Reflective Report

Post on 20-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Reflective Report

Reflective report on PBL training by Deepa KhajuriaCritical Friend: Beeta Moulik.

The year was full of excitement, learning and challenges. I had to compete with myself. I wanted to have a grip on certain areas but maybe I was not knowing the right path to move on. PBL training made it very easy for me.

Sometimes we have so many tasks in the form of “to do list” or “wish list” but we ourselves know that achieving everything at a time is difficult. We need to set our priorities. It helps in determining the future goals and our vision for it. Once the goals are set, we need to make a mind map as to what I will do to get the desired outcome.

As I look back at the year, I recall my fierce wondering, “What is the difference between PBL and TFU? How will it benefit me? What if I don’t do it? Will it be too demanding? Will it get over in a year or prolong more? What if I fail in producing better output as a trainee? Will there be a difference in the assignments for different people coming from this unit?

These kind of several such questions were pondering my mind. I was not too keen about the training. I was in a dilemma to say yes or no. Now if I look back at the year, I thank my destiny to give me such a wonderful chance to learn many things from this wonderful training. It was a gain to my learning bank. I am thankful to the entire team for taking up this initiative. It’s a huge task. Lot of planning and reflection must be required to run this programme. I consider myself lucky to be a part of this training. The best part about the training was the instant application of my learning in my class and with my colleagues. It allowed me to get a grip on my learning and get a confirmation on my understanding. There is lot of similarities between TFU and PBL. The first and for most is learning through exploration. Other similar ideas are scaffolding, supportive feedback, reflecting etc. Although having experience of all these things, I got

some more skilful learning. Now instead of PBL training I would like to name it as “Transformational training”. And I think, this is what they aimed at. They didn’t wanted us to know what PBL is but they wanted us to bring a change with in and pass the same in to others. I am thankful to the entire team for helping me becoming strong and declare my weak points upfront and admit that I lack here. Please help me, support me with strong hands holding, guide me by giving feedback, help me grow and change my mind set.

During our journey, I met many versatile people and got to know many things which will help me in enriching my practises. The support and guidance from my CF and training session from the remaining crew members was also very helpful. Certain striking learning through this journey is as below:

PLP- (Personal learning Plan) - Helped me in setting my goals.The book- Ethic of excellence- Helped me learn, multiple drafts, quality of student’s portfolio, importance of documentation, change of culture in the schools, collaboration and communication.The book- The power of protocols- Helped me learn lot of vocabulary, time management, benefits of protocols, use of protocols in different professions, types of protocols for different type of meetings.CC- (Collegial conversation)- Importance of Driving question in a project, peer feedback (supportive and critical)WALO-(Wicked awesome learning opportunities)- Helped me introspect my work, my success, failures and what can be done next, my reflection on it, rethink on my work, things to be kept in mind for future planning.Reflection writing- It’s not a report but it’s a ponder point for future, what will I do if I succeed or if I fail.Importance of rubrics in assessment (Helps in being authentic)Feedback- (Kind, considerate and helpful)

Choosing an appropriate project. (Student’s centred projects)Honest confession on failures and sharing your thoughts and learning freely. (Transformation)

Through this report, I got an opportunity to share my learning and experience throughout this amazing journey with PBL.