Recipe for Success€¦ · These two recipes are based on recipes found at the Unjury website. Each...

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Transcript of Recipe for Success€¦ · These two recipes are based on recipes found at the Unjury website. Each...

Recipe for Success

A Chico Bariatric Buddies Cook Book

Compiled by

Julie Johnson

Laura Jean Moshiri

Nell Stephens, Co-Editor

Colleen Power, Editor

July 2014, Second Edition


Recipe for Success

This book is protected by copyright. Please

Use this information with permission of


Copyright applied for 2009

Compiled and Edited by

Colleen Power

and Nell Stephens

Contributing Members

Julie Johnson

Laura Jean Moshiri


Recipe for Success

Table of Contents Thank you!____________________________________________ 4 Introduction: Why we did it, and how______________________ 5 Phases and their description ____________________________ 6 Recipes: Protein Drinks___________________________________ 7 Quick Protein Meals, (Early Phase Meals)__________________ 12 Breakfast:____________________________________________ 20 Party Time:___________________________________________ 27 Salads:_______________________________________________ 34 Soups________________________________________________ 43 Poultry________________________________________________ 47 Beef__________________________________________________ 62 Fish__________________________________________________ 69 Pork _________________________________________________ 78 Vegetarian or Vegan Main Dishes__________________________ 85 Vegetables ____________________________________________ 99 Desserts______________________________________________ 106 Sauces and Dressings__________________________________ 120 Useful Websites________________________________________ 130 Subject Index __________________________________________131 Phase Index __________________________________________ 135 Well Stocked Pantry, Herb Garden, Equipment ______________137 Helpful Hints __________________________________________ 139 Your Own Special Recipes_______________________________149


Recipe for Success

With gratitude to the

California State University, Chico

Nutrition Students of Michelle Morris, PhD.

Bridget Finn


Nancy Iniguiz

Bridget and Nancy did most of the nutritional analysis as their 2009 Spring

class project

And the following Buddies and friends who trusted us with some of their favorite


Cole, Lauren

Deniz, Sharra

Hickam, Kathy

Mills, Mary Lou

Molen, Jim

Oswalt, Sheila


Recipe for Success


Eating is one of the great pleasures of life. There should be joy in the eating, and no guilt. One of the primary tools of bariatric surgery recovery is to see a good counselor who will Help teach you to rediscover your enjoyment of food. Highly recommended are a number of books, among them: Intuitive eating, by Evelyn Tribole. Books such as this teach you why you will never be filled if you use food as a sedative or a substitute. Food should be enjoyed as the great sensory experience in and of itself, and not to feed your unhappiness. So how did this particular cookbook come about? In the fall of 2007, the Bariatric Buddies

meeting generated a lot of recipe sharing. Some of the recipes were so good, that we all want ed to share them. However, how did we know the nutritional content or if it was appropriate for various phases of post surgery recovery? Several of us discussed with Dr. Ludwig and Kathy Hickam the possibility of collecting these recipes into one book for the support of the Enloe’s gastric bypass patients. Out of these discussions, the four of us, we Bariatric Buddies, found time to meet each month and sample dishes from recipes we modified from various sources. As they say, it was a tough job but somebody had to do it! Our first rule was, how could we successfully boost the protein content of various recipes. So each recipe donated for inclusion in this collection has been tested by the four members of the committee and their significant others. In some cases, we managed to modify it with a scoop or two of Unjury plain protein powder or switch from eggs to egg whites/ eggbeaters. In other cases, the results of the attempted modifications were simply awful. Needless to say, my dog ended up getting a fair portion of the unsuccessful attempts. He was put on a diet to lose the 20 pounds he gained in the process. A borzoi, he is related to a greyhound, so you imagine how many failures were needed to increase his body weight

by 20 pounds!

Once we completed the 18 months of experimentation, research and tasting on the recipes, we were ready to put the recipes into publishable form.

This is not the only book that is out there that is directed towards Bariatric recipes. I urge you to find some of them, they are wonderfully illustrated, but not always following the phases and guidelines established by our wonderful surgeon, Dr. Ludwig.

And finally let us thank Dr. Ludwig and Dr. Simchuk. For many of us, they have given us our lives back, filled with the joy that we may never have had. It is the second chance, this voyage of discovery. Bon Voyage, and Bon Appetit! Colleen Power, `Senior Editor


Recipe for Success

Food Phases

In your book of materials from Dr. Ludwig and Dr. Simchuk, there are food charts listed. These charts indicate which foods, in their experience, are safe to digest with the minimum intestinal discomfort, during the weeks and months following your surgery.

To Remind you:

Phase one: Pre op liquids: 10 days before your surgery, up to your first post-operative appointment with your surgeon.

Phase two: 10 days through 4 weeks after surgery; Pureed Diet.

Phase three: 5th week to 6 months after surgery; Soft Diet.

Phase four: 6 months after surgery and beyond; Lean and Green

Phase five: Between 12 and 18 months after surgery; As recommended by your


The nurses in the program have worked with us to assign phases to each recipe so that you will experience the minimum discomfort. Maintain vigilance about your new lifestyle. Do not introduce more than one new food a day. In that fashion you can always keep track of which foods are setting off your food alarms. These alarms may include diarrhea, chills, vomiting, stomach or intestinal pain. Listen to what your body is telling you. You may find some foods you previously disliked before the surgery, are now your favorite flavors. While other foods, formerly favorites, are now surprisingly lacking in taste. Common new avoid- ances are meats. Common new likes are cottage cheese. Follow the Weight Watchers example and boost the flavor of your food by replacing fats and sugars with spices and herbs. Experiment, try various recipes. You may find that you prefer to delay each phase, but try not to introduce some foods too early. For instance, a teaspoon of tomato sauce may be okay early, but a fresh tomato with its seeds can be irritating to your stomach lining. Baby vegetables are much lower in fiber and much lower in carbs than mature vege- tables, and therefore likely to cause stomach upsets. Most of all, Eat and Enjoy! Bon Appetit! Buon Mangiare! Buen Apetito! Douzo meshiagare!

Colleen Power


Recipe for Success

Protein Drinks

Banana Protein Shake 9

Berryana Protein Shake 10

Blueberry Protein Shake 10

Chai tea 8

Chocolate Mint Mocha 11

Frozen Fruit Dream 11

Orange Julia 11

Peach Protein Shake 9

Root Beer Float 8


Recipe for Success

Protein Root Beer Float

1 teaspoon Root Beer flavoring

1 cup of water or shaved ice

1/2 cup of skim milk

2 packets of Stevia

1 scoop Unjury protein powder

Per 1/2 Cup Serving:

Combine root beer flavoring, sugar substitute. One

scoop of vanilla protein powder with 1/2 cup of milk in Calories: 138

small blender. Whirl for 15 seconds. If you wish, pour Protein: 24g

over shaved ice for a very special treat! Carbohydrates: 11.8g

Fat: 0g

One serving

Protein Chai Tea

Trader Joe’s Naturally Decaffeinated Red Ruby Chai Tea is

excel- lent!

1 tablespoon of Decaffeinated Sugar Free Chai Tea

or Rubidoos Tea (TJ’s)

1/2 cup of water

1/2 cup of skim milk or evaporated skim milk

(richer taste)

1 scoop vanilla Unjury protein powder.

One packet Stevia

1 teaspoon Toscani Sugar free Vanilla Syrup, optional

Since protein powder can cook and curdle in very hot water,

steep tea in boiling water for several minutes. Combine with

skim milk. The milk will cool

it enough to prevent the protein powder from curdling.

THEN blend with protein powder.

One serving

Per 1/2 cup serving:

Calories: 130

Protein: 24g Carbohydrates: 10g Fat: 0g

Phase One

Phase One


Recipe for Success


Peach Protein Shake

1 scoop plain or vanilla Unjury ½ cup non fat milk 2 slices canned unsweetened peach or fresh peeled ¼ teaspoon ginger 1 packet Stevia Blend until completely mixed and serve over one cup of shaved ice if preferred. One serving

Banana Protein Shake

1 scoop plain or vanilla Unjury

½ cup nonfat milk

1 inch (tablespoon( very ripe banana

¼ teaspoon nutmeg

1 packet Stevia Blend until completely mixed and serve over one cup of shaved ice if preferred.

One serving

Per Serving: Calories: 165 Protein: 24g Carbohydrates: 10g Fat: 0g

Phase Two

Phase Two

Per Serving: Calories: 165 Protein: 24g Carbohydrates: 10g Fat: 0g


Recipe for Success

Blueberry Protein Shake

1 scoop plain or vanilla Unjury

1/2 cup nonfat milk

2 tablespoons fresh or frozen blueberries

1/4 teaspoon cinnamon

Blend until completely mixed and serve

One serving.

Berryana Protein Shake

1 scoop plain or vanilla Unjury

½ cup nonfat milk

1 tablespoon fresh or frozen


1 inch slice very ripe banana

Blend until completely mixed and serve.

One serving.

Per Serving: Calories: 145 Protein: 24g Carbohydrates: 12.6g Fat: 0g

Phase One

Phase One

Per Serving: Calories: 160 Protein: 224g Carbohydrates: 16g Fat: 0g


Recipe for Success

Orange Julia

¼ cup orange vitamin water

¼ cup egg substitute

¼ cup fat free half & half

¼ cup crushed ice

1 packet Stevia 1 scoop vanilla Unjury protein powder

Combine in a blender. Yummm.

Frozen Fruit Dream ½ small ripe banana

3 frozen strawberries

¾ cups water

3 ice cubes 1 scoop vanilla Unjury

Mix vanilla protein powder with water in blender. Add

banana, strawberries and ice cubes. .Blend at high speed

for 30 seconds. Enjoy.

Chocolate Mint Mocha

½ cup cold water

1 scoop chocolate Unjury Protein Powder

1 cup ice cubes

3-4 drops peppermint flavoring

1½ tablespoons General Foods Fat Free Sugar Free

Swiss Mocha

Blend together for 30 seconds on high.

Phase One

Phase Two

Phase Two

Per Serving: Calories: 229 Protein: 29g Carbohydrates: 19g Fat: 0g

Per Serving: Calories: 162.5 Protein: 20.8g Carbohydrates: 19.7g Fat: .4g

Per Serving: Calories: 125 Protein: 20g Carbohydrates: 9g Fat: 0g


Recipe for Success

Quick Little Meals

Almond Ricotta Crème 17

Eggplant with cottage cheese 14

Ham ‘n Cheese Rolls 15

Italian Omelette 18

Lemon Zest Ricotta Crème 17

Mocha Ricotta Crème 17

Protein Baked Custard 19

Protein Parfait 16

Proteinaceous Pudding 14

Quick Egg Drop Soup 19

Salmon Tastees 18

Super Protein Pudding 16

Tuna and Cottage Cheese 15


Recipe for Success

Unjury Jigglers

These two recipes are based on recipes found at the Unjury website. Each of these two recipes are two step proce- dures. Hot water will curdle the protein powder. So first blend the Jello and hot water, then cool it down. Then blend Unjury powder with cool water. Combine the two together, And chill. One box, four servings, any flavor sugar free Jello ¾ cup hot water ½ cup cool water 2 scoops Plain Unjury, vanilla flavored gives a nice creamy taste Ice cube or Jigglers form tray Dissolve the jello powder in the ¾ cups hot water. Cool down. Measure out an additional ½cup cool water. Blend cool water with the Unjury powder. Then pour into the cooled Jello. Place mixture into ice cube tray. Chill until firm. DO NOT FREEZE. The powder may settle to the bottom of the ice cube tray, but that will not affect the flavor. 2 servings

Protein Jello One box, four servings, any flavor sugar free Jello 1 cup hot water 1 cup cool water 2 scoops Plain Unjury, vanilla flavored gives a nice creamy taste Dissolve the Jello powder in the 1 cup hot water. Cool down. Measure out an addi- tional 1 cup cool water. Blend cool water with the Unjury powder. Then pour into the cooled Jello. Place mixture into four equal sized cups. Chill until firm. The protein powder will settle, creating a two layered Jello! For an extra treat, dress it up with some sugar free Cool Whip. 4 servings

Per Serving:

Calories: 120

Protein: 22g

Carbohydrates: 2.1g

Fat: 0g

Per Serving with sugar Free Cool Whip: Calories: 80 Protein: 11g Carbohydrates: 5.1g Fat: 1.0g

Per Serving: Calories: 60 Protein: 11 Carbohydrates: 2.1g Fat: 0g

Phase Two

Phase Two


Recipe for success

Eggplant Parmesan and Cottage Cheese After the first month, I grew very hungry for some real food with real flavor, that required very little work. This one hit the spot with both me and several other clients. Although it has a small quantity of tomato sauce, it caused no prob- lems with any of us. Trader Joe’s Baked Eggplant Par- mesan (from freezer case) Fat free Cottage Cheese (Trader Joe’s or Safeway’s Lucerne brand have best flavor) Bake the Eggplant Parmesan according to package instructions. Cut into six pieces. Serve each portion with 1/4 cup cottage cheese. This is good for six little meals! I gradually began to add some summer squash and a bit of extra low sugar spaghetti sauce before baking.

Proteinaceous Pudding Favorite sugar free pudding mix 2 cups skim milk 1 scoop Unjury protein powder ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon or ground cardamom 1 tablespoon on each serving sugar free Cool Whip Combine your favorite flavor of sugar free pudding mix with skim milk and spice, ac- cording to package instructions. Once it begins to thicken, stir in your favorite flavor of protein powder. Top with Cool Whip. Sprinkle with nutmeg or cinnamon. Try this with a few slivers of banana for a special treat. 4 servings

Per 1/6 package plus ¼ cup cottage cheese Serving: Calories:71 Protein: 9g Carbohydrates: 5.5g Fat: 2g

Per Serving: no Cool Whip Calories: 130 Protein: 24g Carbohydrates: 10g Fat: 0g

Per Serving: w/whip:

Calories: 140

Protein: 24g Carbohydrates: 11.5g Fat: 1g

Phase Three

Phase Two


Recipe for Success

Ham ‘n Cheese Rolls 1 slice deli thin ham 1 tablespoon fat free cottage cheese 1 smidge of mustard 1 very thin sliver dill pickle or sugar free sweet gerkin Smear mustard on ham, top with cottage cheese and small sliver pickle, roll up and eat. One serving.

Tuna and Cottage Cheese Try it. You’ll like it.

1 small can water packed tuna, drained

2 tablespoons fat free cottage cheese Combine and eat. Surprisingly good. One serving.

Phase Three

Phase Three

Per Serving:

Calories: 21 Protein: 6.6g Carbohydrates: 1.4g Fat: .4g


Per Serving:

Calories: Protein: 17g Carbohydrates: .78g Fat: 1.15g


Recipe for Success

Super Protein Pudding

One sugar free Kozy Shack Pudding One scoop of plain Unjury protein powder 1 tablespoon sugar free Cool Whip Combine and serve as is. In Phase two: Top with Sugar free Cool Whip if desired. One serving. Protein Parfait One sugar free Kozy Shack Pudding One scoop of plain Unjury protein powder 1 tablespoon each of Blueberries and Bananas 1 tablespoon sugar free Cool Chip Combine pudding and protein powder. Alternate in a glass dish With blueberries. In Phase Two: Top with sugar free Cool Whip If desired and dash of blueberries. One serving.

Phase Two

Phase Two

Per Serving with Cool Whip: Calories: 110 Protein: 20g Carbohydrates: 9g Fat: 1g

Per Serving with Cool Whip: Calories: 90 Protein: 20g Carbohydrates: 4g Fat: 1g

Per Serving: Calories: 80 Protein: 20g Carbohydrates: 2.5g Fat: 0g

Per Serving: Calories: 110 Protein: 20g Carbohydrates: 9g Fat: 1g


Recipe for Success

Almond Ricotta Crème

½ cup nonfat ricotta cheese ¼ teaspoon almond extract

1 packet Stevia 1 teaspoon slivered toasted almonds (option after month Mix together the ricotta, almond ex

tract and sugar substitute in a dessert bowl. Serve chilled and sprinkle with

toasted almonds. One serving. Any of these three make excellent fillings for The Low Carb Chocolate cups on page 116. Using part skim ricotta will add approximately 100 calories per serv ing! Lemon Zest Ricotta Crème

1/2 cup non fat ricotta cheese

1/4 teaspoon grated lemon peel (only the yellow part called “the zest) 1 package Stevia ¼ teaspoon vanilla extract Mix together the ricotta, lemon zest, vanilla extract and sugar substitute in a dessert bowl. Serve chilled and sprinkle with a little lemon zest, and a thin twist of sliced lemon, dipped in your sugar substitute. One serving. Mocha Ricotta Crème 1/2 cup non fat ricotta cheese

1/2 teaspoon unsweetened cocoa powder

1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 package Stevia

Dash of powdered decaf espresso

Mix together the ricotta, cocoa powder, vanilla extract and

Stevia in a dessert bowl. Serve chilled and sprinkled with

dusting of espresso powder. (A tea strainer works

well as a small dusting sieve.)

Phase Four-

Phase Three

Phase Three

Per Serving: Calories: 73.5 Protein: 9.3g Carbohydrates: 9.6g Fat: 0.1g

Per Serving: Calories: 72 Protein: 9.2g Carbohydrates: 9.2g Fat: 0g

Per Serving: Calories: 83.6 Protein: 9.6g Carbohydrates: 9.6g Fat: 0g


Recipe for Success

Italian Omelet Leathery eggs? Keep the temperature very low when cooking, and eggs will be very tender. Kraft and several others make fat free mozzarella. 1 cup baby spinach

¼ cup egg substitute

Salt and pepper to taste, just a sprinkle of each Olive oil spray 1 tablespoon fat free Mozzarella cheese, grated/shredded Spray small skillet. Put in spinach, stir until wilted (about one minute on medium heat). Lower temperature and add egg substitute combined with salt and pepper. Let set for about one minute until gently cooked. Sprinkle with Mozzar- ella cheese. Fold over and serve hot. Or try serving open face like an omelet. Use a basil leaf for decoration! One serving

Salmon Tastees

This is one of those second month’s recipes that kept me sane and on plan. Capers are a pickled vegetable that add a nice spiciness to any recipe. You will find them in little bot-

tles in the pickled olives and onions areas. 2 oz fat free Cream Cheese 1 oz smoked salmon or lox 1 teaspoon capers (optional) 4 thin slices zucchini

Cut the four “coins” of zucchini. Optionally, you can spray with Pam & bake @300 degrees

for 10-15 min. or until crispy.Put ¼ of the cream cheese on each. Sprinkle with capers. Top

each with the smoked salmon or lox.

One serving

Phase Three

Per Serving: Calories: 65 Protein: 10.16g Carbohydrates: 4.48g Fat: 0g

Per Serving with zucchini: Calories: 256 Protein: 27g Carbohydrates: 12.4g Fat: 5.9g


Recipe for Success

Protein Modified Baked Custard

2 cups skim milk

1 cup egg substitute

1/2 cup vanilla Unjury protein powder

1 teaspoon vanilla

1/4 cup Stevia 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg

Butter flavored cooking spray

Heat oven to 350.

Put tea kettle filled with water to boil. Mix all ingredients thoroughly in blender to dissolve protein powder

completely. Spray one quart baking dish with butter flavored oil. Pour mix into baking dish. Place dish in

large oven-proof pan. Pour boiling water into the larger pan, until it is halfway up the custard

dish. This is what is known as a water bath.” Place pans in oven. If

your hands or wrists are weak, you might want to wait until pans are

in the oven before pouring the water into the larger dish. Bake for 20

to 25minutes, until a knife inserted in the middle comes out clean. Remove from oven and place custard dish in the refrigerator.

6 ½ cup servings.

Quick Egg Drop

Chicken flavored Unjury

1/2 cup water Chinese five spice

2 tablespoons egg substitute, or 1 egg

1/8 teaspoon Fish Sauce or Soy Sauce

1/8 teaspoon hot sauce (optional)

6 baby spinach leaves

Canola oil spray

Combine ½ cup water, spices, sauces and spinach.

Boil quickly. Remove from heat.

Combine Chicken Unjury and ½ cup

WARM water.

Spray skillet and quickly cook egg substitute, add salt and pepper if

desired, slice egg and add to soup. Combine egg drop soup with

Chicken Unjury dissolved in warm water.

Later on, Phase three, add a drop or two sesame oil, and one oz. chicken

or tofu.

Phase Three

Per 1/2 cup Serving: Calories: 52 Protein: 6g Carbohydrates: 7.8g Fat: 0g

Per Serving:

Calories: 134

Protein: 26.6

Carbohydrates: 5g Fat: 0g

Phase Three


Recipe for Success


Baked Eggs and Spinach and Cheese 22

Dried Cherry and Almond Scones 23

Stuffed French Toast—Monte Cristo 25

Oatmeal Pancakes 24

Crock Pot Oatmeal 21


Recipe for Success

Crockpot Oatmeal

A perfect late night snack or breakfast. I usually make this in the evening when I get home. Then have a serving late in the evening. Refrigerate the rest up to one week. Or freeze. 1 cup steel-cut oats ½ teaspoon salt 2 oz. dried cranberries 2 oz. raisins 2 oz. slivered almonds 4 cups water ½ cup fat free half & half (or unflavored soy or almond milk) 1 teaspoon cinnamon 2 packets Stevia 1 scoop plain or Vanilla Unjury protein powder (optional) I In a crockpot, combine all ingredients and set to high heat. Cover and let cook For 3 hours. Add cinnamon (if desired). Stir and remove to serving bowls. Leftovers are great up to a week later.

Whenever you want a serving, put ½ cup on a plate and microwave one minute.

Top with two tablespoons of soy yogurt or regular fat free Greek yogurt (Trader Joe’s). Sprinkle with Stevia or sugar free maple flavored syrup. This lasts in the refrigerator for up to one week.

Yield: 10 ( ½ cup) servings. Cooking Time: 3 hours

Phase Four

Per 1/2 cup Serving with fat free half & half: Calories: 142 Protein: 6.59g Carbohydrates: 19.37g Fat: 4g

Per 1/2 cup Serving with soy milk: Calories: 139 Protein : 6.35g Carbohydrates: 19.1g Fat: 4g


Recipe for Success

Baked Eggs with Spinach and Cottage Cheese Buttered flavored cooking spray

1 cup thawed drained frozen spinach

¼ cup nonfat half & half

1 cup egg beaters

4 thin slices of deli ham or Prosciutto di


Nonfat or low fat cottage cheese

Preheat oven to 450.

Spray oil in four shallow small single serving

Size baking dishes.

Place on a rimmed baking dish.

Spoon spinach into dishes; drizzle with half

& half. Pour ¼ cup egg substitute into each

dish. Place ham and cheese around the in-

side edge of the dish. Sprinkle lightly with salt

and pepper to taste. Bake until egg is set to

desired doneness, usually 6-8 minutes. Serve

dishes on small plates while still hot from the oven.

6 servings

From Good Carb Recipe book, Barnes and Noble

Per 1/2 cup Serving with


Calories: 68

Protein: 8g

Carbohydrates: 3g Fat: 2.7g

Per 1/2 Serving with

deli ham:

Calories: 57

Protein: 8.g

Carbohydrates: 4.g Fat: 3g

Phase Three


Recipe for Success

Dried Cherry and Almond Scones 1 egg

1 egg white

cup canola oil

2/3 cup Stevia Granular

1/2 cup low fat buttermilk

1/2 teaspoon almond extract

1/3 cup nonfat instant dry milk

1 teaspoon baking powder

1/2 teaspoon baking soda

2 cups oat bran flour or wheat flour

1 scoop Unjury protein powder 1 cup dried cherries, chopped

PREHEAT oven to 350 degrees. Spray cookie sheet or jellyroll pan with nonstick cook- Ing spray.

Blend egg & egg white in large mixing bowl. Add canola oil, STEVIA Granular, buttermilk, almond extract and nonfat dry milk, stir. Mix baking powder, soda, protein powder and

flour. Blend into buttermilk mixture. Add dried cherries and stir. Mound 12 spoonsful of

batter on prepared baking sheet.

BAKE 10 to 15 minutes, until golden brown

12 scones

NOTE: scones may be frozen and reheated. Cherries may be substituted with dry Cranberries, blueberries or apricots.

