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(A Classroom Action Research in first grade of SMP PRAKARYA Anjatan- Indramayu)

A “Skripsi”

Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

In a Partial of Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Degree of S.Pd (Bachelor of Arts) in English Language Education


Ana Zulaecha









(A Classroom Action Research in first grade of SMP PRAKARYA Anjatan- Indramayu)

A “Skripsi”

Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

In a Partial of Fulfilment of the Requirements

For the Degree of S.Pd (Bachelor of Arts) in English Language Education


Ana Zulaecha


Approved by the Advisor:

Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, M.Pd

NIP. 197205011999032013







Endorsement Sheet

The examination Committee of the Faculty of Tarbiya and Teachers

Training certifies that the “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitled “Reinforcing

Students Vocabulary Mastery Through Pictures ( A Classroom Action Research at

First grade of SMP Prakarya Indramayu ), written by Ana Zulaecha, Students

Registration number: 206014000104, was examined by the Committee on 16th


August 2011, and was declared to have passed and therefore, fulfilled one of the

requirements for the Academic title of “S.Pd” (Bachelor of Arts) in English

Language Education at the Department of English Education

Jakarta, August 2011

Examination Committee

CHAIRMAN : Drs. Syauki, M.Pd ( )

NIP. 1964 1212199103 1 002

SECRETARY : Neneng Sunengsih, M.Pd ( )

NIP. 1973 0625199903 2 001

EXAMINER I : Drs. AM. Zainuri, M.Pd ( )

NIP. 150 188 518

II : Drs. Syauki, M.Pd ( )

NIP. 1964 1212199103 1 002

Acknowledge by:

Dean of Tarbiya and Teachers Training Faculty

Prof.Dr. Dede Rosyada, MA.

NIP. 150 231 356





Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 95 Telp: (62-21) 7443328,


Ciputat 15142 Jakarta Email:


Saya yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini,

Nama : Ana Zulaecha

Tempat/Tanggal Lahir : Purbalingga, 23 April 1986

Nim : 206014000104

Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris



(A Classroom Action Research in first grade of SMP Prakarya

Anjatan – Indramayu)

Dosen Pembimbing : Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, M.Pd

Dengan ini menyatakan bahwa Skripsi yang saya buat benar-benar hasil karya

saya sendiri dan saya bertanggung jawab secara akademis atas apa yang saya tulis.

Pernyataan ini dibuat sebagai salah satu syarat menempuh ujian Munaqasah.

Jakarta, 7 Juli 2011

Mahasiswa Ybs.

Ana Zulaecha

NIM. 206014000104


Ana Zulaecha, 2011. Reinforcing Students‟ Vocabulary Mastery Through

Pictures (A Classroom Action Research in First Grade of SMP

Prakarya Anjatan- Indramayu), Skripsi, English Education

Department, The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers‟ Training,

Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.

Advisor: Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, M.Pd.

Keywords: Vocabulary, Pictures

The objective of this study is aimed at knowing whether students‟

vocabulary could be improved by using pictures in the first year of SMP Prakarya

Anjatan, Indramayu. In addition, this study is also aimed at describing how the

implementation of pictures in improving students‟ vocabulary. This study is

categorized as the Classroom Action Research (CAR) method in which to identify

and to solve the problem on students‟ vocabulary. It is initiated through the

interview the teacher and through the observation in the first grade of SMP

Prakarya Anjatan, Indramayu; considered as the class whose vocabulary test score

are very low. The amount students in that class are 29. In this Classroom Action

Research, the writer implements the Kurt Lewin‟s design which consists of four

phases. Those are planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. Meanwhile, the data

is derived among from the test (pretest and posttest), interview, and observation.

Therefore, this study is included a Classroom Action Research. The findings of

this study are: (1) Related to the test result, there was 35.53% improvement of

students‟ mean vocabulary score after using pictures; it gained from the pre-test

result, there was 15 who passed the KKM. Then in the result of posttest in cycle 1,

there were 26 or 89.65% students in the class who passed the KKM considering

their mean score of the test is 70.86. Next in the result of posttest in the cycle 2,

there are 29 or 100 % students who passed the KKM in which their mean score of

vocabulary test derived 84.82. (2) Related to the observation result showed that

the students were more active and interested in learning vocabulary activity in the

classroom. Indeed, they could analyze the characteristics of pictures learning

vocabulary. (3) Related to the interview result, it could be known that the

students‟ vocabulary by using pictures has improved and also assisted the teacher

in finding the appropriate strategy in teaching vocabulary.


Ana Zulaecha, 2011. Reinforcing Students‟ Vocabulary Mastery Through

Pictures ( A Classroom Action Research in First Grade of SMP

Prakarya Anjatan- Indramayu), Skripsi, English Education

Department, The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers‟ Training,

Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.

Pembimbing: Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, M.Pd.

Kata Kunci: Kosa kata, Gambar.

Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui siswa di kelas satu SMP Prakarya Anjatan,

Indramayu-Jawa Barat memahami kosa kata dengan menggunakan gambar.

Disamping itu, penelitian ini juga ditujukan untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana

pelaksanaan gambar dalam membangun pemahaman kosa kata siswa. Penelitian

ini dikategorikan sebagai Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK); untuk

mengidentifikasi dan mengatasi permasalahan terhadap pemahaman siswa dalam

belajar kosa kata. Penelitian ini diawali dengan wawancara kepada guru dan

observasi di kelas satu SMP Prakarya Anjatan, Indramayu-Jawa Barat; yang

dianggap sebagai kelas yang memiliki nilai vocabulary terendah. Jumlah siswa

dalam penelitian ini yakni 29. Adapun model Penelitian Tindakan Kelas yang

digunakan menganut pada Kurt Lewin Model; yang mana terdiri dari empat

tahapan (Perencanaan, Pelaksanaan, Pengamatan dan Refleksi). Sementara, data

yang diperoleh berasal dari test (pretest dan posttest), wawancara terhadap guru

dan observasi di kelas. Sehingga, penelitian ini termasuk kedalam penelitian

deskriptif quantitative. Hasil yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini adalah: (1)

berdasarkan hasil tes, terdapat kenaikan 35.53% rata-rata skor vocabulary siswa

setelah menggunakan gambar. Dengan perolehan; pada hasil pretest terdapat 15

siswa yang melampaui KKM. Kemudian hasil posttest di siklus 1, didapat 26 atau

89.65% jumlah siswa yang berhasil melewati KKM dengan rata-rata kelas sebesar

70.86. selanjutnya hasil posttest di siklus kedua, terdapat 29 atau 100% siswa

yang sudah mencapai target KKM dengan rata-rata kelas sebesar 84.82. (2)

berdasarkan hasil observasi dikelas, didapati bahwa siswa-siswi lebih aktif dan

tertarik dalam mempelajari kosa kata di kelas. Terlebih mereka dapat menganalisa

karakteristik sebuah gambar. (3) berdasarkan hasil wawancara dengan guru, dapat

diketahui bahwa pemahaman kosa kata siswa dengan menggunakan gambar telah

berkembang dan juga membantu guru dalam menemukan strategi yang cocok

dalam mengajarkan kosa kata.


In the name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful, All Praise be to Allah

the Lord of the world who has been giving mercy and blessing until the writer

completing this skripsi without any obstacle in her opportunity. Peace and

salutation be upon to the Nobel Prophet of Islam, Muhammad SAW, and his

family, his companions, and his faithful followers.

The Writer is absolutely conscious that she could not carry out this work

without helping of others, both material and spiritual.

The great gratitude is dedicated to these honorable. Particularly to:

1. Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, M.Pd, the writer‟s advisor, for her time, guidance,

kindness, contribution, and patience in correcting and helping to finish this


2. Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada, MA, a dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher‟s


3. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd, the Head of English Department.

4. All inspiring lectures in English Education Department, for their lecturing

of valuable knowledge and experiences.

5. Edi Kusnadi, S.Pd, the Headmaster of SMP Prakarya Anjatan, Indramayu-

Jawa Barat who permitted the writer to do research and all his staff, that

welcomes the writer to do research in his school.

6. Joseph Subagio, S.Pd, the English teacher of SMP Prakarya Anjatan,

Indramayu-Jawa Barat who guided the writer to do research.

7. The staff and officers of State Islamic University for being helpful and

friendly during the writer research time.

8. To the English generation of two thousand and six UIN especially PBI-C.

I cannot mention you one by one. But our togetherness will always be a

lovely graffiti in my heart, and thanks for the friendship.

May Allah, The Almighty bless them all, amien.

Finally, the writer realizes that this skripsi still has someone weakness and

mistakes. Therefore, the writer would grateful to accept any constructive,

comments, suggestion and critics to make this skripsi better.

For that reason, the writer would like to express her greatest love and

honor to her beloved mother ( Daminah ), father ( M. Juhadi ), brothers ( Mas

Yudi and Mas Gito ), My Husband ( Ilham Khairul Anam, S.Pd.I ) and my young

sister Maria Ulfa Zakia for their endless prayers and motivation.

Jakarta, 27 May 2011

The Writer


TITLE………………………………………………………………………….. i

SURAT PERNYATAAN KARYA SENDIRI................................................... ii

APPROVAL……………………………………………………………………. iii

ABSTRACT ……………………………………………………………………iv

ACKNOWLDGEMENT …………………………………………………….. . vi

TABLE OF CONTENT ………………………………………………………viii

LIST OF FIGURES ………………………………………………………….. xi

LIST OF TABLES ………………………………………………….…………xii


A. Background of Study......................................... 1

B. Identification of problem………………………. 4

C. Limitation and Formulation of the Problem ….4

D. Objective of the Problem………………………. 4

E. Significance of the Research ……………......... 5


A. Reference of Area Theory and Research Focus.6

1. Definition of Vocabulary Mastery………. 6

2. Purposes of Vocabulary Mastery………..7

3. Kinds of Vocabulary……………………9

B. Reference of Action Intervention Alternative


1. Definition of Pictures..……...................... 12

2. Kinds of Pictures…………………........... 12

3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Pictures13

C. Teaching Vocabulary by Pictures………........14

D. Relevant Study …………………………….. . 15

E. Conceptual Framework………………………15

F. Action Hypothesis………………………… ...16


A. Method of Research………………................17

B. Subject and the Object of Research……….....18

1. Subject of


2. Object of Research………………………. 18

C. Writer‟s Role on the Study…………………. 18

D. Time and Place of the Study………………… 19

E. Research Design….…………………………. 19

F. Classroom Action Research (CAR) Procedure.22

1. Planning phase……………………………. 22

2. Acting Phase………………………………. 22

3. Observing Phase……………………………22

4. Reflecting Phase …………………………...23

G. Technique of Collecting Data………………...23

H. Technique of Data Analysis………………….24

I. Validity of Data……………………………. 26

J. Trustworthiness of Study…………………….26

1. Discriminating Power…………………….. 26

2. Difficulty Item of test …………………….. 27


A. Before Implementing the Action……………… 29

1. Result of Pre Observation…………………29

2. Result of Pre Interview……………………30

3. Result of Pre Test…………………………30

B. Implementation of CAR……………………… 33

1. Cycle 1…...……………...………….………33

1.1 Planning………………………………… 33

1.2 Acting…………………………………… 34

1.3 Observing………………………………. 35

1.4 Reflecting………………………………..35

2. Cycle


2.1 Planning…………………………………36

2.2 Acting……………………………………37

2.3 Observing………………………………..38

2.4 Reflecting………………………………..38

C. Discussion of the Data after CAR…..……….. 39

1. Result of Post Interview…………………39

2. Result of Field Note……………………40

3. Result of Post Test………………………41

a. Result of Post Test I in the First Cycle…41

b. Result of Post Test II in the second Cycle43

D. Interpretation of the Test Result……………….54

E. Discussion………………………………………56


A. Conclusion……………………………………57

B. Suggestion …………………………………...58

BIBLIOGRAPHY : .........................................................................................59

APPENDICES : ………………………………………………………….61


Figures 3.1 The Kurt Lewin’s Design…………………………………….. 20

Figures 3.2 The Activity of CAR modified by the Writer ………….........21

Figures 3.3 Diagram of the Result of Student’s Vocabulary Through

Pictures before CAR Implementation………………………..33

Figures 3.4 Diagram of Students’ result of post-test 1 at the first cycle...43

Figures 3.5 Diagram of Students’ result of post-test 2 at

the second cycle………………………………………………...45


Table 4.1 Result of Pre Test…………………………………………………… 31

Table 4.2 Result of Post Test I………………………………………………... 41

Table 4.3 Result of Post Test II……………………………………………….. 44

Table 4.4 Students’ Vocabulary Score of Pre Test, Post Tes I & II………... 46



A. Background of Problem

In Indonesia, English is considered as an international language, which is

used all over the world. English has been adopted as a compulsory subject at

school. It starts from Elementary school up to University. It said that English as a

foreign language is taught in Indonesian schools. People realize that teaching

English at this level becomes very important and need much concern.

Listening, speaking, reading, and writing are four basic language skills

that the students have to master. Besides such basic skills, the students have to

master vocabulary. With a limited vocabulary, anyone will also have a limited

understanding in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Vocabulary is

necessary to give student something to hang on to when learning structure, but it‟s

frequently not a main focus for learning itself.1 Vocabulary is a core component of

language proficiency and provides much of the basis for how well learners speak,

listen, read and write. Without an extensive vocabulary and strategies for

acquiring new vocabulary, learners often achieve less than their potential and may

be discourage from making use of language learning opportunities around them

such as listening to the radio, listening to native speakers, using the language in

different contexts, reading, or watching television.2 Not all vocabulary can be

learnt through interaction and discovery techniques. Even if such techniques are

possible, however, they are not always the most cost effective. The first thing to

realize about vocabulary items is that they frequently have more than one

meaning. Vocabulary often becomes a problem for most high school students,

eventhough they have studied English since elementary school. And sometimes

they always get difficulties to understand some words in a context. Most of them

eventually are not interested in English subject anymore, and English likely

becomes something too hard to learn. Because the size of vocabulary varies with

the ability and experiences of individual children, various investigations have

sought to determine the range in size of vocabulary and an acceptable average for

children at various age levels. Growth in meaning vocabulary is full of variations.

