

We have to wage peace.…We need todismantle hatred itself. And hatred isour real problem.… So we need to un-derstand the spiritual malaise of hatredas much as we need to understand anyof the external powers that hatred ormilitary action we’d be involved with.

…God would have us move to the high-est level of our nature, and that meansthat we need to understand that our ca-pacity to deal with the spirit — the dark-ness of the spirit with the light of thespirit as our greatest power.

…We are loving each other, and in thatlove and that realization of ourinterconnectedness, we are not onlyfinding a way to heal from the grief ofwhat has occurred, but to endure whatis occurring now and to transform whatis occurring now.

46 � Reinventing Jesus Christ

When the president said we have tothink differently because it’s a new kindof war, we have to think differently be-cause it’s a new world. We have to thinkdifferently, we have to love differently.2

Larry King closed the interview by tell-ing viewers that “you always feel better”after hearing from Marianne Williamson.3

Marianne Williamson on Oprah

Appearing on Oprah soon after Sep-tember 11, Williamson emphasized hertheme that “every problem comes bearingits own solution.” Proposing world peaceas that solution, she began introducingsome of the basic concepts of her “new gos-pel” peace plan, but without defining herterms. For instance, she introduced the“Atonement” — the foundational doctrineof the “new gospel” peace plan — by sim-ply stating that as individuals and as a na-tion we need to “atone.” When Oprah askedwhat she meant by “atone,” Williamsonsaid that it meant that we should ask Godnot just to bless America but also to blessthe world; asking God to heal us and to letus know what we needed to know.

Williamson’s streamlined answer didnot alert listeners to the real meaning of the“Atonement” contained in any of the 248references in A Course in Miracles.4 These ref-erences make it clear that “atoning” meansseeing yourself and others as a part of God.When you “atone” you see everyone andeverything as God. For instance, on page98 of the Course Text, it says:

The full awareness of the Atonement,then, is the recognition that the separa-tion never ocurred.

Perhaps more significantly, in terms ofWilliamson’s discussion of peace, the “newgospel” teaches that peace can only comethrough the “Atonement” (at-one-ment).This is described on page 175 of the CourseText:

Yet you cannot abide in peace unlessyou accept the Atonement, because theAtonement is the way to peace.

After introducing this idea of “aton-ing” Williamson described how she andothers are gathering together in small “cell”groups (“cells of peace”) to pray for worldpeace. Williamson explained that as peoplejoin their hearts together through medita-tion and prayer, they begin to create a lov-ing “energy field” that counters the hate andnegativity being generated by the world.She explained that as the number of peopleconsciously gathering together to createpeace increases, so the strength of the“forcefield” will proportionately increase.She said that prayer becomes a “conduit formiracles” as the “forcefield” grows instrength, and as the love generated from itis “harnessed” and purposefully directedfor the “good” of the world.

The “new gospel” atonement (at-one-ment) process stands in stark opposition toJesus’ atonement described in the Bible.Jesus died on the cross for all mankind. Hedied for us so that we might be reconciledto God (Romans 5:7–12; I Corinthians 5:21).[See “The meaning of atonement in theBible” at the end of this chapter, ed.]

Regarding September 11 and the needfor peace and “atonement,” Williamson toldOprah that

…[E]very problem comes bearing itsown solution.… I think this tragedy hastaken us to a ground of being that is likea precious vial of spiritual medicine.5

…So I think now we shouldn’t under-estimate how much good can come fromjust talking among ourselves, and aton-ing. You know, a nation atones, and Ithink… people around the world canfeel us.

…I’ve been very involved with peoplesitting in small groups praying, medi-tating and speaking from our heartsabout what really matters. You know,the terrorists have cells. We hear aboutthe terrorist cells. Well, we need cells ofpeace. It’s not enough to just defendourselves against violence. The greatestantidote to violence is that we

The �New Gospel� Campaign for Peace � 47

proactively create fields of non-violence,fields of peace.6

…[W]e have a power in us more pow-erful than the power of bullets. Thepower of love can be harnessed.…[H]arnessing our love that it mightbecome a social force for good.… Prayeris a conduit of miracles.

…But love dismantles hatred, so weneed [to] take our love seriously now.7

During the interview Williamson in-formed viewers that she was part of an in-ternational prayer vigil that prayed daily.She gave the time of the vigil for viewersinterested in joining her peace effort. Shestated that when you are involved in theprayer vigil “you feel the power.” Mostviewers, of course, had no idea that the“oneness” (at-one-ment) being generatedfrom such synchronized activity providesthe literal foundation for the “new gospel”peace plan. “Christ,” for example, had spe-cifically warned Barbara Marx Hubbardthat all humanity “…must be consciouslylinked in a common thought pattern for aninstant in time to AVOID ARMAGED-DON.”8

Using a metaphor to further introducethe concept of “oneness,” Williamson de-scribed how small groups of individualsaround the world, consciously joined to-gether in thought and prayer, are like thelinks of a chain. She gave as an example theaccount of the thousand or so people whomiraculously escaped the World Trade Cen-ter by forming a “human chain.” She sug-gested that we should all be like the linksof that chain and that we should hold on toone another emotionally and spiritually.

Using another metaphor, Williamsonfurther developed the “new gospel” con-cept of “oneness.” She described our coun-try as “a fabric” and the people of our coun-try as “the weave” of that fabric. She statedthat we must be a “tight weave.” She saidwe have become “a loose weave” and thata loose weave lets “darkness” in. She sug-

gested that our country can become a “tightweave” as “cells of peace” build “deep com-munity” by collectively praying, meditat-ing, and “envisioning” a more peacefulworld. She said that “fear is merely the ab-sence of love.” And that through prayer,meditation and sharing in small groups,people find that fear is lessened.

Williamson closed her remarks onOprah by stressing that “our way hasn’tworked” and suggested to viewers that“there might be another way.” We need toconsider “new modes and new dimensionsof power” in order to achieve peace.Williamson’s confident and authoritativeassertions left viewers with the impressionthat the “God” she was praying to definitelywould bring peace to the world if enoughpeople joined together to pray and medi-tate for that peace.

This— this is where the rubber meetsthe road in faith. Do we trust that as wepour spiritual power onto this, divinelove onto this and ask for a miracle, onething that this [September 11 tragedy,ed.] shows is that our way has notworked, and miracles come when weconsider the possibility there might beanother way. And as we sit in silenceand throw divine love on to this situa-tion and do so in community with oth-ers, that will bring forth a power out ofour hearts and our consciousness andour prayers that no worldly power canexpress.

It’s time for us to find new modes andnew dimensions of power to comple-ment worldly modes of power. That’snecessary now…. 9

People who visit The Global Renais-sance Alliance website find an Alliance“Handbook” that describes how to run suc-cessful “citizen circles” (“cells of peace”).Included in the Handbook is a guided medi-tation for world peace as well as sugges-tions on how each group can best envisionand pray for world peace. The Alliancewebsite also contains a recommended read-ing list that includes Williamson’s book A

48 � Reinventing Jesus Christ

Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles ofA Course in Miracles, Neale Donald Walsch’sConversations with God books, and BarbaraMarx Hubbard’s book The Revelation: AMessage of Hope for the New Millennium.10

Gary Zukav on Oprah

Global Renaissance Alliance memberand best-selling “new gospel” author GaryZukav appeared on Oprah twice in the af-termath of September 11. On both programsZukav presented many of the same ideaspreviously communicated by Williamson.Using familiar “new gospel” words andphrases, Zukav emphasized the need foroneness and “interconnectedness” whilewarning of the dangers of “separation” and“isolation.” He stressed the world’s need tomove towards “love” and away from“fear.” He also stated the need for “a newway” of looking at things, the need for “anew standard,” and the need to change our-selves in order to change our world. LikeWilliamson he did not define his terms. Andlike Williamson, he made no direct refer-ence to the “Armageddon alternative”peace plan detailed in Hubbard’s book TheRevelation — a book that bears Zukav’s per-sonal endorsement on the first page.

Here are excerpts of Zukav’s remarkson Oprah’s post-September 11 program “IsWar the Only Answer?”:

WINFREY: Gary Zukav is author of“The Seat of the Soul,” one of my favor-ite books. And we’ve talked to himmany times on this show. He also servedin Vietnam as a Green Beret officer. Takea look at why Gary says that humanityis at a crossroads.

Mr. GARY ZUKAV (Author): The mostdamaging choices that we can make arethe choices of vengeance, the choices ofhatred.

…The hatred that exists in the world willnot disappear tomorrow, and there isnothing that an Army or a Navy can doto eliminate it or even reduce it. But you

can remove that energy from yourself,and in that process, you can make moreintelligent decisions about how you andthe United States can contribute moreto the world. These events have shownus that we are interconnected throughour pain, that we are not separate fromothers.

…I have heard people say that our pri-mary focus now should be to return tonormal. That’s not good enough. Ourprevious understanding of normal wasfilled with fear…. Our responsibilitynow is not to return to normal but tocreate a new standard for ourselves, forour country.11

In another post-September 11 appear-ance on an Oprah show entitled “What doYou Really Believe,” Zukav again hit on thekey concepts of “fear” and “separation.”

These times, these events offer us op-portunities to examine our belief sys-tems and to experiment with them.Many people’s belief system has beenchallenged by these violent and brutalevents. This is good because thesepeople are now looking inward to seewhether that belief system served them.

…I know for sure that the universe iswise and compassionate. The questionthen becomes: How can there be suchbrutality and such pain and such suf-fering in our world if the universe iscompassionate and wise? The reason iswe put it there. We create it. And it isup to us to stop creating it.

Use those events of September 11th tobegin your process of examining theparts of yourself that need to bechanged, the parts that are judgmental,that are angry, the parts that bring vio-lence into the world. We are looking foran enemy because we feel that an exter-nal enemy is the cause of the terrorismthat we are frightened of. I know forsure that as we continue to look for theroot of violence in other people thatthere will be more violence.

The �New Gospel� Campaign for Peace � 49

We cannot eliminate terror by eliminat-ing a few people. No bomb, no bullet,no Navy or Air Force or Army willeradicate terror. This belief system thatsafety comes in isolation, in separation,has brought us to this collective experi-ence of terror.

…Will you become more and more im-prisoned by your fear? …We are at aturning point now because we can con-tinue to live in fear or we can start tocreate a world without fear.

…Changing yourself is the only waythat you will learn how to live a life thatis without fear. As long as you are run-ning from it, it controls you. Use thesetroubling times for your benefit. I knowfor sure that as your fears begin to leaveyou, your interest and care in others willincrease and that your life will begin tofill with the meaning and purpose andjoy that you were born to experience,that you were born to create.12

Most viewers would have no idea thatZukav’s exhortation was really a direct chal-lenge for them to change what they believedabout God. In Zukav’s “new gospel” worldof peace and oneness, each person mustcome to the eventual realization and under-standing that they are a part of God. “Love”and “oneness,” according to the “new gos-pel,” mean seeing yourself and others as apart of God. “Fear” and “separation” meannot seeing yourself or others as a part ofGod.

Zukav claimed that a fear-based beliefin “separation” was responsible for the“collective experience of terror” of Septem-ber 11. His inference is clear and completelyconsistent with the “new gospel” position.“Fearful” people — those not seeing them-selves or others as a part of God — createserious problems for everyone else becauseof their unbelief. “Fearful” people need tochange the erroneous and harmful percep-tion that they are “separate” and not a partof God.

In “new gospel” vernacular changingyourself means remembering and realizing

that you are a part of God. Everything thatyou think and do must flow from this con-cept that all is love and all is one and all isGod. The “new gospel” and the “new gos-pel peace plan” are completely dependenton the world accepting “love” and “one-ness” while letting go of all thought systemserroneously based in “fear” and “separa-tion.”

Wayne Dyer on PBS

Global Renaissance Alliance memberWayne Dyer made a post-September 11 ap-pearance on PBS. His presentation of intro-ductory “new gospel” principles, includinghis enthusiastic endorsement of A Course inMiracles, served as an actual fundraiser forPBS itself. Although September 11 was notthe main focus of his remarks, the tragicevents were incorporated into the discus-sion and all of his material was directly rel-evant.

Spearheading the PBS affiliate’s mem-bership drive, Dyer’s new book, There’s ASpiritual Solution To Every Problem, was of-fered to viewers as a premium for joiningthe station. His presentation was made in acolonial New England church in Concord,Massachusetts that Dyer said was oncepastored by Ralph Waldo Emerson’s grand-father and attended by Emerson himself.Framed in this historic setting reminiscentof the American Revolution and of our an-cestors’ fight for freedom, Dyer was cast inthe role of a modern-day preacher.

Combining patriotism and spiritualityin a style much like Marianne Williamson,Dyer told his huge PBS audience that man’s“problems” arise from his belief that he is“separate” from the divine. Dyer remindedhis audience that they were “one” with cre-ation; that they were, in fact, “divine.” Hetold them that their only problem was themistaken belief that they were separatefrom their “source.”

The other line that came to me in ACourse in Miracles, when it uses the word“problem,” said this: If you do have a

50 � Reinventing Jesus Christ

problem, the only problem you have isyour belief that you are separate fromyour Source.

…Remember, in the beginning God cre-ated heaven and earth and all that wascreated was good so that anything thatisn’t good has come about because ofyour belief in your mind that you areseparate from this divinity. You are notwhat you have. You are not what youdo. You are not what others think of you.You are the beloved. You are the divine.You are a creation that is made into per-fection.

