Reflection from the Pastor...April 16, 2014 Requests for Baptism: The Session approved the following...

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Transcript of Reflection from the Pastor...April 16, 2014 Requests for Baptism: The Session approved the following...

MAY 1, 2014

Reflection from the Pastor:


When it comes to a big event or celebration, it seems that we are better at anticipation than we are at savoring. Maybe it is a cultural thing; maybe it is the fast pace of modern life. We put a lot into getting ready for something … Christmas, Easter, Derby, a family wedding or anniversary. But once it’s over, we are ready to move on to whatever is next. We are not so good,

I think at the art of savoring – taking time to look back on the celebration, to reflect on its meaning, to rehearse in our minds the moments of beauty and joy, to go over the images of the event in our minds so that it becomes part of long-term memory. The church’s liturgical year (aka the “church calendar”) has two major seasons of anticipation and savoring. Advent and Lent are the weeks in which we prepare to celebrate the mysteries of incarnation and redemption. But both Christmas and Easter are followed by seasons in which we are invited to mull over the meaning of what we have celebrated. The “Twelve Days of Christmas” (the time on the calendar, not the song!) and the season of Epiphany draw us more deeply into the wonder of Christ’s birth. The season of “Eastertide” draws us into deeper reflection on the meaning of Christ’s resurrection. Eastertide is the fifty days between Easter and Pentecost (this year, June 8). When my local lectionary group discussed the texts for these weeks, someone reminded us of a poem by Wendell Berry, “Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front.” Here are a few lines: So, friends, everyday do something that won’t compute. Love the Lord. Love the world. Work for nothing. Take all that you have and be poor. Love somebody who does not deserve it…. Ask the questions that have no answers. Invest in the millennium. Plant sequoias…. Practice resurrection. (from New and Collected Poems, Berkeley, Counterpoint, p. 173) During Eastertide this year, I invite you to join me in thinking about all the things we might do to “practice resurrection.” Our gospel texts will invite us to practice things like forgiveness, building and being community, reaching out and going deeper. Resurrection is too much to take in all at once. The good news that life is stronger than death, that hope triumphs over cynicism and despair, that we are loved in life and in death and in life beyond death – all of this takes time to internalize. A lifetime, actually. Christ is Risen! Blessed Eastertide! – Cynthia M. Campbell, Pastor

A Thank You to Holy Week Prayer and Lunch Leaders

A special thank you to the guest leaders of our Noontime Prayer Services during Holy Week: Christine Coy-Fohr, David Hester, and Emma Nickel. A big thanks to those who generously prepared lunches that followed each day’s service: Karen and Carol Davies (with recipes from Colleen Appling), Susan Helm, Todd Brown, JC Compton, Edith Etheridge, Ginny Cromer, and Barbara Jones. You all made the week’s journey toward Easter more meaningful with the gifts you offered the congregation. Another special thank you to Ann Stewart Anderson for her unique design of the quilted banner sewn by Sue Miller, and to John Miller for his carpentry skills. Your artistry is a celebration of the Easter Season. Thank you!

Join us in Worship – 11:00 a.m. on May 18th !

During worship, we’ll recognize our 5th graders who will be transitioning into youth programs this summer! We’ll also thank our Sunday School teachers in worship. Members of each Sunday School class will also participate in worship! Please plan to attend this worship as we thank God for our amazing opportunities to learn at Highland!

Join us for

CE Saturday at the Church! Everyone is invited for CE Saturday at the Church on May 31st! On this day, we’ll evaluate our 2013-2014 school year and begin to think about what the next school year will look like! We’ll brainstorm ways to improve our ministry and our education opportunities! Come for all or part of the day (even if you don’t currently serve on a CE committee!)

This is the schedule for the day: 9:00-11:30 – Adult Committee, Children’s Committee

11:30-1:00 – Lunch together, intergenerational brainstorming 1:00-3:30 Youth Committee

Babysitting can be provided from 9:00-1:00 if you RSVP to Doodle by noon on Thursday, May 29th!