Some words easily take on rich meaning, especially those that refer to concrete

objects and activities; others are difficult to understand because of a variety of

diverse meanings and because of their abstractness.3 The teacher should take

advantage of children‟s vicarious experiences that will add new their words

vocabulary or extend and enrich the meanings of partially familiar words. The

modern school can take advantage of mass media in this connection –newspaper,

radio, recording, television, still pictures, filmstrip, slides and films. A factor in

1 Jeremy Harmer, the Practice of English Language Teaching, (New York: Longman

Publishing, 1991), p. 154. 2 Jack C. Richards and Willy A. Renandya, Methodology in Language teaching, ( New

York: Cambridge University press 2008), p. 255 3Mildred A. Dawson, Marian Zollinger and Ardell Elwell, Guiding Language Learning, (

New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc 1963), p. 64

determining the character and amount of a child‟s vocabulary is the type of

environment in which he lives.4

Usually English teachers teach vocabulary to their student with

explanation and translation technique or we call it non visual technique. It makes

them difficult to understand the vocabulary. Explaining the meaning of

vocabulary items can be very difficult, especially at beginner and elementary

levels.5And then explanation is a quick and easy way to present the meaning of

words but it is not without problem. In the first place it is not always easy to

translate words, and in the second place, even where translation is possible, it may

make it a bit too easy for student by discouraging them from interacting with the

words.6 Vocabulary is not easy to be increased without a proper way of how to

build up. In this case an English teacher has role important to stimulate students to

improve their vocabulary.

Based on the observation above, the writer assumed that the students‟

problem in learning vocabulary comes not only from the students but also from

the teacher‟s method that used in teaching vocabulary. According to the writer, it

is crucial problems because the students will find difficulties in learning

vocabulary, so they cannot understand about listening, speaking, reading and

writing in real communication, and they will forget vocabularies easily.

According to the problem above, the writer wants to propose a method and

she tries to give the solution to the teachers‟ problem in teaching learning

vocabulary. In order the problems that faced by the students and the teacher can

be solved, and can reinforce students‟ vocabulary mastery. The method proposed

is using pictures in teaching vocabulary.

Using pictures technique is a suitable method for the teacher in teaching

vocabulary, and it will give solution for the teacher in teaching learning activities.

4 Mildred A. Dawson, Marian Zollinger and Ardell Elwell, Guiding Language Learning, (

New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc 1963), p. 64 5Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching,( New York: Longman

Publishing, 1991), p. 162 6 Jeremy Harmer, The practice of English Language Teaching,( New York: Longman

Publishing, 1991), p. 162

Based on the explanation above, the writer wants to conduct the research

about the effort to reinforce students‟ vocabulary through pictures with entitle


PICTURES ( A Classroom Action Research in first grade of SMP PRAKARYA

Anjatan- Indramayu)”.

B. Identification of Problem

There are so many problems that can be identified in this research.

Following are the identification of the problem:

1. The environment influenced students‟ vocabulary.

2. The application of the method in teaching English vocabulary by the

teacher and made students feel bore.

3. The pictures or through Visual aid can improve students‟ vocabulary.

4. The students will be enthusiastic and enjoy in Teaching Learning


C. Limitation and The Formulation of the Problem

1. Limitation and The Formulation of the Problem

Based on the background and identification problem above, in this

Classroom Action Research the writer limits the problem to the application of

Pictures to improve students‟ vocabulary as follow:

a. This Classroom Action Research is conducted at VII grades students of

SMP Prakarya academic year 2010/2011.

b. The writer as the researcher and observer during implementing the

research process in using pictures to improve students‟ comprehensive of

the vocabulary at the first grade of SMP Prakarya Anjatan –Indramayu.

2. Formulation of the Research

From the identification and the formulation of the problems above, the

writer formulates the problem as follow: “can pictures reinforce students‟

vocabulary mastery? In addition “How does a picture reinforce students‟


D. Objective of the Research

The objective of the research is to know how pictures reinforce students‟

vocabulary mastery at the first year of SMP PRAKARYA Anjatan- Indramayu?

E. Significance of the Research

The significance of this research is conveyed to: first, for the teacher. It

gives alternative solution in teaching vocabulary skill. Second, is for students. It

assists them to solve their problems in vocabulary activity of interest in learning

vocabulary and it can help them to improve their vocabulary.




A. Reference of Area Theory and Research Focus

1. Definition of Vocabulary Mastery

There are definitions of vocabulary given by experts. Vocabulary is one

of the most important elements in a language. To speak the language we need to

master vocabulary. No matter how well you learn grammar, how successfully the

sound of a foreign language is mastered, without words to express a wider range

of meanings, communication in the foreign language just cannot happen in any

meaningful way.7 Good mastery of vocabulary is important for everyone who

learns the language, which is used in listening, speaking, writing, and reading

besides grammar as stead by Huebener at piaget.html8: “The mastery is

7 Norbert Schmit and Michael Mc. Chartey, Vocabulary: Description, Acquisition and

Pedagogy,(London: Cambridge University Press,1997), p. 140 8 piaget.html

Vocabulary is needed by each language skill. Mastering vocabulary is not easy,

yet other aspects of the language should be considered such as sound, and


Penny Ur defines that vocabulary is the words that teach in the foreign

language.9 Hatch and Brown defines vocabulary as a list or set of words for a

particular language or set of words that individual speaker of language might


According to AS Hornby, vocabulary is:

a) Total number of words which (with rules for combining them)

make up language.

b) Range of words known to or used by, a person, in trade, profession,


c) Book containing a list of words used in a book etc, usually with

definition or translation11


Based on the definitions above it can be assumed that vocabulary mastery

is one element important in a foreign language.

When a student has mastered the fundamental grammatical patterns of

language, his next task is to master its vocabulary or at least that part of its

vocabulary that he needs.12

2. Purpose of Vocabulary Mastery

Mastering vocabulary is the ability to get and receive a lot of words, by

having and mastering it, we will know the meaning of vocabulary in the context it

9Penny Ur, A Course in Language Teaching Practice and Theory (New York: Cambridge

University Press,1996), p.60 10

Evelyn Hatch and Cheeryl Brown,, Vocabulary, Semantic and Language Education

(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1995), p.1 11

AS. Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary ( Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987), p. 1959

12Cellier-MacMillan International: How to Teach and Learn English, (New York: A

Division of MacMillan Ltd,1971), p.4

can also help to avoid making the mistakes in identifying a language with

dictionary and guide us in making the equivalence of the second language to

native language, so that mean:

a. Helping us master kinds or levels of meaning. In mastering the kinds

or levels of meaning such as the words with their lexical meaning are,

they are by no means the only essential meaning in the symbols and

devices of a language and also the lexical content the various words as

listed and defined in a dictionary13


b. Vocabularies find in a language, this is because the languages we use

consist of vocabularies. Whatever else people may do when, they come

together whether they play, fight, make love, they talk; we live in a

world of words. 14

Television furthers more of words. As a hardly

moment of our waking lives is free from word, we talk to our pets

sometime we talk to ourselves.

c. Words can express our ability. When a person demonstrated his speech

in front of the public, his word can bring ourselves to the other world,

his ability in speech is well known all over the world, and that all start

from word.

d. Vocabulary is involved in all aspects in student learning and that can

improve their skill in English, whether in listening, in Speaking,

Reading or Writing. Student cannot speak well if they do not know

vocabulary, they also do not listen carefully if they do not know

vocabulary, they may stuck in Reading if they do not know

vocabulary. So it‟s mean that vocabulary helps students to learn the

Language and improve it. In writing vocabulary function as a tool to

express a successful learning, it shows a good feedback to the


Victoria Fromkin and Robert Rodman, an introduction to language, (Victoria: Holt

rineheart and Winston, Inc, 1974), p. 1


Ibid. p.1

learning. According to William D. Baker, he said that “Writing as a

language skill which needs a lot of words in it because no words no


In reading the reading section of each book contains

materials on techniques of reading studying, as well as on such skills

as test taking test and reasoning.

From those can be conclude that vocabulary is involved in each aspects of

our live, and that mean it is crucial to be acquire, especially when we talk.

3. Kinds of Vocabulary

According to John Read vocabulary divided into two they are function

words and content words “words of these kind articles, preposition, conjunctions

auxiliaries, etc.

Function words mean this vocabulary is cannot be added the word with

preposition or auxiliaries or modal or structure.

Content words in the other hand can be added to at any times as a

scientific advances make a new words e.g. words that mean a quality or size will

add “a” and follow with “of” .

Example: A piece of bread, a head of lettuce, a spoon of sugar

Content words can be divided into three general ideas, they are:

1) Words naming things, idea, entities, that new might call them Noun.

Example: Table, Book, Chair, wardrobe, Banana, etc.

2) Words naming action called Verb.

Example: Walk Run, Swim, Fly, climb, etc.


William D. Baker, Reading and Writing Skills ( Michigan: The University of

Michigan, 1971), p. 21

3) Words used to describe the qualities of those things or action

adjective and adverbs.16

Example: action adjective

Love, Like, Dislike, Hate, etc.


Living room, Garden, School, Station, etc.

According to I.S.P Nation has divided vocabulary into two they are:

a) Receptive Vocabulary: knowing a word involves being able to

recognize it when it is heard (what is the sound like?) or when it seen

(what does she like?) and having an expectation of what grammatical

pattern the word will occurrence. This includes being able to judge if

the word form sound right or look right.

b) Productive vocabulary: Knowing a word involves being able to

pronounce the word, how to write and spell it, how to use it in

grammatical pattern along with the word usually collocates with, it also

involves not using the word too often it is typically a law- frequency

word, and using it in a suitable subtitle for the word if there any.17

From explanation above, we know that every expert in every book is

different in classifying the kinds of vocabulary, because every person has different

ways in showing and telling their opinion and ideas. Some of them who

emphasize vocabulary to the item which the learners can use appropriately in

speaking and writing and to the language items that can be recognized and

understood in the context of reading and listening and some who classify

vocabulary from little or empty words, context words, clusters of words and some

of them classify vocabulary into general and special. Even the classifications of

the kinds of vocabulary that they have made are different, but the point is the

same, because their classifications are based on the different sides and aspect.


Charles C. Fries, Teaching & Learning English as Foreign Language,( U.S: The

University of Michigan, 1945), p. 47 17

I.S.P. Nation, Teaching and Learning Language, ( New York: New Burry House:

1990),p. 3

In mastering vocabulary students need to know kinds or levels of meaning

before constructing new sentence. Here is some of the vocabulary use:

a. Helping students’ master kinds of meaning

In mastering the kinds or levels of meaning such as the words with

their lexical meaning are: they are by no means the only essential

meaning in the symbol and device of a language and also the lexical

content of the various words –the words as listed and defined in a

dictionary. 18

b. Recognizing group of vocabulary items

Vocabulary is extremely large and also varies. Teacher however must

help their students to recognize various vocabulary items by involving

them as the central points of the activity as fries says” gaining words

of English must begin with a recognition of the fact that the

vocabulary items are of various kind”.19

For further more Fries

classified groups of vocabulary items into four groups:

1. First one is function words, in this groups it consists of

auxiliaries, preposition, conjunction, interrogative particles, and a

miscellaneous group consisting of the words for degree, for

generalizing, the articles, etc.

2. Second one is the substitute words. These words which

represents not individual things or specific action but function as

substitutes for whole form classes of words.

3. Third is a grammatical matter as the presence or absence of a


4. Forth is words called content words.20


Charles c. Fries, Teaching and Learning English as Foreign Langugae, (Michigan:

1970), p. 18 19

Charles. C. Fries Ann Arbor, Teaching and Learning English as Foreign Language, (

Michigan University, 1945), p. 40 20

Charles c. Fries, Teaching and Learning English as Foreign Langugae, (Michigan:

1970), p. 18

B. Reference of Action Intervention Alternative Chosen

1. Definition of pictures

In Webster New world Dictionary of American English we can see that

pictures is an imagine or likeness of an object person or scene produce on a flat

surface especially by painting, drawing or photography.21

According to Amir Hamzah Sulaiman, pictures are the easiest aid you get

and very important to learn because they give a concrete description about the

problem described. Pictures make people grasp the idea or information clearly

even clearer than words, which are expressed spoken or written.22

So, from the definition above, it show that pictures are imitation from the

real things which can give a clear description about the problem described.

2. Kinds of pictures

There are many pictures that we can see in life; according to William

Frances Mackey there are some different types of pictures namely:

a. Thematic Pictures

Thematic pictures are those used simply to illustrate a theme or a text.

It most often came in the form of crowded scenes, illustrating a single

theme, etc.

b. Mnemonic Pictures

Mnemonic pictures are those designed to remind the learner of certain

words or sentences. They may represent situations broken up into

sequences and represented in a short comic strip technique.

c. Semantic Pictures

Semantic pictures function is to get a specific meaning across. 23


Noah Webster, Webster New World Dictionary of American English, ( prentice hall

Regents, 1994),p. 1022 22

Amir Hamzah Sulaiman, Media Audio Visual, (Jakarta: PT. Gramedia, 1985), p. 27 23

William Frances Mackey, Language Teaching Analysis, ( London: Indian University

Press, 1971), p. 245-246

According to Mary and Michael Bonomo said in their books‟ The Foreign

Language Leaner, A guide for Teacher that pictures divided into three kinds as


a. Pictures of individual persons of individual objects, there are single

pictures of object or persons , such as pictures vary in size and can be

maintain single or in set.

b. Pictures of situation in which persons are doing something with objects

and in which relationship of object and or people can be seen

c. A series (six to ten) on the chart as a number of related composite

pictures linked to form a series or sequence. 24

3. Advantages and Disadvantages of using pictures

Pictures are important visual aids in teaching Grammar, because pictures

can be used to improve students‟ ideas and comprehension.

Motivating interest is one factor to achieve the goal of teaching learning

process, the teacher should be creative to find materials of grammar, and of course

it should not to beyond the students‟ knowledge.

