Realms of Radiance – (1988) - The Eloists

Post on 25-Jul-2016

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This is a collection of 1988 writings from the New Thought – Spiritualism – Mysticism – Oahspe – Angelic Communion themed journal “Radiance.” It was was published from 1983 to 1999. To be honest, I personally value these writings about as highly as anything I have ever read. These very positive inspirations were created via Angelic Communion Inspiration Channeling where the focus is on the Spirit of the Higher Heavens. The mystic writings touch upon the power of heavenly blessings and attunement, as well as description of heavenly realms recently development in the other world. The founder of the Eloists was Walter DeVoe, New Age healer, New Thought innovator and mystic.

Transcript of Realms of Radiance – (1988) - The Eloists


(1988) The Eloists


Within Radiance flows the spirit of the Eloists. It is an expression of Light,

and speaks with the Voice of the Living Spirit as It has come to be known

through the Eloist family. 'Eloist' means a 'doer of the Creator's will.' The

objective of Radiance is not so much to educate as it is to strike a keynote

or set a tone that will help the reader to become attuned to 'the realm of

thought in which angels dwell,' and in that harmony to learn how to rise in

spirit to embrace a higher purpose.




Let your lives speak, knowing it is not the words professed that have

importance, but rather the small and sometimes seemingly

inconsequential acts that accumulate from day to day that make the


Here on the Plateau, we, your friends, watch over you in the hope that we

might inspire you on your way to nobler thoughts and deeds, often those

which are at variance to what your peers would care to pursue or

undertake. We strive to protect you from unsavory influences and spirits

who may endeavor to lead you in the way of their own selfish designs.

Often, where you are strong, we succeed. But at times when your will is

weak or your nervous system is enervated or fatigued, our influence is

hampered and the dark forces win out. Our temerity, however, is unfailing

and as long as the potential for good persists in our wards, we will ride

any storm to see them through. Think of us, as we think of you, sending

us your loving blessings in Jehovih's name, and our bond will strengthen

in ways that will benefit our labors for All Light, and for you as well. Seek

the Light with all the force of your will, being tolerant of others who may

differ from you, being compassionate to perceive the needs of others, and

you will move through this life with greater peace of mind and joy of soul.




The best thing you. can do for Jehovih's angels is to keep yourself in the

best possible mood. You know when you are slipping into the old,

mortal rats of thinking and feeling. It is easy to give in to that kind of

mood, to be mad at the world and be sorry for yourself. But you can

tune out that wavelength and tune into the wavelength of Jehovih and

His angel workers. They are ready to help uplift your spirits when you

make an effort to open up to them. Think of the things that make you

feel loving, compassionate and kind. Babies? Puppies? Kittens? Or a

friend you have been close to, here or on the spiritual plane? You

know what thoughts can uplift you, and your imagination and memory

are always there for this purpose. Carry the light to all your world, and

you will be sustained and strengthened by Jehovih's Presence.




If the Creator is Ever Present with man, what is He doing? How do His

will, wisdom and love manifest?

The love that you feel for another is of the Creator's Presence in you.

The willingness to sacrifice self-desires for the good of another, the

intelligence and energy with which you carry out your daily activities,

are of the Creator's Presence in you. The mysterious element called

"life" which makes you breathe keeps your heart beating, and all the

organs of your body functioning for the good of the whole, is of the

Creator's Presence. By giving Him recognition, praise, appreciation and

cooperation, you develop your oneness with Him, your attunement, and

your capacity for expressing the higher light and beauty of the soul.

The Creator's purpose is not one of serving man's needs like a mother

serves the needs of an infant, doing everything while the baby merely

entertains himself. Man must learn how to lift himself out of darkness;

and in doing so, he will develop his god-like talents and powers. The life

of the soul of man is unending. The earth life is but a beginning stage

out of which man is born into the lasting reality of spirit. This is man's


destiny, to serve his Creator, and to perfect himself in all god-like

qualities and capabilities.

Man is a co-creator with the Almighty. If he creates unwisely, and suffers

from the results, he must turn about and go another way, searching until

he finds the All-Highest Light. Whichever way man turns, the Creator

serves man, letting him make mistakes and learn from experience. Now

we have cause for rejoicing because the earth and mankind are in a

cyclic period of light. An upward swing toward peace, love and

benevolence is imminent. It has already begun. Give recognition and faith

to the Creator's Presence, and to His Power in you, and He will make

you triumphant over all darkness and limitation.



Thy words of light are expressing through me now, O Creator. I am a

powerful instrument of light and love, radiating an uplifting quality to all

people within my reach. Thou art using me now. I am positive with Thee

now, doing Thy will. My thoughts are concentrated, creating power for thy

angels to use. I am using the power of thought to serve Thy purpose. I


am aware of Thy Presence. I am tuned with Thee. I expect to be inspired

with thoughts that will be of help to others. Every soul is a potential soul of

divine energy. Every soul can contribute to the building of a better world.

