REENBELT - Greenbelt News · Miss Jan...

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Transcript of REENBELT - Greenbelt News · Miss Jan...

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------~P=ub~l~is~h~ed~_t_v_er~y __ T_h_u_r_sd_a~y~-B~y __ T_h_e __ G_r_e_en_b_e_l~t __ C_o~op~e_r_a~tiv_e ___ P_u_b_li~~in~g~~A-~~~o~c~ia~t~io~n~.--~ln~c~ .. --~14~~P~ar~k~w~a~y~·--G~r~e~e~nb~e~lt~,--~Maryland Vol. Hi, No. 27 Greenbelt. Maryland. Thursday. February 21. 1952

GCS. Experi .. ents With New Pattern , For Membership Meeting on March 5

A major change in the pattern of ·acs an~ua:l m~ings is being plannt.:d for this , y~r's event scheduled for Wednesday evening,

. March 5. Chief criticisms in the past, according '00 board member Robert Mitchell, a member of the planning committee, have been that the me~-tingF- were too long, that ·reports overlapped, and that discussion from the floor all too freq~ently was monopolized !>y a few ind~viduals. ''Very definite steps.'' he said "are being taken to correct all these things."

Reporte from both l:Jhe board and the gener-~.1 · manager are being prune<;I in length by eliminating repetiti(Jlls material and keeping them br~ef and to the ·point. Mit<·h­,..u · menti.oned the ·tact that a large dock is being placed in the theatre to 'help keep the meeting within the rigid time table set up. It is Jilanned that registration will start a.t 8 pm. and that adjourn.­ment .W'ifl:l not be later :bhan 10 p.m.

In tile past, according to M'itdt­ell, diacuss!on foUowed immediate-

. ly after each T"''))rt. A3 a res-..rlt many pbirrts in the business ses­Si~n were not rea-:he'\d untu very l:l.te. Th avotd this danger, ques­tions kom the fioor are to be witl'l­held until . after the I!IIB.jOr portion of the business session. By ad­herinc tJo this Plan. everyone will have the opportunity to hear an of the reporis; , then· i·f <bhey w:i8h to

leave, they '""ill not be missing any important material.

"Others," he said. ··may wish to !mger after the -efrcshments to ask the board and manag('ment further questions on the year's op­eratio .. s." Commenting on the dis­cussion period which is sdwdLJled after e!ect!ons, Mitchell said that each one will be ask~ to limit himself to not more than 2 minutes to permit everyone an opportunity to speak. '£he dlairman will have a stop w-ct.cch to time each indi­vidual.

WitJh reference to the election of the hoard of directors, Mitchell pointed out that nominations are now op£n. "Any mcn1ber," he said, "may propose a candidate with the endorsement of two other mem­bers. All ncminations should be :;ubmito"~ to €ithcr Mrs. Opie Stage or the GCS office above the drug store. They must be ~eiv· erl at least six days in advance of the meeting."

Further notices of the meeting and the complete a.s-enda wiU be ma.iled within the next week to all members. Sutmning up the appro!lclling meeting, Mitchel stat­ed that every effort is being made to plan the type of meeting that should interest the memben~. He expressed hope that many menibers who have not attended past meeting3 will come to thta event, which is the most important in the Oo-op•s year.

,Lions Are Chartered; 100 Couples Attend

Left to right: St~n Provost~ Don Romer, Art P~kc3tt, uPres.'l'' Wil­liama, Ed Burgoon, Bob Lindeman, Ray Newltn, Andy O'Con~

"'Ihe newly organized Greenbelt Lions Club celebrated its Charter :Sight <111 Monday, Febl'U&ry 11 at ,the ~belt Post No. 136 of the Amerioall Legion.

Laure2, Hyattsvine, Suburban, Seat P'ieasant and Elast Gate Lions Clubs sponsored the new organi­zation an.! their presidents made nresentati'ons of flag, 1be.nner, gong and gavel to the new· club. Lion District Governor W. Pres­ton WiBiams }iresented the char­ter to Lion President Bob Linde­man~

· Midgets Tops Again The Midgets defeated NHS

66 to 26. P...ock was hi score wtth 19. TaYlor, 16. Seniors defeated Univers'i\.y Park 37 to 21, Moore boxing show!

Correction In t:he report of ambulance calls

in last week's story on the police department report, the figures shoUld :read: 116 answered by the

· ' Greenl>elt Rescue Squad, 22 by the pollee cruiser.

Drop·l•• Dala Members of' 1he Youth Center

held their annual Valentine's Dance Friday night, February 15, at the Center School in G::-~n.belt. The dance was held from 8:30 to 12 and music was by Mike Little­U:::t's Orchestra. There were cup awards for outstan<lling parents and members of the :month, enter­tainment, and the crowning of 1952 Sweetheart.

Mr. and Mrs. HE,nry Walter were the outstanding parents for the month and Miss Pearl Gold was the outstanding member.

:E}ntertainers were tha following members: Don Wal~er and Don Morrison, Ann Walker and Ronda Bibler, Charlie Thompson, Harold Reinf'lr and Norma Knauer.

C<owning of the Sweetht.-arts fol- · iOwed the entertainment. Miss Jan Andrusic, last year's Sweetheart crowned Mis£ Sandy Reamy from the junior group and Miss .Toanc Slaughter, 1; year's Sweetheart, crowned Miss Pat Arrington from the senior group.

The boys and girls did a beaut­See DROP-Illo.~, Page 3

What Goes On Honwmak•·rs Club • Feb 27 - '~

p.m ~wial P.oom • Art c:a..'<.; l>rop-Inn Parct:ts Guild · F··h

2:, - "::~.) p.m. - Llrop-lim Girl S1•out \\"orld Friend,.:hip

Day - Ft•b ::!4 - 4-;, p.m - c. 1:­

tt.•r Auditorium. C.:•nt«r School PTA - Fo:•h!<Ltr:-·

26 - R·~~) - Bacia! P..oom Spr-ak1•r nnd Ho·solutio!'1."

League of \\"omnt Vote-r.; - !··,.;, ~R • s p m. - Blar!,'nshur:.;- 1·:,­Pmentary school

GC::; board nwetinlt - l<'r-h :c··• -8 p.m. - GC~'S othc.-t.•.

Student Rt>dtal ' Pa!ro··r - :\[ar. ::! - .1, p.m. - Ct.•nt('·r Aud

Adult S•··wing CL'L.'ls • Tucs 1·n·.'·

• 7-10 p.m. - Gr••enbf'lt .Jr. Hi. Rm. 2

GCS memb.~rsh\p m~ting

Mar. 5, ~ p.m., GrN•n':><·lt Theatre.

Brotherhood Meet: Attended By 200

On Sunday night than 20() Greenb~lter.s attendoo th-e annun.l Brotherhood Meeting held in tlw center school aud'Horium. Four local s~kt>rs chal:lenged _til.- com­munity to promote better inter­group relations in Greenbt•lt.

Speaking on the theme "Build­ing Brotherhood in tirecnbelt," Mrs. Thomas Callanan dealt ""-ith the home, Allan I. Chotlner, the school, Martin Bickford, bu.sine-s..'!, R.nd the Reverend Edward H. Birn­er, th~ church..

