REAL SOUNDS VOL 1 - Vol 1-4 Discography.pdf · REAL SOUNDS VOL 1 -...

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Transcript of REAL SOUNDS VOL 1 - Vol 1-4 Discography.pdf · REAL SOUNDS VOL 1 -...


Covering a diverse array of unique sounds and ambiences

that combine to present a snapshot of city life, this incredible

4 disc CD library was recorded over a two year period. As

you delve into this quality collection of sounds, be assured

you will be impressed! Special consideration was given to

each recording with respect to its ‘Point of View’ and use

across different types of media productions.

For ease of use, each disc has been registered with gracenote. Simply load the library into your itunes application

and click get track names. All information relevant to the CD will be downloaded directly from the Internet saving

you hours of needless data entry. You can also use itunes search function to quickly locate the tracks you require.

All of these recordings were achieved using the latest in portable digital recording technology. Neumann

microphones were employed for their beautifully transparent sound and their reputation for quality. Capturing the

essence of the different environments was challenging and yet essential, the producersof this collection chose to

use the MS (Middle and side) stereo recording technique; giving them much more control over the depth of the

recorded sounds in post production.

The sounds have an almost 3 dimensional feel, without applying any processing at all. The producers felt it was

very important to allow the purchaser as many options as possible, for this reason we have not applied unnecessary

processing to these recordings. They are “real sounds” which allow individual creativity whilst providing as many

useful options and variations as possible.




MAKE A CLIPPING MASK I I Melbourne Australia I +61 411 222 491


Volume 1


Public Transportation: Trams/street car

1. Tram early morning; stops, opens & closes door, rings bell and leaves L>R 1:14

2. Tram inner city, distant alarm & light traffic in background, commuter & tram bell 1:00

3. Old rattler - POV – inside 1:37

4. Tram - POV - inside 0:4

5. Tram wheels grinding in the distance, morning 0:12

6. Lost property announcement on tram 0:15

7. Tram approach, boarding, air brakes, and away 0:51

8. One tram cluttering through a bad intersection 0:09

9. Two trams cluttering through a bad intersection 0:30

Public Transportation: Trains

10. Distant train, early morning 0:28

11. Railway crossing, bells, pedestrian alert etc 1:00

12. Metropolitan passenger train passes near crossing L - R, includes horn 0:29

13. Metropolitan passenger train clutters past, near crossing R - L 0:17

14. Electric country link/V-Line passenger train speeds past near crossing R - L 0:18

15. Diesel country link/V-Line passenger train hustles past near crossing L - R, with horn 0:23

16. Diesel (Cargo) train trundles past near crossing R - L with horn blasts 1:25

17. Pedestrian crossing (Clicker) 0:46

18. Traffic crossing over railway tracks, including a bus 0:36

19. Metropolitan train pulling into suburban station (quietly) 1:00


20. Metropolitan train pulling out of suburban station (quietly) 1:12

21. Diesel train pulling into suburban station, doors open, whistle, doors close, and away 1:27

22. Diesel train pulling through suburban station including horn 0:52

23. Underground ticketing area; including talking, turnstiles, and coin sounds 1:37

24. Ticket turnstiles in an underground train station 0:37

25. Rushing down an escalator in an underground station, train arrives, then 2 trains leave 2:14

26. Underground train station 0:57

27. Underground station including a coke machine 0:45

28. Ticket turnstiles at large city station 1:17

29. Inner city station, very few people, janitor sounds, horn, train departs in distance 1:23

30. Inner city station, lighting a cigarette, running, train arrives, and coughing 1:41

31. Inside an empty train carriage 0:26

32. Inside a not so empty train carriage 2:24

33. People walking under a station, inside exit ramp 2:27

34. Distant train horn in suburbia, sounds of light rain and birds chirping 0:19

Public Transportation: Buses

35. Bus ignition - POV - front of bus 0:09

36. Bus ignition - POV - back of bus 0:11

37. Inside bus, buzzer sounds while bus idles 0:12

38. Doors open/close 1 0:09

39. Doors open/close 2 0:18

40. Bus reverse sounder beeping 0:26

41. Bus takes off, stops, then reverses 0:34

42. Bus approaches, stops, doors open, doors close, and away R -L 0:33

43. Bus drive-by R - L 0:08


44. Bus horn 0:04

45. Ticket machine, with bus running - POV - inside bus 0:20

46. Ticket machine, bus not running - POV - inside bus 0:11

47. Bus ignition, Revs then idles - POV - inside bus. Includes doors sounds 0:30

Transportation: Trucks

48. Ford L9000 (LTS) truck starts up and drives off 0:43

49. Ford Grivill truck, starts up, air brakes, drives off. Mac truck pulls up, air brakes 0:53

50. Kenwood driving off, including horn 0:20

Transportation: Private - (Late model sedan)

