Regular Analog/RF Integrated Circuits Design Using...

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Regular Analog/RF Integrated Circuits Design UsingOptimization With Recourse Including

Ellipsoidal UncertaintyYang Xu, Member, IEEE, Kan-Lin Hsiung, Member, IEEE, Xin Li, Member, IEEE,

Lawrence T. Pileggi, Fellow, IEEE, and Stephen P. Boyd, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—Long design cycles due to the inability to predictsilicon realities are a well-known problem that plagues analog/RFintegrated circuit product development. As this problem worsensfor nanoscale IC technologies, the high cost of design and multiplemanufacturing spins causes fewer products to have the volumerequired to support full-custom implementation. Design reuseand analog synthesis make analog/RF design more affordable;however, the increasing process variability and lack of modelingaccuracy remain extremely challenging for nanoscale analog/RFdesign. We propose a regular analog/RF IC using metal-maskconfigurability design methodology Optimization with Recourse ofAnalog Circuits including Layout Extraction (ORACLE), whichis a combination of reuse and shared-use by formulating thesynthesis problem as an optimization with recourse problem. Us-ing a two-stage geometric programming with recourse approach,ORACLE solves for both the globally optimal shared and ap-plication-specific variables. Furthermore, robust optimization isproposed to treat the design with variability problem, further en-hancing the ORACLE methodology by providing yield bound foreach configuration of regular designs. The statistical variations ofthe process parameters are captured by a confidence ellipsoid. Wedemonstrate ORACLE for regular Low Noise Amplifier designsusing metal-mask configurability, where a range of applicationsshare common underlying structure and application-specific cus-tomization is performed using the metal-mask layers. Two RFoscillator design examples are shown to achieve robust designswith guaranteed yield bound.

Index Terms—Configurable design, optimization with recourse,robustness, statistical optimization.


THE IC DESIGN and manufacturing costs are increasingto the point that fewer products have the volume required

Manuscript received February 13, 2008; revised May 16, 2008,September 21, 2008, and November 21, 2008. Current version publishedApril 22, 2009. This paper was recommended by Associate Editor G. Gielen.

Y. Xu is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL 60616 USA (e-mail:

K.-L. Hsiung and S. P. Boyd are with the Department of Electrical Engi-neering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 USA (e-mail:;

X. Li and L. T. Pileggi are with the Department of Electrical and ComputerEngineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 USA (;

Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available onlineat

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCAD.2009.2013996

to amortize the large upfront nonrecurring engineering costs[1]. This is particularly the case for mixed-signal ICs that aredesigned in sub-100-nm technologies, where the technologyadvances are making application-specific system-on-chip de-signs technically feasible, but the economic realities requireeven higher product volumes. Design reuse and analog syn-thesis methodologies [2]–[7] have substantially addressed thedesign cost and risk challenges. For a given circuit topologyand specifications, simulation-based optimization [2]–[4] andequation-based optimization [6], [7] have been effective forautomating the design process. However, the large processparameter variability that is evident for nanoscale technologiesalong with the complex nature of parasitic coupling can causethe design risk, hence cost, to remain quite high, even for thebest synthesis approaches.

For this reason, it is advantageous to design configurableanalog/RF circuits [8], [9] that exploit circuit regularity. Im-portantly, such circuits can be precharacterized for the sub-tle device properties and coupling parasitics that are difficultto predict prior to layout and manufacturing. These regularanalog/RF circuits reduce the design risk and accommodatethe tight time-to-market windows. While the design cost ofconfigurable circuits exploiting regularity can be high, the costis shared over multiple applications.

We propose an Optimization with Recourse of Analog Cir-cuits including Layout Extraction (ORACLE) methodology,which incorporates the shared-use and reuse benefits of config-urable circuits, while offering performance that is comparableto a fully customized design. Instead of a flow to optimizea circuit for a single application, we propose an optimiza-tion framework that supports a methodology for configurabledesigns that “share” common structures. These common struc-tures can then be precharacterized for subsequent application-specific customization, thereby allowing the second stage ofoptimization to accommodate extracted layout realities. Weformulate our configurable design problem as an optimizationwith recourse problem. If we can formulate each of the sampleproblems (scenarios) as geometric programming (GP) problem[6], [7], the optimization with recourse problem can be thenreduced to a two-stage GP with recourse (GPR) problem andsolved efficiently.

Furthermore, to consider variability in the early stages ofdesign exploration, we propose to formulate the design withvariability problem as robust optimization, specifically robust

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GP, and capture the process variations using ellipsoidal uncer-tainty expression. The process variation issue has been treatedby many statistical methods as classified in [10] into four broadcategories: direct yield optimization, design centering, worst-case optimization, and infinite programming. The direct yieldoptimization [11], [12] aims at direct yield formulation or esti-mation through numerical integration or Monte Carlo analysis,often resulting prohibitive computational cost. The design cen-tering approaches [13]–[15] try to find the design point furthestaway from all constraint boundaries to be insensitive to processvariations. Either lower bound (for maximal inscribed ellipsoid)or upper bound (for minimal circumscribed ellipsoid) of theactual parametric yield is estimated using this approach. Theworst-case optimization techniques optimize worst-case circuitperformances over all process and environmental variations(see, e.g., [16], [18]). Traditional worst-case optimization usesthe process parameters taking values within a certain rangewhich forms a tolerance “box,” and the circuit performance isoptimized for all of the “corners,” or the vertices of the formedpolyhedron. The state-of-the-art worst-case methods take thestatistical distribution of the process parameters into consid-eration and evaluate the worst-case performance based on theprobability density function (pdf) [10], [14], [16]. The robustGP proposed in this paper is one type of infinite programming,which attempts to minimize one cost function while satisfyingall design constraints over the infinite set [19]. By formulationof optimization with ellipsoidal uncertainty, the statistical dis-tribution information of both the process parameters and designvariables can be included. More importantly, the problem sizegrows linearly with number of uncertain parameters in robustGP. Recent advances in robust optimization show that the robustGP with ellipsoidal uncertainty can be solved efficiently andaccurately [20].

We demonstrate the ORACLE methodology by showingthe numerical examples for the regular Low Noise Amplifier(LNA) designs using metal-mask configurability in SiGe andCMOS process. We further demonstrate the applications of therobust optimization formulation using two examples: a ringoscillator (RO) and an LC oscillator. The numerical results re-veal that designs can be achieved with guaranteed yield bound,and the tradeoff curve of design cost and yield bound can beanalyzed. It is shown that much less overdesign is achievedcompared with the traditional corner-based optimization. Wealso include an example of silicon implementation of a back-end-of-line (BEOL) metal-mask configurable RF front end tovalidate this methodology [9].