The Boya' Choir of St. Hutgh's Catholic Churt,b and the Capital Wal'd Choir o! :the ChurcJl of Jesus Cbrh.1: o! Latter Day Saints ~ .Jev•·lal ~;_,•. Mn.. l:A.i·~·• Ckrrtng, SDiot.illt of the J'Wllll"Cw Congregation, the Hatik-.."!1. and '"Eli Eli," a Hebrew Lament.

FolloV!.'ing introductory music by Mrs. Donald Kern and tlll' In­vocation by ~abbi Scymou r 7 .. aJl!l, Mayor Frank J. Lastner gre(."'led the re&iden~ and read the City Couneil'a resolution proclaiming the observunce or Brotherhood \Veek here. l:{e pr-d.ised the work of the Brotherhood Week Com­mittee, which, under lthe chair~

manship of Mrs. Bruce Bo-~-man, plc~.nned the program.

Jr Hi Talent Aired On WGA Y Sunday

Next Sunday, February 2-4, at ') a.m., over Station y,•oA Y, mem­bers of Greenbelt .Junior High School will presf.'nt a fttteen-min­ute radio progT&m entitled ''J'l' o N~ or Arsenals." Given a.'> on,, in a series of the regular school bro'Uicasts by the Stlver Spring will include the following:

Presto (Haydn l - A woodw~ncl

trio; Play written and pre.!wnt<•d by the lf-C Core class; Choral r('B.d­ing - s-c Core cla.'!'s; St&n o( the Summe-r Night. Venice Night 1 It­allan Folk Song, 0 Vreneti r Swiss Folk Song) - Glt•e Club.

IVHC Boar• Picks Officers, C•••iHees of the Greenbelt Vdf•r­a.n Housing Corporation. e!•·ctfv! by the new board at <t.s fir at mr·~ t­ing ta.'<t Wt-<'k, arL': PrC~Sident. :.\fli<•·; \"ic('·Prt"'lident. A<!-·J1,.·rt Long: SPcretary. Bruc<' Bnwma!,, treasurer, Tom Ritchie.

Committc-r·s wer.~ appointr..:l :1'

follows: .:O.lan:tgo:·.ment & o;,•ra -tions -.AI chaJrman: 'f,Jln Ritchit', Elliot Bukzin. 1...-:·g:t! • I', Bordt•net, chR.irntan Conur.;•r,~ial -Earl Thomas. t'r:d.•­velop€'d L"lnd E:Hiot Bt,lu;r:. c.hairman; l'>fik(• Salzman P.l~'l> Relations - Bruc<• Bowman. <'· man; F...d Bt.:rgoon. !\[1k1~ Snl:r.n::1n

Five Cents

50 others At Council Meeting Demand ·Kindergarten Continue

B>· I . .J. ParkN"

0\'vt· fift ~· hous<·wives stonned the city coun<!il m-eeting last ~1, ·nrlay to cit-mand th£' continuation of. kindergarten after t~e pres­('nt t1·rm eX111res. They presented a p£>tition containing over 400 .<gnat un·s ol' n·sidcnts and a rl'port of a conference with Alec John­>:on. l'<>mmlwit:; manat;(•r of Gn:.cnbclt for the Public Housing Ad­ruini,.,tra.tilln. According to SIX)kesmon for thre housewives, John­·"1)!1 !;ad•d that PHA might pennit funds to be used for kin­<kq:;ar·ten nd(~r June if other "unnecessary" sen.ices could here-d\lcvd,

Johnson l~xplains P HA' s Procedure

:-;a ,t, · f ;n·<·n b(•)t \\'l:lrn••n, r•··pre­'·•·nt i ng s•··\ •·rtlll ·organizations, mt.•t ·.• 1th I'HA mf\nago.•r Ah:·x \\". John· s•m ,,nd :Lsu-;iNt.llnt managf,r fo're<l l{,·,·t·,,. l.t:<t :\fonday to di'SCU.SS tha.t ;·~;:;~·n(·y· ... rnit• in the current kin­rl• r;.::t r·t ··n CQntr'O\'f:'NY.

Ask"i where to plac~ the r<~spon­~ihiltty for th(! lC"Iimination of kin· (~•·1 gar:,.·n. Johr...son said, "in fuir· 1\1' ·"" tn <lll conet•rned, it is the J<<~nt r•·.•ponsib~tlty of PHA and Lh1.• dty ooutHlil." Emptu!tlizing that "I'HA is 1'(-.&ponsible for tbc n•duction in monJet:~," Johnson l'tat•'<l it wa.a his "reoommenda­lion not to JII,Jrprove an a.znount gt e-<~.t•~r than bllrt y-.r's budget." It Wll~ his contention that "it the city's •·:ocpf.'n&e-1 have incJ"eelt..!!ed, it would have to •eUmtnate some un· r.o·~l" • .,.sary sertrices."

Appa•••rttly, John­s<:>n ~ldded to his rec:oromendation a list of the eer'Vi~ he feU could b~t be curtal'led 01r dJ8continued. After n. confere·nee held with the city council, Rc·Y UtUe and JUm­, ... t., Tohn.,o'l 11.U.t. h~ eotnPHed wlt.h n. -:-oundl r·'ti!Quest llor a letter outlining the IIU~ eli:l:mna­tion.~. llpprox:ima.tely lUI foUows: capiull outla.y, $8600; swimming pool, Slr>•,o: n!'C:rE'a.Uon,. $1600; Ii­I mt.r :'-". U ()()() ; 'Pub II c h oo.ll. h, $4000 : \a riou . .;. $-!tOOO; surplus rnonnally 1 u t from th~ budg .. vt •~very year 1

$61!"1: kindt'rg-drten, $Tr08. ··You \\"iU Cnoow.••

Quoting from a copy o! the ll'l­t•·r, .Johnson pointed out "rt is dt':lrly undcnrtcoodt ha.t you WJ!i choofw" the- items to be cut, "aub­j•'<:t to our aJ>prova.l," the last phras;' b('ing d~!'Signed to protect PHA against c~limination of an es­st·ntiul ll(•n-tce 11uch lUI trash col­lt·ction.

"\\'••." Johnson, "set the dollar limit." 1:-he council "t.•le<:t­l'd" t.o use UI.'IOo of the capital ou~­l3.y for a tr~t,ctJv&tor oonsiderod n£"Cl•s.!mry for ·,,,noper garbage dis­posal. cut out: l~900 tor the piayground!!l and $~ for equip­ment thereof, notalned an of pub· lk helll.1th. and dl8cx»nUnued or curtailed all other :itO!'mS a.s on th•• list. including the kJndergart-en.

