Reflections Dec11

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Transcript of Reflections Dec11

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A Newsletter from His Holiness Bhakti Tirtha Swam

SO the devotee must be clean,

inside and outside, both.

Outside cleaning by taking

bath with oil or soap or soda, and

inside, materially, there will be no

unclean things, stool, unnecessary

stool. That means one must evacuate

every morning and evening, If we we

eat more, we will have to evacuatewice. But if we eat less, then one evacuation is sufcient.

t is said, yogi, bhogi, rogi. Yogi means spiritually advanced,

nd bhogi means materialist, and rogi means diseased. It is

common saying. A yogi evacuates only once. That is  yogi.

And bhogi, because he eats more, he evacuates twice. And

one who evacuates more than twice, he’s rogi, diseased. Yogi,

bhogi, rogi. So everything has got routine work. Saucam. So

you’ll feel healthy. If you have evacuated nicely, you have

washed inside and outside, taken your bath, you’ll always

eel refreshed. And unless you feel refreshed, you cannot very

nicely chant Hare Krsna mantra or serve Krsna.

Therefore cleanliness is required.   Apavitrah pavitro

But...   Apavitrah pavitro va sarvavastham gato ‘pi va

one takes to Krsna consciousness and follows the rules

regulations, then automatically he becomes clean, inside

outside. Automatically.   Apavitrah pavitro va. What for

are accepting initiation? In any condition, in any condi

we shall be puried by chanting Hare Krsna, ceto-darp

marjanam if we chant really.

Lecture on SB 1.16.26-30 -- Hawaii, January 23, 1974


Lord Caitanya Cleaning the Gundica Temple

Cleanliness is Godlinessby His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada 

ecember 2011

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We need to examine the many

obstacles that sabotage the

development of genuine

humility. The list of interferences

includes false pride, false ego, fear,envy, lust, anger, illusion, greed and

even insecurity. As we analyze this list,

we can immediately understand the

negative consequences of such traits.

For instance, when someone suffers from false pride and

eels excessively important, they will not be able to access

deep humility. This sense of self-importance places the mind

t the forefront, and this will lead one to accept the various

oncoctions dictated by the mind and intelligence. How can

we act humbly with the mind in control? False ego also results

n a situation similar to pride. Fear blocks humility becauset leads to survival consciousness. Someone who fears the

nvironment, accepting it as precarious and dangerous, cannot

be humble. Instead, their mood will become combative and

ggressive. Envy impedes humility because it causes one to

eel hostile towards another individual in the environment.

We will simply feel disturbed by the qualities or possessions

of another person. Enviousness, selshness, self-centeredness,

pride, false ego, doubt, envy, greed and illusion are a few of 

he attributes or personality traits that completely block the

xpression of humility. Unfortunately, people who have these

raits constantly feel intense fear, pride or insecurity. Humilityhelps to ground us.

After acknowledging these misconceptions about

humility along with the various obstacles, we can better

understand that genuine humility is not a lack in substance

or the result of weakness. Our present day environment

auses us to think in this way due to the belief that successful

ndividuals achieve greatness through their expertise in

manipulation and exploitation. Society often views righteous

or humble individuals as irrelevant or even as failures since

hey may not maintain a position of dominance. However,

ven the Judeo-Christian perspective accepts that the meekhall inherit the earth. All the various religious traditions of 

he world emphasize submissiveness, meekness and humility.

Humility has many positive sides and qualities. If we feel

ome insufciency in our service, instead of resorting to low

elf-esteem, we can simply see others in a higher position than

ourselves. Humility also gives us an eagerness to learn. When

we are free of the egocentricity of thinking that we know

verything, we can then become humble and ready to receive.

Furthermore, we can relinquish our claim to proprietorship by

ecognizing that all of our qualities come from God and by

earning to properly use them in His service. Humility allows

a person to be secure. Our insecurities force us to react bec

of our lack of balance or strength. Any slight disturbance

cause more instability. For example, when you lack pr

balance, the harsh words of another person will natu

disturb you. However, when you have sufcient stab

the same words will seem irrelevant and will not caus

overreaction or unnecessary disturbance. In Washington D

we have a martial arts institute. When one masters certain

of defense, one does not need to respond to every situabecause of a personal awareness of one’s power. The pe

has the fearlessness to wait until the last minute to resp

When we are strong and xed in our devotional service

can naturally access humility because we will not feel

insecurity from the maya in the environment or from any

else. Humility can also help us appreciate our connectio

our origin. Although the living entity is insignicant, the

is still part and parcel of the Supreme Personality of Godh

In a secular situation, a person may not have much money

if their mother or father has wealth, they can feel some s

of well-being. Although they may not have much capital, tparents can make resources available, freeing them from

sense of insecurity.