Every soul is important, and is loved by Thee. Every soul will always be a

part of Thy Being. As long as we are aware of our oneness with Thee,

and are trying to serve Thee, we are being supported, inspired and

protected. We are placing ourselves in Thy hands. We are giving

ourselves to Thee, letting go of self. No matter what happens, we shall

always be strong in faith in Thee, and will do our best to serve Thee.

This is our highest light. We are Thy instruments, now and forever.



Jehovih reigns throughout the universe. Jehovih reigns in your soul. You

are awake to His Presence. You are aware of your oneness with Him.

Turn to Him for light and guidance. Be an instrument of His Light and

Love. You are a blessing, love is your power. You are learning and

growing. Mighty healing love flows through you to bless your world. You

are a means of upliftment for many souls. You are doing the Creator's will.

You think and act under His inspiration. The hosts of the Almighty


support your efforts. Give them your faith and love. You are one with

many in doing the Creator's will. You are strong in the light. You are true

to the purpose. You are faithful to Jehovih. With all the force of your

being, you are serving the All Highest.



The glory of the heavens is blending with the earth's clouds of spiritual

smog. It will penetrate deeply into the bowels of the earth and loosen the

debris which has caused mankind's suffering for so many ages. Be ready

for the combustion and reaction which will follow, and which has already

shown outward signs of resistance and confusion. There are many

beautiful souls on earth who are working for peace and want to help

others in dire need; and they are being inspired and strengthened by the

light from heavenly spheres. They are a good influence, and their work is

being used by the angels to touch the souls of their fellow men and

women. They can reach certain areas on the mental plane that is

opening the doors for us through which to pour the awakening rays of

Jehovih's light. Your work of dedication helps all those whose purpose

is of the highest.




I am a doer of Thy Will. I am with Thee now in consciousness, O

Creator. I am a doer of Thy will, a co-creator with Thee. Thou art a

powerful influence in my life. Thou art victorious in bringing souls up out of

darkness. I am an instrument for uplifting mankind. This is the reason I

am here. There is nothing I -want but to serve Thy purpose. I wish to

make everything I do contribute to the upliftment of mankind. All forces in

my life are brought under the control of Thy Almighty Will. All energies are

made to serve Thee. I am a dynamo of divine energy. I am a radiant sun

of divine love. I am expressing the simple truths that have been with

mankind for ages, the truths which have raised him up out of the primeval

darkness. Thou art the truth of man's being, O Creator. Now we are

recognizing Thy Presence. Now we are learning to cooperate with Thy

angels. Now we are building a new order of benevolence. Thou art doing

it through us. Nothing can halt the progress of mankind toward the

perfection of his nature and his world. Mankind shall rejoice in his

liberation from darkness and his attunement with Thee. Peace is earth

is becoming a reality in this age of light. Love is triumphant!




I rejoice in my awareness of Thy Presence, O Creator. Thanks for the

good feelings that are now with me. Bless all people with these good

feelings. Thou art a beautiful, healing love in me. I am strong to do Thy

will. Mighty angels back my efforts. I am one with them. My mind is tuned

with higher spiritual worlds. The mind and worries of the world do not

touch me. Thy healing Presence is keeping this body in good health for

the sake of others who need me, and for the sake of the group and its

work. My faith is with Thee. I belong to Thee. Thou art doing what needs

to be done through me. There is a divine purpose in my life. I live only for

Thee. I live to fulfill my divine mission. I cannot take part in any activity

that cuts me off from Thee. I am part of a mighty organization of angelic

beings. Thou art the inspiration of this heavenly host. Praise to Thee for

all the goodness and beauty of life. I rejoice in the loving feelings I am

able to express. I rejoice because Thou art inspiring me to help people.

Thou art my inspiration always. I live by Thy light. Thou art guiding me in

making decisions. I know Thou art with me as I try to rise above self.

Everything is in Thy hands.




Peace be with you always. Unwind, and put your faith in the Creator.

Concentrate on your breathing, realizing it is Jehovih's breath breathing

through you. Blot all disturbing thoughts from your mind, and do not let

them separate you from your oneness with Jehovih and His angel hosts.

You must keep a clean channel for the light to come through. You must

be superior to negative thoughts and feelings, and stand on a firm

foundation, like the Rock of Gibraltar. The storms may swirl around you,

but cannot touch you when your beacon light is shining bright and strong.



Someday we will all be together as one happy family. Till then we must be

content to work in harmony at a distance and to limit our communication

to these mediumistic channels at these limited predetermined times. We

often find it frustrating as you do, when conditions make our contact

unclear and weak. But if you will remember that all" such disturbances are

brief and cyclic and as subject to change as the weather, you will be


patient and simply wait until the cyclic variation becomes favorable again.