S -· JLpproacll .Joh!t~on explained that "PHA

cannot r.-ll'tot'>!! th(• klndergarten& und•·r th"" exiJttln·g <:<•ntract/' even if tl1<.· city council should request it. Clnundl would have to t•mpr~'·d suh>8titutions for PHA's appr<>\'al hcfor~ a ne-w contr&ct cn••l(! tw C'(tnn:iidcred. Johnson ~stn t•"l that undo'r the n_.w "dollar ap:H·onch" th€' •~ount:il should not !':tv•· tn (roar r•cpriaab in nf:Xt :r•·ar·~ t·udgct on t.J1e it.emJI theJI' n·.i ~h ~ r1•d u<'"e t') accorn:rnodAtl'- t:tw l::dUSH>!' nf kindefg"al't<:>nts J'iow

Tho.~,. pr•~:><'rtt WN'€:: Ro1'lentary Br:dg•·. f..:t!u~~ F'hsher. Alberta T .. tn pit: n.~ · sub~•tituting tor I..c-e T. I··.,:k ·.of th.:- Co~>wx·rativ€' Nunwry; '•hr~· .r.·an B~mham. for th•~ wo .. n~··n of tlw Comm,Jnlty Church: I<,._,.:;. r >nlgo!Y, !or thP =-:ational ('"·.;,·.·· il o~ J1·w.ish \Vom~.·n; r:vc· i:•n l!·Ln;·'·tt "nd Paula U.'iOgursky f 11· th• hr,ll:v·wiw·:~ who werr• th1• r,r. :;:: :. ·!1 po-ti tirmf' rs: Bobby S()h•t f,,r li1• 1 ;r;·(•r.lwlt Cooperator.

PHA i~-; int(•r•'l'rted only in k.<'t'p­i!lg ttw too;,;} b-tJdgt.wt figure at a fixe-d am10unt, Johnson liB report­Pd to hav. declared. If the coun­dl can J:nd "'Ufl'ltl! in the budget without impairing necessary scrv­kf's, PHA would consider &IJII")rav· al of using such funds for the kin­derga.I"U'I'l, he added. JohnfiiC>n <tis· nvowt.od fuH I"Cfiiponsit>il'ity for cut­ting t!hc kindergarten. A fist of unnt:..'C('IIISary servic~ 'W88 pr't'))hred by him for Roy Little, assistant to the corn.nti&sioner for PHA, and was presented to dlC council at th~ council's request. The ld~art· L·n W&8 then eliminated by tlle council, accord.lng to John81on.

Contradiction Ma)ror Frank Lastner tdd the

dtiz.ens that Joonson•s -remarks ~re at variance wit:h the atate­menta Roy Little made duzintr tbe budget rsegot1ations. Uttte in­formed the council that PHA ~ukJ not par'UC'lPftte in any Jdu­dergartcn service in Ule fall ~~e­

mester, Lastne-r stated. A writ­tC!11 portion uf the budget eontn.ct specitkl&Hy fortbiddlng !tundls tor the klnderge.1ten after June was. read and e:!Gbibited by Laallner. Tb~ beak~ diecu.ton wa..., in­

terrupted whtle Johnson wa.s tele·· phoned and asked t.o a.ttend the meeting. H>!! <k~1incd the in-.ri­tation.

Robert Bonham, reaident, as.ked that the council tmde other budget Ht:om.s for tiw kindergarten. He crtcd cat> outlay for a "t~ti­

vator," year-end surplus, and gen­eraJ padding ol the budgU. as it~ma that could be used far chis I:Ul"PPfJC. H<! also urged the coun· cil to inform citizens of important service cut.OJ in the ftttsurc in order to permit. inte-rested citizens .-o ex­I>N."'IS ttwir opinion'S liefore action h take-n.

Ne Padding" An explanation of t!he iJnll!Ort­

anuo o4 the "tractivator'' ww. gtvcn by Cky Manager CharlEs M:cDon­a1d. The equiJ~ment is tUWd tn the sanitary fiU operation, and is ~~Ced­ed to meet state public :t-aearldt re­qutremoent.s. It would aJ8lo save the city $3100 a year for t\ve to ten yoara. McDonald dbclaimled any paddiug in the bucfe'et.

The council then instructed Mc­Donald to i.nvestige.te ways of se­:curing money witirin the budgt:.-t for ki.nd4."1'ga.rlen WK.'. The gravi· ty and import.anc(! o4 the task wa.s t-rnpluuized by the city manager tl.l . Uw citizems. Counci~n

Thomas Canning reminded ll'esl­dcnta that th•~ prt."8ent $6000 fiUm wh.ich m.igbt bt! drawn from other ~Stervice.s will ~~ ,l!i,OOO, or more, n .. "Cdoo nt!Xl year during budget negotiet~ons. It will be much more St.'rious to find tliQ/t amount of "unn£'Ct-ry" funds, he st.eeed .. Canning inlllit!lted lthat. a writti'Tl :~>tatt.'ftl~.·nt · ~ obtaJned from PHA Jli"'nllising that ··reprisals" oC thitt: na.tuu; wouid not b(• fortilcuning.

'J'o Ho To Top Th•~ <:onfli<:tln« sta.tenwnts of

f'HA !lhould be stm&ght-­<'1100 out, Cnunctlman Ben Gold­fad(m de• The'l \lUted tn meet witt:! the Oommlsioner o! PHA, John Taylor Egan, to clrti.rify the gov<:rnment's po11cy in Tegard to ttw kinrl••rb-art•m.


r . . , I


~ . l



·OUR PURPOSE: 1. To report Greenbelt news fully, fairly and accurately. 2. To serve ~he best interests of the coo:J?_erativ_e_move~en_!_· _

Harry MZubko~EdJtor <On Leave of Absence) Bobby Solet, Managing Editor

J . .J. Parker, AAII>OCiate Editor Doris A. Mednick, New~ Editor Bobbi~ Baxter, E. DonBullian, Marian Hatton, i... A. Lee, Bill Mtrabel~a. Lydalu .Palmer, George C. Reeves, Eleanor Ritchie, Ben Rosenzwesg, .Aimee Slye, Morris .J. Solomcn, Pauline Trattler. ~cgJSY ':"inegarden, !JoonaJd Woo!.fe, M.<t.ry .Jane Zust, David E. Carer •. Dav1d Rezmkoff, Ralph G. Miller, MiriaDl .Jobnsoa..

Geerge Bloore, Business MLnager Paal Kasko, Staff Photographer Sidney Spindel, phone 6346 .Janet Parker, phone 6551 Advertising Representaave Subscription Mana&'~

.Jim O'Neill, phone <i657, Circulation Manager The GreeniHilt Cooperator is published every Thursday by the Green­

belt Cooperative Pub. Ase'n., Inc., 14 Psr-kway, Greenbel~, Md., a non­profit organization. Prodt~~d by a volunteer staff since November, 1937.

Subscription .rate, $2.00 per year by mail. Deliverecl free in Green bel~ Adv~rtising may be submitted by mail or delivered to the Greenbelt

Tobacco Store or The Cooperator Oftlce, ph~ne Greenbelt SUL Ed1torlal offices open after 8:30 p.m. Mondays, Tuesday, and We<:lnesdays. News deadline 10:30 p.m. of the Tuesd!l.y preceding publication.

Vol. 16 Thursday, February 21, 1952 No. 27

The Next Step:· Mail Call We nominate for Greenbelt's question-of-the-month: Who c.ut

the· kindergarten from the budget, and why'! Several hundred clt­.izens want to know because, like us, they believe t~t. than a s.:>rvice, kinde1·gar':en is part of a system of cducat10n wh1ch oug~t to be safe from the economy-blinded, whose idea of the future 1s tomorrow's tax rate. . .

We cannot now, unfortunately, afford the luxury of mv<:!stlga­tion. By the time we the people were let in on the budget, our on-ly weapon left was: protest. .

