Rediscovering Fort Regent: Grand designs for Snow Hill • Youth … · 2017. 12. 4. · The St...

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Rediscovering Fort Regent: Grand designs for Snow Hill • Youth Arts Jersey

Christmas comes to St Helier 2014 • Jersey Post’s Call & Check community service

Care Homes in the Parish • Dates for your diary • St Helier Gazette

Delivered by Jersey Post to 19,000 homes and businesses every month.Designed and produced by MailMate Publishing Jersey in partnership with the Parish of St Helier.

Photograph courtesy of Nelio from Camera Moment

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Elegant pocket watches for a stylishgentleman this Christmas. Watch Albertsand display stands also available.

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The St Helier Town Crier is published by the Parish of St Helier in associationwith MailMate.

Parish of St Helier: Town Hall, PO Box 50, York Street, St Helier, Jersey, JE4

Editorial contact: Annie Le NouryT: (01534) 811821 E:

MailMate: Le Quai Bisson, Le Boulevard, St Aubin, Jersey, JE3 8JT.E:

If you like the look of our magazine and think it would be the right placefor your company to advertise please contact Phil Osborne on 01534 493300or email

Copyright notice: 2014©Parish of St Helier. The entire content of this magazineis protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. No part of this magazine may bereproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by anymeans electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise with priorwritten consent of the copyright owner.

Reprint details: Reprints of articles can be obtained by contacting the publishers.

Disclaimer: While the Parish of St Helier and their contributors to The St HelierTown Crier have provided the information contained in this magazine in goodfaith, they accept no responsibility, financial or otherwise, for any action taken byany other party as a result of the information provided. Independent andappropriate advice should always be sought on such matters. The viewsexpressed written in this magazine are those of the authors and do notnecessarily represent the views of the Parish of St Helier or MailMate. Whilst everyeffort is taken to ensure accuracy, the Parish of St Helier and MailMate accept noresponsibility for errors or omissions that may occur.

Musical Originals choir singing at our Senior Citzens'Christmas lunches last year The Parish website is animportant way of keeping parishioners informed andupdated. It doesn’t stand alone – we use adverts,circulars, press releases and of course this Town Crierto try and reach everyone. But the website helps thoseof us who want to interact with organisations onlineand at a time that suits us. Why not take a look at can offer you?




Parish matters

Constable’s Comment

Care Homes in the Parish

St Helier schools

Youth Arts Jersey

The French Connection

Mansell Mitsubishi and Mansell Collection

Christmas comes to St Helier 2014

Rediscovering Fort Regent

Town Centre news

New Arrivals

Bad Wurzach Partnerschaft news

Jersey Post’s Call & Check community service

View on St Helier

Operation Hamper 2014

From the Polish Community

Parish Groups

Parish Notice Board

Dates for your diary

Organisations in St Helier

Your handy guide to recycling

The St Helier Gazette

ContentsWelcome to the November

edition of the Town

Crier. The month

begins with the swearing in by

the Royal Court of the new States'

Assembly following last month's

elections, with the election of the

Chief Minister, Council of Ministers

and Scrutiny Panels taking place soon after. St Helier's

new Deputies, Russell Labey, Andrew Lewis and Scott

Wickenden, will join re-elected Deputies Richard Rondel,

Jackie Hilton, Geoff Southern, Sam Mézec, Judy Martin

and the Parish Constable in representing the interests of

parishioners in Jersey's government. One of the main

priorities of the new States Assembly will be to decide

about the future of Fort Regent, which is the subject of this

month’s cover as well as an indepth article on the centre

pages. November is the month in which the Island pays

particular attention to the sacrifice of so many Islanders

who have served in the armed forces in global conflict,

especially the two World Wars, with the annual

Remembrance Service taking place at the Cenotaph on

Sunday 9th. Pupils from St Helier Primary Schools will

also be planting 'Liberation tulips', featured on last month's

cover of the Town Crier, on Armistice Day itself at the Mont

à l'Abbé Depot, while the customary flag raising ceremony

will take place, again at the Cenotaph. By the end of the

month, if not before, the fact that Christmas is just around

the corner will be very evident in town. This year there is

to be a new Christmas Shop Window competition which the

Parish is organising in association with BBC Radio Jersey,

while the switch on of the Christmas Lights on Thursday

27th promises to be very exciting indeed. Then on the last

Sunday of the month the Parish's Social Committee hosts

the first of three Sunday lunches for Senior Citizens living

in St Helier, which means that the countdown to Christmas

has well and truly begun.

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A round-up of the latest news and events from theTown Hall, Parish departments and our associatedclubs and organisations.


SUPPORTING BREAST CANCER CHARITY Saturday 27th September saw our pink dust cart up at theRugby Club, as the After Breast Cancer charity sponsored thematch between Jersey and the Rotherham Titans. Jersey playerswore pink shirts and a request was made for supporters to wearpink so the Parish offered the services of the Pink Lady (one ofour Dennis Eagle RCVs) to add impact to the charity’s message,which was parked up near the main entrance and festoonedwith balloons.

THE HARES AND THE TORTOISES RUN AMARATHON Parish of St Helier staff made up two relayteams in last month's Mourant Ozanne Jersey Marathon whichtook place in splendid late summer weather and just hoursbefore the Island was lashed by driving rain. Regular Town Criercontributor and Roads Committee member, Geraint Jennings,designed the logos for thet-shirts worn by the two teams.

Running in the PoshTortoises were Sian McEllin(Customer Services), KevinMcCarthy (Town Hall), PhilPinglaux (Handyman), AlisonReddyhoff (Charges Office)and the Constable; the PoshHares consisted of Joanne andJustin Spanswick, SylvanaRice (St Ewold’s), Piers Thane(Workshop Manager) and EricBlakely (Electoral Officer).

288 teams finished themarathon. The winning teamin 2 hours 32 minutes. ThePosh Hares took 3 hours 42minutes and finished in 111thplace. So better than half wayup the field, while theTortoises lived up to theirname by taking 4 hours 30minutes, finishing in 283rdplace – so not quite last. Thatwent to an team in a time of4 hours 47 mins.

Everyone involved in taking part enjoyed the experienceand the Parish are likely to enter the relay race in next year'sJersey Marathon which has already been diarised for Sunday4th October 2015!

Sylvana Rice completing the3rd leg of the relay race

BAREFOOT WALK FOR JERSEY HOSPICE Back on27th July Robert Kilpatrick, a member of our Street Cleansingteam, successfully walked barefoot from Corbière Lighthouse toGorey Castle in aid of Jersey Hospice Care.

ANOTHER AWARD! MOUNT BINGHAM ROCKSTABILISATION WORK Seldom does the Parish work ona project which is so high profile that it attracts interest fromthe media, the Island-wide public and political leaders. Therock face stabilisation work at Mount Bingham, exactly one yearago, is one such scheme where considerable pressure wasplaced on the client and contractor to do the almost impossibleand open the road past the working area to through traffic earlyin the contract. The collaboration of seven public and privatestakeholder groups did just that and delivered a completedproject within an extraordinarily tight time frame. No doubt thisremarkable achievement was a factor in the contract winning theConstruction of the Year Award for projects under £1 million atthe recent Jersey Construction Council awards ceremony.Thanks go to the many different agencies who helped achievethis, with special acknowledgement to Geomarine Limited fortheir skill and efficiency in managing the contract.

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ENJOY TENNERFEST2 COURSES £12.503 COURSES £15.00TEL: (01534) 511 106

Box Office (01534) 511






I’m grateful to the electors ofSt Helier for their confidence in meas expressed at the Nomination

Meeting last month, when Clive Barton,MBE, proposed me for a 6th term ofoffice as Constable. The fact that theelection was uncontested meansdifferent things to different people andthere’s certainly no space in thiscolumn to go into that, though if anyonewould like to email or telephone meabout it I am more than happy to givemy take on it. The main thing from mypoint of view is that out of about 20,000people who are eligible to stand for thisposition, no one else wanted to do so,while I am delighted to be able to offermyself for the role which I find sointeresting, varied and fulfilling.

My manifesto has not changedmuch since 2001 (when I fought thesecond of three contested elections forConstable) and my priorities are stillthe maintenance of stable Parishfinances and good communication withparishioners, working towards ‘the goldstandard’ for the cleanliness of theParish, continuing to support theParish’s care homes and day nurseries,working to enhance the vitality andviability of town businesses, pursuingbetter facilities for people of all ageswho live and work in our Parish, and tomeet the challenges of improving theurban environment and the quality oflife of St Helier residents. I am keen tosupport groups of residents and traderswith regular meetings so that requestsfor improvements can be taken to therelevant States or Parish departments.As the recent Jersey Gas planningapplication showed – an exercise indreadful town cramming if ever therewas one! – which would probably have

got approved had it not been for theefforts of St Helier’s elected membersas well as spirited campaigners likeBernie Manning, there remains adesperate need for St Helier’sDeputies and Constable to ‘fight theParish corner’ in the States Assembly,opposing inappropriate developmentand continuing to press the Council ofMinisters for the payment of rates onStates’ owned properties and for afinancial contribution towards thecosts to St Helier ratepayers ofproviding island-wide services, suchas public toilets and gardens – both ofwhich are provided out of generaltaxation in other Parishes.

I aim to continue to maintain aclose working relationship with theProcureurs du Bien Public, the RoadsCommittee, the Honorary Police, theParish Deputies and the manycommittees which help to maintainthe vibrant, varied and positive senseof community in St Helier. Theadministration of the Parish continuesto be run by a board of Directors,which I chair, i.e. without a ChiefExecutive, and that’s one of the reasonswhy I am content to remain a ‘backbencher’ in the States Assembly, andwill not be seeking a position in theCouncil of Ministers. It’s atremendously busy job, but one whichis a joy and a privilege to do on yourbehalf – please continue to contact meby letter, telephone or email, or byapproaching me in the street, foradvice or with your suggestions forhow we can make St Helier even better.