Festival of Faith

May 13-18 at Actor’s Theater of Louisville The theme of this year‘s festival is Sacred Earth, Sacred Self. We will host guided meditations in the Buddhist practice each morning with Gerardo Abboud of Argentina. Patrick Holden, the advisor to the Prince of Wale’s International Sustainability Unit will be joining us to discuss the Sustainable Food Trust. Wendell Berry and Gary Snyder will participate in a panel discussion. For more information and to purchase tickets see the website at

Tween Camp There is still room in our Tween Camp for 3 more chil-dren who have completed 3rd-5th grade! The dates are June 26th-28th! Right now, we have 5 tweens signed up to partici-pate! Please contact Doodle Harris for more information at or call the office at 451-2910!

Deacons Notes

Visitation– We arranged for visitors and food delivery for those in our congregation who are undergoing surgery or treatment for cancer as they’ve requested. We also reached out to those who have recently lost loved ones.

Widow/Widower Gatherings – We have announced times for widowers (May 6th, 3:00, Memorial Lounge) and widows (May 4th, 2:00, Memorial Lounge) to meet in May to discuss forming support groups.

Divorce Support Group – Doodle is collecting names and contact information from those in our congregation interested in participating in a Divorce support group.

Homebound Communion – We will serve homebound communion on June 1st. If you know of anyone who would like to receive communion on the 1st who does not currently receive, please let Doodle know.

Healing and Wholeness Service – Deacons will put together a Healing and Wholeness service for the congregation on Thursday, June 19th at 6:30 p.m.

“Children” at Home – This Summer, the deacons will contact everyone in our data base who are listed as “Children” living at home who are over the age of 25. We hope to get more accurate contact information for these members that we suspect are no longer living with their parents.

Session Summary April 16, 2014

Requests for Baptism: The Session approved the following requests for baptism:

Reagan Bryn Roberson, daughter of Mandy and Aaron Roberson, May 11, 2014.

Grant Benjamin Gahan, son of Clay and Sara Gahan, May 18, 2014.

Christian Education: The Session voted to allow the confirmands to serve communion at the Easter Sunrise Ser-vice.

The Session approved the use of a parable-based curriculum for our Kindergarten-5th graders this summer. Rev. Harris will be writing the curriculum and it will focus on familiarizing the kids with the parables, helping them be-gin to systematize Jesus’ teaching based on these parables, and will result in them producing a calendar. Pre-schoolers will continue using the current curriculum they are using through the summer months.

Stewardship: The Session amended the name of the Stewardship and Member Involvement Committee to Stew-ardship.

Commissioners: The following people were selected as commissioners to the next Presbytery meeting to be held on May 12, 2014: Rob Fohr, Rachel Lacer, and Carol Pye.


May 4 9:30-Cohen/Brantley & Kuntz/Harshaw families

11:00-Foshee Family

May 11 9:30-Pam Osborne—11:00-Connally Family

May 18 9:30-Ward/Barber Family—11:00-Gambrell Family

May 25 11:00-Betty Smith


May 4 9:30-Mary Ellen Harned—11:00 Carol Toner

May 11 9:30-Diana Robinson—11:00 Tom Howell

May 18 9:30-Tom Owen—11:00 CE Team Member

May 25 11:00 Betsy Foshee

Family Day at KY Kingdom!

Let’s have a fun family day of fellowship at

KY Kingdom Theme Park! When: Saturday, June 21 (Meet at park at 10:45am, park opens at 11am) Who: Families and friends of HPC, Kids, Parents and Grandparents alike! (Note: there are no chaperones on this trip, a parent or guardian is required for all youth and children) Price: Group rate of $29.95/per person (children under 2 are free) (Price includes rides, water park and shows, lunch not included) Please pay at church office by June 13th. RSVP: Kathy in the church office – 451-2910.

