Recipients - A A A D Dinner Dinner Lunch...

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Transcript of Recipients - A A A D Dinner Dinner Lunch...

Kansas Governmental Ethics



February, 2011

Lobbyist Employment&

Expenditures ReportsPrinted: 3/22/2011

Printed: RecipientLobbying Report Recipients for February 2011 Year Reporting Period 0312212011

Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist Recipient Year Reporting Period

Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist Wichita Metro Chamber of Commerce A Dinner S15.92 Jason Watkins

Total for Apple, Pat $160.22

lil~~~[ns;f,~Ii'i!'k,:};:~;~#~1Z!>~',~.'::';,;I'ifi:I Legislator

IAip,ke, TOlli: ,;;::;;:t~':·'.~'\>"··1

2011 February

2011 February Assn of Ethanol Processors Inc A Dinner S3.20 Ronald Seeber

Koch Companies Public Sector A Lunch S1472 Jonathan Small AT&T Incand Affiliates A Dinner S20.00 Cynthia Zapletal LLC-Affiliates

---­ Civic Council of Greater Kansas City A Lunch S926 Sandy Braden University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters S14.50 William Sneed KS Agribusiness Retailers Assn A Dinner S3.20 Ronald Seeber Wal-Mart Stores Inc A Breakfast S7.14 Jonathan Small KS Bankers Assn A Lunch & Dinner $45.96 Douglas Wareham Wichita Metro Chamber of Commerce A Dinner $22.34 Jason Watkins KS Chamber of Commerce A Lunch S11.11 Jeff Glendening

Total for Abrams, Steve $58.70 KS Chamber of Commerce A Breakfast S317 Eric Stafford

l~i(Oicl;"St!lP~~'~,":i\~~if:t)'j'?,$!'1 KS Chamber of Commerce

KS Cooperative Council







Eric Stafford

Leslie Kaufman

2011 February KS Grain & Feed Assn A Dinner S3.20 Ronald Seeber

Civic Council of Greater Kansas City

KS Bankers Assn







Sandy Braden

Kathleen Olsen

KS Livestock Assn

Pinegar, Smith & Associates Inc







Allie Devine

Douglas Smith

KS Bankers Assn A Lunch & Dinner $45.96 Douglas Wareham University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters S14.50 William Sneed

KS Chamber of Commerce A Breakfast S3.17 Eric Stafford Total for Arpke, Tom $166.69

KS Legislative Policy Group

KS Livestock Assn







John Pinegar

Allie Devine

I .,-~ . ..'.' ',Y' . " Aufa(1d,~!!y'Y 0'.)",;' "

',,,,,, 1 , .. ,,;:;,. '.,

NexMTechlRural Telephone A Lunch S1250 Mendi Alexander 2011 February

Pinegar, Smith & Associates Inc A lunch S1046 John Pinegar Americans for Prosperity A Lunch $6.20 Demek Sontag Pinegar, Smith & Associates Inc A Dinner S26.90 Douglas Smith Cox Communications Inc A Dinner $64.82 Coleen Jennison University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters S14.50 William Sneed Gencur Svaty Public Affairs A Lunch S9.53 Kimberly Svaty

Total for Alford, Stephen $162.15 Hewlett-Packard Co A Lunch S11.94 Tom Bruno

I:Apple'jlP,'atij::i..i .... ;.~;~:i: ;:;1":?~ <I KS Chamber of Commerce

KS Chamber of Commerce







Jeff Glendening

Jeff Glendening

2011 February KS Railroads A Dinner $46.00 Patrick Hubbell

Americans for Prosperity

Assn 01 Community Mental Health Centers







Derrick Sontag

Michael Hammond

University of Kansas

University of Kansas Hospital Authority







Kathy Damron

William Sneed

Cox Communications Inc A Dinner S69.66 Coleen Jennison Total for Aurand, Clay $183.97

Gaches, Braden & Associates

Gencur Svaty Public Affairs







Ron Gaches

Kimberly Sval)' IBlmard;'Barbar~r~1?~~ ·:1,'fr·~·'.' '·1

PMCA of Kansas - Gas PAC A Lunch S8.24 Thomas Palace 2011 February

University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters S14.50 William Sneed American Beverage Assn A Dinner $48.25 John Boltenberg

Apple, Pat Ballard, Barbara

page Legislator page Legislator

Recipient Year Reporting Period Recipient Year Reporting Period

Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist Business Schedule Descr1ption Amount Lobbyist

Assn of Community Mental Health Centers A Lunch $12.00 Michael Hammond Total for Bollier, Barbara $24.57

AT&T Inc and Affiliates

KS Optometric Assn







Chris Carroll

Gary Robbins IBclman;.Bellny...'t#':.; 1 .;/,:':.11 : ~ .1

University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed

Total for Ballard, Barbara $95.31 2011 February

Assn of Ethanol Processors Inc A Dinner $3.20 Ronald Seeber

IBeth~lI, Bo~;: ; 'l:'~_ '" ·',sl Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation

Civic Council of Greater Kansas City







Patrick Terick

Sandy Braden

2011 February Clean Air Kansas A Lunch $10.00 John Peterson

Gencur Svaty Public Affairs A Lunch $9.53 Kimbe~y Svaty KS Agribusiness Retailers Assn A Dinner $3.20 Ronald Seeber

KS Railroads A Dinner $46.00 Patrick Hubbell KS Bankers Assn A Lunch $8.99 Douglas Wareham

University of Kansas A Lund1 $14.00 Kathy Damron KS Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $9.00 Ene Stafford

University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed KS Chamber of Commerce A Breakfast $3.17 Eric Stafford

Total for Bethell, Bob $84.03 KS Cooperative Council A Dinner $8.44 Leslie Kaufman

I'" . "'k"Billinger, ~..~ " ". ',,,.: ,,~; ~,." · .-.,H I•. ;~t.\

KS Grain & Feed Assn

KS Livestock Assn


A Dinner

Dinner $3.20


Ronald Seeber

Allie Devine

LoanMax A Dinner $6.10 Lame Brown 2011 February

Medco Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates A Dinner $6.10 Lame Brown Assn of Ethanol Processors Inc A Dinner $3.20 Ronald Seeber University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $1450 William Sneed CiViC Council of Greater Kansas City A Lunch $9.26 Sandy Braden

Total for Boman, Benny $104.83 KS Agribusiness Retailers Assn A Dinner $320 Ronald Seeber

KS Assn of Community College Trustees A Banquet $26 95 Gayle Shaw IBo~ers;~iail1e··;)~':." :;:.h~2/.1 KS Bankers Assn A Lunch & Dinner $45.96 Douglas Wareham

KS Catholic Conference A Breakfast $7.95 Mid1ael Schuttloffel 2011 February

KS Chamber of Commerce A Breakfast $3.17 Eric Stafford Black Hills Energy A Dinner $100 00 Wes Ashton

KS Cooperative Council A Dinner $8.44 Leslie Kaufman KS Assn of Community College Trustees A Banquet $2695 Gayle Shaw

KS Grain & Feed Assn A Dinner $3.20 Ronald Seeber KS Catholic Conference A Breakfast $7.95 Mid1ael Sd1utlJoffel

KS Livestock Assn A Dinner $8.75 Allie Devine KS Cooperative Council A Dinner $11.08 Leslie Kaufman

Nex-=TechlRural Telephone A Lunch $12.50 Mendi Alexander KS Optometric Assn A Lunch $10.56 Gary Robbins

Pinegar, Smith & Associates Inc A Dinner $26.90 Douglas Smith KS Railroads A Dinner $46.00 Patrick Hubbell

Security Benefit Corporation D Personalized Portfolio $19.62 Natalie Haag LoanMax A Lunch $9.76 Larrie Brown

University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed Medea Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates A Lunch $9.76 Lame Brown

Total for Billinger, Rick $193.60 Travel Industry Assn of Kansas A Dinner $39.72 Natalie Bright

University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed

liB.())IIifr,:~arj)ara';~r''il~I~,ilj/;,: ~:~If!~1 Total for Bo'Ners, Elaine $276.28

2011 February IBro·okens 5 Robertr:.i",' '-c " > 'i·,.~ _,~<jlI;. " .. _e'f' ·1 .. ,

Assn of Community Mental Health Centers A Lunch $11.22 Michael Hammond

Greater Kansas City Chamber of A Lunch $13.35 Bob Vancnum Commerce

Bollier, Barbara Bowers, Elaine

page Legislator page Legislator

Recipient Year Reporting Period Recipient Year Reporting Period

Business Schedule Description Amount lobbyist Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist

2011 February

KS Bar Assn

KS Cooperative Council

Little Govemment Relations

Manhattan Area Chamber of Commerce

University of Kansas Hospital Authority















Joseph Molina 111

Leslie Kaufman

Stuart Little

Dick Carter Jr

William Sneed

KS Chamber of Commerce

KS Chamber of Commerce

KS Chamber of Commerce

KS Chamber of Commerce

KS Electric Cooperatives Inc

PMCA of Kansas· Gas PAC

PMCA of Kansas • Gas PAC






















Jeff Glendening

Jeff Glendening

Jeff Glendening

Jeff Glendening

David Holthaus

Thomas Palace

Thomas Palace Total for Brookens, Robert $89.77

Stafford Consulting LLC A Dinner $47.29 George Stafford

I~row.:n:; Antti:Ony::>:'/'~;::' :\;!!I University of Kansas Hospital Authority

WIchita Independent Business Assn







William Sneed

Natalie Bright

2011 February Wichita Metro Chamber of Commerce A Dinner $22.34 Jason Watkins

Americans for Prosperity A Lunch $6.94 Derrick Sonta9 Wichita Metro Chamber of Commerce A Dinner $15.92 Jason Watkins

Assn of Ethanol Processors Inc A Dinner $3.20 Ronald Seeber Wichita Metro Chamber of Commerce A Dinner $15.92 Jason Watkins

Gencur Svaty Public Affairs A Lunch $9.53 Kimberly Svaty Total for Bruce, Terry $272.63

KS Agribusiness RetaIlers Assn

KS Bankers Assn







Ronald Seeber

Douglas Wareham IBr'uChmiln~,Roti:,'f':d;"~ <;\. ·1 KS Catholic Conference

KS Chamber of Commerce

KS Chamber of Commerce

KS Chamber of Commerce













Michael Schuttloffel

Jeff Glendening

Jeff Glendening

Jeff Glendening

2011 February

Assn of Community Mental Health Centers

Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce







Michael Hammond

Bob Vancrum

KS Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $20.45 Eric Stafford Johnson County Govemment A $8.57 Stuart Little KS Cooperative Council A Dinner $8.44 Leslie Kaufman Koch Companies Public Sector A Dinner $31.09 Jonathan Small KS Grain & Feed Assn A Dinner $3.20 Ronald Seeber LLC-Affiliates

KS Livestock Assn A Dinner $8.75 Allie Devine KS Bankers Assn A Dinner $36.97 Douglas Wareham

LoanMax A Dinner $6.10 Larrie Brown KS Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $\1.11 Jeff Glendening

Medea Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates A Dinner $6.10 Larrie Brown KS Chamber of Commerce A Breakfast $3.17 Eric Stafford

University of Kansas A Lunch $1400 Kathy Damron KS Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $9.00 Eric Stafford

University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed LoanMax A Dinner $6.10 Larrie Brown

Total for Brown, Anthony $164.26 Medea Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates A Dinner $6.10 Lame Brown

IBru~·e;CT.errY'.~:':';' :~i:!".~;g: /~l National Rifle Assn of America

Over1and Park Chamber of Commerce







Jordan Austin

Jennifer Bruning

University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 WIlliam Sneed 2011 February Total for Bruchman, Rob $174.25

Americans for Prosperity A Lunch $6.20 Derrick Sontag

Americans for Prosperity A Lunch $11.61 Derrick Sontag IB:~!-triga~d(pete' ·:i ::~.: '"\;f~ :,1 Cox Communications Inc A Dinner $19.30 Scott Schneider

KS Bankers Assn A Lunch $12.16 Douglas Wareham 2011 February

KS Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $9.42 J Kent Eckles Assn of Community Mental Health Centers A Lunch $18.68 Michael Hammond

Bruce, Terry Brungardt, Pete

page Legislator page Legislator

Recipient Year Reponing Period Recipient Year Reponing Period

Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist

AT&T Inc and Affiliates A Dinner $4491 John Bottenberg Hewlett-Packard Co A Lunch $11.94 Tom Bruno

Bombardier Aerospace Learjet Inc A Dinner $16.44 Jonathan Small LoanMax A Dinner $6.10 Larrie Brown

Cenpatiea Behavioral Health A Dinner-Reception $7.24 Michael Huttles Manhattan Area Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $11.62 Dick Carter Jr

Doug Mays and Associates LLC A Reception & Dinner $7.54 Doug Mays Medea Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates A Dinner $6.10 Larrie Brown

Exxon Mobil Corporation A Dinner $16.44 Jonathan Small University of Kansas A Lunch $14.00 Kathy Damron

Gencur Svaty Public Affairs A Lunch $10.84 Kimberly Svaty University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed

KS Bankers Assn A Dinner $41.24 Kathleen Olsen Total for Burgess, Mike $73.79

KS Catholic Conference A Breakfast $7.95 Michael Schuttloffel

KS Quarter Horse Racing Assn A Dinner $16.44 Jonathan Small I·Butr..Q.~ghs; To!!," ":.$ .. ·;,£1 KS Railroads A Dinner $33.00 Patrick Hubbell

Medea Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates A Reception $3.31 Lallie Brown 2011 February

Medea Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates A Dinner $3.93 Lame Brown AT&T Inc and Affiliates A Luncheon $10.00 Chris Carroll

PMCA of Kansas - Gas PAC A Lunch $14.16 Thomas Palace Children's Mercy Family Health Partners A Lunch $9.50 John Bottenberg

University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed KS Electric Cooperatives Inc A Lunch $12.56 David Holthaus

Via Christi Health A Food & Beverage $754 Bruce Witt KS Motor Carriers Assn A Dinner $53.03 Tom Whitaker

Wine Institute A Dinner $7862 Lame Brown Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Health A Lunch $13.00 Cynthia Smith

Total for Brungardtl Pete $342.78 Unified Government of Wyandotte County A Lunch $12.78 MiKe Taylor

IB kiSt ";;0.1«$< ,·i''\it:~·.,r~ rL it. ,,'1,+p:·yt:": _'o:".(.,U'k.",,#A1__ '. ';'I._~

University of Kansas Hospital Authority

Total for Burroughsl Tom

D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed


2011 . February ICalloway, :f~r,1)i ~': ':"!qG~"" :1 Ash Grove Cement Co

Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation







Michael Murray

PatricK Terick 2011 February

Gaches, Braden & Associates A Lunch $1077 Ron Gaches Ash Grove Cement Co A Dinner $31.34 Michael Murray

Geneur Svaty Public Affairs A Lunch $9.53 Kimberly Svaty Assn of Community Mental Health Centers A Dinner $30.35 Stuart Uttle

KS Bankers Assn A Lunch $13.88 Douglas Wareham Civic Council of Greater Kansas City A Lunch $9.26 Sandy Braden

KS Food Dealers Assn A Dinner $37.36 Michael Murray KS Bankers Assn A Dinner $36.97 Douglas Wareham

LoanMax A Dinner $6.10 Lame Brown KS Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $11.11 Jeff Glendening

Medea Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates A Dinner $6.10 Lame Brown . KS Chamber of Commerce A Breakfast $3.17 Eric Stafford

Pinegar, Smith & Associates Inc A Dinner $3123 John Pinegar KS Railroads A Dinner $3B.00 Patrick Hubbell

University of Kansas A Lunch $14.00 Kathy Damron University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed

University of Kansas A Lunch $12.00 Kathy Damron Totalfor Calloway, Terry $174.70

University of Kansas Hospital Authority

Total for Brunk, Steve

D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed

$197.73 IC~riin~'SYdrteYeJ:~" ~f:;;I&,·,' ,1,:;V'11

I -'. ,~,," "'" ,' "I~~,ufg~~St' ~i~!&~';;;f!r':;>',~:~1Imr~;i;d'rJW;%

2011 February

Assn of Community Mental Health Centers A Lunch $12.00 Michael Hammond

2011 February Manhattan Area Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $11.62 Dick Carter Jr

Gencur Svaty Public Affairs A Lunch $9.53 Kimberly Svaty University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed

Burgess, Mike Carlin, Sydney

page legislator page legislator

Recipient Year Reporting Per10d Recipient Year Reporting Period

Business Schedule Descr1ption Amount Lobbyist Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist

Via Christi Health A Food & Beverage $11.25 Bruce Witt University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed

Total for Cartln, Sydney 549.37 Total for Cassidy, Ward 573.94

IC~rlson,:Rfc.~ard "',~..:\i;\~. ,:. -fl 19.ollinS,.I:!~n ~···:3j:,···:'·,·-::·;.1

2011 February 2011 February

American Beverage Assn A Lunch $5.81 Jonathan Small Civic Council of Greater Kansas City A Lunch $9.26 Sandy Braden

Assn of Ethanol Processors Inc A Dinner $3.20 Ronald Seeber KS Bankers Assn A Lunch(es) & Dinner $6000 Douglas Wareham

Gencur Svaty Public Affairs A Lunch $9.53 Kimbeny Svaty KS Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $9.00 Eric Stafford

Hewlett-Packard Co A Lunch $11.94 Tom Bruno KS Chamber of Commerce A Breakfast $3.17 Eric Stafford

Koch Companies Public Sector A Lunch $5.81 Jonathan Small KS livestock Assn A Dinner $8.75 Allie Devine LLC-Affiliates LoanMax A Dinner $6.10 Larrie Brown Koch Companies Public Sector LLC·Affiliates

A Dinner $38.79 Jonathan Small Medco Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates A Dinner $6.10 Larrie Brown

KS Agribusiness Retailers Assn A Dinner $3.20 Ronald Seeber Pinegar, Smith & Associates Inc A Dinner $26.90 Douglas Smith

KS Bankers Assn A Lunch $8.99 Douglas Wareham University of Kansas Hospital Authonty D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed

KS Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $11.11 Jeff Glendening Total for Collins, Dan 5143.78

KS Cooperative Council

KS Grain & Feed Assn







Leslie Kaufman

Ronald Seeber IC"II "p ,~:..,., ,'.,,;.,.,' '''::':::''''-1L':,:,,Q~",,O~Q 0,'k,Jlt,' !);:,]. ,,·;\'~~~t.J,:'\J~%i!1~t!:§I!L~·J:<

KS livestock Assn A Dinner $8.75 Allie Devine 2011 February Manhattan Area Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $11.62 Dick Carter Jr Assn of Community Mental Health Centers A Lunch $1122 Michael Hammond National Rifle Assn of America A Dinner $48.59 Jordan Austin Assn of Community Mental Health Centers A Lunch $12.00 Michael Hammond Next Era Energy Resources LLC A Lunch $14.32 Michael Murray Gencur Svaty Public Affairs A Lunch $9.53 Kimbeny Svaty University of Kansas A Lunch $14.00 Kathy Damron Greater Kansas City Chamber of A Lunch $13.35 Bob Vancrum University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed Commerce

---­Total for Cartson, Richard 5221.80 Johnson County Govemment A $8.57 Stuart Little

little Govemment Relations A $7.47 Stuart Little

I: ~.!!.~~[1Jy;' W~[a:l';-:~1;1i0::~~;ri~il Over1and Park. Chamber of Commerce A Breakfast $11.00 Jennifer Bruning

Over1and Park. Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $8.50 Jennifer Bruning 2011 February

University of Kansas A Lunch $14.00 Kathy Damron Assn of Ethanol Processors Inc A Dinner $3.20 Ronald Seeber University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed Civic Council of Greater Kansas City A Lunch $9.26 Sandy Braden

Total for Colloton, Pat 5110.14 KS Agribusiness Retailers Assn A Dinner $3.20 Ronald Seeber

KS Chamber of Commerce A Breakfast $3.17 Eric Stafford ICOOk MarY~ Pilcher::::f;i; f'; ::t:1",,,,~,' ~'h,"'- J ...' ok', .,_ "'.~. '"' .; ....;.,.,.,...%-'&? '; _' '"<,,

KS Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $9.00 Eric Stafford

KS Cooperative Council A Dinner $8.44 Leslie Kaufman 2011 February

KS Grain & Feed Assn A Dinner $3.20 Ronald Seeber KS Electric Cooperatives Inc A Lunch $12.56 David Holthaus

Little Govemment Relations A $7.47 Stuart Lihle University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed

Nex-TechlRural Telephone A Lunch $12.50 Mendi Alexander Total for Cook, Mary Pilcher 527.06

Cassidy, Ward Cook, Mary Pilcher

page Legislator page 10 Legislator

Recipient YeaI' Reporting Period Recipient YeaI' Reporting Period

Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist

Greater Kansas City Chamber of A Lunch $13.35 Bob Vancrum ICriim::oavid::';,", .., ' "~:.:;;"

1 Commerce

Greater Kansas City Chamber of A Dinner $70.75 Bob Vancrum 2011 February Commerce

Comfort Dental A Lunch $13.32 John Federico Johnson County Government A $8.57 Stuari Little

Koch Companies Public Sector A Dinner $38.79 Jonathan Small KS Bankers Assn A Lunch & Dinner $45.96 Douglas Wareham LLC-Affiliates KS Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $11.11 Jeff Glendening

KS Chamber of Commerce A Luncll $11.11 Jeff Glendening KS Chamber of Commerce A Breakfast $3.17 Eric Stafford KS Optometric Assn A Lunch $10.56 Gary Robbins KS Chamber of Commerce A Luncll $900 Eric Stafford KS Railroads A Dinner $46.00 Patrick Hubbell KS Livestock Assn A Dinner $8.75 Allie Devine University of Kansas A Lunch $14.00 Kathy Damron LoanMax A Dinner $6.10 Larrie Brown

University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed Medea Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates A Dinner $6.10 Larrie Brown

Wichita Metro Chamber of Commerce A Luncll $1410 JasonWatkins Overland Par1( Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $8.50 Jennifer Bruning

Total fol' Crum, David $162.38 University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed

IDaVisi·P~UI··::~t~. '/",:.:<~ -I Total fol' Denning, Jim $226.34

2011 February I Dillmil6i;:III i1eJ\l:r;; ~::,.;xit)f 'j'" <lI,;".1

American Federation of Teachers - Kansas A Lunch $12.00 Mindy Brissey 2011 February

AT&T Inc and Affiliates A Dinner $30.00 Terry Diebolt Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation A Lunch $10.92 Patrick Terick

Gaches, Braden & Associates A Breakfast $10.09 Ron Gaches Clean Air Kansas A Lunch $10.00 John Peterson

Hy-Vee Inc A Beverage $10.81 Dick Stoffer University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed Via Christi Health A Food & Beverage $11.25 Bruce Witt Westar Energy A Lunch $8.99 Mar'< Schreiber Total fol' Dillmore, Nile $46.67

Total for Davis, Paul $86.39

I . ; "". . " '_D~C;;raaf.:pete.1jz ;,; .. :;;:" , 1".>.