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Abrief overview of the regular analog/RF circuit design usingmetal-mask configurability is given in Section II. GP and Ro-bust Optimization are introduced in Section III. Optimizationwith recourse and the ORACLE approach are introduced inSection IV. In Section V, we propose to formulate the de-sign with variability problem as robust GP with ellipsoidaluncertainty, and the normal process variations are capturedby the confidence ellipsoid. The numerical examples of reg-ular LNA designs and robust optimization of RF oscilla-tors are explained in Section VI, followed by conclusions inSection VII.

Fig. 1. Regular IC design via metal-mask configurability cross section.


Analog/RF IC designs are famous for the long design cycleand unpredictable parasitics. The analog/RF IC design iter-ations become more costly in nanoscale technology due tothe mask set cost. Design reuse of regular structure such asBEOL metal-mask configurable circuit design can substantiallyaddress the design cost and risk challenges. It is suggested todivide the fabrication process into the device process and themetal patterning process. A common underlying base circuit,or implementation fabric, is designed to be shared across anentire spectrum of potential applications. The implementa-tion fabric is optimized for manufacturability and accuratelyprecharacterized in terms of devices and parasitics. A limitedset of BEOL metal-masks are then used for application-specificcustomization, as depicted in the cross-sectional diagram ofSiGe process in Fig. 1.

Our example implementation fabric described here includesRF components such as bipolar junction transistors (BJTs),MOSFETs, resistors, capacitors, and inductors. The customiza-tion of transistors (BJT or MOSFET) and resistors are realizedby using a different number of multipliers. The spiral inductorand metal–insulator–metal capacitor are designed using topmetal layers and hence fully customized for each application tominimize performance penalty. We chose to reserve a polysili-con patterned ground shield for inductor implementation whichprovides the lowest risk solution but incurs an area penalty.The metal-mask configuration for the various RF componentsis summarized in [9].

Traditional analog/RF IC design exploiting regularity is usu-ally applied in an improvised way. In this paper, a systematictwo-stage design methodology has been developed for deter-mining both the optimal sizing of the implementation fabricfor all possible applications and the optimal configuration foreach individual application. This design methodology enablesexcellent control and characterization of devices and parasiticsprior to final BEOL metal customization, thereby substantiallylowering the design risk.



Let x1, . . . , xn be n real, positive variables. We will denotethe vector (x1, . . . , xn) of these variables as x. A function f is

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called a posynomial function of x if it has the form

f(x1, . . . , xn) =t!


ckx!1k1 x!2k

2 , . . . , x!nkn

where cj ! 0 and !ij " R. Note that the coefficients cj mustbe nonnegative, but the exponents !ij can be any real numbers,including negative or fractional. When there is exactly onenonzero term in the sum, i.e., t = 1 and c1 > 0, we call f amonomial function.

A geometric program is an optimization problem of the form

minimize f0(x)subject to fi(x) # 1, i = 1, . . . ,m

gi(x) = 1, i = 1, . . . , pxi > 0, i = 1, . . . , (1)

where f0, . . . , fm are posynomial functions and g1, . . . , gp aremonomial functions.

Note that the geometric program in (1) can be formulated as

minimize cTysubject to lse(Asy + bs) # 0, s = 1, . . . ,m (2)

where the optimization variable is y = log x and y " Rn, thelogarithm of coefficients in (1) become c " Rn, As " RKs$n,bs " RKs , and

lse(y) = log(ey1 + · · · + eyk)

is called the log-sum-exp function. The geometric program is aconvex optimization problem, i.e., the problem of minimizinga convex function subject to convex inequality constraintsand linear equality constraints. This special type of convexoptimization can be globally solved with great efficiency. Wecan use efficient interior-point methods to solve the problem,and there is a complete and useful duality, or sensitivity theoryfor it.

Recently, GP [35], [36] has found successful applicationsin the field of circuit design, e.g., [6], [33], [41], [43]. Manyanalog/RF circuit design problems have been successfully for-mulated as GP [6], [7] and solved with great efficiency. (See[36] and [42] for more complete lists of references.) Unlikesimulation-based methods such as Simulated Annealing andGenetic Programming [3], [4], [17] which are often used inlocal optimization and stochastic optimization, GP-based con-vex optimization offers high speed and global optimality, whileusually suffers the problem of long setup time and limitedaccuracy. Table I summarizes the performance comparisonamong the local optimization, the stochastic optimization, andthe convex optimization used in analog synthesis methods.

B. Robust Optimization

The idea of robust optimization is to explicitly incorporate amodel of data uncertainty in the formulation of an optimizationproblem. Various types of robust convex optimization prob-lems, e.g., robust linear programs, robust quadratic programs,


and robust semidefinite programs, have been proposed (see,e.g., [35], [37], [38], [39], and [40] for details).

A large class of robust optimization problems can be formu-lated as

minimize supu"U f0(y, u)

subject to supu"U fi(y, u) # 0, i = 1, . . . , m (3)

where y is the optimization variable the same as in (2), urepresents the uncertain problem data, the set U describes theuncertainty in u.

Note that the robust optimization problem (3) is a convexproblem if fi, i = 0, . . . ,m are convex in y for each u " U .Even so, its computational tractability depends on the particularfunctions fi and the description of the uncertainty set U . There-fore, choosing a good model for the uncertainty often involvesa tradeoff between conservativeness and tractability. Most ofthe research in the area has therefore focused on formulatingrobust optimization problems that can be solved via convexoptimization.


A. Methodology Overview

In regular analog/RF designs, a common implementationfabric is shared by multiple applications through differentconfigurations of metal-mask layers. Unlike optimization fora single application, the shared common structure can bewell characterized via simulation or measurement before itis configured for multiple applications, thereby providing thepredictability that is needed for a risk-free robust design. Theproposed optimization infrastructure is applicable to config-urable designs in general, but here is applied in regular analog/RF IC designs using metal-mask configurability, as shown inFig. 2, to produce performance comparable to a fully cus-tomized application-specific design.

We select device design variables and metal-mask designvariables as first stage design variables x and second stagedesign variables z, and the scenario is an application corre-sponding to a set of specifications. The design is accomplishedin two stages: 1) optimal implementation fabric design and2) optimal individual metal-mask design. In the first stage,we optimize the structure of the implementation fabric over adomain of multiple applications. Then, device and componentproperties are characterized via postsimulation or potentiallyon-wafer measurement. By doing this, we can use the extractedinformation to center the final design. In the second stage,accurate device and component models are plugged into the

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Fig. 2. ORACLE design methodology for regular analog/RF ICs.

original problem and resolved to achieve the individual metal-mask designs.

