Reimagining Modern Marketing Automation

Post on 23-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Reimagining Modern Marketing Automation

Reimagining Modern Marketing Automation What we learned from designing our new Customer Journey tool

What is marketing automation?

Good question.

Marketing automation refers to software that

automatically sends emails or email campaigns to

customers and prospects based on a set of

predefined rules or triggers.

Marketing automation enables ‘journeys’

that are triggered by actions – such as

signing up for a newsletter, making a

purchase, or clicking a link.

These journeys are much more personal

and relevant to the recipient than a mass

email blast, creatine ongoing

conversations and building brand loyalty.

3 core components to marketing automation

But the bottom line is marketing automation generates revenue and ROI.

In fact, B2C marketers who are using automation have seen conversion rates as high as 50%*

*eMarketer Email Marketing Benchmarks report

Adoption ofmarketingautomation

Over 60% of the Fortune 1000 have adopted some type of marketing automation and those companies are seeing amazing results on their business.

However, when you look at companies below the Fortune 1000, adoption drops to under 5%

So if marketing automation is so effective

why isn’t EVERY fast-growing business using it?

The research study

To learn more, we conducted a research study of hundreds of marketers at fast-growing companies and asked what they needed in a marketing automation tool.

What we found was that most marketers didn’t find the value or flexibility needed in the all-in-one marketing cloud solutions that offer marketing automation.

Marketers prefer best of

breed solutions that better

meet their needs, and find

many marketing automation

tools to be complicated, time

consuming and hard to scale.

Rebuilding marketing automation

These findings led us to complete a massive overhaul of our existing email automation solution that resulted in a tool that we knew marketers not only wanted, but would enjoy using.

Unlike complicated all-in-one marketing cloud solutions, our Visual Journey Designer brings the power of marketing automation to our customers in an effective but easy-to-use format.

Instead of a confusing UI, the Visual Journey Designer makes it extremely easy to trigger an automated campaign from any data source and deliver the right email content based on the conditions you determine.

Now companies of all sizes are able to deliver

targeted and personalized content that

increases engagement, ROI, and revenue.

It’s time for every marketer to unleash the power of marketing automation.

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