Reading comprehension 3.docx

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Practice read comprehension. This is good for those of you that are going to be taking an entrance exam soon. it is also good for teachers to use in some tests.

Transcript of Reading comprehension 3.docx

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In this section you will read several short passages followed by a few questions. After reading the passage, use the arrows to go to the questions and the arrows to back to the passage as you need to. Try not to go back, if you can.

When you have answered the questions on that page click on “Check Answers” button.

Good luck.

Passage 1

Seagulls live on the beach. They eat small fish, bread, and seaweed. Seagulls run quickly on the sand and fly quickly in the sky. Seagulls will run or fly away if you try to catch them. There are many seagulls on the beach.

Crabs also live on the beach. They eat shrimp, ocean plants, and small fish. Crabs crawl quickly on the sand and in the ocean. Crabs will crawl away if you try to catch them. There are many crabs on the beach, but it is not always easy to see them.

Starfish live on the beach, too. They eat clams, oysters, and small fish. Starfish move slowly on the sand and in the ocean. Starfish will not move away if you try to catch them. There are few starfish on the beach.


1) Seagulls, crabs, and starfish all eat

A. clams B. bread C. fish

2) Which animal does not move quickly?

A. starfish B. seagulls C. crabs

3) Based on information in the passage, which sentence is false?

A. Starfish are hard to catch. B. Crabs eat shrimp and ocean plants. C. Seagulls move quickly on the sand and in the air.

4) The passage does not talk about

A. what starfish eat B. how crabs catch food C. how fast beach animals move

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1) C

2) A

3) A

4) B

5) According to the passage, seagulls I. live on the beach II. move quickly in the ocean III. eat bread only

A. I only B. I and II only C. I, II, and III

6) Based on information in the passage, which animal would you be most likely to see at the beach?

A. crabs B. seagulls C. starfish

7) Based on information in the passage, we can understand that

A. the beach is not as nice as the mountains B. the beach is a good place to vacation C. many animals live at the beach

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6) B

7) C

5) A

Passage 2

There are many kinds of boats.

One kind of boat is called a sailboat. A sailboat uses the wind to move. Wind makes a sailboat move in the water. The wind pushes the sailboat. Wind fills the sails. The sailboat moves when the wind blows.

One kind of boat is called a motorboat. A motorboat uses a motor to move. The motor gives power to the boat. The motorboat moves when the motor is running. The motorboat makes a loud noise.

One kind of boat is called a rowboat. A rowboat needs people to move it. People make a rowboat move in the water. People use oars to move a rowboat. Oars are long and flat. Oars go into the water. A rowboat moves when people use the oars.

As you can see, there are many kinds of boats.


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1) Which boat uses the wind to move?

A. a sailboat B. a rowboat C. a motorboat

2) Which boat makes a loud noise?

A. a sailboat B. a motorboat C. a rowboat

3) What is used to move a rowboat?

A. wind B. a motor C. oars

4) According to the passage, oars are

A. short and fat B. long and flat C. big and heavy

3) C

4) B

1) A

2) B

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5) This passage is mainly about

A. different kinds of boats B. where to use a rowboat C. how to make a boat

6) Which boat(s) can still move if there is no wind? I. a motorboat II. a rowboat III. a sailboat

A. I only B. I and II only C. I, II, and III

7) Tom doesn't like loud noises. Which boat(s) does he probably like to ride in? I. a sailboat II. a rowboat III. a motorboat

A. I only B. I and II only C. I, II, and III

8) What would be the best title for this passage?

A. Boats that Make Noise B. The Sailboat and the Motorboat C. Three Kinds of Boats

7) B

8) C

5) A

6) B

Passage 3

Christmas is my favorite holiday. My grandmother makes ham, salad, and cupcakes on Christmas. I also get a present on Christmas! Last year I got a new set of paint brushes. This year I hope to get new pencils and a drawing pad. I always have fun on Christmas.

Halloween is another good holiday. My grandmother makes candy corn and cupcakes on Halloween. People wear costumes during Halloween. Last year I wore a skeleton costume. This year I am going to wear a zombie costume.

