Reconstruction Review Did Radical Republicans think Lincoln’s plan was too harsh or too lenient?...

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Transcript of Reconstruction Review Did Radical Republicans think Lincoln’s plan was too harsh or too lenient?...

Reconstruction Review

• Did Radical Republicans think Lincoln’s plan was too harsh or too lenient?

• Lenient

• Both Lincoln’s and Johnson’s plan called for Southern approval of what amendment?

• 13th Amendment

• At first, how did southerners restrict the rights of former slaves?

• By passing black codes.

• What Congressional Act placed the South under five military districts?

• Reconstruction Act of 1867

• By 1872, what major improvement in education had developed in the South?

• The creation of a public school system

• What terrorist group emerged during Reconstruction which prevented African Americans from exercising their rights?

• The Ku Klux Klan

• Who became the US President after the death of Lincoln?

• Andrew Johnson

• Who was the President from 1868 to 1876, during which time his administration was known for graft and corruption?

• Ulysses S. Grant

• Who became US President in 1877, as a result of the Compromise of 1877?

• Rutherford B. Hayes

• Which President ended Reconstruction and removed Federal troops from the South?

• Rutherford B. Hayes

• What was the name of the organization that helped former slaves adjust to freedom?

• Freedman’s Bureau

What was the main reason President Johnson was impeached in the House of Representatives?

For violation of the Tenure of Office Act

• What was the final verdict in the impeachment trial of President Johnson?

• He escaped conviction in the Senate by one vote

• What was a major social failure of Reconstruction?

• Racist attitudes continued in both the North and South

• Which amendment was a series of laws that guaranteed citizenship and civil rights for African Americans?

• Fourteenth Amendment

• Which amendment allowed southern black men to vote for the first time?

• Fifteenth Amendment

• What were Northern Republicans called who moved South seeking economic opportunity after the Civil War?

• Carpetbaggers

• During the Reconstruction Era, which group fought unsuccessfully for voting rights?

• Women

What was the term used to describe Southern States that continued to vote for Democratic candidates?

Solid South

• Why did Northern and Southern voters both grow tired of Reconstruction?

• It symbolized corruption and greed

• What was the main reason Radical Republicans insisted upon a strict reconstruction policy that included military rule?

• Many Southerners had demonstrated continued violence and passed black codes violating the civil rights of African Americans. They also tried to maintain white supremacy through intimidation, beatings and murder.

• What is the term that described poor white southerners that associated with carpetbaggers?

• Scalawags

• After Reconstruction, what were at least three things that developed in the Solid South?

• 1.Segregation laws known as Jim Crow laws and continued racism

• 2. The development of a new and industrialized New South

• 3. The end of Republican rule, and the emergence of the solid south.