Rest assured that it always has and it always will. When conditions cast

an unwanted cloud over our proceedings, just go back to basics and

await our return. Go through the motions of council as you always have.

Do your meditations, affirmations and reading. Exercise, fast or recharge

with forest or ocean. The basics will always prepare you and keep you

well-tuned until conditions again become more favorable. Help others and

do good unselfishly so that the thoughts directed toward you are positive

and favorable. This helps us as well because thoughts are substantial

and real; visibly so on our plane and invisibly so on yours. We are always

there beside you, nevertheless, even when your dullness or the clouds in

your environment make you doubt your senses. The difference is that

your sharpened awareness allows you to maintain control and only allow

those who are favorable and of the Light to remain in your presence.

Those who are unaware of spiritual things and whose dullness prevents

them from I seeing or hearing our presence are the most vulnerable and

subject to manipulation by lower plane spirits. It is, unfortunately, the

weak minded, the dull and undeveloped souls who are most subject to

spirit influence of the lower realms. They are manipulated daily and are

unaware of the source of their thoughts and inclinations, until truly their

lives are not their own. You, however, are in control; control of your mind

and your life. Be proud of that fact because it was a long spiritual struggle

that required years of great mental discipline to get you there. You know it


does not come easily, nothing of any great value ever really does. So

stand tall before your Creator and say, "Here I am, oh God, strong and

capable, ready to do Thy will, now and forever. Amen!"



Bless all your fellow travelers. They have a road to follow, just like you.

And when it happens that they take a turn, send the thoughts that they

need to stay on course. We all falter and we all can use a good support

team behind us.

Recognition of your spirit guardians comes in time and you will enjoy their

presence with you more and more. The main talent it takes is

progressing to a point where you can grasp that everything is spiritual and

therefore vivid and alive. When you nurture this truth you will feel the

presence of many souls in spirit as they stand by you. Their lives have

never stopped and they are as much a part of this picture as you and your

immediate family and corporeal surroundings. You can converse and

learn as much as you would with your corporeal friends. Weed out the

monotony and the bondage of superficial trivia and join us for a real

education. We are yours in spirit.




From the Plateau of the Blossoming Presence, we greet you. We are

waiting for you to visit our Place of Radiance in spirit. There is unending

information on the history of our planet in the library here, history you

should learn that is not in your history books. We attend classes daily to

learn of many things we have to learn in our spirit life here. We still have

work to do in the upliftment of our brothers and sisters on the corporeal

earth. We travel with the hosts of light in fireships. Those of us who are

newly arrived here have much to learn, but angels of long experience say

there is no end to learning of our Creator's vast creations. We who have

had training in our corporeal life find that we can be of great help to the

myriads of souls entering the heavens of the earth each day. Our

assignments are always with angels of great advancement. We watch

and learn how to help bewildered spirits understand they no longer have

corporeal bodies. We help the angels of light and love teach new-born

spirits how we exist here. We greet all new arrivals with tender love and

understanding. All awakening is done with love, and we rejoice in our

work. You on earth are helping to open avenues of soul strength to us on

the Plateau of the Blossoming Presence. Your daily efforts accomplish

more than you realize. We need your cooperation to speed the day of

earth's awakening to the Creator's Presence in all life everywhere.




When you are meditating, hoping to be inspired with words of light, and

nothing comes through to you, try a different tactic. Instead of trying to get

inspiration, try to give it. Think of someone you would like to help

spiritually. Talk to the person in your imagination. Recognize him or her

as a divine soul. See the soul's potentiality, affirm its beauty, its power, its

intelligence, its loving, healing capability. See it as a child of the Creator

surrounded by His angels who are also speaking to the soul, giving it

inspiration. They might be saying, "Life is more than just an earthly

existence." Life goes on forever in higher and higher worlds. You are a

part of the universal life that is infinite and eternal. You are part of the life

of the Creator, Who is present everywhere. Your life is His life; your being,

His being. You can be a worker to bring the Creator's Light and Love to all

the people of your world.




We dwell in an exalted State of Mind from which we can review all the

kingdoms of the world. We no longer live in the narrow and limited

thought characteristic of the conscious mind of humanity. We dwell in the

expanded consciousness of our souls. In an instant of time we see and

comprehend an array of facts and principles which the mind of man on

earth would labor for years to understand.

We will give you glimpses of world problems and principles so that you

may begin to see life as we see it. Give your imagination free rein that

your winged steed may leap all the barriers of material thought and soar

into the immensity of our comprehension.

Why grovel in the mire of earth when your Creator created you with the

capacity to fly? Why be an earthling when you were made to be an

Angel? Follow us in thought and we will exalt your minds from earth to

heaven as fast as you are able to follow.