Deadline to RSVP is June 1, 2014

Community Friday in May In May, Community Friday will meet at Flanagan’s Ale House at 934 Baxter Ave. on Fridays from 5:30 to 8pm. Babysitting is available between those times (if no children arrive by 7pm, babysitters are sent home).

Come join us for dinner, stop for a drink, and share in the great conversations and friendly community. NOTE: We will not gather on May 2, Oaks Day. For more info: Rev. Matt Nickel – or 451-2910.

Women’s Book Group A Women’s Book Group has been organized for women who love to read [or listen to] a great book and then talk about it. At the April organizational meeting, we decided to meet the second Wednesday of every month from 10:00 am until noon, beginning May 14, 2014, in Memorial Lounge. [This is the room with comfy couches in the HPC educational building] Using the Highland Avenue entrance, the room is on the left at the bottom of the stairs. The Women’s Book Group is intentionally informal. Come in your comfortable clothes and, if you like, bring a morning beverage with you. As we share our thoughts about the “book of the month” and related issues, it is probable we will better know ourselves and others. You may have read several books on the list of 2014 books and only want to attend meetings when those books will be discussed. Or, you may teach school and only attend meetings this summer. Or, you may live elsewhere part of the year. It is understood very few busy women will be free to attend every Women’s Book Group meeting. If you have questions about the Women’s Book Group please email the co-coordinators - Sharon Harless and/or JC Compton BOOKS The Women’s Book Group WILL READ IN 2014 May 14th: The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shafer & Annie Barrows June 11th: Gilead: A Novel by Marilynne Robinson July 9th: Bel Canto by Ann Patchett August 13th: The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid: A Memoir by Bill Bryson September 10th: The Other Side of Yesterday by Kenn Grimes October 8th: Wesley the Owl: The Remarkable Story of an Owl and His Girl by Stacey O’Brien November 12th: Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain December 10th: [NO BOOK] A Literary Potluck Brunch at Jean’s to choose 2015 Books.

Church Kickball League Come join the kickball fun! All families are welcome to join our team (cheerleaders are also wel-come). At present, the league is unsure of time and location. Once both are established, the updated information will appear in our Sunday bulletin.

To join the team contact Rev. Matt Nickel - 451-2910

Children's Music Ministry to RESUME

on Wednesday, September 3!!

First, thanks goes to the congregation for the support of this program, to the parents who so ably assisted the Directors, and mainly to the children who participated! We had a wonderful year. We sang for the Hymnal Dedication Sunday, Christmas Family Worship, Palm Sunday, and the Spring Celebration, PLUS many Sunday worship services. Our church was full of children learning to be worship leaders... being proud of their role. Our planning will soon begin during the summer for the Fall 2014. You will be receiving info about the groups and ages in the bulletin and newsletter. If you have further questions, please contact Frank Heller at or 502-451-3625.


All youth and adults are welcome!!!

Rehearsals begin at 9:30 a.m. in the Choir Room each Sunday morning. There is a break from 10:30 - 10:50 a.m. for coffee and fellowship.

The choir leads worship at 11 a.m.

This is designed for those who desire to sing in a choir but cannot commit to the schedule of the Youth & Adult Choirs. There are no robes. Each week we start afresh with a new anthem, etc.

Summer Choir will lead worship each Sunday through August 17.

Come sing in the summertime!!!

GOSPEL CHOIR LEADS WORSHIP ON SUNDAY, JUNE 29!!! Rehearsals are June 8 from 4 - 5 and June 22 from 4 - 6 p.m. in the Sanctuary.

Please contact Frank Heller at 500-3625 or to sign up to sing. All youth and adults are welcome!!! Be a part of this exciting ensemble!!!

TUNE IN to WUOL, 90.5 FM on Thursday, May 8 at 11:00 am to hear Daniel Gilliam interview Jack Ashworth

about his upcoming recital which will be held here at HPC on May 18. In addition to the interview, you will hear early music performed by Jack, as well as the other 2 performers who will join Jack in this recital. Dallas and Edie Tidwell, members of this congregation, say that "We are proud to have served as colleagues with Jack Ashworth at UofL for almost 35 years. No one enjoys sharing music making with others more than Jack. His performances, no matter the genre, are informative, authentic, passionate and invigorating. He is truly a pied piper!"

