RC - nutritional tips in monsoon

Post on 15-Aug-2015

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Transcript of RC - nutritional tips in monsoon

Nutritional Tips in


Dr. Ranjit Chakraborti

Digital Partner – ILS Network

The damp and filthy conditions in monsoon plays a host for many disease causing germs, which cause some serious health attacks like dengue, malaria, conjunctivitis, typhoid, viral

fever, pneumonia, gastro intestinal disturbances, diarrhea and dysentery.

Eat fruits as they help you restore energy.

Avoid heavy salty food as they are responsible for high blood pressure & water retention.

Eating watery foods like lassi, watermelon, ricecreates swelling in the body.

So, better opt for dry foods.

Foods such as brown rice, oats, and barley are the best foods

one could have in this monsoon.

Consuming bitter gourd, bitter herbs like neem, turmeric powder & methi seeds help in

preventing infections.

Opt for yogurt, curd and almonds in your diet instead of milk.

Avoid spicy foods, This raise body temperature & stimulate blood circulation.

it leads to allergies & skin irritation.

Following these guidelines helps you to stay safe and healthy during monsoons. Always binge on

nutritional food and be hygienic by taking necessary precautionary measures like cleaning

your house, washing hands before and after having a meal, etc. Have a safe and healthy


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