B. Problem Formulation

We formulate the regular analog/RF circuit design usingmetal-mask configurability as an optimization problem with re-course, also called two-stage optimization [22], [35], as shownin Fig. 2. In the two-stage optimization, we are to choose thevalues of two variables: x " Rn and z " Rq, which in con-junction are the design variables for each of S applications, orscenarios. The variable x must be chosen before the particularscenario s is known; the variable z, however, is chosen afterthe value of the scenario random variable is known. In otherwords, z is a function of the scenario random variable s. Todescribe our choice z, we list the values we would choose underthe different scenarios, i.e., we list the vectors

z1, . . . , zS " Rq.

Here, z3 is our choice of z when s = 3 occurs, and so on. Theset of values

x " Rn, z1, . . . , zS " Rq

is called the policy, since it tells us what choice to make for x(independent of which scenario occurs), and also, what choiceto make for z in each possible scenario. The variable z is calledthe recourse variable (or second-stage variable), since it allowsus to take some action or make a choice after we know whichscenario occurred. In contrast, our choice of x (which is calledthe first-stage variable) must be made without any knowledgeof the scenario.

The cost function and constraints depend not only onour choice of variables, but also on a discrete variable s "{1, . . . , S}, which is interpreted as specifying which of Sscenarios occurred. The cost function of each scenario isgiven by

f : Rn $ Rq $ {1, . . . , S} % R

where f(x, zi, i) gives the cost when the first-stage choice x ismade, second-stage choice zi is made, and scenario i occurs.We will take the overall objective, to be minimized the average

total cost over all policies, or to be minimized the maximumcost of all policies.


If each individual optimization problem can be formulatedas a special type of convex optimization, namely, a GP, theoptimization with recourse problem can be solved using a two-stage GPR approach.

Once individual optimization problems are formulated as GP,Optimization with Recourse can be solved by a two-stage GPRapproach.

Suppose that the objective and constraint functions f areposynomial functions of (x, z), for each scenario i = 1, . . . , S.In order to find an optimal policy, we must solve a GPR ofthe form

minimize F0(x, z1, . . . , zS)subject to Fj(x, zi) # 1, i = 1, . . . , S, j = 1, . . . , m

Gj(x, zi) = 1, i = 1, . . . , S, j = 1, . . . , pxi > 0, i = 1, . . . , nzi > 0, i = 1, . . . , q (4)

where Fj = &Si=1f(x, 0, . . . , zi, 0, . . .) are posynomial func-

tions for j = 1, . . . ,m, and Gj = &Si=1f(x, 0, . . . , zi, 0, . . .)

are monomial functions for j = 1, . . . , p. The new objective F0

is the expected value of the total cost (or other cost functionswhich will be discussed later), and the new constraints are theunion of all individual design constraints. The two-stage GPRproblem can be treated as a much larger GP problem, since foreach i, f(x, z, i) can be transformed to be convex in (x, zi),therefore linear-fractional functions preserve convexity.

The variables in the problem are x, z1, . . . , zS, i.e., the policy.The total dimension of the variables is n + Sq, comparedwith n + q as in a single scenario case. The computationalburden of solving the large geometric program equivalent forthe original problem can be quite prohibitive. This is becausewe need to solve the set of n + Sq (symmetric, positive def-inite) linear equations '2F!nt = ('F , where F (x, z, i) =(F0 F1 · · · Fm)T, which incurs a cost of approximately(1/3)(n + Sq)3 flops. As a function of the number of scenarios,this grows like S3.

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Fig. 3. ORACLE for metal mask configurable circuit flow chart.

Since a posynomial function f is a twice differentiablefunction of (x, z) for each scenario i = 1, . . . , S, we can exploitthe structure of the Hessian of F (x) to compute the Newton stepefficiently. Therefore, the overall complexity grows linearly[35] in S, and this scalability is an important feature of GPR.

Furthermore, since the GPR problem can be viewed as amuch larger size GP problem, if it contains integer variables,we can use the same methods as discussed in solving MIGPproblems to find the optimal solution of mixed integer GPRproblems.

In the formulated optimization problem, the new constraintsinclude all individual design constraints. While selecting thenew objectives, we have several choices depending on thedesign goal. We can minimize the expected objective (averageor weighted average), or the maximum objective among all sce-narios, which would result in large margins for most scenarios.Another choice is to minimize the maximum design surcharges,which is defined as the performance difference between maskconfigurable design and the corresponding independent design.The independent design represents the full-custom design foreach design scenario, and is therefore, the best we can achievefor each scenario under our optimization formulation. In thisway, we can assess and minimize the cost to achieve maskconfigurability.

Since the GP formulation of each individual design is thebasis for the GPR formulation of mask configurable design, inSection VI-A, we will describe the separation of design vari-ables and list design constraints used in a single designGP formulation. Once the GP formulation of each designis obtained, the GPR formulation of the entire metal-mask

configurable design can be readily obtained as previouslydiscussed.

D. Practical Design Flow

In summary, regular analog/RF circuits can be used to reducedesign risk and manufacturing cost. We proposed a novel designmethodology and supporting optimization infrastructure forsuch configurable circuits. Fig. 3 shows the practical flow ofapplying ORACLE in the regular analog/RF IC design usingmetal-mask configurability.

A relatively coarse posynomial model is used in the fabric(first stage) design because we need to quickly explore largedesign spaces. The initial modeling inaccuracy can be correctedduring the metal-mask (second stage) design through localdesign space fitting. Moreover, the extracted characterizationinformation helps refining the devices and components modelwith parasitics included. The posynomial modeling accuracy inthe second stage can be very high and the silicon reality canbe much better predicted. By doing analog circuit design withrecourse, we make analog computer-aided design no longer anopen loop process and therefore a very practical design aid.

Unlike optimization for a single application, the shared com-mon structure is well characterized via simulation or measure-ment before it is configured for multiple applications, therebyproviding the predictability that is required for a risk-free robustdesign. Simulation-based posynomial fitting techniques [29],[43], [44] are particularly effective in our design methodologybecause the silicon implementation fabrics can be accuratelymodeled and characterized. By characterization of silicon and

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posynomial models obtained by simulation, the mask designvariables (the second-stage design variables) can be computedprecisely, therefore the chances of first-silicon pass are greatlyenhanced.


A. Process Variation Sources and Modeling

The IC performance variability is impacted by two distinctsets of factors: environmental factors and physical factors.The environmental factors usually include variations in powersupply voltage and temperature. The physical factors includevariations in the electrical and physical parameters that char-acterize the behavior of active and passive devices, such asVth, Tox, Le! , etc. The process parameter variability can bemeasured through the ratio of the standard deviation (") andthe mean value (µ). The increasing parameter variability offive technologies in the 250- to 70-nm gate length range issummarized in [21].