Presbyterian Union Please join us in welcoming Dr. Randall Dills of the University of Louisville who will be presenting on the history of Ukraine at 11:30 am Tuesday, May 6, at Vincenzo’s Courtyard Room, 105 South 5th Street. RSVP to Ann Schell, 894-8440 or

Birthday Offering Received on Mother’s Day – May 11 This year’s recipient of the Presbyterian Women’s Birthday Offering is the Blue Corn Mothers Advocacy Center in Albuquerque, NM. The Blue Corn Mothers Alliance provides a range of services for Albuquerque’s Native American women who have experienced domestic violence. This multifaceted program offers advocacy, crisis intervention, health, counseling and education services; and referrals for legal and shelter services to Native American women and children who have suffered domestic violence.

This program is the only one in the Albuquerque area that offers domestic violence counseling with a focus on Native American cultural sensitivity. Research shows that Native American women are more likely to experience intimate partner violence than non-Native women. More than one in three Native women will be raped in her life, and 39% of Native women experience domestic violence in some form. At least 70% of the violent incidents and a full 86% of reported rapes are perpetrated by non-Native people, suggesting that they are taking advantage of the reservation’s lack of jurisdiction over non-Native people.

Through a Birthday Offering gift, this program, currently run one day a week by volunteers out of La Mesa Presbyterian Church, will be staffed five-days-a-week. The money received will be leverage, allowing them to compete for funding locally from the City of Albuquerque and nationally, from the Department of Justice and the Administration for Children and Families. Blue Corn Alliance hopes that these additional sources of funding can help open a shelter.

The actual grant amount will depend on monies received in 2014. The 2014 goal is $500,000 nationally. We ask that you give as you have been blessed, generously and as led by the Holy Spirit. You may make your gifts through your PW group, or through the church by writing a check made out to Highland Presbyterian Church with “Birthday Offering” written on the memo line. To learn more about the Birthday Offering, visit

I Must be NUTS, too! Who’s Teaching Who?

(From the NUTS series: Nicaragua Under The Skin) by Lloyd Croft

The sun hadn’t risen yet, but the women of the village had. The smoke from their cookfires woke us. The dirt floor of the house muted the early morning stirrings of our host family. A few houses down a radio clicked on and the sounds of a dance band finally forced my wife and I off our cot. After serving us a hot cup of coffee, our host, Simon Chavez, returned with a neighbor wanting to meet the “strangers”. Through hand signals and basic Spanish we understood that the neighbor was inviting us to join him for a cup of coffee. We made the quick decision that accepting would make us late for the rendezvous with our HPC group. We declined the invitation, citing a lack of time. The neighbor’s face stared back in confusion. Senor Chavez mumbled something and shrugged his shoulders. It was only after talking with the American missionary working with HPC that we realized how rudely we’d behaved. Not only had we refused a gesture of hospitality, but we’d done it for a reason incomprehensible to most Nicaraguans: not enough TIME. Time is all they have. I’m not even sure they use the phrase “I don’t have enough time” in Spanish! In Mirazul building relationships is always the priority over punctuality. The lesson about the priority of relationships followed me home. And I’m happy to report that on my re-turn trip to Mirazul, I “found the time” to visit over a second cup of coffee.

Duncan Kirk Update

Duncan Kirk has been in the Philippines since September 2013, serving as a Young Adult Volunteer

for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Duncan has a blog you can find at Here is a report he posted in March telling about the earthquake that hit Bohol, where he engaged in relief work before Typhoon Haiyan struck. You can also find Duncan on Facebook at Duncan Tim Duncan Kirk where you can connect with him and see photos from the Philippines.

