REACH OUT VOLUNTEERS Elephants FINAL.pdf · World - Angkor Wat. Your itinerary will make sure you...

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Transcript of REACH OUT VOLUNTEERS Elephants FINAL.pdf · World - Angkor Wat. Your itinerary will make sure you...

REACH OUT VOLUNTEERSCambodia Elephant Program Book

Reach Out VolunteersEverything+you+need+to+know+about+the+Cambodia:+Village+Development+and+Elephant+Sanctuary+Program.

The answer is always yes, you can make a difference. Every person has the ability to make a difference and everybody should try. Between 2011-2013 volunteers with Reach Out Volunteers have been able to build 18 houses for impoverished families or at risk adolescents, create sources of local food such as fishing ponds, build animal enclosures and plant sustainable vegetable gardens which benefit entire villages.

Every child that receives an education from volunteers, medication from programs and access to water and food, is a step in the right direction.


1. More than one third of Cambodians live below the poverty line, earning less than $1 per day

2. Only 24% of Cambodian children eat an appropriate diet with many at risk of malnutrition

3. Malnutrition in the main cause of child mortality and morbidity in Cambodia

4. Only 15% of rural Cambodians have access to adequate sanitation and 65% to safe water

5. 23% of young women are illiterate, 16% of young men are illiterate

Reasons for Volunteering




Volunteers will be based in Siem Reap, working in a village about 30 min-utes from the city, near the remains of ancient Angkor. A thousand years ago, Angkor was the world's largest city, with 750,000 people, ten times the size of the largest European city, Paris. Now only the stunning temples of this city, the UNESCO listed Angkor Wat complex, remain in the jungle near Siem Reap.

Siem Reap is a small city with Khmer and Chinese-influenced architecture, an Old French Quarter with local and internationals restaurants and cafes, as well as a vibrant Old Market. In the city there are traditional Apsara dance performances, craft shops, silk farms, and nearby rice-paddy countryside, fishing villages and a bird sanctuary near the Tonle Sap lake.

Week 1

Village project:

Every day you will be transported from your accommodation in Siem Reap to a village approximately 30 minutes away by Tuk Tuk. You’ll be travelling on the one dirt access road into the village and working side by side with the villagers as they share with you their daily routine.

The traditional Khmer house construction will occur under the guidance of local tradesmen and you’ll be shopping in the local market and preparing lunch in village homes. You’ll enjoy the hospitality and the gratitude of the Khmer villagers as your work provides opportunities for shelter and education for those in need. We work with the priorities set by the village elders to improve the facilities and life enhancing skills to disadvantaged rural children and orphans.


What will I be doing?


Week 2

Wildlife Conservation:

In the elephant week of the program you will travel to the mountainous jungle region of eastern Cambodia. Eastern Cambodia is the most sparsely populated section of the country, with just 4 people per square km. The natural for-est is an ideal location for an elephant sanctuary with roll-ing hills and valleys, waterfalls and benign climate.

The elephant sanctuary at which you’ll be working, buys elephants from families who can no longer afford their up-keep and offers them a natural life in the lush jungle. Here the elephants are free to roam around; swimming, eating and just being elephants - always under the care of their mahouts.

There is a lot of upkeep to maintain this safe haven. You will be harvesting and replanting food supplies, improving infrastructure and helping with general maintenance. You will also be bathing, feeding and hanging out with the ele-phants every single day!

Did you know: • elephants eat between 149 & 169 kg (330 - 375Lb) of vegeta-

tion daily• 16 - 18 hours or nearly 80% of an elephant’s day is spent

feeding• Tree bark is a favourite food source of calcium and roughage• Elephants require about 68 - 98 L (18 - 26 gal) of water daily

but may drink up to 152 L (40 gal) and an adult male can con-sume 212l (55 gal) of water in less than 5 minutes!


ACTIVITIES:Your program will be filled with provided activi-ties to ensure you become part of the local Khmer culture.

Siem Reap is home to the eighth wonder of the World - Angkor Wat. Your itinerary will make sure you get to view these temples of Angkor - for ex-ample Ta Prohm featured in Tomb Raider and Bayon with its 37 free standing towers.

Additional activities include Khmer language classes, Aspara dancing, a history lesson on the Khmer people and their fascinating past, temple blessings and much more!

To really immerse yourself in the daily routine of Siem Reap we have organised walks and bike rides. The flat landscape of the low lying central plain makes it an ideal place to explore on foot and bikes. You’ll get to take your time moving through the villages and outlying areas of the city. Children will run out to meet you on the vil-lage roads and parents will take pride in being able to practice their limited English.

An optional early morning hot air ballon ride over the temples of Angkor Wat is offered for around US$35.