…When you move into a spiritual ap-proach to life you begin to see yourselfas connected to everyone and every-thing, and competition is replaced bysomething called cooperation.13

Combining the Prayer of Saint Francisof Assisi (“Lord make me an instrument ofthy peace”) with teachings from A Coursein Miracles about peace, Dyer emphasizedthat peace comes from remembering one’sconnection to the divine. He told PBS view-ers that the world would be a more peace-ful place if everyone was living by the prin-ciples of A Course in Miracles.

You know, I’ve been studying some-thing for several years and the thing thatI’ve been studying is called A Course in

Miracles, and A Course in Miracles is avery interesting collection of brilliantwriting that I think if the world wereliving by it perhaps we would have far,far, fewer of the conflicts and strugglesand so on that we have amongst our-selves and amongst nations and in ourfamilies….14

The significance of the campaign

For years now I have watched as “newage/new gospel” proponents like MarianneWilliamson, Gary Zukav, Wayne Dyer, Bar-bara Marx Hubbard and others have intro-duced the “Christ” of the “new gospel”through their books and public appear-ances. But these were usually theoreticaland most of them seemed only loosely iden-tified with one another.

Now, after September 11, everythingis moving into a much clearer propheticperspective. It is extremely sobering towatch as these same individuals emerge onprimetime television as part of a “globalalliance” that is introducing their “new gos-pel” as a means of achieving world peace.Everything seems to be coming about as the“God” and “Christ” of the “new gospel” isstarting to publicly introduce his “alterna-tive to Armageddon” as the only way to atrue and lasting peace.

The �New Gospel� Campaign for Peace � 51

�Two meanings offear contrasted

The meaning of fearin the �new gospel�

But this paradigm shift willtake great wisdom, greatcourage, and massive deter-mination. For fear will strikeat the heart of these con-cepts and call them false.Fear will eat at the core ofthese magnificent truths andmake them appear hollow.Fear will distort, disdain,destroy. And so Fear will beyour greatest enemy.(Walsch�s �God,� FWG,p. 357)

Joining the Atonement is theway out of fear.(�Jesus,� ACIM Text, p. 81)

It is essential at the momentof infusion of empathy thatyou overcome all fear ofseparation from God. Thisovercoming of fear in a wholeplanetary experience is anirresistible force. No beingcan resist it. (Hubbard�s�Christ,� Revelation,p. 244�245)

The second death, for you, isa purification, an erasing ofthe memory of fear, throughthe shock of a fire.(Hubbard�s �Christ,�Revelation, p. 267)

[Excerpted from: A Course inMiracles (Text); Friendshipwith God by N.D. Walsch; andThe Revelation by B.M.Hubbard.]

The meaning of fearin the Bible

Fear of God

Praise ye the LORD. Blessedis the man that feareth theLORD, that delighteth greatlyin his commandments.(Psalms 112:1)

Let us hear the conclusion ofthe whole matter: Fear God,and keep his command-ments: for this is the wholeduty of man.(Ecclesiastes 12:13)

The fear of the LORD is thebeginning of knowledge: butfools despise wisdom andinstruction. (Proverbs 1:7)

The LORD taketh pleasure inthem that fear him, in thosethat hope in his mercy.(Psalms. 147:11)

He will fulfil the desire ofthem that fear him: he alsowill hear their cry, and willsave them. (Psalms 145:19)

Behold, the eye of the LORDis upon them that fear him,upon them that hope in hismercy. (Psalms 33:18)

Be not wise in thine owneyes: fear the LORD, anddepart from evil. (Prov. 3:7)

52 � Reinventing Jesus Christ

By mercy and truth iniquity ispurged: and by the fear ofthe LORD men depart fromevil. (Proverbs 16:6)

Wherefore we receiving akingdom which cannot bemoved, let us have grace,whereby we may serve Godacceptably with reverenceand godly fear.(Hebrews 12:28)

Have no fear of man

In God I will praise his word,in God I have put my trust; Iwill not fear what flesh cando unto me. (Psalms 56:4)

The LORD is on my side; Iwill not fear: what can mando unto me? (Psalms 118:6)

The LORD is my light and mysalvation; whom shall I fear?the LORD is the strength ofmy life; of whom shall I beafraid? When the wicked,even mine enemies and myfoes, came upon me to eatup my flesh, they stumbledand fell. Though an hostshould encamp against me,my heart shall not fear:though war should riseagainst me, in this will I beconfident. (Psalms 27:1�3)

The meaning ofAtonement in the

�new gospel�

The Atonement is the finallesson he [man] need learn,for it teaches him that, neverhaving sinned, he has noneed of salvation.(�Jesus,� ACIM Text, p. 237)

The full awareness of theAtonement, then, is therecognition that the separa-tion never occurred.(�Jesus,� ACIM Text, p. 98)

You must realize that �atone-ment� is just that � it is �at-one-ment.� It is the aware-ness that you and all othersare One. It is the understand-ing that you are One witheverything � including Me.(�God,� FWG, p. 92)

The crucifixion did notestablish the Atonement; theresurrection did. Manysincere Christians havemisunderstood this.(�Jesus,� ACIM Text, p. 36)

[Excerpted from: A Course inMiracles (Text) and Friend-ship with God by N.D.Walsch.]

The meaning ofAtonement in the


Whom God hath set forth tobe a propitiation through faithin his blood, to declare hisrighteousness for the remis-sion of sins that are past,through the forbearance ofGod. (Romans 3:25)

But God commendeth his lovetoward us, in that, while wewere yet sinners, Christ diedfor us. Much more then,being now justified by hisblood, we shall be saved fromwrath through him. For if,when we were enemies, wewere reconciled to God bythe death of his Son, muchmore, being reconciled, weshall be saved by his life. Andnot only so, but we also joyin God through our LordJesus Christ, by whom wehave now received theatonement. Wherefore, as byone man sin entered into theworld, and death by sin; andso death passed upon allmen, for that all have sinned.(Romans 5:8�12)

�Two meaningsof Atonementcontrasted

The �New Gospel� Campaign for Peace � 53

For he hath made him to besin for us, who knew no sin;that we might be made therighteousness of God in him.(2 Corinthians 5:21)

And he is the propitiation forour sins: and not for oursonly, but also for the sins ofthe whole world. (1 John 2:2)

Herein is love, not that weloved God, but that he lovedus, and sent his Son to be thepropitiation for our sins.(1 John 4:10)

[Ed. note: The definition ofatonement in the �newgospel� � �at-one-ment� �denies the atoning death ofJesus Christ on the cross ofCalvary. The Bible affirms theatoning death of Jesus Christon the cross of Calvary.]

8The ArmageddonAlternative

There are literally 999 references to peacein A Course in Miracles.1 When I studied theCourse it never occurred to me that therecould be anything wrong with the peace theCourse described, or the means they pre-scribed for obtaining it. I believed that the“Jesus” of the Course had my best interestsin mind when he taught me to see every-one and everything as “a part of God.” Ididn’t know anything about spiritual de-ception. I didn’t know that the Bible warnedabout a false “Christ” who would comewith “lying signs and wonders” and falsemiracles — like A Course in Miracles. But ifyou aren’t familiar with the teachings of theBible, you don’t know these things. Almosteveryone in this world wants love andpeace. But what are the conditions neces-sary to obtain that love and peace? Andwhat if the love and peace you seem to at-tain becomes something else down the line?

…and he shall magnify himself in hisheart, and by peace shall destroy many….

—Daniel 8:25

54 � Reinventing Jesus Christ

The “Christ” of the “new gospel” hasa plan. He calls it “the alternative to Arma-geddon.” He says that with his plan Arma-geddon can be avoided, promising that his“atonement plan” (at-one-ment plan) willwork if everyone plays their necessary part.But it must be a unified team effort. One forall and all for one. There can be no detrac-tors; there can be no weak links. “Love” and“peace” will prevail when “fear” and “sepa-ration” are overcome. “Overcomers,” ac-cording to the “new gospel,” are those whohave overcome “fear” and “separation” byrecognizing they are part of God and “at-one” with creation.

The “Armageddon alternative” peaceplan has been given by the “new gospelChrist” to his avant-garde channelers whoare now in the process of gradually intro-ducing this “plan,” with its underlying“new gospel” principles, to an unsuspect-ing general public. But the “Armageddonalternative” is not referred to as such at thistime. The terms and concepts presented aregenerally simple and pleasing — terms that,while loaded with hidden “new gospel”meaning, remain non-threatening to theaverage person. The “new gospel” is pre-sented in simple soundbites about the vir-tues of “love,” “peace,” and “oneness,”while warning about the dangers of “fear,”“hate,” “self-centeredness,” and “separa-tion.” Because things are being kept pur-posefully vague, there is no talk about theplan’s “selection process.” At least not yet.

False assumptions of the “newgospel” peace plan

(1) Each person is a part of God. Eachperson is a cell in the one body of God thatis humanity. Each person (cell) is divinelyinterconnected through their “christ-self” or“higher self” to one another.

(2) Fear-based belief sysyems (like “oldGospel” teachings) deny that we are a partof God. This denial creates the illusion thathumanity, the world, and God are separatefrom self. This “misperception” creates a

world that is filled with self-centeredness,violence, hate, and war.

(3) Love-based belief systems (like“new gospel” teachings) affirm that we area part of God. This affirmation results in thetrue perception that humanity, the world,and God are “one” with self. This true per-ception creates a world that is filled withselflessness, non-violence, love and peace.

(4) Whatever we think is what wedraw to ourselves. If we believe that war isinevitable, then the power of that belief willmake it so. If we believe that peace is inevi-table, then the power of that belief will makeit so.

(5) For the peace plan to work eachperson must responsibly play their part inthe peace process. Those who do not re-sponsibly play their part hinder the evolu-tion of humanity and the attainment ofpeace.

False elements of the “new gospel”peace plan

(1) Each person recognizes that theworld is in great peril; if something isn’tdone soon, humanity as a species could be-come extinct.

(2) Each person as a cell in the one bodyof humanity that is God has a responsibil-ity to function properly within the contextof the body by thinking “right” thoughts,and relating to the body in a unified,wholistic manner.

(3) Each person understands that thefuture of the world is up to the collectivebody. What they think is what they get.Thoughts of love, unity, and peace mustprevail.

(4) Each person must correct any“misperception” that reinforces the ideathat God, self, humanity, and the world areseparate from one another. All fear-basednotions of separateness must be eliminatedfrom their thoughts and actions. No moreseparatist thoughts about sin, Satan, or Ar-mageddon being real. Only thoughts ofGod, love, and peace.

The Armageddon Alternative � 55

(5) Through prayer and meditationeach person begins to envision and createthe peaceful world they would like to see.They affirm and hold that vision of peacein their daily thoughts.

(6) People gather together in smallgroups to increase the power of their indi-vidual envisioning. They join together as anexpression of their oneness to collectivelypray and meditate and hold the vision of apeaceful world.

(7) People meditate, pray and hold thevision of peace at the same time around theworld to increase the power of their effort.

(8) Special events are arranged wherepeople around the world can link moreopenly with one another (like the 1987 Har-monic Convergence) to increase the powerof their collective vision. People begin to seeand experience the power that comes fromjoining together in expressions of “one-ness.” [Barbara Marx Hubbard was in Boul-der, Colorado with the originator of theHarmonic Convergence, Jose Arguellesduring the 1987 event, ed.2]

9) As humanity becomes more alignedwithin its one body, and unified in its ex-pressed desire for peace, the power of Godis more flowing and present, and there isan increase in miracles and healings.

10) As everyone links through their“Christ-self” or “higher self,” the power ofGod (i.e., the “Force”) begins to manifestits presence.

(11) Only fear, with its illusion of sepa-rateness, can threaten the flow of the“Force” within the one body and keep thebody from experiencing feelings of peaceand oneness. These thoughts of separationare like cancer cells in the body and mustbe completely healed or “removed” fromthe body.

(12) Because thoughts of separationthreaten the health and the peace of thebody, a system is devised to visibly markthose who recognize their oneness withGod. Those who do not submit to the pro-cess ultimately reveal themselves as sepa-ratists.

(13) An appointed day arrives whenall of those who want the God and Christpotentials within them to be fully activatedalign themselves in a designated momentin time with all humanity.

(14) With the “Force” of God fullymanifesting in one moment through allmankind, humanity experiences itself as the“one body” of God.

(15) This universal link-up with the“Force” results in all humanity being res-urrected and born again into a whole newway of being. In the twinkling of an eye theyare taken to a new spiritual level as theynow actually experience themselves as apart of God.

(16) Once humanity has been linkedas “one” and corporately transformed,Christ, and ultimately God, will be enabledto “return” to earth. Peace will reign in the“New Heaven,” on the “New Earth,” andin the “New Jerusalem.” Projects of good-will shall prevail. Sharing will be the keyword.

(17) Self-centered and separatist mem-bers of the “one body” who choose not toparticipate in this transformational peaceprocess will be judged and removed fromthe corporate body by the “selection pro-cess.” They are not allowed to hinder thespiritual development of the rest of the “onebody.” They will not be allowed to keeppeace from happening. They are removedfor the good of all.

Just as Global Renaissance Alliancemembers appeared on primetime televisionafter September 11, it is expected that theywill become even more of a presence dur-ing any future crises. Convinced that their“Christ” has a way to save the world fromdisaster, they will continue to introduce his“new gospel” peace plan to a world that isdesperate for peace —a peace plan that their“Christ” has described in detail as the “al-ternative to Armaggedon.”