Bohol: The Buildup Bohol is perhaps the most beautiful island that I’ve spent time on. A largely rural island, it is described as one of the Philippines “Rice Bowls” because of its large production of rice. For natural beauty, it really doesn’t get much better or diverse than Bohol. There are many resorts, and great diving, which is common on many islands, but there also fantastic beaches, scenic mountains, winding rivers, and rice terraces. The sites it is most famous for are the Chocolate Hills, which are coral formations from when Bohol was just a volcanic hunk of land. These hard-ened coral formations were gradually eroded until they turned into picturesque sloping hills, and, from both near and far, these steep hills covered with long grass look like little Hershey’s kisses. There are thousands of them in the interior of Bohol, and they are one of the biggest attractions in the Philippines. The other major draw is the sanctuary for the Tarsier, a tiny animal somewhere between rodent and monkey that is nocturnal and has giant eyes and a miniscule body. They are “so cute”, and another popular attraction in the Philippines. In this rural and natural tropical paradise, the first of the two big autumn calamities occurred. In mid-October, I woke up early and got to work so I could ride with my co-workers to a town about an hour south of Ma-nila for an event at a Catholic church. On the way there, the radio in the van we were in was turned on, and turned really far up, and in between the Tagalog and typical radio special effects I heard the words “Bohol”, “earthquake”, and the number “7.2”. It was early in the morning, and my brain was moving pretty slowly, so I was trying to put it all together. I also wondered how frequent things like this were. The Philippines really is kind of located in a perfect storm area of the world. It’s super hot here all the time, but it also rains ferociously, which means floods are com-mon, as are the typhoons which we now know can be particularly deadly. It’s the easternmost country in this area of the world, which means storms from the Pacific hit all over the eastern part of the islands. It is also right on the fault line of the Pacific tectonic plate, and is part of the Ring of Fire. Seismic activity is pretty common, as is vol-canic. Many of the islands were formed by volcanic blasts, like in Hawaii, and there was a recent blast in the early 90s from Mount Pinatubo on Luzon which was not unlike the Mount St. Helens blast that ruined the Pacific North-west in the US. There was also an earthquake of a similar Richter level in the early 90s, also near Bohol. Shoot, when I look at it like that, it seems that the Philippines really drew the short straw on things that weather and the earth can do to it. I’ve never had to deal directly with anything like this, as Kentucky usually gets pretty “normal” weather. It’s never really too hot, or too cold, or too snowy or rainy or anything. I mean we have storms and things, but it sel-dom is anything that I can point to and say “Kentucky is really suffering”, because usually someplace else got what-ever it is worse. I also got a proposition that weekend by Cobbie and Dessa to do a Lebron and “take my talents to Tabila-ran”. I thought that sounded great-I had had very little to do in Manila for the first month, and being in the big city alone was kind of bumming me out after spending the first month hopping around the Visayas, meeting new peo-ple, and hanging with my YAV girls, Cobbie, and Dessa. A chance to go to this rural and beautiful island, to get a chance to see a new place and meet new people, and to basically have a two-week personal mission trip sounded great to me. I had spent 3 weeks at a computer sending emails in an office-I wanted a chance to do some physical labor, get my hands dirty, and really feel like I was making a difference with every brick of rubble I cleared away and every new temporary structure I erected for the refugees. The reality was so different it would be an UNDER reaction to scoff and laugh at the naïve, ahead-of-himself YAV Duncan of late October 2013.

DIVORCE SUPPORT GROUP – Divorce is a difficult time in the life of anyone. How do we reorganize our life and search for new identity? How do we relate to others whose families are not as visibly broken? How do we find our place and our way in the

church? If you are interested in joining a divorce support group at Highland, please contact Doodle by phone or e-mail. All inquiries will be kept confidential.

