Real numbers

Post on 08-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Real numbers



Real Numbers

Done By


9th -C

Rational Numbers

Definition A real number is a value that represents

a quantity along a continuous line. The real numbers include all the Rational

numbers ,such as the Integer−5and the fraction 4/3, and all the Irrational numbers

such as √2= (1.41421356)

Types Of Rational Numbers With Examples

Rational Numbers- In other words all integers , fractions and decimals (including repeating decimals)ex: 2,3 -2, ½, -¾ , .34 Irrational Number- irrational numbers can be ordered

and put on a number line, we know that comes before.

Properties of Real Numbers*Real Numbers can be ordered(this is true ,for

Instance, of imaginary numbers.

*They can be added ,subtracted,multiplied andDivided by non–zero numbers in an order way.Basically it means that the square root of 3,4

Etc…are negative real numbers.

Done ByG.Manoj Selvan.