Rebellion - Winter Thwarted Rebellion - Winter …...Knighton Community Centre, Bowling Green Lane,...

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Transcript of Rebellion - Winter Thwarted Rebellion - Winter …...Knighton Community Centre, Bowling Green Lane,...

Rebellion - Winter

Thwarted Rebellion - Winter

Athlete Information

Rebellion - Winter and Thwarted Rebellion - Winter 2019 © Up Hill Down Dale - All rights reserved

General Information The Rebellion - Winter & Thwarted Rebellion - Winter will start at 19:00 on the 1st Nov 2019. The routes follow the Glyndwr’s Way National Trail. There is a 66 hours cutoff for the Rebellion - Winter and a 40 hours cutoff for the Thwarted Rebellion - Winter. There are also individual cut offs for each checkpoint.

Route and Countryside Code The route of the race goes over farmland in many places. Participants need to be aware that there will be livestock in fields that the route follows. It is important that the COUNTRYSIDE CODE IS FOLLOWED AT ALL TIMES and any litter is taken with you. The full countryside code can be viewed on the Government website for the Countryside Code. Please take the time to read it in full and familiarize yourself with it. The route also goes past many houses and through farm yards. Please refrain from knocking on residents doors to ask for anything, especially at unsociable times of the day, unless it is a real emergency.

GPS Trackers Everyone will be issued with a GPS tracker at registration in Knighton, the tracker MUST be turned on at all times for the full duration of the race. The GPS trackers will be constantly monitored by many members of the Up Hill Down Dale team, this is for your safety and also so we can see where you’ve been (just in case anyone is thinking of cutting corners). The Up Hill Down Dale team reserve the right to disqualify any participants who cut the route short or ‘modify’ the route for unfair advantage. It is also important that you DO NOT LOSE the tracker. If a tracker is lost, you will be charged a fee of £120 for the replacement of the device.

SOS button There is an SOS button on each tracker. This is to be pressed only in the event of a real emergency. If you do press the SOS button we will call you immediately to check your status and send a support vehicle and/or medical team to your location.

Athlete Timing You will be issued with a SportIdent dibber at registration which will be used to time you during the event, it will be attached to you wrist and you will be dibbed in at each checkpoint and at the finish, you will be shown the procedure at registration. Full and individual results will be issued post event. It is also important that you DO NOT LOSE the dibber, If a dibber is lost you will be charged a fee of £25 for the replacement of the device.

GPX File of the full route A GPX file of both routes along the Glyndwr’s Way will be issued prior to the event, please ensure this route is loaded onto your selected device and tested prior to the event.

Rebellion - Winter and Thwarted Rebellion - Winter 2019 © Up Hill Down Dale - All rights reserved

Drop/Finish Bags Drop/Finish bags will be collected at registration, once the drop bag has been used they will be transported to the finish. If you do not finish the race and you haven’t collected your drop bag from the checkpoint already, they will be transported to the finish in Welshpool for you to collect, however this must be done before 13:00 on Monday 4th Nov 2019. Rebellion - Winter

1 drop bag is allowed, this will be available to you at Machynlleth (75 Miles), 1 finish bag is allowed and this will available at the finish in Welshpool

Thwarted Rebellion - Winter

There is NO drop bags for this event, 1 finish bag is allowed, and this will be made available to you at the finish in Machynlleth.

Drop/Finish bags must be completely sealed when you give them to us at the start and after you have used them at a checkpoint. If they’re not completely sealed it’s very likely that your stuff will fall out when in transit and we are not responsible for anything lost. For the avoidance of doubt below are pictures of what is and isn’t acceptable. Drop/Finish bags must not exceed 10KG.

Rebellion - Winter and Thwarted Rebellion - Winter 2019 © Up Hill Down Dale - All rights reserved

Retiring/Withdrawing from the Race If you need or wish to withdraw from the race it is imperative that you notify the Up Hill Down Dale team by any means as soon as possible. If we see that your tracker is not on the race route we will contact you via mobile phone.

Emergencies If there is a serious emergency, you should call 999 first and then call the Up Hill Down Dale team to let them know the problem and/or press your SOS button on your GPS tracker.

Support and Food There will be plenty of food, water and snacks for you at each checkpoint. However, if you wish to have someone meet you to supply food and/or water at any point during the race, you’re welcome to. If you wish to get food from any shops/cafes/pubs etc, you are also welcome to.

Required Kit List Below is a list of the required kit for the race. You MUST have all the required items on the list and MUST be as described. Every participant will have their kit checked at registration and before the start. If your kit is not complete you will NOT be allowed to start the race. There will be NO EXCEPTIONS. The organizers decision is final.