I·DonO!loe, OVi~i'-:' ·:·~i·· ',.;",1 2011 February

2011 February Greater Kansas City Chamber of A Luncll $13.35 Bob Vancrum

Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation A Lunch $1092 Patrick Terick Commerce

KS Chamber 01 Commerce A Lunch $11.11 Jeff Glendening KS Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $11.11 Jeff Glendening

KS Electric Cooperatives Inc A Dinner $3384 David Holthaus Unified Government of Wyandotte County A Lunch $12.78 Mike Taylor

University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed

Total for DeGraaf, Peter $70.37 Total for Donohoe, Owen $51,74

I.Den'n[ng, Jim'f;'., .. '~~' ,'I I·Dori<iYim •.·LeSi~'···' . ,.~";p "" .~,,<,Ji5~ .'I

2011 February 2011 February

Assn of Community Mental Health Centers A Lunch $11.22 Michael Hammond University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed

Civic Council of Greater Kansas City A Lunch $9.26 Sandy Braden Total for Donovan, Les $14.50

Denning, Jim Donovan, Les

page 11 Legislator page 12 Legislator

Recipient Year Reporting Period Recipient Year Reporting Period

Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist

IErrillir. Jay~ifj{.",~ :;::~~ .;. ","'j:1i,:.• :I 2011 February

America's Health Insurance Plans A Dinner S20:54 William Sneed

2011 February Assn of Community Mental Health Centers A Lunch S12.00 Michael Hammond

Assn of Community Mental Health Centers A Lunch S18.68 Michael Hammond Civic Council of Greater Kansas City A Lunch S9.26 Sandy Braden

Bombardier Aerospace Learjet Inc A Dinner S16.44 Jonathan Small Koch Companies Public Sector A Dinner S3109 Jonathan Small

Cenpatico Behavioral Health A Reception S3.31 Michael Hutfles LLC·Affiliate.

Doug Mays and Associates LLC A Reception S3.31 Doug Mays KS Assn of Health Plans A Dinner S24.43 Manee Carpenter

Exxon Mobil Corporation A Dinner S16.44 Jonathan Small KS Bankers Assn A Lunch & Dinner S45.96 Douglas Wareham

Exxon Mobil Corporation A Lunch S5.11 Jonathan Small KS Chamber of Commerce A Lunch S11.11 Jeff Glendening

Gaches, Braden & Associates A Breakfast S10.09 Ron Gache. KS Chamber of Commerce A Breakfast S3.17 Eric Stafford

Gencur Svaty Public Affairs A Lunch S10.84 Kimbeny Svaly KS Livestock Assn A Dinner S8.75 Allie Devine

KS Cable Telecommunications Assn A Lunch S13.77 John Federico LoanMax A Dinner S6.10 Larrie Brown

KS Motor Carriers Assn A Dinner S53.03 Tom Whitaker Manhattan Area Chamber of Commerce A Lunch S11.62 Dick Carter Jr

KS Quarter Horse Racing Assn A Dinner S16.44 Jonathan Small Medco Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates A Dinner $6.10 Larrie Brown

KS Quarter Horse Racing Assn A Lunch S902 Jonathan Small University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters S14.50 William Sneed

KS Quarter Horse Racing Assn A Lunch S5.11 Jonathan Small Total for Fawcett, James $204.63

Medco Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates

Nex·Tech/Rural Telephone







Larrie Brown

Mend; Alexander ~i~;;,r~;;(;·:1 Pinegar, Smith & Associates Inc A Lunch S12.77 John Pinegar 2011 February PMCA of Kan.a. • Ga. PAC

University of Kansas Hospital Authority







Thoma. Palace

William Sneed American Beverage Assn

American Beverage Assn







John Bottenberg

Jonathan Small Via Christi Health A Food & Beverage S3.31 Bruce Witt

AT&T Inc and Affiliates A Dinner S30.00 Terry Dieboll Total for Emler, Jay $285.12 Boeing Company A Dinner S6.11 John Frederick!feau. OI~tl1~·:";~t;' 'I Bombardier Aerospace Learjetlnc

Capitol Advantage LLC







Jonathan Small

Michael Murray

2011 February Cenpatico Behavioral Health A Dinner S8.11 Michael Hutfles

Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation A Lunch S10.92 Patrick Terick Cox Communications Inc A Dinner S9.25 Scott Schneider

Hy-Vee Inc A Beverage S10.00 Dick Stoffer Doug Mays and Associates LLC A Dinner S8.11 Doug May.

KS Assn for the Medically Underserved A S14.00 Cathy Harding Gaches, Braden & Associates A Lunch S10.77 Ron Gaches

KS Entertainment LLC A Lunch S850 John Bottenberg Hy·Veelnc A Dinner S6.11 Dick Stoffer

Travel Industry Assn of Kansas A Dinner $39.72 Nalalie Bright Koch Companies Public Sector LLC·Affiliate.

A Dinner S6.11 Jonathan Small

United Methodist Youthville Inc

University of Kansas Hospital Authority







Heather Morgan

William Sneed KS Bankers Assn

Medco Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates







Dougla. Wareham

Larrie Brown Total for Faust-Goudeau, Oletha $115.14 University of Kansas A Lunch S12.00 Kathy Damron

IF' . tt, (f" '. j;' . "l" -"ja.wee :,ames:<:::"I. ·'ii..;.''': University of Kansas Hospital Authority

Via Christi Health




Food & Beverage



William Sneed

Bruce Witt

Faust-Goudeau, Oletha Feuerborn, Bill

page 13 Legislator page 14 Legislator

Recipient Year Reporting Period Recipient Year Reporting Period

Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist

Total for Feuerborn, Bill $231.00 KS Entertainment LLC A Lunch $8.50 John Bottenberg

I~i5n~y,·.G:aIi: :';:;; .';;,.::: ·,;1 Nex-Tech/Rural Telephone

Travel Industry Assn of Kansas







Mendi Alexander

Natalie Bright

2011 February Unified Govemment of Wyandotte County

University of Kansas Hospital Authority







Mike Taylor

William Sneed Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation A Lunch $10.92 Patrick Terick

Total for Frownfelter, Stan $136.25 KS Assn for the Medically Underserved

KS Entertainment LLC

United Methodist YouthvilJe Inc









Cathy Harding

John Bottenberg

Heather Morgan IFlIn'd;Rocky;':"':;";;";, ,j I

University of Kansas Hospital Authority o Coasters $14.50 William Sneed 2011 February

Total for Finney, Gail $65.42 University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed

Total for Fund, Rocky $14.50


2011 February

I ."". ",'4C" ..~", ~ Gar~er. Ra,ndy ,'.;:-C;'; .,. I

';c;g;' .'

Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation A Lunch $10.92 Patrick Terick 2011 February

KS Assn for the Medically Underserved A $14.00 Cathy Harding Assn of Ethanol Processors Inc A Dinner $3.20 Ronald Seeber

KS Entertainment LLC A Lunch $8.50 John Bottenberg Civic Council of Greater Kansas City A Lunch $926 Sandy Braden

United Methodist Youthville Inc , IA Lunch $17.50 Heather Morgan KS Agribusiness Retailers Assn A Dinner $3.20 Ronald Seeber

University of Kansas Hospital Authority o Coasters $1450 William Sneed KS Bankers Assn A Lunch & Dinner $45.96 Douglas Wareham

Total for Flaharty, Geraldine $65.42 KS Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $11.11 Jeff Glendening

KS Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $9.00 Eric Stafford

l~ranCiSCO! f!la~cJ}~: <.k;" " ,;,.·1 KS Chamber of Commerce A Breakfast $3.17 Eric Stafford

KS Cooperative Council A Dinner $8.44 Leslie Kaufman 2011 February

KS Grain & Feed Assn A Dinner $3.20 Ronald Seeber AT&T Inc and Affiliates A Lunch $10.00 Chris Carroll KS Livestock Assn A Dinner $8.75 AlI,e Devine AT&T Inc and Affiliates A Dinner $3000 Michael Scott LoanMax A Dinner $6.10 Lame Brown KS Bankers Assn A Lunch $13.88 Douglas Wareham Medco Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates A Dinner $6.10 Lame Brown LoanMax A Dinner $36.78 Lame Brown Pinegar, Smith & Associates Inc A Dinner $26.90 Douglas Smith Medco Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates A Dinner $36.78 Lame Brown University of Kansas Hospital Authority 0 Coasters $14.50 William Sneed University of Kansas A Lunch $12.00 Kathy Damron

Total for Garber, Randy $158.89

Wine Institute

University of Kansas Hospital Authority D



Dinner $78.62


Lame Bnown

William Sneed

IGa.iewoo~;;D",Qli9:;#{':"J. '. 'I Total for Francisco, Marci $232.56

IFroYinfelter, ,Sta'it-· ..•. :~J;i;~-' ,I 2011 February

American Beverage Assn A Dinner $48.25 John Bottenberg

American Beverage Assn A Dinner $8.11 Jonathan Small 2011 February Assn of Community Mental Health Centers A Lunch $1200 Michael Hammond

American Beverage Assn A Dinner $48.25 John Bottenberg AT&T Inc and Affiliates A Dinner $30.00 Terry Dlebolt

Frownfelter, Stan Gatewood, Doug

page 15 Legislator page 16 Legislator


Recipient Year Reporting Perlod Recipient Year Reporting Perlod

Business Schedule Description Amount lobbyist Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist

Boeing Company A Dinner $8.11 John Frederick 2011 February

Bombardier Aerospace Learjet Inc A Dinner $8.11 Jonathan Small Civic Council of Greater Kansas City A Lunch $9.26 Sandy Braden

Capitol Advantage LLC A Dinner $8.11 Michael Murray Koch Companies Public Sector A Dinner $31.09 Jonathan Small

Cenpatico Behavioral Health A Dinner $8.11 Michael Hutfles LLC-Affiliates Cox Communications Inc A Dinner $9.25 Scott Schneider KS Bankers Assn A Lunch & Dinner $45.96 Douglas Wareham Doug Mays and Associates LLC A Dinner $8.11 Doug Mays KS Catholic Conference A Breakfast $7.95 Michael Schuttloffel Hy-Vee Inc A Dinner $8.11 Dick Stoffer KS Chamber of Commerce A Breakfast $3.17 Eric Stafford Koch Companies Public Sector A Dinner $8.11 Jonathan Small KS Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $9.00 Eric Staffond LLC-Affiliates

KS Electric Cooperatives Inc A Dinner $33.84 David Holthaus Medco Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates A Dinner $8.11 Lame Brown

KS Livestock Assn A Dinner $8.75 Allie DevineUniversity of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed

Security Benefit Corporation D Personalized Portfolio $19.62 Natalie HaagVia Christi Health A Food & Beverage $19.36 Booce Witt

University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed Total for Gatewood, Doug $206.35

Total for Gonzalez, Ramon $183.14

I:Gatewo'o(fIiiJSe'an;fl!lNii'p""\'ii0Pi'imi';i' ':"'\ ',. '.> f, '1.';:~;;<' " ',fJi't.0rS> '.' : IqoOdl11an, Jiln;i' ,'{~~"1";-i: 'f~ll

2011 February 2011 February

KS Cooperative Council A Lunch $9.42 Leslie Kaufman Civic Council of Greater Kansas City A Lunch $9.26 Sandy Braden

University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed KS Bankers Assn A Lunch & Dinner $45.96 Douglas Wareham

Total for Gatewood, Sean $23.92 KS Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $9.00 Eric Stafford

KS Chamber of Commerce A Breakfast $3.17 Eric Staffond IGoico, Mario ... ,'~,'->' ':.;(:,. ::: I KS Livestock Assn A Dinner $8.75 Allie Devine

2011 February KS Optometric Assn A lunch $10.56 Gary Robbins

Uttle Government Relations A $7.47 Stuan Little Ash Grove Cement Co A Dinner $31.34 Michael Murray Pinegar, Smith & Associates Inc Dinner $31.23 John Pinegar Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation A Lunch $10.92 Patrick Terick A

Gencur Svaty Public Affairs A Lunch $9.53 Kimbeny Svaty Unified Government of Wyandotte County A Lunch $12.78 Mike Taylor

University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed Hewlett-Packand Co A Lunch $11.94 Tom Boono

KS Assn for the Medically UnderseNed A $14.00 Cathy Harding Total for Goodman, Jana $152.68

KS Entertainment LLC A Lunch $8.50 John Bottenberg

KS Food Dealers Assn A Dinner $37.36 Michael Murray I!q9r!!,or:!~jl,;al1a),~~rji ", )5);~' \,~~~; I KS Railroads A Dinner $46.00 Patrick Hubbell

2011 FebruaryNex-TechlRural Telephone A Lunch $12.50 Mendi Alexander

Comfan Dental A lunch $13.32 John Federico University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed

Koch Companies Public Sector A Dinner $31.09 Jonathan Small Total for Goico, Mario $196.59 LLC-Affiliates

KS Assn of Community College Trustees A Banquet $2695 Gayle Shaw I:G.o:nzalez;; ~arnon;I!Ji;:;!:C;;'Sj,.m;~\~: I Travel Industry Assn of Kansas A Dinner $39.72 Natalie Bright

University of Kansas A Lunch $14.00 Kathy Damron

University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed

Goico, Mario Gordon, Lana

page 17 Legislator page 18 Legislator

Recipient Year Reporting Period Recipient Year Reporting Period

Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist

Wichita Metro Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $14.10 Jason Watkins KS Cooperative Council A Dinner $8.44 Leslie Kaufman

Total for Gordon, Lana $153.68 KS Grain & Feed Assn A Dinner $3.20 Ronald Seeber

I'Qtali'g'~;:!J:Q~h'ir~~~~~~~":.' ; ::;;l~~?i.~!~~';~f~:1 KS livestock Assn








Allie Devine

Lame Brown

Medea Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates A Dinner $6.10 Lame Brown

2011 February Security Benefit Corporation 0 Personalized Portfolio $19.62 Natalie Haag

Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation A Lunch $10.92 Patrick Terick University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed

KS Catholic Conference A Breakfast $7.95 Michael Schuttloffel Total for Gregory, Tent Lois $152.50

KS Electric Cooperatives Inc A Lunch $12.56 David Holthaus

KS Entertainment LLC A Lunch $850 John Bottenberg lJ3rosserOde~ 'Arna:nda.'ii·.;~, '\~~;I KS Motor Carriers Assn A DInner $53.03 Tom \flIhitaker

PMCA of Kansas - Gas PAC A Dinner $37.52 Thomas Palace 2011 February

Travel Industry Assn of Kansas A Dinner $39.72 Natalie Bright Assn of Community Mental Health Centers A Lunch $11.22 Michael Hammond

United Methodist Youthville Inc A Lunch $17.50 Heather Morgan Civic Council of Greater Kansas City A Lunch $9.26 Sandy Braden

University of Kansas A Lunch $14.00 Kathy Damron Greater Kansas City Chamber of A Lunch $13.35 Bob Vancrum

University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 Willlam Sneed _C_o_m_m_e_rce _

Westar Energy A Lunch $8.99 Mark Schreiber Johnson County Government A $8.57 Stuart Little

T If G J h ota or range, 0 n

$22519 .

Koch Companies Public Sector A Dinner $31.09 Jonathan Small LLG-Affiliates =.:...:==---------------------­

I :Grant.Bob:i;;\:;.'i~~:J'j~;Y'i;I"":j'l ".,~;.,.",,,,~.',',, ,~, "'mMH.l','~·;Sw.o~'-'!'_~",'''''',:'",J'_~~""."I

KS Chamber 01 Commerce KS Chamber of Commerce


Lunch Lunch

$11.11 $9.00

Jeff Glendening Eric Stafford

2011 February KS Chamber 01 Commerce A Breakfast $3.17 Eric Stafford

American Beverage Assn A Dinner $48.25 John Bottenberg National Rifle Assn of America A Dinner $14.57 Jordan Austin

Gaches, Braden & Associates A Lunch $10.77 Ron Gaches University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed

KS Bankers Assn A Lunch $13.88 Douglas Wareham Total for Grosserode, Amanda $125.84

University of Kansas University of Kansas Hospital Authority


Lunch Coasters

$12.00 $14.50

Kathy Damron I'i' ",,".. -«;-:~: '<J':"'" William sneed;flaley,·D!JIVld.:;:~'~:~'.. '-' • "':~~';_t;"

'''''~I (~

Total for Grant, Bob $99.40 2011 February

I «- ••••••• + .:: ,'" .' ".",~

.Gregory,,,Terri LOIS·, <. j;~Ji~':~-' , '1 '0.-",".·'.1: .

AT&T Inc and Affiliates Children's Mercy Family Health Partners


Luncheon Lunch

$10.00 $9.50

Chris Carroll John Bottenberg

2011 February Hy-Vee Inc A Beverage $10.00 Dick Stoffer

Assn of Community Mental Health Centers A Lunch $12.00 Michael Hammond KS Assn of Community College Trustees A Banquet $26.95 Gayle Shaw

Assn of Ethanol Processors Inc A Dinner $3.20 Ronald Seeber KS Bankers Assn A Lunch $13.88 Douglas Wareham

Civic Coundl of Greater Kansas City A Lunch $9.26 Sandy Braden Sisters 01 Charity of Leavenworth Health A Lunch $13.00 Cynthia Smith

KS Agnbusiness Retailers Assn A Dinner $3.20 Ronald Seeber Unified Government of Wyandotte County A Lunch $12.78 Mike Taylor

KS Bankers Assn A Lunch & Dinner $45.96 Douglas Wareham University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed

KS Chamber of Commerce A Breakfast $3.17 Eric Stafford Tolalfor Haley, David $110.61

KS Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $900 Eric Stafford

Gregory, Terri Lois Haley, David

page 19 Legislator page 20 Legislator

Recipient Year Reporting Period Recipient Year Reporting Perlod

Business Schedule Description Amount lobbyist Business SChedule DescriptIon Amount lobbyist

IHayzlett, G"~ry ',': ,'1;" -..• '\-' ,I Total for Hedke, Dennis

University of Kansas Hospital Authority o Coasters $14.50 William Sneed


2011 February

American Beverage Assn A Lunch $5.81 Jonathan Small I_H'eJ,~~rson;:~19(je,\i:ktl:::{;~11~1

Assn of Community Mental Health Centers

Black Hills Energy

Cox Communications Inc

Gencur Svaty Public Affairs

Hewlett-Packard Co

Koct1 Companies Public Sector LLC-Affiliates

Koct1 Companies Public Sector LLC·Affiliates

KS Bankers Assn

KS Cooperative Council

























$38 79



Stuart Little

Wes Ashton

Coleen Jennison

Kimberly Svaty

Tom Bruno

Jonathan Small

Jonathan Small

Douglas Wareham

Leslie Kaufman

Total for Henderson, Broderick

Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Health

Children's Mercy Family Health Partners

University of Kansas Hospital Authority

Unified Government of Wyandotte County

AT&T Inc and Affiliates

2011 February

AT&T Inc and Affiliates

I',.'.H ""'1,p,', .",T.··\',' "",,', " .. erfry;J¥jerry j@~b;","'·'~_9~;±,(l.k:, "~ji0]m;. .,. ;". " ,'i\;,J'" ·--'@m;<·:.:... ·,..";,~,'/'··"'0~·:.4-"'~\'~, '!"<Ai;.