To consider those variability, we model process parametersas random variables with certain statistical distributions. Wemay use a uniform distribution over the range of the specifica-tions for environmental factors. For example, the temperaturecan be modeled as a uniform distribution random variablefrom (25 )C to 125 )C. The physical parameters are typicallyrepresented by some joint pdf N(µ,"), where µ is a vector ofmeans and " is a variance/covariance matrix. The correlationof those parameters cannot be ignored because of the mecha-nism of those parameters and the increasing impact of intradievariations.

B. Robust Optimization With Ellipsoidal Uncertainty

The circuit design with process variability problem can becast as an optimization problem with a specific model uncer-tainty as in the robust optimization formulation (3). Therefore,to include the process variability in the early stage of design, wepropose to formulate the circuit design with variability problemas robust GP, which can systematically incorporate a model ofdata uncertainty in a GP and optimize for all the given scenariosunder this model. In addition, the various sources of variationsare modeled as the ellipsoidal uncertainty.

To take into consideration some uncertainty or possible varia-tion in the problem data (As, bs) in (2) in a tractable manner, weassume that (As, bs), s = 1, . . . ,m are uncertain, but known tobelong to the image of a set U * RL under the affine mapping

"As(u), bs(u)



%A0s +



ujAjs , b

0s +





' (5)

where Ajs " RKs$n, bj

s " RKs , j = 0, . . . , L. The correspond-ing robust geometric program in convex form can then beformulated as

minimize cTy

subject to supu"U lse"As(u)y + bs(u)

## 0

s = 1, . . . ,m. (6)

Fig. 4. Enclose correlated process variations by confidence ellipsoid.

In addition, in this paper, we assume that the robust GP (6) hasellipsoidal uncertainty, in which U is an ellipsoid

U =(u + P#|+#+2 # 1, # " RL


where u " RL and P " RL$L.It is not known whether the robust GP (6) with ellipsoidal

uncertainty (7) can be reformulated as a tractable (convex) opti-mization problem. However, a tractable approximation methodthat yields a good compromise between solution accuracy andcomputational efficiency has been proposed. Refer to [20] formore details.

C. Confidence Ellipsoid

Recall that a normal random variable u " Rn with mean uand positive definite covariance matrix " =" T > 0, i.e., u ,N (u,"), has the pdf

pu($) = (2%)(n/2(det ")(1/2e(1/2("(u)T"!1("(u). (8)

Obviously, pu($) is constant for ($ ( u)T"(1($ ( u) = &, i.e.,on the surface of ellipsoid

E# =($|($ ( u)T"(1($ ( u) # &

). (9)

Here, E# is called a confidence ellipsoid of u. It is well knownthat the nonnegative random variable (u ( u)T"(1(u ( u) hasa chi-squared distribution with degree n, i.e.,

Prob(u " E#) = F$2n(&) (10)

where F$2n

is the cumulative distribution function of '2n.

If the process variations are normally distributed with thedensity function (8), a prespecified amount of mass of proba-bility 0 < !< 1 can be captured by the confidence ellipsoidE# (9) with ! = F$2

n(&), as shown in Fig. 4.

D. Yield-Guaranteed Robust Design

Suppose the uncertainty parameter u " RL in the robust GP(6) is random and normally distributed with the density function

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(8). Given 0 < !< 1, we say that y " Rn has yield no lowerthan ! if


"Ai(u)y + bi(u)

## 0, i = 1, . . . , m

#! !.

The yield-guaranteed robust design can be obtained by let-ting the ellipsoidal uncertainty set U defined in (7) to be theconfidence ellipsoid E# define in (9). Then, all the feasiblesolutions of the robust GP (6) have yield no lower than F$2


Therefore, in the robust GP framework, we can capture boththe independent and the correlated normal randomness by theellipsoidal uncertainty (9), and the resulting feasible solutionsalways have guaranteed yield bound F$2


E. Implementation Issues

In this section, we first show that narrow normal distributionscan be approximated by lognormal approximations. Then, wegive the generic formulation of GP in posynomial form withincorporated process variations. Based on the lognormal ap-proximation of narrow normal distribution, the robust designwith guaranteed yield bound can be achieved by reformulatingthe GP in posynomial form with normal variations as the robustGP (6) with the ellipsoidal uncertainty (9).

1) Approximate Narrow Normal Distributions by LognormalDistributions: Let u be normally distributed with mean µ andvariance "2. Assume that u is narrow, i.e., " - µ; therefore,the mass of probability of u is mostly concentrated in thesmall interval [µ ( 3", µ + 3"]. To approximate the narrownormal random variable u by a lognormal random variable, ofwhich pdf is defined on positive real numbers, here, we assumeµ ( 3" > 0 such that most of u (with high probability) isdistributed within a positive interval. Therefore, for all $ " [µ (3", µ + 3"], we have log($/µ) . $/µ ( 1, since $/µ . 1.Furthermore, for all $ " [µ ( 3", µ + 3"]

pu($) = (2%)(1/2"(1e(("(µ)2/(2%2)

. (2%)(1/2 (("/µ)$)(1 e((log "(log µ)2/(2(%/µ)2).

Therefore, narrow normal distributions can be approximated bylognormal distributions

" - µ : N (µ,"2) . LN*log µ, ("/µ)2

+. (11)

(Recall that a random variable v has the lognormal distributionv , LN (µv,"2

v) if its pdf has the form

pv($) =1/


1$e((log "(µv)2/(2%2

v) (12)

where 0 < $ < 0, (0 < µv < 0, and "v > 0.) For example,the normal distribution N (4.5 nm, (0.1 nm)2) of Tox can beapproximated as a lognormal distribution with less than 1.3%error. (The proof of generic lognormal approximations of nor-mal distributions can be found in [34].)

2) Incorporate Process Variations in GP of PosynomialForm: Many optimization-based circuit designs result in geo-metric programs of posynomial form. When process variationsare incorporated, the robust design with guaranteed yield boundcan be formulated as the following optimization problem:

minimize cTx

subject to Prob (fs(x, p) # 1, s = 1, . . . ,m) ! !


where 0 < !< 1 is the required yield bound, x " Rnx arethe design variables, p " Rnp represents the process param-eters, and

fs(x, p) #=Ks!






(pi + (pi)biks



(xj + (xj)ajks


' .


Here, the process variations in the process parameter pi anddesign variable xi are modeled by the random variables (pi and(xi, respectively. Another implicit assumption is that fs(x, p)is posynomial in x and p when we let (pi = 0, i = 1, . . . , np

and (xj = 0, j = 1, . . . , nx.a) Variance-linked-to-mean variations in process param-

eters: Consider the robust design (13) with required yieldbound !. Assume that (xj = 0, j = 1, . . . , nx in (14), i.e., novariation in the design variables. We model the variance-linked-to-mean normal variations in process parameters by

(pi/pi , N*0,"2


+, i = 1, . . . , np

where "pi - 1, i = 1, . . . , np are given. Let "p = "Tp > 0 be

the covariance matrix of (pi/pi, i = 1, . . . , np. For values of(pi with high probability, fs(x, p) can be inferred as follows:

fs(x, p) .Ks!



