RAV has an established reputation for quality professional … · 2018. 2. 22. · RAV offers a...

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Professional trainingRAV has an established reputation for quality professional training and development in a range of areas related to family relationships.

Our Specialist Course in Couple Therapy is offered both as a stand-alone course and as part of the Masters of Social Science (Couple Counselling) in partnership with Swinburne University. Additional training is provided for counsellors through our Professional Seminar series and a range of short courses and workshops.

Our Registered Training Organisation (RTO) offers the Graduate Diploma in Family Dispute Resolution for clinicians and other professionals who work in human services.

Our RTO provides clinical supervision and consultancy services, and as a registered Mediator Accreditation Body we welcome applications from suitably trained mediators to register under the national accreditation scheme.

RAV offers a range of learning opportunities for professionals who work in health, education, the legal system and the community sector. This includes training in counselling skills, mediation, mental health, working with children and adolescents, social inclusion, team building, effective communication and conflict resolution.

Community developmentRAV has an extensive engagement program with communities served by our centres, often in partnership with local community groups, other service providers and agencies.

Community building activities include pamper days for women in regional and remote areas, art-focused therapy programs, and family-focused programs such as adventure camps and fishing days where dads get the opportunity to share quality time with their children.

We also sponsor and take part in conferences, seminars and community forums, and events such as the annual Harmony Day celebrations and White Ribbon Day.

Family Relationship CentresRAV is a lead agency in four Family Relationship Centres established by the Australian Government as part of family law reform. The centres aim to enable separating families to achieve workable parenting arrangements outside the Court system.

Many services are provided free or offered on a sliding scale, according to clients’ level of income. The centres work collaboratively with, and provide referrals to, a variety of other services, matching the needs of the family or individuals.

Reclaim Support ServicesReclaim is a dedicated support service for survivors of child sexual abuse and others who engage in or are affected by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. The program is funded by the Australian Government and includes counselling, information and advice.

AccessResolve Workplace ServicesOur AccessResolve program offers a set of professional services designed to maintain and improve the healthy functioning and productivity of workplaces. It includes employee assistance programs, conflict management, workwise training and consultation.

The program aims to make a difference by helping to reduce the costs of conflict and stress and to improve productivity, staff retention, team functioning and effective leadership.

Social inclusionRAV strongly supports the creation of a multicultural society in which all Australians feel valued and have the opportunity to participate fully. The key elements of RAV’s diversity and social inclusion program are engagement, participation and staff training.

We have strong relationships with multicultural groups and agencies, members of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island community, other community service providers and relevant government departments and agencies.

These relationships are building our awareness and understanding of other cultures and the sensitivities involved in working with people who have differing values and traditional family structures.

We have established a team to facilitate delivery of culturally-appropriate services, improve our community engagement and build cultural awareness among staff across the organisation.

ResearchResearch is an important aspect of RAV’s work, enabling us to explore relationship-based issues in depth in collaboration with universities and other bodies.

We undertake studies on topics such as the effectiveness of couple counselling, family violence and same-sex parenting. The findings from these and other studies are used to highlight gaps in our services and identify areas for practice improvement.

Support usWhile RAV appreciates the government funding support we receive, the need for our services is sometimes greater than our ability to pay for them.

To boost our ability to meet that need, we welcome donations from members of the community.

These donations will enable us to provide extra resources for programs that our existing funds do not cover and help us to make a difference to people’s lives.

All donations over $2 are tax deductible and can be made online via our website.

More informationTo make general enquiries, call 1300 364 277 for the cost of a local call or visit our website: www.relationshipsvictoria.com.au

For appointments, telephone your nearest centre.

For telephone counselling, call toll free 1800 817 569.

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Funded by the Australian GovernmentImages for illustration purposes only.

An introduction to Relationships Australia Victoria

A valued provider of specialist family services

Who we areRelationships Australia Victoria (RAV) is a valued provider of specialist family services. We aim to provide high quality and comprehensive services that help families and children to overcome challenges, grow and thrive. Our objective is to relieve the suffering, distress and helplessness of vulnerable and disadvantaged people so as to enhance their physical, social and emotional wellbeing.