Basketball Game


$9.50 John Bottenberg

$1450 William Sneed

$12.78 Mike Taylor

$75.00 Chris Carroll

$10.00 Chris Carroll

$13.00 Cynthia Smith


KS Electric Cooperatives Inc

KS Motor Carriers Assn

National Rifle Assn of America

University of Kansas

University of Kansas Hospital Authority

Total for Hayzlett, Gary











$12.62 David Holthaus

$53.03 Tom Whitaker

$48.59 Jordan Austin

$14.00 Kathy Damron

$1450 William Sneed


AT&T Inc and Affiliates

Boeing Company

Bombardier Aerospace Learjet Inc

American Beverage Assn

American Beverage Assn

2011 February
















John Bottenberg

Jonathan Small

Terry Dlebolt

John Frederick

Jonathan Small

I:H~~¥e, f.!Ein:~l~,; f0~:;-!.-'1t(,:q Capitol Advantage LLC

Cenpatico Behavioral Health







Michael Murray

Michael Hutfles

2011 February

Assn of Community Mental Health Centers

Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation

Civic Council of Greater Kansas City

Civic Council of Greater Kansas City

Koch Companies Public Sector LLC-Affiliates

KS Bankers Assn

KS Chamber of Commerce

KS Chamber of Commerce

KS Chamber of Commerce

KS Livestock Assn


















Lunch(es) & Dinner

















Michael Hammond

Patrick Terick

Sandy Braden

Sandy Braden

Jonathan Small

Douglas Wareham

Jeff Glendening

Eric Stafford


Allie Devine

Lallie Brown

Total for Henry, Jerry

Cox Communications Inc

KS Catholic Conference

Medco Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates

university of Kansas Hospital Authority

Via Christi Health

Doug Mays and Associates LLC

KS Motor Carriers Assn

HY-Vee Inc

Koch Companies Public Sector LLC-Affiliates

!.Hensley;A"nthony ..,:?~'" • 'd


















Food & Beverage

$9,25 Scott Schneider

$8,11 Doug Mays

$8.11 Dick Stoffer

$811 Jonathan Small

$7.95 Michael Schuttloffel

$53.03 Tom Whitaker

$8.11 Lame Brown

$14.50 William Sneed

$8,11 Bruce Witt


Medco Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates A Dinner $6.10 Lallie Brown

Security Benefit Corporation D Personalized Portfolio $19.62 Natalie Haag

Hedke, Dennis Henry, Jerry

page 21 Legislator page 22 Legislator

Recipient Year Reporting Period Recipient Year Reporting Period

Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist Business Schedule Description Amount lobbyist


Hy-Vee Inc A Beverage $10,81 Dick Stoffer IlUll,: o.~ri~imi:,:fr::.~ ;."~G',;,~.';'1i:'~i'·:1

Hy-Vee Inc A Dinner $35,37 Dick Stoffer 2011 February

KS AFL-CIO A Lunch $1571 Bruce Tunnell University of Kansas Hospital Authonty D Coasters $14,50 William Sneed

KS Electric Cooperatives Inc A Lunch $12,56 David Holthaus Total for Hill, Don $14.50 University of Kansas Hospital Authority

Total for Hensley, Anthony

0 Coasters


$14,50 William Sneed

IHin~man",o.on ,;ii: j' " ':f"': ·1 l'Ii""" "",de"", pWll """"""I".j;' "'I" E!rmao~on, ~ .L:~~' 'r ~':!-i:'_:~~\::.; :." 2011 February

KS Contractors Assn B Basketball Game $50,00 Bob Totten 2011 February KS Cooperative Council A Dinner $11,08 Leslie Kaufman

Amenca's Health Insurance Plans A Dinner $2054 William Sneed KS Livestock Assn A Lunch $10,37 Dee Likes

KS Assn for the Medically Underserved A $14,00 Cathy Harding Nex-TechlRural Telephone A Lunch $12.50 Mendi Alexander

KS Assn of Health Plans A Dinner $24A3 Marlee Carpenter Pinegar, Smith & Associates Inc A Dinner $26,90 Douglas Smith

KS Railroads A Dinner $38,00 Patrick HUbbell University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14,50 William Sneed

Nex-Tech/Rural Telephone A Lunch $12,50 Mendl Alexander Total for Hineman, Don $125.35 University of Kansas Hospilal Authority

Wichita Metro Chamber of Commerce







William Sneed

Jason Watkins I'.HOffman::KY'·le~'~:"'t""'i'<c.:,:?:;,rim:r~,t·1" ..... ,,>.' .'tb;', ,.,. ", J' J\an';;;hm,ili.ll·,~."•.]I,·.i&>t>ikA;,ul

Wichita Metro Chamber of Commerce A Dinner $7..25 Jason Watkins

Wichita Metro Chamber of Commerce A Dinner $7.50 Jason Watkins 2011 February

Wichita Metro Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $17AO Jason Watkins Assn of Ethanol Processors Inc A Dinner $3,20 Ronald Seeber

Total for Hermanson, Phil $172.04 Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation A Lunch $10,92 Patrick Terick

Civic Council of Greater Kansas City A Lunch $9,26 Sandy Braden

IHilda~tand, Br~tt: •. '". 'f:: ~

.: l ..1.~~'· I KS Agribusiness Retailers Assn

KS Bankers Assn







Ronald Seeber

Douglas Wareham 2011 February KS Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $9,00 Eric Stafford

Assn of Community Mental Health Centers A Lunch $11,22 Michael Hammond KS Chamber of Commerce A Breakfast $3,17 Eric Stafford

Greater Kansas City Chamber of A Lunch $13,35 BobVancrum KS Cooperative Council A Dinner $11,08 Leslie Kaufman Commerce

KS Cooperative Council A Dinner $8.44 Leslie Kaufman Johnson County Govemment A $857 Stuart Little KS Electric Cooperatives Inc A Dinner $33,84 David Holthaus Koch Companies PUblic Sector LLC-Affiliates

A Dinner $31,09 Jonathan Small KS Electric Cooperatives Inc A Lunch $12,62 David Holthaus

KS Chamber of Commerce A BreaKfast $3,17 Eric Stafford KS Grain & Feed Assn A Dinner $3,20 Ronald Seeber

KS Chamber of Commerce $900 Eric Stafford KS Livestock Assn A Dinner $8.75 Allie Devine

LoanMax $6,10 Lame Brown Stafford Consulting LLC A Dinner $29,39 George Stafford

Medea Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates A Dinner $6.10 Larrie Brown University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14,50 William Sneed

National Rifle Assn of America A Dinner $14,57 Jordan Austin Total for Hoffman, Kyle $169.56

University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $1450 William Sneed

Total for Hildabrand, Brett $117.67

Hildabrand, Brett Hoffman, Kyle

page 23 Legislator page 24 Legislator

Recipient Year Reporting Period Recipient Year Reporting Period

Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist

IHollan~;~IPrri >",;,:1t",·. i 4 2011 February

KS Bankers Assn A

University of Kansas Hospital Authority D

Total for Holland, Tom

Il:lolmes;;Carl .. ',. :;' '. '~"I""'" .. ' '., ~,~.,.!.

2011 February

Black Hills Energy A

Cox Communications Inc A

Exxon Mobil Corporation A

Gencur Svaty Public Affairs A

Hewlell-Packard Co A

Koch Companies Public Sector A LLC-Affiliates

KS Cooperative Council A

Nex-TechlRural Telephone A

Next Era Energy Resources LLC A

University of Kansas Hospital Authority D

Total for Holmes, Carl

I,HolmesMitch-' , ,-i';- "-. ,,~li"l,,' , ..'..... . ~,,~ • > -.' , ,...--,;':\

2011 February

Gencur Svaty Public Affairs A

Hewlett-Packard Co A

KS State Council of Firefighters A

University of Kansas Hospital Authority D

Total for Holmes, Mitch

1:l:lo~~fi;:~lm!":\;~i;~~U ,;,:,~ji~(l

2011 February

Assn of Ethanol Processors Inc A

Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation A

Civic Council of Greater Kansas City A

KS Agribusiness Retailers Assn A












. Coasters









$1614 Kathleen Olsen

$14.50 Wilham Sneed


$100.00 Wes Ashton

$40.70 Coleen Jennison

$5,48 Jonathan Small

$9.53 Kimbeny Svaty

$11.94 Tom Bruno

$5,49 Jonathan Small

$11.08 Leslie Kaufman

$12.50 Mendi Alexander

$14.32 Michael Murray

$14.50 William Sneed


$9.53 Kimbeny Svaty

$11.94 Tom Bruno

$20.49 Dennis Phillips

$14.50 William Sneed


$3.20 Ronald Seeber

$10.92 Patrick Terick

$9.26 Sandy Braden

$3.20 Ronaid Seeber

KS Bankers Assn

KS Chamber of Commerce

KS Chamber of Commerce

KS Cooperative Council

KS Electric Cooperatives Inc

KS Grain & Feed Assn

KS Livestock Assn


Medco Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates

University of Kansas Hospital Authority

Total for Howell, Jim

I;Huebert,:Stevei,,::a,~~:.;·"';:':· ,:,;Wi%~,1• ,.._ " .•. " c',.,.,,' _ ;, .;<' .. ',.. ,,-"' .. " ,0.';. ,::Uk,-·';;

2011 February

Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation

Gencur Svaty Public Affairs

Hewlett-Packard Co

KS Assn for the Medically Underserved

KS Chamber of Commerce

University of Kansas

University of Kansas Hospital Authority

Total for Huebert, Steve


2011 February

Assn of Community Mental Health Centers

Cenpatico Behavioral Health

Doug Mays and Associates LLC

Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce

KS Cable Telecommunications Assn

League of Kansas Municipalities

Medea Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates

Medea Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates

Over1and Park Chamber of Commerce

PMCA of Kansas - Gas PAC

University of Kansas Hospital Authority





























Lunch & Dinner


















Reception & Dinner









$45.96 Douglas Wareham

$9.00 Eric Stafford

$3.17 Eric Stafford

$8.44 Leslie Kaufman

$33.84 David Holthaus

$3.20 Ronald Seeber

$8.75 Allie Devine

$6.10 Lame Brown

$6.10 Lame Brown

$14.50 William Sneed


$10.92 Patrick Terick

$9.53 Kimbeny Svaty

$11.94 Tom Bruno

$1400 Cathy Harding

$11.11 Jeff Glendening

$14.00 Kathy Damron

$14.50 William Sneed


$18.68 Michael Hammond

$7.24 Michael Hutfles

$7.54 Doug Mays

$13.35 Bob Vancrum

$13.77 John Fedefico

$43.08 Sandy Jaccuot

$3.31 Lame Brown

$3.93 Lame Brown

$11.00 Jennifer Bruning

$57.14 Thomas Palace

$14.50 William Sneed

page 25


Legislator page 26

Huntington, Terrie


Recipient Year Reponing Period Recipient Year Reponing Period

Business Schedule Descnption Amount Lobbyist Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist

Via Christi Heatth A Food & Beverage $7.54 Bruce Witt KS Bankers Assn A Dinner $36.97 Douglas Wareham

Total for Huntington, Terrie $201.08 KS Catholic Conference A Breakfast $7.95 Michael SchuttJoffel

KS Chamber of Commerce A Breakfast $3.17 Eric Stafford

I.J.9hn'~Qn,·;St~y§n1:,cc;t':"i~·;·(jiW··~1' .. ';~;'":I KS Chamber of Commerce A lunch $9.00 Eric Stafford

KS Contractors Assn B Basketball Game $50.00 Bob Totten 2011 February

Little Government Relations A $7.47 Stuart Uttle Assn of Ethanol Processors Inc A Dinner $3.20 Ronald Seeber LoanMax A Dinner $6.10 Larrie Brown AT&T Inc and Affiliates A Dinner 520.00 Cynthia laplelal Medco Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates A Dinner $6.10 Larrie Brown Civic Council of Greater Kansas City A Lunch $9.26 Sandy Braden PMCA 01 Kansas - Gas PAC A Dinner $37.52 Thomas Palace Clean Air Kansas A Lunch $10.00 John Peterson Security Benefit Corporation D Personalized Portfolio $19.62 Natalie Haag KS Agribusiness Retailers Assn A Dinner $3.20 Ronald Seeber University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed KS Bankers Assn A Lunch(es) & Dinner $56.58 Douglas Wareham Tolallor Kelly, Jim $238.75 KS Chamber of Commerce A Breakfast $3.17 Eric Stafford

KS Cooperative Council A Dinner $8.44 Leslie Kaulman 1~'~~-IIY12~~ ufaY~YI~';,~~~f~:~~C;~~;i;,; \,'~t::':?'1 KS Grain & Feed Assn A Dinner 53.20 Ronald Seeber

KS Livestock Assn A Dinner $8.75 Allie Devine 2011 February

Nex-Tech/Rural Telephone A Lunch $12.50 Mendi Alexander Gaches, Braden & Associates A Lunch $10.77 Ron Gaches

Pinegar. Smith & Associates Inc A Dinner $31.23 John Pinegar KS Electric Cooperatives Inc A Lunch $12.56 David Holthaus

Pinegar, Smith & Associates Inc A Dinner $2690 Douglas Smith University of Kansas A Lunch $12.00 Kathy Damron

University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed

Total for Johnson, Steven $210.93 Tolal lor Kelly, Laura $49.83

IKe'!l'lY;l<~SIi~1*7( ," ';i~tiK:' <:::<,1 I;i<~,~~y;, DioC~)i~~t· ,:;Si:~;.),. ,:,\~;.ill

2011 February 2011 February

Comfort Dental A Lunch $1332 John Federico KS Entertainment LLC A Lunch $8.50 John Bottenberg

KS Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $11.11 Jeff Glendening United Methodist Youthville Inc A Lunch $17.50 Heather Morgan

LoanMax A Dinner $6.10 Lame Brown University of Kansas Hospital Authority .. D Coasters $14.50 Wiliiam Sneed

Medco Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates A Dinner $6.10 Lame Brown Total for Kelsey, Dick $40.50

Wichita Metro Chamber of Commerce

University of Kansas Hospital Authority




Coasters $14.50


William Sneed

Jason Watkins IKersclier(banlr;,.·:, ~:~:!;''\f' 5:::1 Wichita Metro Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $14.10 Jason Watkins

Total lor Kelley, Kasha $81.15 2011 February

I.K "II"'" .. e y,,~lm.. "",'"'2,"'$1 ~. 'r'~~ .:~"} ~,.' . '1_.; t

Assn of Ethanol Processors Inc

Koch Companies Public Sector LLC-Affiliates







Ronald Seeber

Jonathan Small

2011 February KS Agribusiness Retailers Assn A Dinner $3.20 Ronald Seeber

Civic Council of Greater Kansas City A Lunch 59.26 Sandy Braden KS Cooperative Council A Dinner $11.08 Leslie Kaulman

Koch Companies Public Sector A Dinner $31.09 Jonathan Small KS Cooperative Council A Dinner $8.44 Leslie Kaufman


Kelly, Jim Kerschen, Dan

page 27 Legislator page 28 Legislator

Recipient Year Reporting Period Recipient Year Reporting Period

Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist

KS Grain & Feed Assn A Dinner $3.20 Ronald Seeber Total for Kinzer, Lance $82.01

Travel Industry Assn of Kansas

United Methodist Youthville Inc







Natalie Bright

Heather Morgan I" ." .m··~_!"'I5\!;!!~· ".i': I'Kleeb, ~al)'ln:;;~!:iil!:il!'0f :', , University 01 Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed

Total for Kerschen, Dan $131.93 2011 February

American Beverage Assn A Dinner $8.11 Jonathan Small

1Kiegeri, Mike ':'?~:'}':'. c.;- ':';1 Assn of Community Mental Health Centers A Lunch $11.22 Michael Hammond

Assn of Ethanol Processors Inc A Dinner $3.20 Ronaid Seeber

2011 February Boeing Company A Dinner $8.11 John Frederick

Gencur Svaty Public Affairs A Lunch $953 Kimbe~y Svaty Bombardier Aerospace Learjet Inc A Dinner $8.11 Jonathan Small

Hewlett-Packard Co A Lunch $11.94 Tom Bruno Capitol Advantage LLC A Dinner $8.11 Michael Murray

University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed Cenpatiea Behavioral Health A Dinner $8.11 Michael Hutfles

Total for Kiege~, Mike $35.97 Cox Communications Inc A Dinner $60.33 Coleen Jennison

It<irig;'Jeff:<~:'!~~'P~!fi~';' .......; .1 Cox Communications Inc

Doug Mays and Associates LLC







Scott Schneider

Doug Mays

Greater Kansas City Chamber of A Lunch $13.35 Bob Vancrum 2011 February Commerce

----Gencur Svaty Public Affairs A Lunch ---­

$1 0.84 I(jmbe~y Svaty Hy-Vee Inc A Dinner $8.11 Dick Stoffer

Hy-Vee Inc A Lunch $8,48 Dick Stoffer Johnson County Govemment A $8.57 Stuart Little

Koch Companies Public Sector A Reception $3.09 Jonathan Small Koch Companies Public Sector A Dinner $8.11 Jonathan Small LLC-Affiliates LLC-Affiliates

KS Bar Assn A Dinner $45.10 Joseph Molina III KS Agribusiness Retailers Assn A Dinner $3.20 Ronald Seeber

Medea Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates A Reception $3.09 Larrie Brown KS Bankers Assn A Lunch $8.99 Douglas Wareham

Security Benefit Corporation D Personalized Portfolio $19.62 Natalie Haag KS Chamber 01 Commerce A Lunch $11.11 Jeff Glendening

Strategic Communications of KS A Lunch $12.00 Mandy Miller KS Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $11.94 Jeff Glendening

University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed KS Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $8.70 Eric Stafford

Via Christi Health A Food & Beverage $3.09 Bruce Witt KS Cooperative Council A Dinner $8.44 Leslie Kaufman

Total for King, Jeff $119.81 KS Food Dealers Assn A Dinner $37.36 Michael Murray

IK' .. ' L' ;"i!·;··}n?·'V;';,·,1.>·· '1. Inzer, anceJtJ;!!"·\"'tb,.;';.' ".>_ , KS Grain & Feed Assn

KS Livestock Assn







Ronald Seeber

Allie Devine

KS Railroads A Dinner $38.00 Patrick Hubbell 2011 February

Medea Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates A Dinner $8.11 Larrie Brown Assn of Community Mental Health Centers A Lunch $11.22 Michael Hammond Overland Park Chamber of Commerce A Breakfast $11.00 Jennifer Bruning Gencur Svaty Public Affairs A Lunch $9.53 Kimbe~y Svaty Overland Park Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $8.50 Jennifer Bruning Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce

A Lunch $13.35 Bob Vancrum Travel Industry Assn of Kansas A Dinner $39.72 Natalie Bright

Hewlett-Packard Co A Lunch $11.94 Tom Bruno University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 Wiliiam Sneed

Uttle Government Relations A $7,47 Stuart Little Via Christi Health A Food & Beverage $8.11 Bruce Witt

University of Kansas A Lunch $14.00 Kathy Damron Total for Kleeb, Marvin $400.43

University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed

Kinzer, Lance Kleeb, Marvin

page 29 Legislator page 30 Legislator

Recipient Year Reponing Period Recipient Year Reponing Period

Business Schedule Description Amount lobbyist Business Schedule Description Amount lobbyist

IK~oox: FQrre'sf' " ,. 0,"/- ,I,,,' ~...~

Cenpatiea Behavioral Health

Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation







Michael Hutfles

Patrick Terick

2011 February Comfort Dental Inc

Cox Communications Inc







Lawless Barrientos III

Scott Schneider Assn of Community Mental Health Centers A Dinner $30035 Stuart Little

Cox Communications Inc A Dinner $7035 Scott Schneider Gencur Svaty Public Affairs

Hewlett-Packard Co

KS Chamber of Commerce










Kimberty Svaty

Tom Bruno

Jeff Glendening

Doug Mays and Associates LLC

Gencur Svaty Public Affairs

Hewlett-Packard Co










Doug Mays

Kimberly Svaty

Tom Bruno Nex-TechlRural Telephone

University of Kansas Hospital Authority







Mendi Alexander

William Sneed Hy-Vee Inc

Koch Companies PUblic Sector







Dick Stoffer

Jonathan Small Total for Knox, Forrest $89.93 LLC·Affiliates

I·KU!Jiler;"A'nni.e:,;!·1"t'lt~:~~t'.l~1 KS Bankers Assn

KS Livestock Assn







Douglas Wareham

Allie Devine

2011 February

University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed

KS Railroads


Medea Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates










Patrick Hubbell

Lame Brown

Larrie Brown Wichita Metro Chamber of Commerce A Dinner $8.91 Jason Watkins

Medea Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates A Dinner $8.11 Larrie Brown Total for Kuether, Annie $23.41

