Recipe book

Post on 25-Mar-2016

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international recipe book

Transcript of Recipe book





Page Choped Green Salad (Germany) 4 German Schnitzel (Germany) 8 Versunkener Apffel Kuchen (Germany) 12 Broth Soup (Poland) 16 Rolada (Poland) 20 Apple Fritters 'Racuszki' (Poland) 24 Escudella i carn d'olla (Spain) 28 Grated Cod (Spain) 32 Fruit Salad (Spain) 36 Tarhana Soup (Turkey) 40 Meat Stew in Terra Cotta Pot (Turkey) 44 Baklava (Turkey) 48

Lancashire Hotpot (UK) 52 Salmon with Champ Style Sauce (UK) 56 Apple and Plum Crumble (UK) 60



In Bavaria, lettuce is known as green salad and is found in every restaurant. In all households it is pre-pared lovingly with lots of care using only the freshest salad.

You will need 1 - 2 heads of lettuce.

Clean the lettuce and cut off the stalk. Wash in salted water and spin in a salad spinner or shake dry in a colander. If you have any very large leaves then tear these up.

For the salad dressing you will need:

2 tablespoons white wine vinegar 3 tablespoons oil pinch of salt 3 tablespoons herbs such as parsley, borgage, dill, chives (all chopped)

1 small onion chopped, this is optional Small red radishes, optional Garden cress, optional

Beat the oil vinegar and salt together, pour over the lettuce, add the herbs. Then mix carefully together.

Lastly add the optional ingredients


With my Schnitzel recipe your children will love this easy German me-at recipe. Served with Spaetzle, french fries (Pommes) or mashed po-tato (Kartoffelpuree) it is sure to become a favourite in your house. My recipe is prepared without the traditional breadcrumbs but is a tasty pork recipe the whole family will enjoy. COOKING PORK SCHNITZEL 300g turkey salt and pepper 4 tbsp flour 2 tbsp butter 1/8 litre vegetable broth 2 tbsp creme fraiche 4 tbsp tomato sauce First wash the turkey or pork thoroughly and pat dry with kitchen pa-per. Cut the meat into smaller pieces and flatten with a rolling pin or a me-at hammer. Lightly season the meat with salt and pepper and coat in flour. Melt the butter in a pan and brown the meat on both sides. Then add the vegetable broth. Stir in the creme fraiche and cook on a low heat for 10-15 mins until the meat is cooked through. Add tomato sauce to taste. Enjoy your German style home cooking. COOKING TIPS Serve with the following: mashed potato french fries Spaetzle - special kind of homemade pasta, typical of Southern Ger-many boiled potatoes pasta Of course you can use turkey, chicken or pork, whatever you prefer. Make sure that the meat is cooked through until tender.


INGREDIENTS 250g plain flour 200g sugar 125g soft butter 3 eggs 1 pack vanilla sugar (I use Dr Oetker) pinch of salt 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder 1-2 tablespoons of milk 2-3 apples sliced

Preheat oven to 180 C. Prepare and grease cake tin. I normally use a 28 cm (10inch) round cake tin.

Mix together all the ingredients apart from the apples.Pour the mixture into the cake tin and smooth the top until flat.Push the ap-ple pieces gently, at random, into the cake so they sink slightly in-to the mixture.

Bake in the oven for 25 minutes. Turn off the oven and let it rest in the oven for 10 minutes.

Test whether the cake is cooked through by piercing the centre with a toothpick. If it comes out clean then the cake is done.

Let the cake cool.


You can enjoy this cake with Eiscreme, Schlagsahne oder Pu-derzucker




vegetables(carrot, parsely, celery, leek)

a piece of beef

a piece of chicken





Put the meat into cold water.

Boil for one hour.

Add some vegetables and spices.

Take the meat out of the water.

Put the noodle into the soup.

Decorate with carrot and parsley.


