Real Time Marketing Case Study: The Application of Social Media to Build a Brand

Post on 10-May-2015

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Slide 3: I am an online marketing specialist at Pollenizer and we represent Blurb, a print on demand creative publishing platform in Australia. As marketers we care deeply about storytelling and we do this through community participation to enable the creation of new opportunities. As we all know the social web, by its very nature, encourages storytelling and participation. So I am going to share with you a couple of case studies about how to build your band with social media from work with one of my clients, Blurb. Blurb is a technology company which enables people to tell a story, participate in a community and find new opportunities. Your book can include your poetry, text, images, business inventory or fundraising efforts. Blurb believes passionately in empowering you to publish, share and sell your content by means of a book. A key prerogative for marketers is seeking new ways to tell stories and to empower your community to share their stories. Growing your brand in this era of real time marketing on the social means you need to be responsive to activity in your community. To grow your brand you need to recognise you exist in the context of a community where in stories are an important currency. Three important aspects of real time marketing in the context of storytelling are participation, generosity, and team work. Slide 4: A great example of a social media enabled opportunity with Blurb was The Perfect Gift For A Man. Two high profile bloggers and social media enabled influencer, Mark Pollard and Gavin Heaton, started writing about men’s health issues back in 2009. They shared personal stories and asked their audience to share back. Soon enough they had seeded lots of conversations online about this topic. So here they were with lots of content, interest and good will online. Mark and Gavin were also passionate about supporting Inspire Foundation, an NGO that works with young people in tough situations, through fundraising. Now it was time broaden the conversation beyond the existing tech savvy audience and take this to mainstream media. Perhaps a book might be a good vehicle to broaden awareness. Gavin tweeted that thy were working on turning the blog entries into a book. I picked up on the tweet, followed up and before you knew it, through our social media participation, we’d created an opportunity to work together. The book’s been published, received lots of buzz online, and importantly broadened the conversation to include a much wider community. The discussion that ensued created lots of opportunities for leveraging the product and our brand through traditional media outlets such as print, tv and radio. Slide 5: To participate in the social web you must be responsive, willing to share your ideas and give back. In my experience to truly be community minded you need to be generous. Generous with your time, resources, product, team and energy. Make generosity a key brand attribute you live and breathe. After our customers asked if we could do more to help them reach their fundraising goals, we launched the Blurb for Good Platform. Why? It’s an opportunity to enable our customers to give back to their communities and for Blurb to give too by contributing an extra $1 for every book sold on the platform. The Perfect Gift for a Man book was promoted on this platform. Example 2: Responding to an event Blog Aid – recipes for Haiti - Canadian food blogger community decided to contribute to the Haiti Earthquake emergency - Used their social media networks to get the word out that buying the book would raise emergency support funds –Raised over $40K for charity over 1 month - Created more demand for the book by limiting the time it was on sale for. In this example Blurb is facilitating people giving within a community to something and creating good will around its brand because it’s participating in an event that ha

Transcript of Real Time Marketing Case Study: The Application of Social Media to Build a Brand

Real Time Marketing Workshop

with David Meerman-Scott

PR-Marketing MasterclassSydney

31 March 2011


“Stories from the frontline:The application of social media to build

a brand.”

A 10 minute case studyBy Jo Sabin

Become a Storyteller

Participation = Opportunity

Participate and Be Generous

It’s A Team Effort

Take Action

1. Join Twitter

2. Go to Meetups: Social Media Club

Digital Citizens@coffeemornings

Stay In Touch …


Thank you for listening to my presentation today