Constable Simon Crowcroft



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The Parish of St Helier has aserious commitment to providingresidential care to senior citizens

from both within and outside the Parishand has two residential care homes,St Helier House at Westmount Road andSt Ewold’s at Balmoral Drive.

St Helier House and St Ewold’s arerun by the Parish on a commercial yetnot for profit basis. As with all care

“the day I stop listeningto the residents is theday I leave the caringprofession.”



Combined turnover:£4.5million

Cost per residentper week: £653–£882

Two homes: St Ewold’sand St Helier House

Number of residents: 122

Number of staff: 100

homes on the Island regular inspectionsare carried out by the States’ PublicHealth Department, a procedurewelcomed and endorsed by the Parish.

The combined total number ofresidents of both homes is 122. Thisnumber of residents requires 100 staffperforming a variety of roles. Kitchenstaff, domestic staff, carers and managersall work together in a team environmentto provide the very best of care for theirresidents.

Julie Garrod is the HomesCoordinator for the Parish. She, theHome Managers and all staff at theHomes are acutely aware that movinginto residential care can be a verydifficult decision for individuals andfamilies to make. “It can be a verystressful time,” says Julie. “This isespecially so if a decision has been madefor an individual as a result of aninfirmity or incapacity. We are very keen

that residents settle in as quickly aspossible. We want them to see ourHomes as their new home where theycan enjoy their retirement years.”

Each Home has a comprehensivesocial activities programme both insideand outside the home environmentwhich ensures that residents are keptboth active and entertained. Activitiesare tailored to groups or individuals tomeet their needs and the Parishpromotes strong links with othercommunity-based organisations.


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Residents of St Ewold’s, left to right: Mary Stone, Ken Brown (101) and Audrey Nicolle


Head of St Helier House, Jacqui Jolley

ST EWOLD’SSt Ewold’s, which replaced GardnerHouse in Clarence Road, was opened byHRH The Duchess of Kent on 31stOctober 1994. Ann McLean has been theHome Manager at St Ewold’s for sevenyears and is a Registered General Nurse.“I can’t believe that St Ewold’scelebrated its 20th birthday this year,”she says. “With 66 residents over threefloors, one of them is a centenarian. TheHome’s recent construction boasts widecorridors and larger en-suite rooms andcan therefore look after residents withmore demanding physical needs, as wellas providing nursing care.”

Running such a large home you’d beforgiven for thinking that Ann’s role ispurely administrative. However, shemakes a point of calling into everyresident on a regular basis. “As much asyou’d like to think you’ve always gotyour finger on the pulse of a large homelike this, there is nothing like one-to-onecontact with the residents. This directcontact with residents lets me knowwhat we are doing right and highlightsareas we need to address. Quite simplythe day I stop listening to the residents isthe day I leave the caring profession”

Ann measures the success of her roleas seeing residents settle into St Ewold’scommunity relieved from the burdens ofeveryday life and enjoying a happy andcontent retirement.

Ann and Jacqui both understand thatmoving into care is a life changing eventfor many and a challenging and difficultdecision to make. However, it canenhance the quality of life for manypeople whilst removing the everydaypressures and responsibilities they mightfind challenging in their own homes intheir later years.

Future plansPaddy Freeley House

The Parish’s third residentialhome, Maison de Ville, closed inDecember 2013, as it no longermet regulatory requirementsand had become a financialburden to ratepayers. TheParish undertook an extensiveconsultation exercise on itscare strategy, which includedParish meetings and a ParishAssembly and, as a result, thedecision was taken to closeMaison de Ville and redevelopthe site to provide careapartments which will allowelderly parishioners to liveindependently while receivingessential support. The site willalso include a new children’sday nursery. Plans for the newdevelopment, Paddy FreeleyHouse, have been submitted tothe Planning Department andit’s hoped to begin work in2015. The development isbeing named in honour of thelate Procureur du Bien Public,Paddy Freeley.

ST HELIER HOUSESt Helier House was opened by QueenElizabeth the Queen Mother on the 11thof May 1963. Jacqui Jolley has been theHome Manager there for ten years. Anexperienced Mental Care Nurse, Jacquihas fifty-six residents under her care witha team of dedicated care professionals tohelp her. It is multi-faceted and sometimeschallenging work, although many whowork in care homes will tell you it ismore of a vocation than a job.

Ask Jacqui what makes her day andshe will simply say: “Knowing that ourstaff have provided the very best level ofcare for every member of the house on adaily basis is what makes my daysatisfying. Of course the day-to-day tasksthat keep the wheels of a home of this sizemoving still need to be taken care of but,essentially, my job is about people. Weneed to anticipate their needs and providea package of care that not only meets thoseneeds but exceeds their expectations.”

It is clear that the Parish of St Heliertakes very seriously its commitment toprovide care for both the very young andfor those of senior years. You, and yourrelatives, can rest assured that, if youdecide residential care is something youneed to consider, you will receive thevery best of care at St Helier House orSt Ewold’s.

Funding is available through the newlong-term care scheme which wasintroduced on 1st July 2014, andenquiries regarding this should be madedirectly via the website or email any questionsto or telephone thelong-term care team on 447547.

The Parish does currently haveseveral vacancies within its Homes; forfurther details please contactJulie Garrod on 811856 or, who will behappy to discuss matters with you.

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CornucopiaFriday 5 December + Saturday 6 December 7.30pm

ArtsCentreTheatre present a brand new collection of short pieces for twoor more actors ranging from original works — devised and written by itsmembers — to new (and more traditional) versions of the classics. Therewill be comedy, there will be tragedy and everything in between: a truecornucopia of thespianism.

These pieces will all have been performed for the first timeover the five days of the Speech and Drama section ofthis year’s Jersey Eistedfodd, continuing ACT’s highlysuccessful participation in Jersey’s Premiere Arts Festival.

Tickets: £9 (£7 students) Members: £7.65 (£5.95 students)

Box Office: 700444

HAUTE VALLÉE SCHOOL OnWednesday 24th September a group of 25Year 8 (cinquièmes) students and 3 stafffrom Collège Notre Dame de la Providence,Avranches, came to visit Haute Vallée.They came to Jersey for the day to visitour School and meet with their penfriends in Year 8, who they began writingto at the start of Year 7. The studentswere extremely excited to see their penfriends again, having met for the firsttime on our visit to Avranches in June.

The French students were givenguided tours of the school, experiencedtaster lessons of either Geography,History, IT or Music and spent timegetting to know their pen friends better,including completing a quiz in their pairs.It was an extremely successful day and avaluable experience for all of the studentsinvolved. It was wonderful to see HauteVallée students working together withtheir pen friends to complete tasks such

St Helierschools

as designing logos on the computer andplaying piano duets. The French studentswere envious of our facilities and theFrench staff very complimentary aboutour students, particularly the Year 8students who acted as tour guides.

The twinning project between the twoschools is going from strength to strengthand one of the new Year 7 classes atHaute Vallée will soon be allocated penpals and will begin corresponding with aclass of sixièmes (Year 7 equivalent) inAvranches.

We would like to thank the St HelierTwinning Committee for their continualsupport with this project and for theirgenerosity in providing funding towardsthese visits.



SHAKESPEARE IN SCHOOLS– THE TEMPEST! Last momth studentsperformed The Tempest at the Jersey ArtsCentre alongside Beaulieu, Le Rocquierand Mont à l’Abbé Schools. The students

THE CHILDREN AT D’AUVERGNENURSERY have recently beenintroduced to the School’s new ‘trim trail’apparatus. They’ve been learning lots ofnew skills on this equipment and havebeen having lots of fun. worked incredibly hard on this project

since the beginning of the autumn termand are looked forward to the sell-outperformance. Some students even had tolearn some circus skills for theperformance, such as riding a unicycleand using stilts.

YEAR 7 CAMP Year 7 students recentlybraved the wild outdoors and spent anight under canvas as part of their firstfew weeks at Grainville School. Despitethe wet start to the camp the sun soonshone and the 120 students had great funparticipating in team-building games,developing their leadership skills andeven took part in a 4-way tug of war! Theevening was spent drinking hot chocolateand hoping the tents would stay up! Thestudents had a great experience,developing their independence,confidence and friendships as part oftheir first few weeks at Grainville.

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10Box Office:

The Beekeeper10th Human Rights FestivalSunday 2 November 2pm

Which Way Is the Front LineFrom Here?10th Human Rights FestivalSaturday 1 November 8pm

Paths of Glory10th Human Rights FestivalMonday 3 November 2pm

The Act of Killing10th Human Rights FestivalMonday 3 November 8pm

Return to Homs10th Human Rights FestivalTuesday 4 November 8pm

Youth Arts JerseyFormerly La Motte Street Youth

Club (some may even remember usas ‘Sounds Workshop’), Youth Arts

Jersey has a new team of youth workersand they are working on a very busyterm, packed with new workshops andclubs that are all centred around the arts.

Youth Arts Jersey is managed bythe Jersey Youth Service and has threefully-equipped music rehearsal roomsavailable for young people to use, as wellas numerous music workshops, gig andradio opportunities. In preparation forthe big move to St James Centre in thenear future, Youth Arts is expandingfrom its primarily music-orientatedfocus to offer a variation of arts-relatedprogrammes.

Dance clubs are up and running everyTuesday from 7–9pm for senior members(aged 12–16 years), at a cost of £1 persession, and junior dance club (8–11 yearolds) every Saturday from 12.30–2.30pmat £1.50. There will be breaks and time tochill within the Youth Centre during theseweekly sessions, and it is hoped that adance fusion piece for the Eisteddfod canbe put together for each age group. Wehope to introduce young people to avariety of styles of dance, all within arelaxed and friendly atmosphere.

For young people with an interest intheatre, or who just want to build theirconfidence and public speaking skills,drama club takes place every Thursdayfrom 7–9pm for age 12–16 years. SessionalYouth Worker Catherine Graf will bedelivering exciting and fun workshops,introducing young people to differentareas of the dramatic arts. The group arepresently writing their very own radioplay that will be aired on our Youth Artsradio station, Radio Youth FM.

