Realistic Plan Assessment

Post on 06-May-2015

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Realistic Plan for Instruction Implementation.

Transcript of Realistic Plan Assessment

Realistic Plan



Student Name:

Teacher Name:

ACTIVITY 1: 3rd Year High School

Educational Goal:

The students will be able to make at least 4 real life application of Statistics using the measures of central tendency.

Performance Task Content Illustrating Student Progress Date

Finding the MEDIAN height in odd grouped students, through visual identification.

Finding the MODAL height in a group of students by arranging the students of the same height.

Locating the MEAN height in a group of students by adding all their height and getting their average.

Finding the RANGE of the height in a group of students.

Correctly identifying the median height in a group of students.

Arranging the group members according to their height and correctly identify the modal height.

Adding all the height of the students and subtracting it to the number of students in a group.

Finding the tallest and the smallest member in a group the subtracting them.

Summary/ Comments:

Based on the performance tasks, the students will be able to understand and apply in real life events the importance of identifying the central tendency from a raw data. In understanding the problem, the students will identify special factors that influence the approach before starting in dealing with the problem.

Likewise, the performance task enhances the ability of the students to think critically and develop their own learning by doing the tasks themselves. With this, the teacher will be confident enough to assume that the students indeed have learned the lesson and that the teacher’s learning strategy is effective.



Subject: MathematicsLevel: 3rd year high schoolClass size: 30Duration: 1 hourTopic: Measure of Central TendencyReference: introduction to Statistics 3rd editionAuthor: Ronald E. Walpole


At the end of the 1-hour session, 100% of 3rd year section Rizal students will be able to make 4 real life application of Statistics using the measures of central tendency.



Have an odd number of students stand in the front of the classroom, arrange themselves in terms of ascending heights. The height of the person standing in the middle is the median height.

Repeat the activity with an even number of students. The median will be halfway between the heights of the two students standing in the middle.

Have students give the definition of median in their own words.


For the groups of students standing at the front of the room, if there are some who are the same height, then the height that occurs most frequently is the mode. (It is possible that no two students are the same height. It is also possible to have more than one mode.)

Have students give the definition of mode in their own words.

Mean (average):

Have students compute this by adding up the heights and dividing by the number of students in the sample. For the sake of expediency, convert heights to inches before doing the arithmetic.

It is important for the teacher to have the students look at their answer in relation to the entire list of numbers.



Have everyone except the tallest and shortest students in that group sit down. Measure the distance from the top of one of their heads to the top of the other person's head. That is the range. Guide students to tell you that subtraction can be used to find this.


Criteria Distinguished - 4 Proficient - 3 Apprentice - 2 Novice - 1

Understands the Problem

Identifies special factors that influences the approach before starting the problem

Understands the problem

Understands enough to solve part of the problem or to get part of the solution

Doesn't understand enough to get started or make progress

Uses Information Appropriately

Explains why certain information is essential to the solution

Uses all appropriate information correctly

Uses some appropriate information correctly

Uses inappropriate information

Applies Appropriate Procedures

Explains why procedures are appropriate for the problem

Applies completely appropriate procedures

Applies some appropriate procedures

Applies inappropriate procedures

Uses Representations

Uses a representation that is mathematical precise.

Uses a representation that clearly depicts the problem

Uses a representation that gives some important information about the problem

Uses a representation that gives little or no significant information about the problem

Answers the Problem

Correct solution of problem and made a general rule about the solution or extended the solution to a more complicated solution

Correct solutionCopying error, computational error, partial answer for problem with multiple answers, no answer statement, answer labeled incorrectly

No answer or wrong answer based upon an inappropriate plan


4 forms of Assessment


Portfolio Assessment

One form of authentic assessment being widely adapted in schools today is portfolio assessment. Diane Hart defines a portfolio as "a container that holds evidence of an individual's skills, ideas, interests, and accomplishments." The ultimate aim in the use of portfolios is to develop independent, self-directed learners. Long-term portfolios provide a more accurate picture of students' specific achievements and progress and the areas of needed attention.

Portfolios make it easier to develop grading schemes that emphasize assessing individual student growth rather than competition with other students. As self-evaluation is an integral part of portfolio assessment, a highly competitive climate will prove counterproductive. Students will be reluctant to focus upon their deficiencies if they believe it will put them at a disadvantage in the competition for the top grades. Often portfolios are used to supplement, not replace, traditional assessment procedures.

1. Remember, portfolios should be developed by the students, not the teacher. Students should have freedom in selecting items to include in their portfolios. It is advantageous to make the whole portfolio process a collaborative teacher-student effort, with the teacher becoming more of a consultant to the student. The teacher functions more as a coach than a director.