Now the buck has been passed to, we suspect, r:s pre>per re~t­ing-place. PHA Commissioner John T. :e:gan, ~ith whom the ctty council will confer, will have the opportumty to 1mplement our dem­

ocraticallv expressed will keep our kindergarten. It' is u-p to us to make 'sure Egan knows what we ~ant. It is

up to us to support the Council's effort tovr.:ard restorat10n. ~Y mail and by phone; by wir~ and m person: LET THEM


LeHer to the Editor Best Interests · It was indeed gratifying t:> nate

•the confidence of GVHC members in reelecting me to IDlembershlp on the GVHC ·Board and my sub­>sequent election by the Board of Dite<cflors to the pres'idPDcy ot GVlro.

When. I said, at the membership meeting. tbat I \rould vigo!"Ollllly prCJ~Seeute the best linltereSts of Greenbelt ii'lt:ere&ts, in llhe future as I have in t1le past, I :meant just thAt.

lt; should be clearly realized tbat your Board is faced with same '~l'Y real problems in work!ng kp ali at the cost figures far the pur­{!l)a,ae o.f GreenbeM:. The moll'tihly cha:-ges are much more difficult to computle than the sales price is, and for the average Greenbelter is the more importanlt one.

If 01•r first com.putations ~it · in monthly charge fi.g'.1res wthioh appear to be unrea:listic and ex­ol"biltarrt, you can depend dn a thorough review by your: Board in an effort to lower costs. If these costs stiU appear too high, I will advocate exertion toward llowerin.g the sales pricl.! or to usc other al­ternative methods of financing, which may be .;~ossible, to ex>tend 1.J:'le amortization period and there­by lower monthly charges.

.I, with others who have fo11owed the legisialtive process and­toey of Greenbelt as well as ap­propriation hearings, am iirnlly convir.ced that Greenbelt is going to ·be sold. Some p ... 'Oplc may ad­vqcate the retention of Greenbelt by the Federal Government for the .duration of the emer-gency. Such .beliefs arc ·ill-founded, for they only· appeal to immediate goals and cannot in any way b~ con­stn.ted to be in· ~~e ·~ long-nm interest of the residents of Green­belt. For the emergency can end .at any time--and whenever that time come-s there would •be no ob­ligation on the part of rth.e Govern­.:rhent · to negotiate with the Croon­belt residents. They wou1d have full authority tc sell to the higbest :biddor.

Greenbelters can best serve the interests of aU of the resid~..s

by getting behind their new boaro:i. -3-nd supporting :them in their ef-1orts tp keep Greenbelt as we tike lt and at the lowest pos,s;.ble cost

. ·to -DB cOl'Sistent with private <JWn­ersh:lp.

Rest aasured, that no deal will be consummat'!d which the mem­bership of GVHC does not approve In advance. You'r Board, I a.m sure will be l<Y.>king out for your· Interests and does •tot ' intend to

Public Welfare Lists We of the Greenbelt Section e>f

National Council of Jewish \Vomen were shocked to read in the news­paper that legislat!on has been in­troduced in both houses of the Maryland Legislature to publicize the names of Marylanders on re-lief.

The Federal welfare law amend­ment sponsored by 'Senator Wil­lia.IIl E. Jenner of Indiana, passed by Congress last fall, makes it POBBihle for states to pass legisla­tion to publish relief recipients' names without the withdrawal of I<,ederal aid. A movement is also afoot in the District to amend its Public Welfare law according to the Jenner amendment.

This type of legislation is con­trary to all accepted tenets of So­cial Case work. The publication <•f relief recipients' nantes wiH not c!iscouragc "chiselers," but will only bring suffering and humilia­tion to those who ~ue genuinely in need, and will stigm.atize innocent children of families on relief. Good a<iministration of the Public ~­sistan.::c Program is the only way to prevent fraudu~,cnt reliPf pay-r.:H~n·ts.

lVLay we urge individuals and groups to cxpres:> their views on this important subject to our Prince Gcorges County legislators.

The Greenbelt Section of National Council of .Jt•wish Vvon1cn.

Center PTA Meets Reverend Eric T. Braund will

speak on "Ecucaling our Children icr Safe Living" at tnc Ccntt'r school PTA meeting 'i'uesday, Feb­ruary 26 at 8:30 p.m. in the social room.. A portion of the meeting will be devoted to discussion of the current kindergarten issues.

The executive comrnitec of tlw Center school PTA, after listening to and reviewing the reports of their fact-finding committee, ap­proved and voted to bring before the membership the following res­olutions: 1) 'l'hc Center school PTA goes on record for the con­tinuance of a free public kinder­garten; 21 The executive co~mit­tcc reque3ts its mPmbcrshlp to send letters to .John T. Egan, dep­uty commissioner of PHA. and to Representative Lansdale G. Sas­scer, urging the continuance of the public kindergartens in Greenbelt.

see you gouged, fleeced, or­trc..rily forced into decisions wh1ch the membership ha:; not approved.

Mike Salzman President, G VH:"

Ch.(..1tt~i: By l"nuhnl' Trattll"r


Hi~ .Ju.:~~ on.: more wl'ek to g.-.. and

th£>n w .. , know if WL' rat.:· tltr• ".o;o­

dety" ~-olumr. ir. the Sunday s'"U Hopl' evc!'yone is kt!'<'pi~g t!wir

fingers cros.sed. It's good-bye to

:Mr. and 1lofr:1. Frartk Davi,~.s. who

mo~·ed into their new home In

\\'heaton, Md. on Friday. (Say

lu:ollo to all the other old Grcen­

belt..;>rs Uterc. • ... A tlilll'pri~ haby

t>hower was given by 1\.Irs. Ruth

Schwe<h .. ·r of Sunnybrook. Md. !or

Jl.Irs. Caroline Da\idsen, 9-R L9.ur­d Hill, on Friday, Feb. V'i. Many vf 1\.Irs Davidsen's Grccnbel~ friends attended. Mrs. Lois Ann Fisher was co-hostess. . Anothl!'r baby t~howf'r was given by t.he la· di.~s of 2 Laurel Hill court for Mrs. 1'homa.s Greene, 2·E \\"t•stwa,;·. at her home. The ladies just marcher! oown to Mrs. Greene's hous.~. car­rying presents, re!rcahmen~s and all thl• trimmings a.nd surpri>~t·d

hl'r. ?\.[any fCJrmPr Grecnbeltt•rs at­t.:·ndcd. 1 D·m't you ju"lt Jove sur­pris<'s?• . . Ph•tlse rrak,• a not:• of this. Our own :\lik.- ~alzman

will aprwar on t:w John H•Jpkins Scienc(• R.·viPw T\' :show. <'h:lnn"' :>, at R::':l) 0~1 :\fat· 3. T·;pi\' tor th:tt C\"( .. nin~ \Vill b(.' l•llo":og-rarn­metry. I'm sur.· the yncll1):.'tr•r:i will f<njoy thi,; show. . 1 \V<·'il )),• watching, :\tikt·. s0 plt>a.s•· r!n )"llll'

br·st y.)IJ n•··:··r l'.l.n tell·· :\lr. and :\[rs .. J .. r. Kl•·nl h:vl w.••·l{·•·tHl l;ll<·SL~ v.•!1o j11,;t n•tur:>··d L·nn1

