Reducing latency on the web with the Azure CDN - DevSum - SWAG

Post on 19-May-2015

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Serving up content on the Internet is something our web sites do daily. But are we doing this in the fastest way possible? How are users in faraway countries experiencing our apps? Why do we have three webservers serving the same content over and over again? In this session, we’ll explore the Azure Content Delivery Network or CDN, a service which makes it easy to serve up blobs, videos and other content from servers close to our users. We’ll explore simple file serving as well as some more advanced, dynamic edge caching scenarios.

Transcript of Reducing latency on the web with the Azure CDN - DevSum - SWAG

Reducing latency on the web with the Azure CDNMaarten Balliauw@maartenballiauw

Who am I?

Maarten Balliauw Antwerp, Belgium Technical Evangelist, JetBrains Founder, MyGet AZUG Focus on web ASP.NET MVC, Azure, SignalR, ... MVP Azure & ASPInsider

Big passion: Azure @maartenballiauw Shameless self promotion: Pro NuGet -


Why use a CDN? The Azure CDN Blob containers Cloud services

Serving dynamic content over the CDN Conclusions

Why use a CDN?

How browsers work...

Request fetching <html> Download CSS Download images Download JavaScript Download Google Analytics

Finite # of concurrent requests per host (and in total)!

Bundling/minification Use multiple hosts

How browsers work...

Browser # connections / host

Max # connections

Chrome 32 6 10

Firefox 26 6 17

IE 9 6 35

IE 10 8 16

IE 11 13 17

Safari 7 6 17

Android 4 6 17

IEMobile 9 6 60

Why care? I use bundling and minification!

Speed of light and TCP don’t like each other

US East – US West = 7400 km or 25 ms at speed of light (299792,458 km/second in a vacuum) or 37 ms through fiber optics (66% of SoL, glass refraction index


TCP request/response, ACK request/response double that 37 ms, add some compute: ~90 ms US East to West

Theoretical max. packet size is 64 kB usually +/- 1500 bytes (MTU)

TCP slow start

Combine TCP slow start and fiber optics

US East – US West ~90ms + TCP slow start

256 kB ~ 10 TCP roundtrips that 90 ms becomes 900 ms...

Cost of web load

Serving static files costs CPU Full IIS pipeline for a tiny static file

Serving static files costs I/O Files have to be copied from file stream to response stream Why do this? Why not let the server handle our dynamic


Cookies! Request/response cycle adds the cookie Even for a 1 kB PNG

So there are some problems on the Internet...

Browsers / connections Speed of light / TCP slow start Cost of web load (CPU, I/O and cookies)

“The Internet sucks and so does your server.”- Andy Cross - @andybareweb


Browsers / connections Serve some content off a different hostname

Speed of light / TCP slow start Move content closer to the user

Cost of web load (CPU, I/O and cookies) Serve off a cookieless domain Move content off the web server and let someone else handle


The Azure CDN

The Azure CDN

Serve content from storage / cloud service Separate hostname (custom domain possible) Many locations around the globe DNS anycast to get content close to user

CDN locations (April 1st, 2014)

How it works: no CDN

How it works: with CDN

DemoCreating a CDN endpoint

What did we just do?

First request

Second request (on same endpoint)


How to use this in real life?

Create one/more public blob containers Upload static files in there (CSS, images, scripts, ...) Update your application to the new URLs

DemoAn application with a CDN endpoint

How to delete content from the CDN?

Read a book or 2 and wait (7 days default...) Think about this upfront! If you know expiry, set the Cache-Control header (shorter =

more updates) If you don’t, use versioning in query strings Better: use both


Enable query strings on the CDN endpoint Use a query string with a meaningful version number CDN will keep a cache per URL per query string

/foo/bar?v=1 /foo/bar?v=2 /foo/bar?v=3

Cloud services will make life easier

We had to “manually” upload content to storage

May be good, may be cumbersome, depends! Would be nice if we could “deploy and forget”

Set a cloud service as the CDN origin Will serve all content from /cdn URL Same cache-control rules as with storage

DemoUsing Cloud Services as the CDN origin

Best-practices for content on the CDN

Set headers! Cache-Control Content-Type Content-Encoding

Version content! HTTP compression on origin = HTTP compression on CDN


Defining “dynamic content”

Content that is generated Parameters from query string, ASP.NET routing, ... And/or based on data

Content that refreshes, but not too often Anything > a couple of minutes

Examples Charts, images, generated documents, json, API’s, ...

DemoServing dynamic content



Why use a CDN? The Azure CDN Blob containers Cloud services

Serving dynamic content over the CDN

What have we learned?

Thank you!