56 � Reinventing Jesus Christ

Direct quotes fromHubbard�s �Christ�in The Revelation

The alternative to Armaged-don is the Planetary Pente-cost. When a critical mass isin the upper room of con-sciousness on a planetaryscale, each will hear fromwithin, in their own language,the mighty words of God. Allwho are attuned will beradically empowered to beand do as Jesus did. (p. 157)

Here we are, now poisedeither on the brink of de-struction greater than theworld has ever seen � adestruction which will crippleplanet Earth forever andrelease only the few to go on� or on the threshold ofglobal co-creation whereineach person on Earth will beattracted to participate in hisor her own evolution togodliness. (p. 174)

It [Armageddon] will be aself-fulfilling prophecy if weforce ourselves to continuecontemplating this disastrousset of events. (p. 204)

Armageddon is, dearlybeloved, the dreadful scriptwhich you and I rewrite now.(p. 204)

This text was written not toadd or subtract from thedivine book of Revelation. Itwas written to inform you ofthe alternative to Armaged-don. (p. 305)

The Book of Revelation is adescription of one path to theNew Jerusalem, but thisscenario is not inevitable.(p. 158)

The Book of Revelation [inthe Bible] describes theviolent path to the NewJerusalem. This Revelation[Hubbard�s book] describesthe loving path to the samecondition. (p. 265)

You are to prepare the wayfor the alternative to Arma-geddon, which is the Plan-etary Pentecost, the greatInstant of Co-operation whichcan transform enough, enmasse, to avoid the necessityof the seventh seal beingbroken. (p. 172�173)

Tell them to recognize theGod within themselves, andto follow that light throughthe darkness of the tribula-tions to the dawn of theUniversal Age, when only theGod-conscious continue toexist, and everyone is likeChrist. (p. 102)

You are to provide theopportunity for a planetarysignal wherein each personwho chooses life over deathcan register that decisionvisibly � a coming to witnessbefore the world. (p. 302)

Each shall be �sealed� withthe seal of the living God.This means that they shall bemarked, visibly identified,first to themselves, then toothers. This means that their

inner eye in the forehead willbe fully opened by this touch,henceforth awakening themfrom the womb of self-centeredness. (p. 149)

All those sealed with the sealof the living God must beconsciously linked in acommon thought pattern foran instant in time to AVOIDARMAGEDDON. The bell willnever toll, if you can linkbefore the end must come.(p. 241)

Those with the seal of theliving God on their foreheadswill be with Christ at the timeof the Transformation.(p. 190)

I cannot �return� untilenough of you are attractedand linked. (p. 66)

There will be practices forthis coming event. (p. 242)

Either the good will prevail,connect, link, and magnetizethe majority of humanity toact with love for life everlast-ing, or the violent selection ofthe self-centered will begin.(p. 303)

The decisive moment ofselection has almost come.The judgment of the quickand the dead is about to bemade. The end of this phaseof evolution is nearly com-plete. (p. 189)

All who choose life everlast-ing have judged themselvesworthy to be me. (p. 304)

�The Armaggedon alternative:the Planetary Pentecost

The Armageddon Alternative � 57

If those people who are notself-centered align theirthoughts in perfect faith, thatthey are whole, created inthe image of God, the worldcan be saved. (p. 157)

As the Planetary Smile ripplesthrough the nervous systemsof earth and the Instant ofCo-operation begins, empa-thy floods the feelings of thewhole body of Earth, sepa-rateness is overcome, and Iappear to all of you at once.(p. 245)

At the moment of cosmiccontact, I will appear to youboth through inner experi-ence and through externalcommunication in your massmedia � the nervous systemof the world. You will all feel,hear, and see my presence atone instant in time, each inyour own way. (p. 245)

An uncontrollable joy willripple through the thinkinglayer of Earth. The co-creative systems, which arelying psychologically dormantin humanity will be activated.From within, all sensitivepersons will feel the joy ofthe force, flooding theirsystems with love andattraction. It will be asirresistible as sex. (p. 243)

As this joy flashes throughthe nervous systems of themost sensitive peoples onEarth, it will create a psycho-magnetic field of empathy,which will align the next waveof people in synchrony,everywhere on Earth. Thismassive, sudden empathicalignment will cause a shift inthe consciousness of Earth.(p. 243)

It is essential at the momentof infusion of empathy that

you overcome all fear ofseparation from God. Thisovercoming of fear in a wholeplanetary experience is anirresistible force. No beingcan resist it. (p. 244�245)

The cancer of self-centeredness will be con-sumed by the experience ofwholeness. (p. 245)

At the time of the QuantumInstant there will be ajudgment of the quick andthe dead. That is, there willbe an evolutionary selectionprocess based on yourqualifications for co-creativepower. (p. 111)

The species known as self-centered humanity willbecome extinct. The speciesknown as whole-centeredhumanity will evolve. (p. 111)

After the selection process,you will be born to the nextstage of evolution. There willbe a New Heaven, a NewEarth, a new body and a newconsciousness for all whosurvive. (p. 261)

The New Jerusalem is thenew city which emergesnaturally from a New Heavenand a New Earth. It is thehuman community as acollectivity of natural Christs.(p. 258)

I will write upon you my newname, which is not theMaster Jesus who went to thecross but the risen Christ whoarose from the dead�.(p. 115)

Those who choose thisversion of the future will bethere. Those who do notchoose it will not be there.Choose well, dearly beloved,choose well. (p. 288)

The mark of the beast

And he causeth all, bothsmall and great, rich andpoor, free and bond, toreceive a mark in their righthand, or in their foreheads:And that no man might buyor sell, save he that had themark, or the name of thebeast, or the number of hisname. (Revelation 13:16-17)

Direct quotes fromHubbard�s �Christ�in The Revelation

You are to provide theopportunity for a planetarysignal wherein each personwho chooses life over deathcan register that decisionvisibly � a coming to witnessbefore the world. (p. 302)

Each shall be �sealed� withthe seal of the living God.This means that they shall bemarked, visibly identified,first to themselves, then toothers. This means that theirinner eye in the forehead willbe fully opened by this touch,henceforth awakening themfrom the womb of self-centeredness. (p. 149)

I will write upon you my newname, which is not theMaster Jesus who went to thecross but the risen Christ whoarose from the dead, as-cended into heaven, and sitsat the right hand of God.(p. 115)


58 � Reinventing Jesus Christ

�Those who have the seal ofthe living God will be able totake the next step of evolu-tion. (p. 150)

Those with the seal of theliving God on their foreheadswill be with Christ at the timeof the Transformation.(p. 190)

This critical mass representsthose marked with the seal ofthe living God on theirforeheads. (p. 198)

The Bible�sprophetic warning

Now the Spirit speakethexpressly, that in the lattertimes some shall depart fromthe faith, giving heed toseducing spirits, and doc-trines of devils; Speaking liesin hypocrisy; having theirconscience seared with a hotiron; Forbidding to marry, andcommanding to abstain frommeats, which God hathcreated to be received withthanksgiving of them whichbelieve and know the truth.(1 Timothy 4:1�3 )


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The Armageddon Alternative � 59

�New gospel� quotes

Undermining marriage

In the future our partners willbe chosen in a much morescientific way, according toRay quality, karmic relation-ship, and point in evolution.(Creme, p. 185)

Fidelity of the partners is toeach other for the sake oftheir chosen act, whether itbe a godly child or godlywork in the universe. Whenthe act is completed, thepartnership is renewed ifthere is more to be done. Itis lovingly ended if there isnothing more to be createdby that particular couple.Each discovers the nextpartner, or partners, with nohint of sorrow, for nothing isseparated among thosetotally connected with God.(Hubbard�s �Christ,�Revelation, p. 166)

No sexual reproductions, onlyconscious conceptions�.(Hubbard�s �Christ,�Revelation, p. 283)

You will choose to createanother being only on veryspecial occasions when thewhole community of natural

Christs sees the requirement.The selection of the individualto be embodied is done byconscious selection.(Hubbard�s �Christ,� Revelation, p. 165)

Walsch: So are You sayingthat marriage should go?

�God�: I have no preferencein the matter�.(CWG Book 3, p. 219)

Abstaining from meats

The defect of carnivorousbehavior will gradually beovercome. Eating meat willcease. (Hubbard�s �Christ,�The Revelation, p. 263)

There are two defects fromwhich you suffer, carnivorousbehavior and the illusion ofseparation from God.(Hubbard�s �Christ,�Revelation, p. 187)

But in the New Age vegetari-anism will become the norm.(Creme, p. 194)

[Excerpted from: Conversa-tions with God: Book 3, N.D.Walsch; The Reappearance ofthe Christ and the Masters ofWisdom, B. Creme; and TheRevelation, B.M. Hubbard.]

9The �New Gospel�Doctrine of Separation

In the “new gospel” scheme of things “love”means seeing yourself and your fellow manas a part of God and “one” with God.“Love” and “oneness” are equated with allof those who confess themselves to be a partof God. “Love” and “oneness” are said tobe true perceptions based on right think-ing. “Love and “oneness” produce peace,health, and spiritual growth in the “onebody” of mankind. They are the ticket tothe next spiritual level. “Love” and “one-ness” people are those who follow “newgospel” teachings and the “new gospel”God and Christ.

In the “new gospel” scheme of things,“fear” means seeing yourself and your fel-low man as “separate” and not as a part ofGod. “Fear” and “separation” are equatedwith all of those who refuse to see them-selves as being a part of God. “Fear” and“separation” are said to be erroneous per-

Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you,and when they shall separate you fromtheir company, and shall reproach you,

and cast out your name as evil,for the Son of man’s sake.

—Luke 6:22

60 � Reinventing Jesus Christ

ceptions based on wrong thinking. “Fear”and “separation” prevent the attainment ofpeace, produce illness in the body of man-kind, and prevent spiritual growth. Theyare the ticket to the “selection process” be-cause they prevent the “one body” of hu-manity from advancing to the next spirituallevel. “Fear” and “separation” people arethose who oppose “new gospel” teachingsand the “new gospel” God and Christ. Tra-ditional Christian believers, by “new gos-pel” definition, are “fear” and “separation”people.

The “God” and “Christ” of the “newgospel” use these cleverly contrived wordsand concepts to divide the world into twocamps: those who follow them and thosewho oppose them. Through the ingenioususe of language they make their case andpush their position. Always taking the highroad of “love” and “oneness” they isolatethose who oppose them by branding themas “fearful” and “separate.”

The “God” and the “Christ” of the“new gospel” are very adept at never say-ing “traditional Christian believers,” butrather say “those who are under the illu-sion of separation.” They do not say “tradi-tional Christianity is evil” or “traditionalChristianity is of the devil.” They say “sepa-ration is evil” and “separation is of thedevil.” Instead of saying, “traditional Chris-tianity is a crime that must be driven fromthis world,” they state: “The crime of sepa-ration must be driven from this world.”1

Instead of saying, “traditional Christian be-lievers will one day be submitted to the se-lection process,” they state: “All that hin-ders the manifestation of man’s divinitymust be driven from our planet.”2

How do “God” and “Christ” suggestthat Christians, and others under “the illu-sion of separation,” rid themselves of the“fear” that is causing them to feel separatefrom God? By “atoning” through the “at-one-ment” process. That is, by affirmingthat “all is love” and “all is God” and neverforgetting that they are a part of God. By“new gospel” definition, the only way you

can be “loving” and “at-one” with your fel-low man is by ultimately pledging alle-giance to the doctrine of “oneness.” Fromthis perspective you are either a “love” and“oneness” person or you are a “fear” and“separation” person. Your “love” of God isexpressed by seeing yourself and others asa part of God, as “one” with God. Your“fear” of God is expressed by seeing your-self and others as not being a part of God,as “separate” from God. In the “new gos-pel” future you will live or die based onwhether or not you see yourself as a part ofGod. It is the doctrine of “oneness” versusthe doctrine of “separation.” It is as simpleand straightforward and brutal as that.

If it all sounds kind of backward, thatis because it is. It is the language and meth-odology of the “God” and “Christ” of the“new gospel.” And it is the same terminol-ogy and methodology being used by their“new gospel” followers. “Oneness” is pre-sented as the inevitable by-product of“love” and as such is like “mom and applepie.” Who could possibly be against “momand apple pie”? “Separateness” is regardedas the inevitable by-product of “fear” andas such is like “the Grinch who stole Christ-mas.” Who in their right mind supports “theGrinch who stole Christmas”? The upshotof this clever conditioning process is to im-press people everywhere with the seem-ingly indisputable contention that if you areagainst “oneness” you are also against God,Christ, and your fellow man.

Only an ingenious and creatively de-ceptive spirit world could have thought upsuch a diabolical way of separating and dis-paraging Christian believers and otherswho do not believe they are a part of God.Who could possibly be against “oneness”?And the answer is, of course, only thosewho have been “deceived” into believingin the “the crime of separation.” Only thosewho are under the “self-centered” illusionthat they are “separate” and not a part ofGod. Only those who have been “deluded”into believing that the “sin of separation”is real.

The �New Gospel� Doctrine of Separation � 61

The hostile “new gospel”

It is ironic that “new gospel” advocatespresent themselves as being so loving, tol-erant, and accepting of all major religions.“God” told Neale Donald Walsch, “Thereare a thousand paths to God, and every onegets you there.”3 But “God” convenientlyoverlooks telling Walsch’s readers about adetour called the “selection process” forthose who insist on being “separate” and“self-centered” — the “shock of a fire” and“a second death” for those who refuse tobow down to the doctrine of “oneness” andthe “God” and “Christ” of the “new gos-pel.”

Alice Bailey was told by her spiritguide over fifty years ago that the “Forcesof Darkness” would oppose the “new gos-pel” and the “New Age.” These “Forces”are described as being spiritually blind andcharacterized by “separateness” and “hate.”

The Forces of Darkness are powerfulenergies…. They consequently block de-liberately the inflow of that which is newand life-giving; they work to prevent theunderstanding of that which is of theNew Age; they endeavor to preservethat which is familiar and old, to coun-teract the effects of the oncoming cul-ture and civilization, to bring blindnessto the peoples and to feed steadily theexisting fires of hate, of separateness, ofcriticism and of cruelty.4

“God” warns Walsch about the fear-ful people who will try to undermine his“magnificent truths” by calling them false,saying they will be “your greatest enemy.”

But this paradigm shift will take greatwisdom, great courage, and massive de-termination. For fear will strike at theheart of these concepts and call themfalse. Fear will eat at the core of these

magnificent truths and make them ap-pear hollow. Fear will distort, disdain,destroy. And so Fear will be your great-est enemy.5

The “new gospel” is anything but lov-ing, tolerant, and accepting towards thosewho oppose it. The “Christ” of the “newgospel” warns that those who are “fearful”are “separate” and “self-centered.” He de-clares that “separate” and “self-centered”people must ultimately be handed over tothe “selection process.” He declares that“separate” and “self-centered” people mustultimately be removed from the planet.

The recognition of God is the recogni-tion of yourself. There is no separationof God and His creation.6

…[T]he fundamental regression is self-centeredness, or the illusion that you areseparate from God. I “make war” onself-centeredness.7

At the co-creative stage of evolution, oneself-centered soul is like a lethal cancercell in a body: deadly to itself and to thewhole.8

The surgeon dare leave no cancer in thebody when he closes up the wound af-ter a delicate operation. We dare leaveno self-centeredness on Earth after theselection process.9

The species known as self-centered hu-manity will become extinct. The speciesknown as whole-centered humanitywill evolve.10

“The meaning of ‘separation’ in the‘new gospel,’” (opposite page) reveals justhow intolerant and unloving the “God” and“Christ” of the “new gospel” are toward tra-ditional Christian believers and all otherswho refuse to see themselves as a part ofGod.

62 � Reinventing Jesus Christ

�Direct quotes from�God� or �Christ�

Separation is anillusion

This is your assignment. Thisis your work. You are todestroy the illusion of separa-tion. (Walsch�s �God,� FWG,p. 21)

Separation is notbelieving you are a part

of God

The recognition of God is therecognition of yourself. Thereis no separation of God andHis creation. (�Jesus,� ACIMText, p. 147)

Nothing separates you fromMe, and soon many willrealise this. I am with youand in you. I seek to expressThat which I am through you;for this I come. (Maitreya,Messages, p. 22)

Separation isself-centeredness

�[T]he fundamental regres-sion is self-centeredness, orthe illusion that you areseparate from God. I �makewar� on self-centeredness. Itshall surely be overcome. Thechild must become the adult.Human must become Divine.That is the law. (Hubbard�s�Christ,� Revelation, p. 233)

The meaning of�separation� in the�new gospel�

Separation is not love

Love is the only way. Youcannot gain the next stage ofevolution in a self-centeredstate. (Hubbard�s �Christ,�Revelation, p. 236)

Separation is fear

It is essential at the momentof infusion of empathy thatyou overcome all fear ofseparation from God. Thisovercoming of fear in a wholeplanetary experience is anirresistible force. No beingcan resist it. (Hubbard�s�Christ,� Revelation,p. 244�245)

Separation is hatred

Let us together show theworld: that the need for waris past; that the instinct ofman is to live and to love;that hatred is begotten ofseparation�. (Maitreya,Messages, p. 108)

Separation is evil

Just before the final wave oftribulations � the seven lastplagues � those who resistevil, those who are victoriousin their struggle against thetemptation of separation,stand upon a burning sea ofglass. (Hubbard�s �Christ,�Revelation, p. 201)

Separation is Satan

When at last you see thatthere is no separation inGod�s World � that is,nothing which is not God �then, at last, will you let go ofthis invention of man whichyou have called Satan.(Walsch�s �God,� CWGBook 3, p. 56)

The mind can make the beliefin separation very real andvery fearful, and this belief isthe �devil.� (�Jesus,�ACIM Text, p. 50)

Your triumph over Satan, thatis, over the illusion of separa-tion, will be a victory for theuniversal community.(Hubbard�s �Christ,�Revelation, p. 193)

Separation is sin

I shall drive from this Earthforever the curse of hatred,the sin of separation.(Maitreya, Messages, p. 104)

Separation is sickness

A sick person perceiveshimself as separate fromGod. Would you see him asseparate from you? It is yourtask to heal the sense ofseparation that has made himsick. (�Jesus,� ACIM Manual,p. 56)

The �New Gospel� Doctrine of Separation � 63

�[Ed. note: Man, by hisselfish choice to disobey Godin the Garden of Eden,willingly chose the path thatwould separate him fromfellowship with God. At thatmoment sin, death, shame,fear, guilt � all the thingsthat plague the human race� were introduced to thehuman soul that had, to thatpoint known Divine fellowshipand love. The response of theLord was to seek the lost.Then, as now, God is at work,redeeming our separation byatoning sacrifice, which is agift of His love to His cre-ation. Jesus Christ came toseek and redeem the lost(the separated). Those whoacknowledge their need arebrought back into fellowshipwith God through Jesus�atonement. At Christ�s deaththe veil of �separation� in thetemple was torn in two(Matthew 27:50�51), endingsin�s separating curse onceand for all. The root of thesin that separates man andGod has always been bornfirst in the concept �I will�(self). The mistake of deifyingthe creature/creation asopposed to worshipping theCreator has always provokedjudgment/separation fromGod.]

Separation is a resultof worshipping


Because that, when theyknew God, they glorified himnot as God, neither werethankful; but became vain intheir imaginations, and theirfoolish heart was darkened.Professing themselves to bewise, they became fools, Andchanged the glory of theuncorruptible God into animage made like to corrupt-ible man, and to birds, andfourfooted beasts, andcreeping things. WhereforeGod also gave them up touncleanness through the lustsof their own hearts, todishonour their own bodiesbetween themselves: Whochanged the truth of God intoa lie, and worshipped andserved the creature morethan the Creator, who isblessed for ever. Amen.(Romans 1:21�25)

Separation is endedby atonement of

Jesus Christ

That at that time ye werewithout Christ, being aliensfrom the commonwealth ofIsrael, and strangers from thecovenants of promise, havingno hope, and without God in

The meaning ofseparationin the Bible

Separation islawlessness

The crime of separation, ofdivision, of lawlessness mustgo from the world. All thathinders the manifestation ofman�s divinity must be drivenfrom our planet. My Law willtake the place of separation.(Maitreya, Messages, p. 248)

Separation is crime

The crime of separation mustbe driven from this world. Iaffirm that as My Purpose.(Maitreya, Messages, p. 189)

Separation is a �lack�that must be corrected

A sense of separation fromGod is the only lack you reallyneed correct. (�Jesus,� ACIMText , p. 14)

[Excerpted from: A Course inMiracles; Conversations withGod, Book 3 and Friendshipwith God, N.D. Walsch;Messages from Maitreya theChrist; and The Revelation,B.M. Hubbard.]

64 � Reinventing Jesus Christ

the world: But now in ChristJesus ye who sometimeswere far off are made nigh bythe blood of Christ. For he isour peace, who hath madeboth one, and hath brokendown the middle wall ofpartition between us; Havingabolished in his flesh theenmity, even the law ofcommandments contained inordinances; for to make inhimself of twain one newman, so making peace; Andthat he might reconcile bothunto God in one body by thecross, having slain the enmitythereby: And came andpreached peace to you whichwere afar off, and to themthat were nigh. For throughhim we both have access byone Spirit unto the Father.Now therefore ye are nomore strangers and foreign-ers, but fellowcitizens withthe saints, and of the house-hold of God; And are builtupon the foundation of theapostles and prophets, JesusChrist himself being the chiefcorner stone; In whom allthe building fitly framedtogether groweth unto anholy temple in the Lord: Inwhom ye also are buildedtogether for an habitation ofGod through the Spirit.(Ephesians 2:12�22)

Likewise reckon ye alsoyourselves to be dead indeedunto sin, but alive unto Godthrough Jesus Christ ourLord. Let not sin thereforereign in your mortal body,that ye should obey it in thelusts thereof. Neither yield yeyour members as instrumentsof unrighteousness unto sin:but yield yourselves unto

God, as those that are alivefrom the dead, and yourmembers as instruments ofrighteousness unto God.(Romans 6:11�13)

Believers cannot beseparated from

Jesus Christ

For I am persuaded, thatneither death, nor life, norangels, nor principalities, norpowers, nor things present,nor things to come, norheight, nor depth, nor anyother creature, shall be ableto separate us from the loveof God, which is in ChristJesus our Lord.(Romans 8:38�39)

Believers are hatedby the world

Blessed are ye, when menshall hate you, and whenthey shall separate you fromtheir company, and shallreproach you, and cast outyour name as evil, for theSon of man�s sake.(Luke 6:22)

If ye were of the world, theworld would love his own:but because ye are not of theworld, but I have chosen youout of the world, thereforethe world hateth you.(John 15:19)

I have given them thy word;and the world hath hatedthem, because they are notof the world, even as I amnot of the world. I pray notthat thou shouldest takethem out of the world, butthat thou shouldest keepthem from the evil.(John 17:14�15)

The �New Gospel� Doctrine of Separation � 65

Believers separatethemselves

from the world

Enter ye in at the strait gate:for wide is the gate andbroad is the way, that leadethto destruction, and manythere be which go in thereat:Because strait is the gate,and narrow is the way, whichleadeth unto life, and fewthere be that find it.(Matthew 7:13�14)

Wherefore come out fromamong them, and be yeseparate, saith the Lord, andtouch not the unclean thing;and I will receive you.(2 Corinthians 6:17)

For the grace of God thatbringeth salvation hathappeared to all men, Teach-ing us that, denying ungodli-ness and worldly lusts, weshould live soberly, right-eously, and godly, in thispresent world; Looking forthat blessed hope, and theglorious appearing of thegreat God and our SaviourJesus Christ; Who gavehimself for us, that he mightredeem us from all iniquity,and purify unto himself apeculiar people, zealous ofgood works. (Titus 2:11�14)

10The Silent Church

Many Christian believers smirked whenShirley MacLaine stood on the beach in hermade-for-TV movie, Out on a Limb, exclaim-ing, “I am God!” Today, MarianneWilliamson exclaims that we are all “God”and is introduced by Tom Brokaw on aprimetime NBC special report about Sep-tember 11 as one of our “religious leaders.”1

Gary Zukav, a man who personally en-dorsed the Barbara Marx Hubbard bookthat describes the “selection process,” tellsus in his post-September 11 television ap-pearances how we can all spiritually growand bring peace to the world. And WayneDyer, in a post-September 11 PBSfundraising event, stands in an historic NewEngland church and tells his national audi-ence that the world would be a much morepeaceful place if everyone adopted the “bril-liant” teachings of A Course in Miracles.

Traditional Christian believers fre-quently mention the analogy of the frog that

But while men slept, his enemy came andsowed tares among the wheat,

and went his way.—Matthew 13:25

66 � Reinventing Jesus Christ

is so slowly and gradually boiled in a kettleof water that it dies before ever realizingwhat is going on. Yet many believers fail torealize that the very same thing is happen-ing to them as they tell that story. How elsedo you explain the rapid rise of the “newgospel” movement with hardly a word ofconcern within the Church about what’sbeen happening? As “new gospel” advo-cates continue to publish bestselling booksand flock to the airwaves in ever-increas-ing numbers to advance their cause, thereis a strange silence in Christendom. Doesthe Church have any idea what is going on?

So often we have heard the impas-sioned refrain, “We can never let what hap-pened in Germany ever happen again.”And with all of the Holocaust memorials,survivor testimonies, and multitudinousbooks on the subject, we have done a prettygood job of convincing ourselves that wewill never make the same mistakes the Ger-man people did in allowing someone likeHitler to rise in their midst. We think thatAmericans would never stand by and al-low something like that to happen here inour country. Our democratic processes andold-fashioned common sense would neverallow it.

In the introduction to a 1999 publica-tion (Sixth Pressing) of Hitler’s Mein Kampf,Konrad Heiden describes how everythingthat Hitler was about to do was telegraphedin his early writings:

For years Mein Kampf stood as proof ofthe blindness and complacency of theworld. For in its pages Hitler announced— long before he came to power — aprogram of blood and terror in a self-revelation of such overwhelming frank-ness that few among its readers had thecourage to believe it. Once again it wasdemonstrated that there was no moreeffective method of concealment thanthe broadest publicity.2

Somehow, Christians don’t seem tograsp Jesus’ warnings about the tremen-dous deception that characterizes the timeof the end. Perhaps deceived into thinking

that we can’t be deceived, we don’t takeseriously enough His warnings that aHitler-like antichrist figure will one day riseto rule the world — and that many peoplecalling themselves “Christians” will sup-port this spiritual counterfeit who will ac-tually come in the name of Christ. Our ad-versary wants us to believe that these warn-ings are for another people at another time.Yet through Scripture, and in our heart ofhearts, the Spirit of God tells us that theyare not. As we study the Bible, and as wewatch and pray and observe the events allaround us, we come to understand thatthese future times described by Jesus arenow suddenly and undeniably upon us.

In his second letter to the Corinthians,Paul warns of their vulnerability and sus-ceptibility to false teaching in the name ofJesus. He suggests that if someone ap-proached them with “another gospel,” “an-other Jesus” and “another spirit” they mightvery well go along with it (2 Corinthians11:3–4). Earlier in that same letter Paul hadindirectly encouraged the Corinthians notto be ignorant of their adversary’s schemesand devices, lest they be taken advantageof (2 Corinthians 2:11). Paul told theEphesians that it is a shame that we evenhave to talk about the things of darkness,but when we expose them they are broughtinto the light (Ephesians 5:12–13). He alsotold them that he had not ceased to warnthem night and day for three years that menwho were “grievous wolves” would “arise”in the Church “speaking perverse things”as they attempted to lead men away fromtheir faith and into the enemy’s camp (Acts20:29–31). Let us beware of these samewarnings today.

It is extremely disturbing to see thewebsite of a Colorado-based Christianleader listed as a recommended resource inthe back of a 1998 Barbara Marx Hubbardbook entitled Conscious Evolution.3 It isequally alarming to find out that this indi-vidual is also a member of the same WorldFuture Society that lists Barbara MarxHubbard as one of its co-founding and cur-

The Silent Church � 67

rent board members.4 And that this re-spected Christian leader serves as the sec-retary of a World Future Society subcom-mittee that once gave Hubbard a specialaward for her outstanding contributions tothe field of religion.5 But perhaps what ismost unbelievable is that the ColoradoSprings Christian leadership lets him getaway with it. Apparently, being “unequallyyoked” with a woman who (at the direc-tion of her “Christ”) has “re-written” theBook of Revelation and authored the “se-lection process” is not a major concern forchurch leaders — leaders who are actuallystarting to sound a lot like Hubbard them-selves.

And it is, indeed, very disturbing tosee many Christian leaders today usingmany of the same words and expressionscommonly used by their “new gospel”counterparts. “New revelation” describinghow a great “move of God” is going to takebelievers “pregnant with destiny” to “a newspiritual level” and into a “new dimension”sounds a lot more like the “new gospel”than the traditional Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Are Christian leaders leading thechurch ever closer to the cross, or ever closerto the “Planetary Pentecost”? Why is therealmost no call for spiritual discernmentwithin the Church (except to warn believ-ers not to be deceived into doubting theirappointed Christian leaders)? Why is spiri-tual experience taking precedence overspiritual discernment? Why are there so fewwarnings about a counterfeit “new gospel”movement that maligns the person of JesusChrist and threatens the lives of His follow-ers? Why is “new revelation” in many min-istries starting to supercede God’s writtenWord? Why are Christians only being pre-pared for blessings and not for persecution?What in the world is going on?

Expecting only revival and the returnof the true Christ, will the Church be de-ceived by the one who will come in thename of Christ and pretend to be Him?Caught unawares, will the Church mistakethe counterfeit Christ’s “Planetary Pente-

cost” for the great “move of God” they hadbeen told to expect? Are we getting set upfor the great delusion described in the Bible?Is there any good reason not at least to con-sider that possibility?

The prophet Daniel makes mention ofthe God of “forces” in conjunction withantichrist (Daniel 11:38). The “God” of the“new gospel” asks Neale Donald Walsch,“What if I am not a ‘man’ at all, but rather,a Force?”6 The “Christ” of A Course inMiracles states that there is an “irresistibleForce” within each person.7 MarianneWilliamson explains that this “universalforce” can be “activated” within each per-son and has “the power to make all thingsright.”8 The “new gospel Christ” tells Bar-bara Marx Hubbard that on the day of“Planetary Pentecost” a “planetary smile”will flash across the face of all mankind; thatan “uncontrollable joy” that he describes asthe “joy of the force” will “ripple” throughthe one body of humanity.9 Benjamin Cremedescribes the event “as a pentecostal expe-rience for all.”10 The “Christ” of A Course inMiracles tells how the world ends in “peace”and “laughter.”11

Has anyone wondered whether thissame “Force” may be counterfeiting theHoly Spirit in churches and may be produc-ing “revivals” and “moves of God” that arenot really “revivals” or “moves of God” atall? Is the “God of forces” in the process ofpreparing the Church for the “PlanetaryPentecost”? Should we not be doing a morethorough job of testing the spirits? Have weput our faith and trust in Christian “lead-ers” rather than in God? Have we all talkedourselves out of the end times? Have we allagreed that persecution is not something weneed to be concerned about? Have weprayed to God that we would not be de-luded or deceived?

Ten years ago in my book, The LightThat Was Dark, I wrote the following:

Clearly many who said they were of“the faith” would soon become a partof the deception too, if they weren’t al-ready.

68 � Reinventing Jesus Christ

�Were we already witnessing the great“falling away” predicted in the Bible?Was the “mystery of iniquity” talkedabout in the Scriptures already doing itsdeceptive work with “all power andsigns and lying wonders”…? Wouldpeople calling themselves Christiansabandon their faith in the Bible and theBible’s Christ? Would they join an ecu-menical movement that in the name oflove and God and unity would sacrificethe truth of the Bible and perhaps oneday merge with the new age itself? Jesuswarned that such a faith would lead notto life but to ultimate destruction: “En-

The god of forces

But in his estate shall he[antichrist] honour the God offorces. Daniel 11:38

Direct quotes from�God� and �Christ�

Many around Me now haverecognized Me, work with Meand channel My Force.(Maitreya, Messages, p. 262)

You cannot do it by humanwill and desire alone. You areto be empowered by theforce that creates the uni-verse. (�Christ,� Revelation,p. 94)

You are letting the force bewith you! And that is good.That is very good. For as youmove into the next millen-nium, you will plant the seedsof the greatest growth the

world has ever seen.(�God,� FWG, p. 295)

Many now are awake to thesedivine aspects, and call forthe restructuring of yourworld. My Force is behindthem. (Maitreya, Messages,p. 276)

What if I am not a �man� atall, but rather, a Force, an�Energy� in the universe, thatIS the universe, and that is,in fact, All That Is. What if Iam The Collective? (�God,�CWG Book 3, p. 325)

Walsch: �May the force bewith you.

�God�: Precisely. Do youthink George Lucas cameup with that by accident?(FWG, p. 228)

[Instant of] Co-operationdoes not mean being nice toeach other�. It means co-operating with God. It meansco-evolving with me. It

�The Force�

ter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is thegate, and broad is the way, that leadethto destruction, and many there be whichgo in thereat: Because strait is the gate,and narrow is the way, which leadethunto life, and few there be that find it”(Matthew 7:13–14).12

Could it be that the reason the Churchis so unaware of the “new gospel” move-ment is because it is being led by that samespirit and heading down that same broadway? Is it happening now, right in front ofour very own eyes?

means all of you co-experi-encing the same force at thesame time and acting to-gether in accord with the ideathat you all have from within.(�Christ,� Revelation,p. 244)

An uncontrollable joy willripple through the thinkinglayer of Earth. The co-creative systems, which arelying psychologically dormantin humanity will be activated.From within, all sensitivepersons will feel the joy ofthe force, flooding theirsystems with love andattraction. (�Christ,�Revelation, p. 243)

At the next stage of evolu-tion, life is a constant choice.If you falter in your choice tolive as a son or daughter ofGod, you experience discon-nection from the force. At theChrist-stage of existence youcannot forget who you are �and continue to live at thatstage. (�Christ�, Revelation,p. 101)

Yet within you is a Force thatno illusions can resist.�[T]his Force is irresistible intruth. (�Jesus,� ACIM Text,p. 479 )

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

The Silent Church � 69

�According to �newgospel� advocates

What the orthodox theologianand the narrow doctrinairehave to offer no longersatisfies the intelligent seekeror suffices to answer hisquestions; he is shifting hisallegiances into wider andmore spiritual areas. He ismoving out from underdoctrinal authority into directpersonal, spiritual experienceand coming under the directauthority which contact withChrist and His disciples, theMasters, gives.13

�Alice A. Bailey

Now, an internationalgrassroots movement �made up of people from allreligions and no religions � isgathering in spirit to forge anexperience of universaloneness. This experience �unorganized, spontaneous,international, and inspired �will ultimately join allhearts.14

�Marianne Williamson

On the Day of Declaration, Isubmit, everyone � even thefundamentalists � will know,through the overshadowingof the minds of all humanity� a pentecostal experiencefor all � that Maitreya is theChrist.15

�Benjamin Creme

In the twinkling of an eye, weare all changed by thisexperience. It is a massmetanoia, a shared spiritualexperience for the humanrace, a peaceful secondcoming of the divine in us asus.16

�Barbara Marx Hubbard

Direct quotes from�God� and �Christ�

A universal theology isimpossible, but a universalexperience is not only pos-sible but necessary. (�Jesus,�ACIM Manual, p. 77)

Truth can only be experi-enced. It cannot be describedand it cannot be explained.(�Jesus,� ACIM Text, p. 150)

Words will mean little now.We use them but as guideson which we do not nowdepend. For now we seekdirect experience of truthalone. (�Jesus,� ACIMWorkbook, p. 398)

Listen to your feelings. Listento your Highest Thoughts.Listen to your experience.Whenever any one of thesediffer from what you�ve beentold by your teachers, or readin your books, forget thewords. Words are the leastreliable purveyor of Truth.(Walsch�s �God,� CWG Book1, p. 8)

I am leading you to a newkind of experience that youwill become less and lesswilling to deny. (�Jesus,�ACIM Text, p. 207)

�I do not want you tobelieve in me, or not tobelieve in me, I want you toexperience me. (Maitreya,MM: Vol. 2, p. 9)

This wedding takes placebetween me � Christ � andall humans who are willing itwith their whole being now.Through this marriage youexperience the ecstasy ofunion with me. (Hubbard�s�Christ,� Revelation,p. 294-295).

The Master is within you. Ifyou follow the disciplines oflife the Teacher teaches you,the Master reveals himselfwithin you. Do not be at-tached to the human form.The living truth is a matter ofexperience.(Maitreya, ETEB, p. 56)

[Page 69 and 70 excerptedfrom: A Course in Miracles;Conversations with God: Book1 and Friendship with God byN.D. Walsch; ExtraordinaryTimes, Extraordinary Beingsby W.S. Peterson; Maitreya�sMission: Volume Two by B.Creme; and The Revelationby B.M Hubbard.]

Experiencevs. the Word

70 � Reinventing Jesus Christ

11The Final Word

Recently, while visiting a country store Idiscovered a small yellow book almost hid-den on a back shelf. It was entitled TheWorst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook. Ipicked up a copy and glanced through thebook. Throughout the guide, the impor-tance of “expecting the unexpected” and of“being prepared” were continually empha-sized. Every other page seemed to teach thereader how to survive some new kind ofhighly precarious, worst-case scenario.How to escape from killer bees. How tosurvive a poisonous snake attack. How tosurvive an earthquake. How to escape froma mountain lion. How to survive if yourparachute fails to open. The list went on andon. Under the Boy Scout motto of “Be pre-pared,” I read the first sentence of the au-thors’ preface:

The principle behind this book is asimple one: You just never know.1

...and if in the land of peace, wherein thoutrustedest, they wearied thee, then howwilt thou do in the swelling of Jordan?

—Jeremiah 12:5

The Final Word � 71

I continued reading.

You never really know what curves lifewill throw at you, what is lurkingaround the corner, what is hoveringabove, what is swimming beneath thesurface. You never know when youmight be called upon to perform an actof extreme bravery and to choose life ordeath with your own actions.2

As I stood there reading I thought ofSeptember 11. These tragic events had re-vealed just how unprepared we were as anation for the worst-case type scenarios thatsuddenly exploded in New York City,Washington, D.C. and the Pennsylvaniacountryside. It was reported that thosewhose job it is to foresee such things grosslyunderestimated our adversaries. They hadnever even considered, much less preparedfor, those kinds of situations. We had beencaught unawares.

But now, in the aftermath of the disas-ters, we are more vigilant. We are not mini-mizing or denying the potential for danger.We are anticipating our adversaries as neverbefore. And we are preparing in advancefor these kinds of worst-case scenarios.

But what about the Church? Have welearned anything from September 11? WhileChurch “leaders” talk of “blessings” and“revival,” is Jesus Christ the only one warn-ing us to “watch and pray” and “be notdeceived”? Is Jesus the only one warningus that our spiritual adversaries want tosteal our faith and forever silence our testi-mony? Is Jesus the only one who is warn-ing us to beware of insidious spiritualschemes like the “Armageddon alternative”that offers “world peace” in exchange foryour soul? Is Jesus the only one willing towarn us about things like the “selectionprocess” and that we may have to die forwhat we believe — that we had better beopen to the possibility that our worst-casescenario may already be on its way?

These things have I spoken unto you,that ye should not be offended. Theyshall put you out of the synagogues: yea,

the time cometh, that whosoever killethyou will think that he doeth God ser-vice. And these things will they do untoyou, because they have not known theFather, nor me. But these things have Itold you, that when the time shall come,ye may remember that I told you ofthem. (John 16:1–4)

How fortunate we are to have a Sav-iour who doesn’t just tell us what we wantto hear, but tells us what we need to hear,and must hear, so that we will be preparedfor any persecution that might come ourway. Especially so that we will not becaught unawares by any of our adversary’sschemes and devices.

As I finished looking through TheWorst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook, Ithought of the “new gospel” and of all thepeople who will one day be deceived intothinking that antichrist is Christ. If I wasthe author I would add one more scenarioto my practical book: “How to discern thedifference between the coming of Christ andthe coming of antichrist.” I would warn ofthe dangers of the “new gospel” and the“new gospel” Christ. Why? Because youjust never know.

As I walked out of the country store, Iwas so grateful that God has provided uswith everything we need to know aboutsalvation, truth, and deception. And thatwhile He tells us of his blessings and eter-nal love, He also prepares us for the time ofthe end. That, lo He is with us, even throughthings like the “selection process,” and evenunto the end of time (Matthew 28:20).

Jesus tells it like it is

Jesus Christ tells it like it is. He warnsthat danger and death and spiritual decep-tion will characterize the time of the end.And at that time a spiritual imposter willcome and convince the world that he isChrist. What will look like a great “move ofGod” will not be a move of God at all. Jesustells us in Matthew 24:24 that “great signsand wonders” will accompany this deceiver— and the world will be conquered super-

72 � Reinventing Jesus Christ

naturally by seemingly “wonderful”schemes and devices (2 Thessalonians 2:9–11; Daniel 8:24). Jesus warns that this false“Christ” will be so deceptive that, if it werepossible, even the elect will be deceived(Mark 14:22).

Twenty years ago I was very involvedwith A Course in Miracles and “new age/new gospel” teachings. I wanted peace inmy life and I wanted to help bring peace tothe world. I truly thought I had found theway to do it. Without the Lord’s interven-tion, I would probably still be followingthose teachings. And if that were the case, Iwould most likely be applauding MarianneWilliamson and The Global Renaissance Al-liance instead of now warning people aboutthem. I was sincere, but I was sincerelywrong. And so are they. The “new gospel”is not from God.

The amazing thing is that two thou-sand years ago Jesus Christ warned usabout everything that is going on today. Hetold us this was going to happen and thatwe had better be ready. But the Church to-day is not ready. Ignorant of our adversary’sschemes, we are missing our opportunitiesto expose these false teachings to a lost anddying world. Ignorant of our adversary’sschemes, we don’t contend for our faithbecause we don’t even realize that some-one is trying to steal our faith away fromus. Ignorant of our adversary’s schemes, wehave become vulnerable to those schemes.A Church expecting only revival and onlythe return of Christ may be shocked to sud-denly find itself in the middle of the “greatdelusion,” facing antichrist instead.

I have tried as best I could to presentan overview of the accelerated spiritualdeception that has moved into the worldover the last quarter century: how the spiritworld’s deception has been purposeful,consistent and highly coordinated in theways it has presented its “new gospel”teachings and its “new gospel” Christ; howthese teachings have deceived many well-intentioned people into following and fur-thering its cause; how this deception fulfills

the prophetic warnings contained in Scrip-ture; how The Global Renaissance Allianceis a sign of the times as “new gospel” advo-cates begin to present a more united spiri-tual and political front; and how key mem-bers of this organization are now beingcalled upon by the media, in the midst ofcrisis, to provide spiritual answers to a vul-nerable nation.

I have also tried to demonstrate howhostile this false Christ is toward the realJesus Christ and toward all believers. Itmust be remembered that were this falseChrist to soon appear on Earth, his coun-terfeiting of the true Christ’s coming wouldnecessarily include counterfeiting the judg-ment that the Bible describes as comingwith Jesus Christ (Jude 14–15; 2Thessalonians 1:8–9). Citing Scripture, thefalse Christ could immediately pronouncejudgment on all those who “choose” to be“separate” and refuse to affirm or “experi-ence” themselves as “a part of God.” In “thetwinkling of an eye,” as the rest of the worldis being demonically “changed” and “glo-rified,” believers may have to face some-thing like the “selection process.”

As someone who came out of “newage/new gospel” teachings, I have beendeeply saddened by the Church’s apathyabout what is going on. Christian “leader-ship” has largely ignored and discountedthe prophetic significance of the “new gos-pel” deception that is so prevalent allaround us. To speak only of “revival,”“blessings,” and “breakthroughs” will notprepare believers for the persecution andtribulation that may soon take place.

Jesus was honest and straightforwardwith everyone. Jesus did not try to pleasethem. He said if the world called him“Beelzebub” or “Satan” it would call Hisfollowers “Beelzebub” and “Satan,” too(Matthew 10:25). He said that because theworld hated and persecuted Him, it wouldhate and persecute His followers, also. AndHe said that following Him — particularlyin the end days — could very well meanthe loss of your life.

The Final Word � 73

Jesus simply told it like it was. And hewas not at all amused when followers likePeter tried to minimize or discount or denythe things he was telling them. The Biblerecords in Matthew 16:21–23 that Jesus toldhis disciples that the world was about tokill him, but that he would be raised againon the third day. Peter, refusing to believethe Lord’s words, “rebuked” him and in-sisted instead that what Jesus was tellingthem would not come to pass.

Be it far from thee, Lord: this shall notbe unto thee.

Completely unmoved by Peter’s attempt toput a “positive spin” on things, Jesus ad-dressed the spirit that was motivatingPeter’s denial.

Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art anoffense unto me: for thou savourest notthe things that be of God, but those thatbe of men.

And the Lord is saying the same thingnow to those in the Church who refuse tosee what is going on in the world today.God is not in the process of giving theChurch “new revelation” that will super-cede what He has already given us in Hisholy Word. He is not in the process of bring-ing a “new thing” into the Church. He isnot in the process of taking His Church to a“new place” or to a “new dimension” or toa “new level.” He is not in the process ofbringing in a “new dispensation.” And Hemost certainly is not in the process of intro-ducing a “new gospel” that contradicts inword and spirit everything He has evertaught us about our life in Christ. No, theseare the plans of antichrist, and the Churchhad better beware.

God’s message today is loud and clear.This is not a time for celebration. This is nota time for the church to be expecting somekind of a special blessing. This is a time tobe sober and vigilant. This is a time to watchand pray. This is a time to be spirituallyprepared. This is a time to be warning yourbrothers and sisters and family and friendsabout what is happening in the world.

Be sober, be vigilant; because your ad-versary the devil, as a roaring lion,walketh about, seeking whom he maydevour: Whom resist stedfast in thefaith, knowing that the same afflictionsare accomplished in your brethren thatare in the world. (1 Peter 5:8–9)

When storms with the potential to killare just offshore, reasonable people makereasonable preparations. They don’t partyin the face of the impending danger. Theydon’t sit on their front porches pretendingthat nothing is happening. Jesus warned inScripture that storms would come. He par-ticularly warned about those that wouldcome at the end of time. He wasn’t beingnegative. He wasn’t trying to scare us. Hewas telling us these things ahead of time sothat we would be prepared; so that wewould not be deceived nor intimidated norfrightened into compromising or question-ing our faith. Jesus said that if we listenedto His words and applied them to our lives,that our faith would withstand any storm.

Therefore whosoever heareth these say-ings of mine, and doeth them, I will likenhim unto a wise man, which built hishouse upon a rock: And the rain de-scended, and the floods came, and thewinds blew, and beat upon that house;and it fell not: for it was founded upona rock. (Matthew 7:24–25)

Jesus’ warnings in Matthew 24 and inthe Bible’s Book of Revelation are echoedthroughout the Bible. God warns of a greatdeception at the end of time and He tells usto “be not deceived.” He tells us these thingsin advance so that whether it is the “newgospel” movement’s “selection process”with its “shock of a fire,” or something else,we will not be surprised or think it strange.

Beloved, think it not strange concern-ing the fiery trial which is to try you, asthough some strange thing happenedunto you: But rejoice, inasmuch as yeare partakers of Christ’s sufferings; that,when his glory shall be revealed, ye maybe glad also with exceeding joy. (1 Pe-ter 4:12)

74 � Reinventing Jesus Christ

�After Jesus rebuked Peter for not be-

lieving what He was telling them about Hisown death, He reminded His disciples thatin following Him they would be subject tothe same forces and the same kind of death.Following Him was a serious matter andcounting the cost was part of the faith.

Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If anyman will come after me, let him denyhimself, and take up his cross, and fol-low me. For whosoever will save his lifeshall lose it: and whosoever will lose hislife for my sake shall find it. For what isa man profited, if he shall gain the wholeworld, and lose his own soul? or whatshall a man give in exchange for hissoul? (Matthew 16:24–26 )

There is a new world order and a newworld religion coming with a false “Christ”at its head. Characterized by mass “enlight-enment” and under the spell of this falseChrist, humanity will be under “the greatdelusion” that it is divine. While the Bibledescribes this “new age” as a period of ulti-mate deception, the world will see it as atime of peace and safety, and a spiritual re-naissance of the highest order. But they willbe deeply deceived:

For when they shall say, Peace andsafety; then sudden destruction comethupon them, as travail upon a womanwith child; and they shall not escape. (1Thessalonians 5:3)

May we all pray for the truth in ourheart of hearts and ask the Spirit of the Lordto lead us through these difficult and tur-bulent times. May we not be deceived by aspirit and a “Force” that is not from God.And may we be given the strength to en-dure whatever may befall us in the comingdays, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

According to Scripture

Key to discerning the true Christ: The trueChrist, Jesus Christ, meets his followers �in theair� not on the earth (1 Thessalonians 4:17).He returns in the clouds. Everyone on earthsees him up there in the clouds because hisappearance fills the heavens and lights up thesky (Revelation 1:7; Matthew 24:27). He thensends his angels to gather up all of his follow-ers. This they do by literally raising all believ-ers up into the heavens to meet the Lord inthe air (Mark 13:26�27). Key Scripture: 1Thessalonians 4:17. It is clearly establishedthat Jesus Christ first meets his followers �inthe air� and not on the earth.

Key to discerning antichrist: Antichrist (orany false Christ) meets his followers on theearth and not in the air. Test: If you arestanding on this earth and a �Christ� figure isalso standing on this earth, and you have notpreviously and literally met this �Christ� figure�in the air,� then that �Christ� figure is a falseChrist. Test: Any �Christ� figure who does notteach that Jesus Christ is the one and onlytrue Christ and that he came in the flesh tothis earth, fails the Bible�s test of the spirits(1 John 4:1�3).

The coming of the true Christ

Acts 1:11 [T]his same Jesus, which is takenup from you into heaven, shall so come in likemanner as ye have seen him go into heaven.

Revelation 1:7 Behold, he cometh withclouds; and every eye shall see him, and theyalso which pierced him: and all kindreds of theearth shall wail because of him. Even so,Amen.

Mark 13:24�25 But in those days, after thattribulation, the sun shall be darkened, and the

The coming ofChrist and thecoming of theantichrist

The Final Word � 75

moon shall not give her light,And the stars of heaven shallfall, and the powers that arein heaven shall be shaken.

Matthew 24:27 For as thelightning cometh out of theeast, and shineth even untothe west; so shall also thecoming of the Son of man be.

Mark 13:26�27 And thenshall they see the Son of mancoming in the clouds withgreat power and glory. Andthen shall he send his angels,and shall gather together hiselect from the four winds,from the uttermost part ofthe earth to the uttermostpart of heaven.

1 Thessalonians 4:16�18For the Lord himself shalldescend from heaven with ashout, with the voice of thearchangel, and with thetrump of God: and the deadin Christ shall rise first: Thenwe which are alive andremain shall be caught uptogether with them in theclouds, to meet the Lord inthe air: and so shall we everbe with the Lord. Whereforecomfort one another withthese words.

The coming ofantichrist

Matthew 24:26 Whereforeif they shall say unto you,Behold, he is in the desert;go not forth: behold, he is inthe secret chambers; believeit not.

Mark 13:21�23 And then ifany man shall say to you, Lo,here is Christ; or, lo, he isthere; believe him not: Forfalse Christs and false proph-ets shall rise, and shall shewsigns and wonders, toseduce, if it were possible,even the elect.

Luke 21:8 And he said, Takeheed that ye be not deceived:for many shall come in myname, saying, I am Christ;and the time draweth near:go ye not therefore afterthem.

2 Thessalonians 2:1�4Now we beseech you,brethren, by the coming ofour Lord Jesus Christ, and byour gathering together untohim, That ye be not soonshaken in mind, or betroubled, neither by spirit,nor by word, nor by letter asfrom us, as that the day ofChrist is at hand. Let no mandeceive you by any means:for that day shall not come,except there come a fallingaway first, and that man ofsin be revealed, the son ofperdition; Who opposeth andexalteth himself above allthat is called God, or that isworshipped; so that he asGod sitteth in the temple ofGod, shewing himself that heis God.

2 Thessalonians 2:9�11Even him, whose coming isafter the working of Satanwith all power and signs and

lying wonders, And with alldeceivableness ofunrighteousness in them thatperish; because they receivednot the love of the truth, thatthey might be saved. And forthis cause God shall sendthem strong delusion, thatthey should believe a lie.

1 John 4:1�3 Beloved,believe not every spirit, buttry the spirits whether theyare of God: because manyfalse prophets are gone outinto the world. Hereby knowye the Spirit of God: Everyspirit that confesseth thatJesus Christ is come in theflesh is of God: And everyspirit that confesseth not thatJesus Christ is come in theflesh is not of God: and this isthat spirit of antichrist,whereof ye have heard that itshould come; and even nowalready is it in the world.

Revelation 13:16�18 Andhe causeth all, both smalland great, rich and poor, freeand bond, to receive a markin their right hand, or in theirforeheads: And that no manmight buy or sell, save hethat had the mark, or thename of the beast, or thenumber of his name. Here iswisdom. Let him that hathunderstanding count thenumber of the beast: for it isthe number of a man; and hisnumber is Six hundredthreescore and six.

