Reaching Done - Slides

Post on 08-May-2015

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Slides for the talk I gave on productivity techniques for bloggers at the New Zealand Blogger Network meetup on February 20, 2014.

Transcript of Reaching Done - Slides

Reaching Done:Productivity Techniques for Bloggers

Scott Nesbitt

● Turn off:

● Turn off:○ Wifi

● Turn off:○ Wifi○ Notifications

● Turn off:○ Wifi○ Notifications○ Mobile devices

Writing is much better without the Internet. This is by

a factor of 10 or more. When you have the Internet at

your disposal, writing often gets interrupted to go

check on this or that. But writing with no other good

options means you're going to really be able to focus.

- Leo Babauta

Key Concepts

● 25 minute blocks

Key Concepts

● 25 minute blocks

● Focus on one task

Key Concepts

● 25 minute blocks

● Focus on one task

● Stay on task even if you finish early

Key Concepts

Write in Point Form

● Write in sentence fragments

● Write in sentence fragments

● Each fragment is one idea

● Write in sentence fragments

● Each fragment is one idea

● Flesh out the fragments later

An Example of Point Form Writing


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