July 4 is a good holiday. July 4 is the birthday of the United States of America. My grandmother makes hot dogs and salad on July 4. I don’t have to go to school on July 4. But I don’t get any presents either. If I got presents on July 4 it would be my favorite holiday.


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1) When does the author’s grandmother make cupcakes? I. Christmas II. Halloween III. July 4

A. I only B. I and II only C. I, II, and III

2) Which holiday does the author like most?

A. Christmas B. Halloween C. Easter

3) Based on the things the author gets for Christmas, we can understand that he likes

A. sports B. art C. music

4) What is the author’s favorite thing about holidays?

A. not going to school B. eating candy C. getting presents

3) B

4) C

1) B

2) A

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5) What costume did the author wear for Halloween last year?

A. a skeleton costume B. a zombie costume C. a pumpkin costume

6) Based on what you know about the author, what costume will he probably wear next year?

A. a pumpkin costume B. a flower costume C. a ghost costume

7) This story is mainly about

A. why the author likes some holidays B. how someone can get out of school C. which foods are the best to eat on different holidays

8) What is the best title for this passage?

A. The Holidays I Like B. Why Christmas is Best C. Hot Dogs and Salad

7) A

8) A

5) A

6) C

Passage 4

On Monday, Robert works at the bank. He plants three bushes. He plants eight yellow flowers. He plants three trees.

On Tuesday, Robert works at the school. He plants five red flowers. He digs a hole with a shovel.

On Wednesday, Robert works at the hospital. He plants twelve bushes.

On Thursday, Robert works at the school. He plants two trees. He plants sixteen white flowers. He digs four holes with a shovel.

On Friday, Robert works at the grocery store. He plants two bushes. He plants one tree.


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1) Where does Robert work on Wednesday?

A. at the hospital B. at the school C. at the grocery store

2) What does Robert do on Tuesday?

A. He plants twelve purple bushes. B. He plants five red flowers and digs a hole with a shovel. C. He plants two trees, plants sixteen white flowers, and digs four holes with a shovel.

3) How many holes does Robert dig during the week?

A. one B. three C. five

4) How many yellow flowers does Robert plant?

A. five B. eight C. sixteen

5) How many bushes does Robert plant during the week?

A. twelve B. fifteen C. seventeen

3) C

4) B

5) C

1) A

2) B

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6) Where does Robert plant white flowers?

A. at the bank B. at the school C. at the hospital

7) Robert works at the school on I. Tuesday II. Thursday III. Friday

A. I only B. I and II only C. I, II, and III

8) Robert plants bushes at the I. bank II. hospital III. grocery store

A. I only B. I and II only C. I, II, and III

9) Based on information in the passage, we can understand that Robert is a

A. doctor B. teacher C. landscaper

8) C

9) C

6) B

7) B

Passage 5

Ann rides her bicycle. Ann rides her little bicycle to work. Ann rides her little, red bicycle to work every day.

Nina rides the bus. Nina rides the big bus to work. Nina rides the big, slow bus to work every day.

Luis rides the train. Luis rides the big train to work. Luis rides the big, fast train to work every day.

Carlos walks. Carlos walks to work. Carlos walks on the crowded sidewalk to work every day.


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1) Where do Ann, Nina, Luis, and Carlos go every day?

A. They go to work. B. They go to the bus stop. C. They go to the bicycle store.

2) Who rides a bicycle to work?

A. Ann B. Nina C. Luis

3) What does Nina ride to work?

A. the train B. her bicycle C. the bus

4) Who rides to work?

A. Ann, Nina, and Luis B. Nina, Luis, and Carlos C. Ann and Luis

3) C

4) A

1) A

2) A

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5) According to the passage, what is big? I. the train II. the bus III. the bicycle

A. I only B. I and II only C. I, II, and III

6) According to the passage, what is little? I. the bicycle II. the bus III. the train

A. I only B. I and II only C. I, II, and III

7) Who probably uses the most energy to get to work?