By using pictures the teacher can make the students get a clear description

about what they have to write, but sometimes they have difficulty in arranging the

sentences, in this case the teacher should give students some instruction to

stimulate their ideas.

a. Advantages of using Pictures

There are many advantages of using picture in teaching, such as pictures

can motivated the students in learning language, the following are some opinions

concerning with the advantages of using pictures in teaching.


Marry Finnochairo and Michael Bonomo,The Foreign Language Learner,A guide for

Teacher, ( New York: Regents Publishing Company, 1973), p. 164

According to Marry Finnochiaro, the advantages of using pictures in

teaching are:

1) The pictures provide added incentive to learn and interesting for

the student.

2) The pictures give necessary variation and provide the classroom

change of –pace25


b. Disadvantages of using Pictures

Besides the advantage, pictures as teaching aids have disadvantages or

limitation, the writer assumed that it is difficult to make a picture that is explained

an abstract condition, and the teacher has to prepare himself to make pictures or to

find a good picture. Because the students do not always know to read pictures and

the pictures often limits student‟s interpretation.

C. Teaching Vocabulary by Pictures

Before the class begins, the teacher prepares some techniques and tools to

help in teaching and learning process.

The student leaves his book closed all times during the class, and depends

upon the teacher to give him model and the stimulus which will evoke the pattern

desired. However before begins practice requiring the chart, the students unfolds

the chart indicated at the beginning of the practice. The teacher presents the

stimulus and at the first three responses as examples for the class until the student

understand the exercise learning vocabulary through pictures of the pattern to be

practiced. A minimum of three example should be given to average class, but

sometimes more than three are required to show the variety of types for

substitution that are possible in the pattern. When the students understand the

pattern, they should continue the practice with only the stimulus of the pictures in


Ibid. p.164

the chart, or the substitution items pronounced by the teacher, but do not explain

the pattern. He does not explain the exercise but demonstrates by giving models.26

D. Relevant study

There are researches have been done by researcher about pictures can

improve student‟s vocabulary. Syeha Ramadan 1030140027022 he writes


analyzed and evaluated an aspect in teaching vocabulary through pictures. It

shows that the use of pictures in teaching vocabulary has good influence, and

that all indicate on the result of the research. The teacher should have the

ability to convey the good material to the students, when he/she teaches in

class. Teacher needs some media to make students easier in understanding

material. Picture is one of visual aid that the teacher used in the class while

teaching. Based on the result by using the pictures, the students who got the

difficulties were lower than before. From the calculation in the previous

chapter that the value of “to” is higher than “t table” it means that to = 16, 95

indicate that there is a significant differences between the result of teaching

vocabulary through picture and without pictures the student could improve

their vocabulary through pictures. Teaching learning activities in vocabulary

subject is very important to choose the suitable media to improve student skill.

So by using pictures the vocabulary subject will be easy to understand.

Different from the previous that have been explain above, the

writer focus on using pictures of teaching vocabulary in conducting the

Classroom Action Research (CAR) to reinforce students‟ vocabulary mastery

through pictures.

E. Conceptual framework

There are many methods used in teaching language to students. Successful

language learning outside the school is generally in a situation where the learner


Marry Finocchiaro and Christopher Brumfit, the Functional National Approach: From

Theory to Practice( London: Oxford University Press, 1985), p. 177-178

can see what is named by the word to be learned. Whenever possible, that

condition of successful vocabulary learning should be provided in second

language classroom. When we point to parts of the classroom, or bring into the

classroom readily accessible objects, boxes, bottle, can openers, scissors, light

bulbs, candles, tools, or small toys we are using visual aids.27

By using pictures, it

is hoped that the teacher will be able to motivate them to learn and pay attention

to the material presented by the teacher, and finally they are able to understand

English well. It will be encourage students to learn English more easy in teaching

vocabulary through pictures.

F. Action hypothesis

In action hypothesis the writer gets more information to find some technique

in teaching vocabulary through pictures, which could be simple and easy to

prepare or use about visual aids or tools for teaching and learning process. So

according to the writer teaching vocabulary through pictures is more effective

than teaching vocabulary without pictures, especial for students using English

language as a foreign language. The action hypothesis that purposed in this

research is by “using pictures method in teaching vocabulary can improve

students‟ mastery in vocabulary at VII grades students of SMP Prakarya Anjatan-

Indramayu academic year 2010-2011.


Virginia French Allen. Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary. (New York: Oxford University Press: 1983). p.33



A. Method of Research

The method used in this study is Classroom Action Research (CAR)

method which is derived from the roots an action research. Because it occurs in

the classroom frame, it is called CAR. According to Michael J. Wallace, CAR is a

type of classroom research carried out by the teacher in order to solve problems or

to find answer toward context-specific issues.28

It means that to begin the CAR,

the researcher or the teacher needs to identify any problems on teaching learning

vocabulary real found in the classroom concerning students‟ condition in learning.

Meanwhile David Kember defined: Action research is portrayed as a cyclical or

spiral process involving steps of planning, acting, observing and reflecting. It is

normal for a project to go through two or more cycles in an iterative process.


Michael J Wallace, Action Research for Learning Teacher,(Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press,2006), p.5

Improvement is brought about by a series of cycles, each incorporating lessons

from previous cycles.29

According to L. R. Gay as following:

The purpose of action research is to solve classroom through the

application of the scientific method. It is concerned with a local problem

and is conducted in a local setting. It is not concerned with whether the

results are generalizable to any other setting and is not characterized by the

same kind of control evident in other categories of research30


The writer used this method because she wants to find out problem

solving in teaching learning vocabulary. The writer used the pictures to

reinforce students‟ vocabulary.

B. Subject and the Object of Research

1) Subject of Research

The subject of this study is students at VII junior high school Prakarya

Anjatan –Indramayu academic year 2010-2011. The number of students consists

of 29 (twenty nine). It is chosen based upon the unstructured interview result with

the English teacher at that class proving that they have the lowest achievement or

vocabulary test among the other second grade classes. That is why they need an

appropriate strategy to help them improve their score toward vocabulary.

2) Object of Research

The object of this study is Pictures to improve students‟ vocabulary.

C. Writer’s Role on the Research

In this role, the writer is as the observer whiles the action. She makes a

lesson plan and the assessment or test before CAR (pre-test) and after CAR (post-


David Kember, Action Learning and Action Research,(London: British Library 2000),

p. 25 30

L. G. Gay, Educational Research Competencies for Analysis and Application,(

test) in each final cycle. Furthermore, the writer also collects and analyzes data

then reporting the result of study. On the other hand, the teacher carries out the

action based upon the lesson plan has been made.

D. Time and Place of the Research

This research is carried out for two months from 15 February up to 16

march 2011. The place is at VII grade in Junior high school Prakarya Anjatan –

Indramayu academic year 2010-2011.

E. Research Design

This Action research would be carried out through two cycles.

Each cycle consist of three meetings. Both cycles consisted of teaching

and learning process and tests. Before conducting the teaching and

learning activity, the researcher gave a pre-test, and post-test given at the

last of each cycle.

In order to be clear, the researcher would like to present the Kurt

Lewin‟s action research design. It contains four phases; planning, acting,

observing and reflecting.

Figure 3.1

The Kurt Lewin’s Design


Acting Reflecting Cycle 1



Acting Reflecting Cycle 2


Figure 3.2

The Activity of CAR modified by the writer

The teacher makes the lesson plan

The teacher prepares the form of observation

The teacher makes the form of evaluation and post –

test I

The teacher conduct the lesson plan

Teach the procedure( how to make

a banana fried) and descriptive text (

describing people)

The teacher and the observer

discuss collaboratively about

students’ achievement and

result of acting phase

The teacher and the observer

evacuate in teaching learning


Cycle 1

The teacher observers the students’ response, activity,

and the class condition and situation. And the observer

writes about it.

The teacher gives a post-test after conducting the cycle I

The observer rives the lesson plan, the material and the


The teacher prepares the form of evaluation in post-test


The teacher makes the form observation

The teacher conducts the new

lesson plan, and then teaches

about how to makes fried rice

and describing people

The teacher and the observer discuss

the result of the cycle II.

The teacher gives the post-test II after the final cycle II

The teacher writes the students’ activity and the

situation and condition during teaching learning


Cycle 2

F. Classroom Action Research (CAR) Procedures

After accomplishing the first cycle, it will be probably found a new

problem or the previous unfinished problem yet. To make clear what happen in

every phase, the writer want to explain every phase:

1) Planning Phase

A research plan is detailed descriptions of a proposed study designed

investigate a given problem. The research plan must be completed before a study

is begun. After identifying and diagnosing students‟ vocabulary problem occurred

in the class proven by observing and interviewing. The organized planning will be

formed into lesson planning based on the current used syllabus. The lesson plan

has been prepared to be implemented in VII grades at SMP Prakarya Anjatan –


2). Acting Phase

Second phase is acting, in this phase both writer and the teacher

collaborate to carry out the planned action. According to Arikunto, the acting

phase should be implemented at least two cycles continuously, and the time31

period for each cycle depends on the material needs that existed in the semester or

annual program designed by the teacher.

3) Observing Phase

In this phase, the writer observed should notice and note all of activities in

the physical classroom. The teacher performance in front of the class, and student

responded. In this phase, it also collects the data derived from evaluation or post


7 Suharsimi Arikunto, Penelitian Tindakan Kelas,(Jakarta:Bumi Aksara,2009), p. 21-23

4) Reflecting Phase

According to David Kember in this phase many teams talked about their

experience of self-reflection:

This is another example of the process being an outcome. Firstly the

process of reflection led to insights into better approaches to teaching and a

greater understanding of student learning. Secondly and perhaps more importantly

by engaging in this collective reflection the participant realized the importance of

reflecting on their teaching and hopefully should adopt a reflective stance in the

future: data collected enabled reflective on teaching styles and obstacles to


G. Technique of Collecting Data

In this research the writer using qualitative data (experience based) and

quantitative data (number based). In developing the data base from which to make

a representation you will be involved primarily in: observation, interviewing and

uses pre-test and post-test. These three will be briefly outlined in turn.

1) Observation

Observation is more than just looking and seeing. The task

of observation is to be able to represent a social scene in a way

which is recognizable to the actors involved, is considered

valid and a true representation of their action. The problem here

is the issue of what is meant by valid and true. In this case the

teacher to know about class situation as vocabulary activity,

and student‟s response concerning the use of pictures.

2) Interviewing

Much of my data will probably be collected by interview.

The interview also will be carried out after accomplishing CAR

to know the teacher‟s response toward the idea of pictures.


David Kember, Action Learning and Action Research,(London: British Library 2000),

p. 125

3) Test

In this study the writer used pre-test and post-test. Testing

refer to improved scores on a post-test resulting from subject

having taken a pre-test. In other words, taking a pre-test may

improve performance on a post-test, regardless of whether there

is any treatment or instruction in between.33

The pre-test is

done before implementing pictures. Meanwhile, the post-test is

implemented after using pictures.

H. Technique of Data Analysis

In this study to analyzed data the writer used the analysis

qualitative is the observation students‟ activities during teaching learning

process in the classroom, and the interview before and after CAR. The

first data the writer tries to get the average of students‟ vocabulary score

per action within one cycle. It uses the formula:

X : mean

X : individual score

n : number of students

Second, the writer tries to get the class percentages which pass the

KKM 65. It uses the formula:34


David Kember, Action Learning and Action Research,(London: British Library 2000),

p. 266 34

Anas Sudjiono, pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta: PT.Raja Grafindo Persada,2008), p.43

X = ∑x n

P : the class percentage

F : total percentage score

N : number of students

Third, after getting mean of students‟ sore per actions, the writer

identifies whether or not there might have students‟ improvement score

on reading comprehension from pre-test up to posttest score in cycle 1

and cycle 2. In analyzing that, the writer uses the formula:35

P : Percentage of students‟ improvement

y : pre-test result

y1 : post-test 1

P : Percentage of students‟ improvement

y : pre-test result

y2 : post-test 2


David E.Meltzer, The Relationship between Mathematics Preparation and Conceptual Learning Gains in Physics: A Possible Hidden Variable in Diagnostic Pretest Score, (Iowa: Department of Physics and Astronomy,2008), p.3

P = F x 100%


P = y1 – y

X 100%


P = y2 – y

X 100%


I. Validity of Data

Validity means testing what you are purposed to test and not something

else. The goals of project are normality related to learning outcomes, which is

what assessment determines. Tests, examination and continuous assessment can

provide valuable data for action research. The process of validity a test of a

conduct is by no means an easy task. In this case, the steps involved in

determining concurrent validity are as follow:

1) Administer the new test to a defined group of individuals.

2) Administer a previously established, valid test for acquire such

scores if already available to the same group, at the same time,

or shortly thereafter.

3) Correlate the two sets of scores.

4) Evaluate the result.36

Regarding validity in action research, the writer adopts Anderson, Her, and

Nilhen‟s criteria that mention the validity of action research including democratic

validity, outcome validity, process validity, catalytic validity, and dialogic


. In this case, the writer and teacher discuss and assess the students‟ test

result of cycle one and cycle two together. It is done in order to avoid invalid data.

J. Trustworthiness of study

1) Discriminating power

Discriminating power provides a more detailed analysis of the test items

than does item difficulty, because it show how the top scores and lower scores

performed on each item.38


L. G. Ray, Educational Research competence for analysis and application,(Ohio: Merill Publising Company,1987), p. 132

37 Geoffrey E, Mills, Action Research: A Guide for the Teacher Researcher, (Ohio: Merrill

Prentice Hall, 2003), p. 84 38

Kathleen M. Bailey, learning about language Assessment: Dilemas, Decisions, and Direction, (London: Heinle Publisher, 1998), p. 135

D = U – L


In which, D : The index of discriminating power

U : The number of pupils in the upper group who answered

the item Correctly

L : The number of pupils in the lower group who answered

the item Correctly

N : Number of pupils in each of the group

Next, the discriminating scale uses: 39


0.6 – 1.0 Very good

0.4 – 0.6 Good

0.1 – 0.3 Ok

-1 – 0.0 Bad

2) Difficulty Item of test

The difficulty item of test analysis concerns with the proportion of

comparing students who answer correctly with all of students who follow the test.

Item difficulty is how easy or difficult an item is form the viewpoint of the group

of students or examinees taking the test of which that item is a part.40

The formula

as following.41


J.B.Heaton, Classroom Testing, (New York: Longman Inc, 1990), p.174 40

Jhon W. Oller, Language Test at School, (London: Longman group Limited, 1979), p.246 41

Norman E. Gronlund, Construction Achievement test, (New York: Prentice Hall, 1982,) p.102

P = R


In which : P : Index of Difficulty

R : The total number of students who selected the Correct answer

T : The total number of students including upper and Lower group

The classification of Difficulty level42


0.80 – 1.00 Low

0.30 – 0.79 Medium

0 – 1.00 High


Jhon W.Oller, Language test at School,…..p.247



A. Before Implementing the Action

Before the implementation of the action, the writer divided three parts of

data description in order to know the obstacles of teaching learning activities.

Those are pre-observation, pre-interview, and pre-test. Here are the explanations:

1. Result of Pre Observation

The objective of pre-observation is to know the teaching learning process

directly before implementing the Classroom Action Research (CAR). It was

conducted on Monday, 28 February 2011 at VII grade of SMP Prakarya at 07: 30

A.M to 08:45 A.M. there are 29 students in the Class. Based on the observation it

is to know that in teaching Vocabulary at VII grade of SMP Prakarya Anjatan-

Indramayu academic 2010/2011, the teacher tends to be teacher centered during

the teaching learning process. It makes the students be passive. When the teacher

teaching vocabulary, the teacher only gives the translation and asked the students

to repeat after the teacher. And then the teacher writes a list vocabulary on the

whiteboard and the student to memorize the vocabulary.

2. Result of Pre Interview

This interview conducted as unstructured interview. It was conducted

on Tuesday 1 march 2011 in this part the writer asked some questions to the

teacher about English teaching activities, emphasized on vocabulary skill, the

teacher method problem in teaching learning process. The students‟ difficulties in

learning vocabulary, and also his teaching method and technique.

Related to the English teaching learning process, the teacher said that

most of the students didn‟t like and students less motivation to English lesson,

because they think English is difficult and uninterested, especially when they

studied about vocabulary. The teacher also said that to improve students‟ score

above the KKM (65) is still hard.

Next about teachers‟ Problem in teaching learning process and

students‟ problem in learning process, the teacher told that actually the teacher got

many problems. When the teacher taught about vocabulary to the students,

students were still difficult to translate from English to Indonesian. Student

difficult to make a sentence in English because their vocabulary is limited, and to

mention about a noun, verb, adjective and so on is difficult.

The method that the teacher used in teaching vocabulary is

Translation and memorized the vocabulary. It is one of the ways to improve their

vocabulary in teaching English.

3. Result of Pre Test

The pre-test was conducted at the beginning of the research. The

purpose of this test was to check how far the students‟ understanding about

vocabulary. The

Pre-test was conducted on Wednesday 2 march 2011. There were 29 students who

followed this test. They had to answer 20 multiple –choice items given by the


The result of the pre-test can be seen in the table below.

Table 4.1

Result of Pre Test

Students’ Number Students’ Score

1. 30

2. 70*

3. 25

4. 70*

5. 75*

6. 35

7. 70*

8. 65*

9. 70*

10. 70*

11. 75*

12. 70*

13. 60

14. 60

15. 45

16. 60

17. 65*

18. 50

19. 50

20. 55

21. 70*

* The Student who passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria

Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) (65)

Based on the result of pre- test, the data showed that the mean score

of pre-test was 59.48. There were only twenty five students who passed the

Minimum Mastery Criterion (KKM). And 14 students who still get the score

below the Minimum Mastery Criterion (KKM). The highest achievement gained

score 75, and the lowest achievement gained score 25. It can be concluded that the

students‟ understanding of vocabulary are still low. Therefore, the writer

conducted the Classroom Action Research (CAR) by using pictures and the

treatments in each cycle are important to improve the students‟ result.

22. 35

23. 70*

24. 75*

25. 65*

26. 50

27. 60

28. 70*

29. 60


X = Σx



Figure 3.3

Diagram of the Result of Students‟ Vocabulary through Pictures before

Classroom Action Research Implementation

B. Implementation of Classroom Action Research (CAR)

1. CYCLE 1

1.1 Planning

In this phase the writer made a planning for the action based on the

problems faced by the students in understanding of the vocabulary. Before

implementing it, the writer prepare everything related to the action that are used in

teaching learning process, such as making a lesson plan, preparing materials,

determining an interesting topic, preparing a teaching aids, preparing research

instruments, such as the structured observation sheet, field notes, and the post-

test.the topic in this phase was about “ How to make fried Banana”. In the first

meeting the writer taught them about the material and step to made fried banana.










1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29



1.2 Acting

This acting phase was conducted on Sunday 31february 2011. It had

been done during one week in one cycle which consisted of three meetings. The

teacher implemented the teaching learning process based on the lesson plan had

been made. Here they are the activities that the teacher done from pre-teaching,

while teaching and post teaching in the first cycle.

a. First meeting

The first meeting in the cycle one was conducted on Tuesday 1 march

2011. It was followed by 29 students. In this activity the reinforcing vocabulary

through pictures was introduced to students. The topic used in this cycle was How

to make Banana Fried. The activities which were given to the students used some

vocabulary such as: Flour, Sugar, Salt, Water, Palm Oil, Banana, Frying pan, and

Wash basin, Spatula, Stove, and Plate.

The teacher explained about method used in teaching and learning process

as well as possible. The teacher also provided some teaching aids to help the

students to know what they were going to demonstrate the activities. In the first

activities the teacher asked to students the material how to make fried banana they

have known before. The teacher showed some pictures to the students and then

the students try to guess what the picture is. And then the students practice about

the steps how to make fried banana.

b. Second meeting

The second meeting in cycle one was conducted on Wednesday 2 march

2011, it followed by 29 students. In this learning activity the teacher reviewed

last material, the teacher asked the students to perform in front of the class. Before

starting to the new material or new topic the teacher gave some questions to the

students about body. The member of body such as: hair, nose, eyes, hand, foot,

finger, knee, eyes brow, ears, and etc. and then about the character of body such

as: tall, thin, short, black color, white color, and etc.

Next the teacher had taken two students in front of the class. Finally the

teacher asked to them about member of body and the character of body together.

In teaching learning activities in this cycle could run well. The students were

interested and seriously when the lesson was presented. Any mistake happened

were tolerable. Finally, to check the students‟ mastery in vocabulary this cycle,

the writer evaluates them by giving a test in first cycle.

c. Third meeting

In the third meeting of the first cycle, the students seemed more

enthusiastic to response teachers‟ instruction and most of them wants to tries to

make to speak English language in the classroom. Then, after teaching learning

process finished, the teacher asked them to answer the questions it focused on

students‟ comprehension of the vocabulary through pictures.

1.3 Observing

In this phase the observer conducted an observation phase during the

teaching learning process. It is about students‟ activities, students‟ response,

teacher performance, the teachers‟ activities, participation, pronunciation‟s

student, class situation which are found during the teaching and learning process

by using field note.

Meanwhile, the class situation was still under control. They were not able

to guess the pictures by English language even though the teacher had been

performing the material clearly. In this observing phase was also carried out the

posttest 1 exactly on third meeting of the first cycle to measure how well the

students‟ comprehension of the vocabulary that had been studied. The result of the

posttest 1 the mean score of the class derived 70.86 in which there were 26

students who passed the KKM 65.

1.4 Reflecting

After collecting the data, the writer analyzes the data of teaching learning

process. In this reflecting phase between the writer and the teacher discuss about

teaching learning process of the reinforcing students‟ vocabulary mastery trough

pictures. The observer said that the teacher had still difficult to improve their

vocabulary because the teacher still used method translation and memorize of

words. In this case the students still confuse in vocabulary.

Next, the writer had to still reflect the improper implementation of using

pictures method. Here, the writer found the problem from result of field notes of

teaching learning process. First, the teacher still had difficulties in managing the

classroom through pictures. In this case the writer did to walk around the class, to

check students‟ equipment and asked them to be ready to learn. Second, the

material was too longer to be understood. To solve this problem, the writer

explains the material by pictures in the classroom; it hopes students were

interested and enthusiastic in learning vocabulary. In this case, teaching learning

p[process should be fun as the it‟s the principle of pictures method. Third the

teacher still had difficulty in asking students to do the exercise vocabulary.

Based on the reflecting above, this cycle must be continuing in the next

cycle. It must be more efforts in reinforcing students‟ vocabulary mastery through

pictures. This effort was done in the next lesson plan of cycle 2.

2. CYCLE 2

2.1 Planning

In this second cycle of the planning phase was implemented into lesson

plan in teaching learning process. In this case the observer and the teacher

modified the previous lesson plan into new lesson plan which had related with

pictures in teaching vocabulary. Some modifications such as the used different

material, media and exercise. The Observer still prepared the structured

observation sheet and field note. And then also prepared the second post-test to

know the improvement the students‟ vocabulary. The topic was procedure about

„How to make fried rice’. The teacher gave the student to mention the material

and procedures to make fried rice in front of the class. To check the students‟

understanding about the material, the observer gave them the post-test, the test

was consists of 20 items in multiple choice.

2.2 Acting

In this phase was conducted during one week in one cycle which consisted

of two meetings. The implementation of this cycle was done as same as in the

first cycle, it is about pre-teaching, while teaching and post-teaching, here they are

the explanation:

a. First meeting

In this meeting second cycle was conducted on Sunday 8 march 2011. It

was followed by 29 students. The topic in second cycle was procedures. The

teaching learning processes same as in the first cycle at first and second meeting.

The vocabulary presented by the teacher brings pictures in the classroom such as:

rice, oil, chili, garlic, onion, meatball, rice, frying pan, and so on. The teacher

explained again the activities before, in this occasion the students were getting

adaptable with the activities.

The teacher asked some students to mention the ingredients and materials

of fried rice in English and then the students to practice the procedures how to

make fried rice. The other students listened and paid attention to the performances


The teacher always corrected if they did not understand or made some mistakes.

The teacher also guided them when they got difficulties in practicing the material.

To improve their vocabulary they must be memorize of words and try to write

down the vocabulary on white board. They also to practice how to make fried rice.

b. Second meeting

In this meeting second cycle was conducted on Tuesday 15 march 2011, it

was followed by 29 students. This activities same as second meeting in the first

cycle, the teacher gave the students some pictures and reviewed the material in the

first at second cycle, because the pictures was related to last material. The teacher

also guided them when they got difficulties in the material. In order to improve

their vocabulary, the teacher wrote the vocabulary which they didn‟t before. The

pronunciation of each word he was also explained clearly. The students‟ repeated

after the teacher.

The activities process in this cycle could run better than the previous cycle.

The students had become accustomed with the activities given by the teacher.

Therefore, they were not afraid and shy anymore in performing and any command

even though they made mistake. Finally, they could produce their own

vocabulary and tried to mention other vocabulary around school environment.

After teaching learning process in the second cycle, the observer gave a post-test

to evaluate the students.

c. Third meeting

In this action of the second cycle, before gave them a posttest 2 the teacher

reviewed the previous subject it avoided students were forgot the material that had

been taught. In fact, the students had enthusiastic to make a procedure and some

of them were fun and enjoyed to perform his response of teachers‟ command.

Finally, after teaching learning process finished, the teacher gave them a posttest 2

it consisted 20 questions focused on students‟ comprehension of the vocabulary.

2.3 Observing

In this cycle the teacher performance was better than the previous cycle, it

can be seen the teacher can be a good model and director in giving the material of

all the students‟ behavior performance, the students more understand the

vocabulary during the teachings cycle, learning process and was better than the

previous cycle. The students can understand and response about material, they

also feel fun and enjoy. The student can guest the vocabulary of pictures and can

speak by good pronounce. Finally they are ready to speak when they fell ready to

speak the word.

2.4 Reflecting

In this phase, the teacher and observer evaluate and discuss about teaching

learning process. This phase is the objective to reflect the completely done the

action research. First the observer and the teacher discussed about teachers‟

method teaching vocabulary. The observer and the teacher felt satisfied with result

of this Classroom Action Research (CAR). It can be seen from students‟ score

from pre-test up to pos-test in second cycle. The objective of lesson plan also had

been achieved when the teacher applied it in the classroom. Second the student

also can use the vocabulary in their activities and the students more interesting

teaching vocabulary through pictures. Finally the observer and the teacher discuss

about improvement of the students‟ score from pre-test up to post-test in second

cycle. It was proven from pre-test the students who passed the Minimum Mastery

Criterion were for students who passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria

Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) 65 were for students or 62, 85%. In post test I cycle I

were 70, 86 % the students who passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria

Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) 65 and in the post test II of second cycle 84, 82 %.

Based on the result above the implementation of Classroom Action Research

(CAR) in reinforcing stunts‟ vocabulary mastery through pictures could be

success, and the teacher and the observer decided to stop to the next cycle.

C. Discussion of the Data after Classroom Action Research


After conducting the action research, the writer gained four data: those

were the result of the post interview, the result of post test and the result of field

note. For further description as following:

1. Result of post interview

The interview was held on Friday 16th

march 2011 started from 07: 00

A.M up to 08:45. After conducting the second cycle, the writer asked some

questions related to three things which had become the main points in this

interview. First point is about students‟ condition and classroom activities, the

teacher said that students‟ condition in the teaching learning process after

applying the teaching vocabulary through pictures is more active in learning

process; they look more interested in learning vocabulary through pictures, they

feel enjoy and they can memorize the vocabularies in the short time. The

classroom situation is very attractive. A second point is about the development of

students‟ skill vocabulary after implementing the picture method. The teacher said

that the students‟ skill vocabulary had improved than before pre implementation

of CAR. The students‟ more active in teaching learning process but also they can

use vocabulary to speak or writing in daily activities. The last point is concerned

with the teachers‟ opinion and motivation in applying pictures in teaching

vocabulary. The teacher stated that a picture is an effective method and the

teacher should use in teaching vocabulary. It can make the students to be

interested and enjoy and then a picture can reduce feel bore in learning English

especially in teaching learning vocabulary. Considering from explanation above,

the writers concluded that the CAR was done successfully.

2. Result of Field note

a. Situation of the class

In the beginning of the lesson at first cycle, some students looked cheerful

of the writer‟s coming. And then the observer explained the material or topic to

the students and asked them to enjoy the time during the study. Some students did

not understand about the procedure of the material and then the observer answer

their question.

Some students looked confused with the method teaching English used.

The students were enthusiastic and interested in the teaching learning process.

From observing the situations of the class the writer conclude that the

students gave attention to the teachers‟ explanation during study.

b. Participant of the Students

The students were fun and enjoy in the following the study using Pictures.

Many words easy to memorize using pictures and more interesting in teaching

vocabulary. And it is can reduce feel bore in the class.

From observing the participant of the students, it can be concluded that by

using Pictures, the students more understand and enjoy in teaching vocabulary.

They are motivated to be active in teaching learning process.

3. Result of Post Test

Before the students did the test, the writer had done pre test, difficulty

item, validity of test. The result of post test as follow:

a. Result of Post Test I in the First Cycle

To know the students‟ improvement in first cycle, the writer evaluated

them by giving a post –test in the last cycle I. the post-test accomplished on

Tuesday 1 march 2011. There were 29 students who follow in this test. This post-

test during 30 minutes. There are 20 multiple choices items given by the writer.

The score was that 3 students got 60; 5 students got 65; 6 students got 70; 12

students got 75, 2 students got 80.

The result of the post –test I can be seen in table below.

Table 4.2

Result of post-test I



Students’ Score

1 75*

2 70*

3 60

4 70*

5 80*

6 70*

7 75*

8 70*

9 75*

10 75*

11 75*

12 75*

13 60

14 75*

15 70*

16 70*

17 75*

18 65*

19 65*

20 60

21 65*

22 75*

23 80*

24 75*

25 75*

26 65*

27 65*

28 65*

29 75*


X= Σx



*The students who passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion-

(KKM) (65)

Based on the result of the post-test I, showed that the mean score of post-

test I was 70, 86. The highest achievement gained score 80, and the lowest

achievement gained score 60. It can be concluded that the students‟ achievement

of vocabulary improved from pre-test. Therefore, the observer must continue to

the next cycle because the students could not achieve yet the standard of the

Classroom Action Research (CAR) 75% of the Minimum Mastery Criterion –

Kriteria Ketuntasan Mastery (KKM) (65).

Figure 3.4

Diagram of students‟ result of Post-test 1 at the first cycle

b. Result of Post test II in the second Cycle

The teacher was evaluated by giving a post-test II after the second cycle

had finished in using teaching vocabulary through pictures. It was conducted on

Tuesday, 15 March 2011. The observer reviewed again all the materials given

during those cycles by performing some activities and asking by giving some

pictures the students to guess them. In the post-test II, there were 20 items that

were similar with pre-test and post-test I.

The result of the post-test II in the second cycle can be seen in table below:











1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29

Postest 1

Postest 1

Table 4.3

Result of Post-test II

*The Students who passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria

Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) (65)

Students’ Number Students’ Score

1 85*

2 85*

3 80*

4 85*

5 95*

6 80*

7 90*

8 85*

9 90*

10 80*

11 90*

12 95*

13 70*

14 85*

15 80*

16 80*

17 85*

18 85*

19 85*

20 85*

21 95*

22 80*

23 90*

24 80*

25 85*

26 85*

27 90*

28 80*

29 80*




Based on the result of post test II showed the highest achievement gained

score 95, and the lowest achievement gained score 70. It can be concluded that the

students‟ achievement in teaching learning vocabulary through pictures has a

significant improvement. It can be seen in the result of pre-test, post-test I and

post-test II.

Figures 3.5

Diagram of students‟ result of Post-test 2 at the second cycle

Based on the result above the observer and the writer stopped to the next

cycle, because the students could achieve the standard of criteria action success

was 75%. The observer describe the students‟ vocabulary score in pre-test,

post test I in the first cycle and post test II in the second cycle in the table.

Furthermore the observer used quantitative descriptive technique to analyze the

data from the pre test, post-test I and post test II below:







1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29

Post-test II

Post-test II

Table 4.4

Students’ Vocabulary Score of Pre-test, post-test I and post-test II

Students’ Number Pre-test Post-test I

(Cycle I)

Post test II

(Cycle II)

1 30 75* 85*

2 70* 70* 85*

3 25 60 80*

4 70* 70* 85*

5 90* 80* 95*

6 35 70* 80*

7 80* 75* 90*

8 75* 75* 85*

9 85* 75* 90*

10 75* 75* 80*

11 75* 75* 90*

12 85* 75* 95*

13 60 60 70*

14 60 75* 85*

15 45 70* 80*

16 60 70* 80*

17 65* 75* 85*

18 50 65* 85*

19 50 60 85*

20 55 65* 85*

21 80* 75* 95*

22 35 80* 80*

23 85* 75* 90*

24 75* 75* 80*

25 65* 75* 85*

26 50 65* 85*

27 60 65* 90*

28 70* 75* 80*

29 60 75* 80*

Mean= Σx


62,58 70,86 84,82

*The students who passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion –Kriteria

Ketuntasan Minimal KKM (65)

To analyze all data, the observer would calculate the students mean score

of the test, calculate the class percentage, and calculate the students‟ improvement

score from pre-test to post-test I up to post-test II into percentage.

The first step in analyze the data of pre-test is to get the mean score of

the test. It is calculated by using this formula:


X =



X =


X = 62.58

Based on that calculation, it is showed the mean score of the pre-test

was 62,85. It means that the students‟ vocabulary mean score of pre-test before

implementing Classroom Action Research (CAR) or before using pictures in

teaching vocabulary was 62,85.

Next step is the percentage of students‟ score who pass the Minimum

Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) in pre-test used the

formula as follow:


P = X 100%



P = X 100%


P = 51.72%

From the calculation above, it is known the students‟ percentage score is

51.72% it means that there are 15 students‟ who passed the Minimum Mastery

Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) and there are 14 students‟ who

still get the score below the Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan

Minimal (KKM), from the percentage above, the writer gave the diagram to show

to show the students‟ achievement in understanding Vocabulary is still low. The

diagram as following:

After that, the researcher calculated the result of post-test in cycle 1 to

know the students‟ score improvement from the pre-test 1 result. The first step is

calculating the mean score of post-test 1. It is calculated by using formula:


X =



X =


X = 70.86%

From the computation above, the students‟ mean score of post-test in

cycle 1 is 70.86. it means that there are some improvements in conducting the

action by using Vocabulary. It could be seen from the pre-test mean score (62.58)

to the post-test 1 mean score (70.86). So it can be concluded that there is

improvement of students‟ score until 8.28 (70.86 – 62.58).





Nilai < 65 Nilai 65 Nilai > 65

Result of Students' score before implementation

The Result of Students' score before implementation

The next step is to get the percentage of students‟ improvement score

from pre-test to post-tes1. The writer used the formula:

y1 - y

P = X 100%


70.86 – 62.58

P = X 100%



P = X 100%


P = 13.23%

Based on the computation above, it could be seen that the percentage

of the students‟ improvement in understanding of Vocabulary from pre-test to

post-test1 is 13.23%. it means that the score in cycle 1 has improved therefore;

the writer must conduct the post-test 2 in the second cycle, because it still need

more improvement to achieve the target of Classroom Action Research (75%).

Finally, to get the percentage of students‟ who pass the Minimum

Mastery Criterion-Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) the calculation by using

the formula:


P = X 100%



P = X 100%


P = 89.65%

Based on the absolute numerical above, it is showed the percentage of

students‟ who pass the Minimum Mastery Criterion-Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal

(KKM) in post-test 1 is 89.65%. It is concluded the students‟ improvement in

post-test 1 who pass the Minimum Mastery Criterion-Kriteria Ketuntasan

Minimal (KKM) is 1.73% (89.65 - 51.72). it is calculated ther are twenty six

students‟ who pass the KKM and ther are three students who get the score below

the standard of Minimum Mastery Criterion-Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM).

Even though it is still needed more improvement because it could not achieve yet

75% as the target of success Clasroom Action Research (CAR). The students‟

score who pass the Minimum Mastery Criterion-Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal

(KKM), it could be seen from the diagram below:

After the writer conducted cycle two of Classroom Action Research,

she gave to the students‟ a test in order to know and to prove whether the

application of using pictures teaching Vocabulary successful and effective or not

either from the result of pre-test or post-test 1. There are three steps to know this



Nilai < 65 Nilai 65 (KKM)

Nilai > 65

Result of students' Score in Post-Test


The Result of students' Score in Post-Test 1

improvement. Those are: first step is to calculate the mean score of test in post-

test 2, it is used the formula:


X =



X =


X =84.82

From that calculation, the mean score of post-test 2 in the cycle 2 is 13.96

(84.82 – 70.86) from the mean score of post-test in cycle 1.

Second step is to know the calculation of percentage of students‟

improvement score. The writer used the formula:

y2 - y

P = X 100%


84.82 – 62.58

P = X 100%


P = 35.53%

From the computation above, it could be known that the student‟s

score in the post-test 2 improves 16.19 % (35.53% - 51.72%). from pre-test and

22.3% (35.53% - 13.23%) from the post-test in cycle 1.

Then the next step is to calculate the percentage from the students‟

score who pass the Minimum Mastery Criterion-Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal

(KKM) in post-test 2. The writer used the formula:


P = X 100%



P = X 100%


P = 100%

Based on absolute calculation above, it is known the percentage of

students‟ who pass the Minimum Mastery Criterion-Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal

(KKM) is 100%. It means that in cycle 2 there are 29 students‟ who pass the

Minimum Mastery Criterion-Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal and there are 0

students‟ are below the Minimum Mastery Criterion-Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal

(KKM). The class percentage of post-test 2 obviously show some improvements

from the previous test, the improvement is 48.28% (100% - 51.72%) from the

pre-test. The highest score in this post-test is 95 and the lowest score is 70. The

students‟ score who pass the Minimum Mastery Criterion-Kriteria Ketuntasan

Minimal (KKM) and who still below the Minimum Mastery Criterion-Kriteria

Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) it can be seen in the diagram below:

D. Interpretation of the Test Result

Based on the result of pre-test, post-test 1, and post-test 2, the writer can

interpret the data, and she also gave the diagram before describing the result of


After that the writer can interpret the data result among the pre-test, the

post-test of cycle 1 and the post-test of cycle 2 in the detail as following:

Before conducting the Classroom Action Research (CAR), the writer

gave the pre-test to the students it is showed that the mean of students‟ score

understanding of Vocabulary before using the Pictures is 62.58. meanwhile, the

class percentage which pass the Minimum Mastery Criterion-Kriteria Ketuntasan

Minimal (KKM) is 51.72%. it means that there are only 15 students who pass the






Nilai < 65 Nilai 65 (KKM) Nilai > 65

Result of Students' Score in Post-test 2

The Result of Students' Score in Post-test 2









Nilai < 65 Nilai 65 (KKM) Nilai > 65

Pre Test

Post Test 1

Post Test 2

Minimum Mastery Criterion-Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) and there are

14 students‟who still below the Minimum Mastery Criterion-Kriteria Ketuntasan

Minimal (KKM).

Then after getting the pre-test result, it is known that the mean score is

70.86. it proved that there are some improvement of students‟ score from the pre-

test that is 8.28 (70.86 – 62.58) or 13.23%. Moreover, the class percentage of

students‟ who pass the Minimum Mastery Criterion-Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal

(KKM) in the post test 1 is 89.65%. It is known that there are 26 students‟ who

pass the Minimum Mastery Criterion-Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) and

there are 3 students‟ who still below the target of Minimum Mastery Criterion-

Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM). Consequently, the writer continued to

conduct this Classroom Action Research (CAR) in the next cycle, because it could

not achieve the target yet of success CAR criterion that is 75% from the students

percentage which pass the Minimum Mastery Criterion-Kriteria Ketuntasan

Minimal (KKM).

Next, the mean score in the post-test of cycle 2 is 84.82. It means that the

students‟ a improvement score is 13.96 (84.82 – 70.86) from the post-test 1

(70.86) or 35.53% students improvement in the score percentage from pre-test.

Furthermore, in the percentage of students‟ who pass the Minimum Mastery

Criterion-Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) in the post-test 2 is 100%. It

means there are 29 students who pass the Minimum Mastery Criterion-Kriteria

Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) and 0 students‟ are still below the Minimum Mastery

Criterion-Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM). This class percentage shows some

improvements 100% from the pre-test (51.72%) and post-test 1 (89.65%) in the

class percentage. The post-test of cycle 2 has fulfilled the target of Classroom

Action Research (CAR) because there is above 75% of students‟ who pass the

Minimum Mastery Criterion-Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM). From the

interpretation of data above, it shows that using Pictures can develop students‟

ability in using Vocabulary, finally it can be said that the Classroom Action

Research (CAR) is success and the writer ends the cycle.


There were the improvements of the students‟ comprehension of the

vocabulary through pictures method. It could be showed by students‟ responses

actively when the teacher asked them to do guess or to speak the picture. Then,

the procedures of vocabulary through pictures were implemented when teaching

and learning process in the classroom that the reason to make students improves

in comprehending vocabulary. After that from the interpretation of the data

analysis had been discussed that the mean of students at the first year of SMP

Prakarya Anjatan- Indramayu they had been a good improving in vocabulary by

their own language.

The improving of students‟ comprehension of the vocabulary can be

result through the research improvement in reflecting the planning and acting in

the cycle 1 to cycle 2. It accused that the identification and the analysis of the

problems faced by the researcher in every cycle can be released and had showed

an optimal result.



A. Conclusion

Based on the data on the previous chapter, we can draw a conclusion that

teaching vocabulary through pictures is more effective. It can be seen from the

students‟ score of post test that is higher than the score of students‟ to understand

the difficult words easily by guessing the meaning, the use of pictures make the

vocabulary learning becomes enjoyable and interesting because they can discover

the meaning of difficult words by looking at pictures of them in pictures without

asking another person or looking them up in the dictionary.

B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion, it is suggested

1. The teacher choose the technique and materials which are appropriate

with the students‟ need and experience so that learning vocabulary

become enjoyable and interesting, and using the accurate technique in

teaching learning process is an obligation for every teacher.

2. The teacher realizes that there are many ways in teaching English to

get the students‟ attention in the classroom, especially in teaching


3. It is important for teaching to teach not only the meaning of the

difficult words but also the correct use of them in acceptable pictures.

4. The teacher presents the language in an enjoyable and relaxed

atmosphere. It can be done by using the pictures, games, realia, etc. in

order to avoid students bored.

5. The teacher should master many new vocabulary in teach students‟ in

the classroom.

6. The teacher should also give a high motivation to the students to read

more and more English literature to increase their vocabulary level.

7. Next researcher is expected to be better in analyzing this research.


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Appendix 1

The Result of Students’ Score in Pre-Test, Post Test I, and Post Test II

No Pre-Test Post Test I

(Cycle I)

Post test II

(Cycle II)

1. 30 75* 85*

2. 70* 70* 85*

3. 25 60 80*

4. 70* 70* 85*

5. 75* 80* 95*

6. 35 70* 80*

7. 70* 75* 90*

8. 65* 70* 85*

9. 70* 75* 90*

10. 70* 75* 80*

11. 75* 75* 90*

12. 70* 75* 95*

13. 60 60 70*

14. 60 75* 85*

15. 45 70* 80*

16. 60 70* 80*

17. 65* 75* 85*

18. 50 65* 85*

19. 50 60 85*

20. 55 65* 85*

21. 70* 75* 95*

22. 35 80* 80*

23. 70* 75* 90*

24. 75* 75* 80*

25. 65* 65* 85*

26. 50 65* 85*

27. 60 65* 90*

28. 70* 75* 80*

29. 60 70* 80*




* The Student who passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria

Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) (65)

Appendix 3

Standar Kompetensi dan Kompetensi Dasar

Kelas VII Semester II SMP Prakarya Anjatan – Indramayu

Standar Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar

1. Membaca

Memahami makna teks tulis

fungsional dan esai pendek

sangat sederhana berbentuk

Descriptive dan Procedure yang

berkaitan dengan lingkungan


2. Menulis

Mengungkapkan makna dalam

teks tulis fungsional dan esai

pendek sangat sederhana

berbentuk Descriptive dan

Procedure untuk berinteraksi

dengan lingkungan terdekat.

1.1 Merespon makna yang terdapat

dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek

sangat sederhana secara akurat,

lancer dan berterima yang

berkaitan dengan lingkungan


2.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam

teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat

sederhana dengan menggunakan

ragam bahasa tulis secaara akurat,

lancer dan berterima untuk

berinteraksi dengan lingkungan



Ana Zulaecha

NIM. 206014000104

Appendix 4



Sekolah : SMP PRAKARYA ANJATAN Siklus ke- : 1

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris. Pertemuan ke- : 1

Kelas / Semester : VII / II

Jenis Teks : Procedure Text

Tema : How to make fried banana

Aspek / Skill : Menulis

Alokasi Waktu : 2 X 40 menit

Standar Kompetensi

Memahami makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek berbentuk descriptive

dan procedure untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Kompetensi Dasar

12.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana

untuk berintea dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan

berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.


Siswa mampu menyebutkan langkah-langkah membuat fried banana.

Siswa mampu menyebutkan bahan-bahan apa saja yang digunakan dalam

membuat fried banana.

Tujuan pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat :

Memahami teks procedure.

Menyebutkan bahan-bahan untuk membuat banana.

Menyebutkan alat-alat apa saja yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat banana.

Menyebutkan langkah-langkan membuat fried banana.

Materi Pembelajaran






Palm Oil


MATERIALS Materials / Tools:

Frying pan

Wash basin




PROCEDURE How to make fried banana?

1. First, peel the banana and cut it become two part.

2. Then, mix the flour, salt, sugar, and water into the


3. Next, immerse the banana into the washbasin.

STEPS 4. After that, pour the palm oil into frying pan and wait

until hot.

5. Then, put the banana in the frying pan and wait until hot.

6. Next, bring it and put on the plate.

7. Finally, fried banana can be deserved.

Metode/ technik : Three-Phase Technique.

A. Langkah-langkah kegiatan Belajar Mengajar (KBM)


Tahap Kegiatan Guru Kegiatan Siswa waktu

1. Pendahuluan








siswa/siswi pada

materi yang akan






materi yang akan









penjelasan dari






dilontarkan oleh


2. Kegiatan Inti Guru menjelaskan Siswa

materi Procedure

texts tentang

“How to make

Fried Banana”




bahan-bahan yang

diperlukan untuk

membuat Fried



menyebutkan alat-

alat rumah tangga

yang diperlukan

untuk membuat

Fried Banana.

Guru menjelaskan

bagaimana cara

membuat Fried



ucapan guru





Siswa mengikuti





penjelasan Guru

3. Penutup

Guru menjelaskan

kembali materi

yang sudah di





Guru memberikan

kesimpulan dari

materi yang telah

di ajarkan

Guru memberikan

tugas kepada

siswanya tentang



Siswa mampu



yang diberikan

oleh guru.

Siswa mengikuti

perintah guru

Alat dan Sumber Pembelajaran

1. Sumber Bahan:

Buku paket Bahasa Inggris

English in focus for grade VII junior high school (SMP/MTs) (

Pusat Perbukuan Depatemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2008 )

Students’ Worksheet

2. Media:

White Board



Aspek Penilaian

1. Aspek Proses

Penilaian proses dilakukan selama proses belajar mengajar berlangsung.

2. Aspek Hasil

Penilaian hasil diambil dari hasil jawaaban siswa atas pertanyaan yang

diberikan oleh guru.

Mengetahui, Indramayu, 01 Maret


English teacher Observer

Josef Subagio, S.Pd.I Ana Zulaecha

NIK. 325 074 764 820 000 3 NIM. 206014000104

Appendix 5



Sekolah : SMP PRAKARYA ANJATAN Siklus ke- : 1

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris. Pertemuan ke- : 2

Kelas / Semester : VII / II

Jenis Teks : Descriptive text

Tema : Describing people

Aspek / Skill : Speaking

Alokasi Waktu : 2 X 40 menit

Standar Kompetensi

Mengungkap makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek berbentuk descriptive

dan procedure untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Kompetensi Dasar

10.1 Mengungkapkan makna yang terdapat dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek

sangat sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara secara akurat, lancar

dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.


Siswa mampu mengggambarkan seseorang dari ciri-ciri tubuhnya..

Siswa mampu mejelaskan apa yang ada pada seseorang.

Tujuan pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat :

Menyebutkan ciri-ciri bentuk tubuh seseorang.

Menjelaskan warna rambut, warna mata dan bentuk wajah seseorang

Menjelaskan apa saja yang melekat pada diri seseorang.

Materi Pembelajaran

How to describe someone in English

Height | Build | Hair | Eyes | Type of hair | Complexion | Other features

Learn about appearances (requires Real Player).


He is tall. He is short. He is normal height.

+ He is very tall. He is quite short. He is relatively normal height.


She is skinny. (negative) She is fat. (negative)

She is underweight. (negative) She is overweight. (negative)

She is thin. (negative) She is plump. (neutral)

She is slim. (positive) She is stocky. (neutral)

She is slender. (positive) She is bonny. (positive) ^

!Note - if a man is fat (especially round the waist) we often say he has a beer belly.


blonde/fair hair brown hair red hair black hair grey hair

blonde brunette redhead - -


grey eyes green eyes blue eyes brown eyes dark eyes


This is a black


Type of hair

She has

long hair. She has

short hair.

He has no

hair. = He is


She has


length hair.

She has

medium length


She has short



She has




She has


black hair.


She has


length ,

blonde hair.

She has


length, red


She has short,

blonde hair.



She has





She has



black hair.


She has






She has


length, wavy,

red hair.

She has short,

curly, blonde


oHer hair

is long,


Her hair is



- Her hair is



Her hair is


length, wavy

Her hair is

short, curly

and blonde.

r and


and black. straight and


and red.

+ She wears


Type of complexion

He is asian. He

has light-brown


She is black.

She has dark


He is white. He

has fair skin.

She is white.

She has lightly

tanned skin.

She is white. She

has very pale skin.

Other features

moustache Beard chin forehead nostrils

eyebrows Cheeks fringe lips teeth

Metode/ technik : Three-Phase Technique.

B. Langkah-langkah kegiatan Belajar Mengajar (KBM)

Tahap Kegiatan Guru Kegiatan Siswa waktu


1. Pendahuluan








siswa/siswi pada

materi yang akan






materi yang akan



materi tentang”

How to describe

someone in








penjelasan dari





dilontarkan oleh


2. Kegiatan Inti Guru


seseorang dari

mulai warna

rambut, bentuk

rambut, tinggi


seseorang sampai

dengan warna



ucapan guru






Guru menugaskan

kepada siswanya

tentang “ how to

describe someone

in English”

3. Penutup

Guru menjelaskan

kembali materi

teks monolog

tentang “ How to

describe someone

in English”yang

sudah di pelajari

Guru memberikan

kesimpulan dari

materi yang telah

di ajarkan

Guru memberikan




penjelasan guru

Siswa mampu



yang diberikan

oleh guru.

Siswa mengikuti

perintah guru

Alat dan Sumber Pembelajaran

1. Sumber Bahan:

Buku paket Bahasa Inggris

English In Focus for grade VII junior high school (SMP/MTs) (

Pusat Perbukuan Depatemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2008 )

Students’ Worksheet

2. Media:

White Board



Aspek Penilaian

1. Aspek Proses

Penilaian proses dilakukan selama proses belajar mengajar berlangsung.

2. Aspek Hasil

Penilaian hasil diambil dari hasil jawaaban siswa atas pertanyaan yang

diberikan oleh guru.

Mengetahui, Indramayu, 02 Maret


English teacher Observer

Josef Subagio, S.Pd.I Ana Zulaecha

NIK. 325 074 764 820 000 3 NIM. 206014000104

Appendix 6



Sekolah : SMP PRAKARYA ANJATAN Siklus ke- : 2

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris. Pertemuan ke- : 1

Kelas / Semester : VIII / II

Jenis Teks : Procedure text

Tema : How to make fried rice

Aspek / Skill : Membaca

Alokasi Waktu : 2 X 40 menit

Standar Kompetensi

Mengungkap makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek berbentuk descriptive

dan procedure untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Kompetensi Dasar

11.1 Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sangat

sederhana akurat, lancar, dan beerterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan



Siswa mampu menyebutkan bahan-bahan dan alat-alat rumah tangga yang

dibutuhkan “How to make fried rice”.

Siswa mampu memahami langkah-langkah membuat fried rice.

Tujuan pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat :

Menyebutkan bahan –bahan, bumbu-bumbu dan alat-alat rumah tangga untuk

membuat fried rice.

Memahami langkah-langkah membuat fried rice.

Memahami informasi yang terdapat dalam procedures text.

Materi Pembelajaran

How to Make Fried Rice


Onion 2, thinly sliced

Garlic gloves 5, thinly sliced

Red chili 2 to 3, slit lengthwise

Celery 1 to 2, sliced

Soy sauce 2 teaspoons

Salt approximately 1 to 2 teaspoons

Olive oil 2 tablespoons

For Garnishing:

Cucumber 1, thinly sliced

Tomatoes 2 medium, thinly sliced

Fried egg

Kerupuk (Cracker or chips)



1. Cook uncooked rice and water in rice cooker, fluff

the rice with fork to separate the kernels. Keep it


2. Heat olive oil in frying pan. Add onion, garlic and red chili. Fry

until onion and garlic become brown.

3. Turn the heat into low flame and add the rice

4. Add salt, soy sauce and celery. Stir the rice gently until all

ingredients are mixed

5. Keep on low flame for 3 5 minutes

6. Turn off the heat and place the fried rice in plain plate

7. Garnish with cucumbers, tomatoes, fried eggs. Lettuces and


8. Fried rice ready to serve

Metode/ technik : Three-Phase Technique.

C. Langkah-langkah kegiatan Belajar Mengajar (KBM)


Tahap Kegiatan Guru Kegiatan Siswa waktu

1. Pendahuluan Salam Menjawab







siswa/siswi pada

materi yang akan






materi yang akan



tentang text


procedure text.






penjelasan dari





dilontarkan oleh


2. Kegiatan Inti Guru Meminta

siswa/siswi untuk


ucapan guru

Guru menjelaskan

materi text


procedure text “

how to make fried


Guru menyebut

bahan-bahan dan


membuat fried


ucapan guru




dan langkah –

langkah “ how

to make fried




Guru menugaskan

kepada siswanya

tentang text


procedures text “

How to make fried





3. Penutup

Guru menjelaskan

kembali materi

yang sudah di


Guru memberikan

kesimpulan dari

materi text


procedure text.

Guru memberikan




penjelasan guru

Siswa mampu



yang diberikan

oleh guru.

Siswa mengikuti

perintah guru

Alat dan Sumber Pembelajaran

1. Sumber Bahan:

Buku paket Bahasa Inggris

English in focus for grade VII junior high school (SMP/MTs) (

Pusat Perbukuan Depatemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2008 )

Student worksheet

2. Media:

White Board



Aspek Penilaian

1. Aspek Proses

Penilaian proses dilakukan selama proses belajar mengajar berlangsung.

2. Aspek Hasil

Penilaian hasil diambil dari hasil jawaaban siswa atas pertanyaan yang

diberikan oleh guru.