Not to stray too far from our musicalroots, ukulele club runs every Tuesdayfrom 4–6pm. All abilities are welcomeand the cost is only £1 per session.

On Monday 17th November (7pm–9pm)we will be hosting one of our verypopular monthly under 18’s open micnights. These nights are designed to giveyoung people the opportunity to performtogether, meet other young musiciansand hopefully go on to form bands oftheir own. This is a free event so if youare under 18 and would like to performor just listen please do come along.

Also still to come later on this termwe will be running ‘Animation Club’,where young people will have theopportunity to create short animatedfilms, ‘art club’, learn stencil andspraying techniques and ‘get into radio’sessions for young people to learn radiopresenting skills and hopefully go on toDJ on Radio Youth FM!

Youth Arts Jersey is continuouslystriving to improve and expand onpositive opportunities for youngpeople – any are welcome to drop in tothese events, regardless of their abilitiesand experience, they just need to bringheaps of enthusiasm! For moreinformation please email Carmel Butel or visitthe ‘Youth Arts Jersey’ Facebook page.

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Aurélie Leroy, manager of St Helier based Maisonde Normandie, keeps us up to date with eventsand developments just over the Channel in France.

If you would like to receive Maison de Normandie’s monthly newsletter about events andfestivals in Normandy, please send us an email or becomea friend on Facebook: ‘MNMJersey’.

The FrenchConnection


La Normandie a une relation forte avec les pays nordiques, notamment avec laNorvège avec qui nous partageons une histoire commune due à l’invasion Vikingqui nous a laissé son savoir-faire maritime et sa culture, toujours bien ancrés

dans la région et aussi à Jersey. « Les Boréales » est un festival dédié à la cultureNordique et a été créé pour maintenir et mettre en valeur les racines Vikings de laNormandie. C’est en 1992 que le festival a débuté et se déroule tous les ans à Caen.Cette année, nous fêterons le bicentenaire de la Constitution de Norvège, l’une des plusanciennes d’Europe et nous rendrons également hommage à Riga, la Capitale Lettonequi se trouve être la capitale européenne de la culture en 2014. Ces deux évènementsguideront la programmation du 13 au 30 novembre prochain. La Norvège et la Lettonieseront donc présentes au cœur de la vie culturelle caennaise pendant presque deuxsemaines et seront promues au public à la fois par l’intermédiaire de la littérature, ladanse, la musique, le cinéma, le théâtre… Un large panel de manifestations seraorganisé et le programme est disponible sur le site internet


Normandy has got a strong relationship with Northern countries and Norway inparticular, due to historical links related to the Vikings invading Normandyand leaving their maritime know-how and culture still present in the region, a

history that we share with Jersey. “Les Boréales” is a festival which has beenimplemented to remind the population of the Norman Viking roots and is dedicated tothe Nordic culture as a whole. It was created in 1992 and takes place in Caen everyyear. This year the festival will celebrate the bi-centenary of the NorwegianConstitution, one of the oldest in Europe, and will also highlight Riga in Latvia, the2014 European Capital for Culture. The festival will focus on these two events from13th to 30th November. Norway and Latvia will be at the heart of Caen’s culturalevents for over two weeks and will be promoted to the public through literature,dance, music, cinema, theatre… A broad spectrum of events will be organized and youcan check the programme on

Flying Paper10th Human Rights FestivalThursday 6 November 8pm

War Witch (Rebelle)10th Human Rights FestivalWednesday 5 November 8pm

The Square10th Human Rights FestivalFriday 7 November 8pm

Great ExpectationsMonday MatinéeMonday 17 November 2pm

Blazin' FiddlesA Channel IslandsMusic Council TourMonday 24 November 8pm

Box Office:

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Leo, why did you choose to opena Mitsubishi dealership?L.M. Mitsubishi has been a successfulbrand for a long time, so when we weregiven the opportunity to represent themin the Channel Islands we jumped at thechance. It is not every day an opportunitylike this comes about.

Good customer service doesn’t endwith the handing over of the keys. Howwill you maintain a relationship withyour customers?L.M. Customer service starts after the saleis complete. It is our goal to provide thebest service on the Island. Obviously thistakes time but, from a standing start in2013, I am very happy with where we arecurrently at.

Are you still going to sell goodquality pre-owned cars?L.M. Yes, pre-owned cars will still be a bigpart of our business. Our aim is to be ableto provide a car for everyone, from a Minito a Ferrari and everything inbetween.

How does running the Mitsubishidealership and the Mansell Collectioncompare to the pit lane? L.M. They are two very different worlds.I was fortunate to race for the time I didand miss the buzz and competing. Butnow I am really enjoying the challenge ofbuilding a successful business.

This building is iconic. What’s itshistory?

L.M. The building’s history is still a little

vague in places. I know it dates back tothe early 1900s or even late 1890s. Theart deco frontage was added at a laterdate, circa 1930 I believe. Its roots havealways been as a garage or dealership.St Helier Garages had it for a long time.

You are also refurbishing a petrolstation a bit further down the road withthe same branding as this one. Asidefrom serving petrol what are the plansfor The Fuel.

L.M. The Fuel will continue as it wasbefore as a petrol station, but will alsobe home to part of our brand new servicedepartment. The inside will be fittedout with two new ramps for servicingand repair work. It will also be ourMitsubishi parts department. I am veryexcited to see the finished article; it’ll bea stunning site.

What can you tell us about theMansell Collection and how much doesit cost to visit?

L.M. The Story at the Mansell Collectionis an exhibition of all of Nigel’s (myDad’s) trophies and achievements fromhis years in motorsport. There are alsosome of his F1 cars on display. Thesuccess of the exhibition to date has farexceeded our expectations. Cost ofentrance is £10 Adults, £7.50 OAPs,11–16 £5.00 and under 10s Free.


If you drive west along La Route de St Aubin, a striking art deco building will appear onthe right-hand side. This has been restored to its former glory and houses the MansellCollection – racing cars and memorabilia from the glittering career of former worldF1 champion, Nigel Mansell. It is also the base for a brand new Mitsubishi dealership.Managing Director Leo Mansell has lived in Jersey for 16 years, has been involved inthe world of motoring all his life and, as a ‘retired’ racing car driver, also knows theadrenalin-fuelled atmosphere of the pit lane. He is very excited by both the success of theMansell Collection since it opened in January 2013 and the opening of Mansell Mitsubishi.We interrupted his busy schedule to ask him a few questions.

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While no one can deny thatcompetition from internetshopping is of concern to a lot

of town businesses this Christmas, there isstill a lot of optimism in St Helier’s retail,hospitality and service sectors. Town hasweathered the storm of the recession well,with far fewer empty shops than othershopping destinations on the UKmainland, and with new businessesqueuing up to take on premises as theybecome vacant. The Constable of St Helieris keen to emphasise the positiveexperiences that shoppers can have whocome into town, including the ability tosocialise and eat out in safe, clean,attractive and interesting surroundings.‘What makes a trip to St Helier special arethings which you cannot enjoy online,’ hesays. ‘Christmas shopping in St Helier is awonderful experience for people of allages, and it’s not surprising that peopletravel to our town from Guernsey and

France to shop at this time of year. Ourstreets and precincts are full of light andcolour, and traders go out of their way tocreate imaginative and eye-catchingwindow displays. Our Central Market isprobably at its best at this time of year,and its spaces are animated by carolsingers as are the network of shoppingstreets around them like Market Street andBath Street, and the other squares andpublic spaces in town. St Helier is veryfortunate in having so many differentareas with their own character forshoppers to enjoy, including CharingCross, Halkett Place, Conway Street, DonStreet, West’s Centre, Colomberie andLiberty Wharf. Few towns with apopulation of 30,000 can boast such anenormous number and variety of cafés,bars and restaurants, so that our shoppersreally are spoilt for choice when it’s timeto sit down and take a break fromshopping.’

St Helier’s retailers, restaurateurs, café and bar proprietorsand other business owners are approaching this year’sChristmas shopping period with renewed confidence andenergy – that’s the view of St Helier’s new Town CentreManager, Daphne East. She explains why she is so confidentand upbeat below.

CHRISTMAS LIGHTSGRAND SWITCH ONSanta’s Express Train Parade willstart off the Christmas Light SwitchOn at Millennium Town Park at 5pm,processing through town to theWeighbridge. All spaces on the trainhave been donated to the VarietyChildren’s Charity. There’ll be carolsingers and the St Helier Scout Band,and Santa will make his way toWest’s Centre for the switch on witheven more carol singers followed bysome Christmas baubles, a Christmaspudding, Cinderella and her uglysisters from the Jersey’s Green RoomClub’s pantomime, and many othercharacters. Santa’s Parade will be atthe Royal Square at 6pm for theGrand Christmas Light Switch On,with many more fun surprises andentertainment along the way.

The Parade will finish at theWeighbridge at approximately6.30pm, where you can meet Santa inhis grotto before he travels back intotown to do his Christmas shopping.All the characters from the Paradewill be on the high street, so comealong to get your photo taken withthem.


St Helier 2014

This year's Christmas Battle Parade takesplace on Sunday 7th December

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At the same time he is determined to‘keep on the case’ when it comes to thevarious obstacles that get between thevisitor to town and an enjoyable, hassle-free day out. ‘A good supply of cheap andconvenient shopper parking is crucial tothe ongoing health of the town,’ he says.‘I brought amendments to the 2012 IslandPlan to ensure that increasing visitorparking, especially in the north ofSt Helier, would be necessary before anymore new residential developments wereapproved by the Planning Department,which is why I and the town Deputieswere so astonished when the recent JerseyGas development next to the MillenniumTown Park was recommended forapproval by the Department in spite ofoffering no visitor parking at all. We arekeenly awaiting the development of thepromised shopper parking as part of the

St Helier's Battle of Flowers Committeewill be entering a float in the Battle ofFlowers Christmas Parade on Sunday 7thDecember. This will be the Parish's thirdentry in the Christmas Parade andfollows the successful entry in thesummer parade in August with itsseaside-themed float. The ChristmasParade is becoming an increasinglyimportant part of the Battle of FlowersAssociation's activity, and it adds a greatdeal to the great variety of entertainmentthat goes on in St Helier during theChristmas period. The Parish's young


In the busy Christmas period, there isnothing more important than theChristmas shop window to attractshoppers through the retailers’ doors,increase footfall and encouragecustomers to buy local. For the fourthyear running, all St Helier retailerswill be asked to dress to impress.