A. Ann B. Nina C. Luis

8) How is Carlos different than Ann, Nina, and Luis?

A. Carlos rides the bus to work and the others ride the train. B. Carlos walks to work and the others ride a vehicle. C. Carlos rides his bicycle and the others ride the bus.

7) A

8) B

5) B

6) A

Passage 6

There is a small fire station in town. At this station, the firefighters are volunteers. That means they work for free. The fire station gets some money from the government to take care of the building and the fire truck. But the fire station has a problem. Last winter, a pipe in the fire station froze. Then it burst. Water went everywhere. There is a lot of damage. Now the building cannot be used. What is worse, the fire station does not have enough money for the repairs needed to fix the damage. The people in town are worried about what will happen if there is a fire and no working fire station. But they will figure out a way to solve the problem. They always do!


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1) The main problem in the town is that

A. the firefighters do not make any money B. a pipe in the fire station froze last winter C. people cannot fix the fire station D. people in town are worried

2) As used in the passage, which accurately describes something that has damage?

A. A library is closed on Sundays. People cannot check out books that day. B. A hose is used to water the garden. The water goes all over the plants. C. An old washing machine still works. It is almost 20 years old. D. A stack of books fell on a computer. Now it will not turn on.

1) C

2) D

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3) According to the author, the water went everywhere because the pipe

A. froze B. burst C. leaked D. broke

4) In the passage, the author writes, “But they will figure out a way to solve the problem.” In this sentence, the phrase “solve the problem” most likely means

A. get more money B. fix the fire station C. make sure no fires happen D. make sure no pipes freeze

3) B

4) B

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5) The feeling at the end of the passage can best be described as

A. hopeful B. worried C. upset D. excited

6) Based on information in the passage, it can be understood that the people in town will be most likely to

A. give money to the firefighters B. build a new fire station C. help fix the fire station themselves D. ask the firefighters to work for free

5) A

6) C

Passage 7Some people think you need a kitchen to cook dinner. But you can make easy, delicious meals outside over a campfire.

One easy campfire meal is a baked potato. You wrap the potato in tin foil and put it under the flames in the hot ashes. After an hour, the heat from the fire will cook the potato. Open up the tin foil package and you have a baked potato!

It is also easy to roast food over a campfire. You can put hot dogs or sausages on sticks and hold them in the fire. The flames will cook the meat. For dessert, you can roast marshmallows on sticks. Hold them near the fire until they turn golden and begin to melt. But do not leave anything in the fire too long, or it will turn completely black and taste like ashes.

There are many nice things about campfire meals. To make these meals, you do not even need to know anything about cooking. Some people also say that food tastes better when cooked and eaten outside. But the best part of these campfire meals is there are no dishes to wash afterwards.


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1) As used in paragraph 2, which is an example of a package?

A. French fries are served on a tray in the cafeteria. B. A new toy comes wrapped up in a plastic box. C. Cookies are easy to remove when there is tin foil on the cookie sheet. D. You can use a knife to cut open an orange instead of peeling it.

2) The author warns that if you leave anything in the fire too long, it

A. can get burned B. can be dangerous C. will melt D. will fall off the stick

1) B

2) A

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3) Which sentence from the passage best describes why campfire meals are easy to make?

A. “But you can make easy, delicious meals outside over a campfire.” B. “You wrap the potato in tin foil and put it under the flames in the hot ashes.” C. “It is also easy to roast food over a campfire.” D. “To make these meals, you do not even need to know anything about cooking.”

4) After reading the passage, we can conclude that

A. you do not need much to cook a campfire meal B. cooking over a campfire is more fun than in a kitchen C. roasting food on a stick or wrapping it in tin foil is the only way to cook a campfire meal D. if you do not cook in a kitchen, you do not have any dishes to wash

3) D

4) A

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5) According to the author, the best part of these campfire meals is that they

A. are easy B. are delicious C. taste better outside D. use no dishes

5) D

In this section you will read several longer passages followed by a few questions. After reading the passage, use the arrows to go to the questions and the arrows to back to the passage as you need to. Try not to go back, if you can.