Tokyo. Tlwy '.':••rt• lMr. <t1111 :\f ~.' \i.'altt>r Echting-lon. who ar.· r~n·.•. li\·ing in D. C. :'"rs. Ec 1"trt!~ -.•;as 1\fr-:. Kl••m's girl f:·;, :1•! L:\cl,·

in F.oehf.•slr·r. :-.:.Y • Tsn': i: ni<'" seeing old friPnd3 again?' \\'hil(• ht>r rnothPr Wa!'; g..t tin;;: ready for hPr compa,.y lit: I<• Kar · en was busy with her fri. nd.'. whr, came to her h:nch('()n hr~h<lay

party on Saturday. Let's 11H wish Karen :\ ''Happy Birthd::ty" as she was nine on Saturday. Thf.• Ki··rn:s· new adJres.s :s 4-D HillsidP. LPt's sll "ish Carolyn Jc:an n ... .tton, 14-M R;dge, a ··Hapi)y Birthday" tot), as she was two on Feb. 13. Her mc-ther made n grea-: big party for · all Carolyn·s fri~ds. (Some of mot.ller's friend.~ came too' • . A current ,.;,.itor at the home of Mr. and :Mrs. Alvin Hall. 4-G Laurel Hill. is ~{r Hall's hrothf'r. Don from :\Iansfield, La. Don Hall recently returned from Kort•a. and plans to st..'ly here for a few ·wr·ek.-;. {\V(' alway' WC'lcome visitors lwre. Don, csp<•cially X-scniccm<•n • ... Luck:~· l\[rs. Cormack accompanif·cl }'<'r hu.;band on a busincs~ trip to New York this W<'ek, and whi!.: there will :o;f'C' "The King and I" and ··c:-:.11 ~re ~!:t.da.m". 'Oh. don't worry, th~·:: haVC' thc·ir tid"·L~ al­r~adv. • ... \nnth•·r nk•· hu-.llnnd, • Tack. Ratzldn. lO-R SoutL\•:ay. ul.~-, took his family :1.long on :1. ll1l,.i­ll• s.-; trip h·· n1:u!t> to ;:-..:, .. ,. York O\t-r th(· \•."t'vk-v!1d. 1 11··:"·:. g-al,..;_

next timP ht;\.-,by <::"OCS on n trir-, h·· r'"··ady to t·1g aJqng. n.nd d(11·':. :;tk··

IH• for ar: answer • .. Tlw ,Jar·k Santlt>rs arC' 1~0·.•: li\'lr:::; at 1-:-J Ridg•·. Their rlf'W phone is Gr. 3673. . ~Ir. and )II'. Harry ,J, lfas-.ou. io:-nwrly of 4-L l~'1url'i

Hiil R0acl ;;nd recC'nUy r··~tlrnf'fl

fr0111 D•·rn·,·r. Co:orado, ar,• ~h,•

J:a::tpy parent.<. of their first-horn. a. son. \\'illi,un .\rthur. br;rn Rt

C··arg ... ~owr~ Ho3pital and w.·igh­ir~~ in ~!t 5 r,our:clc:o, 8 OUJi("t"~. Thf· H;isson:; arr no\•,· r(·~idin~: at

QuP<·ns ::\f::l!HJ!' Gard~·n.s. ).1:. P.ain­it:r. . ,.\ f:tr••Hf"ll party W:L~ ~iv•·!l

r_,r 1\Irs. Chad<"s Hart 'hr·ttt·r !o•own as Dot to most folks\ at tlw home of ;\trs. \Yaltr·:- \\'hit•· in Chc·n:-rlv 0n \Vedneslday. F..lnuary 1~:. Si;.ty gll.'sts surpri.-.•·•1 h•·:­with two n1od--·rni!Jtic ... ~,<! t.>hl•·,; and lamps to nutch. T'•Jt• tab!•• a•1d df'coration.'l Wf"re of Y:llf"n­tinC's. \VC' all wish Dot an<i Chuck tho: best of c·\'C'r)'thing in t~H·ir n .. ·.•; home in t:n:\·crsity Hills. Good luck to all the Harts ... Offirf"r A. H. (iret>.t, of the Gre-cnb"l~ PoliN• Depart.mC'n t i~ again hn"rpita1i;o;r·~l

in Leland 1\.{emorial Ho·.;pl :..'l.J.

where hC' will undergo an np('ra­tion on his kn.~c. The injury W::t'>

3 uttere-d in the accident on his mo­torcycle ,!'>;ovc-mber 13. 1951. That's it folks Keep well everyone.


:--!-.·.,L~y. F~·'t:tt·uary 2·1 - T, .. ,.o :S•".'i­

,inn•. or t:O.r" ~unday &hnol. 8:4~·

a Jr. .n:•f V 4 "• ii m \\'on•hip and :•"I'IT•>!: ll a.m. S•·nnon b>• th•· !'.,..,~ .. r ~'ubJI'<'t, '"The !<.ft·n \Vho ~,. :n:d By·· 1,\'t• in\itc your int(•r­' .': .tn<i nH•·ndanc<•. Tecn·agl•r.; ('! . ., !'. 7 p.rn

:>.hrd1 2·9 ~ ~-:~·angt•listk Cru­.«ad• · ,,,ll hcgi?l. Rev. .Jacob H . Sr.ydt'r. Pastor of thr• Eli<ridge !l.r··thodi5't Church. hr!..1 be~ Wl­

.<it:n••d as ou1· gu(•st Pr-Mleher, and will have charge of the service <'a<"h (''l>'<·ning, beginning Jl.londay, ~f.• rch 3 to r riday. March 8.

.Mr. 5nyd•:r·, a member of th•• B<Lltimorr~ Confcr•!ncc of the M .. thodist Church tor nlnctee::~

v.'ll.r·.s. i'l a gradual<! o! Ute Amcri­~.m Cnh·ersity and Drew Thcol.ogi-c:1l Seminary.

).{ r. Sn)•detr is n.n <•xperienc<....:l W<>rk.•r in I!IUUS and visftatlon •·van,;-••h.!im; also a prf!'4C'hcr a.t C<tmp 'Mt>l~tings on the Western Shor .. of M.aryland By training and exp•:rl•~llC<• our visiting prt·<Ldll'!'' !!I Wt•ll quahti(·d for the w .. rk of F:var'lgclbm.

\\',· ru·~:· ('Xpt•cting -:>ur cntir.: rn•·mhr·Nhip and friends o ]>ray f· r ;tr.d ntt.·nd thr·!lll• mt•£>tings A r; Wf'icome for )>'OU.

HEBREW SERVICES Fri•hv, ]o',.JH'u:l.ry 22 - Service,;

,, :i: ,., .. lwld i,n tlH· social room of '.h.. (',.~1tr r 8chool fLt 8:30 p.m. (',,,.dJ, Lg-b·in:~ " !i·IR p.m. Portion ,,f l :.· \\'•·•·k - :.\li~hpfl.tim • li:xo­t!·,4 :.21 1 -. ~·1 :1~ nnd 30:11 • 16. J',· :o!:~:...:s frnm Ul(' Prophc•ts :-:. ,. ,,,j T!<w~~ of J{ings 1::':1 - 17. .'', !·:·.:n:: ~r,pic ''Civil Law and Rr•-1:.:." l.;o·.v· - Thf'n anrl ;\;ow."