76 � Reinventing Jesus Christ

�False teachings

A truth hard for the orthodox thinker of anyfaith to accept is the fact that Christ cannotreturn because He has always been here uponour Earth, watching over the spiritual destinyof humanity�. (Bailey, Reappearance, p. 43)

Make known to all that I am here, that I amreturned and prepare men for the Day ofDeclaration, the day of God�s Gift�.(Maitreya, Messages, p. 52)

(Q) [to Creme] Did He just sort of appearsomewhere?(A) No; He came into the world by aeroplaneand so fulfilled the prophecy of �coming in theclouds.� On July 8th 1977 He descended fromthe Himalaya into the Indian sub-continentand went to one of the chief cities there. Hehad an acclimatisation period between July 8thand 18th, and then, on the 19th, entered acertain modern country by aeroplane. He isnow an ordinary man in the world � anextraordinary, ordinary man. (Creme, p. 55)

On July 19th 1977 He implemented the thirdphase � His direct physical Presence in theworld�. He will be seen and known by allwhen He reveals that Presence to the waitingworld. This will take place when enoughpeople are responding to the Teaching andenergies which are emanating from Hisundisclosed point of focus in the modernworld; and when the new direction whichhumanity must take has already begun to beestablished. Men must desire these changesfor themselves; and begin implementing themof their own free will � thus showing they areready for the new Revelation and Teachingwhich He brings. (Creme, p. 36)

Selected examples offalse teachingsregarding Jesus� return

True teachings

Then we which are alive and remain shall becaught up together with them in the clouds, tomeet the Lord in the air: and so shall we everbe with the Lord.(1 Thessalonians 4:17)

And then if any man shall say to you, Lo, hereis Christ; or, lo, he is there; believe him not:For false Christs and false prophets shall rise,and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce,if it were possible, even the elect. But take yeheed: behold, I have foretold you all things.(Mark 13:21�23 )

For as the lightning cometh out of the east,and shineth even unto the west; so shall alsothe coming of the Son of man be.(Matthew 24:27)

Behold, I have told you before. Wherefore ifthey shall say unto you, Behold, he is in thedesert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secretchambers; believe it not. (Matthew 24:25�26)

The Final Word � 77

False teachings

When enough people are responding to Histeaching He will allow Himself to be discov-ered. They will go back to their countries andsay that the Christ is in the world, and thatyou should look to that country from which acertain Teaching is emanating. This will drawthe attention of the media of the world to thatcountry, and hence to Him. He will acknowl-edge His true Status as the Christ and will beinvited to speak to the world. (Creme, p. 51)

As the Planetary Smile ripples through thenervous systems of earth and the Instant ofCo-operation begins, empathy floods thefeelings of the whole body of Earth, separate-ness is overcome, and I appear to all of you atonce. I appear to you from within as a voice,and as a vision of yourself as an evolvingbeing. I appear to you from beyond as thelight being that I now am. Your electronicmedia will pulse with light � the same lightyour mystics see. (Hubbard�s �Christ,�Revelation, p. 245)

Each shall be �sealed� with the seal of theliving God. This means that they shall bemarked, visibly identified, first to themselves,then to others. (Hubbard�s �Christ,�Revelation, p. 149)

You are to be transported to the new Jerusa-lem�. You will be �taken up� at the appropri-ate time�. What does �taken up� mean? It isa complex transformation. You enter a state ofuniversal consciousness�. In this state of God-centered bliss, you are physically awakened byan inner electricity that changes the frequencyof the atoms in your body�. Due to the God-centered awareness and the physical trans-figuration, your brain/body �ascends� to thenext level of being. (Hubbard�s �Christ,�Revelation, p. 270)

True teachings

And he said, Take heed that ye be not de-ceived: for many shall come in my name,saying, I am Christ; and the time drawethnear: go ye not therefore after them.(Luke 21:8)

Even him, whose coming is after the workingof Satan with all power and signs and lyingwonders, And with all deceivableness ofunrighteousness in them that perish; becausethey received not the love of the truth, thatthey might be saved. And for this cause Godshall send them strong delusion, that theyshould believe a lie. (2 Thessalonians 2:9�11)

And he causeth all, both small and great, richand poor, free and bond, to receive a mark intheir right hand, or in their foreheads: Andthat no man might buy or sell, save he thathad the mark, or the name of the beast, or thenumber of his name. Here is wisdom. Let himthat hath understanding count the number ofthe beast: for it is the number of a man; andhis number is Six hundred threescore and six.(Revelation 13:16�18)

For the Lord himself shall descend fromheaven with a shout, with the voice of thearchangel, and with the trump of God: and thedead in Christ shall rise first: Then we whichare alive and remain shall be caught uptogether with them in the clouds, to meet theLord in the air: and so shall we ever be withthe Lord. (1 Thessalonians 4:16�17)

[Excerpted from: Messages from Maitreya the Christ; The Reappearance of the Christ and theMasters of Wisdom, B. Creme; The Revelation, B.M. Hubbard; The Reappearance of Christ, A.A.Bailey.]

78 � Reinventing Jesus Christ

Shortly before this manuscript was to besent off to the printer, I discovered a newbook by Neale Donald Walsch at the localbookstore. It is entitled Honest to God: AChange of Heart That Can Change the World.It is co-authored by Dr. Brad Blanton, theauthor of the national bestseller, RadicalHonesty. On the back cover of their book Iread the following:

Nobody tells the truth about anythinganymore. Not anything important.Everybody’s lying to everybody else,and everybody knows it…. This bookshows the absolute necessity for indi-vidual and social transformation andthe absolute necessity for honesty inorder to bring it about.

Using the events of September 11, 2001as a backdrop, the book emphasizes theneed for “radical honesty” in governmentand calls for an across-the-board implemen-

But this is a new time and a new day andwe need a new way. I’ve been saying that

part of what we need is a new God. This isshaking people up a little bit.1

—Neale Donald Walsch


Epilogue � 79

tation of new, radical leadership in allspheres of society. The authors propose thatthis leadership be based upon the singleorganizing principle of “oneness.” Theybelieve that a collective adoption of the“oneness” principle could heal the “terriblefeeling of fear, loss of security and tragedythat the human race is enduring.”2 Walschstates:

What I’m proclaiming is that we couldput an end to all of this with a singleidea, and in my articulation that is called“oneness.” What we need is onenessnow everywhere. In our politics, in oureconomics, in our education, in our re-ligion.3

We must change ourselves. We mustchange the beliefs upon which our be-haviors are based. We must create adifferent reality, build a new society….We must do so with new spiritualtruths. We must preach a new gospel,its healing message summarized in twosentences: We are all one. Ours is not abetter way, ours is merely another way.4

Both authors agree that “radical hon-esty” means “being willing to tell the truthto everyone about everything.”5 Walschadds:

Most politicians don’t lie by commis-sion. Some do, but not most. Most lie byomission. It is not what they say that isuntruthful; it was what they fail to saythat creates what they call “wiggleroom” (read “untruth”).6

With an eye toward September 11,“radical honesty,” and a new leadershipbased on the “new gospel” principle of“oneness,” Walsch and Blanton propose theidea of a “new gospel” thinktank that wouldbe comprised of “oneness” advocates fromall fields and endeavors of American soci-ety. Forming their own unique “kitchencabinet” they would make recommenda-tions for policy and leadership to the restof the country.

So we become a sort of kitchen cabinetof leaders to select the leadership for

ourselves. We focus all of our attentionon the leaders who can do the best jobof articulating to the masses the possi-bility of making it all up differently.7

They agree that while the cabinetwould represent the idea of team leader-ship, the group would still have to have a“president” who would act as the primary“spokesperson” for the rest of the team.Someone who could effectively present the“new gospel” principles of “oneness” whileuniting the country. Walsch and Blantoncomment:

Blanton: What if we got together thisgroup of people, and we say we’re will-ing to serve in these various appointedcapacities, and that we’re going to be in-terviewing candidates and select one tobe spokesperson for this value? We startinterviewing people who want to runfor president, and people we would liketo see run. I like Oprah.8

Walsch: I’ll tell you one thing, if Oprahdidn’t want to run for President I’d sug-gest Marianne Williamson, because shehas the ability to articulate very impor-tant ideas very quickly, in a moment,with twenty-five words or less…. Bar-bara Marx Hubbard needs to be in thatgroup, too. In the cabinet.9

Walsch and Blanton seem to have greatfun as they verbally romp through the pos-sibilities for radical change in the politicallandscape. Yet they seem to be quite seri-ous about what they are proposing. I amnot a political analyst, but one has to won-der if Walsch and Blanton are actually send-ing up trial balloons for the next presiden-tial election. Barbara Marx Hubbard had hername placed in nomination for Vice-Presi-dent at the National Democratic Conven-tion in 1984. What about Oprah for Presi-dent? Or Marianne Williamson? Or BarbaraMarx Hubbard? Or some other “new gos-pel” candidate? Through this book, arethese men attempting to create a new po-litical reality by introducing an idea thatcould rally the masses and soon have a lifeof its own?

80 � Reinventing Jesus Christ

�Direct quotes from NealeDonald Walsch and Brad Blanton

The longer name for it [OnenessNow, ed.] isOneness Now Everywhere, which is O-N-E, ofcourse. Bumper stickers and window stickersare being manufactured even as we sit hereand speak. We�re inviting people all over theworld to join Oneness Now by going (Walsch, p. 208)

We�ll also be networking with others, connect-ing people who believe in this concept withlike-minded groups and organizations, such asthe Global Renaissance Alliance( and your ownnation whose borders are the atmosphere ofthe earth, the United States of Being( (Walsch, p. 209)

The first step is for you to log on and pick up theinformation that we�ll continually make avail-able there. This site will be where we organizethe selection and volunteering of compassion-ate leaders to be the cabinet for a candidatefor the presidential elections in 2004. It willalso be where we track the conversation aboutactions we can all take to create unity in theworld. (Blanton, p. 209)

Our objective is to organize a new governmentfor a new nation, to be built first in ourimaginations and in cyberspace after we signup as citizens by signing the new Declarationof Independence. We then intend to growlarger as a political force in the current struc-ture at the same time we model a new one,and then take over increasingly the actualfunctions of government. We call our newcountry the United States of Being and weintend it to be based on the sovereignty of theindividual, rather than the sovereignty of theking, or the sovereignty of representatives. 12

(Walsch and Blanton, p. 212)

Honest to God

Epilogue � 81

Anyone can see why Walsch and oth-ers would love to have someone like Oprahas the standard bearer for their “new gos-pel” movement. This beloved talk showhost is revered and respected by millions.She seems compassionate, caring, and,above all else, impeccably honest. Her can-didacy would give immediate credibility tothe “new gospel” campaign for radicalchange. Her suggestions and recommenda-tions have already been adopted by count-less numbers of trusting viewers. MostAmericans see Oprah as an “open” person.They have no idea how heavily aligned sheis with “new gospel” leaders and “new gos-pel” thought.

And while Winfrey and others on the“new gospel” team may be sincere and hon-est in their intentions, one has to wonderhow “radically honest” Walsch is when hetalks about the future. He enthusiasticallyproposes Barbara Marx Hubbard for the“cabinet” position of Secretary of the Fu-ture,10 but mentions nothing to his readersabout the “selection process” described inher book, The Revelation. This is by Walsch’sown definition a “lie by omission.”11

How can someone advocating “radi-cal honesty” not disclose to his readers thatthose who refuse to go along with the “newgospel” of “oneness” will one day be ban-ished from humanity and removed from theplanet? The answer is because it is not“good politics” to reveal this informationat this time. “Love” and “oneness” soundmuch better than a “selection process” withits “shock of a fire.” Walsch’s decision towithhold this information from his readersis hardly the “whole truth, nothing but thetruth,” “honest to God” forthrightness thathe is preaching to everyone else. Whateverthe case, this recent book clearly demon-strates that “new gospel” advocates are veryserious about politicizing their “new gos-pel” spirituality and will continue to be aforce to contend with during these decep-tive and perilous times.


1. David Osborne and Ted Gaebler, Reinvent-ing Government: How the Entrepreneurial SpiritIs Transforming the Public Sector (New York:Penguin Books, 1993), p. xv.

Chapter 1

1. Robert Skutch, Journey without Distance:The Story behind “A Course in Miracles” (Berke-ley, Calif.: Celestial Arts, 1984), p. 54.

2. Ibid., p. 60.3. A Course in Miracles: Combined Volume

(Glen Ellen, Calif.: Foundation for Inner Peace,1975), (Text) p. 14.

4. Ibid., p. 425.5. Marianne Williamson, A Woman’s Worth

(New York: Ballentine, 1993), p. 124.

Chapter 2

1. Barbara Marx Hubbard, The Revelation: AMessage of Hope for the New Millennium(Novato, Calif.: Nataraj Publishing, 1995),p. 40–43; Hubbard, The Hunger of Eve: OneWoman’s Odyssey toward the Future (Eastsound,Wash.: Island Pacific NW, 1989), p. 66–68.

2. Hubbard, The Revelation, p. 42.3. Ibid., p. 55.4. Ibid., p. 59.5. Ibid., p. 64.6. Barbara Marx Hubbard, Conscious Evolu-

tion: Awakening the Power of Our Social Potential(Novato, Calif.: New World Library, 1998),p. 279.