- 'ROLADA' – rolled steak

- DUMPLINGS - poured with gravy - RED CABBAGE

'ROLADA' ingredients: beef steak, pickled cucumber, bacon, onion, mustard, salt

. take a piece of fresh steak and hit it with a meat tenderizer to make it very thin

. sprinkle some salt and spread some mustard on it

. take a pickled cucumber, onion and bacon and cut them into ve-ry small pieces.

. put everything on the steak and roll the meat, you can use some thread to wrap around.

. give it to a frying pan and fry for about two hours to make the meat soft, you can make some gravy – add some mixed cream and flour

DUMPLINGS Ingredients: potatoes, an egg, potato flour, butter, salt

. peel the potatoes and boil them

. mash the boiled potatoes, wait for a few minutes (they can't be hot)

. add an egg, some potato flour and butter and knead all the in-gredients

. take a small piece and form to get a small ball – 'a dumpling'

. boil the water with a pinch of salt and throw the balls into the hot water, boil them for a few minutes

CABBAGE Ingredients: red cabbage, onion, apple, lemon, bacon,

. shred the cabbage and boil it, pour out the rest of water

. cut some bacon into small pieces, fry it and add to the cabbage

. cut the onion and an apple into small pieces, add them into the cabbage

. add the lemon juice, pinch of sugar, salt and spices, mix



INGREDIENTS • 1 1/2 cups sour milk (add about 1 1/2 teaspoons vine-gar to 1 1/2 cups whole milk and let stand for a few mi-nutes to sour), • 2 large eggs • 1 cup of flour • 1/2 teaspoon salt • 1 1/4 teaspoons baking powder • 2 large apples, peeled, cored and grated • Oil for frying • Confectioners' sugar PREPARATION Mix milk and eggs until creamy. Add the flour, salt and ba-king powder, and blend into a smooth batter. Let the batter rest 15 minutes. Put the batter into a large bowl and add grated apples, mixing well. Heat enough oil to come halfway up the sides of a large skillet. Portion out batter into skillet and fry until golden brown on both sides. Serve hot dusted with confec-tioners' sugar.



INGREDIENTS -a piece of veal -a piece of lamb -a bone of veal -a bone of ham -a quarter of chicken -2 Catalan sausages (called “butifarres” one white and the other black) -2 potatoes -2 carrots -1 leek -celery -1 turnip -water (3-4 litres) and salt a paquet of noodles ( typical Catalan ones called “galets”) a big meat ball called “pilota” made of: -minced veal meat -minced pork meat -a clove of garlic -parsley -1 egg pepper breadcrumbs PREPARATION Put all the ingredients into a pot with water and salt. All the ingredients are boiled during and hour. Later, prepare the big meat ball and add it into the pot. When it's cooked,the meat and the vegetables are removed and kept warm. Then boil the noodles in the same liquid (soup). You can serve the soup with the noodles and separately the boi-led meat and vegetables.


Prep Time: 20 Min

Cook Time: 25 Min

Ready In: 45 Min


* 2 pounds cod fillets * 3 tablespoons margarine * 6 tablespoons all-purpose flour * 2 cups milk * salt and ground black pepper to taste * 1 1/2 cups shredded Cheddar cheese


I. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease an 8x 12 inch baking dish. Bring a large pot of lightly salted wa-ter to a boil. Add cod fillets and cook for 4 to 6 minutes; drain.

II. Melt margarine in a medium saucepan. Remove from heat and mix in the flour and milk. Return to stove over medium heat, and stir until thickened. Season with salt and pepper.

III. Flake fish into baking dish, alternating layers with sauce. Sprinkle top with shredded cheese.

IV. Bake in preheated oven for 20 to 25 minutes, or until cheese is browned.


INGREDIENTS 1 banana, 1 apple, 3 oranges, 2 kiwis, 1pe-ach, 1pear, ½ melon, 10 strawberries, 1mango, ½ pineapple, 1coconut. All ingredients are optional. TOOLS Knife, bowl, juice extractor. PREPARATION : 1. Peel the fruits. 2. Cut the fruits into small pieces. 3. Put the pieces of fruit into the bowl. 4. Mix the content. 5. Squeeze the oranges to make a juice (it can also be mango, apple, peach, or straw-berry juice). 6. Add the juice into the bowl. 7. Put the fruit salad into the fridge. 8. Finally, eat it and enjoy the desert.