Phase Three

Per Scone: with wheat:

Calories: 133

Protein: 36.48g

Carbohydrates: 11.1g

Fat: 5g

Per Scone: with oat bran

Calories: 199

Protein: 3.6g

Carbohydrates: 28.9g

Fat: 7.7g


Recipe for Success

Oatmeal Pancakes

Flour free, fat free, sugar free. Just how good can a pancake be? Pretty good it turns out! Courtesy of a Seattle friend. 1 ½ cups rolled oats ¼ teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon baking powder 1 scoop of plain protein powder ¼ cup egg beaters 1 cup non fat milk 1 teaspoon Stevia1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon Put oatmeal in blender and process until it re- sembles flour. Combine with salt, cinnamon, baking powder, sugar substitute. In a separate bowl, combine together milk and egg. Add liquid to dry mixture, stirring gently.

Let dough rest for five minutes. Spray frying pan with oil. Drop ¼ cup batter

on medium hot grill, cook until bubbles rise to the surface and lightly browned on the bottom. Flip pancake, and let it lightly brown on the other side.

Serve with favorite topping, such as sugar-free maple syrup, or place 2 table-spoons of fat free cream cheese on pancake and roll Up. Top with berries or sugar free preserves. 8 pancakes.

Phase Three

Per Pancake: Calories: 91 Protein: 6.43g Carbohydrates: 13.38g Fat: 1.31g


Recipes for Success

Party Time!

Deviled Eggs 29

Dim Sum Potstickers 30

Party Dip 28

Melted Cheese Chips 29

Special Egg Nog 30

Pineapple Meat Balls 27

Pizza and Pizza Sauce 26

Sorrento Wraps 27

Toasted Pita Chips 28

Watermelon Cake 31


Recipe for Success

Pizza Tortilla flat bread, whole wheat (slightly thicker than a tortilla), can use any whole wheat bread item, such as 1/2 sour dough Eng- lish muffin 1 tablespoon pizza sauce in a jar 1 tablespoon zucchini, sliced thin 1 tablespoon low fat grated pizza cheese In a non-stick skillet, spray with cooking spray, fry the zucchini until lightly browned. Squeeze small amount of pizza sauce onto tor- tilla and spread. Place zucchini on top and sprinkle with a small amount of cheese. Bake at 350 degrees for about 20—25 min. or until cheese melts (toaster ovens work great for this). You can play with this by adding fresh basil leaves, sliced tomatoes, even mush rooms. You can add to the protein by adding a bit of cooked chicken as well. Change the cheeses too...use feta or even thinly sliced Light Laughing Cow cheese herb or onion flavored). One serving Pizza Sauce 1 8 oz. can tomato sauce ¼ teaspoon oregano ½ teaspoon rosemary ½ teaspoon thyme 1 scoop plain Unjury (the spices should be whole spices, ground in the palm of your hand). 1 minced onion 1 clove garlic Sauté in non-stick skilled sprayed with olive oil cooking spray until soft and clear. Mix The rest of the ingredients together and put on top of crust, add cheese and toppings. Bake in 400 degree oven for 20—25 minutes.

Per Serving with English muffin: Calories: 110 Protein: 4.75g Carbohydrates: 17.75g Fat: 2.25g

Phase Four


Recipe for Success

Pineapple Meat Balls 2 beef bouillon cubes 1 can pineapple chunks packed in own juice

½ cup chopped green bell pepper ¼ cup wine vinegar ½ cup Stevia

2 tablespoons light soy sauce ½ teaspoon salt

2 tablespoons corn starch Turkey meatballs p53, precooked (about 48) Simmer together all but the corn starch for about 15 minutes. Moisten cornstarch in a little water and stir until sauce is clear and thickened. Add cooked meatballs and simmer 10 to 15 minutes until the flavors are blended and the meat balls are heated through. Great as an appetizer...keep warm in a crockpot on low. Or can be served over noodles or rice. Can use cooked shrimp or chicken bites as well. Servings: 24 (two meatballs each)

Sorrento Wraps 1/8 (6x3inch) sheet of flat bread (Lavosh from Trader Joe’s Works wonderfully or try whole wheat tortilla)

½ teaspoon 3 layered Trader Joe’s Pesto (garlic, basil, sundried tomatoes,- and cream cheese) 3 oz. garlic chicken ( I use Trader Joe’s Just Chicken, Caesar flavored) 1 oz. strip of prosciutto (or deli ham) Finely chopped romaine lettuce 1 tablespoon of Trader Joe’s Greek yogurt, fat free Of course you can use whole wheat tortillas, make your own pesto, chop your own sundried tomato, roast the chicken breast, or use plain yogurt or ham rather than prosciutto. This is a great picnic carry along or lunch serving.

And no cooking if you don’t want to!

Per Serving: Calories: 97 Protein: 12.17g Carbohydrates: 2.106g Fat: 4g

Per Serving: Calories: 173.2 Protein: 19.2g Carbohydrates: 15.2g Fat: 4g

Phase Five

Phase Four


Recipe for Success

Toasted Pita Chips 1 tablespoon olive oil (6-inch) low-carb whole wheat pita bread 1/2 teaspoon garlic salt 1/2 teaspoon paprika 1/4 teaspoon black pepper Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Lightly brush oil over both sides of pita breads. Cut pitas into 8 wedges each. Place on a baking sheet. Combine seasonings and sprinkle over top of pitas. Bake for about 15 minutes or until the chips are beginning to turn golden brown. Makes 48 chips. 12 servings (4 chips each) Sheila’s Party Dip 1 pint carton nonfat cottage cheese or plain Greek yogurt 1 cup non-fat milk or buttermilk 1 package dry soup mix or ranch dressing mix Combine all three in a mixing bowl using an immersion blender, until smooth. Serve with the pita chips, cold boiled shrimp or fresh veggies. Add more milk and use as a salad dressing. Eight servings (2 tablespoons each)

Phase Four

Phase Three

Per Serving: Calories: 16 Protein: .66g Carbohydrates: 2.48g Fat: 1.4g

Per Serving w/cottage cheese Calories: 92 Protein: 4.73g Carbohydrates: 17.61g Fat: .98g

Per Serving w/Greek yogurt

Calories: 48

Protein: 6.8g

Carbohydrates: 3.7g

Fat: .03g


Recipe for Success

Deviled Eggs

6 large eggs

1 8 oz. package non fat cream cheese

1/2 teaspoon curry powder 1/4 teaspoon dry mustard

1 teaspoon finely chopped sugar-free sweet pickles


paprika (optional)

Options after month 6 post surgery 1/4 cup chopped almonds

2 teaspoons crystallized ginger, finely chopped (kitchen

shears work best)

6 servings

Melted Cheese Chips

(Frico or Chicharrones de Queso) Lacey and wonderfully versatile, this treat stores up to two

weeks in a sealed baggie at room temperature. Use salty

cheeses that melt nicely. (suggestions given)

1 cup grated Parmesan Reggiano, Monterey Jack of panala

or haloumi

Non-stick skillet

Put skillet on medium-low heat. When hot, drop cheese by tablespoon onto the skillet,

sprinkling the cheese out to make a wafer about 2-3 inches across. Let the cheese

melt, spreading it carefully with a fork. Carefully lift the cheese chip out and let set on

a paper towel to cool, removing most of the oil. While still hot, you can if you wish,

shape it around a rolling pin for varied shapes. You may add flavors before cooking,

such as chopped onion, bacon bits or chili powder to taste. Serve as is, or with salsa;

the party dip, on pg. 30, or use on a warmed tortilla.

Makes 16 chips

Phase Three

Per Serving with nuts

and ginger:

Calories: 162

Protein: 17.51g

Carbohydrates: 2.47g Fat: 9.96g

Per Serving without

nuts and ginger:

Calories: 132

Protein: 16.41g Carbohydrates: 1.47g

Fat: 7.46g

Phase Four

Per Monterey low fat chip:

Calories: 3/1

Protein: .4g

Carbohydrates: 0g Fat: 3g

Per Parmesan Chip:

Calories: 28.5

Protein: 2.6g

Carbohydrates: .2g Fat: 1.9g


Recipe for Success

Egg Nog We tested many egg nog recipes and this one was the winner by far! Full:

Egg Beaters to equal 6 eggs

¾ cup Stevia 1 qt. non-fat half and half 1 oz. rum extract 2 scoops unflavored protein powder Servings: 14 half-cup

½ recipe:

Egg Beaters to equal 3 eggs 6 tablespoons Stevia 2 cups non-fat half and half ½ oz. rum extract 1 scoop unflavored protein powder Beat well in blender and top with nutmeg. 14 half-cup servings Dim Sum Pot Stickers Turkey Meatball recipe, pg. 53; uncooked 1 can water chestnuts, drained and chopped one package eggroll skins 1 egg white Combine water chestnuts and turkey meat ball recipe. Cut eggroll skins into two inch squares. Place one tablespoon of turkey mix on each piece. Brush egg white on edge of egg roll, fold over in a triangle shape. Seal. Drop in boiling water for approximately 4 minutes to cook thoroughly. Spray with sesame oil. Drain in colander and serve with soy sauce. Want to have the kitchen smelling of Chinese cooking? Use a metal kitchen oil sprayer filled with sesame oil. Makes 48 pot stickers. To keep soft place in a heated buffet dish. Spray with a small amount of oil spray to keep from sticking together.

Per pot sticker: Calories: 53.2 Protein: 3/1g Carbohydrates: 7.84g Fat: 5g

Per ½ cup serving for Full recipe: Calories: 71 Protein: 7.71g Carbohydrates: 7/84g Fat: 0g

Phase Four

Phase Two


Recipe for Success

Watermelon Cake

You may use everything from a mini melon to a large melon, depending Upon the crowd. 1 small round watermelon; uses about 6 cups of it Sliced mixed fruits such as strawberries, blueberries, raspberries 1 package sugar free vanilla pudding 1 teaspoon almond flavoring 1 container sugar free Cool Whip 1 cup slivered toasted almonds or pecans Bamboo skewers (6 inches) Cut the watermelon through the middle into three large cake-like rounds. Carefully cut away rind and white. Store remainder of the melon for other uses. Mix the vanilla pudding according to package instructions, adding almond flavoring for additional taste. Place a round of watermelon on plate. Top with half of the flavored pudding, then half of the mixed fruit. Then next round of watermelon. Remainder of the pudding, remainder of the mixed fruit. Stick bamboo skewers through cake to hold layers in place and keep from sliding around. Snap or cut them off if too long. Cover entire “cake” with the sugar free Cool Whip. Sprinkle with toasted nuts. If wanted, decorate with greeting and or fruits. 12 servings

Per 1 inch slice: Calories: 106 Protein: 3.2g Carbohydrates: 13.16g Fat: 5.1g

Phase Five


Chicken Salad 38

Corn Salad 34

Cranberry Salad 40

Cranberry Cream Cheese Gelatin Salad 40

Grilled Chicken Salad with Creamy Tarragon Dressing 38

Deviled Ham Salad 36

High Protein Potato Salad 39

Lemon Cottage Salad 35

Lime or Raspberry Cream Cheese Salad 35

Loyce’s Chicken Salad 37

Sunny Carrot Salad 36


Recipe for Success

Three-Bean Salad

1 cup frozen lima beans 1 15-16 oz. can cut waxed beans, drained ½ of a 15 oz. can lower-sodium red kidney beans, rinsed and drained ½ cup chopped red or green bell pepper 1/3 cup chopped small red onion ¼ cup cider vinegar 2 tablespoons Stevia 2 tablespoons olive oil ½ teaspoon celery seed ½ teaspoon dry mustard 1 clove garlic, minced Cook frozen beans according to package directions; drain. Combine next 5 ingredients to cooked beans. Combine the rest of the ingredients in a screw-top jar. Cover and shake well. Pour over vegetables and stir lightly. Cover and chill for at least 4-24 hrs., stirring occasionally. Serve with a slotted spoon. 10 half cup servings

Phase Five

Per 1/2 cup Serving: Calories: 62 Protein: 2.26g Carbohydrates: 6.45g Fat: .805g


Recipe for Success

Corn Salad

Modified from a recipe in Sunset magazine, called Albu- querque Corn Salad, this delicious salad can be used in the corn cakes recipe and in any other recipe that calls for corn. When corn is out of season, C&W frozen Petite Early Harvest Corn is an excellent substitute. Remember to re- move seeds from the jalapeno to reduce the hear, or elimi- nate the hot pepper altogether. Ingredients: Olive oil spray 2/3 cup chopped jicama 1 teaspoon jalapeno pepper (optional!) 2 cups fresh corn kernels (about 4 ears) 1 3/4 cups thinly sliced green onions (about 8 onions) 1 sweet red onion finely diced 2/3 cup chopped red bell pepper 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon Stevia (optional) Preparation: Heat a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add oil spray and jicama plus jalapeno (optional!) to pan; sauté 2 minutes, stirring frequently. Add onions and cook gently until onions are clear in color. Add the red pepper and continue cooking until the pepper is softly cooked. Add corn and remaining ingredients; sauté 2 minutes, stirring frequently. If the corn is not very sweet, add a teaspoon or two of Stevia at the end. Makes 12 (1/2 cup) servings

Phase Five

Per 1/2 cup Serving: Calories: 47 Protein: 1.8g Carbohydrates: 10.6g Fat: .3g


Recipe for Success

Lemon Cottage Cheese Salad 1 small box (0.c) ounces) sugar free, lemon flavored gelatin

1 cup non fat plain yogurt

1 scoop vanilla protein powder (Unjury)

2 cups low fat cottage cheese

1 can (20 ounces) crushed pineapple (packed in juice), drained

1 cup sugar free whipped topping

Mix gelatin, protein powder with yogurt in medium bowl. Add cottage cheese and

pineapple. Mix well. Gently fold in whipped topping.

Ready to serve or can be refrigerated for later. Will be soft

and will not become stiff with chilling. Try different flavors for variety; just remember to use sugar free gelatin.

12 servings

During first three months following surgery, use pureed

peaches or pears rather than pineapple.

Lime or Raspberry Cream Cheese Salad 1 small box (o.3 ounces) sugar free lime or rasp-

berry flavored gelatin

1 cup hot water

1 scoop of vanilla protein powder (Unjury)

1 cup (8oz.) fat free cream cheese

1 small can (8 ounces) crushed pineapple

(packed in juice), DRAINED WELL

1 cup sugar free whipped topping

Mix gelatin and hot water. Cool. Combine protein

powder with cream cheese until smooth in

blender, add gelatin mix. Blend until smooth.

Add pineapple, mix well.

Gently fold in whipped topping.

Chill well before serving.

First three months after surgery, eliminate pineapple, use 8

oz. junior baby, or chopped fresh, pears, peaches, nectar- ines instead.

8 servings

Phase Four

Phase Four

Per 1/2 cup Serving:

Calories: 58

Protein: 7.58g Carbohydrates: 5.32g

Fat: 0.6g

Per 1/2 cup Serving:

Calories: 92

Protein: 10.61g

Carbohydrates: 11.99g Fat: 0g


Recipe for Success

Sunny Carrot Salad

3 cups shredded carrots 2 cups unsweetened crushed pineapple, drained

½ cup golden raisins 1/3 cup low fat mayonnaise ½ cup sliced almonds 1/3 cup unsalted sunflower kernels In a large serving bowl, combine the carrots, pineap-ple and raisins. Stir in mayonnaise. Cover and refrigerate until serving. Just before serving, add almonds and sun- flower kernels; toss to coat. 12 servings

Deviled Ham Salad

Lovely high protein way to use up that baked ham. And it is low in fat! 2 cups cooked ham, trimmed of all fat, chopped fine 2 hard boiled eggs, chopped fine 2 tablespoons pickled onion, chopped fine ¼ cup sugar free sweet pickle relish 1/3 cup fat free mayonnaise 1 teaspoon lemon juice ½ teaspoon Dijon mustard Combine ingredients in small bowl. Chill. Serve in hollowed-out tomato or on lettuce leaves with olive garnish. 6 servings

Phase Four

Phase Three

Per 1/2 cup Serving: Calories: 101 Protein: 2.35g Carbohydrates: 17.2g Fat: 5.49g

Per 1/2 cup Serving: Calories: 117 Protein: 5.6g Carbohydrates: 3.25g Fat: 2.3g


Recipe for Success

Loyce’s Chicken Salad An excellent use of leftover roast chicken. Many years ago my mom saw a newspaper recipe for a chicken salad prepared for Queen Elizabeth’s visit to Virginia. It has been a favorite of our family ever since; wonderfully crunchy and modified to be low fat. 4 cups cooked chicken, without bones or skin or fat, cut into bite-sized pieces 1 small can sliced water chestnuts 1 cup seedless green grapes, cut in half

½ cup chopped celery ½ cup toasted almond slivers 1 can (8oz.( unsweetened pineapple chunks, drained Dressing ingredients: 3/4 cup non fat Miracle Whip 1 teaspoon curry powder 2 teaspoons soy sauce 2 teaspoons lemon juice Directions: Combine salad ingredients. In another small bowl, combine dressing ingredients. Coat salad ingredients with dressing. Mix well; chill for several hours. 14 servings Toasting almonds: Place almond slivers in a skillet on high heat, stir constantly until most of the almonds are lightly browned. Watch skillet carefully since almonds will quickly scorch. Remove from heat immediately and cool.

Phase Five

Per 1/2 cup Serving: Calories: 116 Protein: 13.69g Carbohydrates: 6.42g Fat: 3.73g


Recipes for Success

Grilled Chicken Salad With Creamy Tarragon Dressing 1 lb. chicken tenders

1 teaspoon Cajon or Creole seasoning

1 pkg. (10 oz.) prepared mixed salad greens 2 unpeeled apples, thinly sliced

1 cup packed alfalfa sprouts

2 tablespoons raisins

Grill chicken that has been sprinkled with

Cajon seasoning about 5 to 7 minutes on each

side or until no longer pink in the middle. Mix rest

of ingredients together.

Creamy Tarragon Dressing:

½ cup fat free plain yogurt ¼ cup reduced fat sour cream

¼ cup unsweetened apple juice concentrate,


1 tablespoon spicy brown mustard

1 tablespoon minced fresh tarragon

Combine all and serve over salad.

10 servings

Chicken Salad 1 small can (6 oz.) chicken, drained and crumbled (you can

use a small can of baby shrimp, drained instead)

1 half onion, diced

3 celery stocks, chopped fine (opt.)

1 half head of lettuce, chopped fine

3 hard boiled eggs, diced 1 capful cider vinegar

Light mayonnaise

salt and pepper to taste

Mix all together with just

‘ enough mayonnaise to hold together.

You can omit the chicken and just

have egg salad.

4 servings

Phase Five

Phase Five

Per 1/2 cup Serving: with


Calories: 169

Protein: 19.88g

Carbohydrates: 11.39g Fat: 4.99g

Per 1/2 cup Serving:

Calories: 189

Protein: 11.16g

Carbohydrates: 19.17g

Fat: 7.25g

Per 1/2 cup Serving with


Calories: 119

Protein: 11.88g

Carbohydrates: 11.39g Fat: 2.99g


Recipe for Success

High Protein Potato Salad 2 cups baking potatoes, cooked soft, peeled, one inch chunks 6 hard boiled eggs, chopped coarsely 2 stalks celery, chopped

1 small chopped onion (¼ cup) ¼ cup vinegar Optional: one pound cooked white fish (sole, rockfish or halibut) Gently mix all together. Salad Dressing: Combine:

½ cup non fat yogurt

¼ cup plain protein powder ½ cup fat free Miracle Whip ¼ cup sugar free sweet pickle relish 1 tablespoon yellow mustard ½ teaspoon black pepper 2 teaspoons salt (to taste) Blend the protein powder into the yogurt and fat free mayonnaise. Stir in the pepper, pickle relish, mustard and salt. Gently stir salad dressing into potato salad. Refrigerate overnight to let flavors meld and develop. 12 servings

Phase Five

Per 1/2 cup Serving with fish: Calories: 97 Protein: 9.01g Carbohydrates: 10.08g

Per 1/2 cup Serving: Calories: 77 Protein: 5.34g Carbohydrates: 10.08g Fat: .036g


Recipe for Success

Cranberry Cream Cheese

Gelatin Salad

1 large package sugar free raspberry gelatin 2 cups water 1 cup sugar free cranberry sauce (see recipe p. 121) 1 8 oz. pkg. fat free cream cheese 1 cup chopped pecans 1 cup sugar free Cool Whip Combine gelatin according to package directions. Add cranberry sauce. Pour in oil sprayed mold. Chill until firm. Combine nuts, cream cheese, fold in Cool Whip. Gently spread over the top of the molded salad. Serve in mold, or heat slightly to free up the gelatin and upend to serve on dish. 12 servings Sugar Free Cranberry Salad (3 oz.) pkg. sugar free lemon gelatin

1 ½ cups hot water 1 cup light jellied cranberry sauce 1 scoop unflavored protein powder ½ cup crushed pineapple in its own juice, drained ½ cup pecans, chopped Dissolve gelatin in hot water. Add cranberry jelly and cool slightly. Beat with a rotary beater, adding the protein powder, blend until completely blended. Mix in crushed pineapple and nuts. Pour into a 1-quart mold. Chill. 6 servings

Phase Five

Phase Five

Per 1/2 cup Serving: Calories: 158 Protein: 4.6g Carbohydrates: 8.5g Fat: 8.37g

Per 1/2 cup Serving: Calories: 180 Protein: 6.16g Carbohydrates: 7g Fat: 8g


Recipe for Success


Five Can Burger Soup 42

Green Pea Protein Soup 44

New England Clam Chowder 43

Split Pea Soup 43

Vegetable Soup 44


Recipe for Success

Five Can Burger Soup

A great satisfying soup, use ground chicken until you are at Phase Five and can use extra lean ground round (5% fat) 1 can mixed vegetables (un-drained) 1 can gold and white corn (un-drained) 1 can black beans (rinsed and drained) 1 x-large can stewed tomatoes with Italian Seasonings 1 can 99% fat free chicken or beef broth 1 bay leaf 1 teaspoon salt

½ teaspoon fresh ground pepper 1 lb. ground chicken, or extra lean turkey ½ medium sweet white onion, chopped 1 package extra firm tofu, cut into one inch cubes Combine all vegetables, broth, bay leaf, salt & pepper. Set on low heat; bring to a boil. Saute chopped onion until clear in non stick skilled. Add ground meat and cook until no longer pink. Put on a paper towel and squeeze to remove any traces of fat. Discard paper towel. Add cooked defatted meat and tofu to the hot cooking vegetables. Continue cooking for ten minutes until all the flavors are blended. Added Extras: baby spinach; two handfuls added at the end, fresh basil; added at the end. Boost your protein: Take 1/2 cup of the soup, cool slightly and whip with one scoop of chicken Unjury powder. Put in soup bowl, then add additional 1/2 cup of the flavored stew. Do not reheat, or the protein will curdle! 12 servings

Phase Three

Per 1/2 cup Serving: Calories: 202.5 Protein: 15.8g Carbohydrates: 20.7g Fat. 7g


Recipes for Success

Split Pea Soup 2 cups dried split peas (1 lb.) cleaned...check for small stones and bad looking peas (remove)

2 qts. water (8 cups)

1 cup lean ham steak, cubed with fat trimmed away

1 cup lean, cooked boneless pork chops, cubed (fat trimmed


1 cup minced celery

1 med. onion, finely chopped (about ½ cup)

1/4 teaspoon pepper

1 scoop chicken or unflavored protein powder (mix with a little amount of

liquid so it won’t be lumpy)

Heat peas and water to boiling, boil gently 2 minutes. Remove

from heat; cove rand let stand 1 hour. Add remaining ingredients. Heat to boiling. Reduce heat and

simmer 2 1/2 to 3 hours or until the peas are very tender. If desired, thin with milk or water. Season

to taste.

10 1/2 cup servings

New England Clam Chowder The potato and evaporated milk make for a thicker broth. The liquid smoke is a surprisingly good substitute for the typical

bacon seasoning in this dish.

1 6 oz. can diced clams, un-drained

1 15 oz. can fat free evaporated milk

1 15 oz. can fat free chicken broth

1 bottle of clam juice (optional)

1 medium potato, cooked in microwave, chopped into small pieces

1/4 teaspoon pepper

1/4 teaspoon liquid smoke

1/4 teaspoon salt (optional)

Combine milk, broth, potato, pepper, clam juice, liquid

smoke and salt. Heat to just below boiling point. Add the

can of diced clams. Do not cook further or the clams will

turn very rubbery.