Most importantly, humility involves a genuine lo

heart and loving sentiments. From this discussion, we can

the great complexity of real humility.

How and where did you

the International SocietyKrsna Consciousness?

Honestly, I can only sp

about the time when, wh

and how I met the devotees. Since then, I have just b

trying to join the Hare Krsna movement. It is like my pers

safeguard—beginner’s mind that gives me an ongoing f

perspective on things.

  Some years back in Split, Croatia, on my wa

college, I saw a poster of Maha-Visnu half-submerge

water with information regarding a Vedic cultural progBeing a student of Art and Art History, I was always attra

to hearing about historically remote cultures and civilizati

I was just about to turn twenty. The program was at

Museum of Revolution and it blew my mind on many leve

can still taste that simply wonderful in my memory core—

incense and sound vibration—like in a transcendental bub

I remember Sacinandana Maharaja (who traveled that

of the world very often) speaking about different level

consciousness: ana-moya, prana-moya, jana-moya, vijn

moya, and ananda-moya. Very impressive. I was hooked b

didn’t respond until some months later when I came to ou

Obstacles to Humilityby His Holiness Bhakti Tirtha Swami 


Devotee Spotlight: Advaita Acarya da

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ittle Hare Krsna center at the Mitnicka address and met

upwith local devotees: Narasimha Vapu prabhu, Mahojvalam

prabhu, Manjulali mataji, and others. They showed me how

o chant and nourished me so well that I was able to continue

my studies and practice Krsna consciousness at my own pace

meaning very slow).

That chapter is very long and the war was breaking up.

For the next four to ve years, I was searching and naturally

had ups and downs in my own personal catharsis along with

my downtown “karmi” friends with whom I shared time and

nthusiasm for different things liberation related during those

war years. I did not ofcially “join” any temple yet due to

my studies but I was involved in many ways and my heart

was there intensely praying to Srila Prabhupada to send me

his representative who will take me back to him and back to


Gradually I was working my way towards sixteen

ounds and I liked chanting. For some reason, I liked to

hant and I had that thing with Visnujana Swami from

he beginning—some kind of attraction to that particulardevotional mood and stories about Maharaja. As socialism

was falling apart, I eventually graduated (as a teacher of Art

nd Art Restoration) and spent twelve months in the army—

hat was mandatory for all. Finally the path was open and I

was free to choose how I will use my time and mold my life.

Living as a fulltime bhakta in your own city of origin is not

n easy way to live with the prole I had and the number of 

riends and people I knew. “It’s hard to be a saint in your own

village,” as they say.

Anyway, in 1997-1998, we started a weekly program

congregational distribution of Srila Prabhupada’s books),hat later became sastra-dhana, and I helped with a weekly

magazine. That was my rst service and I am now living with

group of devotees fulltime. The learning curve with book

distributors is very sharp and funny—hilarious. Thank you

Venu-Gopal prabhu and crew for all that sankirtana nectar I

will always remember. Soon I went on a Jagannatha Harinama

party to travel from city to city performing harinama (as a

karatala player and backup vocals). That was the beginning

nd, as you can see, it was very long and slow.

How did you meet your spiritual master?

Bhakta Tomica (now Tattva-vada prabhu) made that

onnection while I was still a student. He used to visit me

nd stay over. During Srila Prabhupada’s centennial year in

996, I saw a BTG article he was reading at my place. H.H.

Bhakti Tirtha Swami’s smile on that photo blew me away and,

more importantly, how and what he spoke about in the article.

The mood in which he served Srila Prabhupada (his spiritual

master) was very apparent and unique. We made a connection


Tattva-vada prabhu went to America and, by a some

arrangement, met Kalpa Vriksha prabhu and shared with

about an aspiring devotee in Croatia. Very soon I rece

package from Kalpa Vriksha prabhu with a few Spir

Warrior books (what a brother he is!). As I was reading th

I took the liberty to write a thank you letter to Maharaja

responded and that was the beginning of our correspondenc

one of his letters, he invited me to help with one of his proj

in Pennsylvania—Gita Nagari. I debated considering all

prospects I had so far. Without endeavoring, many things

spontaneously started unfolding in the direction of B.T. Swa


I was on the way and landed in Washington D.C.

a few days before B.T. Swami’s Vyasa-puja in February, 1

Bhakti Tirtha Swami arrived from London just a few days a

and there I was, welcoming him with a garland at the air

along with Mother Jambavati. He was quite surprised to

that I made it—very happy. I answered, “By the mercy/desi

pure devotees, anything is possible.” He smiled. The next

we were all on the way to Gita Nagari. It was raining.