- .cks +







biksui +nx!




in which cks = log dks, qi = log pi, ui = (pi/pi, and yj =log xj . Therefore, fs(x, p) # 1 can be easily reformulated asa log-sum-exp constraint





%A0s +





' y, b0s +





' # 0 (16)

with appropriate Ajs and bj

s , j = 0, . . . , np. We can reformulateeach constraint fs(x, p) # 1 of (13) in form of the above

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log-sum-exp constraint and then obtain a robust GP of the form(6) with the ellipsoidal uncertainty

U =(u " Rnp |uT"(1

p u # &)


where & satisfying F$2n(&) = !. Assume that y " Rnx is a

feasible solution of the resulting robust GP. Then, xj = eyj ,j = 1, . . . , nx satisfy (13), i.e., x " Rnx has yield no lowerthan !.

b) Variance-not-linked-to-mean variations in design vari-ables and process parameters: Consider the robust design (13)with required yield bound !. Assume that the upper and lowerbounds for each design variable are given

0 < Lj # xj # Uj , j = 1, . . . , nx. (18)

We model the variance-not-linked-to-mean, normal variationsin process parameters and design variables by

(pi ,N*0,"2


+, i = 1, . . . , np

(xj ,N"0,"2


#, j = 1, . . . , nx.

Here, we assume that "pi - pi, i = 1, . . . , np. In addition, weassume that "xj - xj , j = 1, . . . , nx. (Note that, in general,we can verify if this assumption holds since in many circuit de-signs it is easy to determine reasonable range of values for eachdesign variable, e.g., (18).) We also assume that pi ( 3"pi > 0,i = 1, . . . , np and xj ( 3"xj > 0, j = 1, . . . , nx. Therefore,by (11)

pi + (pi .LN*log pi, ("pi/pi)2

+, i = 1, . . . , np

xj + (xj .LN*log xj , ("xj /xj)2

+, j = 1, . . . , nx.

Recall that a lognormal random variable v , LN (µ,"2) canbe inferred from v = eµ+%u with u , N (0, 1). Then, fs(x, p)can be inferred from

fs(x, p)




- .cks +










piui +



ajks"xj!j uj





ajksyj +nx!


ajks"xj)j ujyj


in which cks = log dks, qi = log pi, and yj = log xj . Here,ui , N (0, 1), i = 1, . . . , np and uj , N (0, 1), j = 1, . . . , nx;!j + )jyj , j = 1, . . . , nx are linear approximations of e(yj

subject to yj " [log Lj , log Uj ], j = 1, . . . , nx, respectively.(Many methods, e.g., least-square fitting, can be used tofind good linear approximations for e(yj within the interval[log Lj , log Uj ].) Therefore, we can reformulate each constraintfs(x, p) # 1 in (13) as a log-sum-exp constraint [like (16)]

Fig. 5. Simplified SiGe LNA schematic.

to obtain a robust GP of the form (6) with the ellipsoidaluncertainty

U =1$ = (u, u)|$T"(1

" $ # &, $ " Rnp+nx


where & satisfying F$2n(&) = !, and "" = "T

" > 0 is the co-variance matrix of ui, i = 1, . . . , np and uj , j = 1, . . . , nx.Assuming y " Rnx is a feasible solution of the resulting robustGP, then xj = eyj , j = 1, . . . , nx satisfy (13), i.e., x " Rnx hasyield no lower than !.


A. Regular LNA Design Using Metal-Mask Configurability

An LNA is an important building block for any RF or wire-less receiver. Depending on the system requirements, differenttechnologies may be used for LNA designs. SiGe has been apromising process for future wireless communication systemsdue to the quality of having a higher performance comparedto CMOS at lower price compared to GaAs, and is readilyintegrated with standard CMOS devices. Therefore, we willuse a SiGe LNA example to illustrate the detailed optimizationprocedure of regular design using metal-mask configurability.Then, the numerical results of regular CMOS LNA will alsobeen shown.

1) Design Problem: The specific SiGe LNA topology weconsider in this paper is shown in Fig. 5. This topology hasbeen widely used due to its lower noise performance comparedwith other topologies [24]. This circuit consists of an input tuneloop followed by a cascode common-emitter transconductancestage with tuned output loop. Since the LNA is part of an RFfront end, it is also required to match the impedance with inputand output to maximize power transfer.

2) Design Variables: There are 12 independent physicalvariables in a single design that we would like to optimize for

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the simplified SiGe LNA design. These design variables arerelated to the sizing and biasing of the input BJT and inductors.The cascode transistor Q2, the dc biasing circuitry (R1, R2, R3,R4, Q3, and Q4), and decoupling capacitors (Cd1 and Cd2) areheuristically sized for best matching and power consumptionperformance.

The 12 independent design variables are divided into twocategories: device design variables and metal-mask design vari-ables, which correspond to the front end and the back-end of theSiGe fabrication processes.

1) Device design variables: the emitter length lE and widthwE of input transistor Q1, and the outer dimension D1,D2, D3 of three inductors LE, LB, and LC. These vari-ables are restricted to take values on a discrete grid. Sincethe layout grid in modern technology is very small, weignore the grid constraints in this paper and consider thesevariables to be positive real numbers.

2) Metal-mask design variables: m1 is the number of de-vices of the same geometry used in parallel for input BJT,which should be integer number; the number of turnsn1, n2, n3 of three inductors, which would be integermultipliers of 0.25 (quarter turns); the value of the inputand output tune capacitors CB and CC, and the collectorcurrent IC, which is considered as positive real numbers.

There are a number of parameters that we consider fixed, e.g.,the supply voltages Vcc and gnd, and the various process andtechnology parameters associated with the SiGe models.

3) Design Specifications and Parameters: In order to castthe design of LNAs as GP, we need to show that the LNAdesign specifications can be posed as posynomial functionsof the design variables. Being able to write circuit equationsin posynomial form is the key to use GP to design analogcircuits. To achieve equations in posynomial form, one needsto make reasonable approximations. Since our equations showexcellent agreement with simulation results, we conclude thatour approximations are valid.

The LNA was designed to achieve simultaneous noise andpower match using the method reported in [24], [25], and[26]. Under the power consumption constraint, it is desir-able to achieve gain with input and output impedance match,while maintaining the minimum noise and distortion level,also minimizing the silicon area. Therefore, when formulatingthe GP problem, we minimize area subject to the followingconstraints:

1) noise match;2) input impedance match;3) gain requirement;4) output impedance match;5) nonlinear distortion requirement;6) power constraint.