Adjust seasonings to taste, add more salt or pepper.

8 1/2 cup servings

Phase Four

Phase Three

Per 1/2 cup Serving:

Calories: 123.6

Protein: 17.6g

Carbohydrates: 1.4g

Fat: 4.9g

Per 1/2 cup Serving:

Calories: 97

Protein: 7.8g

Carbohydrates: 16.2g Fat: 2g


Recipe for Success

Vegetable Protein Soup

1/4cup diced onion

1 teaspoon minced fresh garlic

1 cup thinly sliced zucchini

1/2 cup thinly sliced carrots

1/2 cup chopped seeded tomato

1 teaspoon chopped fresh parsley

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon basil leaves

1/8 teaspoon pepper

2 cups water

1 scoop unflavored protein powder (if you want more flavor, try beef or chicken flavored

protein powder)

In a 1½ qt. saucepan, combine onion and garlic and cook, stirring occasionally until on-

ion is translucent. Add remaining ingredients except water and protein powder and stir to combine. Cover and cook over low heat, stirring occasionally for 10 mins. Add

water and protein powder and bring to a boil. Cover and cook over medium heat until

the vegetables are soft; about 20 mins. Using a slotted spoon, remove about cup of

the vegetables and set aside. In two batches, puree the re-

maining soup in the blender. Return pureed mixture to the

saucepan and add remaining reserved vegetables and heat.

6 (1/2 cup) servings

Green Pea Protein Soup 2 jars Gerber baby green peas or one cup cooked C&W Early Harvest Green

Peas 1 cup fat free half & half

1/16 teaspoon nutmeg

1/16 teaspoon salt

2 scoops Plain or Chicken Unjury

4 tablespoons fat free sour cream

Blend peas, liquid and flavorings until smooth. You may refrigerate to this point and

remove 1/2 cup for serving. Heat in a cup in the microwave for 1 minute.

Cool slightly until drinkable. Return to blender and add Unjury

protein powder.

Top with one tablespoon fat free sour cream.

Phase Two

Phase Four

Per 1/2 cup Serving:

Calories: 30.1

Protein: 4g

Carbohydrates: 3.7g Fat: 1g

Per 1/2 cup Serving:

Calories: 119.9

Protein: 14.4g

Carbohydrates: 13.4g Fat: .9g


Recipe for Success


Chicken and Broccoli Casserole 51

Chicken with Wine and Green Peas “Chicken Marsala” 60

Comanche County Chili 55

Cornbread Stuffing 50

Chicken Mousse 59

Crispy “Oven Fried” Chicken 54

Crockpot Mexicano 61

Chicken (Shrimp or Crab) Mold 61

Goulash 54

Red Cabbage and Sausage Crockpot 59

Chicken Enchilada Suiza 58

Roast Turkey with Stuffing 49-50

Roasted Chicken and Chicken Broth 56

Sausage Zucchini 52

Turkey Meatballs 53

Wild Rice and Turkey Casserole 48


Recipes for Success

Wild Rice and Turkey Casserole

1 cup cooked brown rice

1 cup cooked wild rice

2 cups diced cooked turkey white meat or ground turkey white meat

2 cups shredded low fat Monterey jack cheese

1 can fat free canned evaporated milk

½ cup finely chopped red bell pepper

½ cup finely chopped green bell pepper

½ cup egg substitute

½ teaspoon salt

¼ teaspoon pepper

1 tablespoon chopped parsley (optional)

Heat oven to 350. Spray 12x8 or 11x7 pan with cooking spray. Spread rices evenly

over the bottom of the pan.

Mix in a large bowl: turkey, cheese, milk, peppers, eggs, salt and pepper. Spoon over rice.

Bake 45 minutes until knife inserted in center comes out clean, and top is lightly

browned. If desired, sprinkle with parsley. Let stand 5 minutes to set before serving.

18 1/2 cup servings

Phase Four

Per 1/2 cup Serving with egg substitute: Calories: 129 Protein: 10.39g Carbohydrates: 7.76g Fat: 5.52g


Recipe for Success

Turkey with Stuffing

Low Carb Stuffing

One recipe of cornbread, made sugar free and fat free 6 slices toasted whole grain low carb bread, chopped (oven at 200 degrees for a cou- ple of hours) 1 cup of chopped carrots 1 cup dried cranberries 1 cup pecans or slivered almonds 1 cup chopped mushrooms 4 cups chopped celery 1 cup chopped, boiled turkey giblets, heart, liver, neck meat cup egg substitute 2 cups chicken broth or broth from the boiled giblets 2 teaspoons salt 2 teaspoons poultry seasoning Mix the broth with the salt and poultry seasoning. Combine all remaining ingredients. Pour the salted, herbed broth over it all. Salt the turkey cavity and stuff lightly with fill- ing. Put left over dressing in butter sprayed pan. Refrigerate! After turkey comes out of the oven, increase oven temperature to 400 degrees. Cook leftover stuffing for 30 mm- utes until crisp on top. 20 (1/2 cup) servings

Turkey Gravy Commercial turkey gravy is very low in fat. Use rather than turkey drippings. Or, pour off turkey drippings, refrigerate overnight. Spoon off fat and use juice to make a simple turkey gravy for leftovers.

Phase Four

Per 1/2 cup Serving: Calories: 174 Protein: 6.73g Carbohydrates: 27.63g Fat: 1.88g


Recipe for Success

Turkey with Stuffing (Con’t)

Little Grandma’s Southern Style Cornbread

When I was a kid in the South, my Mississippi born grandmother used to make this sweet cornbread. This has been updated to substitute the sugar, eggs and eliminate the fat. She always crumbled the cornbread and put it in a glass with buttermilk over it as her evening snack before bed. She lived to be 96 and never weighed more than 100 lbs. Sigh. 1 cup yellow cornmeal cup whole wheat flour cup all-purpose flour cup Stevia 1 tsp. baking powder tsp. baking soda tsp. salt cup egg substitute 1 cups low fat buttermilk

Heat oven to 350 degrees Combine dry ingredients in one bow. Combine egg and milk in a second bowl. Pour liquid into dry ingredients, stir lightly just until blended. Do not beat. Butter spray a round cake pan or pie tin. Pour in batter. Cook 25 minutes until golden brown on top. Cool and crumble up for turkey stuffing. 12 servings Baking Turkey Stuff bird. Dry off with paper towels. Spray with butter spray. Sprinkle thoroughly with salt. Place a large piece of cheesecloth across a roasting rack. You will use this to turn the turkey when it is nearly done. Place on the cheese cloth, covered turkey rack in large pan in the over, BREAST SIDE DOWN. Bring the cheese cloth up and over the turkey. Seal the turkey completely with foil. Bake at 325 degrees. About 3.5 hours for a 12-15 lb. bird, 4.0 hours for 15-18 lb. bird, 4.5 hours for bird more than 18 lbs. Cook until 1/2 hour before the turkey is done. Remove the foil and turn breast side up, using the cheesecloth to lift bird. Spray again with butter spray, sprinkle again with salt. Cook uncovered until beauty- fully golden brown on the top. Remove from oven and let stand at least 15 minutes. This will keep the juices from draining away. Then spoon out stuffing. Increase oven tem- perature to 400 degrees. Put left over stuffing in the oven. Always store dressing separate from turkey for safety.

Phase Five

Phase Three

Per Serving: Calories: 85.16 Protein: 3.52g Carbohydrates: 15.4g Fat: 1.65g


Recipe for Success

Sausage Zucchini

Sharra has a family of very particular teenagers, and this is a favorite of theirs. You might want to cook up some whole grain pasta al dente, to serve on the side, if you are past the four-month point and allowed pasta. 2 cups zucchini, sliced thin 2 cups yellow squash, sliced thin 2 tablespoons chopped onion 8 oz. sliced mushrooms 8 oz. turkey sausage 1/2 teaspoon salt Alfredo or cheese sauce mix (prepare with fat free milk) butter spray Slice squash, onions and mushrooms. Put in micro- wave safe dish. Spray with butter spray and sprinkle with salt. Put chunks of turkey sausage on top and microwave for 10-12 minutes on high. When done, mix Alfredo or cheese sauce mix with fat free milk, thicken and add to dish mixing thoroughly. 12 half cup servings

Phase Three

Per 1/2 cup Serving with cheese sauce: Calories: 56 Protein: 5.06g Carbohydrates: 6.93g Fat: 2.59g

Per 1/2 cup Serving with Alfredo Sauce: Calories: 86 Protein: 5.36g Carbohydrates: 6.52g Fat: 5.8gr


Recipe for Success

Chicken and Broccoli Casserole

butter flavored oil spray 1 8 oz. pkg. sliced baby bella mushrooms (portabella) 1 can low fat cream of mushroom soup 1/2 cup skim milk 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme leaves (1 teaspoon fresh thyme leaves) 1/4 teaspoon black pepper 3 cups chopped cooked white chicken meat 8 oz. can water chestnuts, drained 1 cup low fat grated cheddar cheese 1 lb. frozen cut broccoli, thawed 1 can French fried onion rings

Heat oven to 350. Spray 13x9 glass baking dish with cooking spray. In large skillet, spray 3 second burst of oil and cook mushrooms at low heat, to prevent burning butter, stirring frequently. When browned, (4-6 minutes) combine with the mixture below: In a large bowl, mix coup, milk, mustard, salt, thyme and pepper. Add cooked mush- rooms, chopped chicken, broccoli and water chestnuts. Pour in baking dish, sprinkle with cheese. Cover dish with foil, bake for 30 minutes. Sprinkle the onion rings over the top, and cook uncovered for an additional 15 minutes, until hot and bubbly. 20 half cup servings

Phase Five

Per 1/2 cup Serving: Calories: 77 Protein: 9.47g Carbohydrates: 4.6g Fat: 3/14g


Recipe for Success

Turkey Meatballs

One of my favorite recipes from the cookbook, I find myself making it again and again. I often use whatever bran I happen to have, such as oat bran in- stead of wheat bran. Colleen

1 medium onion, diced small 1 teaspoon olive oil 3 cloves garlic, minced 2 teaspoons dried thyme 1 teaspoon dried sage 1/2 teaspoon black pepper 2 lbs. lean ground turkey 1 C wheat bran 1/4 cup ketchup 1 tablespoon Worchestershire sauce 1 tablespoon Italian parsley, chopped fine 2 large egg whites, beaten Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Saute onions and garlic in olive oil until translucent, but not brown Add the herbs; sauté for 2 minutes. Place the turkey in a bowl and add the bran, ketchup, Worchestershire sauce, parsley, and egg whites; mix well. Stir in the cooled onion mixture. Using a one inch melon scoop, form desired size meatballs and put in shallow pan. Bake the meatballs for approximately 30 minutes. 20 meatballs 8 servings

Phase Three

Per meatball: Calories: 87 Protein: 7.29g Carbohydrates: 3.11g Fat: 4.18g


Recipe for Success

Laura’s Goulash

1/2 lb. very lean ground beef or ground turkey, already cooked…

grilled or broiled, broken up into small pieces

1 tablespoon dry spaghetti sauce mix

1 scoop unflavored protein powder

1 small can tomato sauce =+ 1 can water (just put water in can and pour into pan)

1 clove garlic, minced

1/2 teaspoon onion flakes or 1/4 chopped onion if you prefer

1 8 oz. can corn; retain liquid

salt and pepper to taste

1/2 cup uncooked whole wheat elbow macaroni

In a 1 qt. saucepan, combine everything but the noodles. Simmer on low for about 15-

20 minutes, until garlic and onion are tender. Add uncooked noodles (add more water

just to cover noodles if needed). Stir and cook until noodles are tender

8 half cup servings

Phase Four

Per Serving:

Calories: 120

Protein: 9.45g

Carbohydrates: 15.58g

Fat: 2.65g


Comanche Country Chili 2 lbs chopped cooked chicken 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt 1/2 teaspoon cracked black pepper 3 cups chopped onion 1 tablespoon cumin seeds 3 tablespoons finely chopped jalapeno pepper 6 cloves garlic, minced 2 can tomato sauce 1/4 cup red wine vinegar 2 tablespoons chili powder 2 tablespoons dried oregano 1 (14 1/2 oz.) can low-salt beef broth 1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro or parsley 1 can chopped canned tomatoes (Mexican style) 1 can each; drained and rinsed: red kidney, giant lima and black beans Toppings: cilantro 1/2 cup finely chopped grilled green onions 1/2 cut fat free sour cream 1/3 cup fat free grated cheddar cheese Heat a large Dutch oven coated with cooking spray over medium-high heat. Add 3 cups onion to pan; sauté 5 min. or until lightly browned. Add cumin, jalapeno and garlic; sauté 1 min. Add tomato sauce, scraping sides of pan to loosen browned bits. Add chicken and next 4 ingredients; bring to a boil while covered. Uncover and add rest of ingredients excluding toppings. Simmer 1 hour, stirring occasionally. Top as desired.

Recipe for Success

Phase Four

Per 1/2 cup Serving: Calories: 256 Protein: 21.3g Carbohydrates: 23.7g Fat: 8.3g


Recipe for Success

Roasted Chicken and Chicken Broth

One whole 3-4 lb. chicken, defrosted, innards discarded salt, coarse butter flavored oil spray one chopped carrot’ one small chopped onion cake rack or other oven pan rack Hat oven to 425. If chicken is frozen, defrost in the refrigerator 24 hours. Stuff the chicken with carrot and onion, adding 1/2 teaspoon salt. Dry off chicken with a paper towel. Place chicken on roasting rack in a large oven safe deep dish or skillet. Spray exterior of chicken with butter spray on back surfaces. Sprinkle with 1/2 teaspoon salt. Turn chicken over and spray top surfaces liberally with butter spray; add sprinkle liberally with salt. Place in hot oven, cook 15 minutes. Then lower temperature to 350, continue cooking. Every ten minutes, turn the chicken 1/4 turn, spray with butter spray. After 40 minutes of this treatment, spray one last time with butter spray with breast facing upward. Continue to roast chicken for about 30 minutes until a fork in the thigh muscle runs yel- low with juice. Cool on the rack, discard the vegetables and skin., Strip chicken from bones. Use chicken in recipes or weight out individual servings, then freeze. Makes four to six cups of cooked chicken. Please note the analysis is based upon a mix of light and dark meat. BROTH: In crockpot, combine stripped bones with 4 cups water, 1/2 teaspoon poultry seasoning powder, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon pepper, 1/2 onion, two stalks celery and one large chopped onion. Cook on low for 8 hours. Strain through colander. Dis- card bones and veggies. Chill for four hours and skim off any remaining fat. Store in freezer in one cup servings.

Phase Three

Per 1/2 cup roasted chicken: Calories 133 Protein: 14.0g Carbohydrates: 7g


Recipe for Success

Chicken-Vegetable Cobbler

2 lbs. chicken legs, with skin and excess fat removed

3 1/2 cups water

1 teaspoon salt

freshly ground black pepper

1 bay leaf

2 teaspoons light butter

2 cups quartered mushrooms

1 med. onion, chopped, about 1/2 cup

1 lg. clove garlic, minced

2 teaspoons dried basil or Italian herb mix

1/3 cup all-purpose flour 3 carrots, peeled and sliced

2 stalks celery, chopped

1/3 cup fat free half & half

1 cup frozen peas

1/4 cup fresh parsley

1. In a large saucepan, combine chicken, water, salt, pepper and bay leaf.

Bring to a boil, reduce heat to med. low, cover and simmer 1 hr. Let stand until

chicken is cool enough to handle. Pull chicken meat from bones, but into bite size

pieces. Strain stock and skim off any fat; there should be 2 1/2 cups of stock. Add water

if necessary. Discard bay leaf. Set aside. 2. In a large saucepan, melt butter over med. heat; cook mushrooms, onion,

garlic and Italian seasonings, stirring often, for 5 min. or until softened.

3. Blend flour with a small amount of stock until smooth (can add a scoop of

unflavored or chicken flavored protein powder at this time as well); add remaining

stock. Stir into mushroom mixture; bring to a boil, stirring, until thickened and smooth.

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

4. Add carrots and celery to saucepan; cover and simmer over low heat, stir-

ring occasionally, for 15 min. or until vegetables are just tender.

5. Add chicken, cream, peas and parsley; season with additional pepper to

taste. Heat through. Spoon hot chicken mixture in a 12 cup deep casserole dish.

6. Meanwhile, prepare Cheddar Biscuit Crust. (page 58) Spoon dough over top of

hot chicken mixture. (If making chicken mixture ahead, cover and refrigerate; micro- wave at med.-high (70%), or reheat in saucepan on stove top until piping hot before

topping with crust.

7. Bake in preheated oven for 25-30 min, or until crust is golden and filling bubbly.

Biscuits on following page

Phase Four

Per 1/2 cup Serving

with one biscuit:

Calories: 225.7

Protein: 18.6g

Carbohydrates: 15.0g Fat: 10.2g

Per 1/2 cup Serving

Calories: 170.6

Protein: 15.8g

Carbohydrates: 7.3g Fat: 8.5g


Recipe for Success

Cheddar Biscuit Crust (con’t. from previous page

3/4 cup all-purpose flour 1/3 cup shredded 2% cheddar cheese 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/4 teaspoon baking soda 2 tablespoons light butter, melted 1/2 cup plain low fat yogurt 1. In a small bowl, combine flour, cheese, baking powder and baking soda. 2. Stir butter into yogurt; stir into flour mixture until just combined. Makes 10 (1/2 cup) servings

Chicken Enchilada Suiza This is a wonderful recipe for buffet, or cut into 12 pieces and freeze! 1 pound cooked chicken breast (breast meat from roasted is perfect) 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 small can green chilies, chopped 1 cup Trader Joe’s Lite Mexican grated cheese blend 1 cup fat free sour cream 1 can low fat cream of chicken soup 1 small onion, chopped 1 package small corn tortillas (fat free) 1 can fat free chicken broth Heat over to 350. Put chicken broth in small skilled and dip the corn tortillas to moisten. Take a 12 inch oven safe skillet or 9x12 oven safe pan; spray with oil. Combine chicken, broth, chilies, sour cream, soup & onion in a bowl. Take each tortilla, fill with mixture, place in the pan. It’s okay if they split, they will be covered with remainder of the chicken mixture. Once all tortillas are filled and in the pan, pour the remainder of the chicken chili mixture over it. Sprinkle the top with the Lite cheese, put in oven for 30-35 minutes until lightly browned and bubbly. Makes about 12 servings.

Phase Four

Phase Four

Per biscuit:

Calories: 55.1

Protein: 2.8g

Carbohydrates: 7.7g Fat: 1.8g

Per 1/2 cup Serving:

Calories: 151

Protein: 16.9g

Carbohydrates: 15.9g

Fat: 3.64g


Recipe for Success

Sweet and Sour Red Cabbage

Crockpot with Sausage

1 unpeeled Gala or Fuji apple, cored, sliced thin 1 package shredded red cabbage 1/2 cup apple juice or cider or win or beer 1/4 cup brown sugar substitute 1/4 cup red wine vinegar 1 cup finely chopped onion (use food processor) 8 oz. can crushed pineapple in juice 1 lb. turkey kielbasa or Jenno’s Hot Italian Turkey Sausage or Morning Star Veggie sausage

Place ingredients in crockpot in this order: cabbage, apples, onion, r, sausage, pineapple. Com- bine vinegar, apple juice and pineapple. Pour over other ingredients. Set crockpot to low. Cook six to seven hours. 8 servings Chicken Mousse 2 6 oz. cans of chicken, drained 2 tablespoons low fat mayonnaise 2 tablespoons fat free sour cream 2 tablespoons fat free cream cheese, softened 1 scoop chicken flavored protein powder 1/2 finely chopped sweet onion 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1/4 teaspoon black pepper 1/2 teaspoon celery seed 2 tablespoons fresh parsley, finely chopped In a food processor, combine all ingredients, except parsley, and pulse until smooth. Add the parsley and pulse just un- til combined. Place in a bowl and refrigerate for at least 1 hour before serving. 6 servings

Phase Five

Phase Three

Per 1/2 cup Serving Calories: 105 Protein: 9.66g Carbohydrates: 12.03g Fat: 3.01g

Per 1/2 cup Serving:

Calories: 51

Protein: 9.16g

Carbohydrates: 2.4g Fat: .84g


Chicken with Wine and Green Peas

“Chicken Marsala

To make this truly chicken Marsala, you need to use Marsala wine. I usually use what-

ever sweet white wine is handy, such as an inexpensive Rhine wine. butter flavored cooking spray 1 8 ounce package pre-sliced mushrooms 2 tablespoons finely chopped shallots (or onion) 1 tablespoon minced fresh garlic 4 (6-ounce) skinless, boneless chicken breast halves 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon black pepper 3 tablespoons oat flour 3/4 cup fat free chicken broth 1/2 cup dry Marsala wine or other white wine 1/2 cup frozen green peas 2 tablespoons fat free half & half 1 tablespoon butter or margarine Saute the mushrooms and shallots in nonstick pan over low heat, until the shallots are clear in color. Add the chopped garlic. Cook very gently for an additional two minutes on very low hear. Garlic is bitter if allowed to cook until black. Remove the mixture from the pan and set this to one side. Use the pan to cook the chicken. Place chicken breasts in plastic bag one at a time, and pound until only 1/2 inch thick. I find a rolling pin works well for the pounding. Put the flour in a flat pan, and dip the chicken breasts into it. ?Spray the pan with butter flavored oil. Cook the chicken in the pan. Spray with the butter flavored oil. When lightly brown, turn over and spray the other side with the oil, then sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste. Remove the chicken from the pan. Return the mushroom mixture to the pan, add the chicken broth and wine. Scrape the crusty brown leavings of the chicken up from the bottom of the pan, mixing in thr- oughly with the liquids. Bring to a boil, lower heat until bubbles only occasionally breaking surface. This is called simmering. Simmer until the mixture is reduced in volume to about one cup by the evaporation of the liquid. Stir in frozen green peas. Immediately turn off the heat. Add the fat tree half & half. Mix well. Then add one tablespoon butter. Return chicken to the pan and heat through, at very low simmer. Serve over protein rich whole wheat noodles 12 servings

Recipe for Success

Phase Four

Per 1/2 cup Serving:

Calories: 53

Protein: 5.17g

Carbohydrates: 4.92g

Fat: 2.1g


Recipe for Success

Easy Crockpot Chicken Mexicano

4 Chicken Breasts 1 package taco or fajita seasoning mix 1 can cream of mushroom soup 1 cup salsa (I like the La Victoria green taco sauce) Lay the chicken on the bottom of the crockpot. Mix the remaining ingredients and pour over chicken. Cook 4-6 hours on low. Shred chicken and return to crockpot. Serve with grated cheese and sour cream if you like. Also good in a warm low car flour tortilla. 8 half cup servings Chicken (Shrimp or Crab) Mold 1 can Healthy Request cream of chicken soup (you can use any healthy request cream soup you wish), undiluted 1 scoop unflavored or chicken flavored protein powder 1 cup fat free Miracle Whip 1 8 oz. pfg. fat free cream cheese, room temperature 2 1/2 cup sweet onion, chopped 3 1/2 cup celery, chopped 4 1 lg. can cooked chicken (you can use shrimp or crab for this), drained 5 1 envelope unflavored gelatin, mixed with a small amount of water

In a 1 qt. saucepan over low heat, add all ingredients except gelatin. Heat through and make sure all is mixed together. Add gelatin and pour into prepared mold (sprayed with cooking spray.). Refrigerate at least 24 hrs. Remove from mold and serve with whole wheat or Kashi crackers 12 half cup servings.