You will also visit the great lake of Tonle Sap. The Tonlé Sap is the largest freshwa-ter lake in South East Asia and is an eco-logical hot spot that was designated as a UNESCO biosphere in 1997.

The Tonlé Sap is unusual for two reasons: its flow changes direction twice a year, and the portion that forms the lake expands and shrinks dramatically with the seasons. From November to May, Cambodia's dry season, the Tonlé Sap drains its waters col-lected from the Himalayas into the Mekong River at Phnom Penh. However, when the year's heavy rains begin in June, the Tonlé Sap backs up to form an enormous lake. You will visit the floating villages at the edge of the lake and have an optional choice of a canoe ride through the floating forests.

Did you know that fried Tarantula is a spe-cialty of Cambodia! Will you be game to try one? When in Cambodia.....

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Meet your groupExcited about your program? Reach Out Volunteers creates Facebook groups for every program volunteers can choose. That way you can get to know your group months before leaving!

How to meet other volunteers:

1. ‘Like’ Reach Out Volunteers Facebook page.

2. ‘Add’ ROV Adm as a friend.

3. Email or private message us via Facebook with you full name and your program name and dates. We will then add you to the private Facebook group.




When it’s 6am in New York, it’s 5pm in Siem Reap! Communica-tion with home can be tricky - but that’s where the ROV Blogs can fill the void as we provide daily updates with snippets of news and lots of photos!

To see exactly how a Cambodian program operates, visit past pro-gram blogs.

The blogs are updated daily while you’re in Cambodia so your friends and family can see what you’re up to. To view the Cambodia Village Development and Elephant Sanctuary blog visit the Reach Out Volunteer website: and choose the Cam-bodia Village Development and Elephant Sanctuary Program, at the top right hand corner you will see a tab ‘Live from Cambodia’ that will take you to the program blog.

Below is what just a handful of past volunteers have said about their Cambodian experience with Reach Out Volunteers:

“I loved that the program mixed so many different types of volunteering (community work, teaching, animal work, etc) as well as so many different facets of local culture (food, language, history, etc). The trip was even better than I had expected! I will never forget the kids in the village, or watching the house frame go up, or getting to bathe moon and milot one-on-one.” Sam“I really enjoyed Siem Riep! I found that everyone in the town and village were super friendly and welcoming. I absolutely loved spending time with the school kids and being able to teach them... they all were so eager to learn english! Although the food was quite different than what I am used to, I found it delicious and unique.” Alycia


HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHYCambodia is a country with a fascinating and ancient history, as well as rich jun-gle, hill and coastal ecosystems

THE PEOPLE AND HISTORYMost Cambodians are Khmers, descendants of the Angkor Empire that extended over much of Southeast Asia and reached its peak between the 10th and 13th centuries, when Angkor became the world’s largest city. Attacks by the Thai and Cham (from present-day Vietnam) weakened the em-pire, ushering in a long period of decline. Cambodia be-came a French protectorate in 1863, and it was part of French Indochina after 1887. Following Japanese occupa-tion in World War II, Cambodia gained full independence from France in 1953.

The Killing Fields

In April 1975, after a five-year struggle, Communist Khmer Rouge forces captured Phnom Penh and evacuated all cities and towns. At least 1.5 million Cambodians (an eighth of the population) died from execution, forced hardships, or starva-tion during the Khmer Rouge regime under dictator, Pol Pot.

In December 1978 Vietnamese invasion drove the Khmer Rouge into the jungle. A 10-year Vietnamese occupation was followed by 13 years of civil war. The 1991 Paris Peace Ac-cords mandated democratic elections and a ceasefire, which was not fully respected by the Khmer Rouge. UN-sponsored elections in 1993 helped restore some sem-blance of normality under a coalition government. Factional fighting in 1997 ended the first government, but a second round of elections in 1998 led to political stability. The remain-ing elements of the Khmer Rouge surrendered in early 1999, and several high ranking people from the regime have been tried for genocide.


The Wildlife: the Asian Elephant

In the elephant week of the program you will travel to the mountainous jungle region in eastern Cambodia to an elephant sanctuary. Ele-phants were once vital in Cambodia. Elephants were used to build the great city of Angkor, and also revered in Cambodian Hindu and Bud-dhist culture. They also lived in large numbers in the wild. Asian ele-phants once lived as far west as Iran and over much of China, though are now endangered in the wild. In South-East Asia they have been mistreated for decades, first by the logging industry and today by the tourist industry. Many elephants in captivity have been tortured as ba-bies and separated from their families. Elephants are perhaps the most nurturing animals in the world. They are not weaned from their mother’s milk until around the age of three, and female elephants typi-cally stay close to their mothers until the mother dies of old age, males until they are adolescents. Elephants are also believed to be as intelli-gent as great apes and dolphins, and elephant herds are really a big family unit led by the single oldest female in the group. She spends her days surrounded by her siblings and grown daughters. The whole family works together to care for each other and protect their young. Elephants are one of the few animals to live in a society of grandparents.