We use the Gummel-Poon BJT model to derive the initialdesign equations, where electrical elements in this model aremonomial expressions of physical design variables. A simplemonomial fitting [35] technique can be employed to fit theVBIC95 [46] BJT model to achieve better accuracy. For on-chip inductors, all the elements in the lumped electrical model

can be expressed as monomial or posynomial function of layoutvariables, as shown in [7] and [27].

The design parameters considered in the LNA design is thecenter frequency *0 and source impedance Rs, which is usually50 # in RF systems.

4) Design Equations:a) Noise match: The authors of [26] showed that the

minimum achievable NF for a bipolar device in a common-emitter configuration when matched to its optimum noise figuresource impedance is given by

NFmin(JC) = 1 +n


3aJC + b +




a =2

VT(rb + re)u


Ff2 +1



b =16%2+F(rb + re)u(Cje + Cjc)uf2 +n2


c =8%2VT(rb + re)u(Cje + Cjc)uf2 (24)

where (rb + re)u are the base and emitter ohmic resistanceof a unit device, (Cje + Cjc)u are the base-emitter and base-collector junction capacitance for a unit device, respectively.JC is the dc collector current density, VT is kT/q, )DC is thecollector-base dc current gain, f is the frequency of operation,and n is the junction grading factor ranging from 1 to 1.2.To simplify the analysis, )DC, (rb + re)u, (Cje + Cjc)u, nare assumed to be constant as a function of collector currentdensity. This is a valid assumption since the device is usuallybiased at current densities considerably below peak fT, andthese parameters varies little with collector current.

For frequencies well below fT, the minimal collector currentdensity can be approximated to be

JC(opt 1 2%(Cje + Cjc)uVT

6)DCf (25)

where JC(opt scales linearly with the operating frequency. Thisis an important result to achieve scalable design for multibandsystems.

b) Input impedance match: The input impedance is givenby [24] and [25] as

Zin = j*(LE + LB) + Rb +1

j*Cin+ 2%fTLE (26)

where LE, LB are the emitter and base inductances, respec-tively; Rb is the BJT external base resistance, Cin is thecapacitance looking into the base of the amplifier; gm is the BJTtransconductance. The inductor parasitic resistance is ignoredhere. By observing the input impedance of the amplifier withthe emitter degenerated inductor, we simply see a real and animaginary part. The real part is a function of Q1 sizing andbiasing. The emitter inductor LE is used to match the realpart of the input impedance to RS (typically 50 #). This is amonomial equality constraint



2%fT= RS

4+F + VT

(Cje + Cjc)uJC

5. (27)

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Simultaneous noise and input impedance match is finallyobtained by the base inductor LB. It cancels out the reactancedue to the input capacitance Cin of the device, and, at the sametime, it transforms the optimum noise reactance of the amplifierto 0 #. The source reactance is

Xin = 2%f(LE + LB) ( 1*0Cin

. (28)

Ideally, this part should be 0 # exactly. However, due to ourmodel accuracy and implementation reality, we put a boundaryto make it capacitive, and this is translated into a posynomialinequality constraint

*20(LE + LB)Cin # 1. (29)

c) Gain: The total voltage gain of the whole system is

Av = Qingm1


where Qin is the quality factor of the input loop, go is the outputconductance of the transistor

Qin =1


go =go2go1





where Rd is the transformed version of the parasitic resistor ofthe inductor.

It follows that the gain requirement will be represented as aposynomial inequality constraint:







5# 1

Gmin. (33)

d) Output impedance match: To maximize output powertransfer, we try to match the output impedance to the load.Normally we use an extra shunt capacitor CC to form outputmatch network.

The output impedance of the tune loop would be

Zout = j2%fLC +1

j2%fCC+ RC (34)

where LC is the collector inductances; RC is the equivalentparallel resistance of the collector inductor.

The real part of the output impedance would match the loadimpedance, therefore, RC = RS, which is a monomial equalityconstraint.

The imaginary part can be inductive or capacitive. We willalso put a boundary for that to make sure that it never getscapacitive. The imaginary part at the operating frequency f isas follows:

Xout = 2%fLC ( 1*0Cout


and the constraint to make it capacitive is a posynomial inequal-ity constraint

*20LCCout # 1. (36)


e) Nonlinear distortion: The LNA nonlinear distortion ismeasured in terms of input-referred third-order intercept point(IIP3). A close form of IIP3 is difficult to obtain since the non-linearity of all components contributes to the total distortion. Itis usually recommended to use a posynomial fitting method toget the IIP3 expression [29], [43]. However, the authors in [28]found the relation of IIP3 and the biasing current. The third-order intermodulation (IM3) can be approximated as

|IM3| 27777A1(2%f)




where A1(2%f) denotes the first Volterra series coefficient. Wecan see that the |IM3| is proportional to the cube of the inverseof the bias current (IC). By putting a lower bound of IM3 (oran upper bound of IIP3), we can find the minimum bias currentneeded, which is another monomial inequality constraint.

f) Power constraint: Power is critical in LNA design. Weset the sizing ratio of input BJT and bias BJT to be N . Thepower consumption can be approximated by

P = VccIc

41 +



If we put an upper bound on the power consumption, it wouldresult in another monomial constraint.

5) Numerical Results of SiGe LNAs: We use a 47-GHz fT

NPN BJT SiGe BiCMOS process to demonstrate ORACLE onsome LNA examples. The positive supply voltage was set at2.5 V, and the negative supply voltage was set at 0 V.

a) Independent design and verification: We use the de-sign variables described in Section VI-A2 and design con-straints listed in Section VI-A3 for a SiGe LNA example with2.1-GHz center frequency. The resulting geometric program has12 variables, and 28 inequality constraints. The formulated GPproblem was solved efficiently by the MOSEK toolbox [23]on the order of a millisecond. The optimal design obtained isshown in Table II.

The target specifications and the performance achieved bythis design, as predicted by the program, are summarized inTable III. For a given circuit topology and a set of design speci-fications, this is the best we can get and used as the benchmark.Note that some constraints are tight (power consumption, centerfrequency and gain), while some constraints are not (Noisefigure, S-parameters, and IIP3).

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Fig. 6. Noise performance comparison.

The simulation results are also shown in Table III. We usedCadence’s SpectreRF as the simulator with advanced devicemodels. We conclude that GP optimization results and simu-lation results have good agreement with each other.

b) Center frequency configurable designs: Next, we de-scribe a mask configurable SiGe LNA design at 13 differentcenter frequencies, ranging from 900 MHz to 2.1 GHz withseparation of 200 MHz. Other specifications are the same aslisted in Table III. We use the average noise figure of all maskconfigurable designs as the cost function. The resulting problemhas 96 variables and 364 constraints. The optimization processgenerates 13 metal-mask configurable designs with the samefirst-stage design results and 13 sets of second-stage designresults.