Phase Three

Phase Four

Per 1/2 cup Serving:

Calories: 115

Protein: 14.13g

Carbohydrates: 4.81g Fat: 2.71g

Per 1/2 cup Serving:

Calories: 689

Protein: 5.7g

Carbohydrates: 9.94g

Fat: .58g


Recipe for Success


Applesauce Meatloaf 62

Burger Stew 63

No Pasta Lasagna 61

Osso Bucco 66

Oven Stroganoff 65

Pepper Steak 65

Perfect Steak 64

Spaghetti Sauce 63


Recipe for Success

No Pasta Lasagna

Long slices of eggplant or zucchini take the place of pasta in this original recipe. 3 lbs. quality lean ground turkey 2 cups sliced mushrooms (8 oz. pkg.) 4 cups Newman’s tomato and basil spaghetti sauce 3 lbs. zucchini or peeled eggplant, sliced thin long ways with potato peeler 3 cups low fat ricotta 1/2 cup chopped basil 4 cups low fat mozzarella, shredded 1 cup low fat parmesan cheese 2 shallots, chopped 2 garlic cloves, chopped dry oregano; about 1 teaspoon 1 teaspoon thyme salt and pepper to taste Heat oven to 350 degrees. Saute shallots until golden. Add garlic and mushrooms and cook about 3 minutes on medium heat. Add sauce. Add oregano, thyme, salt and pepper. Cook the ground beef until no longer pink, but not browned. Break up as you cook until the beef is crumbles; no longer in large chunks. Drain well on several sheets of paper towels. Blot thoroughly. Spray olive oil in a 13x9 pan. Arrange a layer of zucchini or eggplant, as though they were lasagna noodles. Then add a layer of the sauce, then a layer of mozzarella. Repeat pattern. Make as many layers as necessary until you run out of sauce. Cover top with parmesan cheese. Cover tightly with foil and bake for 40 minutes. Uncover and continue cooking an additional 10-15 minutes until lightly browned. Let set about ten minutes, then serve. 24 half cup servings.

Phase Five

Per 1/2 cup Serving:

Calories: 205

Protein: 22.74g

Carbohydrates: 8.86g

Fat: 10.10g


Recipe for Success

Applesauce Meatloaf

Combine: 1/2 cup soft bread crumbs (note: this is a moist, juicy meatloaf, so use 1 1/2—2 slices fresh high protein bread; torn or cut into cubes) 1/2 unsweetened cup applesauce Mix well, and add: 1 cup of very lean ground beef, or chicken, or turkey 1 slightly beaten egg 2 tablespoons finely chopped onion 1 teaspoon celery flakes 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard 1/2 teaspoon salt dash of pepper Blend thoroughly. Shape into a round loaf in a 9” cake pan or a 9x9” square pan. With a spoon, make a crater-like depression in the top of the round loaf (this has to be a fairly large depression—I like to make a wide flat one with an even “edge” or lip of meat to keep the next ingredients contained). Combine: 1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce 1 tablespoon brown sugar 1 tablespoon vinegar 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard Pour this mixture into the depression and smooth evenly. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour 5 servings

Phase Five

Per Serving:

Calories: 307

Protein: 18.64g

Carbohydrates: 10.07g Fat: 20.3g


Recipe for Success

Burger Stew

1 lb. lean ground beef or turkey

2 cups frozen mixed vegetables

1 clove garlic, minced

1 14 1/2 oz. can diced tomatoes

1 14 1/2 oz. can low-sodium beef broth

1 scoop chicken or unflavored protein powder

2 1/2 cups uncooked whole wheat egg noodles

salt and pepper to taste.

Grill or broil meat until done. Pour meat on paper

towels and squeeze to remove all fat.

Crumble the meat and place in large skillet or

Dutch oven.

Add the vegetables, garlic, protein powder and

broth and bring to a boil over high heat.

Add noodles and reduce heat to medium. Cover and cook 12

to 15 minutes or until noodles have absorbed liquid and the vegetables are tender. Add salt and pepper to taste. Note you

can add any seasonings you wish to spice this up, just add

when first starting to boil. (Cajon spices, Italian, Hot and spicy Mrs.


20 half cup servings

Spaghetti Sauce 1 22 oz. jar Ragu, Robusto Roasted Garlic

1 lb. ground beef (5%) or bison or turkey (lean ground)

3/4 cup chopped onion

2 teaspoons sea salt

olive oil spray

1 scoop plain Unjury protein powder

1/2 scoop ground flax seed.

Saute onion in non stick skilled sprayed three seconds with oil. When it is clear in

color, add in meat and 1 teaspoon sea salt. Cook until browned. Add sauce, protein

powder, ground flax. Turn heat to low and simmer one hour.

Excellent served on non fat cottage cheese! 8 half cup servings

Phase Five

Phase Five

Per 1/2 cup Serving

using turkey:

Calories: 249.5

Protein: 19.1g Carbohydrates: 20.5g

Fat: 9.9g

Per 1/2 cup Serving

using beef:

Calories: 302

Protein: 18.7g Carbohydrates: 20.5

Fat: 15.6g

Per 1/2 cup Serving

using bison:

Calories: 295.1

Protein: 20.7 Carbohydrates: 20.5

Fat: 14.0g


Recipe for Success

Beef Stroganoff

1 lb. round steak, trimmed of all fat

1 medium onion, chopped coarsely, about 1/2 cup

8 oz. sliced mushrooms

1 can 99% fat free cream of mushroom soup

1 teaspoon canola oil

2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce

1 teaspoon garlic salt

1 tablespoon low carb ketchup (page 126)

1 cup fat free sour cream

Brown rice or flax seed Durham Noodles, cooked al dente. Al dente means that you undercook the pasta just

slightly so that it has a chewiness to it.

Cut meat into bite-size pieces.

Brown onion in oil. Add meat to onion and brown it.

After meat is browned, add mushroom soup, mushrooms, ketchup,

garlic salt and Worcestershire sauce.

Let simmer for 1 1/2 hours on low heat. Then add sour cream 10 minutes before serving. Serve over brown rice, cooked

cauliflower, asparagus, cottage cheese or noodles.

12 half cup servings

Perfect Steak 1 lb. London Broil

liquid smoke



Bring meat to room temperature. Heat nonstick skillet to medium high heat.

Put spices and liquid smoke on the steak. Put steak in pan, cook for 6 minutes on first

side. Flip the steak over, cook additional 5 minutes on the second side. Let the steak

rest for 10 minutes out of the pan. Then slice thinly to serve.

Set aside any fat as you cut the meat to reduce calories.

If some of your guests like steak well done; pop the slices in

the microwave for only about 5 seconds on high power setting.

3 oz. servings

Some people do not tolerate beef well after surgery. Use only if you can tolerate beef.

Phase Five

Phase Five

Per 1/2 cup Serving:

Calories: 122 Protein: 9.47g

Carbohydrates: 4.19g

Fat: 1.49g

Per Serving:

Calories: 179

Protein: 32g

Carbohydrates: 0g

Fat: 3.2g


Recipe for Success

Pepper Steak

12 oz. London broil steak 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 medium green pepper, cut into strips 1 clove minced garlic 1 beef bouillon cube, made with 3/4 cup boiling water 1 teaspoon soy sauce 2 teaspoons corn starch, dissolved in 1 tablespoon water Broil steak on a rack until rare; cut into strips and trim off fat. Heat oil in skillet, add pepper and garlic and sauté until peppers are tender. Add steak, broth and soy sauce, and cook for 3 min. Gradually stir in dissolved cornstarch and cook until sauce thick- ens. Season with black pepper. Add a scoop of protein powder to boost up the protein count before you add the cornstarch. 4 1/2 cup servings

Oven Stroganoff

1 lb. very lean London broil beef (all fat cut off), cubed into small pieces; raw 1 scoop unflavored or chicken flavored protein powder 1 can Healthy Request cream of chicken soup (you can use cream of mushroom or cream of celery if you wish), undiluted 3 beef bouillon cubes 1/2 onion, diced 1/2 green bell pepper, chopped (opt.) Mix together in a baking dish. Bake at 350 degrees, covered for 1 hr. Stir occasionally. Uncover and cook 1/2 hr. more. Serve over whole wheat noodles or brown rice. Can add a scoop of fat free sour cream on top (opt).

Phase Five

Phase Five

Per 1/2 cup Serving:

Calories: 203

Protein: 23.29

Carbohydrates: 4.74g Fat: 12.18g

Per 1/2 cup Serving:

Calories: 132

Protein: 18.33g

Carbohydrates: 3.43g Fat: 8.25g


Recipe for Success

Classic Osso Bucco

Since veal is often in the clearance bin at Safeway, be on the lookout for veal shanks, 50% off. Then keep them in the freezer to make this Sopranos classic dish. You may also use beef shanks. Quite frankly, I used the sauce on everything I could find, from cottage cheese to veg- gies! Don’t try to eliminate the bone though. I think much of the flavor comes from that marrow in the bone. There was virtually no fat to be skimmed

off this recipe; probably because I used veal; very lean, rather than beef. 2 veal shank slices; about 3/4 inch thick 1/2 cup chopped onion 1/2 cup chopped celery 1 can Italian diced tomatoes 1 teaspoon garlic, minced 1 teaspoon bacon bits olive oil spray 1/2 cup white wine 1/2 cup beef broth 1 teaspoon dried or fresh basil 1 teaspoon Spice Islands Herbes de Provence (a combination of fennel seeds, lavender, thyme and assorted other herbs) Saute the veal shanks in oil sprayed non stick skillet, until brown on both sides. Set aside in an oven proof covered dish. In the same skillet, sauté the onions and celery. Add to the veal shanks. Pour the wine and the beef broth into the skillet; scrape up all the good stuff off the bottom. Pour over the veal and vegetables. Add the herbs, garlic, bacon bits and tomatoes; with juice of tomatoes. Put in oven and cook for 90 minutes at 325 degrees. 6 1/2 cup servings

Phase Five

Per 1/2 cup Serving: Calories: 180 Protein: 26.13g Carbohydrates: 6.36g Fat: 5.02g


Recipe for Success

Fish and Seafood

Baked Cod with Tomatoes and Olives 74

Cioppino 73

Crab Cakes 75

Crab Meat Enchiladas 68

Fijian Curried Taro Fish Feast 69

Japanese Ahi Tuna Supreme 70

Shrimp Diablo 72

Quick Fish Curry 71

Salmon Croquettes 71

Shrimp Bisque 72

Spicy Shrimp 70


Recipe for Success

Crab Meat Enchiladas

6 corn tortillas 8 oz. fresh or canned crab meat 1/2 cup red onion 8 oz. package fat free cream cheese medium or small, pitted, water packed black olives, if de- sired 12 oz. package Trader Joe’s low fat Mexican blend cheese 1 cup fat free sour cream 1 can low fat cream of chicken soup 1 cup chicken bouillon 4 oz. can chopped green chilies cooking spray (canola oil is best for this one) medium sized (8-10 cup size) oven safe pan, oil sprayed Heat oven to 375. Cook red onion in a nonstick skillet at medium heat. Stir frequently until clear in color, and browning on the edges of the onions. No oil is necessary. Combine cream cheese, 2 cups of grated cheese, 1/2 cup sour cream. Spray pan with oil, put heat on medium high, place corn tortilla in pan and spray oil on surface of the tortilla. Cook until tortilla begins to bubble up, flip it over. Place the cooked tortilla in the oven safe pan; place 1/8 cup of crab meat, 1/4 cup of cream cheese mixture, 1 tablespoon of onion and several black olives on the tortilla; roll up tightly and place with the seam down. Repeat for remaining tortillas. When finished stuffing tortillas, combine remaining cream cheese, sour cream, on- ions and canned soup. Add chicken bouillon. Sprinkle remaining black olives over the tortillas. Pour over the cream cheese mixture. Sprinkle the top with remaining grated cheese. Bake 30-40 minutes until bubbly and lightly browned. Serve alone or with additional fat free sour cream and salsa of your choice. 12 half cup servings

Phase Four

Per 1/2 cup Serving: Calories: 128 Protein: 15.18g Carbohydrates: 11.93g Fat: 1.89g


Recipe for Success

Fijian Curried Coconut Fish My gratitude to the Fijian caregivers who taught me this wonderful dish and the care they gave to my papa and me in his final days. Freeze leftover coconut milk for later use. 1 bunch basil; with kitchen shears cut, removing stems 1 cup thinly sliced onion 2 teaspoons curry powder 12/4 cup lite coconut milk 2 tablespoons Stevia 1 tablespoon lime or lemon juice 1 tablespoon bottled minced ginger 1 large sliced eggplant; oven baked until tender 2 teaspoons bottled minced garlic 1/2 teaspoon chili paste to taste, optional; eliminate if you like curry very mild! 1 8 ounce bottle clam juice 2 1 (1 pound) tilapia or other white fish fillet, skinned and cut into 3/4 inch cubes 3 2 cups baby spinach

Preparation: Saute onion in a fat free skillet until onion is clear in color. Add curry powder, coconut milk, Stevia, lime juice, ginger and garlic. Place baked eggplant slices in deep cooking pan. Top with fish. Pour curried coconut milk mixture over it. Cook on medium heat for 20 minutes until bubbly. Add baby spinach and basil. Put on lid and cook additional five minutes and serve. Adjust spices according to family taste; add a bit more hot pepper if desired. If you want a genuine Fijian feast, buy some taro plants, steam and salt the stems. Wrap leaves around ground barbeque pork or chicken; bake those. Cook the roots of the taro until they can be mashed into paste. This paste is called poi in Hawaii. An acquired taste. But the stems look and taste like green beans when properly cooked. 6 1/2 cup servings.

You may use salmon in this recipe.

Phase Four

Per 1/2 cup Serving with salmon: Calories: 236.5 Protein: 119.28 Carbohydrates: 13.3g Fat: 11.1g

Per 1/2 cup Serving with tilapia or other white fish: Calories: 181.8 Protein: 18.8g Carbohydrates: 13.3g Fat: 6.1g


Recipe for Success

Spicy Shrimp

This is easier if you buy the shrimp already peeled and de- veined! cooking spray 1 1/2 cups chopped white onion 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1 teaspoon chili powder 1 1/2 pounds medium shrimp, peeled and deveined 2 garlic cloves, minced 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon hot pepper sauce 1/4 cup fresh lime juice 1/4 cup finely chopped green onions lime wedges (optional) Heat a large nonstick skillet coated with cooking spray over medium-high heat. Add onion; sauté 3 minutes, until clear in color. Add cumin, chili powder, shrimp and gar- lic; sauté 4 minutes until shrimp is solidly white and pink. Remove from heat and add salt and hot sauce. Stir until well covered. Stir in lime juice and green onions. Garnish with the lime wedges, if desired. Serve with steamed, shredded cauliflower. 6 servings (about 6 shrimp each) Ahi Tuna Steaks 12 oz. fresh or fresh frozen, thawed Ahi Tuna 2 drops sesame oil Canola oil spray 1/2 teaspoon fish sauce 1/2 teaspoon sea salt 1/2 teaspoon Tamari soy sauce 1/2 cup chicken broth lemon slices (phase four option) Spray nonstick skillet with oil. Put on medium high heat. Add salted tuna steaks. Cook on medium high for 4 minutes; turn over and cook another 3 minutes. Add soy and fish sauce at the end. Remove tuna from pan. Slice thinly. Add chicken broth to the pan and boil until reduced to a heavy syrup (about 3 minutes on high). Pour over the tuna. Serve with lemon slices if beyond Phase Three. Serving suggestion; serve over bean sprouts that have been sauted in the sauces.

Phase Four

Phase Five

Per Serving:

Calories: 92.8

Protein: 18.9g Carbohydrates: 3.1g

Fat: 1.4g

Per Serving

Calories: 82.1

Protein: 17.2g

Carbohydrates: 1.1g Fat: 1.0g


Recipe for Success

Salmon (or Jack Mackerel) Croquettes

1 small can pink or red salmon (or jack mackerel) 1/4 cup egg substitute

1/2 teaspoon pepper

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon lemon juice

4 crushed saltine crackers

Oil spray

Combine all ingredients, except crackers. Form into 1/4

cup patties on plate. Flatten to about 1/2 inch. Sprinkle

top of each patty with cracker crumbs; flip over patties and coat other side with the

cracker crumbs. Put on medium hot skillet, spray lightly with oil spray. Cook slowly

and flip over when lightly browned on first side; continue to cook about another 3 minutes. Serve with fat free Thousand Island dressing, pg. 124, or reduced sugar tomato catsup on pg. 126, salsa or tartar

sauce, pg. 129

4 servings

Easy Fish Curry one pound of raw (red snapper) fish fillets (boneless)

one can light coconut milk

one tablespoon Spice Island curry powder

one teaspoon lemon juice

one teaspoon canned ginger, chopped

one small can pineapple chunks; in their own juice, drained

optional: fresh basil leaves

Cut fish into one inch pieces. Combine fish, coconut milk,

lemon juice, curry powder, ginger and pineapple chunks in an oven safe pan. Cook at 400 degrees for 40 minutes, uncovered.

Add salt and pepper to taste. Garnish with lemon slices and basil leaves.

Serve with dry toasted salted chopped nuts, pickled ginger, raisins as


Remember to measure and count extras!

6 1/2 cup servings

Phase Four

Phase Four

Per 1/2 cup Servings:

Calories: 84.75

Protein: 10.5g

Carbohydrates: 3g

Fat: 3.125g

Per 1/2 cup Serving:

Calories: 150

Protein: 19.3g

Carbohydrates: 5.7g

Fat: 4.7g


Recipe for Success

Shrimp Diablo

4 ounces uncooked angel hair pasta 2 teaspoons vegetable oil

1 pound peeled and deveined large shrimp

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon black pepper

1 tablespoon bottled minced garlic

1 1/2 tablespoons chili paste with garlic

1 teaspoon ground cumin

1 14.5 ounce can diced tomatoes, un-drained

1/2 cup chopped fresh parsley

1 1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper

Cook pasta according to package directions, omitting fat.

While pasta cooks, heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Sprinkle

shrimp with salt and black pepper. Add the shrimp to pan and cook 1 minute on each

side, or until done. Remove shrimp from pan.

Add garlic to pan; sauté 1 minute. Add chili paste, scraping

pan to loosen browned bits. Add cumin and tomatoes; simmer

10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove pan from heat. Stir

in shrimp, parsley and red pepper. Toss with pasta.

6 1/2 cup servings

Shrimp Bisque 1 lb. cooked baby shrimp; do not use canned 1/2 lb. cooked baby carrots

2 cups fat free half & half

1 bottle clam juice

1/4 teaspoon onion powder

1/4 teaspoon garlic powder

1/4 teaspoon white pepper

1/4 teaspoon liquid hickory smoke

1/4 teaspoon Tabasco sauce; optional

Reserve eight baby shrimp and four cooked baby carrots. Mix

in a blender; puree until smooth. Heat for ten minutes on low temperature. Serve with slivers of baby carrots and chopped

shrimp. Later on, in Phase Four, you can also use chopped

parsley for decoration. Freezes very well.

Phase Four

Per 1/2 cup Serving:

Calories: 124.9

Protein: 17.2g

Carbohydrates: 7.7g

Fat: 2.6g

Phase Four

Per 1/2 cup Serving:

Calories: 104.6

Protein: 13.9 Carbohydrates: 8.5g

Fat: 1.65g


Recipe for Success

Cioppino (prouounced chop-een-No) You will find many recipes for this Italian fish stew. This one is adjusted for our needs. You can vary the fish, shellfish and shrimp, depending upon what looks best in the mar- ket at the time. Most of the work goes into insuring that the clams or mussels are healthy and sand free when they are added at the boiling stage. 1 medium yellow onion, chopped fine 4 garlic cloves, chopped fine 1 red bell pepper, seeded, chopped fine 1 can 99% fat free beef broth 1/2 cup dry red wine 1/2 lb. 21-30 ct. shrimp; peeled 1/2 lb. white fish (orange roughy, halibut, cod, etc.) 20 mussels or clams, solidly closed 1 can chopped tomatoes in juice with Italian seasonings 1 teaspoon Italian seasoning 1 teaspoon dried basil 1 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon black pepper olive oil spray Put mussels or clams in salty cold water (about like seawater). Leave sitting in a cool place for a day. This will cause the shellfish to make a water exchange and rid them of internal sand. If any of the shells float to the surface of the water, or refuse to close when touched, discard them; they are dead. After a day of soaking, take the clams and scrub the shells thoroughly with a Brillo pad or steel brush to rid them of their surface sand. You are now ready to cook! In a nonstick skillet, set heat on medium-high. Spray with olive oil spray. Add bell pepper and onion. Cook, stirring occasionally to get the vegetables clear and slightly charred on the edges. Add the chopped garlic, the beef broth, tomatoes with juice. Bring to boil and add seasonings, basil, salt & pepper. Continue to cook on medium-low for additional 10 minutes. Taste and adjust seasoning (add more salt/pepper) Now add the clams. Boil for 5 minutes and discard any clams that do not open after five minutes. Add the fish and the shrimp. Cook additional five minutes. taste and adjust salt and pepper. Serve hot. Excellent reheated the next day.

Phase Four

Per 1/2 cup Serving:

Calories: 172.4

Protein: 23.9g

Carbohydrates: 9.5g

Fat: 2.9g


Recipe for Success

Baked Cod with Tomatoes and Olives

1 lb. cod fillets (about 4 fillets), cut into 2-inch pieces salt and pepper to taste 14 1.2 oz. can low-sodium diced Italian-style tomatoes; drained (if you can’t find low-sodium Italian tomatoes, use low-sodium regular diced tomatoes) 1 teaspoon Italian seasoning 2 tablespoons chopped pitted ripe olives 1 teaspoon minced garlic Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Coat a 9x13 baking dish with olive-oil flavored nonstick cooking spray. Arrange cod fillets in pan and season with salt and pepper. In a bowl, combine tomatoes, seasoning, olives and garlic. Spoon over the fish. Bake for 20 minutes or until fish flakes when tested with a fork. ***Tip: Before cooking, rinse fish under cold running water and pat it dry with paper towels. Fish cooks quickly. Be careful not to overcook it, as this makes the fish tough and destroys flavor. Fish is done when the flesh turns opaque and begins to flake when tested with a fork.*** “Would be good using chicken or shrimp….change cooking time accordingly. Shrimp...cooks until it turns pink, and chicken cooks until there is no pink. 6 1/2 cup servings

Phase Four

Per 1/2 cup Serving: Calories: 72.75 Protein: 11.25g Carbohydrates: 3.9g Fat: .8g


Recipe for Success

Crab Cakes

One cup fresh cooked crab or 1 8 oz. can crabmeat 1/2 cup egg substitute 2 tablespoons parsley, chopped 2 tablespoons fat free plain yogurt 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 tablespoon fat free Miracle Whip 1 tablespoon Worchestershire sauce 1/2 teaspoon paprika 1/4 teaspoon dry mustard 4 Rye crisp crackers, ground fine olive oil spray Set oven to 350 degrees.

Spray cookie sheet or oven safe dish with olive oil spray. Combine all ingredients.

Form into 1/2 cup servings. Place on oven pan. Place 1 table- spoon of fat free mayonnaise on top of each serving. Bake for 20 minutes. The mayonnaise will form a nice custardy topping. Serve with Special Tartar Sauce; pg. 129. Makes 4 crab cakes

Southern Style Catfish An old Southern trick; marinate the catfish in buttermilk overnight to remove most traces of fishiness. Buy the catfish fillets; they are already boned. My Mississippi born grandmother was a whiz at this dish, but she pan fried it. I find a little oil spray works just fine! 2 6 oz. catfish fillets, cut in half 3 1/2 cup low fat buttermilk 4 2 tablespoons egg substitute 5 2 tablespoons corn meal 6 1/2 teaspoon salt 7 1/2 teaspoon pepper 8 Canola oil spray

Marinate the catfish at least four hours in the buttermilk.

Drain and discard buttermilk, though the dogs will love it over their food! Put the egg in one flat dish. The cornmeal goes on another flat dish. Salt and pepper the fillets; then dip first in the egg, then in the cornmeal. Cook on each side for about three minutes in a medium high heat skillet until lightly browned. Serve with slices of lemon or low carb ketchup.