Compulsory Kit (Must be carried with you)

● Taped seam jacket with hood (Highly recommend Gortex or similar NOT lightweight jacket) ● Waterproof trousers ● Map of the route ● Compass ● Mobile phone with charge to call in an emergency (Not needed to be on) ● Hat ● Gloves ● Head torch you can use for the whole event ● Long sleeved top ● Survival bag (not blanket) ● Foil blanket ● Food for in between checkpoints ● GPS navigation device with GPX of route loaded ● GPS tracker (provided by us at registration)** ● Comprehensive Medical/first aid kit

Recommended Kit (Carried with you or in drop bag)

● Sleep mat ● Warm sleeping bag with optional thermal liner ● Watch that can be on for the full duration of the race ● Spare socks ● Dry bags ● Zip lock bags

Rebellion - Winter and Thwarted Rebellion - Winter 2019 © Up Hill Down Dale - All rights reserved

● Running tights/leggings ● Buff or similar ● Waterproof gloves ● Spare trainers/boots ● Painkillers and/or anti-inflammatories

Suggested medical kit

• Sterile cotton swabs (small) x 4 • Blister Plasters (various sizes) x 8 • Profoot Moleskin Roll or patches x1 • Alcohol/Antiseptic wipes x 6 • Leukotape roll x 1 • Anti chafe roll or cream • Medium dressing bandage

* There is a £120 charge if you lose your GPS tracker during the event


Checkpoint No. Location

Distance Miles (km) Cut off/Time

Registration/Kit Check

Knighton 0 (0) 16:00 - 18:00 on 1st Nov 2019

Race briefing Knighton 0 (0) 18:00 - 18:30 on 1st Nov 2019

Start Knighton 0 (0) 19:00 on 1st Nov 2019

1 Llanbadarn Fynydd

23 (37) 03:00 on 2nd Nov 2019

2 Llanidloes 47 (75) 17:00 on 2nd Nov 2019

3 Machynlleth


75 (120) 11:00 on 3rd Nov 2019

Rebellion - Winter and Thwarted Rebellion - Winter 2019 © Up Hill Down Dale - All rights reserved


4 Llanwddyn (Lake Vyrnwy)

107 (171) 23:00 on 3rd Nov 2019

Finish Welshpool 135 (217) 13:00 on 4th Nov 2019

Transport between Machynlleth and Knighton - Thwarted Rebellion - Winter Coach transport is available for the Thwarted Rebellion from Machynlleth to Knighton. The coach leaves Maengwyn Street car park at 16:00 on Friday 1st Nov 2019. We recommend before the start of the race you drive to Machynlleth and leave your car in the Maengwyn Street car park (postcode SY20 8DY) then catch the coach to Knighton in time for registration etc. You are responsible for parking your car and ensuring it is paid for until you return. This carpark is large so you will not have a problem. You can use the ticket machine to pay for the car park until Monday at a cost of £3.20 per day.

Transport between Welshpool and Knighton - Rebellion - Winter Coach transport is available for the Rebellion from Welshpool to Knighton. The coach leaves Berriew Street car park at 16:00 on Friday 1st Nov 2019. We recommend before the start of the race you drive to Welshpool and leave your car in the Berriew Street car park (postcode SY21 7TE) then catch the coach to Knighton in time for registration etc. You are responsible for parking your car and ensuring it is paid for until you return. This carpark is very large so you will not have a problem. You can use the ticket machine to pay for the car park until Monday at a cost of £3.20 per day.

Maps and Navigation We recommend you use AZ maps map of the route during the race. You can buy this from Amazon and many other locations We also recommend that you download the OS Locate app onto your smartphone, if you have one. This will give you a grid location incase you get lost and need to relocate yourself. If you do think you’re lost you can call one of the Up Hill Down Dale team and they will be able to point you in the right direction to get you back on track.

Rebellion - Winter and Thwarted Rebellion - Winter 2019 © Up Hill Down Dale - All rights reserved

Fitness You must be fit to start the race. You must be confident you are fit enough to start race and are able to spend several hours at a time in the countryside with no assistance. You must be able to read a map. You must be able to make sound decisions as to your surroundings, weather conditions, physical condition and if it is safe and responsible to continue. If you can’t do any of the above you must not start the race, you are ultimately responsible for yourself. We have medical professionals with many years experience in endurance events as our medical team, if they tell you to stop you must stop, no exceptions.

Crew Athletes are allowed their own support crew but not pacers, please ensure all support crew park responsibly and do not hinder checkpoint staff or other athletes.