S.1~1.rday. F••bruary 23 ~ 11 a.m., .!11 n ior ch•~i!· practke at th~ home n~ Mrs Bt·rR. 20-H Hill~idc. All r•l ·mL•·rs should he Uwrc.

;-·.unclity, Fl•bruary 24 - 9:45 a.m .. ~undav S•~h(!o} and adult Bible < Cla:lfflc!l are held for all ages. l<:,vmond Carrier'!', auperintendent. 11 . a.m • Church s•~n.1ce Services :•r,. hdd in the Center school. Vis­itors an, always welcc-me. Nurs­<: rv i.~ under he su~rvision of Mrs. F'l-ir·gel and :Mrs. Chell!ltrom

l\"ednesday, Febn1ary 227 - Ash \\' .. drwsday .. 7:.30 p.m., First of 11

H•·ri1·.s of six Lenten sel""fices w1Jl ~;,. rH·ld in th(; sodal room of Ccn· tr·r Schoof.. "''he acrvice.s w11l give l!~ !l C'IOS<'r Vioi•W Of OUr sa\10r &nd His Pa .. 'l~ion.

Homemakers Meet The liom••makers Club will meet

\\',.dm·Hda,·. l"ebn1ary Z7 at 8 p.m. 1:1 thr• · ~nci:ll room at Center :;:, iHY>l. A class on Tc•xtilc Paint­i: Ic: w i l1 bP gi vcn by Charles r ,r,·•;ns!wrr)'. wh? IS ~\;th Muths Art ~tore at College Park and has ;,:, Ar-t Stuclio in \Vashington, D. C . -~~~

l VANCO TV Service

P.ome Calls $5.00

I fJ.t ,f~· and Scrl'irc Guaranteed'



n .. ,. \·actor J. Dow~riu.Uo, pa..-.tor

S:Ltur,Jay· Confessions, 3 to 5:30 p.m for thildr•·r·o, 7 to 9:30 for adults.

Sunday: 1\Ias.'!es, 7 :30, 8:30, 9:30 n.nd 11 am. Thi.'l Sunday is Holy Communion Sunday for all farni .. lies in the parish.

\\'t•dnl~dny. Novena BerYices, 8 p.m. Bap'.isms: Sl.mday, 1 p.m. Anyon(• wishing a baby ba.ptlz..'<l shoul.;f call Father Dowgia1lo be­forehand.


PROTESTANT Eric T. Braund, M.lalater

CbW'Ch phone 7931

Thursday, February 212 - fl p.m., Cloister Choir rehearsal. 8:30 p.m., Churrh \V<JmPn's Discussion Group ru"cts at thl· home of Mrs. Braund.

l::;unduy, J''l•brunry 24 - Church \Vorsllip us follows: 9 and 11 a.m., The "Joash Ch~" Service wUI be ob!K•rv•'<i by the entire congrega­tion. Children of the Church ~ehool will he as!.t.>d to lead the pn>cl•.s.'>ion nt br•th st>rviccs to the Chane<"! where each individual will place his gift in the Chest. Final paym•·nt on the heavy schcd­ul•· of morlgnge repayment is due thl' fr,llowing week. Sennon at ))(Jth sc·rvir·t•s by 1\!r. Braund "To \\'!,om J<.:J!.w Shall \Ve Go?"

Chun·h ~chool as follows: 9 a.m .. l'rimar;y Uept. 9 :;'iO a.m., Jun'iO>Nl r,nd Int<·rm•·diates through adult><. 11 a.m.. HPginners Dept. 7 p.m., .1 r. and Rr. Hi i'~t·llow::iliip:i rnce1:.

A.-;h \V .. rlzwsdny 7:45 v.m .. l'raYt·r Service, Sanctuary. All \>'d::Omc at this first Lenten scrv­ic<'. g :-!a p.m., Chur-ch nominating C'Omm'ittee mel-ts in chureh office. 8:415 p.m .. Senior ~hoir rehearsal.

Thursday, F'ebruary 28 - -i:30 p.m., St. Cecilia Choir rehca.rsa1.


a;~,, Thousands of your f~Uow cftl· uns have found the way to ·family security through Farm Bureau Family Income proteo­tion. Don't put off what yoa know you should attend to, b. c:ause of mistaken i~eru of cost.

Farm Bureau plans are built 10 you can afford them! Cet tho figures ... no obligation. CaU-

Al'lo"THONY M. MADDEN , ..... il~ ... u .. . :. .


..................................................... .....,_

l George-washington Birthday i SALE ~

• .i ~


Offer Good TIUs Friday Only



GREENBELT 4063 '.':i yr. Guarante•.' on Washing Machine transmissions

25% O~r 25% OFF ! ......•••..•• I e I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I a I Y I I I I I 1 I I I

.. ..

CLASSIFIED . GREENBELT MOTORS your nearest used f-!lr dealer, GR-4466. FOR .F'RESH: FLOWERS to suit any occasion call Bell Flowers, College 'Park, UNbn 1300. Free de-


MoVIN=~G;:;-&~-;,ST=o"Rn-=-A"G"E:;;----FURNI­ure, Freight, or Express. Anything, anywhere, anytime. Bryan Motor Express, Call Greenbelt 8341. TELE::VISION ~m RADIO aales and &.:!rvice; antennae installation. Your local G-E dealer. Quality Ap­pliance ·Co., 8J.37 Baltimore Blvd., College Park, WArfield 7317.

LOC~ WASHING .MACHINE serviee - Automatic and conven­

. tional models expertly repaired Reasonable. Guaranteed. Free eatl­rnate. Phone Gr. 4063. NOTE NEW NUMBER 4063.

nttiVERS wanted for e&l})O<)t, 7th and D St., S.W. Hours. 8:30 to !j,

Greenbelt 7821.

RIDE WANTED w Uth & K or vicinity. Hours 9-5. Call 7591.

WANTED: Fencing foils and m&dks. C&.ll 5972.

. GOING out of Business Nylons, 3 pr. $2.50. Cal'I Rosenthal Gr, 2456 ;;,r .stop by q_H Rid6e Rd. ·

D RE SSM AK I NG A:lteraltdons - Suits, Dresses, Children's clothes. C.e.reful work, reasonable prices. Se.; Mrs. Browne, 6-F Research Rd. Mon · Fri. 10 to 5 p.IYl, Tues -Thurs.

DAIL y·care- for--chikE·en~ ril)· home. Reasonable rates. ~!rs. .Janes. 5::>-J Ridge Rd. Gr. 7201 ART HATTON O..a.stom-Built Furniture. A specialist in modern riesign. Call GR. 7097.

w A....'l'l'ED - Full or part time :1eip for fountain \'ork. Opportunity tor Greenbelt hou.sewives. Fount­ain experience not nece..."'SS.ry. See Harry Palmer GCS fountain.

ALT ... TAX Statements preparedin your home by experienced tax ac­countant. GR. 7821.

