Rancilio temperature profiling article

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Rancilio temperature profiling article

The Next Chapter in Coffee Revolution

Something Truly Revolutionary Seldom Comes Around In The coffee Industry

But When It Does, It's A Game Changer.

Rancilio Xcelsius Technology is one of these times. The coffee world is buzzing with the release of

Temperature Profiling, a system that gives control back to where it belongs, to the barista.

Your Coffee Guide chatted with Pierre Fantone, one of the industry's most knowledgeable techni-

cians with over 25 years experience and Damiano Gestri, coffee marketing expert for their insight

into Temperature Profiling. Do they believe it is purely a fad or the new benchmark to adhere to?

What's The Deal With Temperature Profiling? Can You Summarise it?

"Quite simply, it is the ability to change temperature up or down during the brew process" Pierre

explains. "Changing the temperature affects the flavour of every shot. With Temperature Profiling, a

barista is able to manually adjust the individual brew temperature through the three extraction

phases. Adjusting the temperature alters the taste allowing various profiles to be created, from

more acidity or body to a sweeter or more bitter coffee - the opportunities are endless".

"It's these opportunities that make temperature profiling so appealing" states Damiano.

" Think of coffee as similar to wine - everyone likes different flavours and there are many variables.

Therefore, with Temperature Profiling, cafes and roasters can market the differences in the taste of

their specific beans compared to competitors".

Temperature Profiling

267 Settlement Road, Thomastown VIC 3074

1300 302 522

267 Settlement Road, Thomastown VIC 3074

1300 302 522

The Next Chapter in Coffee Revolution

“Temperature Profiling addresses the issues baristas face head-on by giving them the ability to

change and regulate the flavour during the coffee extraction stage".

Pierre sheds further light on consistency. “It is also gained via the Classe 11’s micro boiler” he

explains. “None of our competitors come close when it comes to reaping the benefits it brings.

In layman’s terms, a micro boiler ensures water consistency due to less water to heat up—it’s basic

mathematics. You’ll find with larger boilers they work well when its busy but as soon as there are

quieter periods in a cafe water stability is lost as the boiler needs to be reheated all over again”.

“Micro boilers are also eco-friendly due to their smaller elements” Pierre notes “this is not only

important to environmentally conscious consumers but from a business perspective it means

reduced consumption and lower power bills. So in this case bigger is not necessarily better!” he


Damiano is excited. "From a marketing perspective this is huge. Baristas have the opportunity to be

more involved in how a coffee tastes”.

“It gives them the creativity to really experiment with individual flavours beans can make, which

makes Temperature Profiling appealing not only for them but for cafes wishing to promote the

different flavour profiles of their blends and customers looking for greater taste alternatives".

What Does A Barista Need to Know About Temperature Profiling?

"Baristas need to know how Temperature Profiling affects coffee and exactly what the difference in

temperature does to coffee" says Pierre.

"The best way for a barista to understand is to get busy! Experiment with your machine.

Try different temperatures and taste the difference profiling can make to the one blend".

Temperature Profiling

Why Has Temperature Profiling

Been Created?

Pierre explains, "one of the most common

challenges for a barista is consistency.”

“Today's coffee customers demand perfection

and rightly so”.

“When you produce copious amounts of coffee

per day one of the biggest tests is ensuring per-

fect coffee every time”.

The Next Chapter in Coffee Revolution

Temperature Profiling

Let's Talk About Benefits!

"There are many benefits to Temperature Profiling"! laughs Pierre, "so I'll try to summarise".

It's Easy to Use

"From a technical viewpoint, the technology is easy to use" says Pierre " The touch screen panel in

the Classe 11 is intuitive and simple to navigate". Damiano agrees, " Rancilio kept this in mind when

building Xcelsius technology. You need to marry the technical side with ease of use. If something's

too technical it can be daunting. With Temperature Profiling baristas won't be afraid to experiment".

Oodles of Flavour Options

"Temperature Profiling allows various flavour options and profiles to be extracted from the one

blend meaning there are endless taste opportunities to explore", clarifies Pierre. "Being able to

change characteristic of coffee from the same coffee machine and blend is a huge benefit and can

be a point of difference between you and your competitors" Damiano adds. "For example, if

multiple cafes are serving the same coffee in close vicinity you can stand out from the crowd with

different flavour profiles to the others which is imperative in a competitive environment. We like to

think of it as finding the sweet spot. ".

The Sweet Spot

“Ah, the holy grail of coffee” smiles Damiano, “finding the elusive sweet spot is definitely achievable

with Temperature Profiling”. He adds, "roasters have more control over their beans by means of

baristas with the skill and capability to adjust the product parameters".

Controlling Consistency

"Temperature Profiling is also a an excellent method to control consistency" states Pierre.

"The numero uno issue in a barista's life! Damianio continues " not only can the flavour profiles be

changed but they can be set across multiple machines or even franchisees so that the exact profiles

you want extracted are easily done so time and time again. Profiles can also easily be changed

remotely saving time, money and ensuring constant uniformity".

The Next Chapter in Coffee Revolution

Temperature Profiling

Tell Us About A Cafe That Uses Temperature Profiling?

"Our friends at Cottle on Coventry recently installed a Rancilio Classe 11 with Temperature Profiling

and are already are benefiting" explains Damiano. "Aiden Drinkwater, one of Cottle’s top baristas

spent an entire day testing the machine and couldn't believe the different profiles that were created

from their blends. Aiden noted their coffee tasted ‘softer’ and though the previous coffee machine

worked perfectly, Temperature Profiling brings things to a whole new level".

How Can I Utilise My Cafe Setup wth Temperature Profiling? Break it down?

Evaluation & Set Up

"Firstly, from a cafe owners point of view, you need to evaluate how your business is run - is it an

on-the-run busy environment or is it a more slower-paced setting where coffee-connoisseur type

customers visit for the experience"? asks Damiano. "Once you have determined these factors, it will

guide you in how you utilise Temperature Profiling to maximise business and customer satisfaction".

Pre-Set Profiling

"Theoretically, you can change the temperature with every individual shot" says Pierre", "however,

in a traditional busy cafe this could be time consuming. In this type of cafe I recommend the most

efficient way to embrace Profiling is to allow the barista to experiment with different variations".

Pierre continues "Once they have determined their preferences each group on the Classe 11 can

be pre-set with a specific 'profile' (i.e. one sweet, one bitter and one normal) so that consistency is

constantly maintained. Additionally, if you have a franchise or chain all your machines can be pre

set to maintain a level of steadiness across the board. You can rest assured that the best possible

extraction will always be made". "This also allows for different characteristics to be brought out of

the one blend and served via different groups, therefore, being a cost-effective approach to running

your business" continues Damiano.

The Next Chapter in Coffee Revolution

Temperature Profiling

How Can I Utilise My Cafe Set Up with Temperature Profiling? Tips Please?

Individual Profiling

However, if you have the type of clientele and cafe that demands it, you have the ability to change

the temperature with every shot, giving customers more choice on the flavour of coffee being

served. In this instance by asking the customer ‘what's your flavour’ you'll be able to tailor a specific

coffee to suit their individual taste, which becomes a very personal experience.

You've both worked with many

brands and seen trends come and go.

Is Temperature Profiling as ground

breaking as its claimed to be?

“Temperature Profiling is here to stay because it

is easily accessible and makes such a difference

to flavours” states Pierre.

Damiano believes it will definitely be the new

benchmark in the coffee industry. “Once café

owners, roaster and customers experience for

themselves the difference it can make there’ll

be no stopping the revolution”!