Recent Workings

Post on 11-Mar-2016

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A number of recent completed projects.

Transcript of Recent Workings

Brief: A visual interperetation of a headline or news story from a newspaper of your choice.It could be political or humourous, typographic or illustrative or all of the above.

Solution: I created an edition of 20 A1 screen prints based on the newspaper headline “All these vampires on the box could suck the genre dry” I chose this specific article to show my personal frustration with the oversaturation of this genre in todays media.

A1 print for sale via & Instore at Urban Outfitter Leeds.

A2 print for sale via & Instore at Urban Outfitter Leeds.

Brief: A visual interperetation of a headline or news story from a newspaper of your choice.It could be political or humourous, typographic or illustrative or all of the above.

Solution: I created an edition of 20 A2 screen prints based on the newspaper headline “Proud to be plastic” The article for the first ever cosmetically enhanced beauty pagent. The idea behind my final print was to take women who have made a career out of being cosmetically enhanced and combine provacative imagery with deformed hand rendered typography.

Brief: Create an image that captures the theme of resistance. Resistance is about going against the grain.Going left when everyone is going right. Resistance is radical for the short term, and revolutionary in the long.

Solution: I created a customized mail out out pack containing 4 paste up posters, stickers and a set of instructions. The purpose of this project was to catch the attention of the general public and ask them the question “who’s policing the police”. The intension of my design was to make people think, and if they feel oblidged to spread the message further they have the tools to do

Final A2 Paste up poster x4

Emblem Design development.

Alternate Idea: Specifically targeting minorities of police abuse.(Homosexuals, race and the elderly)

Brief: Design a full working brand for a new up and coming club night to work across variousDifferent media’s and formats.

Solution: This was a collobrative brief worked on by myself and Tom Pratt. We created a simple but beautiful branding system that focussed on cutting through the vast amount of mundane exisiting promotional work. The brand consisted of a flyer, poster, letterhead and business card. The business cards and letterheads were given a personal touch using a custom stamp, the business cards also fuction as a discounted entry pass.



Poster in context Flyer in context


Design a Poster and Flyer for the event “Canned Heat” Hosted by Jezabel - Toronto. Working to live deadine’s and very open guidelinespushed me to create various different concepts. The images above are the final resolutions. The documentation and development can be found here


Design a Poster and Flyer for the event “Monday Meetings” Hosted by The social - Toronto. The documentation and development can be found here