Phase Four

Phase Four

Per Serving:

Calories: 206.9

Protein: 20.1g

Carbohydrates: 23.1g

Fat: 3.7g

Per crab cake:

Calories: 76..5

Protein: 4.5g

Carbohydrates: 13.25g

Fat: 1.75g


Recipe for Success


Chocolate Chili Rubbed Pork Tenderloin w/Port Wine 81

Glazed Onions and Pork 79

Jamaican Hot Jerk Pork Crock Pot 77

Pork Tenderloin Medallions w/Spanish Smoked Paprika 78

Pork Tenderloin with Red Cabbage 80


Recipe for Success

Jamaican Hot Jerk Pork Crockpot

A wonderful slow cooker crockpot meal. For small house- holds, use the little crockpot and two pork chops. While it looks demanding, it is basically brown everything in a skillet, put it all in a crockpot and forget it for eight hours. Serve with American Basmati rice and wild rice combination. And the mango salsa. That will help cool off the mouth! 2 center cut thick pork chops, stripped of all fat and bones 1 bunch green onions, sliced 1/2 habaneros pepper (scotch bonnet pepper) without seeds, chopped fine 1 tablespoon chopped garlic 1 tablespoon chopped ginger 1 teaspoon allspice 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg 1 sprig thyme leaves, without stems 1 tablespoon dark molasses 1 c liquid: beer, veggie broth or hard cider 1 teaspoon cornstarch 1 tablespoon wine vinegar 1 tablespoon lime juice 2 tablespoons low carb catsup 1 teaspoon salt When slicing peppers, hold the pepper with a paper towel. Never handle hot peppers directly since they can burn delicate spots on your hands or face. Slice pork into six pieces. Spray skillet with oil spray. Brown pork over high heat. Set into crock pot. In the skillet, cook quickly the green onions and pepper until browning; add garlic, ginger, spices, salt, cornstarch, molasses, beer, lime juice, wine vinegar and catsup. Stir over high heat until thickened, about 1-3 minutes. Pour over pork. Put crockpot on low and cook for 8 hours. A hint: Cut up all ingredients the night before, fry and put it all together in the morning. For more heat, leave in seeds and add entire chopped pepper. The committee found ourselves reaching for our towels with just 1/2 the pepper and no seeds. Serve with brown rice and mango salsa. 8 1/2 cup servings

Phase Five

Per 1/2 cup Serving:

Calories: 51.625

Protein: 5.875g

Carbohydrates: 4.41g

Fat: 1.125g

Per 1/2 cup Serving:

cooked with beer:

Calories: 63.58

Protein: 5.875g

Carbohydrates: 4.98g

Fat: 1.125g


Recipe for Success

Pork Tenderloin Medallions with

Spanish Smoked Paprika

Spanish Smoked Paprika comes in either sweet (mild) or hot. Use whichever your family prefers. 1-1 1/2 lb. pork tenderloin roast 1 tablespoon olive oil 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce 1 teaspoon Spanish smoked paprika 1/8 teaspoon black pepper

Trim off the excess fat from the tenderloin and cut into 1 inch thick medallions. In a small pie pan, combine the rest of the ingredients. Place pork in pie plate with the marinade and turn a few times to coat evenly (can be covered and placed in refrigerator a few hours to really soak up the flavors). When ready to cook, spray non-stick skillet with butter flavored cooking spray. Heat to medium-high heat and place medallions in pan, cook 4 to 6 minutes or until browned on each side. Take out of pan and let rest 5 minutes before serving. This lets the juices settle instead of running out when you slice the meat. 6 3 oz. servings

Phase Five

Per Serving:

Calories: 150

Protein: 11.3g

Carbohydrates: 1g Fat: 4.9g


Recipes for Success

Glazed Onions and Pork

1 12 oz. pork tenderloin Cooking spray 1 tablespoon olive oil 2 medium onions, sliced and separated into rings 1 tablespoon Splenda brown sugar 1/2 cup water 3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar or white wine (use red wine garlic vinegar for less sweet taste) 2 tablespoons cornstarch 2 teaspoons salt 1/4 teaspoon black pepper 1 scoop unflavored protein powder Hot cooked orzo (opt.) 2 tablespoons snipped fresh parsley Trim the fat from the pork, and cut into crosswise slices, about 1/2 inch thick. Lightly coat large nonstick skillet with cooking spray. Preheat skillet over medium-high heat. Add half the pork and cook about 4 mins. on each side or until the pork is thoroughly cooked. Remove the pork and add next batch; repeat. Add olive oil carefully into pan; add onions and cook covered over medium- high heat for 15-20 mins. until onions are tender. Uncover; stir in the brown sugar and cook for 4-5 mins. more until the onions are golden in color. While onions are cooking, combine the rest of the ingredients in a small bowl (except orzo and parsley). Carefully stir into onions. Cook and stir until thick- ened and bubbly. Cook and stir 2 mins. minutes more. Return pork to pan and heat through. If desired, serve over orzo and sprinkle with parsley. 4 3 oz. servings


1. Do not use aspartame (Equal or NutraSweet) artificial sweetener when cooking or baking. It breaks down. 2. Use flavored cooking sprays instead of regular spray for the taste factor.

Per Serving: Calories: 240.25 Protein: 14.9g Carbohydrates: 21.5g Fat: 6.4g

Phase Five


Recipe for Success

Pork Tenderloin with

Red Cabbage

1/4 cup low-sodium chicken broth 3 cups shredded red cabbage 1/4 cup chopped onion 1 clove garlic, minced 1 1/2 lbs. pork tenderloin 3/4 cup unsweetened apple juice concentrate 3 tablespoons honey mustard 1 1/2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Heat the broth in a shallow nonstick roasting pan over medium heat. Add the garlic, onion and cabbage and cook 2 to 3 minutes or until the cabbage wilts. Add the pork. Place pan in the oven and roast for 10 minutes. Combine apple juice, mustard and Worcestershire sauce. Pour half the mixture over pork and roast 10 more minutes. Remove pork from oven. Baste pork with half of the remaining mixture and stir in last remaining mixture into the cabbage. Return to oven and roast until meat thermometer registers 160 degrees or about 15 to 20 minutes. Remove the pork from the oven and let stand 5 minutes. Slice and serve with cabbage and pan juices. 6 1/2 cup servings

PS: if you like sweeter red cabbage, add 2 tablespoons of Ste-via to the apple juice mixture before pouring over the cabbage.

Phase Five

Per 1/2 cup Serving:

Calories: 237.1

Protein: 17.74g

Carbohydrates: 11g Fat: 4g


Recipe for Success

Pork Tenderloin

with Chocolate Chili Rub

This wonderful recipe

came from the Chico Chocolatier and local chef Janet Hoffman. I have modified it to meet our bariatric needs.

One pork tenderloin; approx. 20-24 oz. 2 tablespoons Chocolate (cocoa) Chili Rub (Chocolate Mystique on East Ave.) One large carrot; cut into about 3 pieces 3 1/2 cups fat free chicken broth 1/2 cup port wine or other dessert wine Rub Chocolate Chili powder into the surface of the pork tenderloin. Refrigerate for 24 hours. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Use an oven proof skillet large enough to hold the pork tenderloin. Save the runoff spices from the pork to use in the sauce at the end. Sear pork tenderloin in skillet sprayed with olive oil spray. After browning the pork, put it in the oven on top of the chopped carrot and roast for 20 minutes. Remove the roast and carrots to a serving platter and let it rest while you prepare the sauce. Do not clean skillet! Add the chicken stock and wine, scraping the bottom to get up the good stuff. Use some of the spiced marinade that ran off the pork while it mari- nated. Cook until reduced to about one quarter the volume. Slice thinly; serve with the reduced sauce and the vegetables. 7 3 oz. servings

Per 1/2 cup Serving: Calories: 207.3 Protein: 27.5g Carbohydrates: 4.9g Fat: 45.9g

Phase Five


Recipes for Success




Carrot Custard 92

Carrot Souffle 92

Cheese Enchiladas Suprema 83

Chile Rellenos Casserole 87

Cakes 85

Herbed Zucchini and Mushroom Frittata 84

Macacorny and Cheese 96

Party Carrots 91

Penne Pasta with Feta, Fennel and Sundried Tomatoes 95

Stuffed Zucchini with Nuts and Feta 94

Sugar Free Sweet ‘ Sour Tofu 88

Sweet Potato au Gratin 89

Sweet Potato Orange Cups 90


Recipe for Success

Cheese Enchiladas Suprema

The secret to good enchiladas is to use corn tortillas, lightly cooked and dipped in enchilada sauce. If you desire more heat, bump it up with hot sauce. 6 corn tortillas (freeze the rest for later use) 1 medium can red mild Enchilada sauce Canola spray oil 1 large chopped onion, cooked clear 1/2 package petite sweet corn 1 can black beans 12 oz. package Trader Joe’s low fat Mexican cheese blend 1 medium can pitted medium plain black olives 8 oz. fat free sour cream 8-9 cup oven safe pan sprayed with Canola oil Heat oven to 350. Place enchilada sauce in a pie plate. Place pie plate on counter next to burners where you will be cooking the tortillas; place the baking dish next to the pie plate. You will be cooking the tortilla, dipping it in the sauce, and then putting it in the baking dish to stuff and roll. So, place the onion, corn, black beans, cheese, olives and sour cream next to the baking pan. Cook the onions until clear and beginning to brown on the edge. Watch and stir care- fully to prevent burning. No oil is needed if pan is nonstick. Cook the tortilla in nonstick pan on medium heat until bubbles form. Spray lightly and flip over. Transfer to sauce, then to baking dish. j Place 1-2 tablespoons each of onion, corn, black beans, olives, cheese and sour cream on tortilla. Roll tightly and place edge down in pan. Repeat until pan is full. Drop leftover onion, corn, beans, olives and sour cream on top and around enchiladas. Cover with remaining sauce and sprinkle cheese over it. *8 servings. Freezes well. I like mine with a dollop of fat free sour. Per Serving: Calories: 148.9 Protein: 5.9g Carbohydrates: 23g Fat: 4.3g

Phase Four


Recipes for Success

Herbed Zucchini and Mushroom Frittata 1 medium zucchini; halved lengthwise then sliced 1 cup sliced mushrooms 1 cup egg substitute 1/4 cup fat free milk 1 scoop unflavored protein powder freshly ground black pepper 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano 2-3 small sprigs fresh rosemary 1/4 cup reduced fat cheese Prepare an 8 to 9 inch nonstick skillet with an oven-proof handle*, with cooking spray. Preheat broiler. Over medium heat, saute mushrooms and zucchini until softened; about 3-4 minutes. Wisk together the rest of ingredients, except cheese. Pour mixture over vegetables in the skillet. Sprinkle with cheese. Cook gently for 5 min., until the egg sets around the edges. Carefully place skillet under broiler and cook frittata 3-4 mins. or until egs are set and golden in color. PLEASE USE POTHOLDER!!!! handle will be very hot! Serve frittata immediately. *If your skillet doesn’t have an oven-proof handle, wrap the handle in foil. 6 1/2 cup servings

Per 1/2 cup Serving:

Calories: 51.4

Protein: 3.4g

Carbohydrates: 3.6g

Fat: .9g

Phase Three


Recipe for Success

Corn Cakes I like to use some of the leftover corn salad (see page 36) 1 cup canned corn, drained, petite frozen or fresh from cob (2 large ears) 1 small onion, chopped butter flavored oil spray 2 cups Heart Smart Bisquick or other reduced fat pancake mix 2 scoops vanilla or plain protein powder (e.g. Unjury) 1 cup fat free milk 1/2 cup egg substitute 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon ‘fat free cream cheese sugar free syrup or jam In a nonstick pan, saute chopped onion until clear, add corn and cook on low for two minutes, stirring frequently. In a blender, combine protein powder, miks, cinnamon and egg substitute until smooth (30 seconds). Add to the pancake mix, stir until only a few small clumps remain in the batter. Drop 1/4 cup of batter into a medium-hot nonstick pan. Let bubbles rise to the surface of each pancake, then turn the pancake over. If the pancake is too brown, lower heat. Serve with fat free cream cheese and sugar free maple syrup, or Stevia freezer jam. Makes 10 pancakes that freeze well and reheat in microwave in 15 seconds. Per 1/2 cup Serving: no Per 1/2 cup Serving with cream cheese: cream cheese: Calories: 130.7 Calories: 133 Protein: 8.5g Protein: 9.0g Carbohydrates: 21.3g Carbohydrates: 21.4g Fat: 1.7g Fat: 1.7g

Phase Five


Recipe for Success

Vegan Chili Be sure to seed the pepper if you like your chili mild. Leave in some of the seeds depending upon how hot you like it! If you like it very mild, eliminate the jalapeno and go with a small can of diced green chilies. 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 seeded jalapeno pepper, chopped fine 1/2 cup chopped onion 1 1/3 cup diced bell pepper 6 teaspoons chili powder 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder 3/4 teaspoon ground red pepper 1/3 cup Stevia 3 tablespoons cider or rice wine vinegar 1 28 oz. can crushed tomatoes 2 2 15 oz. cans black beans, un-drained 3 2 15 oz. cans dark kidney beans 4 1 15 oz. can cannelli or lima or other sugar free beans of choice 5 1 can corn 6 salt to taste, 1-2 teaspoons

Cook onions and peppers in oil until onions are translucent (5-8 mins.). Add remaining ingredients and season to taste with salt. Bring to a boil; low to simmer, over low heat for 20 mins. Make ahead and let flavors develop. For spicier chili, increase red pepper 21 to 1 teaspoon and chili powder to 7 tablespoons. For sweeter chili, increase Stevia 22 to 2/3 cup.

12 1 cup servings

Per 1 cup Serving:

Calories: 187

Protein: 10.7g

Carbohydrates: 34g

Fat: 1.8g

Phase Four


Recipe for Success Chile Rellenos Casserole 1 7 oz. can whole green chilies, drained; seeds removed 2 1/4 cup low fat grated Four Cheese Mexican Blend (Kraft or Sargentos) 3 1/2 cup non fat cottage cheese 4 1/2 cup egg substitute or 2 eggs 5 1/2 cup non fat milk 6 1 scoop plain protein powder or Adkins Bake Mix 7 1/4 teaspoon salt 8 1/2 teaspoon Tabasco, optional (more if preferred, or none) 9 1/2 cup non fat grated cheese (Kraft)

8 inch oven safe ungreased pan or skillet Set oven to 350. Baking time: 40 minutes for 8 inch; 55-60 minutes for larger recipe.

Blenderize the Mexican Blend Cheese with the cottage cheese until smooth. Stuff green chilies with this mix. Arrange in 8 inch oven safe pan or skillet. Stir together thoroughly eggs (egg substitute), milk, protein powder or bake mix, salt, and Tabasco. Pour this mixture over the stuffed chilies. Sprinkle the non fat grated cheddar cheese over the top. Cook for 40 minutes, until lightly golden brown on top and a knife comes out clean when plunged into the middle. Chill leftovers. Microwave for 30 seconds to rewarm. 6 servings Triple the recipe using the 20 oz. can of whole green chilies, for potlucks or a crowd. Using a 9z12 pan; increasing the cooking time to 55-60 minutes 18 servings

Per 1/2 cup Serving:

Calories: 18.6

Protein: 2.7g

Carbohydrates: 1.4g

Fat: .03g

Phase Five


Recipe for Success

Sugar Free Sweet ‘n Sour Tofu 1 teaspoon sesame oil 1/2 cup Trader Joe’s tomato basil soup 3 finely chopped basil leaves 1/4 cup red wine or rice vinegar 1 tablespoon Stevia 2 tablespoons soy sauce 2 teaspoons minced ginger 2 tablespoons reduced carb ketchup 2 onions, peeled and thinly sliced 3 bell peppers, chopped coarsely 1/4 cup unsweetened ripe (canned) pineapple, chunky style 1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper Choice of meat or tofu, cut into 1 inch chunks. Two chicken breasts, two pork chops, 1 pound fish or shellfish (shells removed) and one package firm tofu. wide flat skillet smaller skillet or saucepan In the smaller skillet or saucepan, combine soup, ketchup, basil leaves, pepper, vinegar, Stevia, soy sauce and ginger. Simmer slowly while stir-frying vegetables. Put sesame oil in hot skillet. Heat oil and then add sliced onion. Hint: To prevent splatters, pat dry cut onions and peppers on toweling before adding. Cook swiftly until onion is clear and getting soft. Add the chopped bell peppers. keep stirring rapidly. Add your choice of meat (if using tofu, add at the end of the next step) Continue to stir until all pink is gone from the meat; shrimp are pinking up, or until tofu is nicely coated and warmed. Pour the soup mixture over the vegetable/meat/tofu mixture. Let simmer gentle for about 5 minutes until the sauce is nicely steeped into the meat/ fish/tofu. Add the pineapple and serve. Ding Hao! (in Chinese: ’good indeed” or “well done”. from your resident army brat…) 6 1/2 cup servings

Per 1/2 cup Servings Per 1/2 cup Servings with pork or chicken) with tofu: Calories: 108.2 (108.2) Calories: 117 Protein: 9.3g (10.7g) Protein: 7.7g Carbohydrates: 14.4g Carbohydrates: 15.9g Fat: 2.53g *1.37g) Fat: 3.7g

Phase Four


Recipe for Success

Sweet Potatoes au Gratin

1 tablespoon light butter 1 medium onion, finely chopped 1 small clove fresh garlic, minced 2 1/2 cups low-sodium vegetable broth 1/2 cup green onions, finely chopped 1 cup non fat milk 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon black pepper 1 scoop protein powder 3 medium sweet potatoes, peeled and thinly sliced 1/2 cup shredded reduced fat Cheddar cheese 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Prepare a 9x13 baking dish with cooking spray. In a 2 qt. saucepan, melt light butter over medium heat. Add onions (not green ones) and garlic and saute until the onion begins to soften; about 5 mins. Add the next 6 ingredients; bring to a simmer. Cook until the liquid is reduced to about 2 3/4 cups. Add the sweet potatoes and return to a simmer; cook an additional 5 mins. Pour mixture into prepared baking pan and bake for 35 mins. until the potatoes are tender; (baste with the cooking juices while baking). Top the dish evenly with the cheeses and continue to bake for 20 mins.; until the cheese is golden brown and bubbly. 12 1/2 cup servings

Per 1/2 cup Serving:

Calories: 78.1

Protein: 3.6g

Carbohydrates: 10.9g

Fat: .2.1g

Phase Five


Recipe for Success

Sweet Potato Orange Cups

4 small oranges 2 small cooked and mashed sweet potatoes 1/4 cup Stevia 1/4 cup Splenda Brown Sugar 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger 1 teaspoon orange juice 1/2 cup raisins 1 scoop unflavored protein powder Halve the oranges and squeeze over a small bowl. Set aside for later use. (Use a juicer that will not destroy the peel or shell of the orange because you will be using these). Carefully scoop out the pith from inside the orange halves and place the halves on a baking sheet. Preheat over to 350 degrees. Mix the rest of the ingredients together until well blended. Spoon into orange halves and bake for 30 to 40 minutes or until the center is warm. 8 servings

Per Serving:

Calories: 116

Protein: 2g

Carbohydrates: 28.25g

Fat: 0g

Phase Five


Recipe for Success

Party Carrots

2 lbs. carrots, sliced

2 teaspoons chicken bouillon granules

8 oz. processed cheese (Velvetta), low fat, cubed

2 tablespoons butter

1 8 oz. package cream cheese; fat-free, cubed 4 green onions, sliced

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon pepper

1 scoop unflavored protein powder (can use chicken flavor)

Heat oven to 350 degrees.

Place 1 inch of water in a large saucepan; add carrots and bouillon. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat.

Cover and simmer for 7-9 mins. or until crisp-tender. Meanwhile, in another large saucepan, com-

bine the processed cheese and butter. Cook and stir over low heat until melted. Add the cream

cheese, protein powder, onions, salt and pepper. Cook and stir until cream cheese is melted.

Drain carrots; stir into cheese sauce.

Transfer to a shallow 2-qt. baking dish sprayed with cooking

spray. Cover and bake at 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes or

until bubbly.

8 1.2 cup servings

Carrot Souffle

2 lbs. carrots, chopped

2/3 cup Brown Sugar Twin

1 scoop plain Unjury

1 teaspoon vanilla

1/4 cup fat free sour cream

1/4 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon baking powder

3/4 cup egg substitute

2 tablespoons butter

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Boil carrots until tender and put in blender until smooth.

Add rest of ingredients and mix well.’’Spray

a 2 qt. baking dish and spoon in mixture.

Bake for 30 minutes. Let cool.

Phase Four

Phase Three

Per 1/2 cup Serving:

Calories; 236

Protein: 22g

Carbohydrates: 26g

Fat: 7.7g

Per 1/2 cup Serving:

Calories: 117

Protein: 6.7g

Carbohydrates: 15.6g

Fat: 2.9g


Recipe for Success

Carrot Protein Custard

Pumpkinless Pie Filling

Why carrots instead of pumpkin? Pumpkin cannot be eaten within the first two months of surgery. Plus carrots have fewer carbs than pumpkin. This is a hit with all groups tested. And using pasteurized egg substitute, you can taste and adjust seasonings as you go! Do not overcook this dish; be sure to remove from the oven as soon as it is slightest bit done. A great filling for low carb chocolate cups or filo pastry shells when you need appetizers you can enjoy too! 2 pack of no sugar added Gerber baby carrots or one cup of pureed cooked baby carrots 1/4 cup egg substitute 1/8 cup fat free half & half 2 scoops protein powder (I like one of vanilla and one of plain Unjury) 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg or pumpkin pie spice 1/4 teaspoon ground cardamom (optional) 1 tablespoon brown sugar substitute 1/4 teaspoon salt Heat oven to 375. Combine all ingredients in blender until thoroughly mixed. Boil teakettle full of water while you continue Spray small oven safe cups with butter spray. Place cups in a deep oven safe dish. Fill cups with the custard mix. Carefully pour boiling water around the cups in the pan. Fill pan until water comes half way up the cups. This is called a water bath, and keeps your custard cooking evenly; soft and gently cooked, without curdling. Cook in oven for 25-30 minutes until the custard is slightly puffed and clear when cut with a clean sharp knife. Alternate cooking: Use one 6 cup oven safe dish in water bath (a pyrex casserole dish works nicely in this size) increase cooking time to 45 minutes. Once again, test for doneness. Remove and cool at least ten minutes before serving. Add some sugar free whipped topping and sprinkle with additional nutmeg for a dress up effect. 6 1/2 cup servings

Per Serving:

Calories: 42.2

Protein: 4.9g

Carbohydrates: 5g

Fat: 0g

Phase Three


Recipe for Success

Vegetable Quiche Cups to Go

1 10 oz. package frozen chopped spinach 2 1 cup liquid egg substitute 3 3/4 cup shredded reduced or fat free cheddar cheese 4 1/2 scoop unflavored protein powder

Options Phase Five post surgery:

1/4 cup diced green, red or gold bell peppers (chopped in food processor) 1/4 cup diced onion (chopped in food processor) 3 or more drops hot pepper sauce Hat oven to 350 degrees Defrost and drain excess liquid from spinach Line a 12 cup muffin pan with foil baking cups. Spray the cups with cooking spray. Combine the egg substitute, protein powder, cheese and spinach. If at month 4 after surgery, add peppers and onions. Mix well. Divide evenly among the muffin cups. Bake at 350 for 20 minutes until a knife inserted in the center comes out clean. 12 muffin sized servings.