A community-based not-for-profit organisation, we have no religious affiliations and aim to help all members of the community, regardless of their religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, lifestyle choice, cultural background or economic circumstances. We respect the rights of all people in all their diversity to live life fully within their families and communities with dignity and safety, and to enjoy healthy relationships.

RAV has its roots in the marriage guidance movement developed in Melbourne in 1948 in response to deep concern at the impact of the Second World War on marriages and the potential threat to Australia’s ability to rebuild a stable society. In the intervening years, we have successfully evolved from being an organisation delivering primarily marriage guidance to one that provides a range of professional services to meet the differing and often complex needs of our clients and the community.

Structurally, RAV is part of a national federation of eight state and territory Relationships Australia organisations, which while being independent of each other, share common objectives.

The bulk of our funding is from the Australian Government, with additional funding received from state and local government grants and client fees. Many services are provided free or at a modest charge, depending on the client’s ability to pay.

We provide services from 12 centres in metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria. The corporate support team is based in Camberwell.

Our client servicesRAV offers a diverse range of services.

Counselling Our specialised counselling covers relationships in all their aspects, for example thinking about how to nurture and improve an existing relationship, or reflecting on what’s not working well. It includes:

• family counselling

• children’s counselling

•men’s and women’s counselling

• pre-marriage program

• relationship counselling

• telephone counselling.

Family Dispute Resolution (FDR)FDR is a process that helps separating couples to resolve disputes and make agreements about parenting/children’s issues, finances and property division. FDR practitioners help parents keep their children’s needs and best interests in mind when discussing issues and making decisions.

Relationship skillsRAV runs a variety of relationship education courses in small groups. The courses connect participants with others who may be facing similar issues and challenges. This can help people to feel less alone in their concerns and problems, as they learn new skills to help improve their own situation.

Family violence prevention We provide sensitive, supportive and professional family violence services, such as counselling, dispute resolution, group programs and referrals to support people, including children, who have experienced violence and abuse.

We also offer group programs and courses to assist people who commit violence in the family to take responsibility for their behaviour and to encourage respectful ways of relating.

Children’s services RAV offers a range of services for children, including counselling and group work. Our child-focused services offer a space for children to explore their experiences, whilst strengthening their relationships within and outside of their family.

i-Connect, a Family Mental Health Support Service, is funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services to deliver support to children and young people in East Gippsland at risk of or affected by mental illness. i-Connect aims to help children and young people stay engaged in education and learning, including sport and recreation, and stay connected to their family, friends and community.

Post-separation parentingIn addition to FDR, we help separating couples through counselling sessions. Counsellors can support parents to work through the best arrangements for their children and address any emotional conflicts, separate from the more technical aspects of FDR.

We also offer group work and post-separation parenting courses at which individual mums and dads come together with others in similar situations to share their experiences and learn new skills.

Men and family relationshipsOur services for men include counselling, groups, family dispute resolution, assistance with relationship and parenting matters, and education courses on relationship issues and personal growth.

Our focus Along with our state and territory counterparts, RAV’s focus is on achieving positive outcomes for children and young people, couples, families, individuals and communities.

Our work includes:

• providing direct services, both to prevent difficulties and support people in changing their lives

•working with communities to build their capacity• contributing to a society which is inclusive, responsive and

supports people.

Our values We believe in:

• respecting diversity in all its personal, cultural and gender expressions

• promoting justice and equity and upholding ethical standards within our practice

• being open and honest in all our communications • using our resources responsibly – people, money, time

and technology• providing high quality services and maintaining the

highest professional standards • encouraging continuous improvement and innovation in

the services we provide• being adaptable and responsive to change• enriching ours and our clients’ lives and celebrating our

and their achievements.

Our peopleRAV employs a dedicated team of highly skilled and qualified professionals with expertise in counselling, family dispute resolution, family law, children’s services, community development, skills development and training.

Our frontline staff are supported by corporate services in a range of areas including human resources, communications and marketing, information technology and financial administration.

Together, we focus on ensuring our clients’ needs are at the forefront of everything we do.