Recces music video

Post on 05-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Recces music video

ReccesLocation Scouting

Address & MapKerswell House, Kerswell Green, Worcester, Worcestershire, England, WR5 3PF

Why is it a suitable


This is a suitable location because it won’t cost anything to use because it is owned by a member of the groups family. There are various different sets which are available to use, such as inside a white room with mirrors, on a building site, and in flowers and wildlife. It also will not take any time to get there. In this location, if we forget something, we wont need to travel far to get it. We will also get adults supervision if there are any safety issues.


The availability of the location we want to use will be fully availably for us, 24/7. This said, we wouldn’t be able to use the outside after dark because the natural light would distort the photo. This is why we would have to use the time guidelines of 11am-3pm to take the photos in the outdoor location as this is the prime time for daylight. We would also have to take in to consideration when would be a nice day to do the shoot, because we would want the photos, if taken outside, to be in sunlight, so the photo wouldn’t look dull, but not with blistering sun so that the actors can’t look to the camera. The weather shouldn’t look rainy in the photo, therefore, we wont be able to do the shoot on a wet, or foggy day.

Contact Details

Name: Kerswell House

Address: Kerswell House, Kerswell Green, Worcester, WR5 3PF

Telephone: 01905 371234

Lighting Issues at Location: Window in Studio