Reflective Essay

Post on 18-Nov-2015

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For English

Transcript of Reflective Essay

Haley Dowell Ms. Gardner English 10H Period 4 20 January 2015Seeing is believing?From baby to young adult my eyes have captivated my attention. They let me see inspiration, see people whom I love and care about, ponder cold hard facts, and show me the world for what it is. I have feared my eyes as well, like what if they never opened? What happens if I go to sleep and dont wake up the next morning? Will I know or will I just be suspended in oblivion not knowing if I am alive or dead? This notion is what truly scares me.Thats what we all fear. Right? When we cannot see the unseen and do not know the unknown? Humans go through life and fight and judge, and see what the world has in store for them, but in the end thats what we get from it, a lofty goodnight. Eyes are important to the human, its what defines us as a whole, and what separates us as individuals. The one person I would like to see again is my grandfather. He was the best grandpa a girl could ask for, always kind and making sure he had a surplus of berries in his fridge when I came down to his house. There was one thing I always thought was very peculiar about my grandfather, where he slept. My grandma and I slept in her room while he slept on his unforgiving wooden chair that would give a man a back ache for a good week. I got used to it as I got a little older, but I always felt knid of bad for him. While I was snuggled up with my grandma watching the Golden Girls he was all alone in the front living room with the TV always lighting up his face. I wanted to ask him but I knew he had some sort of medical issue that I didnt want to bring it up. I guess I should have, he died when I was seven. He died in his bed, the place where I thought he truly belonged. He died in the same spot I would occupy for a month or two during the summer. He died in his sleep, a noble and peaceful way to say goodnight. Dying in my sleep was definitely something I was afraid of; however, I have realized its the least violent way to die. I certainly did not want to die like the people on Dateline, and now Im afraid I wont die in my sleep. Im afraid I will die the most gruesome and drawn out deaths of the century. A bit dramatic, I know, but since my grandfathers death I have realized that oblivion is the best way to pass. Not only is it the best way to pass, in these days its the least common. I certainly do not want to go out with a bang. Ghosts, angels and demons are things a child would believe, but after the passing of my grandpa I began believing in it more and more as the years progressed. I still believe he watches over me and my family and all we go through. I have never seen a ghost in my life, and I dont have a clue if my grandpa does watch us from wherever in the universe he is at. I watch those ghost hunting shows and the UFO conspiracy documentaries, and dont know fully why I keep wanting to watch them because I know most of that is true bogus. My theory is I watch it because it blows oblivion to smithereens. BANG! No longer does it exist. It lends people hope that there is something better than this hell where we writhe in pain and agony. Why do I believe it if I havent seen it? Seeing something with your own eyes is what draws the border between reality and fantasy...supposedly. I am probably one of those people that sees hope in ghost theories, but its definitely better than oblivion. Our eyes see millions of things in just one day, and it influences what we see in our lifetime. In reality it is just a lens that filters colors and shapes and sizes through it and relays it to your brain to decipher what all that information means. My brain remembers what my grandfather looked like, but I will never get to see him again. I am quite alright with that, though. Theres a small chance I will get to see him again which will be someday hopefully far far away. If there is nothing after life I will greet it with open arms and a smile on my face.