PREPARATION: Dissolve tarhana in water, add the salt and cook for 10 minutes. Melt butter or margarine, add mint and red pepper and stir a few times and sprinkle over the soup. Nutritional Value (in approximately one serving): Energy 88 cal, Protein 1.5 g, Fat 6.1 g, Carbohydra-tes 7.2 g, Calcium 87 mg, Iron 0.27 mg, Phosphorus 2 mg, Zinc 0 mg, Sodium 593 mg, Vitamin A 187 iu, Thiamine - mg, Riboflavin - mg, Niacin 0.03 mg, Vi-tamin C - mg, Cholesterol 0 mg. Notes : In some regions, while preparing the soup, pre-cooked chickpeas, pre-cooked dried white beans or browned ground meat and green peppers are also added.

INGREDIENTS Measure Amount

Water 6 cups 1200 grams

Salt 1½ teaspoons 9 grams

Butter or margarine 4 tablespoons 40 grams

Mint 1½ tablespoons 2 grams

Red pepper ½ teaspoon 1 gram

Tarhana (dry) ½ cup 75 grams



INGREDIENTS: ½ kg lamb, cut small 10 small (walnut size) onions 1 T butter 2 medium tomatoes 3 “sivri” peppers, or 1 green bell pepper 1 c water Chopped parsley Salt to taste PREPARATION Arrange the meat on the bottom of a me-dium size clay güveç, or casserole, inters-persed with the 10 onions. Cut the tomato-es into round slices and arrange on top, along with halved peppers (if using bell peppers cut into strips). Add salt and 1 cup water. Cover and cook at medium heat till meat is tender.


PREPARATION Place the sugar and 2 cups of water in a saucepan, boil for 10 minutes, add the lemon juice and bring to boil again for a short time. Remove from heat and leave to cool. Crush or grind the pistachio nuts. Sift the flour into a large bowl, add salt and and mix. Slowly pour the oil, make a hole in the middle and add the eggs and very slowly add the water. Knead into a me-dium stiff dough. Cover with a damp cloth and leave for about 10 minutes. Divide the dough into balls and roll each ball out very thin, sprinkling with starch until half a millimeter thick. Place half of the rolled out dough into a baking pan of 35-40 cm. diameter. Sprinkle pistachio nuts on the top sheet. Place the remaining sheets. Cut the layered pastry sheets into squares or diamonds. Heat the butter without burning it and pour over the pastry. Bake in a barely moderately heated oven for approximately 40-50 minutes until it is golden brown. Remove from the oven and set aside for 2-3 minutes and then pour the cold syrup over the pastry, cover and let it soak the syrup. Nutritional Value (in approximately one serving) : Energy 425 cal, Protein 6.4 g, Fat 19.5 g, Carbohydrates 58.2 g, Calcium 27 mg, Iron 1.31 mg, Phosphorus 100 mg, Zinc 1 mg, Sodium 190 mg, Vi-tamin A 479 iu, Thiamine 0.10 mg, Riboflavin 0.03 mg, Niacin 0.45 mg, Vi-tamin C - mg, Cholesterol (when butter is used) 58 mg. Notes : Baklava is one of the traditional desserts which is best known and made in all regions of Anatolia. The type which is prepared with a very thick syrup and keeps for a long time is known as "Dry Baklava" (Kuru Baklava).