Mengetahui, Indramayu, 08 Maret


English teacher Observer

Josef Subagio, S.Pd.I Ana Zulaecha

NIK. 325 074 764 820 000 3 NIM. 206014000104

Appendix 7



Sekolah : SMP PRAKARYA ANJATAN Siklus ke- : 2

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris. Pertemuan ke- : 2

Kelas / Semester : VIII / II

Jenis Teks : Descriptive

Tema : Describing poeple

Aspek / Skill : Menulis

Alokasi Waktu : 2 X 40 menit

Standar Kompetensi

Mengungkap makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek berbentuk descriptive

dan procedure untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Kompetensi Dasar


12.2 Mengungkapakan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sangat

sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima

untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat dalam teks berbentuk descriptive/



Siswa mampu menyebutkan ciri-ciri seseorang.

Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi umur atau usia. Seseorang.

Tujuan pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat :

Menyebutkan ciri-ciri tubuh seseorang dari mulai bentuk badan sampai bentuk


Mengidentifikasi seberapa umur atau usia seseorang.

Memahami ciri-ciri seseorang.

Materi Pembelajaran

Cut out some pictures of people from magazines - pop stars, sportsmen, TV



1. Use the lists below to describe their appearance or how they look. 2. Pairs work: one student can write down a description from a picture and the

other student must guess who it is. 3. Describe yourself, another student, your Teacher.

Height Build Age

tall, tallish, short,

shortlist, medium

frail, stocky, slim, thin,

plump, fat, skinny, well-young, elderly, middle-aged,

height built teenager, in 20s, 30s, 40s

Face Eyes Hair Clothes

round, oval, square,

with scares, wrinkles,

freckles, sun-tanned,


big round blue

eyes, large,

small, bright,


bald, straight,

curly, spiky,


casual, scruffy,

shabby, smart,

tidy, messy

Metode/ technik : Three-Phase Technique.

D. Langkah-langkah kegiatan Belajar Mengajar (KBM)


Tahap Kegiatan Guru Kegiatan Siswa waktu

1. Pendahuluan








siswa/siswi pada

materi yang akan











penjelasan dari





materi yang akan



menyebutkan ciri-

ciri seseorang dari

mulai bentuk

badan, bentuk

mata samapi

bentuk muka.


dilontarkan oleh


Siswa mengikuti

apa yang

diucapkan guru.

2. Kegiatan Inti Guru Meminta

siswa/siswi untuk


ucapan guru

Guru menjelaskan

materi text


describing people

yang akan


Guru menugaskan

kepada siswanya

tentang describing



ucapan guru









3. Penutup

Guru menjelaskan

kembali materi

yang sudah di


Guru memberikan

kesimpulan dari



penjelasan guru

Siswa mampu



materi text


descriptive “


people”yang telah

di ajarkan

Guru memberikan


yang diberikan

oleh guru.

Siswa mengikuti

perintah guru

Alat dan Sumber Pembelajaran

1. Sumber Bahan:

Buku paket Bahasa Inggris

English in focus for grade VII junior high school (SMP/MTs) (

Pusat Perbukuan Depatemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2008 )

Students’ Worksheet

2. Media:

White Board



Aspek Penilaian

1. Aspek Proses

Penilaian proses dilakukan selama proses belajar mengajar berlangsung.

2. Aspek Hasil

Penilaian hasil diambil dari hasil jawaaban siswa atas pertanyaan yang

diberikan oleh guru.

Mengetahui, Indramayu, 15 Maret


English teacher Observer

Josef Subagio, S.Pd.I Ana Zulaecha

NIK. 325 074 764 820 000 3 NIM. 206014000104

Appendix 8

The Instrument of Pre-Test

NAME : ________________________

CLASS :________________________

1. David is in the ...................... . He is washing himself.

a . class b. park c. kitchen d.


2. Boy who is wearing a brown my brother.

a. vase b. quilt c. fan d.


The following text for number 3-5






Palm Oil


MATERIALS Materials / Tools:

Frying pan

Wash basin




PROCEDURE How to make fried banana?

1. First, peel the banana and cut it become two part.

2. Then, mix the flour, salt, sugar, and water into the


3. Next, immerse the banana into the washbasin.

STEPS 4. After that, pour the palm oil into frying pan and

wait until hot.

5. Then, put the banana in the frying pan and wait until hot.

6. Next, bring it and put on the plate.

7. Finally, fried banana can be deserved

3. How many steps to make a fried banana?

a. 3 steps c. 6 steps

b. 5 steps d. 7 steps

4. What is the first step when making fried banana?

a. fried banana can be deserved

b. mix the flour, salt, sugar, and water into the washbasin

c. peel the banana and cut it become two parts

d. bring it and put on the plate

5. What is the last step when making fried banana?

a. Cook for one hour. c. Heat until the water


b. Fry the ingredients in a pan. d. fried banana can be


6. Barrack Obama is USA.

a. Singer c. President

b. Actris d. Football player

7. That woman is wearing a beautiful ...................... .

a. Dress c. Mat

b. Dish d. Bag

8 . We use make omelet.

a. Carrot c. Banana

b. Coffee d. Egg

9. They are like playing the yard.

a. Football c. Ski

b. Umbrella d. Swim

10.M y mother cooks ............................ for lunch.

a. Orange c. Apple

b. Rice d. Doll

11. What are you wearing?

I am wearing blue ............................ .

a. Jeans c. Kite

b. Tap d. Leg

12. Jack wears a.................... when it is hot.

a. Pan c. Hat

b. Trouser d. Bus

13. The man is wearing a nice......................

a. sack c. blouse

b. shirt d. Chair

14. I wear a ......................when it is cold.

a. Sweather c. bell

b. glasses d. Bag

15. Alice is a.................... . She looks after sick people.

a. nurse c. waiter

b. singer d. Mechanic

16. David Bécham is a famous.................... in USA.

a. doctor c. singer

b. Football player d. Police

17. His father usually has ......................., cheese, and tea for


a. desk c. mug

b. bread d. Fridge

18. There are some books on the ....................... .

a. light c. glasses

b. cat d. Table

19. Let‟s go to the .................... to see a film.

a. bus c. zoo

b. park d. Cinema

20. Their family are having dinner in the .......................... .

a. bedroom c. bank

b. dining room d. zoo

Appendix 9

The Instrument of Post-Test 1



Text for number 1 to 3

Look at the pictures!!

1. Maia Estianty has……… eyes.

a. Big c. Narrow (

close set)

b. Small d. Aver are

2. Which of the following is not TRUE?

a. Maia Estianty used braces on teeth

b. Maia Estianty has long hair

c. Maia Estianty‟s age is teenager

d. Maia Estianty has a black hair

3. What type of hair does she has?

a. Short hair c. Curly hair

b. Medium hair d. long hair

(Maia Estianty)

Look at the pictures!!

4. What are you wearing?

I am wearing blue……..

a. Tap c. Jeans

b. Leg d. Kite

Look at the pictures!!

5. There is a high Mountain. You


a. Climb c. Jump

b. Run d. Sit

Text for number 6 to 8

Look at the pictures!!

6. David Beckham‟s job is?

a. Singer c. football


b. Actor d. Teacher

7. He has……….. on his lips.

a. Moustaches c. Braces of


b. Earring d. Beard

8. David Beckham hair‟s is…….

a. Long c. Bald

b. Short d. Curly

(David Beckham)

Look at the pictures!!

9. It is very cold. Put on your

woolen…….., if you‟re going out.

a. Sweater c. Bag

b. Bell d. Glasses

Text for number 10 to 12

Look at the pictures!!

10. Who is she?

a. Titi Kamal c. Madona

b. Luna Maya d. Jessica


11. Jessica Iskandar‟s job is….

a. Entertainer c. Teacher

b. Nurse d. Doctor

12. She has……… skin.

a. Black c. Brown

(Jessica Iskandar) b. White d. yellow

(Jessica Iskandar)

Look at the pictures!!

13. Let‟s go to the……….. to see a film.

a. Park c. Zoo

b. Cinema d. Bus

Look at the pictures!!

14. On Friday, John goes to picnic with his


John wants to go to TMII. He usually wears

a black T-shirt, Blue……. And green


a. long dress c. Red sweater

b. jeans d. black watch

Look at the Pictures!!

15. The girl wearing a blue……and green

coat is her sister.

a. Blue Jeans c. Long


b. Trouser d. Skirt

Look at the Pictures!!

16. Their families are dinner in the………

a. Living room c. Dining


b. Bedroom d. Bathroom

Look at the pictures!!

17. There are soap, tooth paste, brush and

shampoo in


a. Bathroom c. Bedroom

b. Park d. Kitchen

Look at the pictures!!

18. Do you like to play football?

No, I don‟t. I like to play…..

a. Walk c. Basket Ball

b. Volley Ball d. Bicycle

Text for number 19-20

Look at the pictures

19. What is his name?

a. Barack Obama c. Olga Sahputra

b. Asmirandah d. Meyda Shafira

20. Barack Obama is a……….. in USA.

a. Singer c. President

b. Actor d. Football


Appendix 10

The Instrument of Post-Test 2



Text for number 1-2

Look at the Pictures!!

1. What is his name?

a. Barack Obama c. Olga Sahputra

b. Asmirandah d. Meyda Shafira

2. Barack Obama is a……….. in


a. Singer c. President

b. Actor d. Football player

Look at the Pictures!!

3. Their families are dinner in


a. Living room c. Dining room

b. Bedroom d. Bathroom

Text for number 4 to 6

Look at the pictures!!

4. 4. David Beckham hair‟s is…….

a. Long c. Bald

b. Short d. Curly

5. David Beckham‟s job is?

a. Singer c. football player

b. Actor d. Teacher

6. He has……….. on his lips.

a. Moustaches c. Braces of teeth

b. Earring d. Beard

(David Beckham)

Look at the pictures!!

7. Do you like to play football?

No, I don‟t. I like to play…..

a. Walk c. Basket Ball

b. Volley Ball d. Bicycle

Look at the pictures!!

8. On Friday, John goes to picnic with

his Friend. John wants to go to TMII.

He usually wears a black T-shirt,

Blue……. And green Trainers.

a. long dress c. Red sweater

b. jeans d. black watch

Look at the Pictures!!

9. The girl wearing a blue……and green

coat is her sister

a. Blue Jeans c. Long Dress

b. Trouser d. Skirt

Text for number 10 to 12

Look at the pictures!!

10. Maia Estianty has……… eyes.

a. Big c. Narrow ( close set)

b. Small d. Aver are

11. Which of the following is not TRUE?

a. Maia Estianty used braces on teeth

b. Maia Estianty has long hair

c. Maia Estianty‟s age is teenager

d. Maia Estianty has a black hair

(Maia Estianty)

12. What type of hair does she has?

a. Short hair c. Curly hair

b. Medium hair d. long hair

Look at the pictures!!

13. It is very cold. Put on your

woolen…….., if you‟re going out.

a. Sweater c. Bag

b. Bell d. Glasses

Look at the pictures!!

14. There is a high Mountain. You


a. Climb c. Jump

b. Run d. Sit

Text for number 15 to 17

Look at the pictures!!

15. Who is she?

a. Titi Kamal c. Madona

b. Luna Maya d. Jessica Iskandar

16. Jessica Iskandar‟s job is….

a. Entertainer c. Teacher

(Jessica Iskandar) b. Nurse d. Doctor

17. She has……… skin.

a. Black c. Brown

b. White d. yellow

Look at the pictures!!

18. Let‟s go to the……….. to see a


a. Park c. Zoo

b. Cinema d. Bus

Look at the pictures!!

19. What are you wearing?

I am wearing blue……..

a. Tap c. Jeans

b. Leg d. Kite

Look at the Pictures!!

20. Their families are dinner in


a. Living room c. Dining room

b. Bedroom d. Bathroom

Appendix 11

The Answer Key of Pre-Test, Pos-Test I, and Post-Test II

A. Pre-Test

1. d 6. c 11. a 16. b

2. d 7. a 12. c 17. b

3. d 8. d 13. b 18. d

4. c 9. a 14. a 19.d

5. d 10.b 15. a 20. B

B. Post-Test I

1. b 6. c 11. a 16. c

2. b 7. a 12.b 17. a

3. d 8. b 13. b 18. c

4. c 9. a 14. b 19.a

5. a 10.d 15. c 20. c

C. Post-Test II

1. a 6. a 11. a 16. a

2. c 7. c 12. d 17. b

3. c 8. b 13. a 18. b

4. b 9. c 14. a 19.c

5. c 10.a 15. d 20. c

Appendix 14

The Observation Note Before CAR

Location : SMP Prakarya Anjatan-Indramayu

Day / Date : Monday, 28th

February 2011

Time : 07.00 A.M to 09.00 A.M

No Things which is observed observation

1. Subject Vocabulary

2. Method The teacher used the explanation and

translation method.

3. Teacher‟s activity The teacher tends to be teacher

centered, he taught vocabulary by

translation, and he asked the students to

repeat the word, the teacher gave list

from every student and then he write

the meaning of word on the whiteboard

and the students memorize the words.

4. Student activity The students memorized the words,

wrote the vocabularies, and repeated

the words after the teacher. Those

activities made the students bored,

passive, and had less motivation in

teaching learning activity.

English Teacher observer

Joseph Subagio, S.Pd.I Ana Zulaecha

NIK. 325 074 764 820 000 3 NIM. 206014000104

Appendix 15






( A Classroom Action Research in the first grade 1 Class SMP Prakarya Anjatan-


Berilah Tanda ( √ ) pada kolom “ya” atau “tidak”

No Pertanyaan Ya Tidak

1. Menurut Anda dalam pengajaran bahasa inggris perlu

menggunakan media ?

2. Menurut Anda, apakah guru sering mengajarkan materi

kosa kata baru dengan menggunakan media gambar ?

3. Apakah media gambar yang disampaikan dapat

menjelaskan isi materi pelajaran dengan jelas?

4. Menurut Anda, apakah materi yang diajarkan oleh guru

mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan

media gambar sudah maksimal?

5. Menurut Anda, apakah media gambar digunakan

dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris dapat

mempermudah Anda?

6. Apakah anda senang jika guru anda mengajar dengan

menggunakan media gamabar?

7. Menurut Anda, apakah penggunaan media gambar

dapat mempengaruhi belajar Anda ?

8. Menurut Anda, apakah dengan adanya media gambar

dapat meningkatkan kosa kata (vocabulary) Anda?