WIDOWS AND WIDOWERS – HPC Deacons are considering putting together a group that meets at the church just for you. This group may be a support group or a fellowship group, but it would be specifically be for people who have lost a spouse. Once we meet together, we talk about different options for the group. If you might be interested in joining one of these groups (or know someone who might benefit from coming), please join us for one of these meeting times:

Widows – Sunday, May 4th at 2:00 p.m. in the Memorial Lounge Widowers – Tuesday, May 6th at 3:00 p.m. in the Memorial Lounge

STITCH Give-a-Day Build During Give-a-Day week a carpentry crew built some new shelves for STITCH for better storage, organization and use. Wow, it looks good!

A special thank you to Lloyd Croft and Steve Cross for planning the build, and Marty Jones, Terry Fontinot, Bruce Bergmann, and Doug Slagle for building shelves!

Habitat for Humanity Build in June The annual Presbyterian House build will be a rehab in Crestwood. Save the date for June 19, 20, and 21. Volunteer details coming soon. For more information contact Andrew Robinson at


General Assembly

The Highest Governing body of the Presbyterian Church (USA) – General Assembly - is meeting in Detroit Michigan June 14th-21st! The Assembly acts on hundreds of items of business, which it receives through the re-ports and recommendations of various assembly entities, and through overtures from synods and presbyteries. Each presbytery elects commissioners and advisory delegates to participate in the business of the Assembly. This year, Highland is fortunate enough to have two people attending General Assembly as a commissioner

and as a young adult advisory delegate: Carol Pye is the Ruling Elder Commissioner for Mid-Kentucky Presbytery. At Highland, she co-chairs the Worship Team and coordinates our Healing and Wholeness Service. In the past, she’s also chaired the presbytery’s Commission on Church Administration. She is currently participating in the Certificate Program for Christian Spiritual Formation through the Center for Lifelong Learning at Columbia Seminary. She is also the wife of Charlie and mother of Leah. Will Owens was selected as Mid-Kentucky’s Young Adult Advisory Delegate. Will is an elder from Highland Presbyterian Church

where he has served on the Youth committee and the Property committee. Will will graduate from Western Kentucky University this month with a major in Broadcast Journalism. Next year, he plans to begin a Master’s Degree in Sports Administration at Georgia State University. Will’s sister, Ami, is also a member of Highland Presbyterian Church. Both Carol and Will will be commissioned from Highland Presbyterian Church at the 11:00 worship service on May 25th. Please keep them in your prayers as they prepare for General Assembly.

Thank you to the children’s committee, the High Schoolers, and the Sunday School teachers who assisted with the Easter Egg Hunt! Here are some pictures…

Gifts have been given in memory of Virginia Costel by Mary Beth Wallace; Maude and Walt Baker; Michelle

Gargotto; Laura Cullinane; Ann and Stewart Cobb; Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Louis; Publishers Printing Co; Wyatt, Tarrant, and Combs; Ann and Stewart Cobb; Sara and Robert Shaw; Baptist Health Hospital; and Barbara Collins. Gifts have been given in memory of Ann Nelson by Katherine Jones; Deming, Malone, Livesay, & Ostroff; and Pat Peterson. Gifts have been given in memory of Rebecca Raymond Ellison by Art and Ginny Cromer; and Bill and Marcia Murphy. A gift has been given in memory of Ann Letson by Mary Clyde Hardin.

Vacation Bible School

The dates for Vacation Bible School are July 15th – 18th! Registrations are being accepted through May 31st!

Registration forms are available in the Welcome Centers or by e-mailing Doodle! Parents and youth, please let Doodle know if you are available/willing to help!

Children in Worship Webinar Thursday, May 1st from 2:00-3:30 p.m. Join the children’s committee and worship committee in the Fel-lowship Hall as we listen to experienced Presbyterian Christian Educator Carolyn Brown. The presentation is titled “Children in the Sanctuary” and will cover the following:

Babysitting is provided in the Children’s Wing.

