Recreating the Wheelis for Cavemen!

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Recreating the Wheelis for Cavemen!

Recreating the Wheelis for Cavemen!

How to Achieve Organizational Excellencethrough Process Improvements

Kym Harrington, SalesEdge LLCCandice Benson, Benson Consulting Inc.

Our Objectives Today

Explore how process and a focus on strategy can increase your effectiveness

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Candice Benson

Kym Harrington

Recreating The Wheel is For Cavemen:

How to Create Significantly Better Processes In Order to Save Costs, Achieve More & Add Greater Strategic Value to Your Organization

Candice BensonCEO, Benson Consulting, Inc

Ground Rules

• Participate• Share Generously• Keep an Open Mind• Be Present• Have Fun

Opening Exercise: ACME Corporation

After several years of poor sales and net losses, ACME Corporation, where you are employed, has decided to apply its expertise in the new highly competitive market of Signature Manufacturing.Because there are other competitors in the market with varying degrees of experience, consistent quality and speed matter.This is your last resort. Fail and the doors close forever and your job is gone.

Why this Exercise?

Your Role – Are you too busy?

The Honest Truth

You are focused on the day –to-day function.

You need to spend more time on Operational Improvement and

Strategy instead of Function.

The Honest Truth

You need to spend more time on Operational Improvement and

Strategy instead of Function.

But how when you have so much to get done??

The Answer?

Streamline your Process First!

What are your Hurdles?• Poor support from

Management• Lack of Colleague Buy-in• No measurement of

progress• Fear of Change

The Good News

You are Here! You have made the first


What do you need?

A Customized Process• You don’t necessarily need a

specific Methodology• A solid foundation for your

systems/tools• Look at your current

situation• Identify Roadblocks• Communicate and Engage

Benefits of Streamlining

• Create systems for lower-value tasks• Free up key resources for bigger, more

impactful work• Remove the many internal roadblocks to

change• Reduce cost, improve efficiency and

allow for alignment with business needs and wants

Reason #1: Happiness• Better Processes in your company lead to

happier employees. Happier employees: oProduce Better ProductoOffer Better ServiceoAre much more creativeoHave Greater Customer LoyaltyoHave Greater Company Loyalty

• What that means for your organization? • More Productivity!

Reason #2: Focus

Step 1: Make a Plan• Develop a Plan for Gathering Information:

oWho is your team?oWhat Process Needs Review?oWhat support do you have? oWhat is your timetable?

• Define Scope and Out of Scope

Step 2: What is not working?

• Identify and describe what your real pain point is: oKeep it simple oBe SpecificoReally describe what you can’t do and why

you think that is the case

Example: Our team finds itself working many late nights and weekends 60% of the time as the lead time for completing RFPs is often minimal.

Step 3: Identify Desired Outcome

• Think about how you would like to see it working: oKeep it simple oMake it measurableoReally describe what it is you would like to

be capable of doing with this process• Use Business Use Cases, where applicable!!

Example: We have increased our lead time by 25% by working more collaboratively with colleagues.

Step 4: Create your Maps

• Identify the Responsible Partieso Who is responsible for performing tasks?

• Brainstorm Process Stepso What are the activities performed?

• Outline key Decision Pointso Where can the process change based on the decision?

• Confirm your Start and End Pointso Where does your process start and end?

Step 4: Create your Maps

Step 5: Perform Analysis

• Review the map you have completed and determine what you are still doing that you really don’t need to be doing: oWhy are we really doing this step?o Is the Decision point adding complexity I

don’t need?oAre all the Responsible Parties really

needed? oWhere can we make improvements?

Step 7: Take Action• Put your new process into action• Schedule to re-visit the process each year

and make changes• Don’t do process just to do process• Continuous Improvement Cycle:

Conception, Mastery, Improvement

So now What?

You have a Streamlined Process so what else can you do to really get what you need

more quickly?

Are you focused on them?

Create Sustainability • Ensure processes are simple and

consistent so team members stop circumventing them

• Establish a Center of Excellence across the team for continuous feedback

• Design for the 80% Solution

So Remember to ask…..

Do I have a Streamlined Process?

Do I have the Right Team? Am I Making it about Them?

Most Importantly

Take Action!


Let’s Stay in TouchCandice Benson, CEO, Benson Consulting

Phone: 603-488-2025



Kym Harrington, SalesEdge LLC

Phone: 888.577.7382 ext. 728


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