Per Serving:

Calories: 32.7

Protein: 2.5g

Carbohydrates: 1g

Fat: 1.5g

Phase Three


Recipe for Success

Stuffed Zucchini with Nuts and Feta

Panko breadcrumbs tend to add more crispiness to foods than regular style bread- crumbs. You can get these at Trader Joe’s quite cheaply. 4 medium zucchini (about 6 inches) olive oil spray 1 small onion, finely chopped 1 garlic clove, finely chopped 1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese or ricotta or cottage cheese 1/4 cup pine nuts, almond or walnut pieces, chopped 1 cup fresh panko breadcrumbs 1/2 cup egg substitute (best of the egg) 1 scoop plain Unjury protein powder 1 tsp. chopped fresh dill (or 1/2 tsp. dried dill) salt and pepper to taste Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Boil whole zucchini in water for 3 minutes at full boil. When the zucchini are cool enough to handle (about 5 minutes), cut zucchini in half long ways. Using a teaspoon or a melon baller, scoop out the zucchini flesh, leaving a shell to hold the stuffing. Chop the zucchini flesh. Spray olive oil in a pan. Add the onion and cook for a few minutes, or until golden brown. Add the zucchini flesh and the garlic and cook another few minutes until zucchini is cooked, but before garlic browns (can be bitter if browned). Remove from the heat and let cool slightly. Blenderize egg substitute, salt, pepper, dill and plain protein powder. Add to onion mixture. Stir in the cheese and then the chopped nuts., and bread crumbs. Use the stuffing to fill the zucchini shells and place side by side in an oven proof dish; also sprayed with olive oil spray. Cover the dish with foil and bake in the preheated oven for 20 minutes. Remove the foil and bake for another 10 minutes, or until golden brown. Serve hot. Freeze any leftover filling for later dishes. 8 servings (serving size is 1/2 zucchini)

Per Serving:

Calories: 103.75

Protein: 4.85g

Carbohydrates: 10.5g

Fat: 4.75g

Phase Five


Recipe for Success

Penne Pasta with Feta, Fennel,

and Sundried Tomatoes

Cook the pasta while the fennel bakes, to save time. Ingredients: 2 large fennel bulbs (about 2 1/4 pounds) cooking spray 1 teaspoon salt, divided 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper, divided 3/4 pound uncooked gemelli (short tube-shaped pasta) 3/4 cup (3 ounces) crumbled fat free feta cheese 1/2 cup drained water packed sun-dried tomatoes 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley 3 tablespoons chopped fresh basil 2 teaspoons grated fresh lemon rind Preparation: Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Trim tough outer leaves from fennel. cut fennel bulbs in half crosswise; discard cores. Cut into 1/2 inch thick pieces. Place fennel pieces in a large roasting pan. Coat fennel with cooking spray. Add 1 tablespoon oil, 1/2 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon pepper; toss to coat. Bake at 425 for 20 minutes. Stir fennel; bake an additional 10 minutes or until tender. Cook pasta according to package directions, omitting salt and fat. Drain, reserving 2 tablespoons pasta cooking water. Return pasta to pan. Add reserved pasta cooking water, fennel, remaining q tablespoon oil, remaining 1/2 teaspoon salt, remaining 1/4 teaspoon pepper, feta and remaining ingredients. Toss well. 12 1/2 cup servings

Per 1/2 cup Serving: Calories: 78.75 Protein: 4.5g Carbohydrates: 14g Fat: 0g

Phase Five


Recipes for Success

Macacorny and Cheese 1 cup cooked “al dente” small elbow macaroni 1 cup low fat cottage cheese 1 cup fresh cut corn or frozen Early Sweet Corn (C&W) or left over corn salad 1 cup cooked baby carrots 1 cup fat free half & half 1 teaspoon sea salt 1 teaspoon dry ground mustard 1/2 teaspoon white pepper 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese 1/4 cup panko bread crumbs Heat oven to 375. 2 quart oven safe pan sprayed with butter flavored oil spray Combine all ingredients except for bread crumbs. Taste and add more salt if needed. Pour into buttered pan. Top with bread crumbs. Bake for 30 minutes, or until topping is crisp and golden.

Per 1/2 cup Serving; Calories: 110.4 Protein: 4.9g Carbohydrates: 22.9g Fat: 0g

Phase Four


Recipe for Success


Butternut Squash 100

Colcannon 101

Dutch Green Beans 103

Greek-Style Zucchini Squash 99

Hickory Smoked Green Beans 103

Horseradish Creamed Carrots 98

Millie’s Gingered Carrots 98

Infamous Green Bean Casserole 103

Mashed Cauliflower 102

Marinated String Beans 102

Roasted Vegetables, Balsamic Vinegar 100

Sweet Winter Squash 100


Recipe for Success

Horseradish Creamed Carrots

2 lbs. carrots, cut into 1/2 inch slices 3/4 cup fat free Miracle Whip 1/8 cup fat frère half & half cream 1/4 cup prepared horseradish (less if desired) 2 teaspoons finely chopped onion 1 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper 1/2 cup crushed cornflakes Place 1 inch of water in a saucepan; add carrots. Bring to a boil; reduce heat. Cover and simmer for 8-10 minutes or until crisp-tender; drain. In a large bowl, combine the mayonnaise, cream, horseradish, onion, salt and pepper; add the carrots and toss to coat. Transfer to a greased 1 1/2 quart baking dish. Sprinkle cornflake crumbs over carrots. Bake, uncovered at 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes or until bubbly. 8 1/2 cup servings

Millie’s Gingered Carrots Are you missing your candied carrots? Try this out for a simple and surprisingly tasty treat. 1 lb. baby carrots 2 tablespoons pickled ginger 1 tablespoon Sugar Twin brown sugar substitute 1 tablespoon apple cider or apple juice 1/8 teaspoon salt Steam carrots until tender. Empty water from steamer. Put carrots in steamer bottom, add ginger, brown sugar, salt and apple juice. Very gently cook until carrots are glazed and liquid is absorbed. 8 1/2 cup servings

Per 1/2 cup Serving; Calories: 89.8 Protein: 1.9g Carbohydrates: 19.1g Fat: .8g

Per 1/2 cup Serving; Calories: 26.7 Protein: 6g Carbohydrates: 4.5g Fat: 0g

Phase Three

Phase Five


Recipe for Success

Greek-Style Squash

2 small yellow summer squash, thinly sliced

2 small zucchini, thinly sliced

1 medium tomato, seeded and chopped

1/4 cup pitted ripe olives

2 tablespoons chopped green onion 2 teaspoons olive oil

1 teaspoon lemon juice

3/4 teaspoon garlic salt

1/4 teaspoon dried oregano

1/8 teaspoon black pepper

2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

In a baking dish prepared with cooking spray, place vegetables.

Combine the rest of ingredients except cheese. Pour over

vegetables and cover. Cook 30-45 mins. or until vegetables are fork tender. Remove, uncover and sprinkle with cheese.

8 1/2 cup servings

Zucchini Blintz

1 scoop unflavored Unjury protein powder

1/2 cup non fat ricotta or drained cottage cheese

11 cup zucchini, grated, drained for 1 hour

/2 cup egg substitute

1/2 teaspoon pepper

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon baking powder

1/2 teaspoon garlic powder

1 tablespoon minced onion; in Phase Four

olive oil spray

8-9 inch non-stick skillet

Combine Unjury, ricotta, egg substitute, pepper, salt, baking powder and garlic powder in blender.

Wrap zucchini in towel and squeeze to remove water. Add to the egg cheese mixture.

Spray nonstick skillet with oil spray. Drop 1/4 cup batter in pan; set on low. When bubbles stop

rising through dough, flip over. Continue to cook on low about 2 minutes

until completely set. Fill with 1 tablespoon of nonfat cream cheese.

Phase Three

Phase Three

Per 1/2 cup Serving;

Calories: 41

Protein: 1.75g

Carbohydrates: 3.8g Fat: 2.75g

Per 1/2 cup Serving:

Calories: 41

Protein: 1.75g

Carbohydrates: 3.8g

Fat: 2.75g


Recipe for Success

Roasted Vegetables with Balsamic Vinegar

Picking out your Balsamic Vinegar: The most expensive is not always the best! Look

for a small label on the bottle with the word Modena, with a tiny vine near to it. The

more leaves on the vine, the higher the quality of the vinegar. Truly exquisite vinegar

has at least three leaves.

8 oz. fresh green beans, tips snapped off

1 small onion, cut into wedges

1 clove garlic, minced

1 tablespoon olive oil (can substitute olive oil cooking spray)

dash of salt (to taste)

dash of black pepper

8 medium brown mushrooms, cut in half

2 medium yellow summer squash, cut lengthwise and cut into 1/4 inch slices

1 medium sweet potato, peeled, cut into 1 inch chunks

one red bell pepper, sliced into 1/8 inch slices, and seeds removed

one rutabaga peeled, but into 1 inch chunks

1/3 cup balsamic vinegar

Preheat oven to 450 degrees.

In a shallow baking pan, combine everything but the vinegar. You can drizzle the olive

oil over the veggies and toss to evenly coat, or spray with cooking spray and toss.

Spread into an even layer in pan. Cook 8 mins. Then stir and

cook 8 mins. more or until veggies are tender and lightly

browned. While veggies are in the oven, in a small saucepan,

bring balsamic vinegar to a boil. Reduce heat and boil gently

about 5 mins. or until reduced by half (the vinegar will be

slightly thickened. Drizzle vinegar over roasted veggies and toss to evenly coat.

10 1/2 cup servings

Baked Sweet Winter Squash

2 lbs. winter squash, butternut, acorn or pumpkin

1/4 cup Stevia

1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce

butter flavored oil spray

1/4 teaspoon sea salt 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon

Combine in a blender, applesauce, Stevia, sea salt, cinnamon. Cut squash

in half, empty seeds. Arrange cut side up in oil sprayed

pan. Spray the squash with butter spray. Spread apple-

sauce mix over the top of the squash. Bake in 375 oven

for 45 minutes until a fork sinks easily into the flesh.

8 1/2 cup servings

Per 1/2 cup Serving:

Calories: 50

Protein: 1.35g

Carbohydrates: 9.1g

Fat: 2.1g

Per 1/2 cup Serving:

Calories: 47.6

Protein: .2g

Carbohydrates: 12.5g

Phase Three

Phase Three


Recipe for Success


A well loved favorite of Irish children. In the United States, cauliflower is often used rather than the traditional white cabbage. 1 cup cooked and mashed potatoes 1 cup chopped, boiled white cabbage or cauliflower 4-6 slices Canadian bacon or Morningstar veggie substitute 4 oz. Kraft fat free Philly 1/4 cup fat free half & half 2 cloves garlic, crushed and minced 1 medium onion, chopped 1 leek, washed and chopped salt & pepper, to taste 1/8 cup Panko bread crumbs 1/4 cup grated low fat Irish sharp cheddar cheese (Trader Joe’s) This dish is best made using lean Irish or Canadian bacon or pancetta; but Morning Star vegetarian substitutes work well too! Combine potatoes and cabbage together in large bowl. Mix in thoroughly cream cheese. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Saute bacon in large skillet until crisp. Remove bacon to drain on clean paper towels; saute onion, garlic and leek in same skillet. Stir in potato, cheese and cabbage mixture Crumble/chop bacon and add half of it to the mixture. Mix and heat through. Transfer to a buttered oven casserole dish. Sprinkle with Panko bread crumbs and dot with grated cheese. Place in 425 degree oven and bake until lightly browned; about 15 minutes. Sprinkle top with remaining bacon 8 1/2 cup servings

Per 1/2 cup Serving; Calories: 89 Protein: 7.1g Carbohydrates: 10.9g Fat: 1.4g

Phase Five


Recipe for Success

Marinated String Beans

1/2 lb. string beans, tips snapped off 2 cups tomatoes, seeded and diced 5 cloves garlic, peeled and cut in half horizontally 1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes (opt.), for spicy kick 1/4 cup water 2 teaspoons olive oil 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar salt and black pepper to taste In a medium microwave-safe dish, combine all ingredients (except oil and vinegar). Cover and microwave on high for 9 mins. until beans are tender. Toss with the oil and vinegar. Can be served hot or cold. 12 1/2 cup servings

Mashed Cauliflower An Acceptable substitute for mashed potatoes 3 cups cauliflower florets 2/3 cup skim milk 4 tablespoons fat free sour cream salt and pepper to taste Butter Buds 1 scoop unflavored protein powder Steam cauliflower in a 4 qt. pot about 10-15 minutes, or until soft. Place all ingredients into food processor and puree until smooth. Place in a microwave-safe dish and heat for 2

minutes. 12 1/2 cup servings

Per 1/2 cup Serving; Calories: 22 Protein: 3g Carbohydrates: 4g Fat: 0g

Per 1/2 cup Serving; Calories: 24.25 Protein: 17g Carbohydrates: 2.8g Fat: .75g

Phase Three

Phase Four


Recipe for Success

The Infamous Green Bean Casserole What is Thanksgiving without the green bean casserole? 1 cup of very finely sliced onions 1 package frozen green beans 1 can 99% fat free mushroom soup 1/8 teaspoon black pepper 1/2 cup fat free half & half cream butter spray Put sliced onions on cookie sheet. Spray with butter spray. Put in oven at 400 degrees for ten minutes, Stir, turn over and spray again. Return to oven for another 10 minutes. Repeat until onions are light brown and crispy.; about 30 minutes. Change oven temperature to 350 degrees. Cook green beans until tender (about 5 minutes in 1/4 cup salted water). Drain beans. Spray an oven safe one-quart pan. Mix together the half & half, mushroom soup and pepper. Pour it over the beans and mix thoroughly. Add 1/3 cup of the onions. Stir slightly. Pour in oven pan. Bake for 25 minutes. Top with remainder of oven fried onion rings. Bake in oven an additional five minutes. 8 1/2 cup servings Dutch Green Beans 1 12 oz. package Early Harvest Green Beans or Trader Joe’s French Green Beans 1/2 cup water 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg 3 second butter flavored oil spray Put all ingredients in a small covered saucepan and bring to a boil. Cook for five minutes until tender.

Hickory Green Beans 1 12 oz. package Early Harvest Green Beans or Trader Joe’s French Green Beans 1/2 cup water 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon liquid hickory smoke Put all ingredients in a small covered saucepan and bring to a boil. Cook for five minutes until tender.

Phase Four

Per 1/2 cup Serving: Calories: 45 Protein: 1.4g Carbohydrates: 7g Fat: .3g

Phase Three

Per 1/2 cup Serving: Calories: 20 Protein: 1.0g Carbohydrates: 4g Fat: 0g

Phase Three

Per 1/2 cup Serving: Calories: 20 Protein: 1.0g Carbohydrates: 4g Fat: 0g


Recipe for Success


Applesauce 105

Applesauce Ginger Cake 116

Apricot Bars 113

Baked Apples 105

Carob Chip Cookies 109

Chocolate Covered Cherries 110

Chocolate Bourbon Decadence Cake 115

Chocolate Cups 114

Chocolate Zucchini Bread 114

Blueberry Bumble 106

Coconut Panna Cotta, Blackberry 111

Gluten Free Pie Crust 108

Guilt Free Cream Pie 111

Mocha Pudding Cake 117

Nearly Non Fat Cheesecake 112

Panna Cotta with Cherry or Berry Sauce 111-112

Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies 110


Recipes for Success

Baked Apples 6 small Granny Smith apples, peeled 1 cup Stevia or Brown Sugar Twin 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 tablespoon light butter Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Wash and core apples. Place in a 9x13 baking dish. mix together Stevia and cinna- mon and place on top of apples. Place a small dot of light but- ter on top and cover with foil. Bake for 45 to 50 minutes or until soft. 6 servings Applesauce This recipe freezes and refrigerates well. 3 lbs. apples, peeled, cored and chopped 3 cups water 1/4 cup Stevia 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon To bulk up the protein, add a scoop of unflavored or vanilla flavored protein powder to the applesauce after it has been cooked and cooled down. Put apples in a large saucepan and cover with the water. Simmer over medium- low heat until apples are tender; about 15 to 20 mins. Blend apples until “too thin to eat with a fork” consistency.. Stir in Stevia, lemon juice and cinnamon 3 to 5 minutes. 16 servings

Phase Three

Per Apple: Calories: 80 Protein: 0g Carbohydrates: 19g Fat: 1g

Phase Two

With Protein Powder:

Calories: 36.5 Protein: 1.4g Carbohydrates: 8.25g Fat: 0g

Without Protein Powder Calories: 30.25 Protein: 0g Carbohydrates: 8g Fat: 0g


Recipe for Success

Blueberry Bumble This fruit and dumpling dish is modified from a recipe for Blueberry Grunt; this one was a hit with the cookbook committee. Perfect dessert for those hot summer days. Blueberries with protein-rich dumplings, cook in 15 min. on the stovetop or the barbeque grill top. Fruit: 2 cups blueberries 1/2 cup Stevia 1/4 cup water 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon Dumplings: 3 tablespoons whole wheat flour 2 tablespoons plain Unjury protein powder 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 tablespoon Red Mill Flax Seed Meal (replaces butter) 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon Stevia 1/4 cup low fat buttermilk (or substitute skim milk with 1/2 teaspoon of white vinegar) After Cooking: add topping: fat free half & half Fruit: Combine the berries, Stevia, water, lemon juice, and cinnamon in a one quart saucepan. Bring to a boil over low heat; stirring occasionally. Dumplings: Combine flour, protein powder, baking powder, teaspoon of Stevia, flax-seed meal, and salt in a separate bowl. Add buttermilk. If batter is too stiff, add more buttermilk until you are able to drop heaping tablespoons on top of the bub- bling berries. Cover and let simmer on low for 15 minutes. Serve with fat free half & half on top. 10 1/2 cup servings

Phase Four

Per 1/2 cup Serving: Calories: 33 Protein: 3g Carbohydrates: 8g Fat: .3g


Recipe for Success

Pear or Apple or Rhubarb Pie


1 cup frozen cranberries 3 cups pears, apples or rhubarb; peeled and sliced thinly 1/4 cup Stevia 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon ground allspice 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves 1/8 teaspoon salt 1 (9-inch) unbaked pie shell (see next page) Topping: 1/2 cup shredded, low fat cheddar cheese 1/2 cup oat flour 3 tablespoons margarine or butter, melted 1/4 cup Stevia 1/8 teaspoon salt Directions: Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Combine fruit, Stevia, spices, cornstarch and salt. Pour into pastry shell. Combine topping ingredients until crumbly. Sprinkle over fruit mixture. Bake at 425 for 25-35 minutes until crust is light brown and cheese has melted. 8 servings

Phase Four

Per Serving: Calories: 107.9 Protein: 1g Carbohydrates: 15.6g Fat: 3.6g


Recipe for Success

Gluten Free Pie Crust

Ingredients: 1/4 cup corn starch 1/4 cup oat flour 1/4 cup low fat dry cottage cheese 3 tablespoons butter flavored shortening 1/4 teaspoon salt Directions: Drain cottage cheese the night before. Preheat oven to 475 degrees. Combine flour and salt. Sift flour and corn starch together SIX times. Critical! Cut shortening into flour until mixture resembles coarse meal. Mix in cottage cheese until it forms a soft dough. May use immediately, or chill. If very sticky, place in refrigerator or freezer until very firm. Roll dough between sheets of waxed paper. Fit into a 9-inch pie pan, or cupcake/muffin tins. Bake at 475 degrees for 6-8 minutes, until lightly browned, or fill and bake as usual. This crust freezes well. Filling Ideas: Fill with cooked fruit, sugar free pumpkin filling or sugar free pudding. Top with sugar free whipped topping; sprinkle with shaved sugar free chocolate, chopped toasted nuts or coco- nut. Or as a topper for Chicken Pot Pie. 8 servings, plus filling

Phase Four

Per Serving: Calories: 110 Protein: 2.75g Carbohydrates: 12g Fat: 4g


Recipe for Success

Carob Chip Cookies Wow! Did the committee go nuts for these! Don’t tell the family these are not chocolate chip cookies. I was not able to tell the difference, and they might not notice either. Try this with coarsely chopped sugar free Dark Chocolate instead sometime if you can’t find carob chips. Carob chips are usually at Raley’s. 5 1/2 cups whole wheat flour 2 teaspoons baking soda 2 cups unsweetened applesauce 2 teaspoons salt 1 1/2 cups Stevia 1 1/2 cup Sugar Twin brown sugar 2 teaspoons vanilla 2 eggs or 1/2 cup egg substitute (for truly fat free) 12 oz. carob “chocolate” chips butter flavored Pam cooking spray Cookie sheets Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Combine flour, baking soda and salt In a separate larger bowl, combine applesauce, Stevia, vanilla and egg (or egg beaters). Carefully stir in flour; mix until blended. Don’t over mix or will be a dry cookie. Stir in carob chips. Drop by tablespoons, two inches apart, onto Pam sprayed cookie sheet. Bake for 9-11 minutes or until edges are brown. Do not brown too much or cookies will be tough. 48 cookies

Phase Five

Per cookie with egg substitute: Calories: 34 Protein: 2.3g Carbohydrates: 16.7g Fat: 1.7g

Per cookie with egg: Calories: 36.7 Protein: 2.5g Carbohydrates: 16.7g Fat: 1.9g


Recipe for Success

Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies 1 cup natural, unsweetened peanut butter

2 tablespoons fat free Miracle Whip

1 egg plus 1 egg white

3/4 cup Stevia

1/4 cup soy or regular flour 1/4 cut oat flour

1/8 cup wheat flour

1 scoop vanilla flavored protein powder

1 teaspoon baking soda

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

4 tablespoons sugar-free mini chocolate chips

3 tablespoons sugar-free peanut butter chips

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Mix together peanut butter, margarine, Stevia and eggs

until fluffy (mixer on medium speed). Add the dry ingredients and vanilla and combine well.

Using a wooden spoon, mix in the chips by hand. Refrigerate for at least

0 minutes. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper. Using 2 moistened spoons, scoop up a heaping tablespoon of the mixture and slide it off with

the other spoon onto the cookie sheet. Place cookies about 2 inches apart.

Bake for about 10 mins. or until the bottom of the cookies are light brown.

Remove from pan and cool on a cookie rack. The cookies will harden as

they cool. Makes about 20 cookies

Serving size = 1 cookie

Chocolate Covered Cherries 1 jar pitted Morello Cherries

1 cup brandy

1/2 cup Stevia

Drain and wash Cherries; add brandy and Stevia.

Let sit for at least 2 weeks. Remove cherries; drain

brandy to serve as a sugar free cherry brandy

liquer; and dip the cherries in melted chocolate.

Melt 2 (3.5 oz. bars) Low Carb Dark Chocolate, in a small pan over hot but not boiling

water. Combine with 2 tablespoons room temperature

whipping cream. Stir to blend. Dip cherries in warm

melted chocolate. Let cool on parchment paper.

Redip after 20 minutes. Let cool and store in a

covered dish in the refrigerator.

Makes 24 chocolate covered cherry candies.

Phase Five

Phase Five

Per Cookie:

Calories 128.4

Protein: 6.0g

Carbohydrates: 7.5g Fat: 8.7g

Per Cookie:

Calories: 52

Protein: .5g

Carbohydrates: .9g Fat: 2.7g


Recipe for Success

Guilt Free Cream Pie Made with Lemon pudding will taste like Lemon Meringue Pie, adding extra grated lemon peel for extra zing. Try crumbling a couple of sugar free lemon cookies over the cake. Would be special with banana or coconut too: White chocolate pudding is a favorite.

4 oz. fat free cream cheese 2 heaping tablespoons fat free sugar free Cool Whip 1/2 cup Stevia 1/2 cup dry non fat milk powder sugar free pudding mix (favorite flavor) 2 cups liquid non fat milk Ready to bake pie crust 2 sugar free cookies (your choice; optional) Bake pie crust according to package directions until golden brown. Cool down. Mix cream cheese, Stevia and whipped topping. Put one half of this mixture in cooled pie crust. Mix pudding, milk and dry milk. Pour on top of cream cheese mixture. Then top with the remainder of the cream cheese mixture. Crumble two sugar free cookies on top for garnish if desired. 8 servings

Coconut Panna Cotta with Berry (Cherry ) Sauce

Panna Cotta One 1/4 oz. packet Knox unflavored gelatin 2 cups fat free milk 1/2 cup Stevia 1/4 teaspoon salt One 13.5 oz. can fat free evaporated milk 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/2 teaspoon coconut extract 1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder Sprinkle the gelatin over 1/4 cup milk and set aside for 10 minutes. Combine the remaining 1 3/4 cups milk, Stevia and the salt in a saucepan; bring to a simmer over medium heat, stirring occasionally. Remove the pan from the heat. Whisk in the gelatin mixture, milk, vanilla, coconut extract and protein powder. Pour into eight 4 oz. ramekins or coffee cups; chill Before serving; topo with the berry (cherry) sauce. See next page.