We all know that St Helierretailers are a creative bunch, andnow is their opportunity to showcaseit. The competition will be launchedat West’s Centre on Thursday 13thNovember, with the winning shopsbeing announced on Thursday 18thDecember during the popular ’LoveThursday, Love Shopping’ late nightshopping at the Cenotaph (Town Hallif weather wet), with music and funfor all. The winning retailer will bethe recipient of a trophy to displayproudly within its premises, andthere will also be some amazingprizes for several members of thepublic who voted.

Street theatre at Liberty Wharf'

'The switch on of Christmas Lights is always popular

ambassadors, Miss St Helier, Junior MissSt Helier and Mr St Helier will be on theParish float together with the Constable,although he went unrecognised last yeardue to the Father Christmas outfit he waswearing! (pictured right)

St Helier's Battle of FlowersCommittee is already planning nextsummer's float and is keen for anyoneinterested in joining in to get in touchas soon as possible in the NewYear. Please contact the Town Hallif you are interested on 811823

Ann Court development which will be aboon for traders in areas like West’sCentre and the Central Markets, whileincreasing the car park at Snow Hill aspart of the proposals for Fort Regent willalso be vital.’

St Helier’s new Town Centre Managerexplains why she is so excited to be partof the Parish’s initiatives to maintain andstrengthen the town’s appeal to shoppersand visitors. ‘Christmas 2014 is a veryexciting year with retail and hospitalitygearing up for its busiest time of year.Extended retail opening hours andfestive menus will draw us to St Helier.

The Christmas Shop windowcompetition returns with the theme ofthe ‘12 days of Christmas’ in associationwith Jersey charities, and the Christmaslights switch on promises to be brighterand jollier than ever.’

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available to all Islanders and drasticallyincrease footfall. It is also important thatthere is access from more than one areaof town as was historically the case.Traffic flow, Pier Road Car Park and theescalators will all, under the proposal, be

significantly improved. But it is SnowHill that stands to see the most dramatictransformation.

At the former site of the cable cars(which are unfortunately no longer afeasible option) the proposal is for a

Rediscovering Fort Regent


The new plans for Fort Regentneeded to be ambitious andthere is no doubt they are, but

beneath the impressive structures andbold designs is recognition of theimportance of this historic building tothe Island and the potential it holds.

The plans were shown to thepublic for the first time in Septemberand since then the response has beenlargely positive; however, much of thefocus has been on the sports facilities,with the benefits the proposals couldbring to young people and to St Helierreceiving less attention.

All sections of the plans work asstand-alone zones, but when puttogether they not only enhance eachother but provide creative solutions topractical issues. The Youth Zone,Linear Park and Snow Hill access areno exception.

ACCESS AND SNOW HILL By itsnature a Fort is difficult to reach; thisis a problem for a facility seeking to be


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skywalk and two glass lifts linking SnowHill to what will become a public parksurrounding the Fort. Not only wouldthis area of town benefit from urbanregeneration, but the elevated viewingplatform also has advantages for crimereduction and public safety. Currentlythe main route to the Fort for pedestriansis the steps at Pier Road. Snow Hill offersa more direct entry point for thosecoming from the east whatever form oftransport they use.

The skywalk is an exciting feature inits own right, but in addition to access itis also fundamental to the creation of alinear park and in utilising the outsideareas to their full potential. The otherfunction of the skyway is to provide aplatform overlooking the Skate Park andYouth Zone below.

LINEAR PARK AND YOUTH ZONEThe ramparts boast some of the bestviews over town in the Island but atpresent the outside spaces at the Fort areunderused. By creating a walkwayaround the building and linking with thetown centre the regenerated outsideareas would lead to increased footfalland provide a number of opportunitiesfor additional activities. A sculpturepark, running track, arts trail andcommunity garden are just some of theideas that could be incorporated into theexternal plans which also include arestaurant and café.

Mark Capern, Principal Youth Officerat the Youth Service, who has beeninvolved with the plans form an earlystage, describes the project as a “goldenopportunity”, saying: “The Fort Regentproposal is exciting and will give theyoung people of St Helier a place to takepart in positive activity and providesomewhere for them to meet with friends.While it is in a very early phase, we planto use our street-based youth workers toconsult with young people on the YouthZone so that they can have someownership and a voice in how and whatis provided in this space.”

The plans are similarly supported bythe States Police who have also hadinput into the early designs. InspectorMark Coxshall explained that: “Givingyoung people a sense of ownership to anenvironment which includes listening totheir views is essential in terms of widerproblem profiling and reducing crimewith any new development. Theproposed developments at Fort Regentwould offer young people new facilitiesthat will undoubtedly assist in divertingthem from the temptation of crime andlower level anti-social behaviour. Wehave been working hard with partners,

including Transport and TechnicalServices (‘TTS’), the Youth Service,Honorary Police, Parish of St Helier,Community Sports Development andFreedom Church to find to find solutionsto the existing void of a purpose-builtskate park. Longer term, the Fort proposalappears to provide the perfect solution.”

It is hoped that if given sufficientbacking, work to make these plans areality could start over the next three tosix years.

THE THINKING BEHIND THEDESIGNS The redevelopment ofJersey’s largest leisure and entertainmentvenue is an extensive, complex projectand one of the main

challenges has been to give the site acohesion and identity that it currentlylacks. The other key themes that runthroughout the proposals include thepreservation and restoration of the Fortas a historic building and the creation offurther useable space for both sports andother activities.

NEXT STEPS The proposed plans areintended to form part of a business casethat will seek funding in the 2016 to2019 Medium Term Financial Plan. Moreinformation is available on theRediscovering Fort Regent Facebookpage as well as on

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THEN ON 7TH AUGUST, WestmountDay Nursery’s Marie Wilson welcomedElliott George Wilson into the world,weighing 8lbs 11oz. Elliott has beenenthusiastically greeted by the childrenat Westmount, and the Parish’scongratulations and best wishesgo to Marie, Simon and Elliott.


5TH MARCH 2014 saw the safe arrivalof Chloé Zusi Sty, daughter of André andLena Sty, weighing in at 6lb 6oz. André(of our Technical & EnvironmentalServices Department) and Lena metfollowing the twinning of St Helier andBad Wurzach in 2002, as Lena was oneof the first exchange students to visitSt Helier. Thankfully Lola Sty (alsopictured) was happy to welcome Chloéto the family.









Anew Town Centre Manager hasbeen appointed by the Parishfollowing the retirement of the

previous post holder.Daphne East has had a diverse career

with 16 years’ experience in thehospitality industry. She trained andqualified as a chef and worked inLondon and Jersey in high classrestaurants before embarking on a careerin the retail and manufacturing sectors ina senior commercial role. Daphneworked for over seven years with majorretailers in the UK and Channel Islands,including Marks and Spencer, andsupported the launch of new productsfor brands such as Coca Cola, GU, LloydGrossman and Mr Kipling.

Daphne is a member of the JerseyTourism Development Fund Panel andhas been an Adviser for Young Enterprise.

Daphne says of her appointment:"I am extremely excited by theopportunity to work with the retail andhospitality sectors in St Helier to furtherenhance the high reputation which thetown has as a place in which to shop andsocialise, both for local people andtourists. I am looking forward to working

with all groups and individuals whohave over many years established andorganised the many excellent eventswhich have developed St Helier’sreputation as an exciting place in whichto be. I intend to meet with as manypeople as possible when I start work nextmonth to find out what would assistthem in progressing their plans.”

The Constable of St Helier, SimonCrowcroft, says: “We had a lot ofapplications for this replacement postand a very strong short list of candidates.Daphne brings a lot of skill andexperience from her work in the privatesector to the role of Town CentreManager and I am confident that townbusinesses, large and small, as well asvisitors to St Helier and our ratepayers,will notice improvements to what thetown offers in the coming months.”

Daphne East, who is a resident ofSt Helier, took up her new position on6th October.

3, Victoria Street, St Helier. Tel:

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A18985 text 13_A18315 27/10/2014 12:55 Page 18


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This year’s studenttravel bursary wasawarded to 17 year

old Maddy Jouanny. On 9th July Maddy travelled to BadWurzach to start a three week work experience placement inthe various areas of hospitality. In her letter of thanks to theCommittee Maddy wrote: “I really enjoyed my time there. Thepeople were all lovely, particularly my host family, and I wasable to work in many different areas of Bad Wurzach tourismwhich I found really valuable and interesting. I was alsoimmersed in German culture, and I think that my Germanlanguage skills have developed a lot”.

During Maddy’s stay in Bad Wurzach, she was able to takepart in the annual Holy Blood Feast, involving a procession ofsome 1600 people on horseback from all the surroundingvillages and towns.

Another event was the unveiling of a historical plaque whichhas been erected just near the main entrance of the Schloss. Thisplaque, which is just one of several throughout Upper Schwabia,will remain an everlasting reminder of the National Socialists’internment camp legacy in Bad Wurzach. Angela Francey, onbehalf of the Constable of St Helier and the Partnerschaft,attended the unveiling together with representatives from thetown’s other twinned town of Luxeuil-Les-Bains.

Left to right: Mayor RolandBürkle, Angela Francey,Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Marcus,Gisela Rothenhäusler andMayor Michel Raison.

Tropical peace in Parade GardensThe Parish’s gardens provide a haven for quiet contemplation,with this splendid backdrop of banana plants.

