Rationale for flatplans

Post on 11-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Rationale for flatplans

WebsiteColour UsageThe colours I have decided to use for my products are yellow, black and white as the yellow is a symbol of happiness and the whole of my product I want it to be about the happy things in the news and local area not about all the doom and gloom that is usually in a newspaper, it may be unconventional but I thought that this would e a good thing to stand out from my competitors. I have decided to go for three colours and have chosen two more conventional colours as yellow is such a bright and bold colour I wanted to use some colours that would make things look more conventional. I will be using the yellow in my masthead as I want the masthead to give the symbol of happiness as the masthead is going to be used throughout my product and I want to represent my products successfully. I want to use the colour yellow as the more prominent colour as it is so strong I want to use it in small amounts so that it doesn’t over power the page and it will only draw your eyes to certain elements of the page for example using the yellow as a headline to separate the black and white of the background and text. For the advertisement I would like to make a conscious decision to not use bold colours as I am already suing quite a bright colour for the masthead and so using bright adverts may distract and confuse reader’s as they may think that the advert is part of a story when in reality it is just an advert.Image UsageThe images I will be using will be a variety of medium shots, close up and a small amount of establishing shot/extreme wide shot as I want to use up close and personal shots so that the reader will feel more personally involved in the story and from my research of other products similar to mine I have noticed that they have used these types of shots for their images on the website. For my images I would like to use images that show the good in people for example somebody receiving an award. The images I will be using I will try and make a conscious effort to try and use sun-lit day (if outside) and lightly lit (if indoors) as the connotations of light and sunshine are happiness. I would like to use bigger image on this page as I need to appeal to the reader more on this page as this is the first page that they will be seeing when they click onto my product and have found that using bigger images on the first page (home page) is conventional with real-life websites.Text UsageAs this is a website for a newspaper I would like to have a more formal style than if I were writing for a magazine as the target audience for this type of text is a lot older. However I have to remember that talking like politicians is not going to entice the reader into reading my product and so I need to keep a happy balance between formal and informal as in my product I will be talking to local people and so don’t want to sound intimidating when interviewing them.Layout and fontThe type of font that I would like to use for the text for the website is something like Tablet Gothic Condensed as it doesn’t have anything that would distract or confuse the reader with the tails and curls and when writing in volume it is best to use simple styles of font . When looking at other websites layout I have found that they can sometimes look well structured or messy and I would like to make my text look well structured as I am going to align the text and the images together as I have found that this is the best way to give an appealing appearance. By giving a structured layout it will allow readers to read more of the content as they can follow on from one article to the next without reading the wrong part of the article. The font will frame the image and I will try and not have any of the text overlapping the image as I would like the readers to be able to clearly see the images and text.

Website hyperlink 1

Colour usageI am going to use the same colour on the second hyperlinked page as I used on the home page and the reason for this is because I would like to use the same colour scheme throughout my website and the colours I am planning on using are: yellow, white and black as I feel this gives consistency throughout the product and this will allow audience recognise the different features and elements in my product on different pages if the everything is the same – layout/colour/font.Image usageFor the size of the image on this page I would like to use smaller images as this is the conventional thing to do as you only use big images on the first page to attract readers to look further into the story and as the reader has then ventured onto another web page and so they have obviously found interest in some part of that hyperlink and so the content of my product will speak for itself and so I don’t need to use big images. Like my home page I am going to use medium shots, close up and a small amount of establishing shot/extreme wide shot as I want to use up close and personal shots so that the reader will feel more personally involved in the story and this will also give consistency in my images also.Text usageAlso like the home page I am going to use a style of writing not totally formal and not totally informal as I need reader’s and also the people I am interviewing to feel comfortable in what they are reading and responding to.Layout and fontThe layout for this hyperlink is going to be slightly different from the home page as there is less focus on one particular story as the hyperlinked pages from the home page are something that the reader has clicked on and so the stories on there need to appeal to them and so the more that is on show the better and because it is the second page of a website you don't need an introduction/main story strip that changes every two seconds. I understand from my research that I am going to place more advertisement into these pages and would like to hide in a sense the advertisement as I don’t want these to be a main focus of the page however understand that in this industry you need to use advertisement. I would like to either put advertisement either right at the bottom of the page or at the side of the page so that the advertisement frames the articles rather than the advertisement being amongst the articles as some reader’s may get confused by the advertisement being in the middle of an article.

Website hyperlink 2Colour UsageI am going to use the same colour on the home page and second hyperlinked page and the reason for this is because I would like to use the same colour scheme throughout my website and the colours I am planning on using are: yellow, white and black as I feel this gives consistency throughout the product and this will allow audience recognise the different features and elements in my product on different pages if the everything is the same – layout/colour/font.Image usageI am going to use close ups and medium shots in this hyperlink as I feel by using this style of shot it makes the reader feel more involved and emotionally attached to the article if the image has this style of image. In this hyperlink there are going to be less images as this is the conventional approach as it is usually just one image and the article on this type of hyperlink as this hyperlink shows events and so it is more informational based than other hyperlinks.Text usageAlso like the home page and the second hyperlinked page I am going to use a style of writing not totally formal and not totally informal as I need the reader to be able to understand it and feel relaxed when reading it as when you go onto a news website you want to be able to forget about your worries and find out about other peoples lives.Layout and fontI will be using the same font I have used throughout my product as this gives my product consistency and a house style which makes it look professional and believable. The layout will be similar to the second hyperlinked page however there will be more information and so the layout will be more structured as this will give dates of what is happening in the local area and the times and so I need to use a logical order and the information needs to be simple for the reader to follow.