Praise be to Thee, O Creator! For each day that we live and learn and

grow, we are truly grateful. For the beautiful things in the world we thank

Thee. If only more people would use all of their senses, the world would

be a much happier place. Anything that is not used will lay dormant and is

useless to the person that passes it. Open your eyes and see all the

beauty around you. Smell the wonderful fragrances. Hear the perfect

harmony in a song. Taste the delightful textures and flavors in fruits and

vegetables. Touch all the marvelous creations! Hail to Thee, O Creator!

Thank Thee for all Thy gifts.

We must make time to meditate, to communicate with nature and with

Thee. We have to find that quiet place inside of us where a beautiful

garden awaits our exploration. We need to center ourselves within so that

we can counteract the turmoil without. Each quiet meditation adds to the

aura of peace around us and dissolves some of the disharmony in our

vicinity. Be that center of peace and tranquility wherever you are.

Remember that all disharmony is brought on by people's actions and

reactions. Do not react to them. Rather, be the peaceful center in the

storm. Remain unperturbed. Let the storm rage around you. You are the

peaceful kingdom fortified by tranquility and inner contentment. You will


not react to others' actions. You will not let another's actions incite you to

do something alien to your nature. You act; you do not react. You are the

master of your own actions. No one will decide for you how you will act.

Remain calm and poised at all times, for you are one of the chosen ones

who has chosen to seek to understand the spiritual realms! Thus, you

have a deeper understanding of the universal plan than most; therefore,

you must set up a good example for the world to see!



Be of good cheer. There are forces at work in your life that are as yet

beyond your comprehension. We want you to remember this when you

start to worry about upcoming events, obstacles or crises in your life. Just

do that which you are able to do realistically at that point in time, and

when you have dealt completely with those things that are within your

control, don't waste energy pining over that which you can influence but

little. Place the circumstances in Jehovih's hands and realize that He has

a labor for you to do and He wants your life to follow a path that will best

harmonize your labors with those of His Angelic Hosts, particularly those

He has assigned to work with you and your group. Follow your highest


light day by day and let go of the rest. Your life will be less stressful and

more filled with the joy of being. That is the best frame of mind for those

who choose to be part of the work, and part of our organic association

that extends in infinite levels from our heavens above and even to your

plane below.



The persistent intrusion of thoughts pertaining to personal activities and

problems makes concentration upon the light, love, will and purpose of

Jehovih difficult. Here are a few suggestions: Recall to mind the great

need of upliftment for all the world's people. Think of people you know

who are in pain, or who are living under distressful circumstances. Think

of the millions of lost, bound and suffering souls. This can take your mind

away from self, and give you incentive. Create simple statements or

affirmations that bring your light, soul strength and compassion into play.

Relate yourself to Jehovih and His angel workers, and affirm your

oneness with Him and them. You are now exercising the power of your

soul. You are shutting out the worries and anxieties of the lesser self.




Carry on in the work, dear friends, for your brothers and sisters in spirit

who labor with you have a plan for the development of your life and labors,

so that you will succeed in spite of all obstacles if your choice is the

service of Jehovih, first, last and always. Be patient and take the time to

be still and centered within yourself. There you will find the answers to

your questions, and there you will have the opportunity to grow in the

Light if you seek to serve free of self-centered interests and other forms of

selfishness. We want you to grow in such a way that you will be a power

to draw others into the work, not by force but by the power of a good

example. We are always at your side: strengthening, inspiring,

encouraging and protecting. We elevate your mood, bolster your

confidence and provide you with experiences that will best serve the

development of your soul-being. So if you can make a conscious effort to

think of our presence with you and seek to open your mind to our

inspiration, we can together work more effectively to accomplish

Jehovih's will in this new age.




Smile a sunny smile to warm up your world. It needs a lot of shining rays

of light to raise its spiritual level. A happy content person filled with love

for all can add so much to the rays shining from above. That person can

act' as a magnet to draw more radiant souls from higher realms to help

earth. We delight in travelling on rays of love and laughter. They are so

uplifting. We can travel for thousands of miles on them without fatigue.

Did you ever notice that when you send out the purest form of love,

unselfish, ever-giving love, that the satisfaction and happiness that go out

from you were returned manyfold? Instead of being a giver, you become

receiver in turn. This good feeling comes from your angelic hosts

radiating their light and love to you to reward you for what you have given.

Light attracts more light. Love begets more love. Once you have a

protective pleroma, you do not have to fear about your light attracting

darkness. The guardian hosts would see to it that does not happen.

You ask how can you attain the state that you would be assigned a

protective pleroma. You must be dedicated to serving the Creator.' You

must be associated with a group of people of like mind to become an

organic group dedicated to His service. To the extent that you dedicate

yourself, so will be the extent that you will be protected. To the extent that


you serve your Creator, so will you be served. The spiritual level of your

angelic hosts will depend solely on your spiritual level. As you give, so

shall you receive. This is the law of nature.