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WHAT IS CALL & CHECK?Call & Check is a service that has been developed by JerseyPost that offers a regular call from a postal worker to thosemembers of our community who could benefit from a bit ofextra help and support. The scheme can also offer support foranyone that cares for a friend or relative.

HOW DOES IT WORK?Call & Check provides a regular visit for people – daily, weeklyor as agreed. Our staff will have a brief conversation with thecustomer to ascertain how they are and if they need anything.Working with our customers’ designated contacts, we are thenable to relay important messages or requests back to therelevant authority for action.

The postal worker is in no way providing medical care orassistance to the customer, we are simply a regular, friendlyface that frequently calls and checks, and can raise concernswith relevant third parties where necessary.

PILOT SCHEMEJersey Post has been successfully running its Call & Checkservice through a pilot scheme in St Brelade, St Peter, St Maryand St Ouen and it’s now been decided to extend the service toparts of St Helier.

To date we have carried out over 400 Call & Checks in thewestern trial parishes and below are a sample of quotes fromour clients;

Jersey Post’s Call & Check community service is coming toSt Helier District 2.


“It makes me feel somuch better knowingthat I get my postie’sfriendly call to checkon me three times aweek.” Amy

“Knowing my mumgets checked onevery day during theweek takes some ofthe pressure off mywife and I, and givesus additional peaceof mind.” Mike,caring for his mother

“The Call & Check servicegives my mother and I areal feeling of reassuranceknowing a regular check isbeing made.” Helen, caringfor her mother

“ I am an independentperson but I look forwardto my Call & Check.” John

“Thank you for Call & Checkand sorting out for my shoppingto be delivered to my home, itmakes life a lot easier..” Alice

HOW DO I ACCESS THIS SERVICE?There will shortly be a leaflet delivered to those homes thatare to be included in the St Helier pilot. This leaflet givesmore information on the service and has a freepost applicationform that can be completed and returned for moreinformation, or to sign up to the service. Alternatively you cancollect a leaflet from the Town Hall or contact Joe Dickinson,Call & Check project manager, by calling 616594 or byemailing call&

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Supported by

Jersey Development Company

Friday 7 November 2014


IDEAL CONDITIONS are proud to be the main sponsor

Bonfire in suppor

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Westmount is something of a Cinderella of a publicspace. Most people pass it rather than go through it,yet it serves a vital function in being an essential

piece of the town's green backdrop. It delineates the Westernedge of the town, separating it from the outlying districts ofBay View and First Tower, and prevents the sprawl of the builtup area from continuing unchecked from the town centre, toMillbrook and beyond.

Westmount is also an attractive place in its own right. Itswending pathways lead beneath pine trees, with a rare sense ofisolation in our busy town. The only intrusive feature is theconstant, dull roar of traffic from Victoria Avenue.

But Westmount used to boast another charming feature thatis alas now lost. There used to be a distinct more formal area ofplanting, near the middle. The lowest section of this was by thevehicular access on the main road (almost opposite the WestPark bus shelter). There used to be a formal raised pond herecomplete with fountain, surrounded by raised flower beds andseating. Even when the pond was later converted into a flowerbed, it remained a pleasant seating area for tourists. The bigshale wall behind this used to have a castellated top, and upbehind this, on the next level, was a sunny semi-circular terraceflanked by symmetrical curved paths leading upwards. Theplanting here was a semi-formal mix of flowering shrubs,herbaceous perennials and rockery plants; there were palmtrees, a couple of flowering cherry trees and even a eucalyptustree. The flanking paths led up to a much smaller terrace whichboasted a pergola made of rusticated 'log-effect' cement,complete with a rambling rose. Steps then led upwards to thetop of Westmount.

It was the route down from the top level which provided themost dramatic contrast. The steps shaded by pine trees wouldsuddenly open out into this sunny garden area with a clear viewof the sea. This was a clever piece of design. It exploited theindent in the hillside here to create a belvedere, with the gap in

WESTMOUNTby André Ferrari

André Ferrari is a heritagecampaigner and author of books on Jersey’slost architecture.

View on St Helier

the lower tree planting allowing for this vista. It was a delightfulplace, and it had the feel of a forgotten garden. This area wasthe cental focus of Westmount.

Unfortunately time and nature were not kind to Westmount.Hurricane force winds in 1963 caused much damage fromfalling trees. Whilst wall and paths were eventually patched up,ornamental features were removed, and despite replantingefforts the place continued to have a neglected feel. The GreatStorm of 1987 once again caused great damage, leading to amajor replanting and remodelling of Westmount. Pathwayswere taken out and simplified, the lower pond area was infilledwith an earth bank and half of the belvedere planting wasbulldozed, along with one of the flanking paths. New plantingwas naturalistic in style, and the notion of more formal plantingwas abandoned. That said, one part of the old shrubberyremained along with the semi-circular terrace.

Until today – for everything here is now being choppeddown to make way for the new JEC sub station that is about tobe built. Published drawings showed that the lower formerpond area was to be the site of the sub station, but it seems thatthe upper terrace is to be bulldozed too. So what will we get inplace of this former gem? Well, we haven't been told! As perusual, the public have been kept in the dark over the finaldetails of the plans, yet it strikes me that this was a goldenopportunity to reinstate the idea of a belvedere. The sub stationwill project out from the retaining wall - why not make the roofof this structure a terrace, with seating to exploit the views?New semi-formal planting could reinterpret the concept of theoriginal Westmount design, yet I suspect that no one involvedin the plans recalls the original belvedere, and therefore there isno impetus to be inspired by it. The focus is probably onmaking the new structure blend into a naturalistic background.

Yet I have a feeling that the original designers of Westmountwould have taken the opposite design direction. If a sub stationhad been required, it would have been made into a distinct andornate feature in its own right, surrounded by lush, semi-formalplanting!

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JESIENNE REFLEKSJELato gwa townie zamienia si w jesie wraz z rozpocz ciem szko y i,dla wi kszo ci z nas, z obowi zkiem budzenia rozespanychdzieciaków, pakowania lunchboxa i niezmiennego: „Zachowuj sigrzecznie w szkole”.

Moja praca równie si rozpocz a na pocz tku wrze nia zprzeprowadzania testów sprawdzaj cych znajomo j zykaangielskiego u wszystkich nowoprzyj tych polskoj zycznych dzieciwe wszystkich publicznych szko ach na wyspie. W tym roku by ampozytywnie zaskoczona faktem, e na dziesi cioro polskoj zycznychdzieci oko o po owy by a perfekcyjnie dwuj zyczna. Co wi cejniektóre z nich by y trzyj zyczne, przewa nie z rodzin gdzie jeden zrodziców by innej narodowo ci ni polska lub angielska. Uwierzciemi, by o to wspania e uczucie, aby zobaczy na w asne oczy, e jestto mo liwe. S dz , e jest to jedyna w a ciwa droga, któr wartopod a !

Umiej tno pos ugiwania si kilkoma j zykami jest wspania ymdarem, który trudno przeceni .

wiat zmierza w kierunku wieloj zycznej i wielokulturowejspo eczno ci i ci, którzy my l inaczej, prawdopodobnie nie zdajasobie sprawy z zachodz cych zmian, które si dziej niezale nie odnaszej woli. Aczkolwiek dla tych mówi cych kilkoma j zykamiszansa odnalezienia swojego miejsca w wielonarodowymspo ecze stwie jest o wiele wi ksza.

Jestem szczerze przekonana, e rodzice, którzy zadbali ozachowanie to samo ci narodowej swoich pociech ucz c ich j zykaswoich przodków, s nie tylko m drymi i odpowiedzialnymiobywatelami Ziemi, ale równie dobrymi przedsi biorcami,dalekowzrocznie inwestuj cymi w przysz e kariery swoich pociech.Chwa a wam za wasz m dro i dojrza o na miar XXI wieku!

AUTUMN THOUGHTSAmazingly summer turns quickly into autumn once the schools startback, and for most of us our usual routine of waking up sleepy kids,not forgetting the lunch box and being good at school kicks off.

Mine also started with working on assessing the ability to speakEnglish of Polish-originated children starting at Island schools. Iwas positively surprised to find out that of the ten Polish-originatedchildren around five are perfectly bilingual. What’s more is thatsome of them were trilingual, occurring mostly when both parentsare of different non-English-speaking nationalities. Wonderful tohear, this is an amazing gift which will benefit these children whenthey grow up in a way we cannot underestimate.

The world is evolving into a multilingual and multiculturalsociety and those who think differently might not realise that all ischanging no matter if we accept it or not. However, for those fluentlyspeaking several of the most popular languages on the Island theperspective for finding their place in the society is much greater.

I truly believe that those parents making an effort to keep theidentity of their children rooted in the acquisition of their mothertongue are not only wise and responsible citizens of thecommunity, but they’re actually making a good investment inguaranteed future career prospects for their offspring. And weshould be thanking them so much for their foresight.


It’s that time of year again! For the fourth year running,local charity Age Concern Jersey is hosting its ‘OperationHamper Appeal’. Kindly sponsored by SandpiperCI, the

charity is teaming up with the retailer to ensure as manyelderly people on the Island in need as possible receive aChristmas hamper filled to the brim with lots of goodies toensure they have food in the cupboard for Christmas.

Age Concern Chairman, Daphne Minihane MBE, has beenoverwhelmed with the support of the local community in 2013,and hopes that the older people can receive the same supportthis year. This appeal launched on Wednesday 29th October2014 and the charity is asking for your support either bydonating food, collecting food within your parish anddelivering it to your parish hall or helping with deliveries.

If you would like to take part in such a worthy cause, thenplease contact the charity’s Marketing and Events Manager,Aaron Labey, on 758922 / 07797 836 845 or by emailing Aaron Alternatively, if you or someone you know isin need and would benefit from a hamper please let the charityknow. Application forms can be obtained from Age Concern Jersey,Windsor House, Val Plaisant, JE2 47A, telephone 0800 735 0345.

