Read it and Change Your Life - Kubex Fitness · 2018. 10. 20. · FITNESS/FATNESS: THE CONFUSION...

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Transcript of Read it and Change Your Life - Kubex Fitness · 2018. 10. 20. · FITNESS/FATNESS: THE CONFUSION...


February / 04 / 2014Issue 03

This Newsletter could change your life!

Although lengthy, we highly recommend reading the entire article. You'll learn how tomaximize your KUBEX experience and become a better, more healthy and energetic you.

In This Issue

The Best Just Keeps Getting Better!

Want to Be Involved with Testing?


You Must Trust the KUBEX System

Fitness/Fatness: The Confusion

5 KUBEX Diet and Lifestyle Tips

Amazon Women?

Strength Training PLUS Cardio

The Perfect Program


At KUBEX, we call it RDI-­Research, Development and Implementation!

The ink hasn't dried on our brochures, and yet a team of Kubex professionals, includingsports physiologists, computer programmers and code writers, patent attorneys, inventors,motivated Kubex test customers and just plain determined and driven individuals are busy

in a remote location testing revolutionarysequences, programs and procedures!These guys are so excited we see themsending emails back and forth at 3:00 inthe morning.

Why are they doing this?

Because your time is valuable and youprobably don't want to research and readthe 434,000,000 fitness articles availableon the internet, trying to decipher whatyou should do for your next workout! YOU can simply push the "Retrieve My Workout" button and KNOW that you have the bestscience, research and innovation has to offer! As the 'world' sets on their couches eating chips and watching to see who will be theworld's next "Biggest Loser," you are at the Kubex Facility becoming one of the world'snext, "Biggest Winners!" It would take literally hundreds of pages to explain in technical detail why Kubex is SO goodfor you, your health, and your future-­-­ why there is nothing to compare. .


Simply email us at and indicateyour desire and willingness to participate in our testingand research at one of our remote locations and we willcontact you to see if you qualify. -­-­-­thanks!


If Jet pilots deviate as little as 10 degrees off

assigned course, or gain or lose 200 feet from

assigned altitude ANYTIME during their entire flying

career, they can lose their license for a year, lose

their job, be fined $10,000 and even do jail time.


Because the Federal Aviation Administration has spentBillions of Dollars developing a program that keeps theflying public safe and alive and any deviation from thatprogram could spell disaster. Don't Be A Deviate!

Millions of dollars, some of the best minds in the industry and years of experience andresearch have combined to launch the Kubex system. Follow it! Benefit from it! Here are some suggestions and facts you may find interesting: KUBEX-­-­-­Train Like An Athlete KUBEX isn't a 'fat farm' or 'Day-­Care' for the over-­weight and infirm.

KUBEX is high-­tech sequence training, proven effective by professional athletes and sports

teams, adapted to help 'REAL PEOPLE" reach their fitness goals!

Regardless of your current physical capacity, Kubex will make you better and take you to

the next level.


Do 2-­3 sequences a week with a rest day inbetween.

If you want/need a more intense program, still ONLY do

a maximum of 3 sequences a week but push it. Give it

your ALL in every Kube™. Don't hold back rationalizing

that you will be doing another set in 15 seconds.

Getting an extra 2 reps in each Kube can be the

difference between an average and an ultimate workout. If you think Kubex isn't intense

enough for you, you are mistaken!! Email us immediately and let us know and we will have

someone experienced with the system intensify your workout. Don't ask at the front desk.

Please email! Likewise, if you feel the system is too intense for you, email us immediately

and we will get you proper training. DO NOT do a sequence every day! It is not beneficial.

Magic? This is what a lot of members are saying. Members are giving us exciting daily

reports of lives changed and goals met. To participate and reap the benefits of this magic,

you need to discard old obsolete ways of thinking and training. Does a workout have to be

long and difficult to be effective? Absolutely not! Gretchen Reynolds a contributing author

for the New York Times and author of her new book, "The first 20 Minutes" agrees as do

numerous other authors and experts.


Organizing, sequencing and performing specific movements in a studied and scientific

order yields synergistic and highly enhanced benefits. It's like having 2 + 2 = 7! Impossible

in Math! Done and proven at Kubex! Don't mess with the formula inserting your own

program in the sequences. You will be wasting your time and money and would be better

off canceling your membership, going to a gym and joining the free-­for-­all!


Most people make the mistake of equating weight with

health. Though often interrelated, they are not always

directly correlated. There are healthy overweight people

and unhealthy skinny people. Most people are not

consistent with exercise and fitness programs because

they begin programs simply to lose weight and when it

doesn't happen fast enough, they quit.

Fact: Most people will gain muscle mass andsubsequently gain weight when they first begin a strength training program.

Fact: This is normal and beneficial. Muscle burns more calories than fat even whenyou are just sitting on the couch! It takes time to properly sculpt and condition yourbody.

We don't have scales at Kubex. It's not what you weigh, but how you feel, how you look;;how healthy you are. Scales don't distinguish between heavier muscle and lighter fat.

Following the wrong program, you could lose weight and yet be fatter and unhealthier than

you were before the weight loss.

When you sequence train at Kubex, not only is your new-­found muscle burning more

calories every day, but that new muscle is going to cause you to be more active and

accelerate your calorie burn even more. As you gain muscle, your appetite will also

increase. You have heard the phrase many times: "You can't out-­exercise a bad diet." Here

are a few tips and challenges.