What are your current services and what services enth

you the most in your spiritual life?

I have been in San Antonio, Texas since 2009 developi

project under H.H. Guru Prasad Swami—a contempo

asrama center for learning and transformation. It is a stu

resource center and we are focusing on youth and diffe

youth forums.

I feel most enthused working with young and crea

individuals, incorporating their talents in Krsna conscious

and initiating mantra meditation one on one in their telingo. I distinctly remember that my Guru Maharaja blessed

with this as well. He said, “We don’t really preach or tr

convince anybody, but we do serve and make friends. W

people become attached to you due to your attention to de

they will naturally open up. Only the lazy and self-right

avoid this most natural path of coexistence.”

This is very much evident during my summer

Every year from July-September, I join the Warped Tour, B

book distribution party, and Burning Man—a radical

reliance art festival. We use all kinds of outreach strate

along with our team of very progressive devotees ready to bbackwards for Srila Prabhupada’s mission. Presently in

Antonio this culture of love is spreading from our asrama t

the young Chicano revolutionaries of the Occupy Movemen

movement for the basic human needs, needs for freedom.

Although only active for two years, we had a Ra

yatra at the big San Antonio Fiesta Parade with hundred

thousands on the streets receiving darsana of Jagann

Baladeva, and Subhadra, and a TV audience of over two mil

The most enthusing service is my time spent with H.H. G

Prasad Swami and with my dear godfamily, and with my

godfamily, especially at Gita Nagari and Washington, D.C


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How did kirtan become such an integral part of your


I was alone with Sri Sri Radha-Damodara a lot and I

knew how much they liked kirtana. So necessity became the

mother of invention. If there is any credit to this fact, it goes to

Guru Maharaja and Their Lordships, who kindly guided me.

Prior to that time, I had no or very little kirtana experience,

but by sitting in front of Radha-Damodara and pressing the

keys of the harmonium, it became more and more apparent

hat I was in Their classroom.

I would like to share a pastime: once Guru Maharaja

alled me to give him some harmonium lessons (we only made

t for one before he was diagnosed with cancer and the rest of 

he lessons cancelled), but that time I will always remember.

He asked me to show him a simple tune, Srila Prabhupada’s

une…It was his turn and, as he was trying, I got carried away

o interrupt his practice and pointed out a wrong note (as a

eacher should), but he gave me that look (displeased), almost

elepathically communicating, “Don’t you every forget who

s the guru here.” Ooops, it nally dawned on me that the

only reason he called for harmonium classes was not for him

o learn (as you know he was never into it) but for me to get

he mercy and empowerment to continue with kirtana. Guru

Maharaja kindly accepted and liked that kind of kirtana. Guru

Maharaja’s mood is the main point of reference in my kirtana 

ttempts. Once on the day of Gita Nagari Ratha-yatra, I was

xing some signs on the road next to Govardhana Hill, and a

ar came and slowed down. Guru Maharaja rolled down the

window and asked me how it was going in the last minute

preparation work and improvements. Foolishly enough I said,

I hope Lord Jagannatha will be happy with my efforts.” Very

kindly he put me at peace. “Oh don’t worry, I will let you

know,” reminding me of his role as well. That was a moment

of enlightenment. I try to remember that in kirtana as well.

What have you found to be the most effective means of 

giving Krsna consciousness to others?

 Japa for sure. This only works if we have developed

ome friendship, and people trust us and are comfortable doing

meditation under our guidance. As soon as that is in place, Invite them to try mantra meditation in unison. They are given

beads and introduced to the mystical world of mantra. It is

ssential to build the value of the holy name before it is passed

on. It is a ve minute exercise that denitely spins the chakra 

nergy levels and shifts consciousness in a core. People share

his without exception. At half a round, we take off on our

own speeds. It is very important that in that second half, we

project our swift japa pace as we normally chant. This seals

he deal for their own one week experiment. I do encourage

hem to put beads away for a week as well and to compare on

heir own merit. All the preaching efforts serve this purpose of 

helping people maintain their connection with Krsna— j

experience. This is the heart of any outreach, any project

How do you maintain an internal connection with y

spiritual master? How have you been able to apply

instructions of your spiritual master to your own life?

I always remember what he has shared with

everytime you chant your japa, please know that I am sit

right next to you. This has been my main source of stre

and connection with Guru Maharaja. Every time I ask my

this question regarding how I have been able to apply my

the best point of reference has been my kind godfamily

always shows me the way and provides just the right

of medicine. Guru Maharaja is more present today in

expansive dynamic than ever before. I hope to always perc


What are your short-term goals in Krsna consciousn

Long-term goals?