Age Concern aims to ensure that as many elderly people onthe Island get the support they need to have a happy andhealthy Christmas.


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There are lots of opportunities for parishioners to get involved in thevariety of activities organised in St Helier. For anyone interested inbecoming involved in these groups, a brief overview and contactdetails are shown below.

ST HELIER IN BLOOMThe Community in Bloom Group encourages community planting andenvironmental initiatives, with artistic flourishes.Contact Tony Andrews on 811700or email

ST HELIER’S HONORARY POLICEThe Honorary Police are an integral part of the Parish, working closelywith the States Police to provide a service unique in the British Isles. Contact the Honorary Police Co-ordinator on 811890or email

ST HELIER – AVRANCHES JUMELAGEThe Jumelage Committee facilitates school group exchanges, andcultural and sporting links with Avranches in Normandy.Contact Annabelle Bishop on 07797 762008or email

ST HELIER – BAD WURZACH PARTNERSCHAFTSt Helier twinned with Bad Wurzach, where many Islanders wereinterned during the Second World War, in 2002. The PartnerschaftCommittee promotes cultural links between the two towns.Contact Clive Armstrong on 854152or email

ST HELIER – FUNCHAL GEMINAÇÃOThe Committee supports activities celebrating the Portuguese language,music, food and national days, following the twinning with Funchal in 2012.Contact Simon Crowcroft on 811821or email page: Comité de Geminição St Helier-Funchal

ST HELIER POLISH SOCIETYA new group to promote Polish culture locally.Contact Magda Chmielewska on 07700 811719or

ST HELIER – YOUTH COMMITTEEThe St Helier Youth Committee gives financial support to youthprojects throughout the Parish. It is also responsible for allocatinggrants to groups and individuals who live in the Parish.Application forms available from our website: www.sthelier.jeContact Sarah Richardson on 07797 732901or email

ST HELIER – BATTLE OF FLOWERS ASSOCIATIONThe St Helier Battle of Flowers Association is a welcoming group keento create a community atmosphere. All Islanders are welcome to join in.Contact Bruno Sousa on 07797 833146or email

ST HELIER PÉTANQUE GROUPThe ‘POSH Pétanquers’ meet on Fridays at 2pm in the MillenniumTown Park. Newcomers are welcome and coaching is provided. Contact Tony Allchurch on 767593 or email

ST HELIER COMMUNITY SERVICES TEAMWhen the administration of welfare was moved to Income Support theParish retained some of its staff skilled in supporting the community,assisted by volunteers. New members are always welcome. Contact Julie Garrod on 811856 or email

ST HELIER SOCIAL COMMITTEEThe Parish’s Social Committee makes possible activities like the LiberationCream Tea and the Christmas Lunches. New members welcome. Contact Jane Skelhorn on 811823or email

Parish Groups


For more information about any of the aboveevents, or to see what else is happening atJersey Arts Centre throughout October, callJersey Arts Centre’s Box Office on: 700444,or go online at:

November sees a whole host of performances, concerts,courses and exhibitions come to Jersey Arts Centre...

If music is your thing, make sure to see Blazin' Fiddles onMonday 24 November. Comprising the hottest contemporaryfiddle players from the Highlands and Islands of Scotland,Blazin' Fiddles captures Scottish fiddle music’s variety, energyand sensitivity like no other group. Blending solo and ensemblesets, along with the occasional insightful tale, fiddlers JennaReid, Bruce MacGregor, Rua Macmillan and Kristan Harvey arejoined by Anna Massie on guitar and Angus Lyon on keyboardto deliver a musically intoxicating evening for all!

Next, a unique exhibition comes to Jersey Arts Centre's BerniGallery from Monday 3 November. As part of the continuingcommemorations of the start of the First World War, an exhibitionof words, 100 Poems, will be on show until 15 November.Featuring a number of commissioned poems from local writers,the pieces featured have taken war as a theme, with both theFirst World War and more recent conflicts being featured. Thepieces will then be turned into an anthology by Jersey ArtsCentre, which will also include poems from local schools.

Finally, have you ever fancied learning how to make yourown bespoke pieces of jewellery? After a sold out course inOctober, Tina Ellis-Brecknell is teaching another JewelleryMaking Workshop on 3 December. The perfect chance to makea personalised Christmas present, or even a special treat foryourself, get creative and have fun. There are only ten placesavailable, so book now to avoid disappointment!

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THE GOOD COMPANIONS CLUBIS HOLDING A SILENT AUCTION‘with a twist’ on Sunday 2nd Novemberat 1.45pm. There’ll be over 100 lots, plusa raffle, and tickets cost £10 whichincludes a full afternoon tea. Telephone871451 or email

THE JERSEY CHESHIRE HOME isholding a Winter Fayre on Saturday 22ndNovember from 11am to 3pm. There’ll bebric-a-brac, books, jewellery, homeproduce and lots more. Refreshmentsand food available. For more detailsemail ortelephone 285858, extension 1.

THE NATIVITY PHOTO SHOOTCome and create your version of theNativity in St Paul’s Church’s own‘Nativity Photo Booth’, working withKandidprints photography. Grab acostume and a prop, pose with familyand friends and receive your own imageof Christmas 2014 to take away for free.Perfect for a festive fridge photo or evenfor making your own Christmas cards.

Finish off with free tea and mince pieswithin the Church. From 2–4pm atSt Paul’s Church, New Street on Saturday6th December. Telephone 887887 or for moreinformation.

THE SECOND JERSEY CHARITYSLEEP OUT will be held overnight onSaturday 29th November at Pier RoadCar Park.

200 hardy individuals are beingsought to sleep out on Floor 11 of the PierRoad Car Park, with the event starting at8pm and finishing at 8am the followingmorning. Soup and sandwiches will beserved for supper and bacon rolls will beavailable in the morning. Tea and coffeewill be available throughout the night.

Over £20,000 was raised last time andit's hoped more will be raised this year.Each participant is expected to raise aminimum of £250 in sponsorship andthere's a £25 registration fee. To registerplease email –and also join the Facebook Group atJersey Charity Sleep Out.

BEAULIEU CONVENT SCHOOLARE HOLDING A CHRISTMASSHOPPING EVENING on Thursday13th November from 6-8pm. There’ll be awide range of stalls, including cards,handmade Christmas goodies, new andnearly new items, candles, jewellery,scarves, shabby chic, vintage-style gifts,home bake treats, toys, books, flowers etcetc. All welcome.

LET’S GET SAVING! CommunitySavings is encouraging everyone to save,even just a few coins, every week. Thecharity’s recent Money Matters surveyrevealed how hard it is for many of us tosave at the moment. But it is importantthat we all get into the habit of puttingmoney aside and building up a ‘rainy dayfund’ so that we have something spare ifan emergency arises. Anyone wishing toopen a dedicated savings account can callin to Community Savings on Seale StreetTues–Fri between 9.30am and 12.30pm.

ST HELIER BONFIRE : FRIDAY7TH NOVEMBER To be lit by Mr, Missand Jr Miss St Helier. Gates open at4.30pm, with the firework displaybetween 8 and 9pm weather-permitting.Tickets available at the gate or inadvance from the Town Hall. Price: £3.50(children up to 12 years) or £5.50 foradults. This year supporting Durrell,Jersey Hospice and Side by Side; lastyear’s bonfire raised around £9,000 forcharities.


ALL SAINTS CHURCHParade, St HelierContact Rev. David on 768323


CHRISTIAN PORTUGUESEMISSIONSt Paul’s Centre, St HelierTel: 522480

IMMANUEL CHRISTIAN CENTRE(Freedom Church), Victoria Street, St HelierTel: 768957

JERSEY BAPTIST CHURCHVauxhall Street, St HelierTel: 879611

ST ANDREW’S CHURCHLe Mont Cochon, St Heliervisit,, telephone 734582 or

ST COLUMBA’SMidvale Road, St HelierTel: 733220

ST HELIER METHODISTCENTREHalkett Place, St Heliercontact Sarah Keenan-Fox on 877517

ST MARK’S CHURCHSt Mark’s Road, St Heliervisit or contactMonika Le Seelleur on 720595

ST PAUL’S CHURCHNew Street, St HelierContact the Church Office on 887887or visit

ST THOMAS’ CHURCHVal Plaisant, St HelierTel: 720235

THE SALVATION ARMYMinden Place, St HelierTel: 723336

TOWN CHURCHChurch Street, St Heliercontact the Town Church on 736734or visit

MACMILLAN JERSEY’SGREATEST COFFEE MORNINGAgain the Parish took part this year onFriday 26th September, raising £255.34for the very worthy charity. Thanks to allour helpers and to residents at St Ewold’sResidential Home and everyone else whovery kindly made and donated ourdelicious cakes.

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11am at the Cenotaph


Band of the Islandof Jersey ConcertFinal concert for 2014with Corps of Drums

Town Hall 7.30pm


St Helier BonfireGates open at 4.30pm,

firework display between 8 and 9pm


La Ronde ConcertBand of Jersey’s

Christmas ConcertCarol singing by members of choirs from

Haute Vallée & Le Rocquier Schools


Switch on ofChristmas Lights

Parade starts at 5.45pm

from Millennium Town Park

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GOOD COMPANIONS CLUB Hosting various events for the Island’s over 50s, andbased at Le Marais, St Clement, more information on The GoodCompanions Club can be obtained by contacting Manager Angela Falla

JERSEY ALZHEIMER’S ASSOCIATION Seale Street: The office and drop-in centreare open from 10am to 1pm Monday to Thursday. Call in for informationand advice, telephone 723519 or email Helpline: 443075

JERSEY CODERS (computer coding club for teenagers): Meets weekly on aWednesday at JT premises in St Helier. For further information pleasecontact Gwyn Garfield-Bennett on 715411 or 07797 715560 or

JERSEY BUMPS & BABIES GROUP Meets on the first Thursday of each month,11am to 1pm, at the Café at St Helier Methodist Centre, Halkett Street.Contact Viki Lucas at or 07700 362022

JERSEY MS THERAPY CENTRE at Rope Walk, St Helier. Open from 11am to 6pmon Tuesdays and Wednesdays, the Centre offers complementary therapies,meditation / relaxation, and oxygen therapy in the Barochamber which isavailable to anyone. For more information please telephone 737297, or visit

COMMUNITY SAVINGS LTD. offers account facilities, budgeting advice and incertain cases emergency funding to Islanders. Drop into the Seale Streetoffice Tues-Fri 9.30am-12.30pm or call 737555. Information also available

SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCING an opportunity to get fit and learn a new skill.For beginners, with no partners required, just come along. Every Thursdayfrom 7.30-8.45pm at First Tower School, £4 per person. Contact Joy on862205 or Alan on 484375.