So, friends, dedicate yourselves to the service of your Creator, and all

your needs will be taken care of. Have faith in Him that created us all.



Awake, awake, O children of earth, to know your Creator is Ever Present

with you. You are cells of life in His great body of Being. Once you

recognize His Presence with you, and you know that He is the Doer,· the

Inspirer, the One Who moves and acts through every breath that sustains

you every moment, life for you will be a joy. You will give forth

spontaneously to all your environment His quickening power of light and

love. Your recognition will light the fires of your soul being, and the higher

self will burst forth with power, spreading like a forest fire from soul to soul.

Minds and hearts shall become inflamed with the joy of giving. This tiny

planet will truly shine in the firmament, and souls of mankind will be as


brothers and sisters in loving reverence to their Father-Mother Creator.

The earth will flash forth rays of light to all the heavens of this solar

system, and they will feel the happiness of the selfless souls giving their

all to All Creation for His glory forever



The hope of life everlasting through the Light Eternal, All Wise and All

Knowing, is our message. We have been with you for many years. Even

when you knew us not and when you had scant consciousness of things

spiritual; you were all potential and the path of your unfolding remained a

total mystery. How marvelous is the gift of life! How amazed you would

have been if you could have known the path you were to follow to reach

yourself on this day. How much more amazed you would be to know your

path over your remaining mortal years which we know will be a good

measure more than the years that have passed if you continue to care for

your mortal vessel in the proper way. Think yet again of how amazed you

would be to see the path of your life unfolding through as little as your first

few thousand years on the planes of spirit with us! Consider the time

frame and realize how little along the way you really are, and how much it


behooves you to maintain your pace and effort and not slacken your

stride. Life is a blessing and at the same time an enigma, for only the

great I AM, Jehovih, knows our true destiny or can comprehend in its

entirety the meaning and purpose of it all. Even we who have long passed

through the portal of death still marvel at the mystery of it all. We only ask

that you assist us as we endeavor to assist you by continually focusing on

your oneness of purpose with the I AM. Center yourselves daily in

attunement with His Ever Presence within you! Always seek to know His

will and you will never be far wrong.

In oneness with the great I AM, life is as much a blessing as it is a




Let Thy love flow through us, O Creator. We want to help bring more love

into the world: love that is uplifting and beneficial, love that inspires

people to be kind and helpful to one another. We thank Thee for a day of

harmonious affiliation, a day of energy, and a day of good work

accomplished. We thank Thee for the opportunity to come together in


council every day. It is the most important thing we do. It is time of closer

communion with Thee, and a time for genera ting soul power for the use

of Thy angels in their work of liberation. Liberating the earthbound spirits

is most important, for it relieves the pressure of darkness upon mankind

and allows freer soul expression.



Thank Thee for the positive thoughts and feelings that come to us, O

Creator. At this moment, we are open to receive Thy inspiration. As we

direct our thoughts into areas where light is needed, as we try to help

others and create light in the darkness of the mortal world, Thou art with

us, giving us energy and inspiration. We have the power to create good

thoughts, beautiful thoughts that are helpful to others. Our friends,

relatives, and all our contacts are blessed. Our attunement with Thee

makes· it possible. Souls are being made aware of Thy Presence. Souls

are being inspired to act benevolently, to do more good for others than

they have ever done before. The quality of loving kindness is growing in

souls everywhere. It IS a manifestation of the light of the Kosmon Era.

People of wealth are awakening to know that their pleasures and luxuries


are out of place in this world of suffering. From Thy voice speaking in their

souls, they are beginning to know that they must use their wealth to help

the millions of needy people In the world.



Hosts of mighty angels bless your soul with peace;

Hosts of mighty angels bid all discord cease.

Think of these words and meditate upon their soothing effect. Let the light

of the angelic beings bring calm and quiet to your mind and soul. You are

like a delicate musical instrument, and can send out lovely rhythms of

beauty and upliftment; or, if you choose, you can send out harsh,

discordant sounds that interfere with the angelic light expressing to and

through you to others. Thoughts and feelings have color and sound to the

spiritual eye and ear. So be an instrument of light and love as part of the

symphony orchestra that keeps you in tune with the harmonious chords of

the angelic hosts.




Time waits for no one. We must all move forward, regardless of our own

inner volitions. For some, this is a difficult phenomenon in life because

they resent any change in their lives. For others, it is an adventure where

every new experience is savored and happily chronicled. Which one

would you rather be? The one that struggles along with a defeatist

attitude, or the one that is in control and is an optimist. The choice is


We welcome changes. They make our lives interesting. They turn work

into play. Changes take the monotony out of every day occurrences.

Ultimately, changes are what enable us to go through our daily Iives

without being bored to tears. So, adapt to changes. Take the initiative. Do

not drag your feet. Changes are inevitable. They will come whether you

want them or not. Welcome them with open arms. Be glad something new

is happening in your life!

