REFF Workshops and Tutorials: slides, informations and software downloads

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of REFF Workshops and Tutorials: slides, informations and software downloads

FakePress is a next-step-publishing house.It does not produce any books. Our books are actually platforms for expression and they enable building: global, ubiquitous, multi-author, multi-perspective, emergent, open-ended, cross-medial narratives that can be accessed from bodies, objects, spaces, architectures, cities.


More info on the case studies can be found at:



The Ubiquitous Anthropology project was created as a result of ethnographic research carried out by Professor Massimo Canevacci in an aldeia, a Bororo village, near Merur located in the Brazilian region of Mato Grosso. Circumstances allowed a group of anthropologists to observe a rare and complex funeral ritual, in which the body of the dead person is buried and then exhumed after several weeks to be subjected to coloration, processing, and transformation.The Ubiquitous Anthropology project aims to surpass the limits of traditional ethnography by exploring new, plural forms of field research representation, taking advantage of innovative scenarios and technologies: location-based media, open-ended stories, and emerging narrative dynamics. The idea is to explore the configurations and potential of new publishing formats that consider the ever-increasing diffusion of mobile devices (such as the iPhone) that allow cross-media geo-tagging practices and therefore the possibility of exploiting (and publishing) media compositions of a various nature, linked to specific geographic coordinates.


Squatting Supermarkets uses augmented reality to break open the codes of commercial communication on the products we use every day. By taking a picture with your mobile phone to the logo of a product, individuas can contribute to a global, disseminated relational discourse on ecology, sustainablity and social responsibility issues of the things we eat, wear and use every day.

The logo gets recognized with computer vision techniques and is used as a fiducial marker that can be used by the Squatting Supermarkets application to create a discussion space onto which people can write their thoughts and interact with other individuals and groups.

An interpretative layer on top of reality where we can express ourselves, bypassing communication control strategies enacted by corporations and governments. Augmented Reality as a new space for self-expression.


Conference Biofeedback is a USB gadget that allows conference lecturers to receive physical stimulations and feedback coming from the audience.Are people interested in what youre saying?Are they bored?Now you can know.Lecturers can connect to their audience using their own bodies. Conference Biofeedbacks circuit are connected to an online application.People in the audience can use the applications interface to express their feelings about the conference.Everything goes smoothly for the lecturer if theyre happy and interested.If they happen to be bored, Conference Biofeedback triggers electrical stimulations (20V, just above human bodys natural impedence) with increasing current flow, rising proportionally to peoples boredom.An annoying alarm and light signals complete the feedback experience.Conference Biofeedback: a war on boring conferences and on unidirectional communication.Conference Biofeedback was presented for the first time at Planetary Collegiums 2009 annual conference Consciousness Reframed X: Behaving Media, Experiencing Design.

Atlas ofRome

The Atlas of Rome is a large scale architectural installation designed to transform urban surfaces into spaces for communication.Citizens can publish their visions on the city and tehse are aggregated and shown using expert systems that feed generative infoaesthetic representations. The installation can be interpreted as a form of expression of the multiple voices that produce reality in a city through their visions, desires and expectations.The Atlas has been further developed into a system called ConnectiCity in which real time processing of location based social interactions on the web create a participative communication that engages the city and the communication and information layers that contribute to its experience.

REFF, RomaEuropa FakeFactory& MACME cross media publishing

REFF, a fake institution enacting real cultural policies.Born from an art-activist action confronting contemporary power schemes to enact autonomous public, accessible policies for cultures, arts and creativity, REFF turned out to be a real, fake, institution with dozens of active projects all over the world.REFF is in a further stage in which education processes are the key to the appropriation of new languages for communication, information and expression, based on cross-media, ubiquitous technologies. These platforms (and FakePress' system MACME is one of them) are used as a new way to write on the world, creating layers of autonomous, emergent information and expression.

CoS Consciousness of Streams

A global publication creating a realtime map on the world.This publication by FakePress has more than 35000 authors who contributed more than 230000 emotional states that describe the map of emotions of more than 300 locations around the world.CoS has been also released as an open source software platform allowing people to create their collaborative, global, emergent, realtime, participative publications.


Knowners is a software platform that enables students, professors, researchers and anyone producing content, to create a knowledge visualization ecosystem.Content is automatically analyzed and published using infoaesthetic representations of its composition, highlighting things such as discussion topics, authors points of views, interrelatedness and relevance.



This is the general structure of the workshops:

1) the idea of fake as a tool to build reality

2) REFF project

3) FakePress

4) software platform case studies: KNOWNERS, CoS, MACME

5) build an ubiquitous narrative