REFLEXIVES USED RECIPROCALLY. Reflexives used Reciprocally Certain reflexive verbs can be used to...

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Transcript of REFLEXIVES USED RECIPROCALLY. Reflexives used Reciprocally Certain reflexive verbs can be used to...



Reflexives used Reciprocally

Certain reflexive verbs can be used to express the idea of “each other”

Alicia and I know each other well. My brothers fight with each other a lot. We help each other with the homework.

How to Use:

First, you will use either:

NOS or


NOS = Use when talking about “we”

SE = Use when talking about “they”

Next, conjugate the verb into either the:




Nosotros = We (….) with each other

Ustedes = They (…) with each other


Alicia and I know each other well =

Alicia y yo nos conocemos muy bien.

My brothers fight with each other a lot. =

Mis hermanos se pelean mucho.


“el uno al otro” = with each other


We help each other with the homework.

Nos ayudamos con la tarea.

They help each other with the homework.

Se ayudan con la tarea.

1. Apoyarse = To support each other

2. Ayudarse = to help each other

3. Odiarse = to hate each other

4. Perdonarse = to forgive each other

5. Quejarse = to complain to each other

6. Saludarse = to greet, say hello to each other

7. Telefonearse = to phone each other

8. Conocerse (bien/mal) = to know each other (well/not well)

9. Contarse secretos/chismes (oue) = to tell each other secrets/gossip

10. Pelearse frecuentemente = to fight with each other frequently

11. Llevarse bien/mal con = To get along well/badly with

12. Abrazarse = to hug each other

1) My parents always complain to each other.

  Mis padres siempre se quejan (el uno al otro).

2) Do you and your boyfriend get along well with each other?

¿Se llevan bien tú y tu novio?

3) Why do you always tell secrets to each other?

  ¿Por qué siempre se cuentan secretos?

4) Shakira and I know each other well.

  Shakira y yo nos conocemos bien.

5) We help each other with everything.

  Nos ayudamos con todo.

6) They fight with each other frequently, but they always forgive each other.

Se pelean frecuentemente, pero siempre se perdonan.

Tarea:Write 10 sentences using the “each other”


5 “we…each other”5 “they…each other”