Even a stormy change will pass over quickly, if you deal with it

immediately and forcefully. Some changes are so sunny that you could

probably get a beautiful sun tan if they could generate heat as well.

Others are so ordinary that you might not have noticed their occurrence


until some time later. These are the Creator's gifts to us. We must thank

Him for His Wisdom and Love! May your days be filled with happy

changes that tickle your funny bones!



Truth is abundant, abundantly available in all its nuances. So you can

begin to piece together the puzzle from any point in time and in whatever

location you happen to be. We will help you with problems, but you are

the initiator of the search, and yours is the satisfaction of making that first

discovery and many others along the line.

We will not take credit for showing you how the universe works; the

Ever-Present made everyone capable of understanding the Creation. We

can only point and beckon for you to hold life in your own hands and

examine it as you would a small globe, full of wonderful designs and

unending symmetry. See the lush color and glistening potential? You are

that globe, just as your neighbor and the whole earth are, too. Join with

the Creator to make it glow.




Your desire to learn something new each day is a good resolution. Here

in the higher spiritual realms, we never stop learning. We have been

given many faculties for learning, and we know we should not become

sluggish, and think we know enough to get by. There is much to learn on

earth that can benefit your growth, helpful things that can make you a

more efficient and capable person. When you pass into the spiritual world,

you will keep on learning more and more about the things you learned

while on earth. You will study the many spiritual realms and the higher

heavens, just as you study the countries and continents on earth. You will

learn where everything is situated and the activities that take place there.

To be a seeker of knowledge is to be a well-rounded person on any plane.

As you keep on learning, you will find a wealth of new discoveries coming

from your own desire for knowledge. You will find worlds about you that

you didn't know existed. Open up to spiritual inspiration every day, and

you will go forward to a greater knowledge of all worlds and fields of

endeavor in which you find yourself.




Millions are suffering pain, hunger, thirst, grief, despair. Many terrible

misfortunes and tragedies afflict Thy children, O Creator. Those of us who

have been given light, and are blessed with all necessities, know that we

must try to do something to help upraise mankind. We know that we must

direct the full force of our natures to serving Thy purpose, and not let

ourselves be distracted by selfish desires. We must constantly practice

using the power of thought and prayer to express the light and love of our

souls, and thus become Thy agents here on earth, guided by Thy angel

hosts. We must not let ourselves express anything negative, but always

sustain faith, courage and a positive, optimistic attitude. There is great

power directed in prayer to Thee for the upliftment of humanity. It is easy

to find ways to amuse ourselves, and we are constantly doing this. We

often fail to live up to our highest light. Are we setting too high a goal for

ourselves? Are we trying to do more than we are capable of doing? Right

or wrong, we must keep on trying.




Praise be to Thee, O Creator, for all Thy wondrous blessings to all souls!

Thanks be to Thee for Thy gift of life! Glory be to Thee for Thy gift of

music and songs. Thy gifts are too many for us to enumerate. How can

we thank Thee sufficiently? How can we repay our debts, and show our


The answer comes spontaneously: by being the best persons that we can

be, by lending a helping hand to any creature who needs it, by being

compassionate and kind to all living souls, by giving our love to all those

that we come into contact with, and by setting a good example for our

children to follow. Even if we did all those things, we can only repay a

small amount of Thy kindness and love so freely given to all.

We must serve others in this world as well as in the next, and learn to be

selfless in our daily lives. This is no easy task, especially on the mortal

plane. Self always comes into play in mundane affairs. We must always

try to be true, just and fair, always putting ourselves in the other person's

place, always willing to trust and to listen.

Above all, we must learn never to complain about our lot, for in so doing,


we are implying that Thou has been unkind to us and made us suffer. A

few setbacks might just be the thing that would give us that extra push to

forge ahead, to find out more about ourselves and to learn about the

extraordinary resources that we have within each of us. That is so easy to

say, but so hard to do. All of us like to complain, like to feel sorry for

ourselves when something goes wrong, and especially to justify or

rationalize our misdeeds or errors, however irrational the reasons may be.

We don't like to admit simply that we made a mistake. Let us try and see

whether we can blame it on someone else first. But does that really make

us feel better? Does that right the wrongs? You already know the answer.

The only way to learn from your mistake is to admit that you have made

one and then find out what you could do differently next time and move on

to something else. Otherwise, your mistakes will come back to haunt you

because you have never admitted to them. They were always caused by

someone else or something else over which you have no control.

You need not be a victim. You need to be an agent of change. You need

to change your own behavior and attitudes to allow for mental and

spiritual growth. With a more positive frame of mind, spiritual growth

comes easily to you. You are a happier and more content person. You

have finally made peace with yourself. Your inner voice finally vibrates on

the same level as your outer one. They no longer disagree with each

other. All is harmony. All is peace. All is love. All is well with the world.