Phase Five

Phase Five

Per Serving: with cookies

Calories: 91.4

Protein: 9.1g

Carbohydrates: 8.8g

Fat: 6.3g

Per 1/2 cup Serving:

Calories: 49

Protein: 5.87g

Carbohydrates 8.93g: Fat: .01g


Recipe for Success

Continued from previous page: Blackberry (Cherry) Sauce

1 16 oz. bag frozen unsweetened blackberries or dark cherries 1/2 cup Stevia Pinch of salt Juice and zest of one lemon Place berries into a heavy saucepan. Add Stevia, salt, lemon zest and lemon juice. Bring to a boil over medium heat, lower heat and simmer for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally and breaking up the berries. Remove from the heat and cool. Just before serving, spoon some of the sauce on top of each Panna Cotta. Nearly Non fat Cheesecake For years we have made this at our house; modified from a very simple cheesecake recipe. If you use a spring form pan, double the recipe and increase the cooking time to 50 minutes. Filling: 1 package fat free cream cheese 1/2 cup egg substitute 1/4 cup Stevia 1/8 cup lemon juice Topping: 1 cup fat free sour cream 1 tablespoon Stevia Graham cracker pie crust: 4 graham crackers, crushed Butter flavored spray Heat oven to 350 degrees. Spray pie tin with butter flavored spray. Sprinkle graham cracker crumbs over the bottom of the pan and around the sides. Combine cream cheese, egg substitute, Stevia and lemon juice. Pour in graham cracker pie crust pan. Bake for 30 minutes until puffy looking, and slightly set. Combine sour cream with one tablespoon Stevia. Spread over the top of the pie., carefully covering all of the cream cheese with the sour cream. Return to the oven for five minutes, until completely set. Refrigerate at least 4 hours before serving. 12 servings

Phase Five

Per Serving:

Calories: 49.58

Protein: 3.1g

Carbohydrates: 6.38g

Fat: .5g


Recipe for success

Apricot Bars 3 Tablespoons sugar-free apricot jam 3 Tablespoons boiling water 1/8 cup all-purpose flour 1/4 cup soy or whole wheat flour 1/4 cup almond flour or finely ground almonds 1 scoop unflavored protein powder 3/4 teaspoon cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 1/4 teaspoon baking soda 1/4 cup fruit flavored decaffeinated tea, cooled 1 tablespoon grated lemon rind (just the yellow part) 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/4 cup egg substitute 1/4 cup canola oil 3/4 cup Stevia Glaze: (optional) 3 tablespoons Stevia Water Lemon juice Vanilla extract Garnish: (optional) 1/2 cup chopped walnuts Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line a loaf pan with parchment paper. Place boiling water and apricot jam in a glass dish and cover. Let stand 2 mins. If the mixture doesn’t blend easily after the 2 mins., microwave for 30 secs. and mix with a whisk or fork until smooth. Cool. Sift dry ingredients (except Stevia). Mix the tea with the lemon rind and vanilla. In a mixer set on high speed, beat the egg; slowly add the oil and Stevia. Beat until the mixture thickens. With a wooden spoon, add the apricot mixture by hand. Add tea and flours, alternating between the two. Mix until well blended. Spread into prepared pan and bake until the cake starts to turn brown and the sides begin to pull away; about 20-30 minutes. Cook, slice and garnish each slice. Keep refrigerated or freeze. To prepare the glaze, place Stevia in a cup or small bowl. Slowly add water, lemon juice and vanilla extract a few drops at a time, mixing while you add, until the mixture is thick. Spoon or brush over the sliced bars. Sprinkle with nuts and freeze. 12 servings

Phase Four

Per Serving:

Calories: 58.3

Protein: 3.2g Carbohydrates: 13.7g

Fat: .4g


Recipe for Success

Low carb Chocolate Cups Remember low carb is not necessarily low fat! 1 3.9 oz. bar low carb dark chocolate 2 2 tablespoons butter or cream

Small tartlet muffin cups lined with foil cups Melt chocolate over hot water. Add butter/ cream, stir ‘til smooth. Using a paint brush, paint inside of each foil cup with chocolate mixture. Let cool until firm; peel off the foil. Fill with your choice of sugar free puddings or the pumpkinless pudding mix (pg. 94) or the Ricotta Crème Cheese (pg. 17). Top with Sugar Free Cool Whip. Makes 24 tartlet shells Chocolate Zucchini Bread 3 eggs or egg beaters to equal 3 eggs

1 1/2 cup Stevia

1 cup natural unsweetened applesauce

2 teaspoons vanilla

3 teaspoons cinnamon

1 scoop unflavored or chocolate flavored protein powder 1 teaspoon baking soda

1 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon baking powder

3 cups whole wheat flour

1/8 cup cocoa powder

4 cups grated zucchini

1/4 cups raisins (opt.)

1/2 cup chopped almonds (opt.)

Mix wet ingredients. Mix in dry ingredients (dough will be very stiff). Fold in

zucchini, raisins and nuts. Spray pans with oil. Bake at 35o degrees

for 1 hr. or until toothpick inserted

comes out clean. Makes 2 large

Phase Five

Per slice without almonds and raisins: Calories: 58.3 Protein: 3.2g Carbohydrates: 13.7g Fat: .4g

Per slice with almonds

and raisins

Calories: 70.7

Protein: 3.6g

Carbohydrates: 15g Fat: 1.1g

Per shell with butter:

Calories: 16.7

Protein: 1g

Carbohydrates: 1.25g Fat: 1.6g

Per shell with cream

Calories: 21.7

Protein: .2g

Carbohydrates: 1.3g Fat: 1.2g

Phase Five


Recipes for Success

Chocolate Bourbon Decadence Cake

This was originally a recipe I found online under Chocolate Bourbon Cake. I played around with

the ingredients, until I had substituted most of the sugar with Stevia, and the eggs with egg

substitute. and some of the flour with protein powder. Best eaten warm, with a dollop of Sugar

Free Cool Whip on top. Vary your nuts to meet your allergies or what is handy in the cupboard.

Vegetable oil cooking spray

1/3 cup pecans (1 oz.)

3 tablespoons all-purpose flour

3 oz. low carb chocolate bar ; chipped fine (grated TJ’S

dark low carb bar)

1/2 cup unsweetened Dutch process cocoa powder

1 cup Stevia

1/2 cup vanilla protein powder

1/4 teaspoon baking soda

1/3 cup boiling water 1/2 cup egg beaters

3 tablespoons bourbon

4 egg whites, room temperature

1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar

2 to 3 teaspoons powdered sugar (eliminated)

Eight inch spring form pan (that is the pan with the removable bottom and the clip spring closure

on the side). Spray with oil.

Heat oven to 375 degrees.

Grind in blender the pecans and flour until a fairly smooth powder is formed. Set aside.

Melt the chocolate by mixing with the cocoa and the boiling water. Stir until smooth.

Add 3/4 cup Stevia. Mix in the egg substitute and the bourbon. Then add the protein

powder and baking powder. Stir in the flour and nut mixture.

Beat the egg whites with the cream of tartar until soft peaks form. Add the remaining 1/4 cup

Stevia and continue until the egg whites are stiff.

Fold in 1/4 egg whites mixture to the chocolate flour sugar mixture. Once blended, add in the

remainder of the stiff egg whites. Fold in gently. Pour into the sprayed pan.

Bake 45 minutes, or until a sharp knife comes out with only a couple of crumbs on it.

Crust may be broken on top. Cool cake completely! THEN: Take knife and free from sides of pan; undo sides of pan. Run knife under the cake to

free from the bottom. Slide onto serving dish. Serve warm

with whipped topping.

12 servings

Per Serving:

Calories: 108.5

Protein: 10.3g

Carbohydrates: 10.2g Fat: 3.6g

Phase Five


Recipe for Success

Sugar-Free Ginger Applesauce Cake

2 cups whole wheat flour 1 scoop unflavored protein powder (you can use vanilla or chocolate for added flavor) 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 1/2 teaspoon allspice 1/2 teaspoon salt 3/4 cup Brown Sugar Twin 1/2 cup egg substitute 2 Tablespoons fresh grated ginger root 1 1/2 cups unsweetened apple sauce 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract 1/2 cup raisins Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray a 1 1/2 qt. loaf pan with cooking spray. Sift together dry ingredients into a medium bowl. Add raisins to dry ingredients. In a separate bowl, combine wet ingredients. Pour wet ingredients into dry mixture by thirds. Stir in with a wire whisk. Continue to mix until just smooth (DON’T OVER MIX!). Pour the batter into the prepared loaf pan and bake for about 50 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean. Cool the cake at room temperature for 30 minutes before releasing from the pan. 12 Servings. Refrigerate any left-overs.

Phase Five

Per Serving: Calories: 114 Protein: 5.7g Carbohydrates: 28.8g Fat: .4g


Recipe for Success

Mocha Pudding Cake 1 cup whole wheat flour

3/4 cup sugar substitute

1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder

2 teaspoons baking powder

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 scoop unflavored protein powder or chocolate flavor 1/2 cup fat free milk

1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce

1 teaspoon vanilla

1 3/4 cup hot water

3/4 cup packed brown sugar substitute

1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder

1 teaspoon decaffeinated instant coffee granules

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Lightly coat 8x8 inch pan with

cooking spray. In a large bowl, combine flour, sugar, 1/4 cup cocoa,

baking powder, protein powder and salt. Stir in milk, applesauce and

vanilla until thoroughly mixed. Pour into prepared pan. In a small bowl, combine the hot water, brown sugar, 1/4 cup cocoa powder and

coffee. Carefully pour water mixture over cake batter. Bake for 45 min.

Spoon warm cake and pudding into dessert dishes.

10 Servings

Phase Four

Per Serving:

Calories: 62

Protein: 4.5g Carbohydrates: 17.9g

Fat: 5g


Recipes for Success

Sauces and

Dressings and Jellies

Catsup (Ketchup) 124

Caesar Salad Dressing 122

Corn Salsa 119

Cranberry Sauce 119

Ginger Chutney 120

Green Goddess Dressing 127

Jalapeno Glaze 127

Jalapeno Jelly 124

Lime Vinaigrette 121

Mango Mint Salsa 120

Marinara Sauce 126

Oriental Chicken Salad Dressing 121

Roasted Onion Dressing /Dip 123

Tartar Sauce 127

Thousand Island Dressing 122

Zesty Italian Dressing 124


Recipe for Success

Corn Salsa

1/2 cup frozen corn 1/2 cup peeled, seeded and chopped tomato 2 Tablespoons diced green chilies 1 Tablespoon cilantro ‘1 Tablespoon vinegar 1 teaspoon olive oil Cook corn according to package directions (minus the salt); drain well. Combine all; cover and refrigerate. 4 1/2 cup servings Super Quick Cranberry Sauce 1 12 oz. package of cranberries 2/3 cup Stevia 1 teaspoon cinnamon 2 tablespoons brandy or rum (optional) 1 tablespoon grated orange peel (optional) 1/4 cup water Combine all ingredients in small saucepan. Cook on low for five minutes until most of the cranberries have popped. Put in the refrigerator for an hour or two to cool. Stores up to two weeks. 8 Servings One serving: 2 tablespoons

Phase Three

Phase Four

Per 1/2 cup Serving:

Calories: 50.25

Protein: .75g

Carbohydrates: .25g

Fat: 3.9g

Per Serving without options

Calories: 15.25

Protein: 0g

Carbohydrates: 3.25g

Fat: 0g


Recipe for Success

Mango Mint Salsa

1 small can crushed pineapple in own juices 1 small onion, chopped and microwaved 30 seconds 1/2 small jalapeno pepper, sliced and chopped finely Combine all ingredients and put in the refrigerator. Once again, adding entire pepper with seed will increase the heat significantly. Will keep several days. “Sugar Free” Ginger Fruit Chutney There is no cane sugar in this recipe or artificial sweeteners. All the sweetness comes from fruit and fruit juices. Great basting sauce! 1/4 cup sugar free apricot preserves 1 cup fresh or frozen peaches; unsweetened 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon ground coriander 1 large clove garlic minced very fine 1/2 cup chopped onion 3 tablespoons pickled or fresh ginger; chopped very fine 1/2 cup fresh mango; chopped (optional) 1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes (less if you dislike hot curries) 1/8 cup small raisins 1 cup apple juice Combine all ingredients in a small saucepan. Bring quickly to a boil on medium-high heat Then immediately lower heat. Cook on low heat for 30 minutes until nicely thickened, stirring to prevent sticking and burning. You may can this in hot water processing, or store in the refrigerator. Use as a condiment with curried dishes, or as a marinade on all kinds of meats.

Phase Four

Phase Four

Per 1/2 cup serving: Calories: 15 Protein: 0g Carbohydrates: 3.3g Fat: 0g

Per Serving: Calories: 29.4 Protein: .2g Carbohydrates: 7.9g Fat: .1g


Recipe for Success

Oriental Chicken Salad Dressing (sugar free very low fat) I really like the Oriental Chicken Salad Dressing at Appleby’s, so looked online and found a recipe approximation. Then I modified it to meet our needs. You really need to use sesame oil to get the right flavor; so don’t substitute on that ingredient. The recipe called for Dijon mustard, but I used dry instead and reduced the amount accordingly. 3 tablespoons Stevia or Sugar Twin brown sugar 4 teaspoons soy sauce 1 1/2 tablespoons white wine vinegar or dry white wine 1/4 cup fat free Miracle Whip 1/8 teaspoon sesame oil 1/8 teaspoon pepper 1 teaspoon dry ground mustard 1/4 teaspoon Chinese five spice Put in your blender for 30 seconds; store in the frig. This is enough for four servings and keeps really well in the refri- gerator, so you might want to double or triple the recipe if you like salads a lot. 4 2 Tablespoons Servings

Lime Vinaigrette

1/3 cup fresh lime juice 2 tablespoons Stevia 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard 1/4 teaspoon garlic salt 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper 1 cup olive oil In a small bowl, combine lime juice and the next 4 ingredients. Slowly whisk in oil. Cover and chill. Store in airtight container for up to 2 weeks. 12 2 Tablespoons Servings

Phase Four

Phase Three

Per Serving: Calories: 30 Protein: .7g Carbohydrates: 3g Fat: 2g

Per Serving:

Calories: 164

Protein: 0g

Carbohydrates: .9g Fat: 18.7g


Recipes for Success

Fat free Thousand Island Dressing Thousand Island dressing is unbelievably easy to make and so much cheaper than store bought! 1/4 cup bell peppers, chopped fine 1/4 cup onions, chopped fine 1 cup fat free Miracle Whip 1/4 cup Heinz chili sauce 1 teaspoon paprika 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 packet Stevia 2 egg whites; hard cooked and quartered 1/3 cup celery chopped fine 1/4 cup skim milk or low fat buttermilk Saute peppers, onions and celery until clear but not yet golden brown. Cool. Place all ingredients in blender. Combine until fairly smooth. Add more salt tot taste. Place in refrigerator; covered will keep up to two weeks. 12 Servings (2 tablespoons each)

Fat free Caesar Salad Dressing

1/2 cup fat free Miracle Whip 2 tablespoons Best of the Egg substitute eggs 5 drops Balsamic Vinegar One Anchovy fillet, or two inches of Anchovy Paste 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice 1/4 cup Grated Parmesan Cheese 2 garlic cloves; finely minced Combine all ingredients in a blender. Cover and store in the refrigerator up to one week. 15 Servings (2 tablespoons each)

Phase Four

Per Serving:

Calories: 27

Protein: 1g

Carbohydrates: 4g Fat: 0g

Phase Five

Per Serving:

Calories: 37.1

Protein: 3.2g

Carbohydrates: 2.0g

Fat: 2g


Recipe for Success

Roasted Sweet Onion Dip/Dressing/Sauce Serve this as a dip with pita chips or carrot sticks. Use it warm as a dressing for vegetables; especially good on green beans or cooked carrots. Use cold as a salad dressing or combine warm with tuna or chicken for a wonderful warm salad. Making the recipe a day ahead allows the flavors to meld. Ingredients: 2 large Vidalia or other sweet onions; peeled and quartered Spray olive oil 1 teaspoon salt, divided 1 whole garlic head 1/3 cup non fat sour cream 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice


Preheat oven to 425 degrees Place onion in a large bowl; spray with oil. Sprinkle with 1/2 teaspoon salt; toss to coat. Remove white peppery skin from garlic head (do not peel or separate the cloves). Wrap in foil. Place onion and foil-wrapped garlic on a baking sheet. Bake at 425 degrees for 1 hour; cool 10 minutes. Chop onion. halve the garlic head; squeeze to extract garlic pulp. Discard skins. Combine onion, garlic, 1/2 teaspoon salt, sour cream and remaining ingredients in a large bow. Cover and chill 1 hour, or serve warm with vegetables or tuna. 12 Servings (2 Tablespoons each)

Phase Four

Per 1/2 cup Serving: Calories: 28 Protein: 1.5g Carbohydrates: 6g Fat: 0g


Recipe for Success

Zesty Italian Dressing

3/4 cup white grape juice or apple juice

1/4 cup white wine vinegar 2 tablespoons powdered fruit pectin 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard 2 cloves garlic; crushed 1 teaspoon dried onion flakes 1/2 teaspoon dried basil 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano 1/4 teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper 1/4 teaspoon Sea Salt In small bowl, combine grape juice, vinegar and pectin; stir until pectin is dissolved. Stir in mustard and remaining ingredients; mix well. Store in refrigerator. Serve cold. Makes 1 cup Low Carb Ketchup Or Catsup Lately I have been having trouble finding Reduced Carb Ketchup in the stores. This will store safely in the refrigerator for up to two weeks, and well worth the effort if you are a fan of ketchup or catsup, or whatever! Does not freeze well. How do you measure 1/16 teaspoon? Use 1/8 teaspoon measuring spoon, and cut away half with knife. 6 ounce can tomato paste 8 ounce can tomato sauce (check label for added sugar!) 1/3 cup rice wine vinegar 3 tablespoons Stevia 1/4 teaspoon onion powder 1/2 to 1 teaspoon salt 1/16 teaspoon allspice 1/16 teaspoon ground cloves 1/16 teaspoon cinnamon 1/16 teaspoon garlic powder Mix all of the ingredients well. Keep refrigerated up to two weeks.

Phase Four

Phase Four

Per 2 Tablespoon Serving:

Calories: 10


Carbohydrates: Fat: 0g

Per 2 Tablespoon Serving

Calories: 15

Protein: 1g

Carbohydrates: 4g Fat: 0g


Recipe for Success

Special Jalapeno Glaze Modified from Chevy’s Jalapeno jelly recipe

3/4 cup chopped red bell pepper 3/4 cup chopped green bell pepper 1/3 cup diced and seeded jalapeno pepper 3 3/4 cups Stevia 1/2 cup red wine vinegar 1 T freshly squeezed lime juice 6 tablespoons Certo liquid pectin Combine the peppers, jalapenos, Stevia, vinegar and lime juice in a large saucepan over medium heat. Heat until warm and Stevia is dissolved. Pour the mixture in a blender or food processor and blend for 5 seconds. Return the blended mixture to the saucepan and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and cool. The glaze will set as it cools down. Because of using Stevia instead of sugar, the glaze will not be as thick as jelly. If you want the consistency of jelly, use the pectin packaged for sugar substitutes. When cool; cover and refrigerate for up to 5 days. Or you can put in jelly jars and seal with paraffin. Can be served with baked ham, pork fajitas, fish tacos, taquitos and carnitas. It also makes a nice dipping sauce for finger foods like shrimp or chicken wings.

Phase Five

Per 1/2 cup Serving: Calories: 34.5 Protein: .75g Carbohydrates: 5.5g Fat: 0g


Recipe for Success

Basic Marinara Sauce

Spaghetti Sauce, as it is called at our house, is a very individual to-taste sauce. In

our family, we like it on the sweet side, with strong oregano flavoring and lots of garlic. We use a very small amount of vinegar. Some households add red pepper flakes to spice it up. So play with the spices. Keep in mind the old saying “You can always add, but you can’t take it back out!” Further, sauces “ripen”. What is mild on day one, can get stronger. Hand grated zucchini pasta is a delicious substitute for pasta. Ingredients: 3 tablespoons olive oil. 3 cups chopped yellow onion (about 3 medium) 1 tablespoon Stevia 3 tablespoons minced garlic (about 6 cloves) 2 teaspoons salt 2 teaspoons dried basil ( 1 tablespoon minced fresh) 1 teaspoon dried thyme or chopped fresh (about 8 leaves of fresh) 1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 1/2 teaspoon fennel seeds, crushed 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar 2 cups fat free, less sodium chicken broth 3 28oz. cans crushed tomatoes

Preparation: Heat oil in a large Dutch oven over medium heat. Add onion to pan; cook 4 minutes, stirring frequently. Add sugar and next 7 ingredients; cook 1 minute stirring constantly. Stir in vinegar; cook 30 seconds. Add broth and tomatoes; bring to a simmer. Cook over low-heat for 55 minutes or until sauce thickens, stirring occasionally. Let cool. Pour into small 2 cup freezer containers and freeze. Sauce improves with age, but will lose flavor after about four months. Re-heat in the microwave, then try adding a small amount of lemon juice, a teaspoon for 2 cups should do nicely. 12 1/2 cup Servings

Phase Four

Per 1/2 cup Serving:

Calories: 44

Protein: 1.3g

Carbohydrates: 6g

Fat: 1.75g


Recipe for Success

Special Tartar Sauce If you like a sweet tartar sauce, look for the sugar free sweet relish in the supermarkets. If you prefer a dill sauce, use the dill pickle relish. Onions give you discomfort: Try sautéing onions until clear in color, then add to your recipes. 1/2 cup low fat Greek yogurt 2 tablespoons sugar free sweet or dill pickle relish 1 tablespoons pickled capers 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard 1 large sautéed green onion, chopped (optional) 1 1/2 teaspoons red wine vinegar Combine together. Stores up to two weeks in refrigerator 6 Servings (2 Tablespoons each)

Green Goddess Dressing

For those of us growing up in the sixties and seventies, there was nothing like that wonderful spicy green decadent dressing. Fabulous, as long as you can forget it has anchovies in it! 1/2 cup non fat sour cream 1 cup low fat Greek yogurt 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley 1/2 small can anchovies, mashed 1 tablespoon white wine vinegar 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 teaspoon chopped garlic 1 tablespoon minced green onion tops 1/2 teaspoon dried tarragon leaves Drain the anchovies; blot off as much oil as possible. Combine all liquid ingredients with garlic, anchovies, parsley and green onion tops in a blender. Stir in the sour cream, Miracle Whip and tarragon. Chill. Keeps several weeks in the refrigerator. 16 Servings (2 tablespoons each)

Phase Four

Per 2 Tbsp Serving: Calories: 22 Protein: .52g Carbohydrates: 2.1g Fat: 0g

Phase Four

Per 2 Tbsp Serving: Calories: 23 Protein: .52g Carbohydrates: 1.5g Fat: 0g


Recipe for Success

Online Low Carb Food Sources

Food Values

My Fitness Pal App

On Line Support Groups

Recommended Reading

Cook, Colleen. Success Habits of Weight-Loss Surgery Patients.

Salt Lake, Bariatric Support Centers International, 2003.

Kurian, Marina, et al. Weight Loss Surgery for Dummies. Indianapolis,

Wiley Publishing, 2005.

Tribole, Evelyn and Elyse Resch. Intuitive Eating: a Recovery Book for

the Chronic Dieter. New York, St. Martins Press, 1995.