My short-term goal is to establish a safe environm

in our present project where people will feel comfort

investing themselves. My long-term goals would resonate

one of the instructions that I received from Guru Maha

some years back: “I want you to try to concentrate and s

as much as you can because in the future I have big p

for you. After we get a green card, I want you to help m

developing the preaching in several other parts of the wor

See this as a training ground, so see your work at Gita Na

as an important training ground.” Sounds like a life’s mis

and I can only hope to become an instrument one day. For

kind of goal, devotee’s blessings are crucial. That’s my m

goal: to be of some relevant service (short or long-term

devotees can bless me to bring Guru Maharaja good new

How does your association with devotees help main

your own spiritual life and sadhana?

There are four of us in the asrama fulltime

occasionally more than that. The local movements of suc

such a small group are very high and we really get to keach other. This facilitates growth in close encounters and

will most likely split when our number reaches a steady e

to go and open a new center close by.

For maintenance of our spiritual life, some f

challenge is always needed on the horizon. And here are

sanga ideals set for us in nature from the bird kingdom.

Take a look at the folllowing:

They y in a V formation and every bird, by wi•

movement, creates air lift that helps other birds.4

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By ying together, the possible distance increases by 71%

compared to a single ight.

When the lead bird gets tired, another bird takes over as the

new lead bird, which helps another one to take any other

spot in the formation. The leader gets the most air resistance

than any other bird.

The bird that is at the back of formation occasionally makessounds to encourage birds in the front so they can maintain

the speed.

If any bird in the formation gets injured or sick, two birds

from the formation will go with the one in need and take

care of him. They stay with him until the one in need is

able to y again or until he leaves the body. Only then

the two birds will continue catching up or joining another


What do you see as the most signicant obstacle facing the

expansion of the Hare Krsna movement? How do you feel

hat devotees can tackle this obstacle?

This is my favorite question, considering how much

nterest Guru Maharaja had in this along with the removal

of suffering. Nothing external can really harm the expansion

of the Hare Krsna Movement, only our own disruptions and

ack of cooperation. When we become weak, we will start

demanding instead of expressing our needs. This brings downhe spiritual environment to a little less transcendental level.

At times, I see how we are just too timid and shy away from

uch great opportunities for expansion on local levels. With

ess rhetoric and more love, we can ll that increasing gap

n the postmodern world that is alienating everybody from

everybody. We are not assertive enough in this new electronic

enaissance of information and blogging. This slows down

eformation and upliftment of the world. We don’t have to

pretend we are in no man’s land because truth will lead you

o your authentic path. All that sugarcoating and desire to

please is only averting from that nugget of truth in a moment.

Streams of loving consciousness are based on truth, the only

emaining value of dharma without becoming blinded by the

ight of self-righteousness.

“The holy name of Krsna

transcendentally blissful. It best

all spiritual benedictions, for i

Krsna Himself, the reservoir of

pleasure. Krsna’s name is compand it is the form of all transcende

mellows. It is not a material n

under any condition, and it is no

powerful than Krsna Himself. S

Krsna’s name is not contaminate

the material qualities, and there is no question of its b

involved with maya, Krsna’s name is always liberated

spiritual; it is never conditioned by the laws of mate

nature. This is because the name of Krsna and Krsna Him

are identical.” (Padma Purana)This verse establishes the position of Krsna’s N

as being fully non-different from Krsna Himself. It is

powerful and therefore fully sweet and tasty. Then why do

not always taste that nectar each and every time? The rea

are perhaps many, but let’s look at a few prominent ones

When one enters into a loving relationship

another, along with it comes the responsibility to make it w

and to increase it. Therefore a person comes to know the

more to the relationship than just being together all the t

Similarly the chanting of the Holy Names is part of a laprocess by which one can approach the Holy Name in

proper conscious. That process is the science of devoti

service as given by Srila Prabhupada and the previous acar

Without properly following the devotional process, it is

trying to cook your food with smoke—it will take 300 ye

By serving the servants of the Lord, one gradu

gets the quality of such servants, and thus one beco

qualied to hear and chant the glories of the Lord. Th

mentioned in the  Bhagavatam (1.2.16). Along with this

must cultivate the personal qualities that are conduciv

chanting such as humility, tolerance, not expecting respec

oneself, and cultivating a respectful attitude towards all ot

as mentioned in the Siksastakam prayers.