When you have answered the questions on that page click on “Check Answers” button.

Good luck.

Directions: Read the story. Then answer the questions below.

Becca and Kai played together all day. The two friends played outside in the morning. They rode bikes and scooters. They ate lunch on the porch. Becca’s mom made sandwiches and lemonade. They played hide-and-seek in the house right after lunch. Then they did not know what to do. “I know! Let’s play the number game,” said Becca. “What number am I thinking of?” “Is it five?” asked Kai. “No, it is higher than five,” Becca said. “Okay, is it one hundred?” “No, it is lower than one hundred,” Becca said. “Let’s see,” said Kai. “Is it sixty?” Becca gave Kai a hint. “It is between twenty and thirty.” “Hmm, is it twenty-five?” “No, but you are very close!” Becca said. “Well, is it higher or lower than twenty-five?” “It is lower,” Becca said. “Okay, I think I know. Is it twenty-two?” “Yeah! You guessed it.” Becca said. “Good job!”

“What Number?”

1) Where did Becca and Kai play today?

A. at school B. at the park C. at Kai's house D. at Becca's house

2) What did Becca and Kai do in the morning? I. They rode bikes. II. They played outside. III. They played hide-and-seek.

A. I only B. I and II C. II and III D. I, II, and III

3) Where did Becca and Kai eat lunch?

A. in the kitchen B. by the swing C. at the park D. on the porch

4) Whose idea was it to play the number game?

A. It was Kai’s idea. B. It was Mom’s idea. C. It was Becca’s idea. D. It was Kai and Becca’s idea.


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3) D

4) C

1) D

2) B

5) What was Kai’s second guess? A. five B. twenty-two C. sixty D. one hundred

6) Why does Kai guess one hundred? A. It is lower than twenty-two. B. It is higher than sixty. C. It is higher than five. D. It is lower than sixty.

7) Which is correct? A. 178 is lower than 177 B. 178 is higher than 177 C. 178 is between 177 D. 178 is the same as 177

8) Which is correct? I. 239 is lower than 247 II. 224 is higher than 256 III. 224 is between 220 and 230

A. I only B. I and III C. II and III D. I, II, and III

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7) B

8) B

5) D

6) C

9) Kai's guess of twenty-five was close because

A. twenty-five is a big number B. it is near the number Becca was thinking about C. it is far away from the number Becca was thinking about D. it is lower than the number Becca was thinking about

10) What does it mean to give someone a hint?

A. to give someone a clue B. to make a question hard C. to tell someone to give up D. to give someone the answer

11) What number was Becca thinking about?

A. nineteen B. twenty C. twenty-one D. twenty-two

12) What other number could Becca have been thinking about?

A. ten B. fifteen C. twenty-three D. twenty-eight

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11) D

12) C

9) B

10) A

Directions: Read the story. Then answer the questions below.

“Time to……” It is 6:15 a.m. It is time to wake up. It is time to take a shower. It is time to brush teeth. It is time to get dressed. It is time to eat breakfast. It is time to go to work. It is time to eat lunch. It is time to go back to work. It is time to go home. It is time to eat dinner. It is time to go to sleep. “Billy,” she says. “What?” Billy says. "It is time to wake up!"


1) What time is it? A. 5:30 in the morning B. 5:30 at night C. 6:15 in the morning D. 6:15 at night

2) What is it time to do first? A. brush teeth B. take a shower C. wake up D. go to work

3) What is it time to do second? A. brush teeth B. wake up C. take a shower D. go home

4) What is it time to do last? A. go to sleep B. go to work C. go to a movie D. eat dinner

6) Billy wakes up. This means he A. starts sleeping B. starts working C. stops sleeping D. eats dinner

5) What is it time to do after it is time to go home?