Recipe for Success

Recipe Index

Ahi Tuna 70 Casserole, Green Bean 103

Almond Ricotta Crème 17 Casserole, Macaroni and Cheese 96

Apples, Baked 105 Casserole, No Pasta Lasagna 61

Apple Ginger Cake 116 Casserole, Turkey 46

Apple Pie 107 Catfish, Southern Style 75

Applesauce 107 Catsup 124

Applesauce Meatloaf 62 Cauliflower, Colcannon 101

Apricot Bars 113 Cauliflower, mashed 102

Chai Tea 8

Baked Apples 105 Cheddar Biscuit Crust 56

Baked Cod with Tomatoes and Olives 74 Cheese Baked Eggs w/Spinach 22

Baked Eggs and Spinach and Cottage Cheese 22 Cheese Enchiladas Suprema 83

Balsamic Vegetables, Roasted 100 Cheese Rolls, Ham “n 15

Banana Protein Shake 9 Cheesecake 112

Bean Salad 33 Cherries, Chocolate Covered 110

Beans, Green 103 Cherry and Almond Scones 23

Beans, Green, Marinated 102 Chicken and Broccoli Casserole 50

Beef Strognanoff 64 Chicken Broth 54

Berryana Protein Shake 10 Chicken Enchilada Suiza 56

Bisque, Shrimp 72 Chicken Marsala 58

Blintz, Zucchini 99 Chicken Mold 59

Blueberry Brumble 106 Chicken Mousse 57

Blueberry Protein Shake 10 Chicken Salad 38

Broccoli and Chicken Casserole 50 Chicken Salad, Tarragon 38

Burger Soup 42 Chicken Salad with grapes and nuts 37

Burger Stew 63 Chicken with Wine and Green Peas 58

Butternut Squash 100 Chicken, Roasted 54

Chicken-Vegetable Cobbler 55

Caesar Salad Dressing 122 Chile 53

Cake, Applesauce 116 Chile Rellenos Casserole 87

Cake, Chocolate Bourbon 115 Chili Vegan Style 86

Cake, Pudding 117 Chips, Cheese 29

Cake, Watermelon 31 Chocolate Bourbon Decadence Cake 115

Carob Chip Cookies 109 Chocolate Chili Rubbed Pork Tenderloin 81

Carrot Custard Pudding 92 Chocolate Covered Cherries 110

Carrot Salad 36 Chocolate Cups 114

Carrot Souffle 91 Chocolate Mint Mocha 11

Carrots, Candied 98 Chocolate Zucchini Bread 114

Carrots, Horseradish 98 Chutney, Ginger 120

Carrots, Party 91 Cioppino 73

Casserole, Chicken and Broccoli 50 Clam Chowder, New England 43

Casserole, Zucchini Sausage 49 Coconut Panna Cotta, Blackberry 111


Recipe for Success

Cod, Baked w/Tomatoes & Olives 74 Fish Curry 71

Colcannon 101 Fish Curry, Fijian 69

Comanche County Chili 53 Frittata Zucchini and Mushrooms 84

Cookies, Carob Chip 109 Frozen Fruit Dream 11

Cookies, Peanut Butter/Chocolate Chip 110

Corn Cakes 85 Ginger Chutney 120

Corn Salad 34 Glazed Onions and Pork 79

Corn Salsa 119 Gluten Free Pie Crust 108

Cornbread Stuffing 48 Goulash 52

Cottage Cheese and Tuna Snack 15 Greek-Style Zucchini Squash 99

Cottage Cheese Salad 35 Green Goddess Dressing 127

Crab Cakes 75 Green Pea Protein Soup 44

Crab Meat Enchiladas 68 Guilt Free Cream Pie 111

Crab Mold 59

Cranberry Salad 40 Ham ‘n Cheese Rolls 15

Cranberry Cream Cheese Gelatin Salad 40 Ham Salad 36

Cranberry Sauce 119 Hazelnut Latte 9

Cream Cheese Salad 35 Herbed Zucchini and Mushroom Fritta 84

Cream Pie, Guilt Free 111 Hickory Smoked Green Beans 103

Crockpot Oatmeal 21 High Protein Potato Salad 39

Crockpot Mexican Chicken 59 Horseradish Creamed Carrots 98

Crockpot Mexicano 59

Crockpot, Jerked Pork 77 Infamous Green Bean Casserole 103

Crockpot Oatmeal 21 Italian Omelette 18

Crockpot Red Cabbage w/Sausage 57

Croquettes, Salmon 71 Jalapeno Glaze or Jelly 125

Custard, Baked 19 Jamaican Hot Jerk Pork Crockpot 77

Japanese Ahi Tuna Supreme 70

Deviled Eggs 29 Jello, protein 13

Deviled Ham Salad 36 Jigglers, protein 13

Dim Sum Potstickers 30

Dip, Party 28 Ketchip 124

Dutch Green Beans 103

Lasagna, No Pasta 61

Egg Drop Soup 19 Lemon Cottage Cheese Salad 35

Egg Nog 32 Lemon Zest Ricotta Crème 17

Eggplant with Cottage Cheese 14 Lime or Raspberry Cream Cheese Salad 35

Eggs, Baked 22 Lime Vinaigrette 121

Eggs, Deviled 29 Low Carb Catsup (ketchup) 124

Eggs, Frittata 84 Loyce’s Chicken Salad 37

Enchilada, Chicken Suiza 56

Enchiladas, Cheese 83 Macacorny and Cheese 98

Enchiladas, Crab Meat 68 Mango Mint Salsa 126

Marinara Sauce 126

Fijian Curried Taro Fish 69 Marinated String Beans 104

Fish Can Burger Soup 42 Meatballs, Pineapple 27


Recipes for Success

Meatballs, Turkey 51 Potato Substitute, Colcannon 101

Meatloaf, Applesauce 62 Potato Substitute, Mashed Cauliflower 102

Melted Cheese Chips 29 Protein Baked Custard 19

Mexican Chicken 59 Protein Parfait 16

Mocha Pudding Cake 117 Protein Pudding, Super 16

Mocha Ricotta Crème 17 Proteinaceous Pudding 14

Mousse, Chicken/Crab 57 Pudding, Protein 16

Quiche Cups 93

Nearly Non Fat Cheesecake 112 Quick Egg Drop Soup 19

New England Clam Chowder 43 Quick Fish Curry 71

No Pasta Lasagna 61 Red Cabbage and Pork 80

Red Cabbage and Sausage Crockpot 57

Oatmeal Pancakes 24 Rellaneos, Chile 87

Oatmeal, Steel Cut Crockpot 21 Rhubard Pie 107

Oil Spray, Counting Calories 139 (#7) Ricotta, Crème 17

Omelet, Italian 18 Roast Turkey with Stuffing 47-48

Orange Julia 11 Roasted Chicken and Chicken Broth 54

Oriental Chicken Salad Dressing 121 Roasted Onion Dressing/Dip 123

Osso Bucco 66 Roasted Onion Dressing/Dip 125

Oven Stroganoff 65 Roasted Vegetables, Balsamic Vinegar 100

Root Beer Protein Float 9

Pancakes, Oatmeal 24

Panna Cotta with Sauce 111-112 Salmon Croquettes 71

Party Carrots 91 Salmon Curry 69

Party Dip 28 Salmon Tastees 18

Pasta with Fennel 95 Salsa, Corn 119

Pea Soup, Split 43 Salsa, Mango Mint 120

Pea, Green Soup 44 Sausage Zucchini 49

Peach Protein Shake 9 Scones 23

Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies 110 Seafood Soup, Cioppino 73

Pear or Apple Pie 107 Shrimp Bisque 72

Penne Pasta with Feta, Fennel and Shrimp Diablo 72

Sundried Tomatoes 95 Shrimp Mold 59

Pepper Steak 65 Shrimp, Spicy 70

Perfect Steak 65 Sorrento Wraps 27

Pie Crust, Gluten Free 108 Souffle, Carrot 91

Pineapple Meat Balls 27 Soup, Egg Drop 19

Pita Chips 30 Spaghetti Sauce 63

Pizza and Pizza Sauce 26 Spicy Shrimp 70

Pork and Onions 79 Spinach and Baked Eggs w/Cheese 22

Pork Tenderloin Medallions with Spanish Split Pea Soup 43

Smoked Paprika 78 Spray, Oil Counting Calories, 139 (#7)

Pork Tenderloin with Red Cabbage 80 Squash, Sweet Cinnamon 100

Pot Stickers 32 Steak 64

Potato Salad 39 Stew, Burger 63


Stuffed Zucchini with Nuts and Feta 94 Unjury Jigglers 13

Stuffing, Cornbread 48 Unjury Protein Jello 13

Sugar Free Sweet ‘n Sour Tofu 88

Sunny Carrot Salad 36 Veal Osso Bucco 66

Sweet ‘n Sour Tofu 88 Vegam Chili 86

Sweet Potato au Gratin 89 Vegetable Quiche Cups to Go 93

Sweet Potato Orange Cups 90 Vegetable Soup 44

Sweet Winter Squash 100 Vegetables, Roasted 100

Tartar Sauce 127 Watermelon Cake 31

Thousand Island Dressing 122 Wild Rice and Turkey Casserole 46

Three-Bean Salad 33 Wraps 27

Toasted Pita Chips 28

Tofu, Sweet ‘n Sour 88

Tuna and Cottage Cheese 15 Zesty Italian Dressing 124

Tuna, Ahi 70 Zucchini Blintz 99

Turkey Casserole Wild Rice 46 Zucchini, Herbed Frittata 84

Turkey Meatballs 51 Zucchini Sausage Casserole 49

Turkey, Roast 47

Recipe for Success


Recipe for Success

Recipes by PhaseRecipes by Phase

Phase OnePhase One

Protein Drinks: 8,Protein Drinks: 8,

Soup: 44Soup: 44

Phase TwoPhase Two All the above plus:All the above plus:

Protein Drinks, 9, 10, 11,Protein Drinks, 9, 10, 11,

Quick Protein Meals, (Early Phase Meals): 13, 14,Quick Protein Meals, (Early Phase Meals): 13, 14,

Party Time: 30Party Time: 30

Desserts: 105Desserts: 105

Phase ThreePhase Three All the above plus:All the above plus:

Quick Protein Meals, (Early Phase Meals) 14, 15, 17, 18, 19Quick Protein Meals, (Early Phase Meals) 14, 15, 17, 18, 19

Party Time: 28, 29Party Time: 28, 29

Breakfast:: 22, 23, 24Breakfast:: 22, 23, 24

Salads: 36Salads: 36

Soups: 42, 43Soups: 42, 43

Poultry: 48, 49, 51, 54, 57, 59,Poultry: 48, 49, 51, 54, 57, 59,

Fish and Seafood: 70Fish and Seafood: 70

Vegetarian or Vegan Main Dishes: 84, 91, 92, 93,Vegetarian or Vegan Main Dishes: 84, 91, 92, 93,


Recipe for Success

Vegetables: 98, 99, 100, 102, 103,

Desserts: 105, 107, 108

Sauces and Dressings: 119, 121

Phase Four All the Above Plus

Protein Drinks: 10

Quick Protein Meals : 17

Breakfast: 21

Salads: 35, 36

Soups: 43, 44

Party Time: 26, 27, 28, 29, 30

Poultry: 46, 52, 53, 55, 56, 58, 59

Fish and Seafood: 68, 69, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75

Vegetarian or Vegan Main Dishes: 83, 86, 88, 91

Vegetables: 102, 104

Desserts: 106, 113,

Sauces and Dressings: 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 126, 127

Phase Five All the Above Plus

Party Time: 27, 31

Salads: 33, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40

Poultry: 48, 50, 57

Fish and Seafood: 70

Pork: 77, 78, 79, 80, 81

Beef: 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, -66

Vegetarian or Vegan Main Dishes: 85, 87, 89, 90, 94, 95, 96

Vegetables: 98, 101

Desserts: 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117

Sauces and Dressings: 122, 125


Recipe for Success

A Well Stocked Pantry Flours All-purpose flour Bran flour Cornstarch

Heart Smart Bisquick Oat Flour Red Mill Flax Seed Meal

Whole wheat flour Wheat bran

Cooking Oils Butter Flavored cooking spray Canola Oil Spray

Olive oil Olive oil spray Sesame oil

Vinegars Cider, Red wine, white, and Modena 3+ leaf balsamic vinegar

Baking Products Almond extract Baking powder Baking soda

Brown sugar mix (half sugar) Brown Sugar Twin (sugar free) Cornstarch

Evaporated Skim Milk Nonfat dry powdered milk

Steel Cut, Rolled Oats

Sugar substitute packets (Stevia)

Unjury protein powder, unflavored, vanilla, chocolate and chicken flavors Vanilla, almond, coconut and root beer extracts

Spices and Seasonings (Do not skimp on these ingredients. Use only the freshest and

best products available to ensure the best flavor) Discard herbs after one year.

Allspice Basil Bay leaves

Black Pepper Cajon seasoning Cardamon, ground

Celery seed Chili powder Chinese five spice

Cinnamon Cloves Coriander, ground

Course salt Cracked black pepper Cumin, ground Cumin seeds Curry powder (Spice Islands is best)

Chocolate Chili Rub (Chocolate Mystique on East Avenue)

Dry mustard Fajita seasoning mix Fennel seeds: whole

Garlic powder Garlic salt Ginger

Herbes de Provence; Spice Islands brand; (a combination of fennel

seeds, lavender, thyme and assorted other herbs)

Italian seasoning mix Kosher salt

Paprika, sweet Paprika, Spanish smoked Parsley

Poultry seasoning Peppermint flavoring

Ranch dressing mix Red pepper, ground Sage

Sea Salt Taco Seasoning mix Thyme, dried

Condiments Beef bouillon cubes Chicken bouillon cubes Dijon Mustard

Horseradish Low carb Ketchup Lemon juice

Lime juice Lite Soy Sauce Low fat mayonnaise

Pizza Sauce Spicy mustard Salsa

Tabasco hot sauce Worchestershire sauce


Recipe for Success

Miscellaneous Products

Chicken flavored Unjury Fat free beef broth Fat free chicken broth Low fat cream of chicken soup Low fat cream of mushroom soup Sugar free Jello Sugar free pudding mix Sugar free jams Sugar free “maple” syrup Sugar free chocolate syrup

Inexpensive Herb Garden

Find a sunny southern exposure without dog access

Dig eight holes

Purchase small plants of:

Greek Oregano Sage

Thyme Mint

Tarragon Lavender


Plant in the eight holes. Water at least once a week. Suggestion: Put your mint under an outdoor faucet that is used frequently and it will never die. All the others are both frost and drought and heat tolerant!

The May Herb Garden

In the spring after all danger of frost, add to the above:

Parsley Basil

Keep the flowers cut off these plants and they will continue to grow all year until the frost kills them off.


Recipe for Success


# Not all of these appliances need to be purchased new. Check out thrift

stores and haunt yard sales. Keep your eye on “back to school” sales,

geared towards college students and holiday sales.

# Shop online, and eBay too. This is where you’ll

find the best prices.

# Also check out warehouses: Costco, Clearance centers such as: TJ Maxx,

Tuesday Morning, Ross, etc.

# Size Down: Think small; toaster oven, 2 cup blender, small pans, etc. Measuring spoons - might want to get an extra set to keep with you in the first phases of your diet, until you learn to visually judge portions. Measuring cups - one set for dry ingredients and one set for liquids. Weight scale - essential to use constantly for accurate portion or ingredient weight measurement. Wooden or silicone spoons - lightweight; for mixing, doesn’t scratch nonstick pans. Spatula - for spreading and blending foods. Good sharp knifes a chef’s blade (8-10”), a boning knife, a serrated knife and a small paring knife. Kitchen shears - good for removing fat and skin from meats and poultry. Nonstick pots and pans - buy in sets or individually and add pieces as needed. Small Dutch over - heavy iron, enamel coated is best. Easy cleanup! Stainless steel mixing bowls - these are lightweight, but can be used with an electric mixer. Blender - great for those first phase smoothies with ice. Immersion Blender - for mixing single serving protein shakes in your cup, etc. Magic Bullet - good for single serving recipes and to take on trips or on the go. Food Processor - can do everything a blender does. Plus; chops, grinds and purees. Hand food chopper - terrific for small portions. Easier to clean. Colander - use when washing fruits and vegetables. Fine mesh strainer - also use when washing fruits and vegetables. Small crockpot - essential for cooking smaller portions. Toaster Oven - especially nice in the summer when you don’t want to heat up your big oven. Broiler pan - can get the size to fit in your toaster oven.


Recipe for Success

Hints For Your Kitchen

How To Substitute Stevia for Sugar

1/4 cup granulated sugar = 6 packets...2 teaspoons bulk...1 1.2 teaspoons liquid 1/3 cup granulated sugar = 8 packets...2 1/2 teaspoons bulk...2 teaspoons liquid 1/2 cup granulated sugar = 12 packets...4 teaspoons bulk...1 Tablespoon liquid 1 cup granulated sugar = 24 packets...8 teaspoons bulk...2 Tablespoons liquid Powdered Sugar: Use equal parts Stevia and cornstarch. E.G. 1/2 cup Stevia mixed with 1/2 cup cornstarch. Stores well, so put it on the shelf already mixed. Honey: Use 4 parts Brown Sugar Twin Sugar substitute and 1 part water. Store in the refrigerator up to two weeks.

Substituting Butter/Margarine with Olive Oil

Conversion Chart

Extra Virgin olive oil is good for flavor….preferred for salad dressings, sauces, marinades and for dipping bread...has a rich, intense olive flavor. Originale olive oil is good for cooking...It’s an all-purpose everyday cooking oil with a milder flavor than extra virgin olive oil...good for sautés and stir-frying. Extra Light olive oil is good for baking….it has a very mild taste...good for baking and deep for the health benefits of olive oil without the distinct olive

1 tsp 3/4 tsp

1 Tbsp 2 1/4 tsp

2 Tbsp 1 1/2 Tbsp

1/4 cup 3 Tbsp

1/3 cup 1/4 cup

1/2 cup 1/4 cup + 2 Tbsp

2/3 cup 1/2 cup

3/4 cup 1/2 cup + 1 Tbsp

1 cup 3/4 cup


Recipe for Success

1. Do not use aspartame (Equal or NutraSweet) artificial sweetener when cooking or baking. It breaks down. 2. Use flavored cooking sprays instead of regular spray for the taste factor. 3. If shrimp smells strong: Soak shrimp in a little baking soda or baking powder. Drain and sprinkle with a little Stevia. This will freshen the shrimp and take away the strong taste. 4. To freshen chicken, soak the chicken in vinegar and water to remove slime and strong odor. It it still doesn’t smell good, discard the chicken. 5. To remove slime from oysters, soak them in a little vinegar and water.

6. For a fluffier omelet, add a pinch of cornstarch before beating the eggs. 7. Oil Spray Calories: each second of spray is 7 calories.

Low Fat / Lower Calorie Substitutes

1. Substitute 2/3 cup canola oil for 1 cup shortening or butter. 2. Use cooking spray instead of oil in pan for saute or stir fry. 3. Replace 1 egg for 2 egg whites or 1/4 cup low fat liquid egg substitute. 4. Add 1 2 tablespoons of whole wheat flour to low fat recipes that use egg whites to prevent from being too moist. 5. Replace all the fat in baked goods using unsweetened apple- sauce, mashed bananas or other natural fruit purees. Drain these ingredients in a coffee filter or cheesecloth to remove excess liquid.


Recipe for Success

6. Replace sugar in baked goods, using 1/3 to 1/2 the amount in a

heat stable sugar substitute (such as xylitol or maylitol). Always

follow package guidelines for baking when using sugar substi-

tutes. They vary between brands 7. Use low fat and reduced fat ingredients to make sauces and

casseroles. 8. Boost flavor with spices and flavorings.

9. Use pureed potatoes or vegetables to thicken soups. 10. Replace 1 ounce unsweetened chocolate with 3 tablespoons

unsweetened cocoa powder. 11. Replace 1 cup coconut with 1/2 cup coconut and 1 teaspoon

coconut flavoring. 12. Use low fat buttermilk or plain low fat yogurt in place of sour

cream. 13. Use evaporated skim milk instead of cream. 14. Use less fatty cuts of meat; such as round steak in place of

sirloin or use fish or poultry instead of meat. 15. Trim the fat from meat and remove skin from poultry. 16. Reduce or eliminate salt; enhance the flavor with herbs, lemon

or flavored vinegars. 17. Cook with more whole grains, cereals and fruits and vegetables. 18. Use reduced fat margarine instead of butter. 19. Chill gravy or sauce, then skim off the fat as it rises to the



Recipe for Success

20. Season steamed vegetables with herbs or lemon juice instead

of rich sauces.

21. Use wine, fat free broth or fruit juice to marinate, poach and

saute foods.

22.Cut the amount of high fat ingredients, like chocolate chips,

nuts and cheese by 1/2 to 1/3 in recipes.

Reducing Ingredients

Helpful hint: write out the conversions of the recipe before you begin.

Original Amount Half of Recipe One Third Recipe

1 cup 1/2 cup 1/3 cup

3/4 cup 6 tablespoons 1/4 cup

2/3 cup 1/3 cup 3 tablespoons+ 1 1/2


1/2 cup 1/4 cup 2 tablespoons plus 2


1/3 cup 2 tablespoons + 2 tea-


1 tablespoon + 2 1/4

1/4 cup 2 tablespoons 1 tablespoon plus 1


1 tablespoon 1 1/2 teaspoons 1 teaspoon

1 teaspoon 1/2 teaspoon 1/4 teaspoon*

1/2 teaspoon 1/4 teaspoon 1/8 teaspoon*

1/4 teaspoon 1/8 teaspoon dash


Recipe for Success

Chicken Cooking Tips


Cover the chicken with water or stock. Use seasoning shakes,

herbs, garlic, onion or citrus slices, to season the water or stock.

Bring to a slight boil and cover and cook. It can be cooked on the

stovetop or in a 350 degree oven for 25-35 minutes. Cool the

chicken an stock together.

Steaming: Place the chicken in a steamer basket over seasoned water or stock

and steam over medium high heat. Cover and cook for 20-30


Pressure Cooking: Place chicken in a steamer basket over seasoned water or stock.

Follow the manufacture’s instructions as to how much water to use

(minimum required; at least 1/2 cup) and cooking directions. Reduce

the heat to medium and cook 5 to 6 minutes or until the internal tem-

perature is 165 degrees.

Microwaving: Place seasoned chicken in a microwave safe dish and cover with

waxed paper. Follow the manufacture’s instructions; cook medium

heat for 9 minute per pound or until the internal temperature is 165

degrees. Turn the chicken at least once half-way through the cook-

ing process.


Recipe for Success

Grams of Protein

1 cup chicken 43

5 oz. salmon 42

1 cup turkey 41

1 cup soybeans, canned 29

3 oz. roast beef 26

1 cup non fat cottage cheese 25

3 oz. ground beef 22

3 oz. ham 18

1 cup lentils 18

1 cup beans, canned 15

1 cup plain low fat yogurt 12

1 cup milk 8

8 oz. peas, canned 8

1/4 block firm tofu 7

1 oz. cheddar cheese 7

1 oz. nuts


1 large egg 6

1 tbsp. peanut butter 4

1/2 cup ice cream 3


Recipe for Success


To convert a Fahrenheit temperature to Centigrade, do one of the


a. Subtract 32 b. Multiply by 5 c. Divide by 9

To convert Centigrade to Fahrenheit, do one of the following:

a. Multiply by 9 b. Divide by 5 c. Add 32



Conversion of US Linear Measure to Metric System

12 inches 1 foot

3 feet 1 yard

5.5 yards 1 rod

40 rods 1 furlong

8 furlongs(5280 feet) 1 mile

6080 feet 1 nautical mile

1 inch 2.54 centimeters

1 foot .3048 meters

1 yard .9144 meters

1 mile 1609.3 meters

Or 1.609 kilometers


.03937 inch 1 millimeter

.3937 inch 1 centimeter

3.937 inch 1 decimeter


Liquid Measure

Conversion of US Liquid Measure to Metric System

Recipe for Success

8 ounces 1 cup

2 cups 1 pint

16 ounces 1 pint

4 cups 1 quart

1 gill 1/2 cup or 1/4 pint

2 pints 1 quart

4 quarts 1 gallon

31.5 gallons 1 barrell

3 teaspoons 1 tablespoon

2 tablespoons 1/8 cup or 1 fluid ounce

4 tablespoons 1/4 cup

8 tablespoons 1/2 cup

1 pinch 1/8 teaspoon or less

1 teaspoon 60 drops

1 fluid ounce 29.573 milliliters

1 cup 230 milliliters

1 quart .94635 liters

1 gallon 3.7854 liters

.033814 fluid ounce 1 milliliter

3.3814 fluid ounce 1 deciliter

33.814 fluid ounce or 1.0667 qt 1 liter


Dry Measure

Conversion of US Weight and Mass Measures to Metric System

Recipe for SuccessS

2 pints 1 quart

4 quarts 1 gallon

8 quarts 2 gallons or 1 peck

4 pecks 8 gallons

16 ounces 1 pound

2000 lbs 1 ton

.0353 ounces 1 gram

1/4 ounce 7 grams

4 ounces 28.35 grams

8 ounces 226.8 grams

1 pound 454 grams

2.2046 pounds 1 kilogram

.98421 long ton or 1.1023 short


1 metric ton


Recipe for Success

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