7. Hubbard, The Hunger of Eve, p. 150.8. Ibid., p. 196.9. Hubbard, Conscious Evolution, p. 116.10. Hubbard, The Revelation, p. 67–69.11. Ibid., p. 350.12. Ibid., p. 264–265.13. Ibid., p. 298.14. Ibid., p. 157.15. Ibid., p. 243–245.16. Ibid., p. 44 and 78–79.17. Ibid., p. 258.18. Ibid., p. 240 and 267.19. Ibid., p. 255.

20. Marianne Williamson, ed., Imagine: WhatAmerica Could Be in the 21st Century (U.S.A.:Rodale, Inc., 2000), p. 381–391.

21. Barbara Marx Hubbard, emergence: TheShift from Ego to Essence (Charlottesville, Va.:Hampton Roads Pub. Co., Inc., 2001),p. 118–121.

Chapter 3

1. Neale Donald Walsch, Friendship with God:an uncommon dialogue (New York: G.P.Putnam’s Sons, 1999), p. 280–283.

2. Neale Donald Walsch, Conversations withGod: an uncommon dialogue, Book 1 (New York:G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1996), p. 1–2.

3. Ibid., p. 95.4. Ibid., p. 192.5. Neale Donald Walsch, Conversations with

God: an uncommon dialogue, Book 2(Charlottesville, Va.: Hampton Roads, 1997),p. 35.

6. Ibid., p. 56.7. Ibid., p. 36.8. Neale Donald Walsch, Questions and

Answers on “Conversations with God”(Charlottesville, Va.: Hampton Roads, 1997),p. 334.

9. The Global Renaissance Alliance (

10. Neale Donald Walsch, Conversations withGod: an umcommon dialogue, Book 3(Charlottesville, Va.: Hampton Roads, 1998),p. 256.

11. Walsch, Conversations with God: Book 1,p. 41.

12. Ibid., p. 76.13. Walsch, Conversations with God: Book 2,

p. 235.14. Ibid., p. 126.15. Walsch, Conversations with God: Book 3,

p. 320.16. Walsch, Conversations with God: Book 1,

p. 90.17. Walsch, Friendship with God, p. 295–296.18. Ibid., p. 394.19. Ibid., p. 376.


82 � Reinventing Jesus Christ

20. Walsch, Conversations with God: Book 2,p. 141.

21. Walsch, Friendship with God, p. 375.

Chapter 4

1. Wayne S. Peterson, Extraordinary Times,Extraordinary Beings: Experiences of an AmericanDiplomat with Maitreya and the Masters ofWisdom (Henderson, Nev.: Emergence Press,2001), p. ix.

2. Ibid., p. 35.3. Ibid., p. 4.4. Ibid., p. 38.5. Benjamin Creme, The Reappearance of the

Christ and the Masters of Wisdom (North Holly-wood, Calif.: The Tara Press, 1980), p. 30.

6. Peterson, Extraordinary Times, Extraordi-nary Beings, p. 40.

7. Ibid., p. 62.8. Ibid., p. 56.9. Ibid., p. ix.10. Ibid., p. 100–101.11. Wayne S. Peterson, author of Extraordi-

nary Times, Extraordinary Beings, interviewedon Bridging Heaven & Earth, a weekly talkshow broadcast on Cox Communications’public access Channel 17 in Santa Barbara,California on November 9, 2001 (

12. Peterson, Extraordinary Times, Extraordi-nary Beings, p. 7–8.

13. Ibid., p. 143.14. Ibid., p. 146.15. Ibid., p. 164.

Chapter 5

1. Warren Smith, The Light That Was Dark: ASpiritual Journey (Chicago: Moody Press:Northfield Publishing, 1992), p. 135–137.

2. Ibid., p.141–144.3. Ibid., p. 145.

Chapter 6

1. Marianne Williamson, Imagine: WhatAmerica Could Be in the 21st Century (U.S.A.:Rodale, Inc.: Daybreak imprint, 2000), p. 413.

2. Marianne Williamson, Healing the Soul ofAmerica: Reclaiming Our Voices as SpiritualCitizens (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2000),p. 195.

Chapter 7

1. Barbara Marx Hubbard, The Revelation,p. 74.

2. Larry King Live, Marianne Williamson asguest, October 14, 2001, transcript fromwebsite (, p. 19–20.

3. Ibid., p. 21.4. Kenneth Wapnick, ed., Concordance of “A

Course in Miracles”: A Complete Index (NewYork: Penguin Books, 1997), p. 64.

5. The Oprah Winfrey Show, MarianneWilliamson as guest, “What Really MattersNow,” September 26, 2001 transcript(Livingston, New Jersey: Burrelle’s Informa-tion Services), p. 10.

6. Ibid., p. 13.7. Ibid., p. 14.8. Barbara Marx Hubbard, The Revelation,

p. 241.9. The Oprah Winfrey Show, September 26,

2001 transcript, p. 16.10. The Global Renaissance Alliance recom-

mended reading list (

11. The Oprah Winfrey Show, Gary Zukav asguest, “Is War the Only Answer?”, October 1,2001 transcript (Livingston, New Jersey:Burrelle’s Information Services), p. 14.

12. The Oprah Winfrey Show, Gary Zukav asguest, “What Do You Really Believe,” Novem-ber 1, 2001 transcript (Livingston, New Jersey:Burrelle’s Information Services) , p. 7–8.

13. Wayne Dyer, “There’s a Spiritual Solu-tion to Every Problem,” Public BroadcastingSystem broadcast 2001, transcribed by author.For a revealing interview with Dyer see

14. Ibid.

Chapter 8

1. Kenneth Wapnick, ed., Concordance of “ACourse in Miracles,” p. 695.

2. Barbara Marx Hubbard, Conscious Evolu-tion, p. 43.

Chapter 9

1. Messages from Maitreya the Christ: OneHundred Forty Messages (Los Angeles: ShareInternational Foundation, 1992), p. 189.

Endnotes � 83

2. Ibid., p. 248.3. Neale Donald Walsch, Friendship with God,

p. 357.4. Alice A. Bailey, The Externalisation of the

Hierarchy (New York: Lucis Publishing Com-pany: New York, 1957), p. 75.

5. Neale Donald Walsch, Conversations withGod: Book 2, p. 242.

6. A Course in Miracles: Combined Volume,(Text) p. 147.

7. Barbara Marx Hubbard, The Revelation, p.233.

8. Ibid., p. 255.9. Ibid., p. 240.10. Ibid., p. 111.

Chapter 10

1. NBC News Special Report: America on Alert,Tom Brokaw hosting Marianne Williamson asguest, September 16, 2001 broadcast transcript(Livingston, New Jersey: Burrelle’s Informa-tion Services).

2. Adolph Hitler, Mein Kampf (Sixth Press-ing), translated by Ralph Manheim (Boston:Houghton Mifflin Co.: Mariner Books, 1999),p.xv.

3. Jay Gary website, referenced by BarbaraMarx Hubbard in Conscious Evolution, p. 263.

4. Barbara Marx Hubbard, Conscious Evolu-tion, p. 279.

5. Barbara Marx Hubbard and Jay Gary( and

6. Neale Donald Walsch, Conversations withGod: Book 3, p. 325.

7. A Course in Miracles: Combined Volume,(Text) p. 479.

8. Marianne Williamson, Healing the Soul ofAmerica, p. 13.

9. Barbara Marx Hubbard, The Revelation,p. 243.

10. Benjamin Creme, Maitreya’s Mission:Volume Two (Los Angeles: Share InternationalFoundation, 1993), p. 239.

11. A Course in Miracles: Combined Volume,(Manual for Teachers) p. 37.

12. Warren Smith, The Light That Was Dark,p. 150.

13. Alice A. Bailey, The Externalisation of theHierarchy, p. 417.

14. Marianne Williamson, Healing the Soul ofAmerica, p. 205.

15. Benjamin Creme, Maitreya’s Mission:Volume Two, p. 239.

16. Barbara Marx Hubbard, The Revelation,p. 324.

Chapter 11

1. Joshua Piven and David Borgenicht, TheWorst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook (SanFrancisco: Chronicle Books, 1999), p. 14.

2. Ibid.


1. Neale Donald Walsch and Dr. BradBlanton, Honest to God: A Change of Heart ThatCan Change the World (Stanley, Va:Sparrowhawk Publications, 2002), p. 202.

2. Ibid., p. 207.3. Ibid., p. 208.4. Ibid., p. 159.5. Ibid., p. 74.6. Ibid., p. 56.7. Ibid., p. 200.8. Ibid., p. 199.9. Ibid., p. 200.10. Ibid., p. 200–201.11. Ibid., p. 56.12. The home page of The United States of

Being website ( mentions, “The last chapter of thebook, Radical Honesty II, goes into furtherdetail about forming this country.”

84 � Reinventing Jesus Christ

Bailey, Alice A. The Destiny of the Nations. NewYork: Lucis Press, 1978.

Bailey, Alice A. The Externalisation of the Hierar-chy. New York: Lucis Press, 1989.

Bailey, Alice A. From Bethlehem to Calvary. NewYork: Lucis Trust Publishing Company, 1976.

Bailey, Alice A. The Rays and the Initiations: ATreatise on the Seven Rays, Volume V. New York:Lucis Publishing, 1993.

Bailey, Alice A. The Reappearance of Christ. NewYork: Lucis Publishing Company, 1996.

Creme, Benjamin. Maitreya’s Mission: VolumeTwo. Los Angeles: Share International Founda-tion, 1993.

Creme, Benjamin. The Reappearance of the Christand the Masters of Wisdom. North Hollywood: TheTara Center, 1980.

Dyer, Wayne W. There’s A Spiritual Solution ToEvery Problem. New York: HarperCollins, 2001.

Foundation for Inner Peace. A Course in Miracles,Combined Volume [Text, Workbook for Students,Manual for Teachers]. Glen Ellen, Calif.: Founda-tion for Inner Peace, 1992.

Hitler, Adolph. Mein Kampf (Sixth Pressing).Translated by Ralph Manheim. Boston:Houghton Mifflin Company: Mariner Books,1999.

Hubbard, Barbara Marx. Conscious Evolution:Awakening the Power of our Social Potential.Novato, Calif.: New World Library, 1998.

Hubbard, Barbara Marx. emergence: The Shift fromEgo to Essence. Charlottesville, Va.: HamptonRoads Publishing Company, Inc., 2001.

Hubbard, Barbara Marx. The Hunger of Eve: OneWoman’s Odyssey toward the Future. Eastsound,Wash.: Island Pacific NW, 1989.

Hubbard, Barbara Marx. The Revelation: A Mes-sage of Hope for the New Millennium. Novato,Calif.: Nataraj Publishing, 1995.

Jampolski, Gerald. Love Is Letting Go of Fear. NewYork: Bantam Books, Inc.,1985.

Osborne, David, and Ted Gaebler. ReinventingGovernment: How the Entrepreneurial Spirit IsTransforming the Public Sector. New York: Pen-guin Books, 1993.

Peterson, Wayne S. Extraordinary Times, Extraor-dinary Beings: Experiences of an American Diplo-mat with Maitreya and the Masters of Wisdom.Henderson, Nev.: Emergence Press, 2001.

Piven, Joshua, and David Borgenicht. The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook. San Francisco:Chronicle Books, 1999.

Share International Foundation. Messages fromMaitreya the Christ: One Hundred Forty Messages.Los Angeles: Share International Foundation,2001.

Skutch, Robert. Journey without Distance: TheStory behind “A Course in Miracles”. Berkeley, Ca-lif.: Celestial Arts, 1984.

Smith, Warren. The Light That Was Dark: A Spiri-tual Journey. Chicago: Moody Press: NorthfieldPublishing, 1992.

Walsch, Neale Donald. Conversations with God:an uncommon dialogue, Book 1. New York: G.P.Putnam’s Sons, 1996.

Walsch, Neale Donald. Conversations with God:an uncommon dialogue, Book 2. Charlottesville,Va.: Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc.,1997.

Walsch, Neale Donald. Conversations with God:an uncommon dialogue, Book 3. Charlottesville,Va.: Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc.,1998.

Walsch, Neale Donald. Friendship with God: anuncommon dialogue. New York: G.P. Putnam’sSons, 1999.

Walsch, Neale Donald. Questions and Answers on“Conversations with God”. Charlottesville, Va.:Hampton Roads Publishing Company, 1999.

Walsch, Neale Donald and Dr. Brad Blanton.Honest to God: A Change of Heart That Can Changethe World. Stanley, Va.: Sparrowhawk Publica-tions, 2002.

Bibliography � 85


Wapnick, Kenneth, ed. Concordance of “A Coursein Miracles”: A Complete Index. New York: Pen-guin Books, 1997.

Williamson, Marianne. A Return to Love: Reflec-tions on the Principles of “A Course in Miracles.”New York: Harper Perennial, 1996.

Williamson, Marianne. A Woman’s Worth. NewYork: Ballentine, 1993.

86 � Reinventing Jesus Christ

Williamson, Marianne. Healing the Soul ofAmerica: Reclaiming Our Voices as Spiritual Citi-zens. New York: Williamson, Simon & Schuster,2000.

Williamson, Marianne, ed. Imagine: What AmericaCould Be in the 21st Century. U.S.A.: Rodale, Inc.:Daybreak imprint, 2000.

About theauthor

Warren Smith has a B.A. from the University of Pennsylvania and aM.S.W. from Tulane University. He is a hospice social worker whohas previously worked as a program coordinator for the homelessand the developmentally disabled, and as a San Fransisco streetworker. He is the author of The Light That Was Dark (Moody Press)and numerous articles warning about spiritual deception.