INGREDIENTS Measure Amount

Water 2 cups 500 grams

Lemon juice 1 teaspoon 5 grams

Pistachio nuts (uncrushed) 2 cups 220 grams

Flour 4 cups 500 grams

Salt 1 teaspoon 3 grams

Olive oil 1 tablespoons 15 grams

Eggs 2 100 grams

Starch 2 cups 55 grams

Butter or margarine 1 cup 250 grams

Sugar 3 cups 585 grams



This dish was originally popular in the working areas of the north west of England because it is simple to prepare, can be left in the oven for a long period to cook and is tasty and nutritious. INGREDIENTS 4tbsps oil 900g stewing lamb, cut into large chunks 2 medium onions chopped 4 carrots peeled and sliced 25g plain flour 2tsp spicy sauce 500ml lamb stock 2 bay leaves 900g potatoes, peeled and sliced METHOD

. Heat the oven to 140C. Heat some oil in a frying pan and brown the lamb in small batches, lift browned lamb onto a plate.

. Fry the onions and carrots in the pan with a little more oil until soft and golden. Sprinkle flour over the vege-tables, allow to cook for a few more minutes, add spi-cy sauce, add stock and then bring to the boil. Stir in the meat and bay leaves and turn off the heat. Pour mixture into an oven proof dish with a lid. Arrange sli-ces potatoes over the top of the meat and vegetables, drizzle the last of the oil onto the potatoes. Cover, then place in the oven for about 1 ½ hours until the poatoes are cooked.

. Remove the lid, brush the potatoes with oil and turn up the oven. Cook until the potatoes are brown and crispy.

Serve hot with green vegetables.


INGREDIENTS Sauce 300g potatoes, peeled and cut into large cubes 1-2 small onions 175-200ml whipping cream Fresh ground white pepper 4-6 teaspoons snipped chives Salmon 8 fillets (175g each) skinless salmon (checked for small bones) 2 tablespoons olive oil Pepper as above METHOD

. For the sauce: in a small saucepan, cover the chopped pota-toes and onions with cold sated water. Bring to the boil and simmer for about 10minutes until the potatoes are tender.

. Drain the potatoes well and put them back into the pan, re-turn the pan to the heat and add the cream. When the cream begins to bubble, remove from heat and blend mixture to a smooth puree.

. Season to taste and keep warm (for a runny sauce use just 200g potatoes).

. Heat the oil in a large frying pan, season the salmon with salt and pepper. Fry the fillets quickly for 2 minutes on each side and remove and keep warm.

. To finish the sauce, stir the chives into the potato puree and spoon generously onto warm plates. Place a salmon fillet on top of each serving of sauce and add a few salad leaves tos-sed in dressing. Garnish with more chives.

Serve with green salad.


This winter dish is cooked with seasonal fruit, there can be any combination of seasonal fruit under the crumble topping. Ingredients FILLING 675g cooking apples, peeled, cored and cut into thick slices 675g sweet apples, peeled, cored and cut into thick slices 12 plums – stones removed and cut into quarters 25g light brown sugar 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 2 tablespoons of water CRUMBLE MIXTURE 280g self raising flour 140g butter, plus a little extra 140g soft brown sugar 70g (porridge) oats METHOD

. Preheat oven to 180c and grease a 28x20x5cm baking dish.

. Put the fruit into the baking dish, sprinkle sugar over the fruit and bake together for 10mns until fruits soften and juices run. Remove dish from oven and increase tempe-rature to 200C

. Put the flour and the chopped butter into a large mixing bowl. Rub the butter into the flour and then rub the mixtu-re between the palms of the hands until small crumbs are formed. Stir oat flakes into the crumble mixture.

Sprinkle the crumble mixture over the fruit and bake for about 30mns or until golden brown.

Serve hot with cream, ice-cream or custard.




Carl-Orff Schule (Lingen, Germany) Szkola Podstawowa nr.1 (Pszczyna, Poland)

Escola Acàcies (Barcelona, Spain) Dayinlar Ilkögretim Okulu (Gediz, Turkey)

St. Bede's RC Primary School (Darlington, UK)