1. Eat slow absorbing carbs in place of fastabsorbing carbs.An easy way to tell the difference is to choose foods

high in fiber. These could include whole grains, brown

rice, quinoa, legumes, and fruits with skin.

2. Eat a breakfast that includes a protein. Breakfast jump starts your metabolism and adding a

protein keeps you full until the next meal. Great protein

examples are: eggs, yogurt, milk and nuts.

3. Eat healthy fats like omega 3. Foods such as salmon, trout, olive oil, walnuts, and many more have been show to boost

fat loss when compared to eating a diet extremely low in fats.

4. Do not drink sweet drinks, even if they are diet and sugar free.They trick your brain's ability to regulate caloric intake. You will feel hungrier than you are

and want to eat more. The sweet taste may also trick your body to release insulin which

hinders fat loss and promotes fat storage.

5. Drink water. Water helps with the transportation and absorption of nutrients. Drinking water can also

make you feel fuller and eat less calories. Studies show that drinking two cups of cold water

can temporarily cause your metabolic rate to go up by 30%.


Men love to strength train but with many women it's a

different story. "But I'm a Lady and don't want to 'Bulk-­

Up' and look like one of those Body Builder Types." "

Isn't 'just' Cardio good enough?"

First of all, you won't 'bulk-­up.' Women don'tproduce enough testosterone for growing bigmuscles. Bulking up for women generally requiresspecial diets, increased caloric intake and special



Minute for Minute, cardio burns more calories than strength training,but;; and this BIG but may ultimately end up giving you a;; big BUTT!

You may find this title of one of the 434,000,000 Internet fitness articles shocking, but it

brings us to our next issue. Here is how it reads:

"Are You Interested In Gaining Weight? If You Are,

Perform Cardiovascular Exercise And A Lot Of It."

This title was featured on Yahoo Health's website July06, 2013 by a featured contributor. The articlediscusses the myths surrounding cardiovascularexercise. A New York Times best selling book was published in2007 supports this same theory. The author claims theoriginal title as: "Cardio Kills" Discussing his book, the author said: "I firmly believe thatclassic cardiovascular exercise is a total waste of your time because of the adverse effectsit has on your body. " Walk into any 'muscle-­head' gym and look around. In the 'free-­weight' section you will seeprofessional narcissists with rippling muscles doing arm curls in front of the floor to ceilingmirrors. Now go to the cardio area and see how many of the same crowd frequents thetreadmills. Shocking! Why? Because traditional cardio eats away muscle almost as fast asit does the fat! An ABC news special report featured an article by K. Aleisha Fetters, published November22, 2013 in Women's Health. It said the following: "In one Penn State study, dieters lost 21pounds whether they performed cardio or strength training. But for the cardio group, six ofthose pounds came from muscle, while the lifters lost almost pure fat-­and probably fit intotheir skinny jeans better because of it." "Why? Strength training is the number-­one way to build more muscle. And for every threepounds of muscle you gain, you can expect to burn an extra 120 calories a day withoutmoving a single one of those muscles." The last of the 434,000,000 Internet articles we will refer to: SPARKPEOPLE, claims: "If you don't strength train, up to 30% of the weight you lose (from cardio) can come

from muscle loss.

This easily explains why people performing conventional exercise programs lose weightand yo-­yo back so fast and depressingly! They lose muscle mass that burns calories fasterthan fat. The Kubex program is the perfect scientific mix of Strength training and

Cardio. Kubex Kardio eliminates the problem of muscle loss experienced withconventional cardio. 21/2 burns primarily FAT not muscle. If you do not know what 21/2 isask the front desk and get a demonstration. Jeremy Strom, founder of Fitness Beyond Borders

and consultant for Kubex has this to say: "Weightloss is not just calories in-­calories out. Doing inclinetraining at Kubex offers a unique opportunity to trainwhile utilizing fat as the prime source of energy. Thenew thinking is that if we can teach our bodies toutilize fat as its primary energy source then we canchange the way we look much faster and moreefficiently. A calorie is made up of protein, carbs andfats and since current research suggests that runningflat at 6 mph for 30 mins burns a total of360 k/cal's with 57.6 k/cal's coming from fat and therest from protein and carbs that's only 16% fatutilization. However walking at 21% incline, 2 mphburns 296 k/cal's with 194 k/cals coming from fat

Jeremy Strom, Founder -­ Fitness

Beyond Borders

which is 65% fat utilization. So since there are 2 ways

to change the way your body looks, increasing lean

muscle tissue and Decreasing body fat, you be

the judge which will change your body faster. "Incline walking is the most effective cardio-­

respiratory, fat burning training there is." and Kubex has more incline trainers than anyone

in the world.

Kubex has more incline trainers than any location in Utah, America, in fact, theWorld. This fact confirmed by FreeMotion Fitness!

Rest assured that Kubex will always give you the latest, and most advanced systems. We

are currently developing and testing Revolutionary Cardio and strength programs. You

have joined the Revolution... with Kubex, change and improvement are inevitable


One Kubex sequence 2-­3 times a week with a rest day

between;; coupled with Kubex Kardio 2-­3 times a week

on the days you are not doing a sequence is the

prescription;; the program. If you are not doing this,

those guys up at 3 AM studying, researching and

testing are just wasting their time.

As mentioned at the first of this newsletter, we could

write hundreds of pages on the benefits of Kubex. We

haven't even discussed the profound effect it has on

balance, performance, bone density, arthritis, mental acuity, cancer prevention, blood

pressure, cholesterol, sleep and a number of other health issues. Another time!

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