Read aloud quiz unit 1 section 1 assessment 1 modified (1)

Post on 22-Mar-2017

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Transcript of Read aloud quiz unit 1 section 1 assessment 1 modified (1)

Unit 1 Section 1

Unit 1 Section 1Assessment

Part 1: Matching (1-6 2 points each)____ Atoms____ Sub-Atomic Particles____ Elements____ Matter____ Inertia____ Motion

Anything that takes up space and has mass.Shows movement over time.The microscopic building blocks that have chemical properties of all living and nonliving things.Protons, neutrons, and electrons.Any pure substance that cannot be broken down. There are 100 of these known to man.Newtons law of motion stating that any object that is moving will stay moving or any object that is at rest will stay at rest, unless an outside force acts on it.

Part 2 (7-13 3 points each)7. Atoms are the building blocks for ____________________________. (In other words, what can you build with atoms?)

8. What are 3 examples of things that atoms can make?a.b.c.

9. Explain why you could or could not see an atom with your naked eye._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10. What are the smallest parts of an atom?a.b.c.

11. The number of _________________ an atom has decides the atomic number or chemical identity.

12. What is the difference between a Helium atom and a Hydrogen atom?

13. What makes up the mass of an atom?The protons and neutrons in the electron cloud.The electrons and neutrons in the nucleus.

14. Structure of an atom: (8 points) Label the parts of an atom in the diagram given to the right

Choose from these words: Protons, Neutrons, Electrons, Nucleus, Oxygen

15. (5 points) Explain how you know if atoms occupy space. (Justify your answer using 2 details from your lab experiments.)

16. (5 points) Explain how you know if atoms have mass. (Justify your answer using 2 details from your lab experiments.)