DROP-INN from page 1· - -­iful job on the decorations. Thanks to D. Wolle, 1-.he boys and ¥irl~ had nice lighting. Mr. and Mrs. Walt­er, Mrs. B. Miller, Mrs. H, Thomp­son and Mrs. J. H. Kennedy de­voted their entire evening to help­ing. Their hel~ is greatly appre­ciated a.nd reniem.bered.

Youth Oentf~r's Oplnfon On Brotherhood Week

By Ann. Smith There is not enough emphasis

on brotherly lovE-. Perhaips most of us admit that we are entirely too busy to love and understand our neigh-bor. We cannot over­look the necessity of brotherly love. It is -the heartbeat of all re­ligions. Without it there would be no . compassion, no helping hand. Brotherhood banishes worry and fear from the heart. Love for one's fellowman is f'Ssent!al in a well-rounded, balanced, useful, life. Let us all remember the sig­nificance of BrotherhOOd week. It

RIDE or Carpool wanted w and Constitution or nE>S.rby. Gr. 2831.

18th is a symbol of what 52 weeks in Call the year should be like: Fifty-two

weeks to '\'1/0rk, build, and lin• peacefully together.

~GREENBELT THEATER~·~ l GReenbelt 2222 ··· ~

~Fru:"SAT. FEB. 22-23 . ~ The G.reat Lover . . I

Hope - Rhonda Flemmg- (~Not what kind but I'J

Warpat'h ~~echnicolor ~~ HOW MUCH? Edmund O'Brien

SUN.- MON. FEB. 24-25 Ten Talt Men in Tech.

Burt Lancaster-Jody Lawrence

TUES. - WED. FE.''B. 26-27 The MOdel and · the

Marr·iage Broker Jeanne Crain - S<!ott Brady

. THURSDAY FEBRUARY 28 No Highway in the Sky

J. Stewart - M:- Dietrich AND

It's a Big C!)ur.try

FREE PARKING at the new Lex. Mkt. Garage

When a man dies, no one ever asks what JGfntl of wur-ance he had. Folks always ask, "How much.?" They want to know It he provided money for his famlly to llve on.

Well, suppose It had been you? Would your famUy have t1,000 or $5,000 or $10,000 on which to live a lifetime? Or better yet, would they have the kind of insurance that pays $100, or $150 «)r $200 everJI month. as long as needed?

We call that Family Income Iruilttanee. Ask about it • • •


33-T Ridge Road

GReenbelt 6346

CBA at corner W. Lexington St.

Wom11s Clu• Enjoys Birthd1y Festivity

A par-ty to honor th~· 12t11 Birth· day Ann;ver!'a.ry of Th•' \\'oman':; Club. and a..L..o the birthdays of ali members, was held Thursday r.ight at th<' Center School. ThP request not to wear hats was ex­plained when the members wer<.· given large squares of crep.' paper and th·e pins and were told to de­sign their 0\1."11 hats for the en•­ning. The committee in charge of the program had a hard ti::ne pick­ing t.he winner, Miss Cyrilla O'Connor. Follo9.'ing the lines of a regular birthday party musical chairs \'1-"llS played with Mrs. Abra­ham Cha.sanow winning agaimct. :t.lrs. Thomas Freeman, w'ho was a close second. A game ::>f "Con­sequences" gave each mem~r a c.O.ance to do her own D<"l"SSnal bit toward making the party fun. Since the Club i.s now 12 y(•ars old nnd since there are 12 signs in th(• zodiac, tahles were made up for each sign of the ZOtliac and each member sat at the table indicated by her own birthday sign. Gne person from each tabl'-· had till• honor of lighting a candl•· with her sign of the zodiac on it. on llw huge dt>eorat<:>d birthday cak•· J.Ladan1e LoYP, s'-'<.'r c•xtraordinary. with thP aid of a largo• <

hall. w:1.s able• to ~rin;; a glimpse of th·~ future to Ute club IHL'Inhcr.-;, a!" \\'ell as to reeount sC<'n<·.'i fr·ont tilt• past and the pres.,nt. ~tusk was furnished !Jy a trio.

:'>Irs. H1chctrd \\"bite, ~1r:<. :'•·b"m Chapn1an and ~[rq_ 1-:ri(' Brat.r1<i. accomp.J.!ti,·d by .Mr-s. l>anit>l X.-!I. :'.Irs. Brat:nd !'Uhstitut••d for :\trs . .Tuhn :,f,·C!··ndor: who wn.s ill nne! una~·l•· to attPnd. Patti Kitchin <.!\d Chf\rlott•' Tucker. tv.·o li'tl•· \'aiL·nti::•· JXt:;:-•·s. assist ... ! in mai!Y \\3\'S dur:ng the ev..-ning_ The pa~ty committee \Vas unckr thL• direction of 1\frs. H('nry Br-auti­gam. ReCreshllK'nts of birthday cake. coffee or tea, nuts and mints finished orf the e\'erting

Pot Luck Banquet For Boy Sco..,.t: Week

Cub &outs of Pack 20:! C('kbrat­cd Boy Scout \'leek wit~ a pot­luck dinner in the bast•nwnt of the Community Churc-h bst Friday "'Venin.g. Reverend Br:·l.und acted as ma,;ter of ceremoni<.·s Tont Oife!.man, district exe-cutiv.· of th<> Pr!nc<· Geor<gl'S district, ~rc·ctPd

the Cubs. Ed Bowecn, a scouti~:g lPader from Laurel, gav" a brief talk and n·ad tht: po<'rr. "\Vhat is a Boy."

Lance \V;:dden. gc.·ner;Ll c-h ti r·n~a;~ of ar:-:'lng··mpnts for tho• dillrlt'r. wa" assiste-d by the following par­•·nt-~. wrln sc-rved as ehairm:u-; of lhl'ir comrnittees: Hawar.-1 I-{II!'• ..

l rogram: H C. Ba.ilq·. d··corc'i­tion,; \'. Chavrid, p11r. ha:-linp-: M r·s. \\":! k(·r~on. sen·i n ~.:- and V f:!tachit:l.~. colT•·('.

Earh pa1·••nt ir.. the p:ld·: ~.-: .. .-.-.<.! (';n a ::ornrnittc·e. Th··ir cr;np(·ra­t:on m:1. !.-• tlw dinner a ;;;r.~r.-·> ·fill :'.!td plP.lSant ~couting (':·:p··ri.-rF·•·. In addition to par<'nt ··rro:.••-r-.1lin,L ! '1(· Cuhs had ·-~atuab!t• a~·..:! ·t;tnc ·

frun1 Fr.·d Bird,<;e~···· l 11'' i•" ll s~·:--ut ~ra . ..:.~-·r. and (~~::·· ~:~ r~:tr~<··r. ~~-:(· cl~·l;l--h r···p;.::·.s,•nt.l~.i·.-~·. .. \ f:. I'

U:t• d:r:::•·r tlh_• Cub~ (·!· )t•v,·d t·:. '' l(·~ct-ltt·n: rnr,\"!t·::; and a 80l.'; tl bn·~r

Cubm:lRt.'·r Ohlmarh··r a'.•.·u·-:.·d t!1o• \\'olf l1 td;::-.·· to Ja.Jtlt s :\f .. ·\o·' :· of Ikn :?.

jNORMAN.j 1 :o~~~~d :~~~~~~I

Satisfaction Guaranteed t l·ollr 'le~zre.<tf Authori::P<l

Ford De.ale r

TOWER 5100 8320 Balt. Ave. I

mile north of l:niv. of Md. f

___ .....-.... ...

F<·l 1ruarL.~l. i. B:.:;:5:.:2 __ __;G~R:.:E;;;.;F:.::.:..}l..;;l_lE;;;;~_L_T_C_O_O_P_E_.R_A_T_O_R __ __!_~

CountySu rveyReport: Discussed By League

A merJ~bcrship me<'ting of the Lr'(lgue of '\\'omen Voters of the ('ountv will be held on Thursday, i·'t·bn~ary 2~1 at. 8 p.m. in the audi­c!iorium of th~ Bladensburg Elc­nH•nary &:h.ool, Annapolia Road. !\lrs. \Villiam H. Wood, president, :-;•..ate-s the meeting is for member­ship di.scu~sicn of the recerrt sur­\'<'Y report 0>1' the county by Public A<iministrat~ion Service, and de­c!sion A~l tl1 which reconurlenda­tions of thE' report th~ League will support.

Mrs. Ralph Hunste8d, past presi­dc-nt of the Montgomery County

L.,agu(', will he guest speaker. Hez:­subjPct will Cl'nter around the part playNJ by the Montgot~Wry Leapue in th(' home-rule and charter m'Clvement in that county, A panel discussion on the survey recoJD­

mendations which relate to the League's program in Prince Gear· ge-s county will be presented by members of the Local Government Conunittee, under the chat.nnan­ ot Mr. Fannie Epstein. The rf•ma.lnder of the time will be de· voted t(; a business meeting. Mem­bers from the fourteen League Units organized throughout t1he CO'Unty are expected to attend.

~~~==~~~­WAYSIDE INN

Luncheons and


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LUSTIIE IICHOLSON •or"omrc "f TnJttll}IOrtatio"

.~tr••r Sales, Service, Used Car a

'I'ma :ocal Chevrolet dealer for 28 years. «

571() Baltimore Ave. on Route No. 1 Hyattsville, Md.

WArfield 7200

Baltimore Ave. TOwer 5990

Beltsvme, Maryland

Gibson's 8 $3.49 fifth Hunters

~It. Vernon Blended Whiskey ----~---

Clon-r Hill London Dry Gin

$3.87 fifth

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Veteran's Fa.lnous 4 yJ:. old Blend Whiskey Comparable to any Nationally Known Bran~_$3.09 fi.ftl_1 __

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Regular $8 00 12.95 •

Department Store

-~~ Z'tJ '1'ufde /1~ ?tJII, , , , CO-OP BATTERIES

This winter more Co-op batteries have been sold than ever before. ·Here are the reasons wh·}'.

1 ) QUALITY - Unsurpassed

2). SERVICE - 99% of our batteries exceed the quar-• antee - Many are still giving top per-

formance going into their 4th year. 3) PRICE - 30% to 40% below nationaUy advertised

makes and equal to or below the price quoted by automoti~a chain stores.

4) SATISFIED PATRONS- once a customer has · used a Co-op battery, he

has always come back for another.

For the best battery, try Co-op. Drop in soon and let's talk it over.


as .:v::.:"""-:; ' . lge. 40 oz. Box

BISQUICK ac NBC 1 lb. box

RITZ CRACKERS 33C Co-op. Red Label

APPLE JUICE qt. bottle

19C pkg. ac

.. -White Star 6% oz. can

'GRATED TUNA 31~ VanCamps 6Y2 oz. can

GRATED TUNA 23C Co-'op Red Label. Tall Cans




Pri<'es effeeti\·e Feb. 21, 22, 23. Fri.; 10 a.m.-6 p.m, Sat,; 1! a.m.­Store hours: 10 a.m.-9 p.m. 1'(1)n.-6 p,m, Sun. Store Clo"f'd J\londay, Fe-t>. ~

.~c~....,._-....:. .. ...,....,._ _ __,,...._,.....---:':"'_._ -------.-~-:::-·'.·--·~~··_,._ ~.=..~·- -----:swr: ~~-:.:::-·--7~~·

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7 Pieces Regular $12 00 13.95 •

FREE - Co-op Bike .. (Value S-lC .50 J

u•i t h p u rc ha.'fP. of THOR


with Food Grinder Regular $25.00 3R.50

BEN GAY for sore- muscles Reg. 79c


OFFIC~AL NOMINATION FORM I. hereby nominate .... as

'l. candidate for m12mbership on the Board of Directors for ~;ref'nbelt Consumer Services, Inc. in the election to be held at t.he mf'eting of shareholders on March 5, 1952.

Signed ·Member

~(·conde·•, I Member

Member ~OTE: Cnder the bylaws, each nominatior! must be Reconded IJ:'-' 2 members. Nominations must ~ &ubmitted to the Sec­retary, Mrs .. Opit• Stage, or or before February 28, 1952, 5 p.m. Pleas-e leave at the GCS office over the Drug Store.

Make a Date And Plan to Keep It

Y•au: Co-op Annual Ml'f·ting iK s<'IJ•·rlult'd for .!1:00 P.M. Wt'dn<'«day ev.·ning. :March 5th in the Grf'en­b•·lt Thl'"atrl'. :.\[a}re a note on your .c·;d. ·ndar now. Rt•rn.emh!'"r too t~1h nH·<>ti:~t: will hi' diiT.:r('nt. It has hf'•·n plamn<'d the way you and t)'h•·r ntf'ntb('r.!' WO!IId like to have i•. Xom~nati<:>n~ for candidatA'IiS t0 t!w bo~1rdl are ()!>Cn, nnd may be suhmittPd on the f•>rm printed ahnv(• .


HOW WE STAND Every day it's our objet:tive

to pract!ec brotherhood toward the member;:;, patrons and ron .. p~oy(·('S who working together helVe built the Coop. We wcl-

. com,• all in membership Rnd sha.r" 'I.Vith all the benefits of a h11sin•·-~" that is of the peop!c, by the people and for the P•·opl••.


SHASTA SHAMPOO 1 Lge. & 1 Small RE-g. 1.18

CHLORODENT The new toothpaste containing ChlorophyU





50c WOODBURY SHAMPOO Reg. 1.00 size

*Plus Tax Prices efft·ctive Thurs., Feb. :~1 thru Sun. Feb. 24

Store Hours: Thurs., Fri., S~t. & Mon, 9AM to 10 PM

&ln. 10 AM to 10 PM


No. Z Can



What A Difference A C1ean Suit Makes

A difference in the wa.y the worid loloks at you .. a dUI'er­ence in t!te way you look 8lt tile world!

1\l.,n's Suits . .... . . . . ..... .... l Dl'f'S"'MJ Plain ........ . .. .. ..

~~':!e!lal~ . .. ....... . .. ··.·. :. . .. Why pay more Y

VALET SHOP ~~~~~~~~~-(

l.k lDoapon 2 35C ln•.\d•• ft8'. . FOB

............,.._ ..... a I e. t I I I $ W I I

Leg 0 Lamb Lam~ Roast La111~ Chops





ROCKINGHAM Frank'fllrlers




2 bch. 17c · lb. IOc




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