9. Menurut Anda, apakah dengan adanya media gambar

Anda lebih konsentrasi dalam meningkatkan kosa kata


10. Menurut Anda, apakah dengan adanya media gambar

Anda lebih memahami dan menguasai kosa kata

(vocabulary) bahasa Inggris ?

11. Menurut Anda, apakah materi yang sudah dipelajari

dengan media gambar sudah melekat di dalam diri


12. Menurut Anda, apakah pelajaran Bahasa Inggris dengan

menggunakan media Anda lebih menarik untuk

meningkatkan kosa kata Anda?

13. Apakah Anda lebih senang belajar Bahasa Inggris

setelah menggunakan media gambar?

14. Menurut Anda, apakah lebih menyenangkan materi

yang disampaikan dengan menggunakan media gambar

oleh guru?

15. Apakah perasaan Anda senang jika guru mata pelajaran

Bahasa Inggris menyampaikan materi dengan

menggunakan media gambar dalam meningkatkan kosa

kata Bahasa Inggris Anda?

16. Menurut anda, apakah anda lebih suka media gambar

dari pada metode teerjamahan ( translation)yang

digunakan dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar?

17. Apakah perasaan Anda senang jika dalam proses

pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris menggunakan media


18. Apakah anda lebih memperhatikan materi pelajaran

yang disampaikan oleh guru dalam meningkatkan kosa

kata dengan menggunakan media gambar?

19. Apakah media gambar yang digunakan sudah membantu

Anda dalam meningkatkan kosa kata Anda?

20. Apakah perasaan Anda senang belajar Bahasa Inggris

dengan menggunakan media gambar?

Keterangan :

Skor 1 untuk jawaban “Ya”

Nilai Maksimal: 20

Prosentase Penilaian : Jumlah Skor x 100%

Nilai Maksimal

: 13 x 100%


= 65%


Ana Zulaecha

NIM. 206014000104

Appendix 16






( A Classroom Action Research in the first grade 1 Class SMP Prakarya Anjatan-


Berilah Tanda ( √ ) pada kolom “ya” atau “tidak”

No Pertanyaan Ya Tidak

1. Menurut Anda dalam pengajaran bahasa inggris perlu

menggunakan media ?

2. Menurut Anda, apakah guru sering mengajarkan materi

kosa kata baru dengan menggunakan media gambar ?

3. Apakah media gambar yang disampaikan dapat

menjelaskan isi materi pelajaran dengan jelas?

4. Menurut Anda, apakah materi yang diajarkan oleh guru

mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan

media gambar sudah maksimal?

5. Menurut Anda, apakah media gambar digunakan

dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris dapat

mempermudah Anda?

6. Apakah anda senang jika guru anda mengajar dengan

menggunakan media gamabar?

7. Menurut Anda, apakah penggunaan media gambar

dapat mempengaruhi belajar Anda ?

8. Menurut Anda, apakah dengan adanya media gambar

dapat meningkatkan kosa kata (vocabulary) Anda?

9. Menurut Anda, apakah dengan adanya media gambar

Anda lebih konsentrasi dalam meningkatkan kosa kata


10. Menurut Anda, apakah dengan adanya media gambar

Anda lebih memahami dan menguasai kosa kata

(vocabulary) bahasa Inggris ?

11. Menurut Anda, apakah materi yang sudah dipelajari

dengan media gambar sudah melekat di dalam diri


12. Menurut Anda, apakah pelajaran Bahasa Inggris dengan

menggunakan media Anda lebih menarik untuk

meningkatkan kosa kata Anda?

13. Apakah Anda lebih senang belajar Bahasa Inggris

setelah menggunakan media gambar?

14. Menurut Anda, apakah lebih menyenangkan materi

yang disampaikan dengan menggunakan media gambar

oleh guru?

15. Apakah perasaan Anda senang jika guru mata pelajaran

Bahasa Inggris menyampaikan materi dengan

menggunakan media gambar dalam meningkatkan kosa

kata Bahasa Inggris Anda?

16. Menurut anda, apakah anda lebih suka media gambar

dari pada metode teerjamahan ( translation)yang

digunakan dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar?

17. Apakah perasaan Anda senang jika dalam proses

pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris menggunakan media


18. Apakah anda lebih memperhatikan materi pelajaran

yang disampaikan oleh guru dalam meningkatkan kosa

kata dengan menggunakan media gambar?

19. Apakah media gambar yang digunakan sudah membantu

Anda dalam meningkatkan kosa kata Anda?

20. Apakah perasaan Anda senang belajar Bahasa Inggris

dengan menggunakan media gambar?

Keterangan :

Skor 1 untuk jawaban “Ya”

Nilai Maksimal: 20

Prosentase Penilaian : Jumlah Skor x 100%

Nilai Maksimal

: 19 x 100%


= 95%


Ana Zulaecha

NIM: 206014000104

Appendix 17



Lokasi Penelitian : SMP Prakarya Anjatan – Indramayu

Hari / Tanggal : Selasa, 01 Maret 2011

Aktivitas : Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris (Menulis


Siklus : Satu

Proses Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran di Kelas :

Kegiatan pembelajaran dimulai pada pkl. 07.15 WIB, diikuti oleh 29 siswa

dengan materi pembelajaran menulis mengenai How to make fried banana.

Kegiatan berahir pada pukul 08:45

Aktivitas Guru :

Guru memberikan motivasi kepada siswa serta menjelaskan tujuan


Guru menanyakan siswa sudah sarapan atau belum.

Guru menanyakan kepada siswa sering makan pisang goreng atau tidak.

Guru meminta siswa untuk menyebutkan bahan-bahan untuk membuat

pisang goreng.

Guru meminta kepada siswa untuk menyebutkan langkah-kangkah

membuat pisang goreng.

Aktivitas dan keadaan siswa :

Siswa terlihat antusias dan respek, .

Siswa masih ragu-ragu untuk menyebutkan bahan-bahan untuk membuat

pisang goreng.

Siswa menyebutkan satu per satu bahan –bahan untuk membuat pisang


Siswa ada yang tertawa-tawa, ceplas-ceplos, dan ada yang serius


Siswa ada asik ngrobrol sendiri.

Beberapa siswa tidak bisa menjawab apa yang ditanyakan oleh guru.

Para siswa sebagian mencatat bahan-bahan dari pisang goreng.

Anjatan, 01 Maret 2011




NIM: 206014000104

Appendix 18



Lokasi Penelitian : SMP Prakarya Anjatan – Indramayu

Hari / Tanggal : Rabu, 02 Maret 2011

Aktivitas : Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris (berbicara


Siklus : Dua

Proses Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran di Kelas :

Kegiatan pembelajaran dimulai pada pkl. 07.15 WIB, diikuti oleh 29 siswa

dengan materi pembelajaran berbicara mengenai how to describe someone in

English. Kegiatan pembelajaran berahir pada pukul 08:45.

Aktivitas Guru :

Guru memberikan motivasi kepada siswa dan menjelaskan tujuan


Guru menanyakan siswa ciri –ciri bentuk badan teman sebelahnya.

Guru meminta beberapa siswa untuk menyebutkan ciri-ciri bentuk badan

teman sebangkunya.

Guru meminta salah satu siswa untuk maju kedepan kemudian menyebut

ciri-ciri bentuk badannya.

Guru meminta para yang siswa lain untuk memperhatikan temanya yang

didepan kelas.

Guru mencatat kosakata untuk menggambarkan seseorang dari mulai

cirri-ciri rambut, bentuk muka, warna kulit dll.

Aktivitas dan keadaan siswa :

Siswa terlihat antusias, respek, dan bersemangat

Sebagian dari mereka masih keliru untuk merespon perintah guru

Siswa sangat antusias dan bersemangat setelah guru menyebutkan cirri-

ciri bentuk badan dari salah satu siswa yang ditunjuk maju kedepan.

Siswa masih kurangnya kepercayaan diri maju ke depan kelas untuk

menggambarkan cirri-ciribentuk badanya masing-masing dari siswa.

Siswa masih asyik mengobrol dan bercanda saat KBM berlangsung.

Beberapa siswa tidak bisa menjawab apa yang ditanyakan oleh guru.

Para siswa mengerjakan apa yang guru instruksikan, sebagian dari merka

tidak mengerjakan secara benar karena kurangnya penguasaan kosakata.

Anjatan, 02 Maret 2011


Ana Zulaecha

NIM: 206014000104

Appendix 19



Lokasi Penelitian : SMP Prakarya Anjatan – Indramayu

Hari / Tanggal : Selasa, 08 Maret 2011

Aktivitas : Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris ( Membaca/


Siklus : Dua

Proses Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran di Kelas :

Kegiatan pembelajaran dimulai pada pkl. 07.15 WIB, diikuti oleh 29 siswa

dengan materi pembelajaran Membaca mengenai How to Make Fried Rice.

Kegiatan ini berahir pada pukul 08:45 WIB.

Aktivitas Guru :

Guru memberikan motivasi kepada siswa serta menjelaskan tujuan


Guru menanyakan siswa tentang cara membuat nasi goreng yang telah

diketahui oleh siswa.

Guru menanyakan siswa tentang bahan-bahan membuat nasi goreng.

Guru meminta seluruh siswa untuk menyebutkan langkah-langkah

membuat nasi goreng.

Guru mencatat bahan-bahan, alat-alat rumah tangga yang dibutuhkan dan

langkah-langkah untuk membuat nasi goreng.

Aktivitas dan keadaan siswa :

Siswa terlihat antusias, respek, dan bersemangat

Siswa sangat senang dan bersemangat setelah guru menyebutkan bahan-

bahan, dan cara membuat nasi goreng.

Siswa masih asyik mengobrol dan bercanda saat guru mulai menjelaskan

materi pelajaran.

Beberapa siswa tidak bisa menjawab apa yang ditanyakan oleh guru.

Para siswa mengerjakan apa yang guru instruksikan, sebagian dari merka

tidak mengerjakan secara benar karena kurangnya penguasaan kosakata.

Anjatan, 08 Maret 2011


Ana Zulaecha

NIM: 206014000104

Appendix 20



Lokasi Penelitian : SMP Prakarya Anjatan – Indramayu

Hari / Tanggal : Selasa, 15 Maret 2011

Aktivitas : Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris ( Menulis/


Siklus : Dua

Proses Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran di Kelas :

Kegiatan pembelajaran dimulai pada pkl. 07.15 WIB, diikuti oleh 29 siswa

dengan materi pembelajaran Writing mengenai describing people.

Aktivitas Guru :

Guru memberikan motivasi kepada siswa serta menjelaskan tujuan


Guru mengajak siswa bernyanyi selama 5 menit karena siswa terlihat


Guru menanyakan jenis pakaian apa yang mereka kenakan.

Guru meminta salah satu siswa untuk maju kedepan kelas.

Guru meminta seluruh siswa untuk memperhatikan siswa yang sedang

maju didepan kelas.

Guru mencatat kosakata tentang describing people.

Aktivitas dan keadaan siswa :

Siswa terlihat antusias, respek, dan bersemangat.

Sebagian dari mereka masih keliru untuk merespon perintah guru.

Siswa sangat senang dan bersemangat setelah memperagakan salah satu

siswa maju kedepan kelas.

Siswa masih asyik mengobrol dan bercanda saat guru mulai menjelaskan

materi pelajaran.

Beberapa siswa tidak bisa menjawab apa yang ditanyakan oleh guru.

Para siswa mengerjakan apa yang guru instruksikan, sebagian dari mereka

tidak mengerjakan secara benar karena kurangnya penguasaan kosakata.

Anjatan, 15 Maret 2011


Ana Zulaecha

NIM: 206014000104

Appendix 21

Interview Guidelines for the Needs Analysis (Before CAR)


Day/date : 16 February 2011

Time : 08:00 am

Interviewer : The researcher

Interviewee : The Teacher

Interviewer : Selama Bapak mengajar Bahasa Inggris, masalah apa yang

menjadi kendala dalam proses pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris?

Interviewee : banyak bu, mulai dari mengatasi situasi kelas sampai dengan

memilh metode pengajaran yang effektif dalam pembelajaran

bahasa Inggris.

Interviewer : Dalam Bahasa Inggris terdapat banyak skill, menurut Bapak

skill yang mana yang paling susah dipahami oleh siswa?

Interviewee : Grammar dan vocabulary

Interviewer: Menurut Bapak, bagaimana tanggapan siswa mengenai

Pembelajaran bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan Media


Interviewee : sebenarya saya jarang menggunakan metode pembelajaran

Bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan gambar.

Interviewer : Metode apa yang Bapak Pakai dalam mengajarkan Kosakata

terhadap siswa?

Interviewee : dalam mengajarkan kosa kata terhadap siswa saya

menggunakan metode translation.

Interview Guidelines for the Needs Analysis (After CAR)


Day/date : 17 March 2011

Time : 08.00 am

Interviewer : The researcher

Interviewee : The Teacher

Interviewer : Bagaimana pengamatan bapak mengenai kondisi siswa dan

situasi kelas setelah mengajarkan kosakata dengan media


Interviewee : Situasi kelas dan kondisi siswa sangat kondusif, siswa lebih

senang dan tertarik dengn metode pembelajaran vocabulary

dengan menggunakan media gambar.

Interviewer : Apakah ada peningkatan kemampuan siswa yang bapak amati

setelah mengajarkan kosakata dengan menggunakan media


Interviewee : ya, tentu saja ada peningkatan kosakata siswa bisa dliihat

dari peningkatan score siswa dan mereka lebih cepat paham

dalam pembelajaran vocabulary.

Interviewer : Bagaimana tanggapan Bapak mengenai metode pictures?

Interviewee : metode pictures dalam pembelajaran vocabulary mungkin

bisa dibilang effektif .

Interviewer : Apakah Bapak termotivasi untuk menggunakan media pictures

dalam mengajarkan kosaakata?

Interviewee : ya, kalau saya lihat dari score peningkatan siswa saya sangat

termotivasi sekali dengan metode yang anda applikasikan

disekolah kami. mungkin saya juga akan menaplikasikannya

metode ini.