Some of the problems Cambodian elephants face today:

Damaged feet - elephant feet are designed for jungle and soft undergrowth. The hot concrete streets of modern Cambodia can cause blisters, cuts, infection and blood poisoning

Sunstroke & dehydration - the natural jungle habitat is shady and cool. If no shade and water are provided, elephants can suffer terrible sunburn and become dangerously dehydrated. Elephants require around 270 litres per day.

Respiratory problems - caused by pollution

Traffic accidents - caused by cars and hazards such as open sewers


November to January are dry months in Cambodia. Humidity levels are low and there is little rainfall. Daytime temperatures are mild, nights cool. The hot months are April - May, with temperatures around 30°C (86°F ) and often 40°C (104°F). In July, monsoons bring rain and humidity until October. All this water means Angkor is surrounded by fertile land and lush foliage, but rain can cause problems for access to the villages in which we work.Flights

For flight and airport information don’t forget to check your Get Ready page which will be provided when you pay your deposit.Insurance

Although our programs are safe, take the stress out of your trip by making sure you are fully covered for any unexpected health or travel problems that might arise, including cover for emer-gency flights and hospital visits. Visas

A Cambodian visa is purchased on arrival for around US$25 - make sure you have an extra passport photo in your hand lug-gage. A departure tax of around US$40 applies for those depart-ing Phnom Penh.




Think about your favourite clothes, shoes and handbags and then discard those thoughts.

Think practical, comfortable and easy to wash. Think working clothes and working gloves, hats and sunscreen.

Your program will involve lots of hard, practical work and you don’t require precious garments or flashy jewelry. After all you don’t want any light to reflect from the glitter of gold into an ele-phant’s eye!

A very practical and thorough list will be provided to you once you’re ready to start packing. It’s about sun protection, easy wear and no hassle.

And donations are welcomed:

• Sports equipment,

• runners / joggers / clothes

• educational books

• crayons / pencils




It is because of volunteers like you, we can provide employment to local tradespeople, medication to children, materials for building projects, do-nations for anti-poaching committees, and money for local infrastructure, like accommodation providers, activities, transport. Every cent helps the local people. We need your help to make a difference. Many volunteers fundraise every cent of their Reach Out Volunteer program. That means not one cent has come out of their pocket. We send a fundraising kit link once you submit a deposit.

We also recommend using a crowdfunding site like Go Fund Me. Be sure to embed Reach Out videos and links to our website to give people an idea of what they’re contributing to! As you can see on the image at the right, Valerie has raised $2,970 and still has months to go until her pro-gram starts! People will want to help you and get behind you, all you have to do is put yourself out there!

Will I be safe??



1. We organize your program from start to finish.

2. If you arrive at the airport on the day the program commences, there will be a Reach Out Volunteer representative to meet you.

3. The Reach Out Volunteer Team Leader will be with your group for the entire duration of the program, and will be available 24/7 to help in any given situation.

4. You will be living in a shared, same sex room (whenever it is available), in clean, hygienic and safe accommodation.

5. You will have constant access to safe drinking water.

6. During your time at the elephant sanctuary, you will be under the supervision of experienced guides and mahouts.

7. If you choose an extension (with the exception of Laos), Reach Out Volunteers will provide on ground transport to the next program location, where you will be met by a Reach Out Volunteer representative


• will there be mosquito nets? Yes!• can you wear singlets (tank tops) shorts, bikinis? No!• can we bring toys and other small gifts? Yes!• do we need bedding? No!• do we need vaccinations? Ask your doctor• do we need to arrange transport for departing flights? No!• can I bring a suitcase? We recommend a backpack• do I need insurance? Yes!• what things / clothing should I bring with me to donate in the vil-lage? Children’s clothes and shoes are always welcome along with early childhood development educational materials • Isn’t Cambodia dangerous? Cambodia is predominantly Bud-dhist, with very little civil unrest.

• Will I be met at the airport? We will collect you on the day you arrive, and drop you off at the airport on the day of departure.• will I have electricity / adaptors? Not all the time, but often enough to charge your cameras, phones and iPods.• will there be wifi? Not all the time•Will there be big insects / dangerous animals? At the elephant sanctuary you’ll be staying in is in rural Cambodia, there will be some insects. Mosquito nets are provided.



If you haven’t already applied for the program, you can do so through our website:

If you have already applied and been accepted for our programs you will need to pay the deposit to confirm your place.

We’re waiting to welcome you to our team!