A. eat dinner B. brush teeth C. get dressed D. wake up

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4) A

5) A

6) C

1) C

2) C

3) C

7) Billy is A. busy B. short C. nervous D. honest

8) It is time to brush teeth. This means it is time for Billy to

A. clean his teeth B. chatter his teeth C. bite with his teeth D. chew with his teeth

9) Billy goes back to work. This means he

A. likes work B. is late for work C. returns to work D. stays home

10) What is the correct order? A. Breakfast – Dinner – Lunch B. Breakfast – Lunch – Dinner C. Dinner – Lunch – Breakfast D. Lunch – Dinner – Breakfast

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9) C

10) B

7) A

8) A

Directions: Read the story. Then answer the questions below.

“Seeing Stars”

Yana is my mother. Tony is my father. My name is Sasha. We live in a red house. We have a blue car. We sit in the yard at night. We look at the stars. Father says the stars make him happy. Mother says the stars make her want to sing. I like to think about how many stars are in the sky. We hear a baby cry next door. My mother sings. The baby stops crying. We think he heard my mother’s pretty song. We all smile.


1) Who is Yana? A. Sasha's father B. Sasha’s mother C. Tony's father D. Tony’s mother

2) What color is Sasha's house? A. red B. blue C. purple D. orange

3) Who is telling the story? A. father B. mother C. Sasha D. the baby

4) When does the family sit in the yard?

A. in the morning B. in the afternoon C. in the evening D. at night

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3) C

4) D

1) B

2) A

5) How do the stars make Sasha's father feel?

A. funny B. happy C. like counting D. like singing

6) What happens after Mother sings?

A. A friend comes by. B. Father gets sleepy. C. Sasha counts stars. D. The baby stops crying.

7) What does Sasha like to do when she sees the stars?

A. She likes to sit in the car. B. She likes to hold the baby. C. She likes to sing with her mother. D. She likes to guess how many there are.

8) What do Mother, Father, and Sasha do at the end of the story?

A. They cry. B. They laugh. C. They smile. D. They talk.

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7) D

8) C

5) B

6) D

Directions: Read the story. Then answer the questions below.


A bird is a kind of animal. A bird has two wings. Birds are the only animal with feathers. Pigeons, eagles, swans, and blue jays are all different kinds of birds. Most birds can fly. Turkeys and penguins are two kinds of birds that cannot fly.


1) What is this passage about? A. what birds are like B. why some birds can’t fly C. where birds have feathers

2) What birds can fly? A. all birds B. most birds C. some birds

3) According to the passage, which of these birds cannot fly?

A. eagles B. swans C. turkeys

4) All birds are A. animals B. blue jays C. penguins

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3) C

4) A

1) A

2) B

Directions: Read the story. Then answer the questions below.


Machines need gas to work. Cars need gas. Buses need gas. Airplanes need gas. Machines use a lot of gas. Gas makes machines work.


1) What needs gas to work? A. animals B. machines C. plants

2) What is a machine? A. a bus B. a frog C. a person

3) Machines use a lot of gas. This means A. Machines don't use gas. B. Machines use a little gas. C. Machines use much gas.

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1) B

2) A

3) B

Answers & Explanation

Answers I have placed here. If you need the explanations also please download them from the link below.

1Answers1) C 2) A 3) A 4) B 5) A 6) B 7) C 2Answers1) A 2) B 3) C 4) B 5) A 6) B 7) B 8) C

3Answers1) B 2) A 3) B 4) C 5) A 6) C 7) A 8) A 4Answers1) A 2) B 3) C 4) B 5) C 6) B 7) B 8) C 9) C

5Answers1) A 2) A 3) C 4) A 5) B 6) A 7) A 8) B 6Answers1) C 2) D 3) B 4) B 5) A 6) C

7Answers1) B 2) A 3) D 4) A 5) D

Answers for short passages.

Answers for long passages.

“What Number?” Answers1) D 2) B 3) D 4) C 5) D 6) C 7) B 8) B 9) B 10) A 11) D 12) C

“Time to……” Answers1) C 2) C 3) C 4) A 5) A 6) C 7) A 8) A 9) C 10) B

“Seeing Stars” Answers1) B 2) A 3) C 4) D 5) B 6) D 7) D 8) C

“Birds” Answers1) A 2) B 3) C 4) A


Answers1) B 2) A 3) B