University of Kansas A Lunch $14.00 Kathy Damron

I 0"". . K" ". o. ',0.0"" ···,o,,~•. 1~ul~la,. ~lIy:: ...:;,1'.', '0':-;;:"'" University of Kansas Hospital Authority

Via Christi Health




Food & Beverage



William Sneed

Bruce Witt

2011 February Wichita Metro Chamber of Commerce A Dinner $19.51 Jason Watkins

AT&T Inc and Affiliates A Lunch $10.00 Chris Carroll Wichita Metro Chamber of Commerce A Dinner $54.70 Jason Watkins

AT&T Incand Affiliates A Luncheon $10000 Chris Carroll Total for Landwehr, Brenda $410.48

KS Motor Carriers Assn

KS Railroads







Tom Whitaker

Patrick Hubbell I;Pine,' !:I.~rold. ::;"'. :~~"ff,:'· ;;'1 Travel Industry Assn of Kansas A Dinner $3972 Natalie Bright 2011 February Unified Government of Wyandotte County

University of Kansas Hospital Authority







Mike Taylor

William Sneed American Beverage Assn

Hy-Vee Inc







John Bottenberg

Dick Stoffer Tolal for Kullala, Kelly $173.03

University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed

ILa@ivehr:;J3renda <' ,~Jic d Tolal for Lane, Harold $98.12

2011 February

American severage Assn A Dinner $8.11 Jonathan Small 2011 February Boeing Company

Boeing Company







John Frederick

John Frederick Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce

A Drinks $12.09 Bob Vancrum

Bombardier Aerospace Learjet Inc A Dinner $8.11 Jonathan Small KS AFL·CIO A Lunch $15.71 Bruce Tunnell Capitol Advantage LLC A Dinner $8.11 Michael Murray University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed

Landwehr, Brenda Loganbill, Judith

page 31 Legislator page 32 Legislator

Recipient Year Reporting Period Recipient Year Reporting Period

Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist

Total for Loganbill, Judith $42.30 KS Society for Human Resource A Dinner $34.35 Natalie Bright Management

I:Lorig~irie; Jeff. ",.'; ,~. ,·::··.·~:I Overland Park Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $11.68 Jennifer Bruning

University of Kansas Hospital Authority 0 Coasters $14.50 William Sneed

2011 February Wichita Metro Chamber of Commerce A Dinner $15.92 Jason Watkins

Boeing Company A Dinner $6676 John Frederick Total for Lynn, Julia $145.15

Bombardier Aerospace Learjet Inc

Exxon Mobil Corporation







Jonathan Small

Jonathan Small I' .. , ..Mah,'Ann ,1'.:",:'.'. .' ·':c't:'·: .1

Gencur Svaty Public Affairs

KS Quarter Horse Racing Assn







Kimberly Svaty

Jonathan Small 2011 February

PMCA of Kansas - Gas PAC A Dinner $57.14 Thomas Palace KSAFL-CIO A Lunch $15.71 Bruce Tunnell

University of Kansas Hospital Authority 0 Coasters $14.50 William Sneed KS Electric Cooperatives Inc A Lunch $12.56 David Holthaus

Westar Energy A Lunch $14.97 Mark. Schreiber University of Kansas Hospital Authority 0 Coasters $14.50 William Sneed

Wichita Metro Chamber of Commerce A Dinner $8.91 Jason Watkins Total for Mah, Ann $42.17

Total for Longbine, Jeff

l'I!"··4"G ""tP' ' c: "::,,:::1:,, ifr3;~::1:. ,g,'(,!:fu.",,~.~!e ~'::ju.:. ~;;:kq-~·.S '.

$222.44 IMIII;Shall?:;~J"Ii. ", 2011 February


2011 February Boeing Company A Lunch $14.93 John Frederick

Cox Communications Inc A Dinner $69.66 Coleen Jennison Cenpatico Behavioral Health A Reception $3.31 Michael Hurtles

KS Assn of Community College Trustees A Banquet $26.95 Gayle Shaw Cox Communications Inc A Dinner $69.66 Coleen Jennison

KS Bankers Assn A Lunch(es) $29.22 Douglas Wareham Doug Mays and Associates LLC A Reception $3.31 Doug Mays

KS Food Dealers Assn A Dinner $37.36 Michael Murray KS Bankers Assn A Lunch $12.16 Douglas Wareham

KS Livestock Assn A Lunch $10.37 Dee Likes KS Cable Telecommunications Assn A Lunch $13.17 John Federico

Nex-Tech/Rural Telephone A Lunch $12.50 Mendi Alexander Medco Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates A Reception $3.31 Lame Brown

PMCA of Kansas - Gas PAC A Lunch $8.24 Thomas Palace University of Kansas Hospital Authority 0 Coasters $14.50 William Sneed

Security Benefit Corporation 0 Personalized Portfolio $19.62 Natalie Haag Via Christi Health A Food & Beverage $3.31 Bruce WItt

University of Kansas Hospital Authority 0 Coasters $14.50 William Sneed Total for Marshall, Bob $138.26

Wichita Metro Chamber of Commerce

Total for Love. Garrett

A Dinner $22.34


Jason Watkins IjNt~~j~~~~:ggy,!W[:(:··~;';:,:'~>:~·,~$?;~~1i>1~i!i;:tt~il

ILynhi)Ulia I ::~': 3~:;~~;-'~i '~i~\ I 2011 February

Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation A Lunch $10.92 Patrick Terick

2011 February Civic Council of Greater Kansas City A Lunch $9.26 Sandy Braden

Greater Kansas City Chamber of A Lunch $1335 Bob Vancrum KS Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $9.00 Eric Stafford

Commerce KS Electric Cooperatives Inc A Lunch $12.56 David Holthaus

Johnson County Government A $8.57 Stuart Little KS Optometric Assn A Lunch $10.56 Gary Robbins

KS Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $9.42 J Kent Eckles University of Kansas A Lunch $14.00 Kathy Damron

KS Food Dealers Assn A Dinner $37.36 Michael Murray University of Kansas Hospital Authority 0 Coasters $14.50 William Sneed

Lynn, Julia Mast, Peggy

page 33 Legislator page 34 Legislator

Recipient Year Reporting Period Recipient Year Reporting Period

Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist

Total for Mast, Peggy $80.80 General Electric A Dinner $33.73 Ron Gaches

KS Livestock Assn A Dinner $35.27 Allie Devine

1:'~as"eEi:o'~,'~ fy}~;~:~~!~~~~;::D :;~;'~f~s~~~~;':1 Travel Industry Assn of Kansas A Dinner $39.72 Natalie Bright

2011 February University of Kansas

University of Kansas Hospital Authority







Kathy Damron

William Sneed America's Health Insurance Plans A Dinner $20.54 William Sneed Total for McGinn, Carolyn $244.31 Cox Communications Inc A Dinner $19.30 Scott Schneider

Koch Companies Public Sector LLC-Affiliates

A Lunch $14.72 Jonathan Small I'Mc[efai1d~~oe./~J.{y;':". ""-,:1 Koch Companies Public Sector LLC-Affiliates

A Reception $3.09 Jonathan Small 2011 February

Via Christi Health

University of Kansas Hospital Authonty

Travel Industry Assn of Kansas

Wichita Metro Chamber of Commerce

KS Chamber of Commerce

KS Chamber of Commerce

KS Cable Telecommunications Assn

KS Assn of Health Plans

KS Entertainment LLC

Medco Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates

A Dinner

A Dinner---­A Lunch---­A Lunch ---­A Lunch

A Reception

A Dinner

0 Coasters

A Food & Beverage

A Dinner











Manee Carpenter

John Federico

J Kent Eckles

Jeff Glendening

John Bottenberg

Lame Brown

Natalie Bright

William Sneed

Bruce Witt

Jason Watkins

American Beverage Assn

Assn of Ethanol Processors Inc

Boeing Company

Bombardier Aerospace Leadellnc

Capitol Advantage LLC

Cenpatico Behavioral Health

Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation

Comfort Dental

Cox Communications Inc

Doug Mays and Associates LLC































Jonathan Small

Ronald Seeber

John Frederick

Jonathan Small

Michael Murray

Michael Hutfles

Patrick Terick

John Federico

Scott Schneider

Doug Mays

Total for Masterson, Ty $231.90 Hy-Vee Inc

Koch Companies Public Sector







Dick Stoffer

Jonathan Small LLC·Affiliates

1;.rJI_l:~raYlllJljl,er; ;~Y)odi~.;~ii"I~tl KS Agribusiness Retailers Assn A Dinner $3.20 Ronald Seeber

2011 February KS Assn for the Medically Underserved A $14.00 Cathy Harding

Little Government Relations

KS Assn for the Medically UnderselVed

Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation



A Lunch




Stuart Little

Patrick Terick

Cathy Harding

KS Catholic Conference

KS Chamber of Commerce

KS Cooperative Council










Michael Schuttloffel

Jeff Glendening

Leslie Kaufman

United Methodist Youthville Inc

University of Kansas Hospital Authority







Heather Morgan

William Sneed

KS Cooperative Counal

KS Electric Cooperatives Inc







Leslie Kaufman

David Holthaus

Total for McCray·Mlller, Melody $64.39 KS Entertainment LLC

KS Grain & Feed Assn







John Bottenberg

Ronald Seeber

IMcGinn;;CarolyilY'?; -2;iJ€:,·1 KS Optometric Assn

KS Railroads







Gary Robbins

Patrick Hubbell

2011 February LoanMax A Dinner $6.10 Larrie Brown

Boeing Company A Dinner $66.76 John Frederick Medea Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates A Dinner $6.10 Lame Brown

City of Wichita A Dinner $15.85 Dale Goter Medco Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates A Dinner $8.11 Lame Brown

Gaches, Braden & Associates A Lunch $10.77 Ron Gaches Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Health A Lunch $11.25 Cynthia Smith

Gencur Svaty Public Affairs A Lunch $10.84 Kimbeny Svaty University of Kansas A Lunch $14.00 Kathy Damron

McGinn, Carolyn McLeland, Joe

page 35 Legislator page 36 Legislator

Recipient Year Reporting Period Recipient Year Reporting Period

Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist

University of Kansas Hospital Authority 0 Coasters $14.50 William Sneed AT&T Inc and Affiliates B Basketball Game $90.00 Chns Carroll

Via Christi Health A Food & Beverage $8.11 Bruce Witt AT&T Inc and Affiliates A Lunch $31.00 Chris Carroll

Wichita Metro Chamber of Commerce A Dinner $54.70 Jason Watkins AT&T Inc and Affiliates A Dinner $4181 Steve Hahn

Wichita Metro Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $14.10 Jason Watkins Boeing Company A Dinner $8.11 John Frederick

Total for McLeland, Joe $388.42 Bombardier Aerospace Learjet Inc A Dinner $8.11 Jonathan Small

I, Mei~~,.Mlllan.i!i~~,:,~,,,<:·:,:;j: •. '.::§,;i;:i:1 Capitol Advantage LLC

Cenpatiea Behavioral Health







Michael Murray

Michael Hutfles

Cox Communications Inc A Dinner $9.25 Scott Schneider 2011 February Doug Mays and Associates LLC A Dinner $10.15 Doug Mays

Children's Mercy Family Health Partners A Lunch $9.50 John Bottenberg Doug Mays and Associates LLC A Dinner $8.11 Doug Mays Clean Air Kansas A Lunch $10.00 John Peterson Exxon Mobil Corporation A Lunch $7.08 Jonathan Small Consumer Health Care Products Assn A Lunch $9.65 Jeffery Bottenberg Greater Kansas City Chamber of A Lunch $13.36 BobVancrum KS Catholic Conference A Breakfast $795 Michael Schuttloffel ~ommerce

Little Government Relations A $7.47 Stuart Little Hy-Vee Inc A Dinner $8.11 Dick Stoffer

Travel Industry Assn of Kansas A Dinner $39.72 Natalie Bright Koch Companies Public Sector A Lunch $14.72 Jonathan Small

Unified Government of Wyandotte County A Lunch $12.78 Mike Taylor LLC-Affiliates

University of Kansas Hospital Authority 0 Coasters $14.50 William Sneed Koch Companies Public Sector LLC-Affiliates

A Lunch $7.18 Jonathan Small

Total for Meier, Melanie $111.57 Koch Companies Public Sector A Dinner $10.16 Jonathan Small

I .. .. ··F·· .. .. "", > '<:/"., '. 1,Meigsr Kelly"'III,I""':.,' "").:"': ,-",'\••,., ... i:.",' ~.",. , .•.-'.-,/,;h...• ~~v .trt.di:,.,-,,,,:, '" .',;,<


Koch Companies Public Sector A Reception $3.09 Jonathan Small LLC-Affiliates

2011 February Koch Companies Public Sector A Dinner $8.11 Jonathan Small Assn of Community Mental Health Centers A Lunch $11.22 Michael Hammond LLC-Affiliates

Civic Council of Greater Kansas City A Lunch $9.26 Sandy Braden KS Cooperative Council A Dinner $11.08 Leslie Kaufman

Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce

A Lunch $13.36 Bob Vancrum KS Society for Human Resource Management

A Dinner $34.35 Natalie Bright

Johnson County Government

KS Bankers Assn

KS Chamber of Commerce









Stuart Little

Douglas Wareham

Eric Stafford

KS Society for Human Resource Management

Medea Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates







Natalie Bright

Larrie Brown

KS Chamber of Commerce A Breakfast $3.17 Eric Stafford Medea Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates A Dinner $10.15 Lame Brown

KS Livestock Assn A Dinner $8.75 Allie DeVine Medea Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates A Dinner $8.11 Lame Brown

University of Kansas Hospital Authority

Total for Meigs, Kelly

0 Coasters $14.50 William Sneed


National Rifle Assn of America

Overland Park Chamber of Commerce

Travel Industry Assn of Kansas










Jordan Austin

Jennifer Bruning

Natalie Bnght

IMerrlckiRay';:)i,;' 1 ~'?:~:t~~ >1.. University of Kansas Hospital Authority

Via Christi Health




Food & Beverage



William Sneed

Bruce Witt

2011 February Wichita Independent Business Assn A Dinner $8.66 Natalie Bright

~ American Beverage Assn A Dinner $8.11 Jonathan Small Wichita Metro Chamber of Commerce A Dinner $7.02 Jason Watkins

AT&T Inc and Affiliates A Dinner $3627 Chris Carroll Total for Merrick, Ray $562.73

Merrick, Ray Merrick, Ray

page 37 Legislator page 38 Legislator

Recipient Year Reporting Period Recipient Year Reporting Period

Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist

1MeS~,d~eynaldO· .. ,' ..... , ·1 Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Health

Unified Govemment of Wyandotte County







Cynthia Smith

Mike Taylor

2011 February University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed

Assn of Ethanol Processors Inc A Dinner $3.20 Ronald Seeber Total for Moore, Kathy Worre $123.67

Civic Council of Greater Kansas City

Cox Communications Inc







Sandy Braden

Coleen Jennison 1··MOrris;Ste~~i~;"0i. ,', ./.,~~(~~lr"rJ;1

KS Agribusiness Retailers Assn A Dinner $3.20 Ronald Seeber 2011 February

KS Bankers Assn A Lunch $16.93 Kathleen Olsen Assn of Community Mental Health Centers A Lunch $18.68 Michael Hammond KS Bankers Assn A Lunch & Dinner $45.96 Douglas Wareham Cenpatico Behavioral Health A Dinner-Reception $7.24 Michael Hutfles KS Chamber of Commerce A Breakfast $3.17 Eric Stafford Doug Mays and Associates LLC A Reception & Dinner $7.54 Doug Mays KS Cooperative Council A Dinner $8.44 Leslie Kaufman Exxon Mobil Corporation A Lunch $6.72 Jonathan Small KS Grain & Feed Assn A Dinner $3.20 Ronald Seeber Gencur Svaty Public Affairs A Lunch $10.84 Kimberiy Svaty KS Livestock Assn A Dinner $8.75 Allie Devine Hewlett-Packard Co A Breakfast $10.88 Tom Bruno KS Livestock Assn A Lunch $19.75 Allie Devine KS Motor Carriers Assn A Dinner $53.03 Tom Whitaker University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed KS Quarter Horse Racing Assn A Lunch $6.72 Jonathan Small

Total for Mesa, Reynaldo 5177.06 Medco Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates A Reception $3.31 Lame Brown

Medco Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates A Dinner $3.93 Larrie Brown

1'IIII~ntggm~ryi ;Bcill:\?':i:/;~';j]~~~:::';1 Pinegar, Smith & Associates Inc A Lunch $12.77 John Pinegar

2011 February

Assn of Ethanol Processors Inc

Civic Council of Greater Kansas City

KS Agribusiness Retailers Assn










Ronald Seeber

Sandy Braden

Ronald Seeber

PMCA of Kansas· Gas PAC

University of Kansas Hospital Authority

Via Christi Health

Tota' for Morris, Steve






Food & Beverage

$57.14 Thomas Palace

$14.50 William Sneed

$7.54 Bruce Witt


KS Chamber of Commerce

KS Cooperative Council







Eric Stafford

Leslie Kaufman 1.M.~sier;.S1.Is£l!!:;":',r~i:J;J(fib;#;~1~l$1

KS Grain & Feed Assn A Dinner $3.20 Ronald Seeber 2011 February

KS Railroads A Dinner $38.00 Patrick Hubbell Assn of Ethanol Processors Inc A Dinner $3.20 Ronald Seeber Security Benefit Corporation D Personalized Portfolio 519.62 Natalie Haag Bombardier Aerospace Lea~et Inc A Dinner $21.31 Jonathan Small University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed Civic Council of Greater Kansas City A Lunch $9.26 Sandy Braden

Total for Montgomery, Bob 5102.59 Clean Air Kansas A Lunch $10.00 John Peterson

I'Moorl{rKai:hY Wolfe: :;'r;~;f/;;~'~,i!"J!~ll""" ".,_,,-,_,; " -'.+_-.« .. '." '_"'" .. .. w,·~<,;,: .. ,",·¥,,<_...>8,,~""'-

Exxon Mobil Corporation

Koch Companies Public Sector







Jonathan Small

Jonathan Small LLC-Affiliates

2011 February KS Agribusiness Retailers Assn A Dinner $3.20 Ronald Seeber Children's Mercy Family Health Partners A Lunch $9.50 John Bottenberg KS Bankers Assn A Lunch & Dinner $45.96 Douglas Wareham KS Assn of Community College Trustees A Banquet $26.95 Gayle Shaw KS Chamber of Commerce A Breakfast $3.17 Eric Stafford KS Cooperative Council A Lunch $9.42 Leslie Kaufman KS Cooperative Council A Dinner $8.44 Leslie Kaufman PMCA of Kansas - Gas PAC A Dinner . $37.52 Thomas Palace KS Grain & Feed Assn A Dinner $3.20 Ronald Seeber

Moore, Kathy Wolfe Mosier, Susan

page 39 Legislator page 40 Legislator

Re<::ipient Year Reporting Period Recipient Year Reporting Period

Business S<::hedule Des<::riptlon Amount Lobbyist Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist

KS Livestock Assn

KS Optometric Assn







Allie Devine

Gary Robbins IQlt':le:a-I,:Mikej;; ..;:;~~:;,;·)~ ,;'t I KS Railroads A Dinner $38.00 Patlick Hubbell

LoanMax A Dinner $6.10 Larrie Brown 2011 February

Manhattan Area Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $11.62 Dick Carter Jr Americans for Prosperity A Lunch $6.94 Derrick Sontag

Medco Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates A Dinner $6.10 Larrie Brown Bombardier Aerospace Learjet Inc A Dinner $21.31 Jonathan Small

University of Kansas Hospital Authority 0 Coasters $14.50 William Sneed Comfort Dental A Lunch $1332 John Federico

Cox Communications Inc A Dinner $60.33 Coleen Jennison Total for Mosier, Susan

IMoxleYTom(:{'i·~·' !,~:~~:'!.: . ,..., -~.,<; ~ ,:~I


Exxon Mobil Corporation

Gaches, Braden & Associates

Exxon Mobil Corporation A









Jonathan Small

Jonathan Small

Ron Gaches

2011 February Gencur Svaty Public Affairs A Lunch $9.53 Kimberty Svaty

Clean Air Kansas A Lunch $10.00 John Peterson Hewlett~Packard Co A Lunch ---­ $11.94 Tom Bruno

