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Transcript of REACHING OUT -

Reaching Out May 30, 2021 Page 1


Sunday May 30 Weekly News for Wodonga West and Rural Uniting Churches

Trinity Sunday Unfortunately, due to lockdown,

NO SERVICE AT EMMANUEL or KERGUNYAH until further notice.

The congregation meeting at Emmanuel will be rescheduled at a time TBA. Also, no church activities to take place during the lockdown period.

We find that things are changing very quickly these days. For UCA alternative worship via on-line, check and click on the + worship on-line to find a long list of on-line services.

Nicodemus Visits Jesus

Now there was a Pharisee named Nicodemus, a leader of the Jews. He came to Jesus by night and

said to him, ‘Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God; for

no one can do these signs that you do apart from the presence of God.’ Jesus

answered him, ‘Very truly, I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God without

being born from above.’ Nicodemus said to him, ‘How can anyone be born after

having grown old? Can one enter a second time into the mother’s womb and be

born?’ Jesus answered, ‘Very truly, I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of

God without being born of water and Spirit. What is born of the flesh is flesh, and what is born of

the Spirit is spirit. Do not be astonished that I said to you, “You must be born from above.” The

wind blows where it chooses, and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know where it comes from

or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.’ Nicodemus said to him, ‘How can

these things be?’ Jesus answered him, ‘Are you a teacher of Israel, and yet you do not understand

these things?

‘Very truly, I tell you, we speak of what we know and testify to what we have seen; yet you do not

receive our testimony. If I have told you about earthly things and you do not believe, how can you

believe if I tell you about heavenly things? No one has ascended into heaven except the one who

descended from heaven, the Son of Man. And just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness,

so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in him may have eternal life.

‘For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not

perish but may have eternal life.

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‘Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world

might be saved through him. John 3:1-17

Lectionary Comment - John 3:1-17 Nicodemus, a prominent Pharisee and teacher, comes to Jesus to ask him questions. He comes secretly (“by night”, v. 2) because a man of his stature could not be seen consulting Jesus. He has understood from Jesus' miracles (“signs”) that Jesus is “from God”. But Jesus (in v. 3) tells him that he has not yet understood the main point: to “see the kingdom of God”, spiritual rebirth is required. Nicodemus misunderstands: he thinks Jesus is speaking of biological rebirth (v. 5). Being “born from above” (v. 3) requires being baptised (v. 5). “Flesh” and “spirit” were seen as constituents of life, of which spirit (breath, wind, pneuma) was the life-giving force. Many things can be seen only in their effect; such is birth in the Spirit (v. 8). Still Nicodemus doesn't understand: in order for him to do so, he needs to have faith (“receive our testimony”, v. 11). Then, in v. 12, Jesus says: you, Nicodemus, don't comprehend what can be told in analogies (“earthly things”, i.e. “wind”, v. 8), so how can you possibly believe mysteries? Vv. 13-17 are a monologue. Only Christ has descended and ascended. The “serpent” (v. 14) is mentioned in Numbers 21:9-11: there the people were bitten by poisonous snakes; some died and others became gravely ill. Instructed by God, Moses mounted (“lifted up”) a bronze snake on a pole. Those who looked at this emblem (trusting in God) were healed, lifted up, given life. God in his love provides eternal life to all who believe (v. 16). If you wilfully do not believe, you will perish. There is no third alternative! God's intention is that you believe, rather than be condemned (v. 17). Chris Haslam of the Anglican Diocese of Edmonton

Praying For One Another 2020-22 In the Uniting Church Presbytery of North East Victoria.

Many Congregations are in the habit of deliberately praying for one another each time they meet. By naming each other in prayer we enhance our pastoral support with each other, in God’s company. This invitation builds our faith linkages every year. We invite our congregations to pray whenever they meet for the next group (or groups) of congregations on the list, according to date. For the Uniting Church in the Presbytery of North East Victoria, especially the people and Cobram and Katamatite in the week beginnning Sunday, May 30.

Attendance at Church using QR Code To make it easier to record your attendance at Emmanuel for worship or any other duty according to

COVID -19 requirements, the church has its own registered QR code. The code is linked to Services Victoria. The QR code works with any iPhone or Android smartphone. You may need to download the Services Victoria app from App Store for iPhone users or Google Play for Android users. You are only required to enter your name and phone number on the app after scanning the QR code. For future visits your phone will remember your logon after scanning and you only need to submit the entry. Your record of attendance is deleted after 28 days of the first occasion. By using the QR code we can increase the number of people allowed in the church to one

person per 2 square metres and eliminate paper recording of attendance. A partner or friend who has a smartphone can record your attendance if you don’t have a smartphone. If you need help with using your smartphone with the QR code, talk with LouAnne or Harold or any friend who is familiar with the application.

Reaching Out May 30, 2021 Page 3

Coming Events All events cancelled until further notice.