“One should chant the holy name of the Lord in

humble state of mind, thinking oneself lower than th

straw in the street; one should be more tolerant than a tree

devoid of all sense of false prestige, and ready to offer a

respect to others. In such a state of mind one can chan

the holy name of the Lord constantly.” (Siksastakam 3)


Advaita Acarya dasa is a disciple of H.H. Bhakti Tirtha

Swami. When he is not at his base in San Antonio, TX, he is

raveling throughout North America giving the Holy Names

o others.

A Stronger Taste for the Holy Nameby His Holiness Candramauli Swami 

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A constant cultivation of the above mentioned qualities

opens up the heart and mind and allows the mercy of the Holy

Names to take root and grow in relationship to an attitude of 

ubmissive service and surrender. Along with this, one must also

arefully avoid those activities that impede the development of 

he nectar of Holy Name which are known as offenses or just

wrong activity. What we do and say throughout the day will

directly enhance or take away our ability to approach the Holy

Name properly.

When Krsna is pleased, he will reveal Himself 

hrough His Holy Name in proportion to our loving devotion.

As Srila Prabhupada has stated, one cannot force quality in

hanting, we can only try to hear nicely and allow the Name

o constantly vibrate on our tongue and in our heart (mind).

Knowledge of the Name’s Exclusive Position

etavan eva loke ‘smin pumsam dharmah parah smrtah

bhakti-yogo bhagavati tan-nama-grahanadibhih

“Devotional service, beginning with the chanting of the

holy name of the Lord, is the ultimate religious principle

for the living entity in human society.” (SB 6.3.22)

To regularly hear about the glories of the Holy Name

nd it’s superior position above all other forms of activity, as

tated by Yamaraja in this verse from Srimad-Bhagavatam,

greatly enhances our enthusiasm to chant more and more. By

knowing the value of this great treasure given freely to all

we can become more serious about chanting no matter what

ircumstance we are in. By knowing the value of something,we can treasure it more and give it to others knowing we are

offering the best of all gifts for all times.

Chant Krsna’s Name always, any time, any place, and

n any condition of life. Chanting connects us with Krsna and

wakens our love for Him and our determination to achieve

he real goal of life—love of Krsna.

In Verse 6 of the Sad-Goswamy Astaka, Srila

Srinivasacarya glories the six Goswamis, saying how

hey xed their vow in chanting in a numerical way. This is

lso fundamental to improved chanting in that we become

ommitted to chant a xed number of rounds of  japa. Thisllows us to destroy the whims or the ickering mind and

be situated in steady chanting. Srila Viswanatha Cakravarti

Thakur explains by chanting regularly we can rise to the

platform of chanting always which is the goal of chanting

Hare Krsna.

“Therefore, O sons of the King, the Supreme Personality

of Godhead, Hari, is situated in everyone’s heart. He is

also within your hearts. Therefore chant the glories of 

the Lord and always meditate upon Him continuously.”


“The word asakrit is signicant, for it means not just f

few minutes but continuously. That is the instruction give

Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu in His Siksastakam 3. Kirtan

sada harih: (Cc. adi 17.31) “The holy name of the Lord sh

be chanted twenty-four hours daily.” Therefore in this K

consciousness movement we request the devotees to c

at least sixteen rounds on their beads daily. Actually one

to chant twenty-four hours daily, just like Thakura Harid

who was chanting the Hare Krsna mantra three hunthousand times daily. Indeed, he had no other busin

Some of the Gosvamis, like Raghunatha dasa Gosv

were also chanting very rigidly and also offering obeisan

very rigidly. As stated in Srinivasacarya’s prayer to the

Gosvamis (Sad-gosvamy-ashtaka): sankhya-purvaka-na

gana-natibhih kalavasani-kritau. The word sankhya-purv

means “maintaining a numerical strength.” (Purport)

Sometimes we nd ourselves unable to impr

despite all our efforts to do so. One very wonderful prog

in ISKCON are japa retreats. Both in Europe and the US tare retreats where one can get the opportunity to exclusi

focus on chanting without any other activity. Under

guidance of qualied instructors one can learn much abou

glories and practice of the Holy Name and relish its sweet

in great Krsna conscious association. It may cost a little

what can be said about the value of anything that can b

us closer to better chanting and a greater appreciation for

precious mercy of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu.


Copyright © 2011 Hari-Nama Press

All rights reserved. No part of this newsletter may be

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in any form, by any means, including mechanical,

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without prior written consent of the publisher.

Hari-Nama Press gratefully acknowledges the BBT

for the use of verses, purports and photos fromSrila Prabhupada’s books. All such material are ©

Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International, Inc.

Designed by Tamal Krsna dasa

Edited by Lila Katha devi dasi

Photo of Bhakti Tirtha Swami: © 2005 Lawson Knight/

Laksmivan dasa ACBSP