Sunday School – Our last Sunday School of the school year will be May 18th! There will be no Sunday school

on May 25th, but we’ll resume children’s Sunday School June 1st! For the summer, children who have completed Kindergarten – Children who have completed 5th grade will have Sunday School in the chapel! Children aged 3 – 5 will have Sunday School in the Pre-School Classroom in the Children’s Wing! If you’d like to sign-up to teach Sunday School this summer, please e-mail Doodle or use this link:

Sunday School Assistants for May are: May 4th – Amanda Boyd; May 11th – Dana Cohen;

May 18th – Angie Moore

Bible Buddies Help – Please use this sign-up or call Doodle if you’re available to help out with Bible

Buddies this summer! We only have a few dates left:

End-of-the-Year Gatherings!

Each Children’s Sunday School Class and choirs will have an end-of-the-year gathering! Families are en-couraged to attend these gatherings as well! Children should receive an invitation in the mail with more details. Below is a list of those gatherings:

Preschool and Joyful Noise Gathering – May 18th from 4:00-5:00 at the home of Angie

Moore and Michael Schnuerle. “Play and Popsicles” The address is 1515 Goddard Ave. Please RSVP to Angie –

Kindergarten-1st grade and Angel Choir Gathering – May 18th from 3:00-5:00 in Warheim

Park! It’s a play date! Park at the home of Monica and Kevin Goudy (1858 Overlook Terrace). Please RSVP to Monica –

2nd Grade and Chapel Choir Gathering – Friday, June 13th from 2:00-4:00. We’ll walk across

the Big 4 bridge and enjoy some time for fellowship! RSVP to Patricia Connally –

3rd-5th grades and Lyric Choir Gathering – Sunday, June 1st at the playground of Joe Creason

Park, across from the Louisville Zoo! It’s a play date! Please RSVP to Rebecca Wood –

Catch the vision: why children should be in worship;

Learn to read Scripture, preach, pray and sing in ways that draw in children;

Discover how to teach worship education to the whole congregation;

Gain tips on how to help parents catch and share the vision.

Youth Group does not meet in May, but be on the lookout throughout the summer for kick-off events in


Senior Pitch-in May 18th at 6:00 p.m.– All High Schoolers, Families of Seniors, and anyone else who just

loves our High School seniors are invited to this Pitch-in at 6:00 in the PM Dining Room. The church will provide dessert and drinks. Please bring food to share. We’ll stay about an hour, have dinner, watch a slide-show of the lives and times of our seniors at Highland, and have a time for blessing them.

Trips for Summer Dates – Please pray for our youth as they travel this summer. High School Montreat is

June 8-14th (we are taking 37 youth and 7 adults). Middle and High School Mission and Rafting Trip – June 29th-July 3rd (we are taking 18 youth and 4 adults) Middle School Montreat – July 23rd – 27th (we are taking 10 youth and 2 adults)

Bible Buddies Assistants in May: May 4th – Kennedy Nodler; May 11th – Evan Holmes; May 18th – Lucy Fitzgerald; May 25th – Patrick Grohmann

2014-2015 Confirmation Class – May 4th at 12:15— If your child is in the 8th grade next year,(or older)

please plan to attend this meeting on Sunday, May 4th to discuss the time for Confirmation class next year. We’ll meet in the Confirmation Classroom in YMMC (Classroom #1). If you cannot attend, please send Doodle your preferences about when the class meets.

Mission trip and Rafting Trip – May 18th at 5:00 – Everyone who is going, please plan to attend as

Doodle will give more information about exact itinerary, expectations, etc. We’ll meet in the Youth Lounge.

High School Montreat participants – June 1st at 12:15 – Please plan to attend especially if this is your

first trip to High School Montreat. Bring your lunch if you wish. After the meeting, anyone who wishes is welcome to hang around and decorate the journals and help tie-dye the t-shirts. We’ll meet in the Fellowship Hall.

Church Clean-up

Thank you to the youth who helped out with March’s Church clean-up during Youth Group!

“Each second we live is a new and unique moment of the universe, a moment that will

never be again. And what do we teach our children? We teach them that two and two make four, and that Paris is the capital of France. When will we also teach them what they are? We should

say to each of them: Do you know what you are? You are a marvel. You are unique. In all the years that have passed, there has never been another child like you. Your legs, your arms, your clever

fingers, the way you move. You may become a Shakespeare, a Michelangelo, a Beethoven. You have the capacity for anything.”

