Re quick overview

Post on 10-May-2015

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Commercial Property Software

Transcript of Re quick overview


Smarter Commercial Property Software

Re-Leased is an online property management software solution,

designed for successful property owners and managers. As a complete

cloud based product you’ll be able to access your information from

anywhere, keep track of property and lease calendars and generate

reports from real time data.

Interactive Dashboard & Powerful Reporting;

A smart tool to simplify your property management -

The calendar dashboard is the user’s main hub. From here, the user can

access and run all key aspects of their portfolio. The dashboard can be

used to view, update or perform key tasks. Users can view their own

calendar, another user’s calendar or the company’s calendar as a whole

– allowing for easy communication between colleagues when it comes to

setting reminders and tracking tasks.

Innovative Features

Graphs, widgets & maps allows for a quick, detailed

portfolio overview –

Re-Leased features a number of revolutionary tools that allow the

property manager(s) to gain a detailed overview of their portfolio’s

performance at a glance.

Re-Leased also includes a range of graphs and widgets including:

Total occupancy graphs Time remaining on lease graphs

Current vs. Potential rent Numerous property alert widgets


The ‘Properties’ function allows the user(s) to manage, assess and edit

details in the portfolio quickly and accurately. Adding in property details

is a breeze and the Re-Leased team will help get everything set-up.

Reminders pop up to ensure you never miss deadlines like rent reviews,

insurance payments, lease expiries…


Manage your property’s leases and assess upcoming deadlines from the

‘Leases’ section. Easy to use and delegate to other users. Never miss a

rent review or lease expiry again.

Set up reminders and view details in real time.

Review lease details and keep track of the individuals involved with each

lease. Total information available 24/7. Change of admin staff –

no problems – all information is as detailed as you’d like.

Powerful Reporting; it’s easy to switch between viewing a report for a

single property to a report for the entire portfolio.

Reports Include:

Property Vacancy Tenant List Income Forecasts

Property List Tenant Arrears Report

Sold Property List Current vs. Potential Rent

Property Alerts Maintenance Report

Outgoings Budget Property Analysis Report

Lease Status Report Outgoings Budget Vs Actuals Report

We’re releasing new features all the time based on user feedback so

please request reporting functionality based on your needs and we’ll

look to get this added to the development pipeline.

Cloud Based Software

Re-Leased property management software is online (cloud-based);

enabling you to access your portfolio data or manage your accounts in

real time anywhere you have an internet connection and enabled device

(iPhone and Android apps are in development).

And as the software is hosted remotely, there is no additional hardware,

maintenance or costly upgrade costs to worry about.

Invoicing Features: (XERO integration optional as an add-on feature)

Integration with Xero Accounting Software

Xero software for better financial management

Re-Leased property management software has been created to

seamlessly integrate with Xero’s accounting software. The result is an

end to end management of your property portfolio, with all the related

tenant contact data & financial accounts automatically synchronised.

Creating invoices becomes easy. It is automatic and integrates between

Xero & Re-Leased.

All your tenants are tracked by Xero right from when a user sets up a

new lease in the Re-Leased setup wizard. Invoices are automated &

your dash-board will always alert you to any arrears and vital dates.

Take It For A Test Run

Free Trial, no credit card required -

Set up a trial account

Andrew Malcolm

+64 21 424 027

Some clients save 1000s of admin hours annually using Re-Leased.

What used to take 3 days now takes 3 hours with unrivalled accuracy.