Real Estate Needs to get Social!

Post on 17-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Real Estate Needs to get Social!

Social Media & Real Estate

Putting Money back in your Pocket!

Today we’ll


The Importance of adding

Social Media

to your

Marketing Toolbox

The goal of social media marketing can’t be

just to gain likes, fans, and retweets.

These things are not ends,

but means to an end.

The Secret of Social Media…● Stop thinking like a marketer and start thinking like a

customer. The secret to social media is in the “social”

● Be the sort of person at a cocktail party who listens

attentively, tells great stories, shows interest in others and

is authentic and honest

● The secret is to be likeable, to be human

It’s about cultivating a relationship.

How do people find you?Google rewards ranking based on fresh content.

Did you know that when someone searches your name your

social networks tend to come up before your website does?

Social networks are NOT instant lead generators. What they provide is

an opportunity to get your business out to a significantly higher amount of

people than you would traditional advertising, CREATE and foster

relationships that can be developed so that when they are ready for

action (Buying or Selling a house), you are top of mind.

Your Word of Mouth recommendation on steroids.

Stats You Can’t Ignore● 90% of homebuyers use the Internet to search for information and homes

● 73% of homeowners say they’re more likely to list with a realtor offering to do video, yet only 12%

currently have YouTube accounts

● Direct Mail response is down 90%!

96% of Generation Y use social media. These Millennials outnumber Baby Boomers by 20 million


DYK: First-time homebuyers are the largest segment of buyers in Canada, average age: 31. That is

Generation Y - the Millennials.

*In the US 84-89% of Real Estate Professionals are now actively using social media...

BenefitsIncrease Brand Awareness

● 78% of small businesses attract new customer through social media

● Social media is the 2nd most likely way Millennials will learn about a new product, 3% points

behind traditional advertising

● 93% of Social Media users believe a company should have a presence & engage on social

media. Poor social media marketing can ruin the reputation of a brand

Legitimize a Brand

● 63% of consumers who search for local businesses online are more likely to use businesses with

information on social media sites

● Just like authors who are being picked up for their number of followers, so are Real Estate


Benefits● Improve SEO

Amplification of Content - People are looking for content that interests them and they want to

share it online

People spend 50% of their time online with content and an additional 30% on channels sharing

that content

● Increase Sales

1 of every 2 homes sold is from an online referral by a search engine or

social media networking website. *Royal LePage Agent, Toronto 2013

● Homebuyers who use the internet take just over 2 weeks to find the real estate of their choice,

VS traditional buyers who take close to 2 months to make a decision { 2013}

● Online buyers are clear about what kind of property they are looking for, making it easier and

quicker to complete a deal

Benefits● Improve Customer Service & Experience

● People use social media to ask

customer service question

● 71% of customers complaints on

Twitter go unanswered

● Create consumer loyalty to increase


● Reach new clients & new leads

● Grow your network & sphere of influence

Social Media allows you to pinpoint new and

potential customers and nurture them through

one-on-one relationships

Know Your Target MarketThe Key to Success is knowing your audience.

Social networks know a lot about consumer

interests and demographics.

Smart marketers can accurately target the right

people with the right message.

The Battle of the Sexes depends on where you

are talking and what you are talking about.

The Return on Social SellingOLD SCHOOL


• Print Ads

• Direct Mail

• Trade Shows

• TV

• Events

• Newsletter

2-4 % Return on sales conversion with a

Passive relationship


Social Engagement

• Content creation/Social networks

• Blogs

• Google Ads

• Facebook Ads

• Sponsored Posts

• Sponsored Twitter Status

• Influencer Programs

• Contests

25-35 % Return on sales conversion + 30-40%

social sharing

Case Study - Paid vs Earned

Splash Media Engagement

● We offer Social Media Consultations

● Individual Social Media Training

● and Full-Service Social Media Managers

Jennifer Powell & Shannon Mischuk

Info gathered from the following sites:
