Real estate and digital transformation

Post on 13-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Real estate and digital transformation

RIGID ACTIVE OPEN The changing environment in which real estate developers have to operate.

Jan Van CaneghemVOKA - 2015-12-08



They offered $ 1M on Kaggle to improve their algorithm 10%

An estimated 500M users give valuable insights in healthcare

Today that is: 60M guests at 2M locations in 34K cities over 190 countries

Data science is at the core of their proposition: UX

Deloitte offers $ 100K to improve models on rental prices, to reveal economic trends in Australia.

Will we predict prices as easy as a supreme court outcome?

Business at the speed of thought in a dematerialized world

Housing proposals that fit my lifestyle.

Lifestyle based design? And what about quotations?

Retail is location, location, location. Or is it social mobile?

It’s about being not about having

Bea Johnson Zero Waste

Real estate as a service?


250 225176


Average space in square feet per FTEsource: Deloitte Canada

1970 2000 2010 2012 2017

Real estate as a service?

My grandfather used to say ‘It is my house I am paying the bills’,my dad used to say ‘this is my house I pay the mortgage’, my generation is saying this is my house I pay the rent.

Crowd financing will leverage speed and reach to develop

Will insurance vary, depending on location, ventilation, etc ?