Little Govemment Relations A $7.47 Stuart Little Koch Companies Public Sector A Dinner $38.79 Jonathan Small

Manhattan Area Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $11.62 Dick Carter Jr LLC-Affiliates

University of Kansas Hospital Authority 0 Coasters $14.50 William Sneed Koch Companies Public Sector LLC-Affiliates

A Dinner $31.09 JonalJ1an Small

Total for Moxley, Tom $43.59 Koch Companies Public Sector A Lunch $4.61 Jonathan Small LLC-Afflliates

,.O'Sr-i.en,··Colini.a! ":~ I,;;}.f}~;~~;; :'~I;i~jl Koch Companies Public Sector ---­A Dinner $21.31 Jonathan Small

LLC-Afflliates --­ -­

2011 February KS Bankers Assn A Lunch ---­ $16.93 Kathleen Olsen

KS Catholic Conference A Breakfast $7.95 Michael Schuttloffel KS Bankers Assn A Dinner $36.97 Douglas Wareham

Unified Govemment of VVyandotte County A Lunch $12.78 Mike Taylor KS Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $5.84 Jeff Glendening

University of Kansas Hospital Authority 0 Coasters $14.50 William Sneed KS Chamber of Commerce A Breakfast $3.17 Eric Stafford

Total for O'Brien, Connie $35.23 KS Cooperative Council A Dinner $11.08 Leslie Kaufman

10' v' hi'" -."..... "1._ Hf'l!:'!,«;: f'lrott.e. " :;iG¥j··· ;''''11 Pinegar, Smith & Associates Inc

University of Kansas







John Pinegar

Kathy Damron

University of Kansas Hospital Authority 0 Coasters $14.50 William Sneed 2011 February

Total forO'Neal, Mike $388.89 Civic Council of Greater Kansas City A Lunch $9.26 Sandy Braden

Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce

A Lunch $13.36 Bob Vancrum I:q!~o'il, 'Mb)~~;:::;' :\lIpt:::~:~~'f'~:;1~;s,1

KS Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $11.11 Jeff Glendening 2011 February KS Chamber of Commerce A Breakfast $3.17 Elic Stafford Assn of Community Mental Health Centers A Lunch $11.22 Michael Hammond Over1and Park Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $8.50 Jennifer Bruning Black Hills Energy A Dinner $100.00 Wes Ashton PMCA of Kansas - Gas PAC A Lunch $11.55 Thomas Palace Doug Mays and Associates LLC A Dinner $10.15 Doug Mays Security Benefit Corporation 0 Personalized Portfolio $19.62 Natalie Haag Greater Kansas City Chamber of A Lunch $13.36 Bob Vancrum University of Kansas Hospital Authority 0 Coasters $14.50 William Sneed Commerce

Total for O'Hara, Charlotte $91.07 Johnson County Government A $8.57 Stuart Little

O'Hara, Charlotte Olson, Rob

page 41 Legislator page 42 Legislator

Recipient Year Reporting Period Recipient Year Reporting Per10d

Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyjst

Koch Companies Public Sector A Reception 53.09 Jonathan Small KS Catholic Conference A Breakfast 57.95 MichaelSchuttloffel LLC-Affiliates KS Cooperative Council A Dinner 511.08 Leslie Kaufman Koch Companies Public Sector LLC-Affiliates

A Dinner 510.16 Jonathan Small Nex-TechlRural Telephone A Lunch 512.50 Mendi Alexander

KS Assn of Insurance Agents

KS Bankers Assn







Kerri Spielman

Douglas Wareham

University of Kansas Hospital Authority

Wine Institute







William Sneed

Lame Brown

KS Chamber of Commerce A Lunch 511.97 Jeff Glendening Total for Oslmeyer, Ralph $154.17

Medea Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates

Medea Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates







Lame Brown

Lame Brown IQ~ci: Billiii: ;H' ,~~'~:" ,.i\:1

PMCA of Kansas - Gas PAC A Lunch 511.55 Thomas Palace 2011 February University of Kansas Hospital Authority 0 Coasters 514.50 William Sneed University of Kansas Hospital Authority 0 Coasters 514.50 William Sneed Via Christi Health A Food & Beverage 513.24 Bruce Witt

Total for Otto, Bill $14.50 Total for Olson, Rob $247,68

Iqst~rrijan;·.teslre::':{}::'!Ji:.:;:'_ .. 1 17eYfens,:fhomas·.-;?,~}:-:,;.;;}~~ ,I 2011 February

2011 February Assn of Community Mental Health Centers A Lunch 518.68 Michael Hammond

Assn of Ethanol Processors Inc A Dinner 53.20 Ronald Seeber Greater Kansas City Chamber of A Lunch 513.36 Bob Vancrum Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation A Lunch 510.92 Patrick Terick Commerce

Civic Council of Greater Kansas City A Lunch 59.26 Sandy Braden Hy-Vee Inc A Lunch 58.48 Dick Stoffer

KS Agribusiness Retailers Assn A Dinner 53.20 Ronald Seeber University of Kansas Hospital Authority 0 Coasters 514.50 William Sneed

KS Assn for the Medically Underserved A 514.00 Cathy Harding Wine Institute A Dinner 57862 Lame Brown

KS Bankers Assn A Lunch & Dinner 545.96 Douglas Wareham Total for Owens, Thomas $133,64

KS Chamber of Commerce A Breakfast 53.17 Eric Stafford

KS Cooperative Council A Dinner 58.44 Leslie Kaufman 1;~aul~,IJarii~e' '. ~,,;:{';, ,,·;.t -I KS Grain & Feed Assn A Dinner 53.20 Ronald Seeber

KS Livestock. Assn A Dinner $8.75 Allie Devine 2011 February

LoanMax A Dinner $6.10 Lame Brown Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation A lunch $10.92 Patrick Terick

Medea Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates

University of Kansas Hospital Authority







Lame Brown

William Sneed

KS Bar Assn

KS Entertainment llC . A.






Joseph Molina III

John Bottenberg

Wichita Metro Chamber of Commerce A Dinner $9.25 Jason Watkins Little Govemment Relations A $7.47 Stuart Little

Wichita Metro Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $6.25 Jason Watkins United Methodist Youthville Inc A Lunch $17.50 Heather Morgan

Total for Oslennan, Leslie $152.30 University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed

Total for Pauls, Janice $103.99

lestmeyer Ralph>;~ ' '., w __.

,'_',,"',';:. t'l_ ",ff ,".-' I:F( 'k" V' '1"

; .J__~C , ..lr9!' ", '! ' ffi4i:·, :,.:;,jfi, -I":l!r:lf:'';,.<'' __ '''-'M::·: 2011 February

Assn of Community Mental Health Centers A Lunch $18.68 Michael Hammond 2011 February

Gencur Svaty Public Affairs A Lunch $10.84 Kimberty Svaly Comfort Dental A Lunch $13.31 John Federico

Hewlett-Packard Co A Lunch $11.94 Tom Bruno

Ostrneyer, Ralph Peck, Virgil

page 43 legislator page 44 Legislator

Recipient Year Reporting Period Recipient Year Reporting Period

Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist

Koch Companies Public Sector LLC-Affiliates

A Dinner $31.09 Jonathan Small 2011 February

KS Bankers Assn A Lunch $8.99 Douglas Wareham American Beverage Assn A Dinner $48.25 John Bolfenberg

KS Electnc Cooperatives Inc A Lunch $1256 David Holthaus KS Catholic Conference A Breakfast $7.95 Michael Schuttloffel

KS Livestock Assn A Dinner $8.75 Allie Devine KS Motor Carriers Assn A Dinner $53.03 Tom Whitaker

LoanMax A Dinner $6.10 Larrie Brown University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed

Medco Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates A Dinner $6.10 Lame Brown Total lor Phelps, Eber $123.73

Secunty Benefit Corporation

Travel Industry Assn of Kansas



Personalized Portfolio




Natalie Haag

Natalie Bright I ff~_f"P .• · ff .' -. '+Yd. - • '1Potto.rff,'ilo Ann .. ' .:. "<',?'jr':'." :

University of Kansas Hospital Authority

Wichita Metro Chamber of Commerce

Total for Peck, Virgil





$14.50 William Sneed

$14.10 JasonWatkins


2011 February

Boeing Company

Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation







John Frederick

Patrick Terick

l!~etersen; Mike >~'!",: :'~l ·1 Coalition for Opportunity

Gaches, Braden & Associates







Natalie Bright

Ron Gaches

2011 February KS Assn for the Medically Underserved A $14.00 Cathy Harding

Boeing Company A Lunch $14.93 John Frederick KS Bankers Assn A Lunch $13.88 Douglas Wareham

Cox Communications Inc A Dinner $6966 Coleen Jennison KS Motor Carriers Assn A Dinner $53.03 Tom Whitaker

KS Cable Telecommunications Assn A Dinner $37.22 John Federico Pinegar, Smith & Associates Inc A Dinner $31.23 John Pinegar

KS Motor Caniers Assn A Dinner $53.03 Tom Whitaker United Methodist Youthville Inc A Lunch $17.50 Heather Morgan

PMCA 01 Kansas - Gas PAC A Lunch $824 Thomas Palace University of Kansas A Lunch $12.00 Kathy Damron

PMCA 01 Kansas - Gas PAC A Dinner $28.80 Thomas Palace University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed

United Methodist Youthville Inc A Lunch $17.50 Heather Morgan Total for Pottorff, Jo Ann $258.80

University of Kansas Hospital Authority

Wichita Metro Chamber of Commerce







William Sneed

Jason Watkins IpbY,i~il: Larry~,~~~:.. ··:-;.t.';i'.':; ·1 Total for Petersen, Mike $266.22 2011 February

1'j:>etersoonfMictiaei~~">' "'-/;~~I American Beverage Assn

Assn of Ethanol Processors Inc







Jonathan Small

Ronald Seeber

2011 February Black Hills Energy A Dinner $100.00 Wes Ashton

Koch Companies Public Sector A Lunch $14.72 Jonathan Small Cox Communications Inc A Dinner $40.70 Coleen Jennison

LLC-Alfiliates Gencur Svaty Public Affairs A Lunch $9.53 Kimberly Svaty

Nex-TechlRural Telephone A Lunch $12.50 Mendi Alexander Hewlett-Packard Co A Lunch $11.94 Tom Bruno

Unified Government of Wyandotte County A Lunch $12.78 Mike Taylor Koch Companies Public Sector A Lunch $5.81 Jonathan Small

University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed LLC-Alfiliates

Total for Peterson, Michael $54.50 Koch Companies Public Sector LLG-Affiliates

A Dinner $38.79 Jonathan Small

IPh'ellis\Eber.' ',t~!~: .,..•..;;-., ". .". "'~'",' ,,"'.OM. f .•.t __ ,·i.d;:«

..~\.',;,:; I·""''''',~i'·:o:'~·

KS Agribusiness Retailers Assn

KS Bankers Assn







Ronald Seeber

Douglas Wareham

KS Cooperative Council A Dinner $11.08 Leslie Kaufman

Peterson, Michael Powell, Larry

page 45 Legislator page 46 Legislator

Recipient Year Reporting Period Recipient Year Reporting Period

Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist

KS Cooperative Council

KS Electric Cooperatives Inc







Leslie Kaufman

David Holthaus IReitZ';'Roger, ~}:e:. ",,,' -I KS Food Dealers Assn

KS Grain & Feed Assn







Michael Murray

Ronald Seeber 2011 February

KS Livestock Assn

KS Livestock Assn







John Donley

Dee Likes

Assn of Community Mental Health Centers

AT&T Inc and Affiliates







Michael Hammond

John Bottenberg

National Rifle Assn of America A Dinner $46.59 Jordan Austin Clean Air Kansas A Lunch $1000 John Peterson

University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed Gencur Svaty Public Affairs A Lunch $10.84 Kimbe~y Svaty

Total lor Powell, Larry $398.77 KS Cable Telecommunications Assn

KS Motor Carriers Assn







John Federico

Tom Whitaker

I'Ptescott;i.wfli ieJ;lir~~·~'&:.!;;)jl~rr~;.1 KS Railroads








Patrick Hubbell

Lame Brown

2011 February Manhattan Area Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $11.62 Dick Carter Jr

KS Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $9.00 Eric Stafford Medco Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates A Dinner $36.78 Lame Brown

KS Motor Carriers Assn A Dinner $53.03 Tom Whitaker University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed

University of Kansas A Lunch $14.00 Kathy Damron Wine Institute A Dinner $78.62 Larrie Brown

University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed Total for Reitz, Roger $362.53

Total for Prescott, Willie

IPr().ehl;;RiChar~;~::; ';" ,·~.tij.i.~· I $90.53

I,RnoadeS:-lVIa1c'~~'\"" , '~;gt "r·.::; I 2011 February

2011 February Assn of Community Mental Health Centers A Dinner $30.35 Slua~ Little

America's Health Insurance Plans A Dinner $20.54 William Sneed Comfort Dental A Lunch $13.32 John Federico

Clean Air Kansas A Lunch $10.00 John Peterson Gencur Svaty Public Affairs A Lunch $9.53 Kimbe~y Svaty

KS Assn of Health Plans A Dinner $24.43 Ma~ee Carpenter Hewlett-Packard Co A Lunch $11.94 Tom Bruno

KS Motor Carriers Assn A Dinner $53.03 Tom Whitaker KS Bankers Assn A Lunch $10.85 Douglas Wareham

KS Railroads A Dinner 546.00 Patrick Hubbell KS Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $7.50 J Kent Eckles

Travel Industry Assn of Kansas A Dinner $39.72 Natalie Bright KS Cooperative Council A Breakfast $11.57 Leslie Kaufman

University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed KS Railroads A Dinner $38.00 Patrick Hubbell

Total for Proehl, Richard

I·P.'I "De' .';"{;.a:· \':;:·~",mm.i: I:",,,y e'A,<".... nlJl~" ..~<;!iqLtA,< ;~-::,f,i;y'il0L :,):,

$208.22 KS Society for Human Resource Management


Medea Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates










Natalie Bright

Larrie Brown

Lame Brown

2011 February National Rifle Assn of America A Dinner $14.57 Jordan Austin

KS Bankers Assn A Lunch $17.06 Douglas Wareham University of Kansas A Lunch $14.00 Kathy Damron

PMCA of Kansas - Gas PAC A Lunch $11.55 Thomas Palace University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed

University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed Wichita Independent Business Assn A Dinner $8.66 Natalie Bright

Total lor Pyle, Dennis $43.11 Wichita Metro Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $14.10 Jason Watkins

Total for Rhoades, Marc $219.75

Pyle, Dennis Rhoades, Marc

page 47 Legislator page 48 Legislator

Recipient Year Reporting Period Recipient Year Reporting Period

Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist

,.Roth'!~~ha n:~~~ft~~~t~ii.;2i,·;·ifi;.~J2(0::"'2i I Overland Park Chamber of Commerce

University of Kansas Hospital Authority







Jennifer Bruning

William Sneed

2011 February

Clean Air Kansas

KS Assn of Broadcasters

KS Assn of Broadcasters






Basketball Game




John Peterson

Kent Cornish

Kent Cornish

Via Christi Health

Total for RUbin, John

I .' .. ,...!;, ·~·.·,.Y'i,.,·' .'.RUlZ,LoUls.; !' "';\'.,.:;.< ','



Food & Beverage


$811 Bruce Witt


KS Contractors Assn B Basketball Game $50.00 Bob Tolten 2011 February

Little Government Relations A $7.47 Stuart Liltle Assn of Community Mental Health Centers A Lunch $12.00 Michael Hammond PMCA of Kansas • Gas PAC A Dinner $37.52 Thomas Palace AT&T Inc and Affiliates A Luncheon $10.00 Chris Cannall University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $1450 William Sneed Children's Mercy Family Health Partners A Lunch $9.50 John Boltenberg

Total for Roth, Charles 5205.72 KS AFL·CIO A Dinner $21.48 Andy Sanchez

I'RUbii1;JO~lt;F .- .. ..:." .

':;;1" :. ~~.'>

Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Health

Unified Government of Wyandotte County







Cynthia Smith

Mike Taylor

2011 February

American Beverage Assn A Dinner $811 Jonathan Small

University of Kansas Hospital Authority

Total for RUiz, Louis

D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed


Boeing Company

Bombardier Aerospace Lea~et Inc







John Frederick

Jonathan Small 1"Ry"klTl~Jl .•·RQ.11,).,1;m~!~,;.~:~~;:· ~): :;:1

Bombardier Aerospace Lea~et Inc A Dinner $21.31 Jonathan Small 2011 February

Capitol Advantage LLC A Dinner $8.11 Michael Murray Assn of Ethanol Processors Inc A Dinner $3.20 Ronald Seeber Cenpatico Behavioral Health A Dinner $8.11 Michael Hutfles Black Hills Energy A Dinner $100.00 Wes Ashton Civic Council of Greater Kansas City A Lunch $9.26 Sandy Braden Civic Council of Greater Kansas City A Lunch $9.26 Sandy Braden Cox Communications Inc A Dinner $9.25 Scolt Schneider KS Agribusiness Retailers Assn A Dinner $3.20 Ronald Seeber

Doug Mays and Associates LLC A Dinner $8.11 Doug Mays KS Bankers Assn A Lunch(es) $2301 Douglas Wareham Greater Kansas City Chamber of A Lunch $13.36 Bob Vancrum KS Chamber of Commerce A Breakfast $3.17 Eric Stafford Commerce

Hy-Vee Inc A Dinner $8.11 Dick Stoffer KS Cooperative Council

KS Grain & Feed Assn







Leslie Kaufman

Ronald Seeber Johnson County Government A $8.57 Stuart Liltle

KS Livestock Assn A Dinner $8.75 Allie Devine Koch Companies Public Sector LLC-Affiliates

A Dinner $8.11 Jonathan Small Pinegar, Smith & Associates Inc A Dinner $2690 Douglas Smith

Koch Companies Public Sector A Dinner $21.31 Jonathan Small Security Benefit Corporation D Personalized Portfolio $19.62 Natalie Haag

LLC-Affiliates University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed

KS Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $11.11 Jeff Glendening Total for Ryckman, Ron 5223.25

KS Chamber of Commerce

KS Chamber of Commerce







Eric Stanard

Ene Stanard 1.§capai;/oSepl1~~;~~i;;::'~~i;;:;'· . ,:: ,I KS Railroads A Dinner $38.00 Patrick Hubbell

LoanMax A Dinner $6.10 Lame Brown 2011 February

Medea Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates A Dinner $6.10 Lame Brown Assn of Ethanol Processors Inc A Dinner $3.20 Ronald Seeber

Medea Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates A Dinner $8.11 Lame Brown Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation A Lunch $10.92 Patrick Terick

Rubin, John Scapa, Joseph

page 49 Legislator page 50 Legislator

Recipient Year Reporting Period Recipient Year Reporting Period

Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist Business Schedule Descr1ption Amount Lobbyist

Civic Council of Greater Kansas City A Lunch $9.26 Sandy Braden Boeing Company A Dinner $66.76 John Frederick

KS Agribusiness Retailers Assn A Dinner $3.20 Ronald Seeber Bombardier Aerospace Lea~et Inc A Dinner $16.44 Jonathan Small

KS Assn for the Medically Underserved A $14.00 Cathy Harding Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation A Lunch $10.92 Patrick Terick

KS Bankers Assn A Lunch & Dinner $45.96 Douglas Wareham Doug Mays and Associates LLC A Dinner $10.15 Doug Mays

KS Chamber of Commerce A Breakfast $3.17 Eric Stafford Exxon Mobil Corporation A Dinner $16.44 Jonathan Small

KS Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $11.75 Eric Stafford Gencur Svaty Public Affairs A Lunch $10.84 Kimberly Svaty

KS Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $9.00 Eric Stafford Koch Companies Public Sector A Dinner $1016 Jonathan Small

KS Cooperative Council A Dinner $8.44 Leslie Kaufman LLC-Afflliates

KS Grain & Feed Assn A Dinner $3.20 Ronald Seeber KS Cable Telecommunications Assn A Lunch $13.77 John Federico

KS Uvestock Assn A Dinner $875 Allie Devine KS Economic Progress Council A Dinner $9.59 Bernard Koch

KS Railroads A Dinner $38.00 Patrick Hubbell KS Quarter Horse Racing Assn A Dinner $16.44 Jonathan Small

LoanMax A Dinner $6,10 Lanie Brown Medco Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates A Dinner $10.15 Larrie Brown

Medco Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates A Dinner $6.10 Lanie Brown United Methodist Youthville Inc A Lunch $17.50 Heather Morgan

Security Benefit Corporation D Personalized Portfolio $19.62 Natalie Haag University of Kansas Hospital Authority 0 Coasters $14.50 William Sneed

University of Kansas Hospital Authority 0 Coasters $14.50 William Sneed Via Christi Health A Food & Beverage $10.15 BruceWitt

Total for Scapa, Joseph $215.17 Total forSc::hodorf, Jean $297.40

ISchm!dt;.'Alleif{:'i~'j:;2';~~",:·; : I ISh d '. . "h ,<,,'C"":,';"" .'" 1c rOe er; pon_"~';;;H;··'·;f':-';;:'

2011 February 2011 February

KS Motor Camers Assn A Dinner $53.03 Tom Whitaker AT&T Inc and Affiliates A Dinner $2000 Cynthia Zapletal

Nex-Tech/Rural Telephone A Lunch $12.50 Mendi Alexander KS Bankers Assn A Lunch $10.85 Douglas Wareham

Security Benefit Corporation D Personalized Portfolio $19.62 Natalie Haag KS Railroads A Dinner $46.00 Patrick Hubbell

University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed LoanMax A Lunch $9.76 Larrie Brown

Total for Schmidt, Allen $99.65 Medco Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates A Lunch $9,76 Lanie Brown

Pinegar, Smith & Associates Inc A Dinner $31.23 John Pinegar

I·Scliinidt;:ViCki::~.·;\~-':::f? . '.' , 1 University of Kansas Hospital Authority

Total for Sc::hroeder, Don

0 Coasters $14.50 William Sneed

$142.10 2011 February

AT&T Inc and Affiliates A Dinner $30.00 Terry Dieboll ISchwab.~cottr.f~::2:2if:8gi~:/~..:\'1 KS Action for Children D Flowers $58.27 Shannon Cotsoradis

University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed 2011 February

Total for Schmid!, Vicki $102.77 American Beverage Assn A Dinner $8.11 Jonathan Small

Assn of Community Mental Health Centers A Lunch $11.22 Michael Hammond

l,scho(jorf\1Jean~;' -,,"'- , '-···.:1-i __ , ,_, ." _:'~:"'4 ,­ .

Boeing Company A Dinner $8.11 John Frederick

Bombardier Aerospace Lea~et Inc A Dinner $8.11 Jonathan Small

2011 February Capitol Advantage LLC A Lunch $10.69 Michael Murray

Assn of Community Mental Health Centers A Lunch $18.68 Michael Hammond Capitol Advantage LLC A Dinner $8.11 Michael Murray

AT&T Inc and Affiliates A Dinner $44.91 John Bottenberg Cenpatico Behavioral Health A Dinner $8.11 Michael Hutfles

Schodor!, Jean Schwab, Scott

page 51 Legislator page 52 Legislator

Recipient Year Reporting Period Recipient Year Reporting Period

Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist

Cox Communications Inc

Doug Mays and Associates LLC







Scott Schneider

Doug Mays 1,~Eii:wert; JOe .':;:' . ",i: .f~;;;i; '.1 Gencur Svaty Public Affairs

Greater Kansas City Chamber of







Kimberly Svaty

Bob Vancrum 2011 February

Commerce Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation A Lunch $10.92 Patrick Terick

Hewlett~Packard Co A Lunch $11.94 Tom Bruno Cox Communications Inc A Dinner $60.33 Coleen Jennison

Hy-Vee Inc A Dinner $8.11 Dick Stoffer KS Assn of Community College Trustees A Banquet $26.95 Gayle Shaw

Koch Companies Public Sector A Dinner $8.11 Jonathan Small KS Bankers Assn A Lunch $14.04 Douglas Wareham

LLC·Affiliates KS Catholic Conference A Breakfast $7.95 Michael Schuttloffel

KS Bankers Assn A Lunch $12.47 Douglas Wareham KS Cooperative Council A Dinner $11.08 Leslie Kaufman

KS Food Dealers Assn A Dinner $37.36 Michael Murray Nex-Tech/Rural Telephone A Lunch $12.50 Mendi Alexander

Medco Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates A Dinner $8.11 Lame Brown United Methodist Youthville Inc A Lunch $17.50 Heather Morgan University of Kansas A Lunch $14.00 Kathy Damron University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed Total for SehNert, Joe $175.77 Via Christi Health

Wichita Metro Chamber of Commerce



Food & Beverage




Bruce Witt

Jason Watkins IShultZ, Cfark"~":1:~1";1:,:'" ":1 Total for Schwab, Scott $232.44

2011 February

ISh rtz· ·SIi·e ,,, '.-. ' :.,., .'.

~ ,wa .' _...arg.,,,,,.,,.,,. " ~ I Gencur Svaty Public Affairs

KS Assn of Insurance Agents







Kimberly Svaty

Kerri Spielman 2011 February LoanMax A Lunch $9,76 Lame Brown

American Beverage Assn A Lunch $5.81 Jonathan Small LoanMax A Dinner $6.10 Larrie Bnown Assn of Ethanol Processors Inc A Dinner $3.20 Ronald Seeber Medco Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates A Dinner $6.10 Lame Brown Comfort Dental A Lunch $13.32 John Federico Medco Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates A Lunch $9.76 Lame Brown

Hewlett-Packard Co A Lunch $11.94 Tom Bruno University of Kansas A Lunch $14.00 Kathy Damron

Koch Companies Public Sector LLC-Affiliates

A Lunch $5.81 Jonathan Small University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed

KS Agribusiness Retailers Assn A Dinner $320 Ronald Seeber Total for Shultz, Clar1< $78.85

KS Bankers Assn

KS Chamber of Commerce







Douglas Wareham

Jeff Glendening LSiegfreid, Arle.n;"'::1':;: ;;:~ '.- '1'-.0'

KS Cooperative Council A Dinner $11.08 Leslie Kaufman 2011 February

KS Cooperative Coun~l A Dinner $8.44 Leslie Kaufman Assn of Community Mental Health Centers A Lunch $11.22 Michael Hammond

KS Food Dealers Assn A Dinner $37.36 Michael Murray Gencur Svaty Public Affairs A Lunch $9.53 Kimberly Svaty

KS Grain & Feed Assn A Dinner $3.20 Ronald Seeber Greater Kansas City Chamber of A Lunch $13.36 Bob Vancrum KS Railroads A Dinner $46.00 Patrick Hubbell Commerce

Manhattan Area Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $11.62 Dick Carter Jr Johnson County Government A $8.57 Stuart Little

University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed KS Bankers Assn A Dinner $36.97 Douglas Wareham

Wichita Metro Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $14.10 JasonWatkins KS Food Dealers Assn A Dinner $37.36 Michael Murray

Total for Schwartz, Sharon $211.54 Pinegar, Smith & Associates Inc A Dinner $26.90 Douglas Smith

Schwartz, Sharon Siegfreid, Arlen

page 53 Legislator page 54 Legislator

Recipient Year Reporting Period Rectplent Year Reporting Period

Business Schedule Description Amount lobbyist Business Schedule Descr1ption Amount lobbyist

University of Kansas A Lunch $14.00 Kathy Damron Little Government Relations A $7.47 Stuart Little

University of Kansas Hospital Authority 0 Coasters $1450 William Sneed Medco Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates A Dinner $10.15 Larrie Brown

Total for slegfreid, Arlen $172.41 Medco Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates A Dinner $3.09 Larrie Brown

Pinegar, Smith & Associates Inc A Dinner $31.23 John Pinegar 1'51 . '. M'k' . :' 'v·:.·' ",;,"-'''0'1; ~!t~e_ry,lo n) ~t<,I;''; <r,:/';~';:r;::rt:;"~1 University of Kansas Hospital Authority 0 Coasters $14.50 William Sneed

Via Christi Health A Food & Beverage $13.24 Bruce Witt 2011 February

Total for Smith, Greg $169.60 AT&T Inc and Affiliates A Luncheon $10.00 Chris Carroll

Greater Kansas City Chamber of A Lunch $13.36 Bob Vancrum ls·pa'ding'she..y, n:;y;'c; ·t.1 ,. .~ ~ '";,,-< '. """ 'T", ~"'>Commerce

KS Chamber 01 Commerce A Lunch $11.42 Eric Stafford 2011 February Over1and Park Chamber of Commerce A Breakfast $11.00 Jennifer Bruning Assn 01 Community Mental Health Centers A Lunch $11.22 Michael Hammond Unified Government 01 Wyandotte County A Lunch $12.78 Mike Taylor Greater Kansas City Chamber of A Lunch $1336 Bob Vancrum University of Kansas Hospital Authority 0 Coasters $14.50 William Sneed Commerce

Total for Slattery, Mike $73.06 Johnson County Government A $857 Stuart Little

League of Kansas Municipalities A Dinner $43.08 Larry Baer

Over1and Park Chamber of Commerce I;Sloan(tom;:~;,·:. ;.t·:'{,';;I;,\;:",,',,1 A Lunch $8_50 Jennifer Bruning

PMCA of Kansas . Gas PAC A Dinner $37.52 Thomas Palace 2011 February

University of Kansas Hospital Authority 0 Coasters $14.50 William Sneed Cox Communications Inc A Lunch $18.54 Coleen Jennison

Total for Spalding, Sheryl $136.75 Gencur Svaty Public Affairs A Lunch $9.53 Kimberly Svaty

University of Kansas Hospital Authority 0 Coasters $14.50 William Sneed I ..... " ." ~,. '.0 "~;">lf:ll"Si:"o"'J!'"1""1St~meger;;Ch.ns.>~. J ,~tr':>g,pCf:' j;

Total for Sloan, Tom $42.57

2011 February

ISmith;"Gre!i;':-' "';.'- .,,,s,:.~:j~;,..~;;;,1 America's Health Insurance Plans A Dinner $20.54 William Sneed

AT&T Inc and Affiliates A Luncheon $10.00 Chris Carroll 2011 February

Cerner A Luncheon $44.06 Carrie Clayton Assn of Community Mental Health Centers A Lunch $1122 Michael Hammond Children's Mercy Family Health Partners A Lunch $9.50 John Bottenberg Civic Council of Greater Kansas City A Lunch $926 Sandy Braden KS Assn of Health Plans A Dinner $24.43 Marlee Carpenter Doug Mays and Associates LLC A Dinner $10.15 Doug Mays Medco Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates A Dinner $72.83 Larrie Brown Greater Kansas City Chamber of A Lunch $13.36 Bob Vancrum Unified Government of Wyandotte County A Lunch $12.78 Mike Taylor Commerce

University 01 Kansas Hospital Authority 0 Coasters $14.50 William Sneed Hewlett~Packard Co A Lunch $11.94 Tom Bruno

Total for steineger, Chris $208.64Johnson County Government A $8.57 Stuart Little

Koch Companies Public Sector A Dinner $10.16 Jonathan Small LLC-Affiiiates

Koch Companies Public Sector A Reception $3.09 Jonathan Small LLC·Affiliates 2011 February

American Beverage Assn A Dinner $8.11 Jonathan Small KS Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $9.00 Eric Stafford

Assn of Ethanol Processors Inc A Dinner $320 Ronald Seeber KS Chamber of Commerce A Breakfast $317 Eric Stafford

Smith, Greg Suellentrop, Gene

page 55 Legislator page 56 Legislator


Recipient Year Reporting Period Recipient Year Reporting Period

Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist

Boeing Company A Dinner $8.11 John Frederick KS Motor Carriers Assn A Dinner $53.03 Tom Whitaker

Bombardier Aerospace Lea~et Inc A Dinner $8.11 Jonathan Small KS Railroads A Dinner $46.00 Patrick Hubbell

Capitol Advantage LLC A Dinner $8.11 Michael Murray Manhattan Area Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $11.62 Dick Carter Jr

Cenpatico Behavioral Health A Dinner $8.11 Michael Hutfles University of Kansas Hospital Authority 0 Coasters $14.50 William Sneed

Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation A Lunch $10.92 Patrick Terick Total for Swanson, Vern $143.10

Cox Communications Inc

Doug Mays and Associates LLC







Scott Schneider

Doug Mays ITaddikel1;'~ark,i;if~c~~~~'l;~,:(J,:1 Hy-Vee Inc A Dinner $8.11 Dick Stoffer

Koch Companies Public Sector A Dinner $8.11 Jonathan Small 2011 February

LLC-Affiliates Assn of Community Mental Health Centers A Lunch $18.68 Michael Hammond

KS Agribusiness Retailers Assn A Dinner $3.20 Ronald Seeber AT&T Inc and Affiliates A Dinner $30.00 Cynthia Zapletal

KS Bankers Assn A Dinner $19.84 Kathleen Olsen Doug Mays and Associates LLC A Dinner $10.15 Doug Mays

KS Bankers Assn A Lunch $8.99 Douglas Wareham Gencur Svaty Public Affairs A Lunch $10.84 Kimberly Svaly

KS Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $11.94 Jeff Glendening Koch Companies Public Sector A Dinner $10.16 Jonathan Small

KS Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $11.11 Jeff Glendening LLC-Affiliates

KS Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $20.45 Eric Stafford Koch Companies Public Sector LLC-Affiliates

A Reception $3.09 Jonathan Small

KS Cooperative Council

KS Grain & Feed Assn

KS Livestock Assn

KS Railroads

KS Society for Human Resource Management
















Leslie Kaufman

Ronald Seeber

Allie Devine

Patrick Hubbell

Natalie Bright

KS Catholic Conference

Medco Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates

Medco Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates

University of Kansas Hospital Authority

Via Christi Health










Food & Beverage






Michael Schuttloffel

Larrie Brown

Lame Brown

William Sneed

Bruce Witt

KS Society for Human Resource A Dinner $8.66 Natalie Bright Total for Taddiken, Marl< $131.85


LoanMax A Dinner $6.10 Lame Brown IT.eTc~rna.!l;'~~(lj\~liiil4~3Fl; tl';J:+l'l'l Medco Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates A Dinner $8.11 Larrie Brown

Medco Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates A Dinner $6.10 Lame Brown 2011 February

National Rifle Assn of America A Dinner $14.57 Jordan Austin Assn of Community Mental Health Centers A Lunch $18.68 Michael Hammond

United Methodist Youthville Inc A Lunch $17.50 Heather Morgan AT&T Inc and Affiliates A Dinner $44.91 John Bottenberg

University of Kansas Hospital Authority 0 Coasters $14.50 William Sneed AT&T Inc and Affiliates A Dinner $30.00 Michael Scott

Via Christi Health A Food & Beverage $8.11 Bruce Witt Boeing Company A Dinner $66.76 John Frederick

Wichita Independent Business Assn A Dinner $8.66 Natalie Bright Bombardier Aerospace Lea~et Inc A Dinner $16.44 Jonathan Small

Total for Suellenlrop, Gene $348.83 Doug Mays and Associates LLC A Dinner $10.15 Doug Mays

Exxon Mobil Corporation A Dinner $16.44 Jonathan Small

ISWanSOn; veri1·~~::L.'.:" .:-·,":+.1 Koch Companies Public Sector LLC-Affiliates

A Dinner $10.16 Jonathan Small

February KS Cable Telecommunications Assn A Lunch $13.77 John Federico

Clean Air Kansas A Lunch $10.00 John Peterson KS Economic Progress Council A Dinner $9.59 Bernard Koch

KS Catholic Conference A Breakfast $7.95 Michael Schuttloffel KS Quarter Horse Racing Assn A Lunch $8.10 Jonathan Small

KS Quarter Horse Racing Assn A Dinner $16.44 Jonathan Small

Swanson, Vern Teichman, Ruth

page 57 Legislator page 58 Legislator

Recipient Year Reporting Period Recipient Year Reporting Period

Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist

Medco Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates

Medco Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates







Lame Brown

Lame Brown IU 'b' v"D ""jli0j:~';'i';'"~,iii 'I;' m argeri"I(VJ!YI!~ ,3c;';,"';,!C ,'1" .

University of Kansas Hospital Authority

Via Christi Health

Total for Teichman, Ruth




Food & Beverage

$14,50 William Sneed

$1015 BruceWitt


2011 February

Assn of Community Mental Health Centers

AT&T Inc and Affiliates







Michael Hammond

John Bottenberg

I'" ..: " .,' "'?"f"""'1Tletze.;Anme'· ';': '<'i,e ;c.;;,;; Boeing Company

Cenpatico Behavioral Health







John Frederick

Michael Hutfles

2011 February Cox Communications Inc A Dinner $69.66 Coleen Jennison

AT&T Inc and Affiliates A Luncheon $10.00 Chris Carroll Doug Mays and Associates LLC A Reception & Dinner $7.54 Doug Mays

Children's Mercy Family Health Partners A Lunch $9.50 John Bottenberg Gaches, Braden & Associates A Lunch $10,77 Ron Gaches

Clean Air Kansas A Lunch $10,00 John Peterson Gencur Svaty Public Affairs A Lunch $10,84 Kimbe~y Svaty

University of Kansas Hospital Authority 0 Coasters $14,50 William Sneed Koch Companies Public Sector A Reception $3.09 Jonathan Small LLC·Affiliates

Total for Tietze, Annie $44.00 KS Bankers Assn A Lunch $1388 Douglas Wareham

hTriinmer;'Ed( \,;-,;~;(;;;:. " ,';~~~l (/ KS Economic Progress Council

KS Electric Cooperatives Inc







Bemard Koch

David Holthaus

2011 February KS Motor Carriers Assn A Dinner $53,03 Tom Wihitaker

Clean Air Kansas A Lunch $10,00 John Peterson Medco Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates A Reception $3,31 Larrie Brown

University of Kansas Hospital Authority 0 Coasters $1450 William Sneed Medco Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates A Reception $3.09 Larrie Brown

Total for Trimmer, Ed $24.50 Medco Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates A Dinner $3.93 Larrie Brown

Travel Industry Assn of Kansas A Dinner $39,72 Natalie Bright

I''r¥soni,caryn'':-:;t :·,i;;:(~;;j~~.5;i\1 University of Kansas Hospital Authority 0 Coasters $14,50 William Sneed

Via Christi Health A Food & Beverage $1063 Bruce Witt 2011 February Total for Umbarger. Dwayne $403.73

Assn of Ethanol Processors Inc A Dinner $3.20 Ronald Seeber

Civic Council of Greater Kansas City A Lunch $9.26 Sandy Braden IVic.krey, ~ene;;"~ci~",~,";~:~" i' 'I Koch Companies Public Sector A Dinner $31.09 Jonathan Small LLC-Affiliates 2011 February

KS Agribusiness Retailers Assn A Dinner $3,20 Ronald Seeber Americans for Prosperity A Lunch $6.20 Denick Sontag

KS Bankers Assn A Dinner $36.97 Douglas Wareham Gencur Svaty Public Affairs A Lunch $9.53 Kimbe~y Svaty

KS Catholic Conference A Breakfast $7.95 Michael Schuttloffel Hewlett·Packard Co A Lunch $1194 Tom Bruno

KS Chamber of Commerce A Breakfast $3,17 Eric Stafford Johnson County Government A $8.57 Stuart Little

KS Chamber of Commerce A lunch $9.00 Eric Stafford KS Assn of Community College Trustees A Banquet $2695 Gayle Shaw

KS Cooperative Council A Dinner $8.44 Leslie Kaufman KS Bankers Assn A Dinner $36.97 Douglas Wareham

KS Grain & Feed Assn A Dinner $3.20 Ronald Seeber KS Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $5.04 Jeff Glendening

University of Kansas Hospital Authority 0 Coasters $14.50 William Sneed KS Railroads A Dinner $46.00 Patrick Hubbell

Total for Tyson, Caryn $129.98 University of Kansas A Lunch $14,00 Kathy Damron

University of Kansas Hospital Authority 0 Coasters $14,50 William Sneed

Tyson, Caryn Vickrey, Jene

page 59 Legislator page 60 Legislator

Recipient Year Reporting Period Recipient Year Reporting Period

Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist Business Schedule Descrip1ion Amount Lobbyist

Total for Vickrey, jene $179.70 Koch Companies Public Sector A Reception $3.09 Jonathan Small LLC·Affiliates

l:y!£tQl;i~\~Iii;ir!!i!;~e;,'t,;;,';'):l~l~II!~1 Koch Companies Public Sector LLC·Affiliates

A Lunch $14.72 Jonathan Small

2011 February KS Cable Telecommunications Assn A Dinner $37.22 John Federico

Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation A Lunch $10.92 Patrick Terick KS Catholic Conference A Breakfast $7.95 Michael Schuttloffel

KS Assn for the Medically Underserved

KS Assn of Community College Trustees


A Banquet $26.95


Gayle Shaw

Cathy Harding KS Society for Human Resource Management

Medco Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates

A Dinner

--­A Dinner



Natalie Bright

Lame Brown KS Cooperative Council A Dinner $11.08 Leslie Kaufman

Medea Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates A Dinner $3.09 Lame Brown KS Entertainment LLC

United Methodist Youthville Inc

University of Kansas Hospital Authority










John Bottenberg

Heather Morgan

William Sneed

Travel Industry Assn of Kansas

University of Kansas Hospital Authority

Via Christi Health






Food & Beverage




Natalie Bright

William Sneed

Bruce Witt Total for Victors, Ponka-We $103.45 Wichita Metro Chamber of Commerce A Dinner $30.34 Jason Watkins