This section of the Crier is devoted to the many voluntary clubs and groups runthroughout St Helier. If you would like to promote your organisation or a planned

special event, or just to include contact details, please telephone 811821 oremail

WOMEN’S INSTITUTE There are four meetings in St Helier as follows:St Helier Sirens WI:1st Thursday of each month at Church House (oppositeChambers) at 8pm. Contact Helen Asplet on 483000 or La Pouquelaye WI: 2nd Wednesday of each monthat the La Pouquelaye Community Centre (the old La Pouquelaye School) at7.30pm. Contact Gill James on 722467 or’s Belles WI: 2nd Tuesday of each month at 8pm at KensingtonChambers, Kensington Place. Contact Sue Bone on 636977 or First Tower & Millbrook WI: 2nd Wednesdayof each month at the St Andrew’s Church Hall at 7.30pm. Contact JoanCadoret on 735534

MOBILE LIBRARY George V Cottage Homes: Mondays, 9.20–9.45amClos du Paradis: Tuesdays, 9.15–9.45am B&Q, Queen’s Road: Tuesdays,9.50–10.30am

BEAVERS, CUBS AND SCOUTS 14th Jersey (St Helier) Scout Group:Salvation Army Hall, Minden Place. Beavers and Cubs: Monday evenings.Scouts: Wednesday evenings. Contact Mary Roberts, Island Secretary, on486935. or email:

RAINBOWS, BROWNIES AND GIRL GUIDES All Saints Church Hall group,The Parade: Thursday and Friday evenings. Contact: Daphne on 871199. LaPouquelaye group, La Pouquelaye Community Centre: Tuesday evening.Contact Tina de la Cour on 07797 761746 or 877559. South Rainbowgroup, d’Auvergne School: Saturday morning. Contact: Jean on509003/07797 719003. 5th St Mark’s Brownies group, All Saints ChurchHall: Wednesday evening. Contact Vee on 789571 or 07797 795587. 5th StMark’s Guides group, La Pouquelaye Community Centre: Mondayevening. Contact Pat on 481418. First Tower group, First Tower School:Monday evening. Contact Jayne on 723621

LITTLE MONKEYS GYMNASTICS Fort Regent. Various classes to suit childrenfrom 1 to 6 years. Phone or text Mel on 07797 731101 or


ROYAL BRITISH LEGION 2–4 Great Union Street. Tuesday to Friday from 12pmand Saturday and Sunday from 11am

SUN BOWLS Starts mid-April, Opening times: 10.00am, 2.00pm and 6.00pm,leagues on Monday and Tuesday evenings and Thursday mornings. ContactTerry Bell on 734721

FIRST TOWER BILLIARDS & SNOOKER CLUB Open weekdays from 7pm to 11pmand Sundays from 1pm to 6pm. Email

JERSEY SCRABBLE CLUB Every Tuesday evening at 7pm. Contact Anne on730409 or email

ST MARK’S SPARKS Thursdays during term-time from 10am to 11.30am at StMark’s Church. Contact Ian MacFeeters on 720595

THE CAESAREA QUILTERS Third Monday of every month. Contact Sarah Matlockon 487883

SOROPTIMIST INTERNATIONAL OF JERSEY Ladies Service Club Every fourthWednesday of the month at 7.30pm at the Monterey Hotel. Contact MrsJean Dale on 888882 or email

JERSEY BOWLS CLUB Westmount Prospective new bowling members arewelcomed. Please contact Jean Lowery on 07797 776790

TOP (TRIUMPH OVER PHOBIA) Offers structured self-help for people withObsessive Compulsive Disorder and phobias. The Headway Centre onThursday evenings from 7–8.30pm. Contact Celia on 0800 735 0608

JERSEY ASSOCIATION OF RETIRED PERSONS A friendly club for the over 50’s. Contact Mrs Annette Elliott on 742402

AGE CONCERN JERSEY Home cooked lunches every week day at 12 noon(excluding bank holidays), and bingo every Wednesday at 1.30pm. Computercourses for every level on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays. Telephone758922 or Freephone 0800 7350345. Frozen meal delivery – please contactChris on 870354

REGENT BOWLS CLUB Fort Regent: Indoor bowling takes place on Monday,Wednesday and Friday mornings from 9.30am to 12 noon, with free tuitiongiven to new members. For more information contact Harold Noel on 617926



3 General tasks and garden maintenance need to beundertaken for November, such as tidying your borders– soggy brown collapsed plants are an eyesore and needto be cut back, together with herbaceous stems and tattyremains of annuals, but do leave a little cover ofperennials that fade relatively elegantly, such as sedum,astilbes and grasses).

3 Another task is to clean out your greenhouse, which willprevent pests from hibernating and leaping into actionnext spring. Wash the windows inside and out to allowmaximum light in over the winter, and scrub benches,fixtures and glazing bars with disinfectant.

3 Save yourself untold irritation and expense by drainingand lagging standpipes, outdoor taps, irrigation linesand water pumps in advance of sudden hard frosts.

3 Prepare your soil for next year – for text book soilimprovement, add a layer of organic matter and dig it inby turning over spadefuls so that it’s buried below thesurface. Or just mulch the bed and leave the rest to theworms!

3 Bare-rooted trees, shrubs, hedging and roses, as well asfruit trees and bushes, can be planted. Soak the roots ina bucket of water for an hour first and protect againstfrost and wind if exposed.

3 Rake fallen leaves, as they prevent light and air gettingto plants and lawns, and these dark damp conditions area heaven on earth for slugs, snails and an unwholesomearray of fungal diseases. Don’t waste these tumbledtreasures though, as in time they’ll decompose intofabulously rich leaf mould.


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St Mark’s LaneApsley RoadChevalier RoadCommon Lane

Avenue et DolmenGas PlaceRobin LaneTunnel Street

Craig StreetDuhamel PlaceGrove StreetHalkett PlaceJames StreetVal Plaisant (top)St Helier Court

La Clos du BriardLe HurelManor Park AvenueManor Park RoadMillais Park

Whitley CloseWillow GroveSutton Court Wilkes Gdns

Trinity Road / Trinity GardensTrinity Hill (top of Old Trinity Hillto Beechfield Lane)Vale MewsVale CourtValley Road

Clarke AvenueElizabeth PlaceGloster Terrace Hillcrest Avenue

Jardin des CarreauxLa Grande Route de Mont à l’AbbéLa RetraiteLa Ruelle de Rauvet

La Rue des CanonsLa Rue des MaupertuisLa Ruette PinelLa Vert Chemin

Mont à l’Abbé FarmPimley CloseQueen’s RoadRouge Bouillon (PoliceStation to First Stop Café)

Avenue de Petit MontBalmoral DriveBeechfield LaneCherry Orchard CourtClos des PasDongola Road

Drury LaneGreen StreetGreenwood TerraceHavre des Pas (betweenSouth Hill and Havre desPas Gardens)

Le Moulin CloseLe Mount NeronLes Grand VauxLes RuisseauxMount BinghamNicole Close

Oak Tree GardensOaklands LaneStafford GardensStafford LaneSouth Hill (Avenue du PetitMont to Mount Bingham)

AbbotsmountAbbotsmount Court Le Clos VazeLe Grand ClosClubley Estate

New St John’s RoadEllora EstateOld St John’s RoadOcean ApartmentsWestmount Court

Westmount EstateWestmount RoadSpringfield RoadJanvrin Road

Cleveland AvenueCleveland RoadCroydon LaneCroydon RoadHavre des Pas (between Havre desPas Gardens and St Clement’s Rd)

La Clos de Mon SejourLa Frédée LaneLa Rue de Petit CampsLa Rue de la HauteurLa Rue Petit ClosLa Route du Fort

Marett CourtNelson AvenueMont Millais (bottom)Orchid CourtPeel CourtRodney Avenue

Roseville Street (La Routedu Fort to Havre des Pas)Rue des CôtilsRue de Mon SejourSpringbank AvenueRunnymede Court

Bellozanne AvenueBellozanne RoadClos du BasCroydon TerraceDunedin FarmHautbois GardensHillside Court

Doue de St CroixLa Côtil de Haute ClairLa Mont PelleMashobra ParkOrchard MewsOsbourne CourtPomme D’Or Farm

Richelieu ParkRue des PodetreSt Anne’s FarmSt Anne’s TerraceSt Aubin’s Road (Town toParis Lane inc Tyneville Lane)Westhill

Tower RoadMidvale RoadNew Street (to Burrard Street)Winchester StreetVauxhall StreetNelson StreetDuhamel Street

Abbey CloseAdelina WoodClaremont RoadClarence RoadCollege Hill

College LaneFairfield AvenueFountain LaneHighview LaneGreenacres Estate

Grosvenor StreetLa Grande Route de St Jean (up to Greenacres)La Hougue AvenueLa Manoir de Mont à l’Abbé

La PepiniereLa Pouquelaye (top)La Rue des ArbresLandfield DriveLa Breton Lane

Springfield LaneOxford RoadByron RoadByron Lane

Boulevard AvenueMont CochonParis LaneRomeril Close

Seafield AvenueSt Aubin’s Road (Paris Laneto Seafield Avenue)Tower Gardens

Victoria Avenue (all)David PlaceSt Mark’s RoadVictoria Street

Stopford RoadBelmont RoadSimon PlaceMuseum Street

Chapel LaneCleveland RoadHastings LaneHastings Road

Roseville Street (La Routedu Fort to Colomberie)St James PlaceRouge Bouillon(both sides – all)