Children of the Light, grasp your opportunities on earth to learn and to

grow into mighty gods and goddesses to glorify Thy Creator!



Music has many intrinsic qualities that people have never realized. It not

only calms nerves, but actually creates an atmosphere of peace, with the

right kind of music, of course. Whenever you are inspired to sing, you are

creating a harmonizing sphere around your vicinity that helps to clear

away disharmony and undesirable influences. Each sound expands from

you outward in a sphere to harmonize all the elements that sound waves

can reach. That is why a long breath is a very useful thing in this kind of

singing. The longer you can keep your tone, the larger is the sphere that

you can harmonize. When your tones reached the sublime, that

harmonizing sphere covered your whole property and extended above

and below it. You have no idea what a wonderful and useful talent this is.

This harmonizing sphere can change the darker vibrations to lighter ones

(although it cannot eliminate I them altogether), and drives the darkest


ones to the outside of the sphere which makes our job of removing them

that much easier. The lighter ones tend to stay close to you and that is as

it should be. We are working on the combination of tones and vowels to

come up with a better arrangement. Our musician friends are lending us a

helping hand.



Think how fortunate you are to have been given light, and how much you

are helped by your awareness of the Creator's Presence in your soul, and

in all life. Think of the millions of sick people who do not have knowledge

of eternal life and oneness with the Creator. Bless all people who are

worse off than yourself, using the power that has been given to you.

There are tragedies taking place every moment in every city in every

country of the world; and most of the people involved are ignorant of the

reality of spiritual life, and of eternal growth into realms of supreme

happiness, harmony and love. Even while you are suffering, you can

bless others who are suffering. You can feel a great compassion and

desire to help them because of your own pain and your awareness of the

Creator's Presence. You know that your ability to bless others is a


god-like power given into your hands for serving mankind; and that you

cannot neglect using it.



Like the beautiful spring blossoms that come forth each year, your inner

spring wishes its presence to be known and be allowed to flow free and

unhindered. Release what is inside you and you will be amazed at its

intensity and diversity. This is a part of you that unfortunately most people

will never get to see. Even you yourself doubt whether those were your

thoughts from time to time. You wondered whether there were some

higher beings at work. Have faith in your inner self and your ability to be

creative and resourceful. The Creator has created you with lots of both,

for you are created from Him by Him. You are veritable gods and

goddesses in the making and must be worthy of this task, to grow forever


Perish all doubts and uncertainties, for all is possible in the Light of the All

One. Ask and you shall receive. That is the simple truth.


Think daily about your spiritual well-being. You shall reap the seeds you

sow, therefore, sow spiritual growth and harmony.

We understand that it is difficult for you to maintain a proper perspective

when by the nature of your work you all are immersed to a certain degree

in Uz. However, as long as you know this and persist in your efforts to

develop spiritually, your connections with Uz may be an advantage. They

have allowed you to grow in stature, although you have been faced with

many difficult problems and situations. You have already conquered your

inner self by devoting part of your day to glorifying the Creator. We

encourage you to build an edifice of shining spiritual beauty around your

corporeal body to glorify the One that created us all.




There is nothing but the light, love and power of the Great Spirit, Jehovih,

The Eternal Being. This that I am is His Presence. I am one with Him.

Nothing exists here but Jehovih's Being. I am a manifestation of His will,

wisdom and love. I serve only the Great Spirit, the Supreme Being. All self

is lost, put aside, denied out of existence. Only Jehovih rules here and

now. There is no other Being, no being apart from Him. He is all.




See our beautiful home in the forest. It stands like a hidden alabaster

jewel. It is most amazing to look upon and almost takes you by surprise

when you enter the clearing after walking through such a quiet and dense

forest path. The light streaming through great tall pine trees (almost

reminiscent of giant redwoods) leaves a dancing pattern on the iridescent

walls of the building. Though there is no darkness, no shadows, yet in this

instance there does seem to be an extra brightness there above the trees

that allows these beams of light to burst down between the branches


somewhat like you would expect to see in an earthly forest on a sunny


The structure of the building, with its tall columns and grand oversized

windows, strikes a most impressive pose. As you approach, you can often

hear music reverberating from within as musicians sing and play in

concert with the great organ at the west end of the hall. Our spirits are

lifted into reverie by the sweet spiritually pure songs that emanate from

the hall. You know at once that something special and unique occurs

there, and as mortal Eloists you know this is so.

As we approach today, we know there is a special focus being held, for

two members of the Algonquin nation stand as honor guards at either

side of the front steps, each dressed in full ceremonial "gowns" of their

clan. Their appearance is somewhat incongruous. They fit the forest

surroundings well enough, but seem somewhat out of place next to the

marble columns at the top of the steps. Soon, others begin to stream in as

they approach from the various pathways leading in through the forest, all

dressed in the typical pastel gowns and outfits, ready for whatever the

spiritual focus promises to provide.