Ivrijtil,"J6hn'::') ·.f., : .•. 'I Total for Wagle, Susan $291.93

2011 February IWard;'.Jim::;:(J>;'~';J··;,;·;;.;iJ,;it;'t~·:1 Assn of Community Mental Health Centers A Lunch ---­

$18.68 Michael Hammond 2011 February AT&T Inc and Affiliates

Gencur Svaty Public Affairs

Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce










Chris Carroll

Kimberly Svaty

Bob Vancrum KS Entertainment LLC

KS Assn for the Medically Underserved

Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation









John Bottenberg

Patrick Terick

Cathy Harding

Johnson County Government A $8.57 Stuart Little United Methodist Youthville Inc A Lunch $17.50 Heather Morgan

KS Bar Assn A Dinner $45.10 Joseph Molina III University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed

KS Cable Telecommunications Assn A Lunch $13.77 John Federico Total forWard, Jim $65.42

KS Railroads

Overland Park Chamber of Commerce







Patrick Hubbell

Jennifer Bruning IWebef;;B~ia""':C)}r:((;.':'( 'f,:t~; '5):~I Pinegar, Smith & Associates Inc A Lunch $12.77 John Pinegar 2011 February University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed

Ash Grove Cement Co A Dinner $31.34 Michael Murray Total for Vratil, John $211.59 Assn of Ethanol Processors Inc A Dinner $3.20 Ronald Seeber

l.wag le;Susan:; '/l·,~:;·::; ".··1 Black Hills Energy

Civic Council of Greater Kansas City







Wes Ashton

Sandy Braden

2011 February KS Agribusiness Retailers Assn A Dinner $3.20 Ronald Seeber

Assn of Community Mental Health Centers A Lunch $18.68 Michael Hammond KS Bankers Assn A Lunch & Dinner $45.96 Douglas Wareham

Doug Mays and Associates LLC A Dinner $10.15 Doug Mays KS Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $11.11 Jeff Glendening

Gencur Svaty Public Affairs A Lunch $10.84 Kimberly Svaty KS Chamber of Commerce A Breakfast $3.17 Eric Stafford

General Electric A Dinner $33.73 Ron Gaches KS Cooperative Council A Dinner $8.44 Leslie Kaufman

Koch Companies Public Sector A Dinner $10.16 Jonathan Small KS Grain & Feed Assn A Dinner $3.20 Ronald Seeber

LLC·Affiliates KS Uvestock Assn A Dinner $8.75 Allie Devine

Wagle, Susan Weber, Brian

page 61 Legislator page 62 Legislator

Recipient Year Reporting Period Recipient Year Reporting Period

Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist Business Schedule Oes4;ription Amount Lobbyist

KS Railroads








Patrick Hubbell

Larrie Brown 2011 February

Medea Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates A Dinner $6.10 Larrie Brown KS Assn of Community College Trustees A Banquet $26.95 Gayle Shaw

Pinegar, Smith & Associates Inc

Pinegar, Smith & Associates Inc

Security Benefit Corporation

University of Kansas Hospital Authority







Personalized Portfolio






John Pinegar

Douglas Smith

Natalie Haag

William Sneed

KS Cooperative Council

KS Motor Carners Assn

KS Optometric Assn

Nex-TechiRural Telephone

University of Kansas Hospital Authority
















Leslie Kaufman

Tom Whitaker

Gary Robbins

Mendi Alexander

William Sneed Total for Weber, Brian $370.08

Total for Wolf, Bill $128.62

11liVEl~;',Xl!1j:~.iit';(;\:;;;'E1l;bt~;. .;<:;" I IWOlfi.~y;;;ii'<\J;:~~l~t~+,:;>i,1 I

KS Catholic Conference

Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation





Breakfast $7.95


Michael Schuttloffel

Patrick Terick February

League of Kansas Municipalities


A Dinner $43.08 Don Moler

KS Motor Carriers Assn A Dinner $53.03 Tom Whitaker Little Government Relations A $7.47 Stuart Little

University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed

Total for Wetta, Vincent $86.40 Total for Wott, Kay $65.05

IW'II' . ';;%,'" ., ." ;" ·.·.G"';~d·1; .L la.!'1S"(~"Elny. .~ \.<1,·,;,1:"" ~;;"'~ l:viJ~r:!~Y. Ron'.::' ''':It:,':;;f~;~;~l; 1

2011 February

American Beverage Assn

KS Optometric Assn A



Dinner $48.25


John Bottenberg

Gary Robbins

2011 February

Assn of Community Mental Health Centers

Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce







Michael Hammond

Bob Vancrum

University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed Greater Kansas City Chamber of A Drinks $12.10 Bob Vancrum Total for Williams, Jerry $73.31 Commerce

---­Johnson County Government A $8.57 Stuart Little

lWinri.vai~enla: <:~i'(l;~" •.:.:',;1 KS Motor Carriers Assn A Dinner $53.03 Tom Whitaker

League of Kansas Municipalities A Dinner $43.08 Larry Baer 2011 February

University of Kansas Hospital Authority D Coasters $14.50 William Sneed AT&T Inc and Affiliates A Luncheon $10.00 Chris Carroll Total for Wortey, Ron $155.86 Children's Mercy Family Health Partners A Lunch $950 John Bottenberg

Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Health A Lunch $1300 Cynthia Smith Unitemized

University of Kansas Hospital Authority

Unified Government of Wyandotte County


A Lunch




Mike Taylor

William Sneed I'LJniteitiized<~,":~kl~1;. ,.',' -":1

Total for Winn, Valdenia $59.78 2011 February,

I'.'W··· .If'"':B'II·"'>W!il.'·"~', «;>, I ;,;~~~:" .• ' ..·.1""'"',,:····.. •..···.·."1~, .+.';;:i';i,~',2'1',=t.·-"-,

Alliance for Kansans wlDevelop Disabilities

A $300.00 Richard Shank

American Beverage Assn A $48.25 John Bottenberg

American Beverage Assn A $8.11 Jonathan Small

Winn, Valdenia Un itemized

page 63 Legislator page 64 Unitemized

Recipient Year Reporting Period Recipient Year Reporting Period

Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist

American Petroleum Institute A $953.31 Kenneth Peterson Greater Topeka Chamber of Commerce A $75.80 Christy Caldwell

Americans for Prosperity A $24.86 Derrick Sontag Hartman Oil Co A $164.26 Scott Paradise

Ash Grove Cement A $186.48 JaC<lueline Clark HY-Vee Inc A $89.86 Dick Stoffer

Ash Grove Cement Co A $249.16 Michael Murray ITC Great Plains A Reception $776.48 Kimbe~y Svaty

Assn of Ethanol Processors Inc A $30.21 Ronald Seeber Kansans For Life A $158.26 Jeanne Gawdun

AT&T Inc and Affiliates A $44.91 John Bottenberg Kansas City Power & Light A Reception $609.36 Scott Jones

AT&T Inc and Affiliates A $3627 Chris Carroll Koch Companies Public Sector A $386.16 Jonathan Small

AT&T Inc and Affiliates A $30.00 Terry Dlebolt LLC-Affiliates

AT&T Inc and Affiliates A $1,670.90 Steve Hahn KSAFL-CIO A Annual BBQ $1,163.13 Andy Sanchez

AT&T Inc and Affiliates A $186.48 Michael Scott KSAFL-CIO A $15.71 Bruce Tunnell

AT&T Inc and Affiliates A $40.00 Cynthia Zapletal KSAFL-CIO A Lunch $264.37 Bruce Tunnell

Almas Energy Corp A $388.24 Sandy Braden KS Agribusiness Retailers Assn A $120.13 Ronald Seeber

Atmos Energy Corp A $388.24 Ron Gaches KS Assn of Broadcasters A Reception $186.48 Kent Cornish

Black Hills Energy A Reception $776.48 Wes Ashton KS Assn of Community .College Trustees A Banquet $26.95 Gayle Shaw

Black Hilts Energy A Dinner $400.00 Wes Ashton KS Assn of Health Plans A $235.34 Mar1ee Carpenter

Black Hills Energy A Reception $186.48 Wes Ashton KS Assn of Insurance Agents A $2,115.60 Kern Spielman

Boeing Company A $8.11 John Frederick KS Assn of Property & Casualty Insurance Co

A $186.48 David Hanson

Bombardier Aerospace Learjet Inc

Bottenberg & Associates





Jonathan Small

John Bottenberg KS Assn of School Boards

KS Bankers Assn





Mark Tallman

Kathleen Olsen Capitol Advantage LLC

Casey's General Stores Inc

Casey's General Stores Inc









Michael Murray

W Robert Alderson

W Robert Alderson

KS Bankers Assn

KS Cable Telecommunications Assn

KS Catholic Conference








Douglas Wareham

John Federico

Michael Schuttloffel Cenpatico Behavioral Health






Michael Hutfles

John Idoux lit KS Chiropractic Assn

KS Coal Against Sexual & Domestic





John Kiefhaber

Dodie Wellshear City of Wichita A $186.48 Dale Goter Violence

Community Bankers Assn of KS A Reception $2,467.60 Shawn Mitchell KS Contractors Assn A $2,161.49 Bob Totten Cox Communications A $127.99 Matthew Hickam KS Cooperative Council A $138.76 Leslie Kaufman Cox Communications Inc A $396.43 Coleen Jennison KS County Treasurers Assn A $4,813.34 Steve Kearney Cox Communications Inc A $125.10 Scott Schneider KS Credit Union Assn A Reception $164.26 Haley Davee Doug Mays and Associates LLC A $25.80 Doug Mays KS Credit Union Assn A Reception $8,452.56 Haley Davee Empire District Electric Company A Reception $194.12 David Martin KS Dairy Assn A $75.80 Tom Bruno Empire District Electric Company A Reception $194.12 David Martin KS Dental Assn A $164.26 Kevin Robertson Empire District Electric Company A Reception $194.12 David Martin KS Dental Assn A $4,157.22 Kevin Robertson Empire District Electric Company A Reception $194.12 David Martin KS Economic Development Alliance A $2,144.51 Lavem Squier Exxon Mobil Corporation A $37.75 Jonathan Small (KEDA)

Gaches, Braden & Associates D $166.69 Sandy Braden KS Economic Progress Council A $186.48 Bernard Koch

General Electric A $67.46 Ron Gaches KS Electric Cooperatives Inc A $135.36 David Holthaus

Greater Kansas City Chamber of A $100.00 Bob Vancrum KS Electric Cooperatives Inc A Reception $776.48 David Holthaus Commerce

Unitemized Unitemized

page 65 Unitemized page 66 Unitemized

Recipient Year Reporting Period Recipient Year Reporting Period

Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist

KS Electric Power Cooperative Inc A Dinner $776.48 Phil Wages PMCA of Kansas . Gas PAC A $100.00 Thomas Palace

KS Food Dealers Assn A $261.20 Michael Murray Salvation Army, KS & W MO Div A Breakfast $297.45 Megan Word

KS Gas Service/ONEOK, Inc. A Reception $776.48 Mick Urban Schools for Quality Education A $240.00 Tracy Russell

KS Grain & Feed Assn A $120.13 Ronald Seeber Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Health A $186.48 Cynthia Smith

KS Health Care Assn A Reception $164.26 Cindy Luxem Stafford Consulting LLC A $22.95 George Stafford

KS Legislative Policy Group A Reception $3,107.13 John Pinegar Strategic Communications of KS A $397.42 Mandy Miller

KS Livestock Assn A $17.50 Allie Devine Sunflower Electric Power Corp A $776.48 Clare Gustin

KS Livestock Assn A $700.00 John Donley Travel Industry Assn of Kansas A $39.72 Natalie Bright

KS Livestock Assn A $4,745.46 Dee Likes Unified Government of Wyandotte County A $294.30 Mike Taylor

KS Motor Carriers Assn A $477.27 Tom Whitaker United Methodist Youthville Inc A $10.00 Heather Morgan

KS Muncicipal Utilities Inc A Reception $1,552.96 Colin Hansen University of Kansas A $670.96 Kathy Damron

KS Municipal Energy Agency A Reception $776.48 Bob Poehling University of Kansas Hospital Authority A $5,205.47 William Sneed

KS Optometric Assn A $186.48 Gary Robbins Verizon A Reception $186.48 Dina Fisk

KS Pest Control Assn A $612.22 Spencer Duncan Via Christi Health A $319.51 Bnuce Witt

KS PorK Assn A $2.440.05 Tim Stroda Via Christi Health A $11.25 Bnuce Witt

KS Power Pool A $776.48 Colin Whitley W Kansas Rural Economic Development A $317.D1 Neal Gillespie

KS Quarter Horse Racing Assn A $16.44 Jonathan Small Alliance

KS Railroads A $364.00 Patrick Hubbell Westar Energy A $776.48 Mark Schreiber

KS Society for Human Resource A $8.66 Natalie Bright Wichita Independent Business Assn A $866 Natalie Bright

Management Wichita Metro Chamber of Commerce A $199.67 Jason Watk,ns

KS Society of Assn Executives A $689.31 Vicki Whitaker Wichita Metro Chamber of Commerce A $54.70 Jason Watkins

KS State Council of Firefighters A Reception $8,952.11 Dennis Phillips Wind Coalition A Lunch $1,421.80 Kimbe~y Svaty

KS Wine & Spirits Wholesalers Assn A Reception $1,335.72 R E (Tuck) Duncan Wine Institute A $23586 Lame Brown

League of Kansas Municipalities A Reception $363.30 Nicole Aiken Total for Unitemized $92,246.60

League of Kansas Municipalities

League of Kansas Municipalities


A Reception



Larry Baer

Nathan Ebe~ine IUniteini~d._. Spouse .'i: ,.,ii~::1 League of Kansas Municipalities

League of Kansas Municipalities







Sandy Jacquot

Don Moler 2011 February

League of Kansas Municipalities A $363.30 Kimber1y Winn Assn of Community Mental Health Centers A Dinner $30.35 Stuart Little

Little Government Relations A $35.00 Stuart Little Total for Unltemized - Spouse $30.35

LoanMax A $97.96 Lame Brown Legislative Medco Health Solutions Inc & Affiliates A $126.55 Lame Brown Employee Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp & Affiliates

Midwest Energy


A Reception



William Sneed

Larry Berg IAilison~c,iHiInore;Bob ,~-: ? ~f~';1 Next Era Energy Resources LLC

Northern Flyer Alliance





Michael Murray

Mary Ellen Conlee 2011 February

Olathe Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $13.00 Beth Felski Little Government Relations A $7.47 Stuart Little

Pinegar, Smith & Associates Inc A Dinner $31.23 John Pinegar Total for Allison-Gallimore, Bob $7.47

Unitemized Allison·Gallimore, Bob

page 67 Unitemized page 68 Legislative Employee









Recipient Year Reporting Period

Business Schedule Description

l'Ashton 'Angela ""#:~~;";"\\:';'I..', ... '_' <J., : a::.

2011 February

Gencur Svaty Public Affairs A Lunch

Total for Ashton, Angela

1:13eley,:J,).ijl~; i'·{tl~C~~1,;1?~·. ,"~:,; I 2011 February

Hewlett-Packard Co A Lunch

KS Motor Carriers Assn A Dinner

KS Bankers Assn A Dinner

Total for Boa.. Betty

KS Society for Human Resource A Dinner

Gencur Svaty Public Affairs A Lunch

2011 February

2011 February

2011 February


Total for Beley, Jim

Total for Benoit, Carol

I:BrU.C~?:"!ierly .,j: :l::.~ ':.'':''i':'oi'~~H

IBoa2; ;Betty': ·,'.:'j;'I;::Y;:,': 'r':~:"J~": I

1:!3enoif,j}¢aro! ;;~:Jb;i/·.' :::;:\f~,1

Total for Bruce, Terry

IBurns' Connie '.ii'!>..' ,;,·:,:;1'''' t... ,~;.l' ~'.>' •• , ,_ -.}1?. '<.

2011 February

Wine Institute A Dinner

Total for Bums, Connie

page 69

Amount Lobboyist

$10.84 Kimbeny Svaty


$8.66 Natalie Bright




$53.03 Tom Whitaker

$36.97 Douglas Wareham

$11.94 Tom Bruno

$ 10.64 Kimbeny Svaly


$7862 Larrie Brown


Bums, Connie

Legislalive Employee

Recipient Year Reporting Period

Business Schedule Description

ICaldeIWOOdi;MeliSsa'~r:"" "1

2011 February

America's Health Insurance Plans A Dinner

Total for Calderwood, Melissa

I . "F, 1;•••• ;;....

CQ,lpmbo; ~!!.E.~elle ';'~;:1:j}.)' I;' ,

2011 February

Americans for Prosperity A Lunch

Gencur Svaty Public Affairs A Lunch

Hewlett-Packard Co A Lunch

Koch Companies Public Sector A Dinner

KS Bankers Assn A Dinner

KS Chamber of Commerce A Lunch

KS Chamber of Commerce A Breakfast

KS Livestock Assn A Lunch

KS Society for Human Resource A Dinner

National Rifle Assn of America A Dinner

National Rifle Assn of America A Dinner

Stafford Consulting LLC A Dinner

Travel Industry Assn of KS D Cupcakes

University of Kansas A Lunch

Wichita Independent Business Assn A Dinner

Total for Colombo, Rachelle



ICu"~simaniO.J{eaga'1:~~~;>':~; ·:1 2011 February

KS Bankers Assn A Lunch

Total for Cussimanio, Reagan

IDeai;rpy laii,,"~cm';:: ,'::itl.y· .:.'1 2011 February

University of Kansas A Lunch

Total for Dear, Dylan

page 70

Amount Lobbyist

$20.54 William Sneed


$6.94 Derrick Sontag

$9.53 IGmbeny Svaty

$11.94 Tom Bruno

$38.79 Jonathan Small

$36.97 Douglas Wareham

$5.84 Jeff Glendening

$3.17 Eric Stafford

$11.16 Allie Devine

$8.66 Natalie Bright

$48.59 Jordan Austin

$14.57 Jordan Austin

$39.39 George Stafford

$12.50 Manee Carpenter

$14.00 Kathy Damron

$8.66 Natalie Bright


$13.88 Douglas Wareham


$12.00 Kathy Damron


Dear, Dylan

Legislative Employee

Recipient Year Reporting Period Recipient Year Reporting Period

Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist

IDeck"a"r'ci·'·Amy··,···,;,,;" ,',;m ";"";;;".·1 ,.._,., ~ ,,,,, ,_"_,,,~ Jk"",,_ ;;, JJr~o1:"",;_::,.',-:~~~~,: j .~,,\tt;f_~_~

University of Kansas

Total for Dunkel, Audrey

A Lunch $12.00 Kathy Damron


2011 February

Gaches, Braden & Associates A Lunch $10.77 Ron Gaches I'~I rebaugIi; K~.tie;,~i~'~t·";;::':1;'1

Total for Deckard, Amy $10,77 2011 February

I Deeter,'Florence ~~, . " ',,~'I KS Bankers Assn

University of Kansas







Douglas Wareham

Kathy Damron

2011 February Total for Firebaugh, Katie $50.97

Gaches, Braden & Associates

KS Bankers Assn







Ron Gaches

Douglas Wareham I'G."II·· ...p•... ''''M'';' ···h"'e·..·I'it",,'Il,rlf,'!;; ;\\."'·1t, I" a~ ~e,~, _I~, "CIIiii1i<0fd,/{r[if H,'I:";"".'k '

University of Kansas A Lunch $12.00 Kathy Damron 2011 February

Total for Deeter, Florence $36.65 Americans for Prosperity A Lunch $6.94 Derrick Sontag

Civic Council of Greater Kansas City A Lunch $9.26 Sandy Braden

IDeeter.:GalY."~;'>;:~' .. '.:. ':·~~.I Gencur Svaty Public Affairs A Lunch $9.53 Kimber1y Svaty

2011 February KS Bankers Assn

KS Chamber of Commerce







Douglas Wareham

Jeff Glendening Gaches, Braden & Associates A Lunch $10.77 Ron Gaches

KS Chamber at Commerce A Breakfast $3.17 Eric Stafford KS Bankers Assn A Lunch $13.88 Douglas Wareham

KS Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $9.00 Eric Stafford University of Kansas A Lunch $12.00 Kathy Damron

Pinegar. Smith & Associates Inc A Dinner $31.23 John Pinegar Total for Deeter, Gary $36.65

University of Kansas A Lunch $14.00 Kathy Damron


2011 February

.>'>"::1 Total for Giltaspie, Michael

I "". d R' " t ~',"·'''l'', c,:. -,. . 'I.(;llhlan ,. ,yan }:,:'i:,,\;':; ~,' J;.