Upper Clarendon RoadClarendon ApartmentsUpper Midvale RoadMidvale Close

Victoria CrescentWest Park AvenueElizabeth LaneParade Road

Bellozanne ValleyHansford LaneHillgrove EstateLa Clos de la BlinerieLa Rue Cyril MaugerLa Rue de Trachy

La Ruelle VaucluseLa Ville au RoiLandscape GroveLe Clos St AndréLe Douet de St CroixLes Champs Park Estate

Millbrook CloseMillbrook LaneOld Mont CochonOld St Andrew’s RoadPied du CôtilRoute es Nouaux

St Andrew’s RoadPomona RoadPoonah RoadPomona LaneAquila RoadAquila Lane

Almorah Crescent ApartmentsClarendon RoadClos du ParcqLa Grande Pouclée

La Pouquelaye (bottom)La Clos de DebenaireLe Clos de ParadisLower King’s Cliff

Palmyra LanePalmyra RoadPen Y Craig AvenueQueen’s Avenue

Raleigh AvenueRaleigh LaneRichmond RoadUpper King’s Cliff



Journeaux StreetGreat Union Road(Devonshire Place)Windsor RoadGarden LaneDevonshire Lane

Your handy guide to Parish recycling! • St Hélyi r’cycl’ye!


YOUR COLLECTION DAYS ARE OCT 3, 17 and 31 NOV 14 and 28 DEC, 12 and TBC FRIDAY

Great Union Rd(from Poonah Road)Dorset StreetAlbert StreetColumbus Street

Saville StreetClare StreetCannon StreetLemprière StreetDevonshire Place

The ParadeRoussel StreetDummy LaneLe Clos de BalmainRoussel Mews

Queen’s LaneUndercliffe RoadManor CourtLa Pouquelaye (bottom)Le Mont Cantel

Providence StreetBelmont GardensBelmont PlaceAnn Place

Ann StreetBrooklyn StreetDon Street

Brighton RoadClearview StreetClairvale RoadVal Plaisant (bottom)

MONDAY YOUR COLLECTION DAYS ARE OCT 6 and 20 NOV 3 and 17 DEC 1, 15 and 29

Mont Millais (top)Mont PinelNomond AvenuePalm Grove

YOUR COLLECTION DAYS ARE OCT 1, 15 and 29 NOV 12 and 26 DEC 10 and 24 WEDNESDAY



St Clement’s RoadTown Mills EstateTrinity Hill (Old Trinity Hillto Vallée des Vaux)Vallée des Vaux



YOUR COLLECTION DAYS ARE OCT 7 and 21 NOV 4 and 18 DEC 2, 16 and 30

YOUR COLLECTION DAYS ARE OCT 14 and 28 NOV 11 and 25 DEC 9 and 23

YOUR COLLECTION DAYS ARE OCT 13 and 27 NOV 10 and 24 DEC 8 and 22



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CONTACTSConnétable: Simon Crowcroft

Tel: 811821 Fax: 619146Email:

Town Hall: PO Box 50, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 8PATown Hall Opening Hours:9am to 5pm Monday to Friday

Parish Meetings: Notices of Parish meeting arepublished on our website:, in TheSt Helier Town Crier and the Jersey Evening Post.

PROCUREURS AND PARISHMANAGEMENT BOARDProcureurs du Bien Public:Clive Barton MBE and Peter Pearce Tel: (CB) 880088Email: andTel: (PP) 639533 Email:

Director, Finance: Andrew PembertonTel: 811829 Email:

Director, Parks, Gardens & Open Spaces: Anthony AndrewsTel: 811700 Email:

Director, Human Resources: Martin RobertsTel: 811824 Email:

Director, Municipal Services: Debra D'OrleansTel: 811703 Email:

Director, Technical & Environment Services:John StievenardTel: 811845 Email:

OTHER PARISH CONTACTSCustomer Services Manager: Daryn CleworthTel: 811870 Email:

Constable’s PA: Annie Le NouryTel: 811821 Email:

Community Support Helpline: Tel: 811866

RPZ Helpline Tel: 811811 Email:

Parish Depot: Tel: 811708

Duty Centenier: Tel: 07797 722227

Registrar: Tel: 811088

ST HELIER DEPUTIESNO 1 DISTRICTDeputy Judy MartinTel: 780641 Email:

Deputy Russell LabeyTel: 481083

Deputy Scott WickendenTel: 07797 717766 Email: swickenden@live.comNO 2 DISTRICTDeputy Rod BryansTel: 737236 Email:

Deputy Geoff SouthernTel: 728231 Email:

Deputy Sam MézecTel: 07797 811130 Email: s.mezec@gov.jeNO 3 DISTRICTDeputy Jackie HiltonTel: 07797 713293 Email:

Deputy Mike HigginsTel: 873956 Email:

Deputy Richard RondelTel: 07797 711537 Email:

Deputy Andrew LewisTel: 862663 Email:

PARISH NURSERIES AND HOMESAvranches and Westmount Nurseries:Tel: (Avranches) Carole Luce 811719 Tel: (Westmount) Jane Snodgrass 811718

St Helier House: Jacqueline JolleyTel: 811715 Email:

St Ewolds: Ann McleanTel: 811716 Email:

ST HELIER ROADS COMMITTEENigel BlakeTel: 875339 Email:

Geraint JenningsTel: 280778 Email:

The Very Rev. Bob KeyTel: 720001 Email:

Bob Le BrocqTel: 743606 Email:

Peter WadeTel: 875663 Email:

John WildingTel: 872920 Email:

The St HelierParish andGeneralNotices

Service of Remembrance

Past and present members of the Municipality,Parishioners and all Congregations are invited

to attend at the Cenotaph on Sunday 9thNovember 2014 for the Annual Serviceof Remembrance at 11am, followed by

refreshments at the Town Hall.

A.S. Crowcroft, ConnétableThe Very Rev. R. Key, Recteur

Due to the restrictions of the Shops (Regulation of Opening & Deliveries) (Jersey) Law 2010,Shops or Any Premises where ‘commercial activities’ are carried out – provided those premiseshold a ‘General’ Sunday Trading Permit – may open as follows:• Christmas Day: No opening permitted at all• 26th December: Opening permitted – during the hours shown on the Sunday Trading Permit

of those premisesNOTE! These restrictions DO NOT APPLY to:• Premises which hold current ‘ON’ Licences issued under the Licensing (Jersey) Law 1974• Premises which hold a Places of Refreshment (Jersey) Law 1967 ‘Sunday Opening’ Permit –

issued for 2014 / 15.


The Constable of St Helier and the Parish’s Social Committee are pleased to invite Senior Citizensof the Parish to attend a Christmas Party on Sunday 30th November, Sunday 7th December

or Sunday 14th December.The lunches will be held in the Assembly Room at the Town Hall at 12.30pm for 1pm.

Tickets are limited, so please apply early to avoid disappointment


An Assembly of the Principals and Electorsof the Parish of St Helier will be held at theTown Hall on Wednesday 26th November

at 7pm to consider Parish business,including to consider whether to supportthe proposition (P.156/2014) Gas Place:Petition, lodged by the Connétable for

debate by the States.

A meeting of the St Helier Roads Committeewill take place on Wednesday 19th November

at 9.30am at the Town Hall.

Members of the public are invitedto attend part ‘A’ of the agenda.

Agenda for the above meetings will bepublished no fewer than five days in advanceand will be available from the Town Hall or

the Parish website,

A.S. Crowcroft Connétable




Weds 5th Nov – Wed 3rd November

Section datesSee programme for details (available fromW.H. Smith and The Island Music Centre)

MusicWeds 5th – Sat 8th Nov: Jersey Opera House

Sun 9th Nov: Town ChurchMon 10th – Sat 15th Nov: Jersey Opera House

Sat evening 15th Nov: Gala concert at the Jersey Opera House

PortugueseSat 15th Nov 9am: Town Hall

DanceMon 17th – Sat 22nd Nov: Jersey Opera House

Sat 22nd Nov: Gala concert at the Jersey Opera House

JérriaisFri 21st & Sat 22nd Nov: St Ouen’s Parish Hall

PolishSat 22nd Nov 2pm: Town Hall

English Speech and DramaSun 23rd Nov: Rehearsals, Jersey Opera House

(by arrangement with the Chairman)Mon 24th – Sat 29th Nov: Jersey Opera House

Sat evening 29th Nov: Gala concert at the Jersey Opera House

FrenchMon & Tues 1st & 2nd Dec: Jersey Arts Centre

Modern Languages (Spanish, German,Italian, Japanese & Chinese Mandarin)

Weds 3rd Dec: Jersey Arts Centre




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La Route St Aubin, St Helier, Jersey JE2 3SD 01534 880606


Range fuel consumption (excluding Outlander PHEV) in mpg (ltrs/100km): Urban 28.0 - 61.4 (10.1 - 4.6), Extra Urban 37.7 - 78.5 (7.5 - 3.6), Combined 33.2 - 68.9 (8.5 - 4.1). CO2 emission figures range from 224-95 g/km. Outlander PHEV range fuel consumption in mpg (ltrs/100km): Full Battery Charge: infinite, Depleted Battery Charge: 48mpg (5.9), Weighted Average: 148mpg (1.9), CO2 Emissions: 44 g/km.













Prices shown include GST (at 5%), and exclude registration and VED. Metallic paint extra. Prices correct at time of going to print. Vehicles shown are Mirage 3 manual, ASX 3, Outlander PHEV GX3h, L200 Barbarian and Shogun SG3 LWB. Fuel figures shown are official EU test figures, to be used as a guide for comparative purposes and may not reflect real driving results.

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