51. Door opens, then closes, ignition, then car speeds off 0:22

52. Door opens, then closes, ignition, then car leaves normally 0:26

53. Door opens, then slams, ignition, revs, then car leaves really quickly 0:19

54. Ignition, car leaves moderately quickly 0:13

55. Car pulls up normally, turns off motor, hand brake on, door opens 0:15

56. Car pulls up normally, turns off motor, hand brake on, door opens 2 0:19

57. Car pulls up quickly, turns off motor, hand brake on, door opens 0:11

58. Ignition and idle 0:08

59. Idle with horn 0:07

60. idle 0:04

61. Drive by horn 1...near miss 0:09

62. Drive by horn 2...really upset (Doppler) 0:10

63. Drive by horn 3...hoon 0:12

64. Horn with hard’n’fast stop 1 0:09

65. Horn with hard’n’fast stop 2 0:09

66. Pop the hood 0:10


67. Shut the hood 0:04

68. Open the boot with keys 0:06

69. Shut the boot 0:04

70. Door shuts and locks - POV – inside 0:04

71. Take off 1, door unlocks, opens casually, ignition, and off.. - POV - inside the car 0:35

72. Take off 2, door unlocks, opens quickly, ignition, and speeds off, - POV – inside 0:21

73. Harley Davidson ignition and rev 0:12

74. Harley Davison starts up, revs, and takes off 0:22

75. Horse and night 0:44

76. Distant Harley’ night 0:08


77. Airport car park, distant people, trolleys, and construction sounds 1:27

78. Airport car park near automatic payment machines, talking, walking, trolleys, and cars 1:13

79. Inside terminal (ticketing area), baggage trolleys, footsteps, auto bank beeps, etc 1:25

80. Attention please… internal airport PA voice over 0:11

81 Outside food area, very live sound, foot steps, doors opening and closing, etc 1:56

82. Airport terminal (departures), baggage loading, etc 1:11

83. Inside departure lounge, janitor emptying bins and plane taking off out side 1:17

84. Passenger arrival terminal, people talking and laughing 1:36

85. Aircraft maintenance hanger 1, machinery humming in background, with tool noises 0:41

86. Aircraft maintenance hanger 2, large machine with sporadic bursts of air 1:00

87. Plane flying over head 1 - POV - approach, turbine engine 0:17

88. Plane flying over head 2 - POV - approach, turbine engine 0:13

89. Plane flying over head 3 - POV - approach, turbine engine 0:18

90. Plane flying over head 4 - POV - approach, turbine engine 0:13


91. Plane flying over head 1 - POV - away, turbine engine 0:09

92. Plane flying over head 2 - POV - away, turbine engine 0:11

93. Plane flying over head 3 - POV - away, turbine engine 0:12

94. Plane flying over head 4 - POV - away, turbine engine 0:14

95. Plane flying over head 5 - POV - away, turbine engine 0:09

96. Large plane flying overhead, propeller style motors 0:09

97. F1-11 fly by 1 0:15

98. F1-11 fly by 2 0:10

99. F1-11 fly by 3 0:07

Volume 2

Transportation / Street Ambiences / Markets / Industrial

Emergency vehicles/Sirens

1. Ambulance radio beeping sounds POV - outside the vehicle 0:08

2. Ambulance siren 1, whilst speeding through traffic - POV - outside vehicle 1:28

3. Ambulance on the scene, officers talking, radio sounds, etc 0:36

4. Ambulance siren 2 R - L, then L - R (paramedic vehicle) 0:29

5. Ambulance siren 3, L - R (paramedic vehicle) 0:13

6. Ambulance siren 4, R - L, then pull up and stop (paramedic vehicle) 0:09

7. Fire truck take off, includes radio sounds and sirens 0:48

8. Fire engine drive by R - L, then stop 0:23

9. Fire engine pulls up, officers jump out of truck and slam their doors 0:20

10. Inside fire engi ne 1, bells, ignition, air brakes and siren, then revving through the gears 1:24


11. Inside fire engine 2, revving through the gears, siren, and radio communications 1:20

12. Police car, siren on, then gone, L – R 0:11

13. Police car drive by R - L, sirens blaring 0:16

14. Police car pulls up and turns of siren 0:11

15. Inside police car 1, revving, siren, and radio beeping 0:26

16. Inside police car 2, lots of gear changes and revving 0:18

17. Fire Alarm bells, ringing in city alley 0:57

18. Factory alarm 0:16

19. City car park 1, day time, birds, cars, horn, squeaky brakes, ignition, etc 2:29

