Reflection technology: boon or bane?

Post on 06-Jul-2015

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Is Technology Boon or Bane?

Transcript of Reflection technology: boon or bane?

Our modern day today has been exposed to technology thus it is becoming a huge part of our daily life activities. Technology has variety of scope hence focuses more to teaching and learning process. Using technology as supplementary teaching device in the

instruction is a priority in most schools today. When teachers started to use computers in theclassroom, schools evaluate whether the use

of educational technology had a significant and consistent impact on the part of the student.

Majority of the students’ feedback

are about the blessings or

advantages that technology can

bring to everyone. But still, to have

a balance in nature, there will

always be a negative to

complement the positive.

Technology can also be a curse or

a boon to everyone. But the

question is, what are the

consequences of the use of

technology on relationships,

learning and life?

When people hear the word

“technology”, the first thing people

think are the computers. But we

should bear in mind the we should

not limit our idea of technology as

computers alone but consider the

other different types of technology

that can be used to improve

student learning. There are word

processing programs that

encourage communication and

writing skills, the use of

spreadsheet and database

software which help teachers in

mathematical calculations.

Ask Yourself: As students of the 21st

century can you consider Technology as a Blessing or a Curse?

In my case, during our class when we

see our teacher incorporating new

technology and trying new things, we

become more and more engaged and

interested in the discussion because

technology allows us to see the whole world

or we can even go to places even without a

cost. It also benefits us students because we

have choices and opportunities to explore

and share information to a greater extent

compared to the traditional classroom


Here are the list of the advantages that technology can bring to us


It is without question that the

introduction of a new medium of

instruction like technology would

have an enormous impact on the

traditional classroom.

Technology should be integrated as

a tool to promote and extend student

learning on a daily basis.

Technology use allows us to create,

problem solve, research,

collaborate, and interact globally.

We have the ability to learn and

express ourselves in our individual

learning style too.

When technology is introduced into

a classroom, things change.

Instruction through computers give

us more control over our learning

Students are too confused or

embarrassed to ask questions

because they don’t want to show

their ignorance but with

individualized computer

instruction, students can always

immediately request help if

something is unclear. Computers

in classroom help to make it more

interactive. They are extremely

effective with the struggling

learners because they have

unlimited patience. The computer

can also be used to educate the

smarter students who easily get

bored in a traditional classroom

since they reach their goal faster.

With computers, students that

finish a unit can go to the next one

Technology has completely changed mankind in many different ways. Most of them are through integration in the instruction or the so called

“Educational Technology”. There is the development of skills and capabilities through the use of personal computers, online video, the World

Wide Web and others. The technology can allow a great development of the class, because we can find information for class activities, also play

videos, listen to recordings and so on . The use of video, audio, and computers in the classroom also helps us better understand and listen and

improve our English speech. If we give good use of this technology can help us learn in a more dynamic and easy.

Technology in the classroom improve the teaching and learning process because we students become more engage in activities that are presented. Many students find school tiresome and technology gains the attention of

youth leading to a higher degree of motivation. When students daily activities are so repetitive, technology recaptures their interest and pulls

them back into learning in a more interesting manner.

Before, students had to visit the library and sort through books to search for information. Now, through technology, we can gather all needed knowledge instantly; with the internet, we can accumulate more information quickly and efficiently because we have variety of resources while teachers can incorporate more into their lesson plans.

When students are using technology as a tool or a support for communicating with others, they are in an active role rather than the passive role of recipient of actively making choices about how to generate, obtain, manipulate, or display information. Technology use allows many more students to be actively thinking about information, making choices, and executing skills than is typical in teacher-led lessons. Moreover, when technology is used as a tool to support students in performing authentic tasks, the students are in the position of defining their goals, making design decisions, and evaluating their progress.

In my opinion I think the advantages concerning computer technology in the classroom outweigh the disadvantages. Computer technology is a positive supplement to bridge the gap between education and the technological world in which we live. It promotesindependent learning to most students and appears to be more fun and lively.