Independent designs are obtained for each scenario as com-parison. We compare the achieved noise figure for independentdesigns and configurable designs, as shown in Fig. 6. Wecan see that the NF of configurable designs are very close toindependent designs and the maximum NF surcharge is lessthan 0.1 dB.

Since the circuit performance of configurable designs is veryclose to independent designs, the only penalty we pay for suchflexibility is the silicon area. This is inevitable because the areaof the implementation fabric would be larger than the maximumof all independent designs. The extent of the area penalty isa tradeoff with the amount of design risk. For example, in anLNA, the inductor areas are quite dominant. Reserving a fixedarea for all inductors is the lowest risk approach, but incurs thelargest area penalty.

c) Power and gain configurable designs: As a secondexample, we vary the power and gain specifications and observethe design space tradeoffs for mask configurability. The center

frequency is fixed at 5.25 GHz. The power spec varies from12.5 to 20 mW by every 0.5 mW, while the gain spec variesfrom 10 to 24 dB by every 2 dB. There are eight different gainrequirements and 16 different power constraints. Therefore, intotal we generate 128 design instances using the average NF ofall designs as the cost function.

The achieved noise performance and NF surcharge of themask configurable design are shown in Fig. 7. The plots showthat the noise performance is more sensitive to power consump-tion. The NF surcharge of mask configurable design is less than0.1 dB. In this way, design space exploration can be achievedin the early stages for the entire system design.

It is worth mentioning that the 128 designs with 901 variablesand 3584 constraints are solved in 1.5 s, using the 1.4-GHz256-MB memory Pentium PC.

6) Numerical Results of CMOS LNAs: We applied the samedesign methodology to a metal-mask configurable CMOS LNAdesign, using the CMOS devices in IBM 6HP BiCMOS tech-nology. Some of the design equations for CMOS LNA designare summarized in [45].

In this example, instead of minimizing expected objective ascost function, we minimize the maximum design surcharge asdefined in Section IV-C, which in this example is the differencebetween NF obtained in independent designs and NF obtainedin configurable designs. We optimized a configurable design atnine different center frequencies, ranging from 1.5 to 5.5 GHzwith separation of 500 MHz. The optimization generates ninedesign instances, as shown in Fig. 8. This example demonstratesthat by using design surcharge as cost function, configurabledesigns can achieve performance very close to independentdesigns, with only area penalties.

B. Robust Oscillator Design Examples

To consider design variability in the early stages of designexploration in the ORACLE methodology, robust GP formula-tion is used to provide guaranteed yield bound. The followingtwo examples show the robust optimization of RF oscillators.

1) Robust Optimization of an RO: The first example wewill show is the robust optimization of an RO. The specificRO topology we consider in this paper is shown in Fig. 9.This is a widely used building block to characterize processvariations. The performance and design variable relation hasbeen extensively studied in [30]–[32].

To simplify the robust GP formulation, we consider three de-sign variables and three performance specifications for this ROdesign. The three design variables are the following: effectivewidth We! = Wn + Wp, gate length L = Ln = Lp, and gateover drive !V . They are related to the sizing and biasing of theNMOS and PMOS transistors.

The RO was designed to achieve minimal dynamic powerconsumption for a certain center frequency. The phase noiseperformance should not be larger than a given specification. Theoptimization has the following form:

minimize Power(We! , L,!V )subject to PN(We! , L,!V ) # PNmax

fresonant(We! , L,!V ) = f0 (38)

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Fig. 7. NF of configurable LNAs and NF surcharges.

Fig. 8. CMOS LNA optimization results.

Fig. 9. Topology of an RO.

where f0 is the given resonant center frequency and PNmax isthe maximum phase noise specification.

In this example, we consider four variance-not-linked-to-mean, independent normal variations in process parameter anddesign variables. They are the gate width variation !W , thegate length variation !L, the gate oxide thickness variation!Tox, and the threshold voltage variation !Vth. Here, thegate oxide thickness variation !Tox is reflected by coefficientperturbation in the GP of posynomial form [i.e., (pi in (14)],and other three parameter variations are reflected by designvariables perturbation [i.e., (xi in (14)]. (!Vth is considered asthe gate overdrive voltage perturbation.) Then, the optimization(38) can be formulated as the GP of posynomial form consid-ered in Section V-E2b, which can be further reformulated as the



robust GP (6) to achieve the robust design with guaranteed yieldbound.

In the numerical example, we use the process parametervalues extracted from the IBM 7HP 0.18-µm BiCMOS tech-nology. The design is optimized when the confidence ellipsoidcaptures 90% of process variations, and the center frequencyis relaxed within the interval [4 GHz, 6 GHz]. The designresulting from robust GP is compared with the design resultingfrom GP as listed in Table IV, and their performance means arelisted in Table V.

The 10 K points Monte Carlo analysis is used to evaluatethe performance variability and the parametric yield. The his-togram of the phase noise performance of two designs resultingfrom GP and robust GP optimization are shown in Fig. 10. It canbe concluded that the design using robust GP achieves higheryield with more design cost compared with nominal designusing GP.

We further use the concentric ellipsoids E# (20) with variousvalues of & to capture different degrees of process variations.The tradeoff between the design cost and the yield bound isshown in Fig. 11, where the design cost (power consumption inthis example) increases when higher yield bound is requested.It is also observed that a drastic increase in the design cost willbe incurred to achieve yield close to 100%.

2) Robust Optimization of an LC Oscillator: The robustoptimization and corner-based optimization are also comparedusing an LC oscillator example. The LC oscillator topology weconsider in this paper is shown in Fig. 12. Five design variablesand five performance specifications are considered for this LC

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Fig. 10. Phase noise histogram comparison.

Fig. 11. RO design cost versus minimum yield spec.

Fig. 12. Topology of an LC oscillator.

oscillator design. The five design variables are the following:the biasing tail current Ibias, the lumped tank conductancegtank, the lumped tank capacitance Ctank, the inductance L, andthe output swing voltage VSW. They are key design variables inthe lumped tank model.


The LC oscillator was designed to achieve minimal dynamicpower consumption for a certain center frequency [33]. Theoptimization has the following form:

minimize Power(Ibias)subject to PN(Ibias, gtank, Ctank, L, VSW) # PNmax

fresonant(Ctank, L) = f0

LoopGain(Ibias, gtank) ! LGmin

VSW # Vdd

VSW # Ibias


where f0 is the given resonant center frequency, PNmax is themaximum phase noise specification, LGmin is the minimumloop gain specification and Vdd is the power supply voltage.