20. Car park 2, busy night, crickets, elevators, doors slamming, talking & ignitions 1:40

21. Car park 3, day time, birds, distant traffic, talking, doors closing, ignition and driving 1:08

22. Car park 4, car with rattling exhaust 0:16

23. Car park 5, large vehicle arriving, tyre screeching, door opens and closes, keys dropped 0:39

24. Car park 6, whistling, keys, door sounds, ignition, finds the gear, then screeches off 1:28

25. Haunted car park 0:24

26. Another spooky car park 1:21

Street Ambience:

27. Busy intersection, including lots of trucks etc 2:20

28. City street, lots of traffic, including trams, pedestrians and cars 2:44

29. City street, lots of traffic and pedestrians 1 0:43

30. City street, lots of traffic and pedestrians 2 0:39

31. Street ambience, including side walk cafe, patrons laughing, drinking, eating 2:12

32. Night street 1, busy, including traffic and pedestrians 1:40

33. Night street 2, as above, also including performance motor bikes and Harley's 2:09

34. Night street 3, as above, also including car stereo’s booming 1:34


35. Mall 1, people sounds, tram bells, and trams passing, etc 0:31

36. Mall 2, traffic sounds, tram bells, and trams passing, also includes buses 2:10

37. Mall 3, busker 1 in fore front - ‘breathless’ sax player 3:10

38. Footsteps under city bridge, night 0:59

39. ‘Haunty’ tram under city bridge, night 0:28

40. City sounds from under a bridge, includes pedestrians, trams etc 1:24

41. Jack hammer, cordoned off construction site, city 1:22

42. Bigger jack hammer, cordoned off construction site, city 1:09


43. Early morning at the fish markets 1; bangs, trolleys, and buyers etc 1:27

44. Early morning at the fish markets 2; sprooking, sporadic banging and squeaking 1:33

45. Early morning at the fish markets 3; consistent banging through out 0:47

46. Early morning at the fish markets 4; squeaking, talking, with little to no banging 0:40

47. Early morning at the fish markets 5; water running, louder talking, clanging/banging 1:48

48. Inner city market 1, family sounds with quiet sprooking in the background 0.57

49. Inner city market 2, caged birds nearby, people talking in foreign languages, etc 0.40

50. Inner city market 3, loud sprooking, woman selling fruit and vegetables 1.44

51. Inner city market 4, sprooking, some banging, birds, traffic and people etc 1.35


52. Large roller door opening 0:20

53. 3 Ton Hyster forklift starting up 0:34

54. 3 Ton Hyster forklift working 0:47

55. Screw Conveyor (300ml diameter/8 metres long), starts, stops, then starts again 0:17

56. Compressor starts up, runs, then is switched off 0:16

57. Grinder spins into action, then the grinding starts 0:42


58. Rotating food processing machinery in action, creating pulp 0:30

59. Food processing machinery operating with forklift in the background 0:25

60. Food processing machinery operating while another machine is switched on and off 0:18

61. Compound lubricated steel cutting machines in operation, with air hose blast 1:05

62. Metal parts dropping into large steel bin, after being cut - POV - near machine 1:20

63. Engineering factory with forklift operating in the background 1:11

64. Forklift working, emptying large steel bins 1:45

65. Large steel bins being moved 0:38

Volume 3

Recreational / SportingParks and Gardens:

1. City gardens 1, daytime, assorted birds, including a duck out of water 0:48

2. City gardens 2, daytime, bell birds, ducks, swans, and assorted birds 1:03

3. City gardens 3, daytime, bell birds 1:09

4. City gardens 4, daytime, flying foxes 1:38

5. City gardens 5, night, including screeching sounds 1:31

6. Large fountain in city park 0:30

7. Smaller fountain in city park, includes light traffic in the background 0:30

8. Inner city beach, including light shore break, sea gulls, etc 1:10

9. Inner city beach, children playing cricket 1:59


10. Suburban thunderstorm 1, including rain and thunder 1:49

11. Suburban thunderstorm 2, also includes a crow and other birds quietly in background 1:37


12. After storm, crow and bird calls, train, light rain and water running, also banging etc 1:29

Carnival Ambience:

13. Side shows, montage of music and carnival sounds 1:28

14. Shooting gallery, including announcer, rides in the background etc 1:15

15. Ghost train. Out in front of ride, across from sideshows 1:17

16. Near ride, lots of screams etc 0:57

17. Roller coaster sounds and general carnival sounds 1:13

Parade Ambience:

18. Aboriginal float, digeridoo’s etc 1:44

19. Chinese dragon, drums and cymbals 2:34

20. Indonesian percussion 2:01

21. Latin percussion 1:06

22. Turkish percussion 1:21

23. Indian percussion 0:42

24. Asian tribal drums 1:37

25. Funky drums 0:32

26. Drums’n’percussion 1:22

27. Percussion - Chicken Dance 1:17

28. Hot Rod idle with small revs 0:43

29. Hot Rod revs, in the distance 0:06

30. The ‘Not Quite Right’ floats 1:17

31. Brass band 1 - tequila etc 0:58

32. Brass band 2 - New York, New York 1:07

33. Crowd sounds, includes cheers, whistles, and clapping etc 0:12

34. Large crowd sounds, people leaving after the parade 1:00



35. China town 1, people talking using Asian language, traffic etc 1:00

36. China town 2, horn, Asians talking and walking past etc 0:57

37. Vietnamese festival sounds, side show voice over really bad PA, includes people sounds 1:08

38. Coin game, with Asian sounds all around 0:25

39. Fire crackers, with screams and laughing 0:12

40. Vietnamese side show 2, female on the loud speaker 0:59


41. Arcade 1, montage of video games, some traffic sounds low in background 1:13

42. Arcade 2, including people, game sounds - slightly more distant 1:38

43. Arcade 3, person playing game, button and game sounds etc 0:55

44. Arcade 4, different montage of game sounds 1:37

45. Arcade 5, air hockey game sounds 1:07

46. Arcade 6, pinball and arcade sounds 2:14

Primary school:

47. School Bell ringing 0:06

48. Children coming out to play at lunchtime 1:03

49. Children skipping 1:13

50. General playground sounds, with sporadic banging 1:00

51. Girls screaming 0:04

52. The end of lunchtime 1:03

53. School assembly, children saying ‘Good afternoon Mr Chambers’ 0:11

54. School assembly, children saying ‘Good afternoon teachers’ 0:07

55. Children clapping 0:08


Department Stores:

56. Department Store sounds 1, high tech area, registers, buzzers, escalators, etc 1:20

57. Department Store sounds 2, busy with cash registers 0.57

58. Department Store sounds 3, cafeteria sounds 1.24

59. Department Store sounds 4, cosmetics area sounds 1.00


60. Aquatic centre - Swimming race start 0.24

61. Aquatic centre - Swimming race 2 0.39

62. Aquatic centre - Swimming race 3 0.43

63. Aquatic centre - ”take your marks” 0.04

64. Aquatic centre - ”take your marks” 2 0.04

65. Aquatic centre - ambience 1.17

Volume 4Recreational / Sporting / Corporate / BusinessAustralian Rules Football:

1. AFL Siren 1 - empty stadium 0:15

2. AFL Siren 2 - empty stadium 0:07

3. AFL Siren 3 - empty stadium 0:18

4. AFL, before game ambience, under the grandstand 1:27

5. AFL Siren 4 - full stadium, game begins and crowd roars - POV – grandstand 0:27

6. AFL game/crowd sounds - POV - top of grandstand 1 1:59

7. AFL game/crowd sounds - POV - top of grandstand 2 2:20

8. AFL game/crowd sounds - POV - out in the open 1 1:11

9. AFL game/crowd sounds - POV - out in the open 2 2:14


10. AFL game/crowd sounds - POV - out in the open 3 2:26

11. AFL, end of game sounds - POV - under the grandstand 1:48

12. Adelaide crowd chant 0:17

13. Carlton crowd chant 0:22

Rugby League:

14. Game siren 0:05

15. Crowd ambience, start of game...crowd chanting and cheering 1:20

16. Game ambience 1 1:04

17. Game ambience 2 2:12

18. Game ambience 3 1:57

19. Crowd chants 0:25

20. Crowd ambience 1 0:19

21. Crowd ambience 2 0:11

22. Crowd ambience 3 0:09

23. Crowd ambience 4 0:17

24. Crowd ambience 5 0:12

25. Crowd boo’s 0:09

26. A try is scored, and the crowd roars 0:08

Super Bike Grand Prix:

27. 1 bike passing 0:04

28. 1 bike passing 2 0:04

29. 2 bikes passing 0:08

30. 2 bikes passing 2 0:11

31. 3 bikes passing 0:08

32. Sequence of bikes passing 0:47


33. Sequence of bikes passing 2 0:54

34. Sequence of bikes passing 3 1:10

35. Sequence of bikes passing 4, at the start of the race 0:19

36. Sequence of bikes passing 5 0:29

37. 2-Strock drag bike doing a burn out 0:28

38. Drag bike speedy take off 0:12

39. Drag bike speedy take off 2 0:11

40. Crowd sounds, bike does burn out, then takes off 0:19

41. Super bike pulling in 0:30

42. Announcer sounds, bikes taking off, horn blowing for the warm up lap 2:40

43. Racing sounds 1 0:10

44. Racing sounds 2 2:25

45. People clapping and cheering 1 0:14

46. People clapping and cheering 2, slightly louder 0:06

47. People clapping and cheering 3 0:15

48. People clapping with bikes 0:26

49. Announcer talking over the loud speaker 0:34

50. Race horn 0:08

Drag bike Racing:

51. Harley type 2-Stroke burn out 1 0:05

52. Harley type 2-Stroke burn out 2, with two bikes 0:11

53. Harley type 2-Stroke drags away 1 - POV - the start line 0:14

54. Distant burn out, two bikes 0:06

55. Harley type 2-Stroke drags away 2 - POV - near the start line 0:12

56. Harley type 2-Stroke bike warming up those huge tyres, from a distance 0:07


57. Harley type 2-Stroke bike away 3 - POV - 30 meters 0:12

58. The Monster (Hot Rod) revs 0:04

59. That’s not a donut, this is a donut! - Monster V8 revving 0:13

60. Monster V8 revving more 0:12

61. Monster V8 about to blow it’s stack 0:07

62. Harley type 4-Stroke drag bike warming it’s tyres before a drag - POV - 80 meters 0:10

63. Harley type 4-Stroke Drag bike flying past 1 0:09

64. Harley type 4-Stroke Drag bike flying past 2 0:10

65. Harley type 4-Stroke Drag bike flying past 3 0:11

66. Grand Prix style bikes flying past, then hard on the brakes 1 0:13

67. Grand Prix style bikes flying past, then hard on the brakes 2 0:11

68. 2 bikes drag racing 1 0:14

69. 2 bikes drag racing 2 0:09

70. Big and on the brakes 0:07

71. Big and on the brakes 2 0:07

72. Huge bike going past, then on the brakes 0:09


73. Corporate office sounds, includes talking, typing, printing, etc 1.27

74. Office sounds 2, includes people talking ,phones ringing, etc 1.32

75. Office sounds 3, quieter with computer sounds, phones, etc 1.51

76. Marble building foyer 1, with people walking pass 1.14

77. Marble building foyer 2, with people, traffic, foyer phone, etc 2.24

78. Marble building foyer 3, with walking, cafeteria noises, etc 1.52

79. Computer typing 1 0:12

80. Computer typing 2 0:37


81. Computer mouse in action 0:15

82. Typing with mouse clicks 0:36

83. Can’t touch type 0:39

84. Typing on a laptop 0:49

85. Laptop mouse clicks 0:12

86. Modem dials, engaged, including computer fan 0:04

87. Modem connection online 1, includes computer fan 0:20

88. Modem connection online 2, includes computer fan 0:20

89. Modem sending a fax out, including computer fan 0:20

90. Modem receiving a fax in, including computer fan 0:14

Still cameras:

91. 35mm Camera...shutter setting - 1/2 sec 0:04

92. 35mm Camera...shutter setting - 1/15 sec 0:04

93. 35mm Camera...shutter setting - 1/60 sec 0:04

94. 35mm Camera...shutter setting - 1/250 sec 0:04

95. 120mm Camera...shutter setting - 1/2 sec 0:04

96. 120mm Camera...shutter setting - 1/15 sec 0:04

97. 120mm Camera...shutter setting - 1/60sec 0:04

98. 120mm Camera...shutter setting - 1/250 sec 0:04

99. 120mm Camera...reloading 0:04