Little Govemment Relations A $7.47 Stuart Little 2011 February Total for Douglass, Lauren $7.47

Gencur Svaty Public Affairs A Lunch $9.53 Kimbe~y Svaly

I'DUffy,:l3~el!ha,:'t>:"l'i":?: .~,:;?;: i~1 KS Bankers Assn

Pinegar, Smith & Associates Inc







Douglas Wareham

Douglas Smith

2011 February University of Kansas A Lunch $14.00 Kathy Damron

Gencur Svaty Public Affairs A Lunch $10.84 Kimbe~y Svaly Total lor Gilliland, Ryan $87.40

Total for Duffy, Brenna

I !k' .,'P..•.••.•.• ,•.•. ','A;''':'·'!,IDunk.el;,A"'.!t~y:.",;: ..;"·.··, .}.> !'<',!!



r'M '." I'" ·'r'.:.'"~; ·;t.' '.' IGreen,. an,e, a.,.~;..;;§",.;;o/(.;:,-". ,.', . !

2011 February Unified Govemment of Wyandotte County A Lunch $1278 Mike Taylor

Gaches, Braden & Associates A Lunch $10.77 Ron Gaches Total for Green, Manella $12.78

KS Bankers Assn A Lunch $ 13088 Douglas Wareham

Dunkel, Audrey Green, Manella

page 71 Legislative Employee page 72 Legislative Employee

Recipient Year Reporting Period Recipient Year Reporting Period

Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist

lro- ., ~ '1J:"" ' ~r-" .' = 1 ' Il·i-Ian?en·l\.Rena·ei~;':':I1'."H",~,,' ,',_ ,'4-,,"" ikh<AH!i&'1(';'11';"'001 J:S!asseriil~ar:On;' ;\;;-.'/ i"; 11,~,,-, ,,,,,,,,<' , ••if·':,{c!lfT'AhAwfH?

2011 February 2011 February

Black Hills Energy A Lunch $10.65 Wes Ashton University of Kansas A Lunch $12.00 Kathy Damron

Black Hills Energy A Dinner $100.00 Wes Ashton Total for Klassen, Aaron 512.00

Total for Hansen, Renae $110.65

2011 February

2011 February Assn of Community Mental Health Centers A Lunch $18.68 Michael Hammond

American Federation of Teachers - Kansas A Lunch $11.00 Mindy Brissey Total for Koss, Michael $18.68

Greater Kansas City Chamber of A Drinks $12.09 Bob Vancrum Commerce

Hy-Vee Inc A Beverage $10.81 Dick Stoffer

KS AFL-CIO A Lunch $15.71 Bruce Tunnell 2011 February

Wichita Metro Chamber of Commerce A Dinner Jason Watkins Americans for Prosperity A Lunch $6.94 Derrick Sontag

Total for Hardison, Dustin $58.52 Gencur Svaty Public Affairs A Lunch $9.53 Kimberly Svaty

Hewlett-Packard Co A Lunch $11.94 Tom Bruno

Koch Companies Public Sector A Dinner $38.79 Jonathan Small LLC-Affiliates

2011 February KS Bankers Assn A Dinner $36.97 Douglas Wareham

KS Bankers Assn A Dinner $36.97 Douglas Wareham KS Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $5.84 Jeff Glendening

KS Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $9.00 Eric Stafford KS Chamber of Commerce A Breakfast $3.17 Eric Stafford

Pinegar, Smith & Associates Inc A Dinner $26.90 Douglas Smith KS Society for Human Resource A Dinner $8.66 Natalie Bright Management

Total for Hems, Harrison $72.87 National Rifle Assn of America A Dinner $14.57 Jordan Austin

It' 'lI111l" "'i' ,,:' ,,---' 'f '';''/ ",,*,,:,:",;<T,,";W,,A~R';"_"-:_- ;i"11iL-:'1 National Rifle Assn of America A Dinner $48.59 Jordan AustinHl!ghes\,D~rQthy .1'.;.j;.;'~ 'i'\; Stafford ConSUlting LLC A Dinner $38.78 George Stafford

2011 February University of Kansas A Lunch $14.00 Kathy Damron

KS Bankers Assn A Lunch $13.88 Douglas Wareham Wichita Independent Business Assn A Dinner $8.66 Natalie Bright

Total for Hughes, Dorothy $13.88 Total for Kriegshauser, Christie $246,44

1[~in~ifige1.i:?a~i.d ;:i1 ~~:~r,;l,l

2011 Februa ry 2011 February

AT&T Inc and Affiliates A Lunch $12.03 Steve Hahn Assn of Community Mental Health Centers A Lunch $18.68 Michael Hammond

Total for Kensinger, David $12.03 Total for Lewis, Joshua $18.68

Kensinger, David Lewis, Joshua

page 73 Legislative Employee page 74 Legislative Employee




Recipient Year Reporting Period Recipient Year Reporting Per10d

Business Schedule Descnption Amount Lobbyist Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist

ILurin'JJan",:!:;~:3f· ,::),:.~;.::;.:: '.:1 2011 February

Assn of Community Mental Health Centers A Lunch $18.68 Michael Hammond

2011 February Gencur Svaty Public Affairs A Lunch $10.84 Kimberly Svaty

Gencur Svaty Public Affairs A Lunch $10.84 Kimberly Svaty Total for Mullholland, Stephanie $29,52

Total for Lunn, Jan $10,84

I "., R" -- ... , '","., 1. '0 • ",' ",Mallen.: .Ita',; :,5. ].', '.ff' .'. <J


2011 February

2011 February America's Health Insurance Plans A Dinner $2054 William Sneed

Americans for Prosperity A Lunch $6.94 Demck Sontag Total for O'Hara, Heather $20.54

Hewlett-Packard Co

Gencur Svaty Public Affairs A






Kimberly Svaty

Tom Bruno ILQi~e:al!;~mlly,;;';;j:~~,h$~z fil,w;1'rz:1 Koch Companies Public Sector LLC-Affiliates

A Dinner $38.79 Jonathan Small 2011 February

KS Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $5.84 Jeff Glendening Bombardier Aerospace Learjet Inc A Dinner $21.31 Jonathan Small

Pinegar, Smith & Associates Inc A Dinner $31.23 John Pinegar Cox Communications Inc A Dinner $60.33 Coleen Jennison

University of Kansas A Lunch $14.00 Kathy Damron Exxon Mobil Corporation A Dinner $21.31 Jonathan Small

Total for Mailen, Rita $118.27 Exxon Mobil Corporation A Lunch $4.60 Jonathan Small

Gencur Svaty Public Affairs A Lunch $9.53 Kimberly Svaty

IMontgomery-'Estelle<';'f;~jJ:::'j "; 1..' , , ~ .'. .- ~ ~_";_"iii;~_'- __.-:; Hewlett-Packard Co A Lunch $11.94 Tom Bruno

Koch Companies Public Sector A Dinner $38.79 Jonathan Small 2011 February LLC-Affiliates

Gaches, Braden & Associates A Lunch $1077 Ron Gaches Koch Companies PUblic Sector A Dinner $21.31 Jonathan Small

Total for Montgomery, Estelle $10.77 LLC-Affiliales

Koch Companies Public Sector A Dinner $31.09 Jonathan Small

IMorg··an'('NanC:,jJi:(I;;!t.,"-M"~:J];\J.·'I/," 1,:.......__ _""'", ,,,,,' • ,,~ Ie ,J)"i1 ," ,:,,,,,t;j?:~, ~iTIN!c"\hif,,~.~,",· Koch Companies Public Sector


A Lunch $4.61 Jonathan Small LLC-Affiliates

2011 February KS Bankers Assn A Lunch $1693 Kathleen Olsen

Assn 01 Community Mental Health Centers A Lunch $18.68 Michael Hammond KS Bankers Assn A Dinner $36.97 Douglas Wareham

Total for Morgan, Nancy $18.68 KS Chamber of Commerce A Breakfast $3.17 Eric Stafford

IM9ri"9!J;IShirley:,;:. ':./Jfi'~;',;~·1 Wichita Metro Chamber of Commerce

Pinegar, Smith & Associates Inc A Dinner

A Lunch



John Pinegar

Jason Watkins

2011 February Tolal for O'Neal, Cindy $327,22

Gaches, Braden & Associates

Tolal for Morrow, Shirley

A Lunch $10.77 RonGaches

$10,77 IfQ~trow."~ean ."c:,.';f~·f: i";\f..1id

I:Mulii1ofJand;;StilPhanie,"~{ ';;'1 2011 February

Morrow, Shirley O'Neal, Cindy

page 75 Legislative Employee page 76 Legislative Employee

Recipient Year Reporting Period Recipient Year Reporting Period

Business Schedule Description Amount lobbyist Business Schedule Description Amount lobbyist

Little Government Relations A $7.47 Stuart Little AT&T Inc and Affiliates A Luncheon $10.00 Chris Carroll

Total for Ostrow, Sean $7.47 Total for Smith, Kevin $10.DO

I' '" . .om_ I·!,att.0'1i,.R~de~!ck"'~",;\;0:~; ,.' ". \ '. ~. I,Smith;!'Jl~Ciel;':~:. '. ::,..<.l;;~12l;1

2011 February 2011 February

Gencur Svaty Public AffaiT1i A Lunch $9.53 Kimber1y Svaty Assn of Community Mental Health Centers A Lunch $18.68 Michael Hammond

Hewlett-Packard Co A Lunch $11.94 Tom Bruno Gencur Svaty Public AffaiT1i A Lunch $10.84 Kimber1y Svaty

KS Bankers Assn A Dinner $36.97 Douglas Wareham Total for Smith, Macie $29.52

Total for Patton, Roderick

IR""'-rr::' 'd" •. ' ·'·~;vfi\h';·;§:,r·" .·f I ! ,,~'~!!!1;,,~J:n ,1&\ ~~"'3;~.t!l:16~~;~"",}; ,~,;:.,.~

$58.44 I' " ,",W"."H ... ,. ..' 'H', IThompson,"Uason "": ·'01Wi'·i,'Ji·. l,l,'i;','·• , . «"_._._,,~ .'>.,."". _._'.-" ',' ,,__C<. _c ::.Ylh~"i";·:~ __ -::':~ ...

2011 February

2011 February Little Government Relations A $7.47 Stuart Little

Civic Council of Greater Kansas City A Lunch $9.26 Sandy Braden Total for Thompson, Jason $7.47

KS Chamber of Commerce A Lunch $9.00 Eric Stafford

Total for Rexer, Cyndie $18.26 I~v~ rfc&,\ M,~~~~i):,~L{';;~,:,<' .-\ ~S:~:'~i~(iti:!):~1

1,~!l6Il1~'1iohri;: ,.,/'. ;:\~ti~i'",";; :,; I 2011 February

Children's Mercy Family Health PartneT1i A Lunch $9.50 John Bottenberg

2011 February Total for Vance, M $9.50

Exxon Mobil Corporation

Total for Rubin, John

A Dinner $21.31 Jonathan Small

$21.31 IVanS'Yke~!!,~ttrl;;l';; ~;~;:,~~'l~I.~ff I I~S,h~i~'J.~C,~/ ::::~:i~t{~:;~{~'i~~':,~~:,/, .:1 2011 February

Assn of Community Mental Health Centers A Lunch $18.68 Michael Hammond

2011 February Gencur Svaty Public Affairs A Lunch $10.84 Kimber1y Svaty

Children's Mercy Family Health PartneT1i A Lunch $9.50 John Bottenberg Total lor VanSlyke, Palli $29.52

Total lor Sheets, C $9.50 I' ~.. "'~~" "".' I',Wa rd ((2Er'rin~~ : }';'t'" :~}.~t$:>i~;"0f~:>~tj::>i~".., -.. - -, 'c",,,_/~,.A_.,#*kh ~/",{ ,. ''''-', ,,", .. ,,-,,: _l!.;-',;>:i~·''''·:,,'

ISheH~y;':i;)m"~t~!i;ll;II~:~;{'1 2011 February

2011 February Assn of Community Mental Health Centers A Lunch $18.68 Michael Hammond

KS Motor CarrieT1i Assn A Dinner $53.03 Tom Whitaker Gencur Svaty Public Affairs A Lunch $10.84 Kimber1y Svaty

Total lor Shelley, Jill $53.03 Total for Ward, Errin $29.52

I'SI]11j!!:1~~Vin·· ..::~; ':'BjW;J,hj'.1'I I,Well;: RY!6';~~?J!;',i;s ..·l~~:'i~~!'llf:;~: I 2011 February 2011 February

Gaches, Braden & Associates A Lunch $10.77 Ron Gaches

Shelley, Jill Weir, Ryan

page 77 Legislative Employee page 78 Legislative Employee

Recipient Year Reportlng Period Recipient Year Reporting Period

Business Schedule Description Amount lobbyist Business Schedule Description Amount lobbyist

KS Bankers Assn

University of Kansas







Douglas Wareham

Kathy Damron Iaile~;;Dari, ..: ... t·!f· :; 1 Total for Weir, Ryan $36.65

2011 February

I .... . .­ . ", "0"'" .•. 1'White'Michael~:r":""":""'W""'" "t..' .. ,_._.._ , ~"" ~~' __ .,1":.~~_. ' .. :"

KS Bar Assn

Total for Biles, Dan

A Lunch $17.45 Joseph Molina III


2011 February

Exxon Mobil Corporation A Lunch $6.72 Jonathan Small I Brrscoe;·rv1ary~Be~kt~.~~;,~: :""1 Hy-Vee Inc

KS Legislative Policy Group

KS Quarter Horse Racing Assn










Dick Stoffer

John Pinegar

Jonathan Small

2011 February

KS Bar Assn A Dinner $45.10 Joseph Molina III

KS Quarter Horse Racing Assn A Lunch $6 72 Jonathan Small Total for Bl1scoe, Mary Beck $45.10

Pinegar, Smith & Associates Inc

Travel Industry Assn of KS





$12 77


John Pinegar

Ma~ee Carpenter I. aU rg~r';~.K~I9·n·:~rI1Q!d~f ..~~\: ::t'c,:1 Wal-Mart Stores Inc A Lunch $4.87 Jonathan Small 2011 February

Total for White. Michael

I . .~. . "n·· "'1Wolters"Jill ,. ~""; ...... ;~...; {'.,• , ". , .. ':.~ .. ' ,_. ~ c. C" ,,' ~ " .•>.

2011 February

$70.65 KS Bar Assn

Total for Burger, Karen Amold

IB' ""M"'" 'W ',i 1• U5.iJr..... Iclla.lJI..t: ft.;;;,,}:;' ',," ,

A Breakfast. Drnner $59.05 Joseph Molina III


Gaches, Braden & Associates A Lunch $10.77 Ron Gaches 2011 Februa ry KS Bankers Assn A Lunch $1388 Douglas Wareham KS Bar Assn A Breakfast, Dinner $59.05 Joseph Molina 111 University of Kansas A Lunch $1200 Kathy Damron

Total for Buser, Michael $59.05 Total for Wolters, Jill

I~i..mmen:nan,~,Ti:::: :' ·t' ':;;:~<;;'. ;·;1 $36.65

ICi'ow;'~am :~(.: :~'I(. 'il 2011 February

2011 February KS Bar Assn . A Dinner $45.10 Joseph Molina III Children's Mercy Family Health Partners A Lunch $9.50 John Bottenberg

Total for Crow, Sam $45.10 Total for Zimmennan, T $9.50

Judge I·Gree~~;R.i~"arCl··~fE·F; .. ."~,;I

lr~~c tli§Q11,<Gorll.QI1 i.~::Ji~~~x:,:t~:::~; 1 2011 February

KS Bar Assn A Breakfast, Dinner $59.05 Joseph Molina III

2011 February Total for Greene, Richard $59.05

KS Bar Assn A Dinner $45.10 Joseph Molina III

Total for Atchison, Gordon $45.10 IH[!f,lStept.en ~,;~,:;';'}'~1f~l~~f. ~:<.11

Atchison, Gordon Greene, Richard

page 79 Judge page 80 Judge

Recipient Year Reporting Period Recipient Year Reporting Period

Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist

2011 February

KS Sar Assn

Total for Hill, Stephen

I'" "".1:. "';" .. ,:",~.:.". "1,Joh,!son;: .ee ;':'.. '-.·.c:<:··,:. "'.

A Breakfast, Dinner $59.05 Joseph Molina III


I .. ,,' "7;'" ," •••.Malone,Tom':3','; . ,.c'-'I;.:

2011 February

KS Bar Assn

Total for Malone, Tom

" 1 .

A Breakfast, Dinner $59.05 Joseph Molina III


2011 February

KS Sar Assn

Total for Johnson, Lee

IkariTh~Janic~ilie'r.::::l$l:l: .:'1

A Lunch, Dinner $62,55 Joseph Molina III


IMarq"uarilt Cilrjstel-'lfa~!l;ll;l;L lS' I. ,.,' ,",,' it" _(t:j~",_\, - "l

2011 February

KS Bar Assn

Total for Marquardt, Christel

A Breakfast $13.95 Joseph Molina III


2011 February

KS Sar Assn A

Total for Kar1in, Janice Miller


Dinner $45.10 Joseph Molina III


11VI~~rra:i1y,,~.~ir!£K2tii:;11,?::1 lo.:: .~~:1;1

2011 February

KS Bar Assn

Total for McAnany, Patrick

A Dinner $45.10 Joseph Molina III


2011 February

KS Sar Assn

Total for Larson, Edward

Il:.el?entS.t~.Y~'~::;1Ml;.:,;. ';. ~1~; .'....; ;;1 2011 February

KS Bar Assn

Total for Leben, Steve

Il:.oc~ett, Tylef,;~.~·" ..:, Jt*1 1,';, . :~l





$45.10 Joseph Molina III


$13.95 Joseph Molina III



2011 February

KS Bar Assn

Total for Moritz, Nancy

I ". .,'.' ,: - -INus~,·Lawton.;'7' '.' . '~~h .1 .:


2011 February

KS Bar Assn

Total for Nuss, Lawton


Lunch, Dinner

Lunch, Dinner

$62.55 Joseph Molina III


$62.55 Joseph Moiina III


2011 February

KS Sar Assn

Total for Lockett, Tyler

Ii""'k'P " M '\ q: -­ '.. <:.\1""];""Lucert, ar a .~-,., ~,':,}oJ' ';",;'



Dinner $45.10 Joseph Molina III



2011 February

KS Bar Assn

Total for O'Hara, James

A Dinner $45.10 Joseph Molina III


2011 February

KS Bar Assn

Total for Luckert, Marta

A Lunch, Dinner $62.55 Joseph Molina III


I,ROgers;:Ri~fi~.i:i:l~?;};~~llr:f' )~t; I

Luckert, Marta O'Hara, James

page 81 JUdge page 82 Judge

Recipient Year Reporting Period Recipient Year Reporting Period

Business Schedule Description Amount lobbyist Business Schedule Description Amount Lobbyist

2011 February

KS Bar Assn

Total for Rogers, Richard

(; R~~~n}~,~ r,i'c~~~:~;~ ';·~~~~il~:l:: ~0~~~~i.~~ .~~~ ;;:1

A Dinner $45.10 Joseph Molina III


IW";'1·b'~:;!';';!~tfW"u"it)rt._-M::(;}'fj:l£bq1iK;q:';h~;ii·,<;';''';;'11'~~ ''}wl',__ ,~ ,"~~_,!'7~,_~Ir~n:3t:tg,;~:!+~hF:T~·2';·ii'!'\\}i:;;;~j+'J·

2011 February

KS Bar Assn

Total for Wilbert, Warren

A Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner $76.50 Joseph Molina III


2011 February Judicial KS Bar Assn A Lunch, Dinner $62.55 Joseph Molina III Employee

Total for Rosen. Eric $62.55 IBeze~~Te~rir~"';?1't''r)r'r' ~;:.~" 1 IRUShfel(~er,,!ld:~:-: ' :~~'>':I 2011 February

KS Bar Assn A Breakfast $13.95 Joseph Molina III2011 February Total for Bezek, Terri $13.95

KS Bar Assn A Dinner $45.10 Joseph Molina III

Total for Rushfelt, Gerald $45.10 IPedigo; 'He!en";;" ;:.s:;;:{i:;:1/1 I-SOr:!lers;'Dal~~~: '. '. ,~, ;', " "::'.: / 'I 2011 February

2011 February KS Bar Assn A Breakfast $1395 Joseph Molina III

KS Bar Assn A Dinner $45.10 Joseph Molina III Total for Pedigo, Helen $13.95

Total for Somers, Dale $45.10

l~t~~I!~,Deal}ell~""i,'<: "f,. ,'~ ,;'·:'1 2011 February

KS Bar Assn A Dinner $45.10 Joseph Molina III

Total for Tacha, Deanell $45.10

I:M~lI~il~ri$at.ffi¥n.;·' ',;;, ::::~';~d';1;;1

2011 February

KS Bar Assn A Dinner $45.10 Joseph Molina III

Total forVralil, Kalhryn $45.10

r , " <' ",.". ":;,1,Waxse;"Davld .. <;.' .:. . k":'

2011 February

KS Bar Assn A Dinner $45.10 Joseph Molina III

Total for Waxse, David $45.10

Waxse, David Pedigo, Helen

page 63 Judge page 64 Judicial Employee