You are already aware, I am sure, of the energy created by music when

played in the realm of spirit. The effect of the energy produced can


actually be seen as patterns of light, sometimes in waves, sometimes a

ball of undulating light above the orchestra. Imagine, if you will, how much

more intense these patterns become if you begin with the full pipe organ

as well as other "wood wind" instruments and string instruments as our

councils do. Add to this the spontaneous vocals that often accompany the

music, and add to this still the vortices generated by the spontaneous

dance of the worshippers creating more vortices with their bodies, their

arms and their minds as they dance about the floor. The patterns

generated and the energy produced are great indeed.

Then as the clouds of iridescent light collect above the rotunda, picture

the results when the time comes for the council to bless those in need. As

their thoughts are crystallized in loving unity of thought and as their words

of blessing and affirmations choose their mark, wisps of energy, like

multicolored lightning bolts, streak from the corona of the cloud above the

meeting hall, and with a "clap" of rolling thunder, streak across the

heavens or down to the earth to energize and sustain those in need, as

well as the ashars who have those soul in their charge. Thoughts are

potent. Thoughts are things which can be directed for good. This is all too

evident to us on our plane of existence, and it will be all the more

apparent to you as well when you at last join us here in spirit.




Happiness is a gift from the Creator. All have received that gift, yet not all

choose to use the gift. For some, happiness fills all the empty spaces

inside and out. They choose to celebrate happiness. They are determined

to use happiness as a shining golden cloak about them, not only to ward

off evil, but to welcome good. Others choose to dissipate the gift they

were given. Even at moments when they should be happy, they choose to

be upset about something. It matters little what, as long as they can

complain about something so they know that they are not really happy.

The world is divided into these two groups of people. Which group do you

belong to?

Choose to celebrate happiness. Choose to smile. Choose to love.

Choose to radiate warmth and goodwill. Let all in your world marvel at

your happy disposition and wonder where is the well from which springs

such happiness. Let them know that it can be attained with some effort. If

you sow the seed of happiness with love and cultivate it, you will grow

happiness in abundance. If you cultivate depression, you will also reap a

bountiful harvest. No effort is ever made in vain. So watch what you say

and do, lest you sow the wrong seed and reap a sad harvest.


Always let the inner Light shine through to reveal the radiant happy being

hidden underneath the corporeal cloak!



Letting go means not fighting anything, not wanting something so badly

that you push everything else out of the way to get it, not becoming bound

to your desires. Don't let yourself become bound to anything. The

experiences you need to fulfill your life will come to you naturally. We do

not want your lives to be dull and repetitious. We do new and interesting

things on the higher plateaux. That is part of growing and expanding. Do

what you. do joyfully, not in a tense and irritated manner. Let yourself go

and accept what comes to you. You may not like it, but nothing can be too

bad if you are putting yourself in Jehovih's hands. People who depend

upon outside things, money, prestige, power, etc., for happiness become

bound to these things. Be free as a bird, and be bound to nothing material.

We all have responsibilities, yes, and must be dependable, and not shirk

them. That is not being bound. We want to be responsible in all we do.




Oahspe has been our major contribution to awaken mortals to the greater

spiritual truths that they are now mature enough as a race to comprehend,

especially in reference to their evolution into a new age of corporeal and

spiritual sophistication. It has never been our intention that that would

be the final installment of truth from our planes. Rather it was intended

to be an overview, an “ice breaker”, so to speak, that would allow the

reader a comprehensive realization that would free his mind of the

shackles that have bound him to the half-truths, misconceptions, and lies

of the past.

We are now on the verge of a new era, one that will endure for somewhat

less than forty centuries and has as yet only consumed somewhat more

than its first. It has barely begun and already you have progressed

corporeally from horse-drawn wagons to space ships, not to mention in

many more subtle ways as well, due to our continual inspiration over the


Have faith in yourselves and the future will unfold as it should. There will

be many changes in your society through the next decade. Lifestyles

will be reshaped in many ways and events will be somewhat more


disruptive through the coming decade than they were in the decade past.

We are now in a new decade by our calendar (140 A.K.) and you will see

some changes this year, that will accelerate as the next few years roll

upon us. From your mortal viewpoint you should remain centered and

secure, not taking on any changes in lifestyle that would create any great

disruption, risk, or confusion, because you may find the added effects of

disruption in your environment a bit too disconcerting for your own peace

of mind. Keep focused on your work whatever you choose that to be,

and keep yourselves centered and secured, like a starfish on a rocky

shoal, and you will not be washed away by the changing tides. There is

much conflict and confusion yet to be resolved before the Light peaks at

the end of the next decade. Remember that the rising luminosity of

spiritual light is not always comfortable, but it is always humbling,

centering, and mellowing to those that understand the workings and

mechanisms involved and who therefore are appreciative in their greater
