Real Women + Real Data = Real Answers

Post on 06-Jul-2015

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Gender disparity in disease presentation. Why women's health matters.

Transcript of Real Women + Real Data = Real Answers

Real Women + Real Data = Real Answers

Did you know ?

Women have poorer health outcomes than men, yet they are under-represented in health care and clinical research.

More men than women report being in excellent or very good health (62.2% vs. 59.7%).

Women are at higher risk for many chronic conditions

16.4% of women have been diagnosed with thyroid problems vs. 3.4% of men.

Arthritis is more common among women (24.4% vs. 17.7%).

Women report higher rates of asthma than men (89.3 vs. 55.7 per 1000).

Chronic fatigue syndrome is four times more common in women.

80% of patients in the US with osteoporosis or low bone mass are women.

27.9% of women report ever having an ulcer, compared to 19.5% of men.

13.5% of women report psychological distress vs. 8.7% of men

18% of women suffer from migraines compared to 6% of men.

Disorders specific to women are less understood.


Breast Cancer

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

What can you do?

Become empowered.

Seek answers.Professional Networks

eMedicine Web Sites

Internet Communities

Volunteer Organizations

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Slide 2 Women’s Health USA 2008: Pg. 25

Slide 3 Women’s Health USA 2008: Pg. 25

Slide 4 Women’s Health USA 2008: Arthritis Pg. 29 Asthma Pg. 30 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Pg. 31 Osteoporosis Pg. 40 Ulcer >>Digestive Disorders Pg. 41 Thyroid >> Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders Pg. 42

Slide 5 Women’s Health USA 2008: Pg. 49