-Pablo Casals

It has been a wonderful year at the Highland Pres. Nursery and Weekday School! We are so thankful that,

in a city where there are numerous options for young children, so many families have selected Highland Pres. We value the power of play, and know that building relationships is the most important work of young children, and that it takes time. As Pablo Casals wrote, young children do have the capacity for anything and we rejoice with them each time they achieve a new goal, whether it is discovering their toes for the

first time, climbing the stairs or riding a tricycle on our playground; each success is met with joy and the realization of what growing, changing, intelligent creatures children truly are. The children teach us daily to slow down, to listen closely, to notice the little things, that singing al-

ways improves our mood and shaving cream isn’t just for shaving. We are honored to be invited to accompany so many children on their journeys of growth. In the past month we held our annual Family Fun Night, singing and dancing to familiar songs performed by our parents, created some lovely weavings on the church patio, and marched in our own sweet version of a Derby Parade. We hope that, if you have a young child in your life who would enjoy our program, you will give us a call. We still have a few openings and would love to have some new friends to join the fun! What a wonderful community we have here at Highland Pres.!

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


1:00 Bridge


*No Chancel

Choir Rehearsal

2 Oaks Day Church Offices-







2:00 Widows Gath-


5 6 3:00 Widowers


5:00 Property



6:30 CITW


7:30 Chancel

Choir Rehearsal

& Dessert Night

9 Kickball TBA

5:30 Community


10 8-Noon HPC

Work Day



1:00 Presbytery-

Cedar Ridge

7:00 WINGS-

Jean Jones


5:45 Personnel

7:00 Knit Wits


9:30 HPC

Women’s Book


7:00 Worship



12:00 Steward-


16 Kickball TBA

5:30 Community



18 3:00 Arts on the


Ashworth &


5:00 Fellowship


6:00 Senior Night



10:30 Stephen


7:00 Women’s




3:00 Circle 7-

Treyton Oak


6:00 Finance

21 5:00 Presbyte-

rian Game

6:30 Dinner for


their families, &

the Session

6:30 Session


5:30 Deacon


23 Kickball TBA

5:30 Community







Service Only

at 11:00 am

26 Memorial

Day Church Offices


27 28

29 30

Kickball TBA

5:30 Community



Christian Educa-

tion Saturday:

9:00 Adult &



11:30 Lunch

1:00 Youth


May 2014 Sundays

9:30 Worship, Sunday School Classes No Sunday School Classes on May 18 & 25 11:00 Worship

Wednesdays 5:00 Weekly Prayer Group

Tuesdays & Wednesdays 10:00 STITCH

Thursdays 7:00 Men’s Breakfast 12:45 KRM Book club 7:30 Chancel Choir Rehearsal * See May 1

President Emerita, Cynthia M. Campbell honored

Chicago, Illinois – April 15, 2014 – “Cynthia’s ministry here

developed a culture of excellence,” says McCormick’s

President Frank M. Yamada. “Because of her witness and

leadership, more women today see themselves as guiding the

emerging church.” Indeed, Dr. Campbell’s appointment paved

the way for more women and people of color to serve as

church leaders, including President Yamada, McCormick’s

tenth president and first Asian-American president of a PC

(USA) seminary.

On February 20, 2014, McCormick held a special ceremony to

unveil a portrait of President Emerita, Cynthia M. Campbell.

Rev. Dr. Campbell served for sixteen years as McCormick’s

ninth president, and first woman president.

The celebration began with a reception that invited back

former trustees, donors, and faculty members who had

worked closely with Dr. Campbell during her tenure. The

program included Dr. Ken Sawyer, professor of church history,

who presented a retrospective of McCormick’s leaders and

founders, highlighting Rev. Dr. Campbell’s vital role in

McCormick’s history.