2. Any item that provides evidence of a student's achievement and growth can be included in a portfolio. Commonly used items include:

a. Examples of written work b. Journals and logs

c. Standardized inventories

d. Videotapes of student performances

e. Audiotapes of presentations

f. Mind maps and notes

g. Group reports

h. Tests and quizzes

i. Charts, graphs

j. Lists of books read

k. Questionnaire results

l. Peer reviews

m. Self-evaluations


3. Each item in the portfolio should be dated to facilitate the evaluation of progress through the year.

4. Typically, teachers hold periodic individual conferences with their students to review their portfolios. During this interview it is important to listen to the students' assessments of the items in their portfolio. The focus of the discussion should be upon the products included in the portfolio. The teacher and student work together to set a limited number of objectives for future work. Strive to achieve a dialogue, not a lecture.

5. Much of the value of portfolios derives from the students' reflection on which items are worth including in their portfolios.

6. The portfolios may be kept in folders, file boxes, assigned drawers, or other appropriate containers. Whatever the storage container, it must be readily accessible to the students.

7. Portfolios are especially helpful at parent conferences. Help the parent examine the portfolio, pointing out evidence of progress and areas of needed improvement.

8. Be patient. Portfolios are a new concept to most students and parents. There is a learning curve involved in adapting to the process. Experiment to determine what works and feel free to modify as needed.

9. In some schools students' portfolios are made available to their teachers the following year to aid in diagnosis. A few schools are experimenting with the development of a permanent portfolio that follows the students throughout their total school experience. (This would be separate from their cumulative record folder.) Upon graduation the students would keep their portfolios.

10. Develop your own teaching portfolio as a means of facilitating your professional development. It also can prove invaluable in tenure assessments and future job searches. Your professional portfolio might include videotapes of successful classes, curriculum materials you have developed, course syllabi, sample lesson plans, professional development goals and objectives, workshop classes attended, publications written, student evaluations, awards, certificates, professional affiliations, principal's and supervisor's evaluations, and your teaching philosophy.

11. A large three-ring binder is a practical way to organize your portfolio. Use tabs to indicate the various categories. You might occasionally share your portfolio with students to model the processes you are urging them to follow.



The ultimate aim of education is to produce lifelong, independent learners. An essential component of autonomous learning is the ability to assess one's own progress and deficiencies. Student self-assessment should be incorporated into every evaluation process. Its specific form may vary with the developmental level of the student, but the very youngest students can begin to examine and evaluate their own behavior and accomplishments.

1. Instead of grading all assignments, allow students to correct some themselves. You may choose to randomly collect these and check for accuracy.

2. Share the specific evaluation criteria (or rubric) students should employ in assessing various tasks or assignments. Provide them with criteria check sheets (or have the class generate them) that specify exactly what constitutes a good product.

3. Provide models of successful products, answers, or performances. These might be tacked to the bulletin board, in a display case, or on videotape. It is best to share the model before students begin the project. For creative activities, avoid encouraging students to simply copy someone else's product. It is helpful to lead students through an evaluation of the outstanding model, using the evaluation criteria to demonstrate why the model is an exemplar. To minimize peer pressure or harassment, it is generally best to use a previous student's work for the model rather than a current student's

Attempt to schedule individual sessions to discuss a student's progress. Have the student evaluate his or her own performance. Encourage the student to apply specific criteria in making the self-assessment.

Self-assessment requires students to evaluate their own participation, process, and products. Evaluative questions are the basic tools of self-assessment. Students give written or oral responses to questions like:

What was the most difficult part of this project for you? What do you think you should do next?

If you could do this task again, what would you do differently?

What did you learn from this project?

Many teachers find that authentic assessment is most successful when students know what teachers expect. For this reason, teachers should always clearly define standards and expectations. Educators often use rubrics, or established sets of criteria, to assess student work. Because authentic assessment emphasizes process and performance, it encourages students to practice critical-thinking skills and to get excited about the things they are learning.


Open Response

Most state assessments include open response or extended response questions.  Generally, the purpose is to test the student's ability to apply or extend content knowledge.  In order to optimize students' performance and to instill confidence, teachers should:

Explicitly teach the rubric so that students internalize performance levels.

Analyze student models of good work with the class.

Model the thinking process involved in answering open response.

explicitly teach test-taking strategies

Provide opportunities for students to practice answering teacher-generated questions and released state questions.

Offer specific, corrective feedback.

Open-response questions, like short investigations, present students with a stimulus and ask them to respond. Responses include:

a brief written or oral answer a mathematical solution

a drawing

a diagram, chart, or graph


Short Investigations

Many teachers use short investigations to assess how well students have mastered basic concepts and skills. Most short investigations begin with a stimulus, like a math problem, political cartoon, map, or excerpt from a primary source. The teacher may ask students to interpret, describe, calculate, explain, or predict. These investigations may use enhanced multiple-choice questions. Or they may use concept mapping, a technique that assesses how well students understand relationships among concepts.


Process Oriented

Performance Assessment