The use of smart phones are helping us to translate any word that we cannot understand, in a short time.

I've also seen kids helping each other a lot at the computer. The ones that pick it up faster, they love teaching it to someone that doesn't know it yet. -

-Fifth-grade teacherThe ones who have used it from the beginning have become peer

coaches. --Fifth-grade teacher

We can notice that students' ability to collaborate and interact with one another can be further enhanced through the use of the software

applications from the computer.

It's a much more facilitating atmosphere because the kids help each other so much on the computer. It changes the style and the tone of the

classroom a lot. --Elementary school teacher

Another advantage of new technology information can be presented in such a large variety of ways (visually, orally, differently sized fonts, and different colors) that almost any type of learner can benefit and learn through the new technologies. The internet and other forms of technology give students access to a huge wealth of knowledge that previously was not as accessible to students.

Technology, especially the internet, allows for equality within education. The information and the technology that students use are available for everyone, they just have to go get it. Of course, this is referring more to the use of the internet because certain educational technologies are too expensive for less fortunate people to afford access to.

Distance Learning is also one product of technology which has a big impact on the part of both the teacher as well as students. This helps us in our busy schedules, freedom to work at home on our own time. It also helps to

decrease paper and photocopying costs, promoting concept of “Go Green Project"

In the past when students had to use type-writers or hand write their papers, they would have to re-copy

their whole essay if they made a mistake. Now, editing of written works is possible and we can digitally

modify our papers while reducing our frustration by decreasing the amount of time spent with this task.

Although there are many advantages to technology in the classroom there have been testimonies as to whether technology is what is doing all the work and not the students.

There is a loss of communication skills and the ability for people to interact with each other. Since a fairly large amount of the new technology is made for an independent uses there are valid concerns about the loss of interpersonal and cooperation skills that students usually develop within a classroom setting.

In our case, some of students in lower income situations do not have as much access to modern technology.They can’t access even the more common technologies such as a computer on a regular basis because it costs a lot.

Because information can be accessed quickly and displayed through multiple mediums through the use of the Internet, there are fears that students might not remember information because they can now look it up elsewhere. We are somewhat losing the basic knowledge and reading skills because we become more dependent on the information we can get.

The technology in the classroom can be a distraction for students, that decentralizes its attention to social networks and othersespecially when the technology used isn’t related to the class or when teachers use it without having anything to do with the topic that is being developed . Also the technology does not allow students interact and relate with their peers, making it not can realize a group learning process.

Some of my teenage learners equate the use of social media and

blogging with something that is done with their friends, and not

something that is done with their teachers as part of the curriculum.

Some learners from less-privileged backgrounds might feel left out and

inferior. They might not be as familiar with certain online platforms and

styles of games because they do not have easy access to a computer or a

game at home. They might not have a smart phone and have to share a


Some learners simply don’t have the time to participate outside

of classroom hours. Class participation is extremely hard to maintain

under such circumstances.

So we know that we can’t force students to use or participate in the use

of these digital tools.

With the advent of technology in the classroom, teacher’s role changes as well. Teachers become “coaches” and less as lecturers. They become facilitators and spend more time individualizing their instruction. As a result, students are given much more individual attention due to the nature of some technologies.

Classrooms with the use of technology have students with positive attitudes, and a greater inclination to learn, and an increase in student achievement too.

At the end of the day, perhaps the

issue is not whether to use

technology in the classroom or not.

Or is it truly a blessing or a curse?

For what really matters is the way we

use it, the context that we use it in,

and the learners who we use it for. If

we use them properly for better result

then it is a blessing but if we abuse or

misuse them, they become a curse.

Technology has many

advantages when it’s used

for the development of the

class, but also, it has a

disadvantage when it isn’t

used in this, because it

distracts us and impede us

learning. But I think that there

are more on the positive side

because it is very important

and useful for all class of

people, it is portable and

with many applications that

serve as help to the persons.