In this example, we consider three variance-linked-to-meancorrelated normal variations in process parameters. They arethe relative tank conductance variation !gtank/gtank, the rel-ative tank capacitance variation !Ctank/Ctank, and the rela-tive inductance variation !L/L. Then, the optimization (39)can be formulated as the GP of posynomial considered inSection V-E2a, which can be further reformulated as the robustGP (6) to achieve the robust design with guaranteed yieldbound.

In the numerical example, we use the process parametervalues extracted from Hitachi 90-GHz 0.25-µm BiCMOS tech-nology. The design is optimized when the confidence ellipsoidcapture 90% of process variations, and the center frequencyis relaxed within the interval [1.7 GHz, 2.5 GHz]. Note thatthe process corners are provided by the foundry which reflectthe vertices of the regular polyhedron where the ellipsoid usedin the robust optimization is inscribed. We compare the robustoptimization results with the corner-based optimization resultsas listed in Table VI.

We also use the concentric ellipsoids E# (17) with variousvalues of & to capture different degrees of process variations.The design costs (power consumption in this example) usingtwo optimization schemes will increase when the yield require-ment increases, as compared in Fig. 13. The actual yield ofeach design is found using 10 K points Monte Carlo analysis.The design cost versus actual yield for the two optimizationsin compared in Fig. 14. It is shown in this example that about20% overdesign is observed in the corner-based optimizationcompared to robust optimization when ±3" actual yield isachieved.


Regular analog/RF IC using metal-mask configurability canbe used to reduce design risk and manufacturing cost. In thispaper, we proposed an ORACLE design methodology and the

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Fig. 13. LC oscillator design cost versus minimum yield spec.

Fig. 14. LC oscillator design cost versus actual parametric yield.

enhanced robust optimization feature for such regular inte-grated circuits. Our methodology and optimization procedureis applied in a set of metal-mask configurable LNA designs andthe robust optimization of RF oscillators. Numerical examplesdemonstrate that competitive performance can be achieved withguaranteed yield. The regular design and supporting methodol-ogy are used in the silicon implementation of three RF front-end circuits in a 0.25-µm 1P6M SiGe BiCMOS process. Themeasured results demonstrated the validity of such optimizationframework [9].


The authors would like to thank Dr. M. Hershenson,Dr. S. Mohan from Sabio Laboratories, and Prof. P. Yue fromUCSB for their input and assistance with this paper. The authorswould also like to thank the anonymous reviewers for theirinputs.


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Yang Xu (S’98–M’05) received the M.S. and B.S.degrees in electronics engineering from Fudan Uni-versity, Shanghai, China, in 2000 and 1997, re-spectively, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical andcomputer engineering from Carnegie Mellon Univer-sity, Pittsburgh, PA, in 2004.

He is currently an Assistant Professor with theDepartment of Electrical and Computer Engineering,Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT), Chicago. Priorto joining the faculty with IIT, he was a SeniorResearcher with Qualcomm, Inc., where he worked

on the design and optimization of various wireless transceivers.Dr. Xu was a recipient of the Inventor Recognition Award from the Micro-

electronics Advanced Research Consortium in 2004. He is also a three-timeQualcomm Inventor’s Award recipient and received Super Qualstar in 2006.

Kan-Lin Hsiung (S’01–M’07) received the in statistics and the Ph.D. degree in electricalengineering from Stanford University, Stanford, CA.

He is currently with the Department of ElectricalEngineering, Stanford University. His research in-terests include statistical analog/RF circuit design,design for manufacturability, statistical learning,wireless mobile ad hoc network, and convex opti-mization with engineering applications.

Xin Li (S’01–M’06) received the M.S. and B.S.degrees in electronics engineering from Fudan Uni-versity, Shanghai, China, in 2001 and 1998, re-spectively, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical andcomputer engineering from Carnegie Mellon Univer-sity, Pittsburgh, PA, in 2005.

He is currently a Research Scientist with the De-partment of Electrical and Computer Engineering,Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA. In 2005,he cofounded Xigmix, Inc., a start-up company inPittsburgh to commercialize his Ph.D. research, and

served as the Chief Technical Officer until the company was acquired byExtreme DA in 2007. His research interests include very large scale integration(VLSI) computer-aided design, machine learning, and neural signal processing.

Dr. Li served on the technical program committee of International Con-ference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD) in 2008, the technical programcommittee of International Conference on VLSI Design (VLSI) in 2009, thetechnical program committee of International Conference on Image Theoryand Applications in 2009, and the IEEE Outstanding Young Author AwardSelection Committee in 2006. He received the Best Session Award fromSemiconductor Research Corporation Student Symposium in 2006, the BestPaper Nomination from Design Automatic Conference in 2006, and theIEEE/Association for Computing Machinery William J. McCalla ICCAD BestPaper Award in 2004. He also received the Inventor Recognition Awards fromMicroelectronics Advanced Research Corporation in 2006 and 2007.

Lawrence T. Pileggi (S’85–M’89–SM’94–F’01) re-ceived the Ph.D. degree in electrical and com-puter engineering from Carnegie Mellon University,Pittsburgh, PA, in 1989.

He is the Tanoto Professor of electrical and com-puter engineering with Carnegie Mellon University.He previously held positions with Westinghouse Re-search and Development and the University of Texasat Austin. He has consulted for various semiconduc-tor and electronic design automation companies, andwas cofounder of Fabbrix, Inc., Xigmix, Inc., and

Extreme DA. His research interests include various aspects of digital and analogdesign and design methodologies. He is a coauthor of Electronic Circuit andSystem Simulation Methods (McGraw-Hill, 1995) and IC Interconnect Analysis(Kluwer, 2002). He has published over 200 refereed conference and journalpapers and is the holder of 19 U.S. patents.

Dr. Pileggi has received various awards, including Westinghouse corpo-ration’s highest engineering achievement award, the best CAD Transactionspaper awards for 1991 and 1999, a Presidential Young Investigator award fromthe National Science Foundation, Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC)Technical Excellence Awards, in 1991 and 1999, the inaugural Richard A.Newton GSRC Industrial Impact Award, and the SRC Aristotle award in 2008.

Stephen P. Boyd (S’82–M’85–SM’92–F’99) re-ceived the A.B. degree in mathematics from Har-vard University, Cambridge, MA, in 1980 and thePh.D. degree in electrical engineering and computerscience from the University of California, Berkeley,in 1985.

He is currently the Samsung Professor of En-gineering and a Professor of electrical engineeringwith the Information Systems Laboratory, StanfordUniversity, Stanford, CA. His current research focusis on convex optimization applications in control,

signal processing, and circuit design.

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