Sun 30 May 10:30am Congregation Meeeting after worship at Emmanuel Tue 1 Jun 9:30am Sacraments Training at Emmanuel 9:30am to 12: Wed. 2 Jun 9:00am Grounds and Maintenance 10:00am Prayer Group, 113 Chapple St. 7:30pm Emmanuel Council Meets via Zoom Fri 4 Jun 9:30 am Friday morning craft group; Room 3 Emmanuel Meeting Place Tue 8 Jun 9:30am Sacraments Training at Emmanuel 9:30am to 12:30pm

Prayer Group The Emmanuel Prayer Group meets at Betty Saggers’ home. They meet Wednesday mornings at 10:00 am. If you are interested in joining, do get in touch with Carol Harris or Betty.

A Reflection Prayer And Silence – Rev Leonie Findlay PRAYER Lord speak gently into our silence. When the loud outer noises of our surroundings and the loud inner noises of our fears keep pulling us away from you, help us to trust that you are still present. Lord help us to trust even when we can’t hear you. Give us ears to listen to your small soft voice saying: ‘Come to me you who are overburdened, and I will give you rest…….. for I am gentle and humble of heart.’ Lord let that loving voice be our guide. AMEN. SOME THOUGHTS Life is such that we seem to have become alienated from silence. Wherever we go it seems that the cell phone or earphones are often our most significant companion. It seems that we can’t bear the sounds of silence. Silence is full of amazing sounds. The murmuring wind, rustling leaves, birds singing and the sounds of the ocean. Even if these sounds cannot be heard there are the sounds of our own quiet breathing along with the soft patter of our steps. Why is it that when we are invited to swap our noisy world for a sound filled silence we are often gripped by fear? Entering into a quiet room doesn’t automatically bring us inner silence. Rather the ability to achieve inner silence is a discipline born in the silence of the heart. This silence is a gift. The silence of peace and prayer which draws us back to our source. In this quiet place we lose the feeling of being driven and learn to see life in its proper perspective. In this silence, false pretences fade away and we become receptive to the voice of the one who says ‘follow me’ and who knows the way. AMEN GOD SPEAK TO ME IN THE SILENCE

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Bible Readings for Sunday June 6 Pentecost 2

1 Samuel 8:4-11 (12-15) 16-20 (11:14-15), Psalm 138, 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1, Mark 3:20-35

Your Weekly Offering If you wish to give cash, please place it in an envelope before coming to church and place it in the offering bowl at the back of the church when either entering or leaving the sanctuary. Direct deposit - Account details are: BSB 033-264, account 960276, account name Emmanuel

Congregation. Please note ‘offering’ on your deposit. It is not necessary to give your name. LouAnne.

Emmanuel Rosters (should church resume )

June 6 Elder on Duty: Karen Robinson TV Screen: Harold Cover Reader : Karen Robinson Recorder: Carolyn Renfrey Early Word: LouAnne Stabb Usher: Ted Stabb Prayers: David Robinson Organist: LouAnne Stabb

Photos in worship and other church activities

Our congregation is committed to providing a safe place for all who attend worship or other activities of the church. Emmanuel Council wishes to remind all of the need to respect the privacy of members. While it is lovely to have, display and share photographs, it is important to keep in mind this aspect of safety when doing so. Respecting the privacy of others is part of our care for each other as we come together as the body of Christ. Please consider the following: • Seek permission before taking any photos at church activities • Never photograph a child without permission from a parent or carer in attendance at the time • Ensure permission is granted of those in the picture before displaying photos on the church noticeboard. • Think carefully before posting photos on social media, and obtain written permission of anyone whose image is included in a photo to be posted. Thank you for your co-operation in this part of our Safe Church commitment.

Ministers of the Word & Other Contacts UCA: Rev. Leonie Findlay 0419 990 358

Anglican: Fr Jacques Jefferies 02 6024 2129 or 0434 063 069 [weekly RDO: Friday]

Emmanuel Pastoral Care: speak with an Elder or Warden Emmanuel Prayer Chain: give requests to Betty Saggers on 0427 761 044 Address: PO Box 435, Wodonga 3689 Office Phone: Emmanuel Meeting Place: (02) 6059 5460 Reaching Out: Items to Harold Cover 02 6024 7929 or LouAnne Stabb 02 6059 2244 by Wednesday. Website:

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Prayer of the Week World Council of Churches

Angola, Mozambique

Mozambique, 2019: Joaquina Jose, 20, sits with her daughter, telling of her experience in Cyclone Idai, where she spent 3 days in the top of a tree with her daughter on her back waiting for 3m deep flood

waters to recede. Photo: Simon Chambers/ACT Alliance

We are thankful for:

the rich natural resources in these countries, which God intends for the good of all

the positive developments experienced since years of civil war

village committees that seek to protect livelihoods and food security of the poor

how the Lutheran World Federation and partners have pursued land rights in Mozambique.

We pray for:

better sanitation, health services, and protection of the environment in these lands

a healing of the lingering scars and memories from colonization and civil wars

protection of the land rights of the people

governments that are transparent and further the good of all the people, rather than being captive to foreign and business interests.

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