Weather You will be advised of the latest weather forecast at the race brief, please ensure you have suitable clothing for all weather conditions.

Medical Support Up Hill Down Dale will provide medical cover for the event if you have any medical issues please speak to the Race Director or checkpoint staff.

Volunteers Over the years we've been lucky enough to enjoy huge support from athletes volunteering at our events. If you fancy joining the team to help out at checkpoints/registration and earning yourself a FREE race entry please drop an email to with your contact details.

Rebellion - Winter and Thwarted Rebellion - Winter 2019 © Up Hill Down Dale - All rights reserved

Registration Location & Start Location

Knighton Community Centre, Bowling Green Lane, Knighton, Powys LD7 1DR - What3Words Address - ///depravity.beyond.character The hall will be open from 16:00 on Friday. You will pick up your tracker at registration along with your race number. The race will start at the actual start of Glyndwr’s Way, which is a short walk from Knighton Community Centre. Located behind the main clock tower in Knighton. There is plenty of parking at the Community Centre. See map below

Rebellion - Winter and Thwarted Rebellion - Winter 2019 © Up Hill Down Dale - All rights reserved

Checkpoints Some of the checkpoints are slightly off Glyndwr’s Way and some are on the route. If they are off the route there will be signs directing, you to the checkpoint from the route. The signs will be large fluorescent orange arrows. If you have not left a checkpoint by the time it closes (see Schedule) you will be marked as did not finish in the race results and your race will be over.

Checkpoint 1 - Llanbadarn Fynydd

Llanbadarn Fynydd Village Hall, Llanbadarn Fynydd, Llandrindod Wells, LD1 6YA - OS Grid Ref: SO 09914 78024 - What3Words Address - ///

Rebellion - Winter and Thwarted Rebellion - Winter 2019 © Up Hill Down Dale - All rights reserved

Checkpoint 2 - Llanidloes

Llanidloes Old hall Community Centre, Llanidloes, Powys , SY18 6EZ - OS Grid Ref: SN 95453 84366 - What3Words Address - ///slimming.dwell.dreamers

Rebellion - Winter and Thwarted Rebellion - Winter 2019 © Up Hill Down Dale - All rights reserved

Checkpoint 3 & Thwarted Finish - Machynlleth

Y Plas, Aberystwyth Road, Machynlleth, Powys, SY20 8DW - OS Grid Ref: SH 74553 00554 - What3Words Address - ///smile.blurred.elsewhere

Rebellion - Winter and Thwarted Rebellion - Winter 2019 © Up Hill Down Dale - All rights reserved

Checkpoint 4 - Llanwddyn

Llanwddyn Community Centre, Abertridwr, Llanwddyn, Oswestry, SY10 0LB - OS Grid Ref: SJ 03408 19097 - What3Words Address - ///dined.major.strictest

Rebellion - Winter and Thwarted Rebellion - Winter 2019 © Up Hill Down Dale - All rights reserved

Finish - Welshpool

COWSHACC, Oldford Ln, Welshpool, postcode SY21 7TE - OS Grid Ref: SJ 22340 07287 - What3Words Address - ///polygraph.depended.retrieves

The race will finish at the COWSHACC pictured above and not at the finish of Glyndwr’s Way as the Glyndwr’s Way finishes is pretty uninspiring and finishes pretty much on the main road. If you wish to go down to the National Trail finish before after coming to the race finish location you’re welcome to do that. The race finish location will be signed from where it leaves Glyndwr’s Way and not the finish of the National Trail. There is food and refreshments at the end. There is also places to sleep for a while, but everyone must leave by 8pm on the Monday. The finish is right in the center of Welshpool, there are plenty of B&B’s and Hotels if you wish to book some accommodation for when you finish.


Rebellion - Winter and Thwarted Rebellion - Winter 2019 © Up Hill Down Dale - All rights reserved

Thank You and Enjoy it! Remember that you are at the race to enjoy yourself. Good luck and we’ll see you on the 1st Nov 2019. Thanks Up Hill Down Dale

Rebellion - Winter and Thwarted Rebellion - Winter 2019 © Up Hill Down Dale - All rights reserved

If you have enjoyed the Rebellion Winter / Rebellion Thwarted - Winter please check out some of our other events. Beacons 100 - Beacons 50 - Beacons Trail Marathon - Beacons Ultra - White Bear Triathlon - Ballygally Beach Swim - Snowdonia Slate Trail - Exodus - Rebellion - Summer - Rebellion - Winter - Winter Wychavon Way -